Shown: posts 1 to 4 of 4. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by alexandra_k on February 28, 2022, at 12:26:26
The court ruled that it was not lawful (was not justified) to fire / let go / make redundant (I don't know how they did that, actually) police and military for not being vaccinated... Once? Twice? Three times? Whenever the government says because the government says it... I'm not sure which of those.
Anyway, the court ruled it was not lawful to fire military and police for not being 'up to date' with their Covid vaccination.
Self-preservation, I suppose.
The court likely does not want to be a target for disgruntled police or military with too much time on their hands.
I would suppose.
I would imagine.
Of course that was only the High Court of somewhere. You can be sure the government will invest thousands upon thousands upon thousands of taxpayers dollars to appeal the decision.
I would suppose.
It is only police and military.
The court ruled.
It is perfectly fine for everybody else to be let go.
It is just that the court (and the government) needs all the military and police they can get and keep on their payroll, right now.
I would imagine.
I would suppose.
The gangs...
The gangs appear to have turned.
Parliament did not seem concerned, to start with, about protestors outside parliament.
They thought they could disperse them by setting the sprinklers on them and flooding them out and by seeding a few rowdy people to be a bit brawly from within. That would scare away the reputable ones. It wouldn't be a protest populated by teachers and nurses and doctors and the like, anymore. Them and their kids. They would fear for their kids safety. They would fear for their kids health. With the police and military not letting vehicles in to maintain the portaloos etc.
That's not what happened.
There was some sort of organised... Security. From within the protest. S
And there were fairly clearly gang people who turned up to move the concrete blocks in the night...
And for the most part the lack of gang people there has been quite notable..
Like with the 'black lives matter' protests, in NZ. You saw black power and mongrel mob patched gang members walking alongside the people of New Zealand. Behaving themselves. I mean, not intimidating or threatening the public. Not the more or the most hardened of them, perhaps... But certainly patched representatives...
Somethign something about 501s coming back and shaking things up. Bringing guns. There has been an increase in gun crime. A police person was shot. That's fairly novel / new for New Zealand. That element or aspect of the people getting pissed off with the government and the police and the military...
The military have been notably absent.
They are on quarantine duty, apparently.
So they are wrapping up the quarantines.
Yeah right lol. Why would the government let the people go? It quite likes it's unlawful detention facilities.
The forced compliance. Forced compliance. Forced compliance. Forced compliance. The government knows what is best for you. Forced compliance is what is best for you. Imagine if everybody did what they though was best!! Lol. We are too busy 'workforce planning' what people are going to die of in the near future and rolling in the troops and frontline workers to ensure it happens.
The courts really are non-functional.
The UN / the world saw it with the failure to deliver timely justice with the Lake Alice proceedings. The psychiatrist who was on payroll while the courts and the government sent children into his care so that he could sexually and physically abuse him. They knew that was what he was doing and they hid evidence and covered up. They chose to spend thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars denying the obvious. Denying the evidence. Destroying the evidence. Lying.
And they are still at it... All over the show.
They would not get with the programme on prosecuting and putting an end to the paid tutoring services that were cheating. The US showed the world how it was done. How you do something (are seen to be doing something about, are seen to be caring about, are doing something to at least try and restore or keep some semblance of faith in education).
Presently we are refusing to prosecute or rule against or bring into line or end the pay for the answers tutoring services provided by Crimson Academy, particularly, but also other tutoring providers (including individual students) particularly when it comes to Medicine.
Crimson Academy doesn't try and help people understand the content or whatever. It tries to be pay to win. Or, you pay me money and maybe I'll choose to help you... But you better comply with what I say -- right? Because money is necessary but not sufficient. There's still all the forced compliance stuff. I still get to throw my weight around and make me feel big and make you feel powerless. Right?
Apparently the courts ground to a halt because of Covid. Which is stupid, right. Because they put a stop / halt to new jury trials because of the risk of jurors in an open court. But then that should have actually freed up a bunch of courts time to make genuine or legitimate progress on civil cases. Where things can proceed or progress through AVL. Streamed. Recorded for posterity. So the people from overseas can watch the hearing and read the filings and see for themselves that NZ does not have functioning courts.
Most business ground to a halt because of Covid. So what was the Covid workload, really?
