Psycho-Babble Social Thread 1119071

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shortage of mental health nurses

Posted by alexandra_k on March 22, 2022, at 16:10:12

shortage of nurses generally. shortage of mental health nurses, particularly.

so, what we are going to do about the shortage is offer a 2 year training course where people are taken out of being paid nurses... and instead they pay the university for their 'training' and we call them mental health nurses (or they do the work of mental health nurses while they pay the university)... for 2 years.

and then we demand they re-enrol for another 2 years (and pay another 2 years of fees) because they are garbage rubbish crap useless worthless garbage no good. they are going to have to take extra time. they are going to have to repeat the course. they are going to have to pay. they are going to have to pay. they are going to have to pay. they are going to have to pay.

then, after paying 4 years of training fees we won't give them their qualification, at all. we will replace them with the next lot of nurses paying the university for their enrolment and their re-enrolment...

by the time we give them their qualification... it will have been more than 3 years post-graduation. and nzl qualifications expire after 3 years. didn't you know? they aren't acknowledged by the universities, at all. except for the university administration, of course, their degrees seem to still count. but not anybody else's. or it's entirely at the discretion of the university administration whether they acknowledge the qualification or not.

it really has nothing to do with whether you have done the work for it, or not. whether you are working at international standard or not. whether there is a demand for your skills or not.

it's all about you pay them you pay them you pay them you pay them you pay them you pay them you pay.

and they take.

oh yes. they do.

they take... they want to have half their talking time taken up by people going on about all the awards they have and how esteemed they are. to be followed by how delighted they are to be there. some jokes about all the delightful tourist activities that were funded by the university.

that's why we won't pay anybody to do the work.

we pay them. we pay them. we pay them we pay them we pay. they take. oh yes, they do. they take all the money to ensure the job is not done. is not done by them. is not done by anyone.

hostages to their psychopathy.


Re: shortage of mental health nurses

Posted by alexandra_k on March 22, 2022, at 16:24:39

In reply to shortage of mental health nurses, posted by alexandra_k on March 22, 2022, at 16:10:12

so there is only one law firm in each region that is given the sole government contract to prosecute criminal activity in the region.

meredith connell is the law firm with that contract in central auckland.

i would imagine (but this is heresy) that is is full of incompetent children of elite officials who want to wear suits and feel important and so they get the lucrative government contract.... and in return the firm prosecutes...


next to nothing.

they claim to be conflicted out of prosecuting anything involving the auckland district health board or any employee. by 'any employee' they mean ones with executive decision making authority like the chief executive.

they claim to be conflicted out.

how does that work?

the chief executive pays them.

is that how that works?

is that how new zealand has the lowest 'perceived rate of corruption' in virtue of never successfully convicting anybody of corruption.

firstly, the firm won't prosecute.

secondly, even if they do, the judges seem to lack the ability to identify the relevant laws and identify behaviors that are prohibited by the laws and proclaim that certain behaviors that were done were prohibited by the laws and deliver meaningful sanction.

i mean... mt eden prison is full of people waiting for their asylum application to be processed, apparently. people like brian tamaki who speak out that people in nz have human rights. there aren't any places left for the likes of Dr Leeks who gets to torture and sexually abuse children while being on payroll of the NZL government.

But of course Dr Leeks died... Conveniently enough. No open casket funeral, of course. His victims did not get to see him dead to verify for themselves that they didn't simply decide to use the government 'witness protection programme' (or similar) to relocate violent offenders so they can get back to their lives offending in a slightly different part of the world.

It is fairly clear what is most valued in Australasia. What is most rewarded. I mean...

I think that maybe at the Univesrity of Auckland (maybe also at Otago) there is this thing... Because, you know, it's sooooooo competitive... That you have to (or maybe it's entirely optional) rape a first year Medical student (they call pretty much anyone who wants to be called one a medical student then have 'competitive entry' to second year of the programme) and have them withdraw from the programe.

So... I would imagine bonus marks for raping an international student. Maybe bonus marks for raping an international student from a country with a higher age of sexual consent. So, you know, raping an 18 year old student from the US.

Then the studnet is instructed to go home for treatment because, you know, there is no treatment in New Zealand. And the University who refused to provide the student with a safe environment... The University hall that encouraged unhealthy drinking behaviors and dangerous socialisation etc etc refuses to provide any help for the victims of the set-up that is the University...

And then the University of Auckland misses out on however many years of international student fees. Where the international student is paying around 3x the fees of a domestic student. ANd the student wanted to do medicine (the most expensive degree). And that Degree is 6 years... Not including the years of extortion they'll be forced to pay at the end else no degree for them at all. Not including that they will not enter them from second year... They will make them do a 3 year degree in something else.. maybe also honors... before giving them entry to the remaining 5 years of medicine (but then the extortion at the end, again).

We will not train a workforce.

We won't do it.

There's a few Dr Leeks types of people who collect up all the money and they won't allow anybody else to do anything at all. That is to say there are a few people holding the country hostage.

