Psycho-Babble Substance Use Thread 437655

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Re: Thursday

Posted by AuntieMel on May 27, 2005, at 11:03:27

In reply to Thursday » AuntieMel, posted by Lee05 on May 26, 2005, at 11:14:53

Good job. Boredom is our worse enemy, isn't it.

West coast? I make it out there occasionally - hubby's family all lives there now. And my sister and nieces live there (different part of the coast) too. We may be heading that way this summer, or in October.

Which part? If you consider the coast from San Diego to the top of Washington, how far up (or beyond) would you be?


Friday » AuntieMel

Posted by Lee05 on May 27, 2005, at 16:20:33

In reply to Re: Thursday, posted by AuntieMel on May 27, 2005, at 11:03:27

Top of Washington and then some--I'm in BC! But hey, if you make it to the top of Washington, I'm literally just a few minutes away--right next to the border.

I'm doing fine today, fixed the fence and got a little gardening done (actually, I just dug it up--nothing planted yet).

Tomorrow I won't be posting--I'm heading out at the crack of dawn for the day. So I'll pick it up again on Sunday.

Have a great weekend!




Posted by Lee05 on May 31, 2005, at 14:27:47

In reply to Friday » AuntieMel, posted by Lee05 on May 27, 2005, at 16:20:33

So sorry--I have a friend staying with me for a couple of weeks, and have been busy getting her settled, etc. I completely forgot to post. Everything is going well--been enjoying my time off, getting things done around the house, staying sober (almost 3 weeks now)--all good stuff.

Just wanted to say again how much I appreciate all the supportive postings and babblemail. What started out as an anonymous, safe forum to talk about my disease has become a lifesaving network of friends--I think you're all pretty amazing.

Everyone have a fantastic day!



Re: Tuesday » Lee05

Posted by AuntieMel on May 31, 2005, at 14:45:45

In reply to Tuesday, posted by Lee05 on May 31, 2005, at 14:27:47

Great job. It's an ongoing process and you are well on your way.

I went to a party (graduation - daughter of one of hybby's partners) and there was booze everywhere - and lots of people I didn't know. I was surprised at just how much the two of those things together would bother me.

Luckily hubby understood and we left early. But, what a trigger!


Re: Tuesday » AuntieMel

Posted by Lee05 on May 31, 2005, at 15:01:16

In reply to Re: Tuesday » Lee05, posted by AuntieMel on May 31, 2005, at 14:45:45

Not that I would wish a continuing struggle on anyone, but I have to say that it's comforting to me to know that even a two-year veteran still faces powerful triggers like that. Good for you for staying strong--and good for your hubby for supporting you.



Re: NEW -?s help re: alcohol withdrawal (long,sorry)

Posted by Dieselman on May 31, 2005, at 22:34:50

In reply to NEW -?s help re: alcohol withdrawal (long,sorry), posted by marjorie on January 4, 2005, at 12:50:52

Hello marjorie ,

I hope you know that you are NOT alone. I have been through exactly what you discribe. My only words of wisdom are Melatonin (If sleep is a problem) and you are in my prayers.

Very Best Regards


Re: triggers » Lee05

Posted by AuntieMel on June 1, 2005, at 9:44:34

In reply to Re: Tuesday » AuntieMel, posted by Lee05 on May 31, 2005, at 15:01:16

I guess the lesson is that we should always be aware that there are triggers out there and that we can't let down our guard. In a way I'm glad it happened as it reminded me of the possibilities.


Re: Tuesday » Lee05

Posted by TamaraJ on June 1, 2005, at 11:17:53

In reply to Tuesday, posted by Lee05 on May 31, 2005, at 14:27:47

Hi Lee!

I'm so glad to hear that things continue to go well for you, and that your holidays have been enjoyable and productive. Hope you enjoy your visit with your friend. Is this your last week of holidays?

Well, I am thinking good thoughts for you, and wishing you all the best. Take good care.

Have a great day!!!


> So sorry--I have a friend staying with me for a couple of weeks, and have been busy getting her settled, etc. I completely forgot to post. Everything is going well--been enjoying my time off, getting things done around the house, staying sober (almost 3 weeks now)--all good stuff.
> Just wanted to say again how much I appreciate all the supportive postings and babblemail. What started out as an anonymous, safe forum to talk about my disease has become a lifesaving network of friends--I think you're all pretty amazing.
> Everyone have a fantastic day!
> Lee



Posted by Lee05 on June 3, 2005, at 21:53:33

In reply to Re: Tuesday » Lee05, posted by TamaraJ on June 1, 2005, at 11:17:53

Hi All,

I had a fantastic vacation--fun, safe and sober! Found lots to do to keep me busy. I haunted the local garden centre and I've turned the back yard into a beautiful, peaceful place to relax--I'll enjoy it alot this summer. And my friend who is staying with me doesn't drink, so I've had good company to get out and enjoy it all with. It's been a good couple of weeks--thanks for all the support.

