Psycho-Babble Social Thread 746024

Shown: posts 1 to 7 of 7. This is the beginning of the thread.



Posted by Klavot on April 1, 2007, at 14:33:49


I was visiting with old friends of mine yesterday (I'm a bit of a hermit). So one of them asks me: "are you gay?". I'm like, "No, why?". And she responds: "Why don't you have a girlfriend?".

It hursts my feelings that apparently people call me the "crazy-weirdo-hermit-loner-dude". It hurts my feelings that in my circle of quasi-friends, I'm always the last one to get invited to events, the last one to be brought into the loop regarding gossip, etc.

For all proponents of intelligent design: I'm a counterexample.




Re: wkdfnasdndln » Klavot

Posted by Phillipa on April 1, 2007, at 15:27:55

In reply to wkdfnasdndln, posted by Klavot on April 1, 2007, at 14:33:49

I'm a hermit too. And why do people always assume you have to have a girlfriend if you don't want one? I'm sorry Klavot. Love Phillipa


Re: wkdfnasdndln » Klavot

Posted by karen_kay on April 3, 2007, at 21:26:53

In reply to wkdfnasdndln, posted by Klavot on April 1, 2007, at 14:33:49

hey, i just wanted to say that i'm working on a very long, exciting, witty, charming, (of course, 98% of this post will be about me, but i swear you'll love it!) and drawn out reply to you. but i've taken my crazy pills and am so terribly tired you'd get nothing but something completely insightful, inspiring, and life changing tonight.

i'm rather certain you'd rather have the banter i usually churn out with a passion, so wait for it, wait for it.... it's coming soon. promise!!!!


did you even stick around for this reply? » Klavot

Posted by karen_kay on April 9, 2007, at 10:17:57

In reply to wkdfnasdndln, posted by Klavot on April 1, 2007, at 14:33:49

ok, what i meant to write is that i'm working on working up the effort for a reply, not exactly working on a reply per se. no, i'm not carrying around a note pad to the bathroom with me, jotting down notes. no, i'm not jotting down notes in between dinner (or in the middle of), while applying mapeup, in the middle of a sitcom, or any of that nonsense. i just meant i'm getting around to it, because i think your post is an important one to get to (see how already it's been about 98% about me? i wasn't lying, was i?)

now, growing up, my father had a talk with me. it began like this, 'kk, are you gay?' (i never dated. never went to prom. went to dances sometimes, but mostly only if i could steal booze from the local liquor or grocery store first and then went with my girlfriend (no, not that kind of girlfriend) who was out of school years ago, only to be kicked out and finish up the beer in the parking lot.) i asked 'why?' dad said 'because you never date. guys never call for you (actually sometimes i called them, but only after my parents were asleep. right, like i'd let my mother even speak to anyone even remotely interested in me. fact was, i highly doubted he was remotely interested in me anyway, but i feared my mother ruining any chance of that anyway). i decided to keep this conversation going with my mother anyway (as apparently my parents had decided i was gay and i think they liked me better that way anyway.

mom sat down to dinner. i told her 'look, i have somethign to tell you, i'm in love with my best friend petty (a girl). i think i'm gay.' to which mother replied 'about time you figured it out, we knew this whole time.'

oh well.... i'm married (happily) with a child (see top of page (that's my duckie (though i must say, mister bob should change that pic, i'd be happy to send in a new one, he does ahve teeth now).

i'm getting old now (geez, almost 30!!!!). i hardley have a circle of friends anymore (petty's still in that circle and we have yet to make out (she's over here now though, perhaps before i take her home today? maybe we'll embrace the holy trinity? wowsa, i hope references to sitcoms that were canceled before their time aren't considered uncivil!)

i can understand my parents not understanding me. i can't understand your friends not understanding you. just how close are you to these friends? what are the chances of making new ones? how much of a hermit are you willing to become? i mean, do you have a problem opening up to these people, your quasi-friends? because it seems they don't know you. you could choose to make them yoru friends (like on that annoying tv show) where you know who they're sleeping with and they know, but then that means thye'll be calling you for bail money or for fund raising events, depending on the type of people they are.

are you sure you're ready for that? i'm so anxious right now, i'd be willign to trade places with you right now and be that 'hermit who everyone thinks is gay'

did that even help any? could you just lie to me and say yes, so i feel a little bit better, becaue everyone knows, this is all about me!!!!


Re: did you even stick around for this reply?

Posted by Klavot on April 10, 2007, at 13:41:27

In reply to did you even stick around for this reply? » Klavot, posted by karen_kay on April 9, 2007, at 10:17:57

Ah, KK, thank you for your detailed post. My pseudo-quasi-meta-friends are like *so* weird. You know, my problem is that I seem to be different to most people. I get easily bored by their conversations, while they are not interested in my conversation involving things which I find interesting. I'm sure that, somewhere on this planet, there must be a person who shares my interests; I just have not found such a person yet. Plus, I'm selfish with my time, I admit. I like to do what I want to do when I want to do it.

