Psycho-Babble Social Thread 1118417

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the P2s are likely N95's that failed

Posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 17:09:36

the quality control tests.

i mean they made N95s in the US and distributed them domestically and internationally...

and some places did quality control checks, and some places didn't.

and the places that did quality control checks and sent back batches that did not pass...

well, they likely shipped the ones that did not pass on to new zealand.

the end of the supply chain.

that raises it's people on 'take what you can get for as long as you can get it you are lucky if you are thrown any scraps all'.

and after doing that for however many years they decide to simply re-brand them as having passed nz standards (which is to say no standards at all since we don't assess whether the standard has been upheld and we don't do anything at all to get compliance with the standard' it's all just... garbage output.


so that there gets set up a little military outpost of harvard, i suppose.

some next generation of mark hauser to set up a 'i developed a vaccine and i expect to inject EVERYONE' outpost, in nz. where they can deliver a 'vaccine that is right for the people of nz'.

in the nation that didn't even sell out the health of it's people. simply gave it away...

handed it over...

is harvard really doing THAT badly that it would need to stoop so very very very very very very low?

possibly perhaps.

i mean they gave shane reti a masters of public health to better facilitate his keeping the wanganui hospital as low as new zealand could possibly go.


Re: the P2s are likely N95's that failed

Posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 17:21:00

In reply to the P2s are likely N95's that failed, posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 17:09:36

and i'm not going to read it...

but i wondering what kind of garbage output the courts are going to deliver on the harvard / unc, chapel hill suits about racism in admissions.

i imagine it will be garbage output.

i imagine it will be.


if international community won't enforce standards here... i don't trust that they will enforce standards overseas.

i mean to say...

they aren't flushing out the talent or anything like that..

it is like arranging for puppies to be born into deprivation and ill treated for the simple reason that you think that you then get to offer them whatever you want or choose to offer them and they will be forever grateful and doting on you.

i mean... the pathology that would go into keeping people in conditions of deprivation in order to set oneself up a hero or...

like... a hospital intentionally poisoning the water supply or intentionally investing in things that increase violent crime in the neighbourhood or...

rather than working on addressing real problems. working on creating problems.

the anti-hero.


i don't think they are happy until they have killed the human / humanity.

that's their compulsion of getting them while they are young and casting them aside to start over and over and over and over and over and over and over....


garbage output.


there isn't really any maths in med. not that needs to be learned independently from patterns of 'better or worse or much the same' not for most of practice. and things are and can be taught in the context...

and mostly... 'get in there and do whatever you want since you pay us you pay us you pay us you pay us you pay us you pay us you pay'...

there's nothing here. nobody home.


why would you help us?

well yes. exactly.

can't be in exhange for all the help you've given me. that's for sure.


i don't know why they are going on about ideology of pacifism being a small-town thing and then you get decimated by the over-crowded.


what is common is the view of non-persons and non-people.

in the search for predictability and control they try and force people to be non-people.


there was the thing about the invisible hand resulting in good economy.

it is important o recognise the hand of evil that is micromismanagement.

as they try and ruin people's frontal lobes and have them re-act in predictable ways

the most predictable of all is of course when they are in fact dead.


murder to dissect.

and so on.

because of course the entire point of it all is to understand death. and see more of it. you can do whatever you want when you want when they are dead. right?

f*ck*ng psychopaths



Posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 17:28:29

In reply to Re: the P2s are likely N95's that failed, posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 17:21:00

pay us money!
pay us money!
pay us money!

pay us more than $20,000 by x date or else you are forced to abandon the appeal and the high court judgments will remain standing!

the high court judgments ignore evidence, ignore laws, reason poorly. justice was obviously not done.

why would anybody give money to a system that doesn't seem willing or able to deliver timely justice?

it doesnt' make any sense...

they sound just like the universities.

you go to the courts for justice...

let's see...

judgement - thrown out and rehearing granted
judgment -- thrown out and rehearing granted
judgment -- nonsense garbage garbelled output
appeal -- nonense garbage garbelled output upheld!!!

