Psycho-Babble Social Thread 1119169

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international studnet selection

Posted by alexandra_k on March 30, 2022, at 18:53:19

1) the first thing we want to do is convince anyone who we select to study in new zealand that they were undesirable to everywhere else. that is to say, they were undesirable to the usa, to canada, to england and the uk, to australia. in other words: we want it to be clear to prospective or potential students that there is no english speaking alternative. if they want to go to english speaking secondary school or university there is no alternative for them but new zealand. they are scraping the bottom of the barrel. that is what we are. that is what we want them to believe.

2) that means they are set up from the get go that there is no option or alternative for them. that they are undesirable everywhere else. that they take what they are given in new zealand else they have nothing at all.

3) that means they have consented to pretty much anything we choose to do to them. right?

4) now we go through the applications trying ot identify the most vulnerable. now, the main aim or goal or point or purpose in international studnet selection is to select the students with the most money. we want to think carefully about how much money we can extract out of the studnets family as ransom for them, perhaps. that's a viable alternative. we could arrange for the parents to be told that the studnet has been raped and they are being detained by the university health clinic until they pay the 'hospoital bill' or we could say they can't have their graduation until they pay library fines.. or... welll, they likely failed their final class fo rtheir degree. so they'll need to take extra time. not jjust a summer school likely repeate a whole year... maybe they need to repeat the year twice... maybe they are doing a double degree programme where they take 5 years to complete 2 degrees (with cross credits) only 7 years later they haven't been given any degrees... but they are required to keep paying the university... else they can be deported with no degree. but likely more money for keepling them in prison as an over-stayer... so many options... that need to be considered in international studnet selection...

5) we want to cull any of the studnets who obviously have the capacity to do the degree, if we possibly can.

6) we want to try and select the students who know they don't have the capaciaty or who suspect they don't who will pay premium prices for the university giving them a qualifiation in a somewhat timely fashion. all the extra money they will lpay... five thousand extra for 'university editing services' to help them write essays. and so on. all the extra money they will lpay the university for private tutoring. and so on... maybe the parents will make extra donations to the university... maybe the parents will donate ten thousand dollars and five thousand can go to their kid in the name of a university scholarship. there can be a ceremony if they will pay for that. photos taken of their amazingly talented kid shaking the hands of the university officials. hell, maybe the kids parents can even pay for unew university officials! photographers and caterers and...


never stop paying the university!

Posted by alexandra_k on March 30, 2022, at 18:56:19

In reply to international studnet selection, posted by alexandra_k on March 30, 2022, at 18:53:19

and in this manner or way we...

don't have a health system
and education system
a justice system


anything anything anything at all.



i'm sorry -- where is my degree?

Posted by alexandra_k on March 30, 2022, at 19:09:36

In reply to never stop paying the university!, posted by alexandra_k on March 30, 2022, at 18:56:19

for the 1 year of research i contracted for in 2018?

that you refused to get to external examiners... not becuase you thought that they would not sign off on my qualification completion.. that you refused to get to external examiners for one reason and one reason only:

you thought that the external examiners actually would sign off on my qualification completion.

and you refused to allow any possibility of that. because you wanted to force me to pay additional fees for the qualification running over-time. and because you wanted to bully me into believing i was a slow worker without the capacity to complete work on a full time basis. because you wanted to bully me into believing that the reason why i wasn't selected to medicine was because i wasn't capable of working full time.

but really the real reason why they won't select me to medicine is becuase i'm not a f*ck*ng idiot.

steroids induce premature birth. giving steroids to people who are already at risk of premature birth doesn't conceal the fact that steroids induce premature birth.

i can read.

they seemed to want to have medical studnets learning from 'doing what we do' and keeping your head down. you pay the university for the answers to the arbitrary questions. they don't want someone capable of studying from USMLE books.

i think they have removed the USMLE exam.

maybe they are pulling the first aid series now.