On the one hand, I get lonely, on the other hand, I do not enjoy socialising. I do not find socialising at all stessful, in fact, I can be quite good at talking to people 1-1, though I clam up in front of groups of people. Perhaps if television and internet did not exist, I would be forced to socialise more...

Maybe there are many people like me? How would I know, since if such people exist, they presumably do not get out much either.

Most real people are kind of fake, while internet people are kind of real. Strange...



how real are we though? » Klavot

Posted by karen_kay on April 11, 2007, at 15:13:51

In reply to Re: did you even stick around for this reply?, posted by Klavot on April 10, 2007, at 13:41:27

i'm actually a man. i'm 5 foot 2 inches tall, have a mustache, hairy back (not chest though, how's that even possible?), no children (well, probably several from when i fought in nam, but none that i know of) and weigh a mere 82 lbs. know of anythign that can help bulk me up?

seriously though, through therapy i've come to realize i have issues with my mother. but, more importantly (man, i forgot what i was going to say becasue my friend asked to bum a smoke! give me a second, it'll come to me), we all have this image we are, this image we hope we are, this image others see us as, this list goes on and on. i don't know, maybe i didn't learn that through therapy, maybe i'm making it up.

but, back to my point, here, we can be honest. we can be completely dishonest. i personally prefer to think most people here are honest and sincere (actually i don't think anyone here is dishonest or insincere. sometimes i'm crazy and spout off, but dont' we all?). same thing in real life too hun (yeah, i speak that way).

sometimesi too get bored by my friends conversations. soemtimes they go on and on about consipacy theories (dear lord, like i even want to think about that). sometimes they tend to have psuedo-intellectual conversations to ahve contests about who knows more about this or that or the other. sometimes that bores me. sometimes i enjoy it. more often than not, i prefer to just listen to the news and make my own decisions instead of conversing (ie pushing, as i feel some of my friends tedn to do) about their ideas... then again, ever check out my posts on politics? guess i'm pretty pushy about how many **** our president has, so i guess i can't talk, huh?

where was i even going?

yeah, i think we all get bored with conversation. well, i can't speak for everyoen, but i can speak for myself, my husband and my son (because he can't talk yet). 3 = we, right?

and i'm known as the remote hoarder (i said HOARDER!!!), the music and movie snob, ect. i like what i like nd turn up my nose at things i don't (hence the sneer when i mention the music my husband listens to, even though it's not bad at all.. don't tell him i said that)

when i'm in a crowd, i tend to talk 1 on 1, and then when i find that person boring, or the conversation burns out, i move on to the next victim. it's hard to hold everyone's atention at the same time, right?

see, you're really no different than anyone else. and i don't think people are all that fake. they jsut have to find their own ways to get through the day. luckily, mine's klonopin for now. soon to be moving on to martinis for breakfast though! (no, i'm serious. ok, not martini but i'm going to be bringing out the makers mark for the coffee soon or i'm going to have nothing left to chew but fists!)

take care of yourself my fellow k,
kk (i have 2 k's though, so that makes me extra special, right? i'm only kidding dear, but i must admit, i'm a self proclaimed narcisist)


actually, » Klavot

Posted by karen_kay on April 14, 2007, at 8:31:40

In reply to Re: did you even stick around for this reply?, posted by Klavot on April 10, 2007, at 13:41:27

i spent just one night with my friend and realized you're not very different from me. i was achign to get away from my friend. we really have nothing in common anymore. she spent 4 hours in total talking about whether or not to get her hair cut (yes, i could go on and on about my own hair, but even on a good day, couldn't fathom spendign four hours on it). i am starting to doubt we ever had anything in common, other than the fact we used to live in the same town adn our fondness for beer and pot.

went to a concert, which was just a room, crammed as full as it could be, with drunk people, who i would swear couldn't be older than 18. 21 sure looks young to me now. i wouldn't have cared, instead would have made my way to the front, foudn my way uup on stage, ended up with my husband punching the musician out (see, that's a great concert! he did let a girl onstage, then kindly had her escourted off adn if it hadn't been for my <what's the word for her.......positive energy sucking?> friend, i'd have had a gret time, but she's short and couldn't see a thing. she did, several times, get elbowed in the neck by some giant (not my husband). at least we found some humor in that. (i'm still fidnign humor in that. what goes around.... i mean, this girl complains when her mom sends her $20 and an easter card????? i told ehr to give me the money, but of course....)

anyway, i'm feeling the same way you are. want to go get a drink (in mexico? i'm really pushing this mexico issue lately, but i'm serious. i need a vacation! i'm used to spring break and i didn't get one.)


glad to be back in her small town. glad to be back home. glad when all the hecticness of everything is over. is it ever really over anyway though?

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