it's just nonsense garbage garbelled output

by people who like to molest their interns over summer.

the courts deliver 'home detention' for crimes. 'home detention' isn't a punishmen tor deterrant for crime. 'home detention' is a covid restriction. business as normal in nz.

the courts go after the only pacific islander in the firm.

they don't go after the judges. i'm sure the judges are involved in the blackbirding for child sex trafficking and so on. right? i'm sure the judges are hand-picked to ensure that the people who do things like that flourish and thrive in nz. right? i'm sure.

i mean.. that is what nz is for. right?

teh whole school thing...

dilworth and so on.
lake alice.

they focus on denying justice to these people... the adult victims. they say these people are the adult victims.

but i'm sure there are victims we don't hear of / don't hear about. the ones who were killed so they wouldn't grow up to be adults. so they would never speak about what happened to / with them.

the kids at lake alice were told they were the lowest of the lowest of the low. i suppose that means they were the kids the visiting 'teachers' did not pick out ot be... . i don't know... transferred (child education scholarship or similar) to some place else...

perhaps to live in 'boarding school' in some 'teachers' basement.

i mean... when rich people from the USA can pay the NZ government money to rent a hospital room in the auckland city hospital to turn a blind eye to anything anything anything he wants to do with someone he proclaims or professes to be his kid.

i mean, c'mon.


healthcare desination!!

Posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 17:31:40

In reply to OUT OF TIME!!!! FORCED TO ABANDON APPEAL!!!, posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 17:28:29

for the leaders of developing nations.

when the prime minister of tonga gets sick (or similar) they ship them to auckland city hospital.


not sydney.



me, in particular

Posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 17:35:08

In reply to healthcare desination!!, posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 17:31:40

the first two judgments from the adjudicators were sensible.

then it turned to garbage output.

the first judgment from the high court (the first case) was sensible (justice fitzgerald)

then it turned to garbage output from the courts.

was the idea to motivate and inspire me to study for entry to the US?

like a poor abused sick little puppy. if she experiences enough garbage output from new zealand then she'll be happy for whatever scraps we throw her in the USA -- right?

was that the plan? the strategy?

because if it was then it backfired.

it's a shame that we can't do it here, ourselves...

that overseas governments (australia particularly, but also the USA) intentionally invest in garbage output for new zealand intentionally to try and blackbird from these parts of the world.



Re: me, in particular

Posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 17:37:19

In reply to me, in particular, posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 17:35:08

seeing harvard and unc, chapel hill do the racism cases does not motivate and inspire me to work for the USA.

it shows me that they are keeping me poorly in order to try and motivate and inspire me to work for the USA.

politicking... garbage output.

there's nothing there. nobody home. nada zip zilch zero.

there is no healthcare. it's sooooooooooooooooo competitive. and then you get sick. and the vultures swoop in. swarm. and there you go. game over. better luck next generation.


Re: me, in particular

Posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 17:44:25

In reply to Re: me, in particular, posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 17:37:19

why would i pay money for a degree anywhere at all when nowhere at all will make the university of waikato acknowledge when (and only when) people are working to international standards of scholarship?

why would anybody pay money into a system that does not uphold standards?

the new zealand governmetn chooses to invest so much money hiring so many lawyers.. firms... QC's... pulling judges out of retirement and reinstating them so they can deliver garbage garbelled output with impunity!!! for court hearings that are not open to the public because security won't let anybody into the courts because covid respons emeans everything is shut down.

they just give degrees and pay-cheques to whoever they want whenever they want because they want and particularly to people who spend their lives skiing up mountains and never set foot in teh hospital so the 'intelligent triage system' can see what post-code the person lives in / what post-code their GP lives in and decide who gets to die. who gets to die. who gets to die.

i mean you know how it goes.

people present for help from the hospital. how dare they. they seem to think the government owes them something. they seem to think that when the government doesnt' pay them a paycheck the government owes them the purchase of things like basic healthcare.