The incapacity / inability / unwillingness of the courts to progress cases was displayed for all the world to see.
Like the ethics seminars at Otago were streamed to Wellington-Wells.
I imagine people could see them from overseas. The blatant display of psychopathy completely unrestrained. For all the world to see... Talks about how the laws were going to be altered, in NZ, because they wanted to do experimental research on elderly people with dementia who did not have the capacity to provide informed consent. So they were going to have the laws changed so that consent was implied or taken for granted or assumed.
I said that if they were going to do that then they should at least allow people to make an advanced directive to the effect that they were voluntarily saying (with capacity) that they did not consent to being experimented on, if it were ever ruled that they lacked the capacity to give consent.
They did not like that idea. They had no plans to allow anybody at all to opt out of being a non-voluntary participant in their experimental research.
Mine was the only objection / concern / reservation expressed in an entire room full of ethicists on pay-roll.
I guess that's why they don't pay me.
And why we don't have medicine. law. education. Anything, anything, anything at all. Not upholding the NATO objectives.
The first lot of planes that were shot out of the sky by Ukranian air-defence...
Did those planes land (were they at the time of being shot down) on Ukranian territory -- or were the planes (at the time of being shot down) on other territory -- but people from Ukrane got nervous and... Sometimes the best defence is perceived to be an offence.
Because... If they shot them down outside Ukranian territory then I think that makes Ukrane the aggressor on Soviet troops.
And then the Soviets say they wanted to secure the Chernobyl site from looters etc within Ukrane.
I guess that's the thing about war...
People are sleep deprived and scared. Trigger happy because if you pause too long you are dead. So making wrong judgment calls.
It is possible that trauma... Fear... Etc...
Well... That these things prevent Ukranians from being united in NATO objectives...
And also make Ukrane difficult from Russia's perspective, as well...
Hard to know what is to be done.
Get the hell out, I suppose.
There's nothing for me here, I get that message loud and clear.
My statement of claim had, like 4 sentances. Really simple sentences.
The courts ordered case conference after case conference. Refiling after refiling.
I did start protesting and objecting really loudly that they were treating me as slave. I mean, they don't pay me. They don't pay me. They don't pay me for mey time. My filings . My attending court. etc.
Then they bill me in the costs judgmetn. I'm supposed to pay the courts for their wasting my time.
They could have dealt with the first claim by interlocutory. Really swiftly. Done.
But they refused to do that. That was about requiring the University to supply an application to enrol form to every person who wanted one (they are a public university).
They won't do it. They think they can hide applications from people (not tell people and then open up applications for a 1 month window. Or not allow people to hit 'submit' on their application if they say they are Maaori,,, Or they think they can just do whatever they want whenever they want because they want.
And the courts wont' do anything.
Except one tiny little thing in favor of the military and police. One minior little tiny teeny concession.
I wonder how bullied etc the people are who choose not to get vaccine within the military and police.
I wonder if that is likely to have those people feeling kindly towards the courts.
Just f*ck*ng garbage land.
Posted by alexandra_k on February 28, 2022, at 12:32:52
In reply to mandates for police and military unlawful -- court, posted by alexandra_k on February 28, 2022, at 12:26:26
So there are lots of people, in this country, who are detained in the prisons, who are waiting to stand trial. There are cases where they are detained for longer before the trial then the maximum amount of time available when it comes to sentencing what they were accused of.
Apparently it is to punish them for not pleading guilty.
Chris Hipkins (minister of everything) will out and say things every now and then about the 'Court of Popular Opinion'. He doesn't seem to have the most basic grasp on the role or the function of the courts etc.
There are also asylum seekers who are having their application processed (or not) who we keep in prison for years and years...
So that is how we populate the prisons. So that it's soooooooooooo competitive. So the Judges can't possibly put the rapist-psychiatrists in the prisons. Because after they've populated the prisons with people waiting to stand trial (innocent until proven guilty is not something that our government or our courts seem to believe about people they take a.. Policital.. Dislike to. I suppose it's political. The forced compliance.
They are saying that with the Covid preventing new jury trials... They have been unable to clear any of that backlog either.
