Psycho-Babble Social Thread 771219

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i've taken a bump to the head *odd trigs

Posted by karen_kay on July 22, 2007, at 20:27:13

now obviously, i'm under a whole lot of stress. i'm always under a whole lot of stress. i'm kk and i'm dramatic, damn it (and i hope i have the automatic *****thingie on, or i'll be in the basement for a while. cross your fingers. or don't.)!!!

one day, it could have been yesterday for all i know, it could have been last month, i can't be expected to keep up with such things as dates, especially when i've taken a BUMP to the HEAD, i was chasing my niece. i was going to 'git' her. i can't remember if it was a good reason, or if it was a bad reason, but she was in her closet and the closet was obviously designed for people of very small stature (like dogs). i took off running (i remember her laughing at me, she must have seen it coming), and i remember the closet door opening hitting me right in the head, knocking me backwards on the floor. i remember sobbing. (i think part of that was for dramamtic effect, granted she is only 5 but still, it hurt like the dickens!!!! you take off running and get hit square in the forehead! i'm serious, it hurts! i guess it's ok to laugh, but it really does hurt and she felt kinda bad so the sobbign part served its purpose as well.)

then, i went to pump gas and foudn i wasn't near close enough to the pump (at least i remembered what side the pump was on). i left the door open on my car, squealed tires and all in reverse, and slammed the *&%*$*^&*%($%))%*%^ car door right into my leg. i would have sobbed, had i had an audience. instead i cried on the inside (someone said that and i thank him), and have complained about how bad ti hurts ever since. i can't remember what day that happened either. could have been yesterday or even last week.

then, YESTERDAY (yes, i remember what day this happened) i went to plug my ipod in to the outside extension cord and stuck my finger in the holes instead. it shocked the sh*t out of me. i think i'm still shaking like the original simpson's characters.

somehow, i'm unintentionally trying to hurt myself. i had a much needed pdoc apt friday (i think?). i missed the first appointment. called and canceled it. they rescheduled it for later that day. i'm feeling depressed adn went in and said 'HEY! I FEEL FANTASTIC! WHY NOT GO AHEAD AND LOWER MY KLONOPIN?" and she did.

i'm one superfantastic liar.

and now for the triggers. a friend i used to 'hang' with in high school's father passed away. i was supposed to call him, but i forgot and haven't really felt like it jsut yet. but feel horribly guilty about it.

i'm a horrible mother. he's teething and i haven't a clue what to do with him. mr kk is fantastic with him. they seem to get on great with eachother and i often think they'd be better off without the burden of such a strange woman in the picture. a stranger, who secondguesses everything in regards to parenting. he starts to walk and i walk backwards in front of him with my arms outstretched, just so i can be sure to catch him if he falls. (he's been walkign for a minute, at least. i can't tell you how long exactly, just proving my point about not being a great mother and my horrible memory.)

i'm taking long naps now, with the help of klonopin when mr kk's here. shhh, that one's a secret.

i'm flipping out on my sister and then explaining 'i'm sorry. i'm crazy, just like our mother.'

and today, when mr kk was giving duckie a bath he said something that really made my belly hurt. 'it's twue' that's what he said.

sometimes i think about jsut running away. sometimes i think if i could just spell 'just' correctly, everything would be ok ;)

and i wish i didn't think so much. or listen to music and actually think that the musicians were talkign to me. i thought for a while that maybe, perhaps ryan adams was singing to me. yeah, i'm that looney.

