Psycho-Babble Social Thread 1098834

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newspaper cancelled

Posted by alexandra_k on May 22, 2018, at 21:16:24

i quit statistics and physics.
university is... just a hoop.
jump through the hoops, quick as you can, and get the hell out.
i didn't need those hoops.
the research and the UMAT are the hoops that are my hoops.
time to focus on them.

i sent a letter to the paper.
about how the medical school refuses to consider disability as 'special reason' to include a candidate (e.g., as equity) and will only consider disability as 'special reason' to exclude a candidate.

i mean, you have to disclose disability prior to candidates being selected.
you are told that your offer of place can be rescinded if they discover something they take to be relevant and if they regard you as having failed to disclose...

how is this not blatent discrimination?

the newspaper decides this is not newsworthy!
newsworthy is going on about inclusive schooling where basically classrooms that are allready overcrowded and struggling with behavior problems are forced to take kids who are disruptive to others learnign in the name of equity. that's what equity is about, clearly. ruining more things for more of us.

euthenasia has recurred.
apparently the disability rights people don't want euthenasia to be legalised because if euthenasia is legalised all the disabled people would be involuntarily slaughtered.

i wonder why they think that.
beacuse of how badly they treat disabled people?
because they can see the disabled people in their care don't want to live... like that?

the solution is clearly to keep on forcing them to do whatever they've been forced to do for however long.

just keep on throwing the money at the 'charitable trusts' y'all.

i'm done. i don't even want to hear it.

somewhere... there are intelligent, articulate... somewhere... not so much here.

just jump through the hoop and get out.

they really have ruined things.



Re: newspaper cancelled

Posted by alexandra_k on May 26, 2018, at 21:25:03

In reply to newspaper cancelled, posted by alexandra_k on May 22, 2018, at 21:16:24

So at some point I got the head of the law school here confused with the head of the law school someplace else. The one here known for condoning drunken debauchery the one someplae else known for disability rights sorts of stuff...

There is some inquiry at the moment. a fairly rapid one. before they decide how to spend a bunch of money, or something...

I'm not holding my breath. why should I? People still aren't listening to me... Aren't listening to anyone... Nobody listened to them when they were kids and now they have the right to control others as they see fit, because they have earned it. For sure. Mmm hmm. Making the world a better place one generation at a time -- not.

I'm noticing email conversations are being retrospectively edited by people. An admin email I got that was dismissive of me (interpreted me / dismissed me as being stuck in an OCD loop, or similar). Didn't even get my last name right... Was subsequently edited. A PDF document I got... Apparently I scored really badly on the interview however many years ago (28th out of 30, or similar). Then a couple hours later that bit was edited out.

1) It might just be rubbish. Just to show me that people can do that. With the editing of 'official' documents. I know people can do that, already. I've been saying we need to be upfront about such things and upfront about the steps we are taking to prevent that misuse. E.g., by having laws actually written down on paper and publically accessible in libraries rather than being available online (and retrospectively alterable) which is basically... No system of laws. At all.

2) It might be true. I suspect it is. It explains the meaningful way the lady was all, like, 'how do you think you did?' and I was all like 'I really don't know' and kind of... Ambivalent about how I had done. And she choose to look me directly in the eyes and provide a genuine smile and say 'you did really well'.

And... If that was right, about how I scored, then my interview couldn't have gone worse. So the appropriate thing for her to do (I would have thought) would have been to give me a rueful smile and say 'thank you for your time'. Then I would have been prepared for the actual outcome. Instead of giving me false hope to serve... To serve the interests of... Uh?


I need to remember: She got spat back. That's how come she's babysitting a few 'distinguished people' for interviews. That's how come she's not practicing medicine with people. She got spat back.

The 'distinguished people'...

There was the church guy. I know now he wanted to hear 'no no no under no circumstances just say no to euthenasia, kids'. He didn't want to hear that I had the cognitive capacity to identify major issues and respond thoughtfully in a mature way with empathy and sensitivity.

There was the volunteering lady. I know now that she wanted to hear 'I invested months of my time filling out forms and getting credit checks so I could rattle a tin for the board of directors for a multi million charity outside a supermarket in the most deprived areas of town'. She didn't want to hear that I had 'just helped out' unofficially for no offical credit with a variety of local projects.

There was early childhood development lady. I know now that she didn't want to hear 'I would invest in xxx (a place I unofficially volunteered for) because they provide a community centre for kids kicked from public school and are having some success with taking child offenders and getting them into jobs and courses and keeping them out of prison). She wanted to hear that we should just sit back and watch... The world should just sit back and watch... For generations, even. Just observe the trajectory of no intervention for the benefit of... Uh... Other people's babies. Of course.