Hope you're all doing well--have a fantastic weekend everyone!



Re: Friday » Lee05

Posted by TamaraJ on June 3, 2005, at 22:06:29

In reply to Friday, posted by Lee05 on June 3, 2005, at 21:53:33

That's wonderful, Lee!!!! I am so glad you had a great vacation, and that you did things that made you happy. Your backyard sounds awesome! I am sure you will enjoy many, many pleasant and tranquil evenings and weekends surrounded by the beauty you have created there.

You have a fantastic weekend as well.

Take care.


> Hi All,
> I had a fantastic vacation--fun, safe and sober! Found lots to do to keep me busy. I haunted the local garden centre and I've turned the back yard into a beautiful, peaceful place to relax--I'll enjoy it alot this summer. And my friend who is staying with me doesn't drink, so I've had good company to get out and enjoy it all with. It's been a good couple of weeks--thanks for all the support.
> Hope you're all doing well--have a fantastic weekend everyone!
> Lee


Re: How's tricks? (nm) » Lee05

Posted by AuntieMel on June 8, 2005, at 9:16:10

In reply to Friday, posted by Lee05 on June 3, 2005, at 21:53:33


Re: How's tricks? » AuntieMel

Posted by Lee05 on June 8, 2005, at 11:25:57

In reply to Re: How's tricks? (nm) » Lee05, posted by AuntieMel on June 8, 2005, at 9:16:10

Tricks is pretty good thanks! Work's been really busy, but in a good way--very productive. Looking forward to having my place back to myself--my friend has been a wonderful houseguest and I've enjoyed having her here, but I've just lived on my own for way too long to have someone here long-term.

Still sober--sneaking up on 30 (this Friday)!

Hope you're well and happy!



Hey, Lee, how ya doing? Wanted to apologize » Lee05

Posted by TamaraJ on June 17, 2005, at 15:29:17

In reply to Re: How's tricks? » AuntieMel, posted by Lee05 on June 8, 2005, at 11:25:57

for missing your 30 day milestone :-( Fifty lashes with a wet noodle for me, and a belated congratulations for you :-). Hope you are doing well, and have settled back into a pleasant routine after your holidays.

Take care. And, keep us posted when you have a chance.



Re: Lee - are you still out there?????? (nm) » Lee05

Posted by AuntieMel on June 21, 2005, at 15:18:37

In reply to Re: How's tricks? » AuntieMel, posted by Lee05 on June 8, 2005, at 11:25:57


Re: Lee - are you still out there?????? » AuntieMel

Posted by Lee05 on June 22, 2005, at 10:46:07

In reply to Re: Lee - are you still out there?????? (nm) » Lee05, posted by AuntieMel on June 21, 2005, at 15:18:37

Still out here, and happy to say still sober (thanks for the 30-day wishes Tamara). Feeling pretty good these days. Had a couple of tough spots that I'm proud to say I made it through. I was seeing a guy (operative word - WAS) who just really didn't understand the whole concept of "one is too many", and kept insisting that surely I had enough self-control to stop after one. After trying unsuccessfully to educate him on how unforgiving this disease is, I decided we'd best part company. Don't need (and can't handle) that kind of input. On the up-side, I've really been enjoying that zen-like backyard I created (when it's not raining that is--we've been a little soggy around here).

How's everyone else doing? Happy, healthy and sober, one and all?



Re: Lee - healthy and sober » Lee05

Posted by AuntieMel on June 22, 2005, at 14:15:53

In reply to Re: Lee - are you still out there?????? » AuntieMel, posted by Lee05 on June 22, 2005, at 10:46:07

Still sober. My knee has problems and I've got to do 6 weeks of physical therapy, and of course there's the mental problems, but healthy otherwise.

I have seen it over and over at family sessions. I don't know what is so dang hard about "it's a disease. like an alergy. no I can't have just one. would you give a pound of chocolate to a diabetic?"

Too bad he didn't get it, but I'm proud of you for keeping your priorities straight.

And - can you send some rain our way? We haven't had any in ages and they're talking about possible water rationing.


Re: sneaking up on 60, Lee? » Lee05

Posted by AuntieMel on July 6, 2005, at 13:58:01

In reply to Re: How's tricks? » AuntieMel, posted by Lee05 on June 8, 2005, at 11:25:57

Or did you pass it? It's around now, isn't it??

I've got the greatest faith you'll make it.


Re: sneaking up on 60, Lee?