Their excuse is that the AV court hearings (they were having the people in prison appear before the courts via AVL only) can't happen because the AVL rooms in the prisons are too busy with the peple in prison talkity talk talk talking to their lawyers all the time.
So the AVL links in the prisons aren't ebign used for trials. And they won't get the prisoners into the courts...
Because the judges don't want to get Covid.
Becaues they know the doctors would immobilise them on ventillators and likely harvest their antibodies and sell them to rich americans.
F*ck*ng farce
Posted by alexandra_k on February 28, 2022, at 12:54:09
In reply to Re: mandates for police and military unlawful -- court, posted by alexandra_k on February 28, 2022, at 12:32:52
I paid the filing fee for the tenancy tribunal hearing.
The court refused to deliver justice. THey kept 'taking back' their judgments and ordering or instructing a re-hearing. For the purposes of clogging up the courts time only.
Delay delay delay. Other people are waiting for their cases to be heard. And they are going over and over and over and over mine when they got it right the first time.
And the second.
But then took it back.
I paid them. IN other words. And they couldn't / wouldn't do it.
So the problem isn't that I didn't pay them or I'm not paying them. No amount of money is going to motivate or incentivise them to do their f*ck*ng job.
I paid Waikato for my 120 point MPhil Degree. I paid them what they said was owed for the programme I applied to be enrolle din.
But then they enrolled me in various things I never applied for an billed me for all of those as well. They wouldnt' give me the start date I applied to -- the programme was not oversubscribed at all. They just will not do their job. Just outright expression of 'we don't do anyting we have to do and there' snothing you can do about it'.
No amount of money will motivate or inspire them to do their job.
Why didn't my old supervisor from ANU get the student there doing 3 x PhD enrollments. Why did he make him only do 2? Why not make him do 4 or 5 or 6 or just keep him enrolled for always.
Why did he sign him off at all?
His discretion? The goodness of his heart?
I don't understand why people display... They display 'I can do anything I want and there isn't anhything you can do about it.' But more particularly they display 'and I will use my power to hurt or harm you if I choose and there isn't anything you can do about it' and... Them threatening me like that...
They choose to threaten me like that...
How am I supposed to have any respect for them that thtey would choose to act or behave like that? To threaten me? I don't understand...
It's not... Anything other than... Repulsive. To me. Sickening. That it might be true. I hope it is not. That nobody has that kind of power. If it is true then they are repulsive and repugnant to me. They have no.. No god? Nothing they consdier higher than themselves. Nothign they serve.
They don't serve justice or fairness or... Kindness. At that point.
I'm supposed to feel awe? Want to be like them?
I guess it was entirely at his discreiton. He chose to be benevolent. Beneficient. Choosing to get his work to external examiners once he'd forced it to be written the way he wanted it written after... However many years.
Nobody stopped him or said anything. I suppose he got extra money for keeping the student enrolled for an extended period of time.
He would joke about slavery etc.
And Australia seemed to lap it up.
It is like NZ and Australia have got to the point of development where they think they are very very clever because they have discovered a system of slavery. They think they are very very clever because they have discovered and implemented a system whereby most are kept in bonded debt slavery of various forms (to the unis to the courts to the government etc) for the supposed benefit and happiness of the happy few. Who get to go about censoring everyting beecause they can.
They are fairly honest and open about it with the developed world. Because... They genuinely seem to think they are very very clever for having devised a system whereby they underpay or don't pay or force debt only (e.g.,the more the government wrongs me (public education refusing to enrol and graduate) the more the courts say I owe the courts)...
They seem to think that the US and other developed nations aren't doing it to their people quite the way or to the extent that Australiasia is because... They aren't as bright.
Our managers genuinely seem to htink they have hit upon or discovered something very very clever that will catch on.
For example, Waikato seems sto think that the external examienrs will all jump on board the scummy scam that involves forcing studnets to slave for the maxmimum time in order to increase enrolment for the University... The examiners won't say anything about them getting a thesis back for re-examination when they did not require re-examination (they will assume the other 2 examiners both required re-examination) and think that they were 'wrong' in their judgment that the student had done enough work to be signed off within 10 weeks (which is why the examiner kept the thesis).
Apparently the Canadian external examiner of my thesis has subsequently been let go or retired from his University.