The nature (crappy parents) plus nurture (crappy environment) inevitability of gamma-hood.

So that people like her could... Have a viable way of life (that they consider liveable) 'looking after' or 'minding' or 'making decisions for'. All these gamma people who (their data will be used to show) never really had a chance at another way of life... Doctrine of double entrenchment. Or similar.

Just so long as it isn't a meritocracy... Just so long as people aren't allowed to do the things they want to do and are forced to do the things they don't. Not in a 'eat your brocolli' way of course... More in a 'move to the suburbs and be a sexual slave for some dude who didn't make enough money to live on a horse ranch in Monana...' Or... Whatever.

I need to remember there's no actual change with the change in government. It's still the same-old, same-old, same-old.

The whole interview process is discrimatory against people with disability. That's precisely what it's for. It's set up to select the kids who are responsive enough to the panel to tell them what they want to hear... Or who are part of some version of elite class such that their natural / fairly superficial responses are to have inherited the 'typical' attitudes towards charity (a multi million dollar gold mine) and entrenchment of poverty (a multi million dollar gold mine) and... the church retaining control over last rites (a multi million dollar gold mine).

I mean... NZ has just developed in leaps and bounds (compared to the rest of the developed world) under their watch. They know what they are doing with respect to the multimillion dollar goldmine. Clearly. No, my bad, I keep forgetting to pat myself on the back with respect to how much more advanced we are compared to Tonga.


It's the supposed 'elite' here. As people got... Spat back from civilisation overseas. They come set up shop, here. Then our officials don't feel top of the hierarchy, anymore, so they get greedier for themselves. The vultures... It's just a more sophisticated version of how you get tourist boats for pacific island locations and you have groups of indigenous people in the area. With a subsistence way of life. Then people opt out of the subsistence / tribal way of life. The fancy hotels and casinos bring alternative options...

One could sell local wares to the tourists... Carvings or fresh fish or whatever... But of course what's really valuable is the young women... Or boys can steal things... PUt on a bit of a show... Get thrown some tokens of appreciation... Some scraps...

Then alcoholism and so on...

I guess it is a well known phenomenon, everywhere.

Here... Pretty much all the people are attracted to the universities, at at least part of their life-stage. And then the other people hovering around. Someone needs to go to the market to sell the dope that the parents grow and so on...

The trouble with alcohol is the opportunity cost. All the other things that money could be spent on. And in the spending of money... To invest in the things that one wants to see more of. One needs a certain amount of cognitive capacity for foresight... For example... You can get some truly wonderful group fitness leaders. But they will burn out if you overwork them. It's cheaper to burn through them... Which prevents the development of the group fitness industry still further. Instead of getting better it just keeps on doing what it's doing burning out the best people.

I guess athletics stuff is the same. Sports. Everything. Most of society is take what you can for as long as you can because you can.

I also see the need for an arbitrary boundary that you enforce no matter what. Because otherwise the not quite noticably sh*tt**r will ruin everything.

I guess that's how you grow a business. See a need for an initial start. Start out with 'quality' as the sell. THen grow your business by growing your client base (increase in poor people - right? increase in people who can't live independently - right? increase in people with disabilty - for sure). then once you've spread whatever disease you are going to get rich off selling the cure for you can decrease the quality of what you provide. the not quite noticably shitter. and you have surveys all the time so people will tell you when they notice it is sh*tt**r - right? otherwise their failure to speak up means they are condoning that things are okay - right? and in this way... gradually gradually... the herd is led to their inevitable, uh...

but one has sold out of the whole thing well before then.



Re: newspaper cancelled

Posted by alexandra_k on May 26, 2018, at 21:46:15

In reply to Re: newspaper cancelled, posted by alexandra_k on May 26, 2018, at 21:25:03

what upsets me, is the whole 'lying to people - for their own good' mentality. this whole assumption that they know best what is good for people. this completely undermines informed consent.

the defense i've head is that (for example) it is okay to tell people 'there is nothing that we can do' when we have decided that the treatment can't be purchased by them (e.g., because they can't afford it or because they've been chucked in a control group or whatever).

but what really happened, here, is they lacked access to medical care.

if you tell them what's going on... that there are treatments but they are too expensive, or whatever... then the person knows. it might turn out they can muster the funds somehow. that's what makes me f*ck*ng mad... thinking it is appropriate (in the patients best interests) for them not to have information.