they don't want people in crappy little nations like new zealand... doing all the observational studies on premature births (how much you can keep a population from learing reading writing arithmetic and speaking).. and so on... inducing rheumatic fever.

they go on about how we don't have best practice antibiotic prescribing because they don't want to induce antibiotic resistence.

but they seem to be doing everything they can to induce antibiotic resistence by, for example, prophohlactically feeding antibiotics to chickens refusing to keep them more humanely so that isn't necessary. similar for udder care in cows. they engage in shoddy practices in animal husbandry in a seeming attempt to do everyting they cn to induce antibiotic resistence in people and introduce to people antibiotic resistent bacteria.

in the hospitals they don't engage in best practices so that people who don't have choices in their medication -- because they are in hospital -- ren't charted properly or aren't administered full corses of antibiotics. seeming to do everything they can to induce antibiotic resistent bacteria proliferation.

like they are doing everything everything they can to breed superbugs.

and in addition to all of that... also withholding antiboitics in order to induce rheumatic fever.

everything they do to try and induce neuro-degeneative disese. including the massive overprescription of old generation antipsychotics at large doses. everything they can to induce tardive dyskinestias etc.


they don't want me to do medicine because i have the capacity to put 2 and 2 togethe rand i'm not a murdering raping pedophile.

that's the truth of it, so far as i can see.


what does that mean i think about the people presently enrolled in the lprogramme?

i don't quite know.

i think that many of them have been selected comparably to how we select for international studnets. that is to say, some of them are, likely, decent kids who have worked hard and so on.

who were carefully selected because they think they can really do a number on them down the road with bullying them and refusing to sign off on their qualifiations etc.

i think there likely will be an aspect or element of those kids. carefully selected as hostages, basically.

like the worst of them who choose to build bunkers for themselves under the childrens hospital so in order to oput them out of action you have to figure how to negotiate that when they thrust the children out in front threatening to take all the children down if you don't comply with their terrorist demands.


they wno't acknowledge foreign qualificatons. they won't acknowledge local qualifications. they won't give the sutdnets their qualifications. they won't do it.

so there is 'no alternative' but fo rthe money to go eithe rfrom the government directly or from the district health board to 'external contractors'. where the external contractors take a bunch of money apparently in exchnge for doing some service that couldn't be done publicaly because there aren't any... whatever it is. eye surgeons (aucklnd). neurosurgeons (dunedin). Anesthetists. can't remember where.

and it turns out the businesses are the husbands or wive of the administatiors or managers. so they are sort of effeftively taking the money from the public sector and giving it all to themselves. that's why they didn't even need to bother advertising the contract... asking for bids...



running at a deficit

Posted by alexandra_k on March 30, 2022, at 19:24:44

In reply to i'm sorry -- where is my degree?, posted by alexandra_k on March 30, 2022, at 19:09:36

so the little idiot-man from dunedin thinks that it is ideal for district health boards to run at a deficit.

i call him that because i have seen him in decent talks where decent speaks spoke about good things... and i have seen him twirl his porrit mostache and.. smirk.

and he smirks about how everything WILL NOT work here. CANNOT work here. and he has an endless succession of reasons.

that sound really rather a lot like the judges.

there wasn't any point giving you an application to enrol because even if you got an application to enrol there wasn't anything to stop them just throwing it away once you returned it. there wasn't any point instructing them not to throw it way once they recived it because they still wouldn't have forwarded it to the medical admissions committee. there wasn't any point ordering them to forward it to the medical admissions committee because the committee wouldn't make decisions on the basis of objective things -- they were always going to choose their children and the children of the people wlith the most money. there wasn't any point instructing them to folow their objective procedure (e.g., autidting their decisions) because there wasnt' anything to stop them refusing to allow you to enrol even if they said you were allowed to. there wasn't any point instructin gthem to allow you to enrol because they could have hired security to unlawfully detain you if you arrived on campus...

he says why our health system never will be allowed to improve. all the safeguards that the present reigime has put into place to ensure that they can continue to terrorise the children and hasten the destruction of new zealand.

