Psycho-Babble Social Thread 1116151

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no baseline signal

Posted by alexandra_k on July 29, 2021, at 21:30:31

there's no baseline signal from new zealand.

new zealand didn't send back saliva tests saying 'we aren't able to get true positive findings with this batch of test kit'.

new zealand didn't send back face masks saying 'we aren't able to get fit test seal with this batch of face masks'.

new zealand isn't producing a base-line signal for any of the data to have any meaning or be of any use.

the new zealand government hasn't reported any reports of adverse events or outcomes from vaccination. hasn't found blood clots or whatever. nada. not a one. nothing.

no base line signal.

the new zealand government waived manufacturers liability (or maybe it was that they were not allowed to purchase manufacturers liability for the people of nz). so the government is liable for adverse outcomes or events from teh vaccine.

how many vaccinations... the base rate of adverse events...

but the new zealand government won't find any adverse events. because they refuse to be liable for any of the things they are supposed to be liable for.

that's what power is -- right? that's why it's desirable -- right? all of the power to do whatever you want whenever you want because you want where what it is that you want involves furthering yourself at the expense of and to the detriment of everybody else. kicking them down. kicking them down. holding them back. slowing them down. hearding them up. rounding them up. forcing them to do this that and the other. involuntarily detaining them.

highest rate of suicide in the world.

the government says 'it takes years to produce clinical psycholoists'. yes. and then they don't work with patients. they get jobs as administrators.

they won't pay councellors.

they want people to be blamed for their cognitive distortions and shocked or whatever (those crude behaviorist techniques) and that's all there is to however many years of clinical psychology. the tool-box of cognitive behavioral therapy.

they won't pay councellors. who have things like maslow. narrative therapy. people wlith history background or sociology. environmental. political. sources of opporession. not so surprising you want to die when the government won't pay you a fair wage. not so suprrising you want to die when the government won't listen to a f*ck*ng thing that you say.

murder at the hands of the government.

the government who nobody voted for. the administration does not change.

f*ck*ng psychopaths.

f*ck*ng psychopaths.

f*ck*ng psychopaths.

turning the country into the detention camp island of the world.

refused to arrange for timely extradition of

so the world will send their criminals here, then.

we would not have it any other way.


Re: no baseline signal

Posted by alexandra_k on July 29, 2021, at 21:41:45

In reply to no baseline signal, posted by alexandra_k on July 29, 2021, at 21:30:31

there is about to be a mass exodus of foreign trained health professionals.

they are leaving.

i suppose it is that... new zealand does not have control over the software systems. which means it does not have control over anything at all.

so... the things like the booking system for quarantine to come into the country. i think to start with people genuinely were able to return. more at the start of the pandemic. but then... over time... those people had come back, already. and at some point... things changed...

at some point... some people seemed to be passing through borders with no restriction. not even needing to stay in public quarantine facilities. or, being given places in them, without trouble. for example, athletes. but others, as well.

and some other people... well... they intentionally designed the booking system such that people can't book a place. that is to say they refused to make a system with a wait list etc so that people could see their progress through the waitlist. etc. they intentionally designed it so that nothing was being processed. then saying in the news etc about how you pay someone to make a script to book you a place otherwise you can't get a place. because when a place becomes available a script will fill out the form faster than a human can. so all the places are going to script bots. so... in other words... you need to pay someone to scam the system. to be allowed in to new zealand.

a sort of a 'only psychopaths need apply' advertisement if ever there was one.

and then the visa applications. and the residency applications. and so on. they aren't progressing any of that. so the idea is that people will leave. otherwise they are forced to become overstayers becuase nothing is being processed or progressed. so people are leaving...

lots of overseas trained doctors and nurses and health professionals. they aren't having their applications processed / progressed. engineers. etc. they aren't having their applications processed / progressed. so they are leaving.


what is new zealand to do?

it is supposed to be training it's workforce. but it won't. it won't supply applications to enroll. it won't allow the studnets to work to international standards. it won't teach them to work to international standards. this is how we wash our hands. this is how we take blood pressure. we take it regularly so we don't have yet another wrongful (because so very preventable) death in the hospitals because someone went into shock and nobody knew until it was too late and so they died. over and over and over and over. 'say sorry' says the courts. 'say sorry'. 'awww. we are sorry'. and then you go away and do it again. and again. and again.

and the world don't want our 'skilled graduates'. not anymore. we didn't train them to work to international standards. we didn't give those ones stheir degrees. because we went 'we don't want you to leave us. we want you to be forced to stay with us forever as slave'. they only signed off on the ones they thought thte world wouldn't want.


the covid will come.

but they are evacuating people out first. sort of. with the visa thing. and preventing entry to the country with the booking thing.

things are about to get one hell of a lot worse.

before they get better.

because the administration does not change. not voluntarily.