especially since a lot of the most expensive treatments are still fairly new. it is unclear how helpful they might be etc... i can only think that this premature 'there is nothing we can do' comes from a clinican(?) too stupid to understand any of that... i mean... what the f*ck is really going on here?

i got sort of excited, really about fiduciary duty because it is something investment lawyers understand so there is no excuse for managers not having the concept. it is in the vicinity. bound up with duty of care and so on. not abusing positions of trust / responsibility for ones own personal gain.

but i'm not seeing much written about it in medicine... people seem almost intentionally out to stabotage / hide the whole idea. to remove it from discourse...

of course it is true that some people do want the whole 'yes, of course dear, anything you say dear' while they are being led to the slaughter... it is surprising... but a whole heap of people don't really want medicine. they want to hear a bunch of lies... they just want whatever dx they want or whatever pill they want... you can raise the issue with them to see if they want information... but often people don't. i do understand that.

my anger is in only treating the involuntary. in seeing what the people need (honesty or lies) and providing precisely the opposite.

did those people in the interview really need to hear i condone what they have worked their lives towards... palliative care...

thats not medicine.

its just a lot cheaper to observe. and cheapest still to say nothing while people are burned through and burned out over and over and over...

and people don't even have the history right. they say 'once upon a time people did what doctors said because they were authorative'. no... once upon a time only rich people could afford doctors. and they could afford many different doctors. and they could have listened to a forum of doctors where each provided their opinion as to what ws wrong and what could be done

in a way that was genuine... inquiry. searching..

not manipulative and exploitative... trying to swindle with pretty graphs that intentionally obscure...

small pockets have to be kept hidden because the masses... and then those who set out to undermine the above because they simply cannot allow it unless the semblance of it is under their specific control.

is this the game of life? its the game i see... it's not a nice game. the human cost is phenomenal... why would we choose to livel like that?

at least i'm not contributing towards things being worse in future generations. i can console myself that when its over for me its over for me. i wish id never been part of any of it. what i see... sickens me. this horrible horrible world makes me sick


Re: newspaper cancelled

Posted by alexandra_k on May 26, 2018, at 21:58:07

In reply to Re: newspaper cancelled, posted by alexandra_k on May 26, 2018, at 21:46:15

and i didn't see that they wanted me to lie to them. that's right. because this was an intake interview for medicine, i thought.

but it was an application under the criterion that was specifically put there for 'diversity' promotion.

which, of course, means it was set up to swiftly cull diversity.

in the name of diversity.

of course.

in upside down and back to front land.

i totally nailed the interview.

killed it.

for sure.

that's what they wanted me to hear.

is there really any better reason for wanting the power to look after oneself?

never have i seen one.


Re: newspaper cancelled

Posted by alexandra_k on May 26, 2018, at 22:06:02

In reply to Re: newspaper cancelled, posted by alexandra_k on May 26, 2018, at 21:58:07

thats why most other universities got rid of that kind of interview. now there is this speed dating kind of one where you have 2 minutes with each person and each person gives you an independent score.

i guess it is more obvious that it is strictly superficial, initial impressions.

sometimes they even do candidates a favor by not telling the interviewers whether they are interviewing people for medicine or for other things like nursing or optometry or pharmacy or whatever. so... a general personability rather than 'one of us' judgment.

i genuinely do think that disability criterion in this country is a box that you tick which means you have targeted yourself for 'special treatment' for sure.

in medicine... it's meant to be about keepign your head down (if you have been pre-tagged as 'one of us') or taking your chances, if not. there are high rates of drop outs. doctors need to marry people and drop out doctors seem to be ... uh... there for that? i know it used to be nurses but the 'class divide' in these parts means that's increasingly not going to happen.

suppose i do get to do medicine... what are teh chances i end up learning from / working with people who aren't psychopaths?

i think i've seen genuine people...

it takes time...

to tell...

of course theres a lot of hodge podge and one don't need to be good at everything... just try and keep your head down while you figure out what people want from you.

you can tell people from this country. they are the ones focused on warily scanning for predators.

the supposed alphas, even, are huddled together like alpackas.

it is not a nice way to live.