i've seen him smirk. that he's that confident in his supremacy and continued reign...

he's been appointed pro-vice-chancellor to the university now, i see.

so i'm trying ot get a handle...

apparently the idea is that you can always write down 'building depreciation' as a loss. so christchurch got a new hospital... and so that means they write down lots of building depreciation every year. because buildings are only going to be worth less and less money since we refuse to maintain them. hospital buildings never appreciate in value (the way his investment properties do). rather, hosptial buildings depreviate in value only (like new cars) such that the government needs dto pay him more and more and more and more and more... for less and less.

until he has everything for nothing.

that's the business model.

of how it is that you can't do business in this jurisdiction.

i don't understand what happens when a health board posts that they have a tens of millions of dollars deficit.

does that mean they have to print more money?

that doesn't seem likely.

rather, it seems likely that it's just crap on the books. made up figures aobut buidling depreciation.

to take attention away from the fact that they won't pay clinical staff to do clinical work.

they won't hire people (or pay people) to do that work.

they say they have unfillled positions (they can't hire) becuase they can't recruit people into them.

but they also say that more people want to be paid for lcinical work than there are places available in training programmes. and then what few people they train they won't acknowledge their training has completed. they also won't acnowledge the training that peope have overseas has been completed either.

they will not pay clniical staff to do clinical work.

they will not pay teaching staff to do teachign work.

they will not pay lawyers to do good legal work.

the government is too corrupt. the ministry officials and the way they give contracts to their cronies only and to people who re pedophiles etc who will get on board with the programme of a few people taking all of the money... fewer and fewer and fewer over time... the provision of less and less...

the race to the bottom

the tradegy of commons...

apparenlty they've segregated the maaori from thesports science programme at otago, now. something about how the department is racist and so that meanas that the maaori walked out of their offices in the main block so now their offices are located elsewhere.

things are really moving in new zealand...

would you like to invest in new zealand??


Re: running at a deficit

Posted by alexandra_k on March 30, 2022, at 19:34:13

In reply to running at a deficit, posted by alexandra_k on March 30, 2022, at 19:24:44

he was the head of the management school.

part of the problem is that he is not clinically trained and he doesn't understand clinical rationale.

they have decided that they know better than everybody else and what is right for dunedin is that there will not be a functioning neurosurgery unit.

they refuse to hire 3 neurosurgeons to work in dunedin. in the public hospital. to provide service coverage from dunedin across to wanaka (tourism there with ski and snow-sports) down to invercargill.

they won't do it.

will not do it.

the public fund-raised because they said the reason why they wouldn't do it was because they couldnt' afford it. running at a deficit. etc.

so the public fund-raised.

but then they said the reason why they wouldnt' do it was because there wasn't anybody to hire.

there werent' any neurosurgeons.

so england sent one. a guy who went to med school in hungary. who trained for a while in england. who trained for a while working in waikato hospital. so he's done a couple years training time in new zealand, even. he has seen how things (don't) happen here.

and they refuset o acknowledge his training.

they take his wife. was she a doctor? she has employment? what does she do? management? administration? business? anyway she apparently stays here with thehir children... seems suspicious to me.

i suspect it is fake news.

that he says he's going to take the medical council to court because they aren't following process on how they decide who to register and who not to register to practice in new zealand.

they basically aren't registering people.

so the government has nobody to hire. nobody except the people who presently get the government contracts for all of that work.

apparently there are a few 'generalist' surgeons or whatever from queensland doing whatever they want whenever they want because they want in the christchurch hospital. getting terrible results (by international standards)...

i don't know if they pay tehm.


Re: running at a deficit

Posted by alexandra_k on March 30, 2022, at 19:35:52

In reply to Re: running at a deficit, posted by alexandra_k on March 30, 2022, at 19:34:13

so you literally wait (or arrange) for people to die before you get a job.

would you like to do business with new zealand?

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