Re: no baseline signal

Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 7, 2021, at 17:44:13

In reply to no baseline signal, posted by alexandra_k on July 29, 2021, at 21:30:31

I've thought abouot joining a job for government over here. I don't know how to do it, i need to go on starvation diet, then get on correct medications. But i have no idea how that will happen. But we never write bad things here because you really could get in trouble. Not sure about New Zealand


Re: no baseline signal

Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 7, 2021, at 18:08:49

In reply to Re: no baseline signal, posted by alexandra_k on July 29, 2021, at 21:41:45

we have a border system, have a wall and frequently taking in new ... citizen's not sure how to say, but the immigradtion or whatever it's called has increased in the US. There's many people migrants coming into the borders and having a system made for them to be in the US. I'm not expert in explaining. But covid regulations are increasing back again becuse of the delta veriant, it's suppost to be worse than covid, and it's spreading here. I guess this is he 2nd pandemic, because .. I got the vaccine, the phizer, and not sure if it would block the delta variant. Hospital are getting full again. Mainly it's people who are not vaccinated. I was scared about the vaccine but i kinda...was forced to get because i live in house where I have to have vaccine.

In a way im glad, another worried about this side eeffect that happened after i got it. But let's not think about that. New York and California have mandated vaccines, even in some places if you go work, you have to show had the vaccine. Events or, gathering with tons of people, get togethers, it's just when there is large amount of people that are close to eachother at an event, it is triple worse to have delta varient exposure, and that is mainly the unvaccinated. Anti-vaxxers, i'm an anti-vaxxer suprisingly, but i was forced to get it, if live at home to be safe. So, i said ok fine, and got the vaccine. I'm just...worried and you know this thing happnign could be a natural cause not from the vaccine. Anyways there's many mandates for masks, and warnings to unvacinated people.

I'm...yes im anti-vaxxer - thinking of conspiracy stuff but some of that ... not true. I was watching a video on youtube (prophecy) that east coast would go under water. But let's not talk about that, the delta varient in the US is very bad. I don't know about new zealand, but we're being hit hard here. It's not as bad, as when covid first hit, and we had quarantine to stay in houses. People...really didnt do that, im 2020, i would go out to my girlfriends house, there were as many cars on the highways, there many people out doings, they did have masks, but there were just as many people as regular. I really hope this virus, or these virus's will end. But society is gonna change, were not gonna be the same aftr this pandemic. New era coming


Re: no baseline signal » rjlockhart37

Posted by alexandra_k on August 8, 2021, at 20:29:06

In reply to Re: no baseline signal, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 7, 2021, at 18:08:49

> we have a border system, have a wall and frequently taking in new ... citizen's not sure how to say, but the immigradtion or whatever it's called has increased in the US. There's many people migrants coming into the borders and having a system made for them to be in the US. I'm not expert in explaining.

Yeah. There are various mechanisms for people to go about things lawfully. When people don't go about things lawfully then you worry that they are fleeing the law back home. You can apply for asylum from overseas. Or you can visit and apply for refuge if you are in the country lawfully. But usually you need to attest to something before they allow you in that means you can't apply for asylum once you are there (something about attesting to ties back home that mean you aren't going to apply for asylum once you arrive). There is a greencard lottery, too. But you can't be an overstayer in the US or be there unlawfully when you apply for citizenship. It doesn't work that way. Otherwise there would be no incentive to go about things lawfully.

>But covid regulations are increasing back again becuse of the delta veriant, it's suppost to be worse than covid, and it's spreading here. I guess this is he 2nd pandemic, because .. I got the vaccine, the phizer, and not sure if it would block the delta variant. Hospital are getting full again. Mainly it's people who are not vaccinated. I was scared about the vaccine but i kinda...was forced to get because i live in house where I have to have vaccine.

Yeah. It seems that the vaccine is preventing people from getting seriously ill. But some people who have been vaccinated have been having cold symptoms. A few days of sickness that isn't life threatening. That's the way they are telling the story in the media, these days, anyway.

> In a way im glad, another worried about this side eeffect that happened after i got it. But let's not think about that. New York and California have mandated vaccines, even in some places if you go work, you have to show had the vaccine. Events or, gathering with tons of people, get togethers, it's just when there is large amount of people that are close to eachother at an event, it is triple worse to have delta varient exposure, and that is mainly the unvaccinated. Anti-vaxxers, i'm an anti-vaxxer suprisingly, but i was forced to get it, if live at home to be safe. So, i said ok fine, and got the vaccine. I'm just...worried and you know this thing happnign could be a natural cause not from the vaccine. Anyways there's many mandates for masks, and warnings to unvacinated people.