Posted by Lee05 on July 7, 2005, at 9:35:01

In reply to Re: sneaking up on 60, Lee? » Lee05, posted by AuntieMel on July 6, 2005, at 13:58:01

> Or did you pass it? It's around now, isn't it??
> I've got the greatest faith you'll make it.

Actually, it would have been this coming Monday, but unfortunately I had a slip this past Monday, so now today is actually day 3. I made a very poor choice to put someone else's feelings ahead of my own health. Back trying again--one day at a time of wiser choices.

And thanks for the support of faith--I have the greatest faith in me that I'll make it too :)

Hope you're well.



Re: sneaking up on 60, Lee? » Lee05

Posted by antigua on July 7, 2005, at 13:27:43

In reply to Re: sneaking up on 60, Lee?, posted by Lee05 on July 7, 2005, at 9:35:01

I have faith in you, too.


Re: sneaking up on 60, Lee? » Lee05

Posted by AuntieMel on July 8, 2005, at 12:09:35

In reply to Re: sneaking up on 60, Lee?, posted by Lee05 on July 7, 2005, at 9:35:01

What happened? I'm curious how putting someone else first could get you to drink. Was it "if you love me you'll drink this?"

Inquiring minds want to know. Heck - maybe it doesn't really count as a slip.


Re: sneaking up on 60, Lee?

Posted by Lee05 on July 8, 2005, at 19:08:42

In reply to Re: sneaking up on 60, Lee? » Lee05, posted by AuntieMel on July 8, 2005, at 12:09:35

No, it was a slip alright. I got together with an old boyfriend, who made me this incredible dinner. Not knowing where I was alcoholically, and wanting everything to be perfect, he topped off the evening with flowers and a bottle of my favourite wine. I didn't tell him it was a problem because he'd gone to such trouble and I didn't want to hurt his feelings (I think I already said it was a bad choice right?). So I had a glass. Truth is, he'd probably be more upset that he unknowingly offered wine to an alcoholic than he would have been if I'd passed on the wine--but it didn't really occur to me as clearly as all that at the time.



Re: live and learn » Lee05

Posted by AuntieMel on July 10, 2005, at 11:27:56

In reply to Re: sneaking up on 60, Lee?, posted by Lee05 on July 8, 2005, at 19:08:42

But, if you had *a glass* and didn't continue and didn't drink more after that, I'm not sure I would call it a slip.

AA would for sure, but the words are 'clean and sober' so if it stopped there ..... and you didn't have to start at square one ......

Well, I've had a sip or so on 2 occasions over the last 2 years and I wouldn't say I needed to start over.

But - part of getting sober is honesty. Next time tell him. Okay??


Re: live and learn » AuntieMel

Posted by AMD on July 26, 2005, at 14:55:52

In reply to Re: live and learn » Lee05, posted by AuntieMel on July 10, 2005, at 11:27:56

I have been an off-and-on binge drinker for about six months. Probably twice or three times per month I'll overdo it, usually to the point where I just vaguely remember getting home and falling into bed.

Now I'm experiencing what I think might be alcohol withdrawal -- I'm highly anxious, having to take deep breaths; having a hard time concentrating; and very, very tired. It's a little better today than yesterday, but I'm still feeling fatigued and, frankly, gross.

I'm worrying about the long-term effect of this withdrawal (if that's what it is). Is this causing real-time, permanent damage to organs? Should I go to the hospital?

Is this going to pass?

Is it really possible this pattern of drinking -- during which I've never felt such a severe withdrawal -- could have led to the current state of affairs?

I mean, I drank, but I didn't black out. Just hazy memory from the end of the night. (And, I hope, my alcohol level didn't crawl too much higher once I'd collapsed into bed.)

I'm freaking out! =(



Re: withdrawal » AMD

Posted by AuntieMel on July 28, 2005, at 10:50:09

In reply to Re: live and learn » AuntieMel, posted by AMD on July 26, 2005, at 14:55:52

I'm not saying your problem is withdrawal, but yes that pattern can cause those symptoms.

Withdrawal won't cause long term organ problems. Drinking will.

If you are not having seizures then yes, it will pass.

If it is hangover then tomato juice or spaghetti with marinara will help.

If it is true withdrawal, then be sure to drink lots of water. Take plenty of B6 and B12 vitamins. To help with the sugar part of the withdrawal drink juice and/or eat dark chocolate.

But, most important, quit putting the stuff in your body.


Re: Lee - how's my choo choo??? (nm) » Lee05

Posted by AuntieMel on July 28, 2005, at 10:50:52

In reply to Re: sneaking up on 60, Lee?, posted by Lee05 on July 8, 2005, at 19:08:42

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