Psycho-Babble Social Thread 1118672

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i don't quite understand what is happening in nz

Posted by alexandra_k on February 19, 2022, at 12:26:37

there is a protest group camping outside parliament.

our news appears to have been... taken over. by more than usual.

i mean to say we are receiving less con-munications from the government than usual.

politicians are not appearing. they are not speaking to the people via media channels, presently.

media are reporting that x politician has said y.

but i don't really know what reason anyone would have to believe them. half the time the news stories have no author. else, the name of the journalist / reporter could be a complete fiction. as in no such person exists.

i would imagine most people find their news by googling news and there are sources like 'stuff' (nz is really rather stuffed, indeed) and the herald and of course people in new zealand read things like the ny times and british and american newspapers more than the nz parliament would like.

i stay away from the facebook / twitter etc farce of things... apparently the nz politicians make use of those kinds of mediums of communication... the polarising debate etc for the likes and so on. evoking strong feelings either way. click-bait. whatever.

they genuinely seemed to think they could control a population in that kind of a way...

i guess nz was a little experiment from the developed world to see what would happen. to see if they could. to see how long they could for. etc.


some unnamed journalist said that jacinda said that the current protest outside the nz government was funded by overseas sources.

i guess she would know about political things in nz being funded by overseas sources.

it is true that it seems considerably more organised than it would be if it were a local affair... indeed.


early on there were people with motorcycles doing burn-outs and rough looking gang-bangers. people resourced with weapons including guns i mean to say.

but that seemed to clean up / clear up pretty quickly indeed. things turned very... family friendly.

hate messages... even... 'crazy crank' messages seemed to vanish or disappear. instead the messages seemed to converge on 'stop the mandates' and on how mandates were excluding doctors, teachers, kids from playing sport and dancing etc...

i don't know what kind of investment... keeps the gang-bangers away. my understanding of things is that... they are typically or usually on government pay-roll. such that you could expect them to arrive on the scene for such a thing and create a disturbance sufficient to get the doctors and teachers and so on taking their kids home out of fear they might end up getting shot by some drunk gangbanger.

but no... i guess someone is paying the gangbangers more than the government in order for them to stay away...



for now.




where is my masters degree? my 120 point masters degree. the qualification. in exhange for the 1 year (28 February 2018 - 28 February 2019) Masters thesis that I wrote for the university of waikato?

the external examiners both said that it needed changes to the substance before it would be acceptable.

both of the external examiners kept their copy of the thesis that had been couriered to them.

the university calendar regulations state that when re-enrolment is required (6 months work followed by 3 months examination for a total of 9 months -- which is another academic year. which is forcing the student to repeat the year) 'the thesis will be returned to the candidate'.

one copy of the thesis was sent to an overseas examiner. they did not return their copy of the thesis to the candidate.

another copy of the thesis was sent to a nz examiner from a different university. they did not return their copy of the thesis to the candidate.

the third and final copy of the thesis was supposed to be retained by the research school -- to go out to a third examiner in teh case of 'divergent outcomes'. the outcomes of both examiners were not divergent. they were convergent. they converged on changes to the substance being required and they were convergent that the thesis was not returned to the candidate. that signified to the candidate that the examiners were not requiring the studnet to repeat the year.

i made the changes that i believed (on the basis of my ability to do reading comprehension on the reports of the examiners) the examiners required me to make. within 10 weeks. because in the case where the theiss is not returned to the candidate, the university has up to 10 weeks to sign off on the changes the student has made.

i made the changes and the univesrity refused toget the work to examiners in order to prevent and prohibit them signong off on my qualification completion.


i tell this to the courts and the courts refuse to accept the evidence i have given tehm. they say i was trying to complete the 120 point qualification with a 'truncated timeframe' (which is blatantly false since an academic year runs for 34 weeks only) and that the university requesting 'doctoral examination' of my masters thesis was merely a typographical error on the part of the university.


that is to say the courts of new zealand are either incompetent or corrupt or both. not functional. no speak-y english. nobody home. nothing there.


where is my qualification completion?

what? my qualification (that should have been conferred in 2019) is nearly more than 3 years old! but nz qualifications expire 3 years post-graduation, didn't you know? the university of auckland says it's because the skills learned and the knowledge gained is expected to obsolete 3 years post-graduation. teh courts agreed.