Co-erced. Strong social pressure. That kind of a thing. It is still the case that the USA mandating that something is compulsory provides more protections to people who dissent than anyplace else. That is to say, the protections for people to not get vaccinated (to be granted exemptions from mandate) on medical grounds.. Also on religious or contientious objection grounds.. Are higher than anyplace else in the world. If you really were really morally or ethically or spiritually or really determined that you did not want to receive a vaccine... Did you look into it? What you would have to do to establish that you felt very strongly about it such that your right to refuse the vaccine would be upheld? Because there such a thing in the USA.

I am actually fairly afraid that NZ is getting Euthanasia meds, apparently, and going to start doing them from September, or something. I don't think this country has the capacity to do euthanasia because the Medical Doctors (or people on payroll as such) the Managers the Administrators.. They don't know what informed consent means. They don't care what people say or what people want all they care about is asserting their own demands and making a bunch of money for themselves. It's really quite frightening.

> I'm...yes im anti-vaxxer - thinking of conspiracy stuff but some of that ... not true. I was watching a video on youtube (prophecy) that east coast would go under water. But let's not talk about that, the delta varient in the US is very bad. I don't know about new zealand, but we're being hit hard here. It's not as bad, as when covid first hit, and we had quarantine to stay in houses. People...really didnt do that, im 2020, i would go out to my girlfriends house, there were as many cars on the highways, there many people out doings, they did have masks, but there were just as many people as regular. I really hope this virus, or these virus's will end. But society is gonna change, were not gonna be the same aftr this pandemic. New era coming

I don't know what will happen...

There needed to be barriers to trade. There needed to be barriers to the movement of people. There needed to be barriers to human trafficking. There needed to be barriers to human trafficking in slave labor. People needed... To have their movement restricted. So they didn't f*ck off overseas lured by false promises of a better life. So they would stay home and claw the money and better working conditions out of the cold dead fingers of the people back home who are busy lie lie lying to migrant slaves trying to accumulate maximum amount of slaves me-wards.

So the borders are locked down in NZ.

No more slave-nurses from Indonesia. Our nursing qualifications for them were a sham. There was no pathway to residency for their families. There were no jobs for them on graduation (not lawful ones).

No more slave-medical doctors from.. India. Spain? Anyplace they'd been struck off the register overseas. Still working on this one...

No more international students? Still working on this one... Limited numbers...

I don't know that NZ is allowed to process visas anymore. By which I mean the people who have control of our software systems (overseas based of course) aren't allowing it.

Things are very bad, here.


Re: no baseline signal

Posted by alexandra_k on August 8, 2021, at 20:39:49

In reply to Re: no baseline signal » rjlockhart37, posted by alexandra_k on August 8, 2021, at 20:29:06

Things are going to get worse, here, before they get better. Parts of Australia are only just (only just, only very very very very just) starting to get hit, now. That is to say community transmission is only very very just getting up off the ground in Australia. In Sydney. Maybe Melborne? not sure about Melbourne? Just the tipy tip of the start of Brisbane. Queensland.

It hasn't got to NZ, yet.

Our ICU nurses are being snapped up by Australia. Cheaper house prices. Better quality houses. Better pay. Better hours. Better working conditions. The whole package. Better in every respect. Every. Single. Respect. What on earth could possibly be a reason to stay in NZ? Nurses are valued in Australia.. Valued more than government bureaucrats. Managers. Administrators. Our managers and administrators would not be 1/2 as valued.. Quarter as valued.. Anyplace else in the world. And people visit here and say they really can't believe how terribly badly and poorly run our country is... So it isn't even like they are earning their pay by doing their jobs well...

When Covid gets to NZ I suppose what will happen... People will arrive with properly fit tested PPE and we won't even see their faces. They'll have proper gas masks or whatever... And they'll take over our hospitals. Because there won't be anybody else left working in them by the time that they get here.

And various people will... Not recover from the Covid.

And then we will see what happens with our hospitals in the longer-term.

People will have vaccine passports. That will enable nations to see from their vaccine passport when they had their vaccines. Particularly, whether they took their vaccines ahead of their turn. That tells the world what psychopaths they are, you see. That they took vaccines ahead of their turn.

I don't know why the world would have (thus far) given NZ anything other than placebo.

I mean... Think if NZ was the one to have developed vaccine... If the NZ mangaers and administrators were in charge of global distribution. Would they have given the small little country at the *rs* end of nowhere with no military to speak of vaccine?? You really think they would be altruistic like that?

Look at how we help Fiji. Look at how we help Samoa...

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