At some point I logged into the University system and they had the names of my external examiners.
I googled them to see what field they were in.
So I know one of them does 'Critical Reasoning' stuff from Canterbury. That she does some public health stuff. With the government party line crony type of stuff that is publically funded. Where there are little to no speaking rights.
That was after I requested specifically that my thesis go to someone from NZ who worke din Law else Sociology who was sympathetic to what I was saying in Chapter 2 since they had published things similar to what I was saying, themselves.
The Canadian one was a guy... MIT Graduate who worked in critical reasoning at some Canadian University. That would have been how he knew my supervisor. Critical Reasoning.
Anyway.. He was sensible enough, I suppose, in wanting to get things moving through. Timely completion. It's a 1 year masters thesis ffs. It's not supposed to be that hard.
It's not supposed to be that hard.
Why is every f*ck*ng thing so hard, for me.
It's a statement of claim comprised of 3 or 4 statements of about 1 sentence each. It's not supposed to be that f*ck*ng hard.
Nonononononono everything stops. Everything melts down.
Hurry hurry hurry psychopathic darlings... Dr Leeks 2.0 needs a new intern. We can probabl yfind someone from Crimson Education who paid us a bunch of money to get the answers they are supposed to say. Say the answers and nothing else. And when someone displays their power to end you...
Cower and suck their d*cks on demand, I suppose.
(I say about sexual stuff a lot. I don't mean to accuse of sexual stuff. Sexual stuff isn't really about sex. It is about power and control. This stuff is all about power and control and forced compliance and so on. So I'm talking metaphorically when I say about the sexual stuff. My University supervisors have never asked or demanded or implied that I was required to give them sexual favors. But they have made it clear that I am supposed to make a big deal or fuss about sucking up to them in public to inspire and motivate everyone else to...
Revile them?
I don't know...
Posted by alexandra_k on February 28, 2022, at 13:08:19
In reply to not inspired and motivated by money., posted by alexandra_k on February 28, 2022, at 12:54:09
In order to display to the undergraduates not to enrol in graduate level study at that university.
I suppose there is that.
Not to have that person as their supervisor.
I suppose there is that.
Not to work in that field.
I suppose there is that.
Move along move along move along nothing to see here. ALLL of the research funding for me. ALLLLLL of the research funding for me. ALLLLLLLLLLLL of the research funding for me.
Memememememmeme all of the money for me. All of the only of the what I have to say.
I suppose that is it.
They took the journal that he edited away. Then he just wanted people to babysit him.
They would joke about it.
About how students used to carry him into class and hang off of his every word. Nearer the end, there. When he wasn't partiuclarly lucid or whatever.
That seemed to be some kind of aspirational goal.
If they aren't going to hang around and do it out of love...
Well... Some things must be forced, I suppose.
I think they sent him overseas somewhere... Because they couldn't turn a blind eye to how obnoxious he was to students, at Ivy league schools, for ever.
But these things are tolerated in Australaia.
It's quite the destination location for things like that.
They pull all the judges out of retirement to deal with the 'Covid workload'
They aren't progressing new judges.
They won't promote anyone from slave to payroll. Etc.
Not going to happen.
They'll pull people out of their retirement so they can keep up their work obstructing and preventing and prohibiting and denying justice.
Seems to be the way of it in these parts.
Not exactly NATO membership inspiring... Not anymore than Ukrane...
The guns have started coming in to New Zealand more... Internal security for the protests...
That's the way the government seems to want it. No... Forces it to be. Mandated by the Government of Wellington Wells.
If you wont' contribute to the redaction and censorship then...
The reason we did not speak out about the prison camp 're-education facilities' in China is because that's hwat we are aiming to do. That was our plan.
Except, apparently, in China they were graduating studnets form their progrmme.
I don't think we planned to graduate anyone from ours. Or to pay them for the 'skilled' work they did (for paying us for the answers to the test questions).
I suppose it is hard to provide a curriculum about how you comply with orders on demand just because it was ordered. I mean to say, the course syllabus. The schedule. Etc.
It's all arbitray anyway right? It's just following stupid orders to do stupid things on demand.
For the happy few in Wellington Wells.
This is the end of the thread.
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Script revised: February 4, 2008
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