the judges -- pulled out of retirement specially to judge my cases -- agreed.

i don't complain about them being 'too old'. i complain about them being incompetent *ss*s.

just keep paying them.. just keep paying them... just keep paying them.. jus tkeep paying them. what's the matter? their children, grandchildren, great grandchildren can't write judgments? but surely they inherited the payroll. right? or did they pay for them to go off and do 2 year masters at yale.

more than 3 years ago?


terminal masters

Posted by alexandra_k on February 19, 2022, at 12:45:04

In reply to i don't quite understand what is happening in nz, posted by alexandra_k on February 19, 2022, at 12:26:37

that's the way the university sees masters degrees.


a death sentence to... everything, really.

a failed phd.

a failed student.

a studnet who failed to comprehend that the goal or the aim or the purpose... was to get the PhD as quickly quickly quickly quickly as possible (before you turn 25) and get paid. get paid. get paid. get paid. get paid.


they go on about 'low value masters' (because they have no values).

that's how they see masters degrees.

at least, that's how they see them, in new zealand.

apparently in the us immigration is cracking down a bit / being more restrictive on what qualifications they will allow people to get visas for.

trying to not allow places to get students visas to study 'low value qualifications'.

i guess because the intent / purpose / aim / goal of the 'terminal masters' qualifications is to exploit the student. the univesity has already decided they are 'low value' qualifications and 'low value' failed students. that's the way teh university views it (that's the views of the univesrity administration).


the university of auckland said that i needed to complete (in the 'minium normal or standard time' from a NZ university a degree or post-graduate diploma). then i would be eligible to study medicine.

that means they would be required to process my f*ck*ng application. that means they would be required to input my GPA (calculated same as everybody else) into their f*ck*ng selection algorithm and offer me a place or not on the basis of my rank order score.

I didn't know what my GPA was exactly (depends on specific details as to how they calculate it). but i knew it would have been one of the higher ones. and the GPA was worth 60 per cent weighting in their algorithm. That means that small differences in score were magnified considerably.

they showed me how they calculated my GPA (tehy gave me the f*ck*ng spreadsheet). I USED THEIR METHOD but i applied it WITHIN THE RULES which they refused to do.

Their lawyers ended up saying in the court room that they agreed my GPA was 8.6 (as I said it f*ck*ng was) but it 'didn't matter because I wasn't eligible, because they refused to accept the evidnec ethat I completed the requirements of the 120 point MPHil Degree'.

They refuse to accept the evidnece.

They refuse to accept the evidence.

They refuse to accept that they got my enrolment application by the deadline.
They refuse to accept that my supervisor was accepting work from me (telling me it was good I was sending me work and suggesting readings to me) from early March -- that is to say I was working under supervision.
They refuse to accept I submitted my thesis for examination 14 september (to allow up to 3 months examination to be concluded by 7 December.
They refuse to accept that when a univesrity gets a theiss for external examination they are required to send it out.
They refuse to accept the examiners did not return the thesis.
They refuse to accept the calendar regulations around thesis return being required for re-enrolment.
They refuse to accep thtat the updated thesis should have gone back to externals for sign off.

They refuse to accept hta tthe Univesrity re-enrolled me for another year when I never approved that re-enrolment and when I never applied to be enrolle din the degree in 2019. They invoiced my studnet loan when I never applied to be3 enrolled int eh degre eand I phoned and told them NOT TO PAY THE UNIVERSITY ANY MORE FEES.

That is to say tehy are keeping false records about my debt to the government.

They say I owe more than $100,000 for qualiflications and courses and programmes of study thehy refuse to acknowledge that I completed.


New Zealand is funamentally and irrevokably corrupt. So far as I can see.

There are no universities.

There is no judiciary.

There sure as sh*t isn' a health system (I don't know that there would be any consultants on payroll once they get rid of the murderers and pedophiles).

Nothing here.

Nobody home.

Are we more corrupt than South Africa? People come here to dump their wives in pslychiatric institutions and arrange for their infants to be murdered.

ANd the courts do...

And the courts do...

And they pay them they pay them they pay them they pay...

And there's nobody home. There's nothing here.


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