It would be better if the NZ medical councils were disestablished. Get rid of them. Annihilate them. They are worse than useless. They refuse to acknoweldge genuine qualifications, they give titles and acknowledgement to rapists and torturers and sexual offenders. They are a bunch of criminals.

Maybe NZ is supposed to be a destination for all the violent raping torturing murdering sexual offenders of the world. Maybe that is the point or aim or goal.

That would make the very very best sense of the way things are and the way we seem to continually invest in keeping things and driving things to be.

If it isn't...

Then they actually need to start prosecuting and convicting these behaviors. The Victims want to see that the offenders are kept in prison to prevent their reoffending.

There isnt' anybody to treat them. Because they wouldnl't allow anybody to train. They wouldnt' acknowledge anybody has competence or capacity.

F*ck*ng psychopaths.


australian national university

Posted by alexandra_k on March 22, 2022, at 16:38:25

In reply to Re: shortage of mental health nurses, posted by alexandra_k on March 22, 2022, at 16:24:39

so they gave me a summer scholarship on the basis of reading a directed study that i wrote.

at the end of the summer scholarship i was told by my supervisor there that my work was 'as good as anything that had been done, here'.

he refused to write me a reference for my USA PhD applications. he said i should 'ask people at home who can rave about you'.

which is a dick / arsehole thing to do / say. refuse to write someone a reference.

when i said about applying back to the australian national university he said he would put in a good word for me with the people there, however.

i applied to the australian national university and i also applied to macquarie. i was informed by someone at the anu to look into a person who was presently at queensland and i did that and i emailed him and he encouraged me to apply to queensland. i said i had missed the deadline on that and he said it didn't matter -- i should put an application in anyway and he would ensure it was considered by the university.

i ended up with australian government funded scholarships for me to do a PhD at all three universities in australia.

queensland specifically stated they offered me an office space with a new computer.

i accepted the offer to australian national university.

i then learned that the guy was leaving queensland (a lot of the department was leaving) the department was having severe / serious problems and a lot of people were leaving. i was asked, by him, why i didn't accept the offer from queensland and if i wanted to say something about him leaving and that was why i didn't want to go there. i said i didn't know about any of that...

so the australian national university had the opportunity to assess me over a few months of summer scholarship to make an informed decision about whether or not to enrol me in a funded phd programme.

that wasn't the case for most of their other studnets, who were arriving sight unseen by the university. they didn't know how the other studnets would get on in that environment.

then, when i arrived, i was told that a particular person was the best fit for the topic that i wanted to work on (in philosophy the student comes up with the topic / project rather than how it is in science when people advertise for students to work on particular projects within their laboratory).

but that particular person wasn't arriving until 6 months in.

because he was half the year at victoria university wellington and half the year at the australian national university.

common or standard or typical or normal or usual or aspirational process or procedure for victoria univesrity wellington (indeed any of the nz universities) is to refuse to get students work to external examiners to cry cry cry cry cry about how garbage rubbish crap the studnets work is... how it will fail if the student insists that it goes out. how the money has run out. how the student must pay the university! the student must pay the university! the student must pay! teh student must pay!

so that the senior officials from teh univesrity can spend half their talk going on about how esteemed their colleagues are and so they can book expensive hotel rooms in exotic locations half way across the world.

and it isn't about the philosophy anymore. in fact philosophy is prevented and prohibited from occuring. because it is all about the money. money grubbity grub grub grubs.

so this ideology of not signing off on students work goes from wellington-wells to canberra.

it starts with there not being jobs for graduates. they graduate them... they give them post-docs. but then they cut them off. they don't give them 2 lots of post-docs. they don't give them permanent positions. instead the senior people need to have hundreds of thousands of dollars of research funding to ensure that philsoophy is not done. is not done by them is not done by anyone.

but now the stats are looking bad. graduates of the university aren't getting jobs!

so the solution is to go wellington-wells like refusing to sign the studnets off.

i mean.. if you are too busy or too lazy to help the student get the thesis in shape..

then get out of the f*ck*ng way then.

get the work to the externals with a note about how the supervisor (the person paid by the university to supervise the studnet) was too busy else too lazy else too busy holidaying and partying to properly supervise the studnet.

which is why the work is in the state it is in.

such that it relies on something along the lines of the kindness of strangers (external examiners) to stipulate what needs to be done to a timeframe to get it doen.

because the supervisor was too stupid / lazy / psychopathic to do his f*ck*ng job. the job for which he is paid.

he appears to be paid enough to do not just his job. but allllllllll the jobs.

there's a bunch of people with no job. and likely a bunch witih no degree. because he's a greedy greedy money grub for which he will go down in history


'you get one bite at the cherry'

Posted by alexandra_k on March 22, 2022, at 16:38:57

In reply to australian national university, posted by alexandra_k on March 22, 2022, at 16:38:25

is what he said to me

with greedy greedy grub juice running down his face

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