BUTT!!!!!!! there is a bright side......

that little jolt of electricity may have given me super human powers. i haven't tried dancing yet. i may be able to dance like michael jackson.

and i sure am gorgeous.

and i cna watch robot chicken and laugh for hours.

and we're trying rapidly to get out of our lease, so no more kids.. just one cute duckie.

and i can always call my doctor, if need be.

and my duckie loves to stare at himself in the mirror jsut as much as i do. and he sure is a gorgeous little duckie. maybe even moreso than i. (i just don't want to ruin him, and his dad does such a great job. do i sound depressed ro what?)

did i mention how very adorable i am? that can keep me going for weeks and weeks, if need be...

thanks for listening and feel free to congratulate me for finally typing 'just' correctly,

head injury kk (who's feeling kinda weird, but can still stare in the mirror for hours)


triggers above (insert upward arrows)seriously (nm)

Posted by karen_kay on July 22, 2007, at 20:29:56

In reply to i've taken a bump to the head *odd trigs, posted by karen_kay on July 22, 2007, at 20:27:13


Re: i've taken a bump to the head *odd trigs

Posted by TexasChic on July 22, 2007, at 21:41:35

In reply to i've taken a bump to the head *odd trigs, posted by karen_kay on July 22, 2007, at 20:27:13

Ouchie! For your head, leg and the shock!

As for the forgetfulness, aren't you on the med that is WELL known for that side effect? So don't beat yourself up over it!

And from what you've told me, your sister has done plenty to deserve a nice flipping out. When you have stress like that at home, which should be your sanctuary, it can wreak havoc on your nerves (I know that from experience).

AND you know how to spell just, you just transpose letters when you type, which is very common. I do it too, I'm just anal enough to go back and look for it.

I'm glad you're back! I've missed you. How was your vacation?

I'm too tired to stick around any longer tonight, but I had to respond to your post before I signed off.



Re: i've taken a bump to the head *odd trigs » karen_kay

Posted by scratchpad on July 23, 2007, at 8:03:43

In reply to i've taken a bump to the head *odd trigs, posted by karen_kay on July 22, 2007, at 20:27:13

(((((kk's boo boo's)))))

Now you know that my hugs have special healing powers so your head is going to be just fine, right? And if you feel nauseous at all today you're gonna call your doctor because you have a concussion, ok?

End of finger wag.

I hate getting all banged up when my medications are working because everyone knows my middle name is grace. (actually, my name irl means grace, as does my middle name; my mother must have been lazy or wishing really hard on some elusive quality there.) Anyway I'm very self conscious of being a klutz and that's why I loved having my private yoga classes. I could fall over in my own home and my teacher wouldn't go on without me or make anything more out of falling over than what it was. She would say, "let's do Child's Pose," and we would just curl up on the floor like the most natural thing in the world. It was so lovely.

Why is it when we fall down in public the first thing we do is look to see who might have seen it happen? I did an amazing prat fall in a restaurant one Stupor Bowl Sunday after having lots of free rum samples. The restaurant - a football-themed place owned by a former Stupor Bowl ring holder, naturally, was packed. I slipped on a slick spot on the floor; and picked myself up so fast that it looked like I had bungie-jumped off the bar. Or break danced, or something astonishing like that. Of course I got back to the table and started to blubber and sob in my most attractive fashion.

But I thought I'd share.

Hope you're feeling better soon, sweetie.



tell me you're not blonde! » TexasChic

Posted by karen_kay on July 23, 2007, at 16:15:24

In reply to Re: i've taken a bump to the head *odd trigs, posted by TexasChic on July 22, 2007, at 21:41:35

i've forgotten :( if you are, i'll make a few exceptions dear.

i know you're credit's not stellar, but maybe with my bad credit, your bad credit and mr kk's bad credit combined, we can get a credit card in duckie's name and max it out in vegas?

you're the sweetest, know it?

maybe i'll write you a poem.

texas chick, you're so sweet
i'd swear you're the cutest
thing since my feet. (ok, you've got to be waaay cuter than my feet darling, they're pretty ugly. actually, ever heard of fugly? wonder fi that's civil. well, they're my feet and if i want to say they're fugly, i think i can. they're pretty darn ugly dear. but, you're so much cuter than them anyway, but it rhymed.. anyway, let me get on with this poem before i secodn guess myself and ruin this blast of goodness feeling i'm having, k?)

hey cutie pie, you're the best
i bet you have
a great big chest.

