Psycho-Babble Social Thread 1118425

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unc and harvard

Posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 18:15:59

something sensible may come out of it. i don't know.

UNC does not have many Black or Hispanic students, given how many black and Hispanic people there are in the state. That is to say, they are certainly under-represented. Very obviously so. I don't know what it is, if UNC, partiuclarly, is racist when it comes to admissions vs whether the Secondary Schooling system is racist. Likely it is a combination of both.

Students aren't told about examinations. Or else they aren't told that the examinations need to be studied for / tutored or instructed particularly or specifically. So they don't know to do that else, if they do know, they are prevented in various ways.

Then you end up with a few token black people or hispanic people. And that is a very difficult and uncomfortable situation. How those students got to be picked. How it was they were told (and others weren't) or how it is that they got the opportunity (and others didn't). Or how it is that they were picked out by admissions (and others weren't). And how much they were picked out because it was already decided that they wouldn't graduate, else if they did they would be non-competitive for whatever it was that the elite white wanted, that was for sure.

The asian thing is different... Because we are talking about over-representation of a minority. That is to say, instead of black people or hispanic people only getting entry because they did not learn the content or pass the test or whatever...

(In some instances. In some instances brown or black faces are picked out to be a under-class where they are not given the same curriculum etc else only those without the capacity to learn the curriculum are allowed to study or be tutored for the curriculum)...

(Not in all instances. But there is definately something like that going on (it would be racist to point it out!!!) I hope the courts can say something sensible... Somebody needs to...

The asian thing is different...

How are they scoring so well on the tests?

Particularly when the tests become arbitrary... Is it that asian people are paying more money for tutors and the like? I don't know / i don't understand how they are doing better on tests given that the tests are becomign more and more and more corrupt...

I mean...

We hear of people paying money for fake test scores.

Is that how they are doing so well on the tests?


Why would people from China want to study at Harvard rather than top universities from China?


I do wonder if there is somethign about iconographic representation that is helping with math. I dno't know.

I wonder how chinese speakers learn math.

But all of this pales into insignificant meaninglessness for me given that I did my 1 year research project in 1 year.

If you want me to work then you pay me. You pay me. You pay me. You pay me. You pay.

Arranging for my mother to die so that the inheritence pops out is not paying me a wage for the work that I do.

It's not publically advertising job either.

F*ck*ng psychopaths.


Re: unc and harvard

Posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 18:24:10

In reply to unc and harvard, posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 18:15:59

I mean, apparently the thing is that Harvard is refusing or declining or denying entry to some Asian people with very very high test scores.

That's the thing of it?

So they are they asking them to explain how it is that they are refusing or denying entry to some Asian people with very very high test scores.

And Harvard comes back and says 'It's soooooooooooooo competitive'. 'We have soooooooooooo many Asians with very very high test scores'. 'We would be over-crowded with Asians if we let in all the Asians with very very high test scores'.

So I suppose the issue, really, is that they are picking Asians with lower test scores. I guess that's it. How the schools do. They say 'We decided to select for things other than test scores'. 'We decided to select for qualitative things that we cannot quantify so as to have the mix of students we wanted'.

Maybe the thing is that the Asian people who are accepted to study at Harvard find that the fellow-Asians who have been accepted to study at Harvard really aren't that bright...

And then it turns out they were only selected because they made the kids of the elite white feel super-special.

Likely that's it.

In which case more of a direct analogy with what they likely do with the Black / Hispanic places at UNC.

I wonder if they do similarly for low socio-economic.

Likely, yes.

It's just creating a fan-fare about the kids who were selected to be the next generation of leaders for the Hitler-Youth. You know, ensuring the black people, the hispanic people, the asian people, the poor-white people stay in their respective post-codes or places.

Sending them out like generals in a global army about the world...


Re: unc and harvard

Posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 18:26:27

In reply to Re: unc and harvard, posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 18:24:10

in order to prevent and prohibit development.

in order to do everything they can to obstruct and confuse.

a real babel-land of garbelled output nonsense.

that appears to be the plan.


Re: unc and harvard

Posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 18:27:49

In reply to Re: unc and harvard, posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 18:26:27

we could think of it as the blizzard-activision model of business.

the 'how low can we go and people still pay us they still pay us they still pay us they still pay us they still pay us they still pay' model of business.

taking over the world.

one sh*tty company at a time...


Re: unc and harvard

Posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 18:32:11

In reply to Re: unc and harvard, posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 18:27:49

they think they are beating the people out of the university.

that's what they think they are doing.

making them shitter and sh*tt**r and sh*tt**r and sh*tt**r and sh*tt**r and wondering just how sh*tty they can make them and still have people pay them have people pay them have people pay them have people pay them have people pay.

the government is the major one who keeps throwing them money. so that people are 'students' rather than 'unemployed'.

if you have 1/3 your population enrolled in the sorts or kinds of courses you see on "Community" and you pay them only enough to pay their rent and eat 2-minute noodles then you pay them considerably less than minimum wage in the hand (to pay to landlords who wire up fire hazards) and they don't count as unemployed.

how many people can you keep as 'students' or 'disabled'?

i really wonder what proportion or percentage of people, in nz, are paid to work full time jobs.

of course our definition of full-time means that you can spend the next 20 years working for 0 EFT for 0 pay and that means you are a full-time student who doesn't count amongst the unemployed. that's how we keep people in new zealand.

untill the hitler youth get their ventillators, of course. then we can move to the final solution.


Re: unc and harvard

Posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 18:37:46

In reply to Re: unc and harvard, posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 18:32:11

i mean...

you have a first year university level course where the required reading is thomas nagal's 'what does it all mean?' which is a terrific book -- to give to your intellectually curious 9 year old.

there's really nothing here.

the jobs are all about keeping people and holding people as cattle to the slaughter, like that.

i'm not entirely sure how the government makes it's money from growing the population of new zealand...

is it third party hand-outs? world bank or whatever...

they did seem to think that the point or aim or goal was to grow the number of bodies in the counrtry. all our problems (the problems of the leaders) would be solved if we had the population of china.

i don't understand that or how that works. maybe loans for the present government or funding for varoius intfrastructure projects was never approved by international lenders because we didn't have the population to support the size of the project, i suppose that's likely it.

so the government got all 'brain in vat' about it. the aim was ot have as many people (with early onset dementia to be kept in government instituations of abuse) as possible.

that's the goal or aim or purpose. people farms like that.

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