Re: newspaper cancelled

Posted by alexandra_k on May 26, 2018, at 22:33:44

In reply to Re: newspaper cancelled, posted by alexandra_k on May 26, 2018, at 21:46:15

haha and of course the idea is a 'medical forum'. a democracy of doctors. with representation from different specialities and so on.

informed consent.

and that's the ideal for the future of medicine, for sure.

to provide that. for a greater proportion of people.

which, of course, means a greater proportion of people participating in that proces.. *that* process. not people sitting in the sidelines with no speaking rights or people messing up the process by being given / forced into / insisting on a role that they lack the capacity for.

the whole 'in the beginning doctors had kings or whatever as patients' so informed consent... well... then you have the court. or the harem. it isn't far from there to public health. to maintain the harem or court in the interests of the king. but now you have this thing where why should you believe the doctor is honest about what really is good for the king? maybe the doctor tries to swindle the king. maybe for the kings own good - but maybe not. maybe for the good of the rest of the harem - but maybe not.

this is an unpleasant balance of power where people need to keep tabs on each other and there is much intrigue and double crossing worthy of prime time drama.

a better balance of power would involve greater levels of transpanrecy. honesty. working together. compromise. forum.

in the beginning...

there was...

or will be...

a forum.

which will be swiftly taken over by public health. at which point... there will be such an empty wasteland of a seminar series they will need to start trying to bribe people to attend with free lunches.

for sure.


Re: newspaper cancelled

Posted by alexandra_k on May 26, 2018, at 22:48:10

In reply to Re: newspaper cancelled, posted by alexandra_k on May 26, 2018, at 22:33:44

actually, i wasn't supposed to be one of them. i was supposed to be brighted eyed and eager to be their servant. to do their bidding.

because... people who do that... aren't at all likely to turn on one when a better offer for them comes along (as it inevitably will)...

because... we like to live like alpackas warily eyeing our households for the backstabbing and intrigue that is bound to occur...

i saw a glimmer... enough in the medical forum to know there is something there. that people do have some capacity.

and then of course it was gone. because mostly theres only a sh*t heap of nothing here. and all the vultures and scavangers and all those who have a way of life messing with each other... the drunken orgy that other people profiteer from.

the babel.

i'm tired of babelling... babelling is is tiring... tiresome...

the philosophical work has been done, already. nothing groundbreaking. its been known for centuries.

things are worse for a greater proportion of people now?


i think things probably are.

and we've known since around the 60's... people started saying the best of us aren't having kids because they won't subject anyone to... this... voluntarily. and the psychopathic strategy is most rewarded. and whatever mechanisms might be put in place to control them for the good of us all are being exploited by psychopaths.

just little pockets that thrive for a short time. until the wrong person notices what's happening and sees the opportunity cost of not f*ck*ng things up to personally profiteer off of others.

over and over and over.


Re: newspaper cancelled

Posted by alexandra_k on May 26, 2018, at 23:11:45

In reply to Re: newspaper cancelled, posted by alexandra_k on May 26, 2018, at 22:48:10

and i'm not sure on how much there is a... intentionality... compared to a spontaneity about it all.

something something about the free market and the invisible hand. to think that spontaneously things will be thus and so and then the role of the hand to guide things subtly or gently for better or worse.

i think in many males... how many males? i don't know... a quarter? i don't know... there is this drive to dominate / control. or something. and not just males. some females have this, too.

much of the 'equal rights' modern day feminism sort of stuff... i mean... the television shows or whatever that portray women as having equal power to men intrinsically... do that by way of portraying women as sexual agressors. or as being sort of 'meh' about sexual contact. so deciding whether or not to engage in sexual relations with this or that person is not much more emotionally involving than deciding whether or not to... go for a walk with a person (maybe unpleasant but not traumatising). this is the 'resiliance' or 'robustness' that suits... male agressors.

that is a game that some people like to play...

but the free market... historically... the story is one of the subjugation of women by physical force. say whatever you want about womens rights and portray women however you want on television we don't know much more than myth and folklore (i'm fairly sure) about matriarchial societies. if there was one once... you need a plausible story of how they have plausibly have control over essential resources (e.g., food) in such a way that it can't simply be beaten out of them.

often bands of fighting males playing the hierarchical alpha game... for control of the females.

some males... hiding by subterfuge / stealth amongst the females...

females... banding together like alpackas.

and an invisible hand...

greater cooperativity...

so more time can be spent engaging in productive activity instead of in warily scanning the horizon. or in... i don't know... displaying whatever trama f*ck*d up weirdness that comes of not being robust enough to deal with the... uh... way life is.

that was why the internet was liberating. so why it had to go away / be swiftly undermined.

the theraputic potential was too great. the potential for greater inclusion for more people.

a wasteland...

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