how dare people not comply with government direcftive to wear underwear on their faces. how dare people. let's immobilise them and put them on ventillators that were not kept clean. let's arosolise the virus force it down really deep into their lungs... really ventillate their lungs. really create tearing and damage inflammatihon from over-ventillating their lungs. let's really force the virus into there.

let's see how many we can kill. all the non-compliant were targets for sure.


exceeded population carrying capacity.


no use for people. they don't think that people have talents or skills that are valuable or can be used for the greater good.

just disposable garbage.

thats how they treat their people.

disposable garbage.

garbage output.

the people who deliver that are surely valuable.

turnign a blind eye to those going about... its all for the taking -- right?

that's how come we don't have science or tech. we don't have arts or culture.

nothing here. nobody home. nada. zip. zilch. zero!

we forced you to abandon contribing to society! yay us! we win!


nasty bruitish and short

Posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 17:58:35

In reply to Re: me, in particular, posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 17:44:25

too many people.

they intentionally created the situation.

it is the world that they made.

that was what they wanted to do.

they wanted to breed an excess of people and then make it be about survival of the fittest, is how they see it, i suppose.

so instead of people being able to spend their time working towards things like cooperativity or art or culture or science or tech or... instead of all that people are forced to spend their time watching their back and seeking out opportunities to be opportuniistic and so on...

they intentionally over-crowded the lecture theatres and the like. that's what i saw... either there was a group of 1,000 plus studnets all competing for a place in the Hitler Youth Training Programme (of some rank or other whether that be 'doctor' or 'nurse' or 'physio' or 'optometry' or 'pharmacy')... Or else there really wasn't any people about. I mean... 1 hour either way... Things were either bustling to the point of security needing to stick around to ensure people were not trampelled in teh stampede... Else there were only 1 or 2 students about and the university literally felt...


Artifically constructed or created over-crowding.

On the public transport, too. Everybody starting work at the same time and finishign at the same time to artificially create over-crowding on the road where road-rage was promoted and encouraged as much as possible. holding things up more with accidents bringing everything to a stand-still. drawing out the state of over-crowding as much as possible with things like that. strategically placed road-works to interrupt the flow of traffic.

Artificially constructed or created over-crowding.

And one hour either side and things are...



Who wins when 'University' is the Hitler Youth Trainign Programme where it is sooooooooooo competitive to be part of the Hitler Youth (at any rank) rather than being identified as a victim of the Hitler YOuth. I mean... If you don't want to join the Hitler Youth then... Then what? Then what is to become of you?

And if you complain that the Hitler Youth Training Programme gave you a position you are unsuited for or...


That's the thing of it, really.

The trouble is the invisible hand of evil. The micro-mismanagement. The Governmetn was thinking that it was sooooooo clever that it could meaningfully predict the needs of a future work-force. I mean to say it thought that it could meaningfully predict what it wanted however many people to do.. How many this and that the other it would need. How many it wanted trained.

ANd it wanted the people to comply with however they decided the numbers would go. ANd it wanted people to take what they were given. And it accepted, actually, that there was an aspect or element of lottery.

But it also thought that that didn't matter. Because there was the 'front line' on all the jobs (replaceable foot soldiers) and everyone was really trying to work their way up to be Ashley Bloomfield and earn half a mill every year and get to wear underwear on his face in public.

Everyone was aiming ot administrate the managing of the administrators management for half a million a year. That was the goal or aim of anything. And you could get there from nursing (current VC of auckland) or from a masters degree (CE of the NZVCC) or from medicine (ashley bloomfield director general of health via civil service non-clinical administration) and so on...

So it didnt' matter your trainign programme. It was all about working up from foot-soldier to administration of the managing administration of the management.

That was the need of future workforce. Adminstration the manageers administration.

Doing what you are told when you are told because you are told.

ANd you know you have made it in life when you are told you get to tell many people to do what you are told they are required to do.

Yay you.

Curl up and die? Anyone? WE need more footsoldiers who pay the university for their chance of getting to order a segment of the people about or else incapcitate them in various ways if they won't do the devils work of mismanaging the administration of managers...

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