i'm wearign an outfit
i got in the mail
i look oh so darling
i might have to tell

you just what it looks like
in fact, i'll show the link
i hope that you like it
i'll wear it till it stinks

i've convinced myself
my mood is changing
is that possible?
for a mood just to change
from a 70's retro
little red suit
that i'll wear everyday
if i think it so
then i say 'what the hey?'

your words meant a lot
much more than i can say
it's hard to rhyme
all the time
especially in a heartfelt way!

thank you for replying dear.
thank you for bringing to my attention a number of facts that i hadn't really realized.
thank you for missing me (did you even say that? if not, i'm certain you did miss me :)!
thank you for acceptign my proposal, as decent or indecent as it is.
thanks for holdign out so long and not losign interest.
thank you for realizing that i do know how to spell just (hey, i typed it properly! hip hip hooray!!!!).

thanks texas chick. you're a real cutie pie. and i really like your boobs :)

oh, here's that awesome awesome awesome outfit that i got as a birthday present. aren't you extremely jealous? i swear, i'll wear it every single day until either it falls apart or someone makes me change out of it....

oh, and it's in candy apple red, of course!

toodles! and loves



Re: tell me you're not blonde! » karen_kay

Posted by TexasChic on July 23, 2007, at 19:47:11

In reply to tell me you're not blonde! » TexasChic, posted by karen_kay on July 23, 2007, at 16:15:24

Actually, I am blond!!! Although its auburn at the moment. Why don't you want me to be blond?

Thank you for the poem, I loved it (you always make me laugh)! And the outfit is so sexy! And yes, I did say I missed you! Wow, I'm using a lot of exclamation points!



this is why i hope you're not... » TexasChic

Posted by karen_kay on July 23, 2007, at 20:26:56

In reply to Re: tell me you're not blonde! » karen_kay, posted by TexasChic on July 23, 2007, at 19:47:11

it's like an odd game of hide and seek, eh?

can you find this poem on the board?

oh, and i look so much hotter than that girl in the picture. victoria, i have a secret for you. call me! though my sister seems to think it's somethign i shoudl wear in the bedroom. i think she's wrong. i walked downtown and got dinner in it. i think it's perfect, perfect, perfect!!!

bye sweetie!



i was vomiting » scratchpad

Posted by karen_kay on July 25, 2007, at 12:41:52

In reply to Re: i've taken a bump to the head *odd trigs » karen_kay, posted by scratchpad on July 23, 2007, at 8:03:43

but i suspect it had to do with painkillers to numb the pain of my leg, head and daily aches i seem to feel. hey, i've always claimed to be a pill head, remember? apparently not too much of one if a simple perc makes me ill :)

i'm a strange one though, when i fall (and am feelign 'normal kk') i look to see that EVERYONE'S watching. i point it out. i say 'hey guys, didn't i jsut look silly when i fell? did everyone see it?' i guess i think that helps ease the guilt i feel when i laugh and point when someone else falls? at least i can allow everyone else to point and laugh when i fall too.

so, if you see a tall goon pointing and laughing at you when you fall, you know who it is dear.

and, if you see a tall goon falling and screaming 'HEY? did you see that? i jsut fell on my butt!!!!' then you know who it is!'

i jsut wish i could see myself fall, as i always ask people who see ti if they could describe it for me. funny how you never have video cameras when you really need them, eh?

take care sexie,


and my head's feelign much better. the bump anyway. mood's still ippy flippy, but that's to be expected. perfection's hard to handle sometimes :)


Re: i was vomiting » karen_kay

Posted by ClearSkies on July 25, 2007, at 13:29:14

In reply to i was vomiting » scratchpad, posted by karen_kay on July 25, 2007, at 12:41:52

If you continue to feel less than perfect, don't hesitate to go back to the doctor for another look at your noggin.
I neglected to mention how I was able to experience my own concussion first hand. It was in the third grade, when, during recess, Eric Bromo pushed me from line into a brick wall wall, saying, "sexie pie, I love you!"

I am happy to say that this did not set the course for how my future affaires d'amour were conducted. When I got older I learned to demand a box of chocolates to accompany the admonition of love.

take care of that head and the beautiful body it's attached to,

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

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