Psycho-Babble Social Thread 733352

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Quiet eh wot? Update / meltdown anyone? Poetry?

Posted by Kath on February 16, 2007, at 16:41:34

Seems quiet around here.

I'm feeling a little out of sorts. Yesterday my son had his first appointment with the psychiatrist at the Can Mental Health Association program that he's in (about early psychosis intervention). It went well. GF & I met her also & GF & I met with son's case manager while he was with pdoc. I always feel calmed down after connecting with his case manager. She helps me realize SLOWWWWWWWW DOWNNNN - this is going to take some time! She told us that the H.O.P.E. team is there for my son & for us, his family, for 3 years! What a great program...and free. He felt very supported by the pdoc is his application for disability. He sure is disabled right now!!!! But he is gaining back more of his personality. Yesterday wasn't the greatest though for him. He was really tired & very quiet.

Last night hubby got frustrated that my car is making a noise & he doesn't want to spend any more money on it & we should get a 'new' used car. I felt very emotional & couldn't talk about it any more. This morning daughter phoned from out-of-town & said that there'd been a problem with a parcel of supplements that I'd couriered to her going to the wrong location & now she won't get them 'til Monday. She has environmental illness & one of the supplements in particular is REALLY important. I got feeling TOTALLY upset. I felt like I had been hit by a big huge snowball (not that I ever have!! LOL) I felt like: " just can't deal with anything else. enough. enough please. enough"

Later when I saw son's GF I was telling her how I felt & I started to have tears rolling down my face.

I said I don't know what's wrong with me!

She said that maybe because from yesterday it seemed like my son WOULD be getting disability, maybe now that sense of relief knowing that he might be OK financially resulted in me sort of having a bit of a 'melt-down' feeling.

Have any of you ever had that happen? That things have been SOOOOO stressful & then something really pretty good happens & you sorta fall apart in a way?

GF also told me that my son had mentioned to her that he wanted to try to smoke weed again at some point! (GAWDDDDDD) She firmly said NOT for at least 6 months. So he said OK - he'd have to just settle for the occasional beer for now. JEEEZ. The Pdoc replied to my question of what if he has a beer with friends. She said that actually she & my son had already discussed that & that she said anything more than once a week was excessive for him right now.

Too bad all his friends have drinking & drugs as such a part of their life. Party-down-dudes.
:-(( Oh well.

Oh yes - maybe I'm feeling sorta crappy because on Monday I turn 60. I guess I should be glad I'm pretty healthy & just be glad that I'm alive, for heaven sake! here I thought I was all adjusted to turning 60. Over this past week, I've been feeling pretty 'down' about it. So weird. I'm sort of embarrassed, but I feel like my life is over or something! Can you imagine???!!! Dohhhhhhhhh It feels so silly in a way. OK today I'm 59 & in a few days I'll be 60.

Big deal. But in a way, it feels like I'm being forced to face my own mortality or something.

Oh my goodness! I'm in quite a state aren't I?!


I hope everyone is doing OK. Well, better still, wouldln't it be nice if everyone was doing GREAT?

hugs to all Kath

Oh shoot, I'm turning sixty
How nice to be numeric-free
Oh why oh why
Can't we truly fly
Through our life
Sans the strife
of numbers?

Boy that last line is jarring, but I couldn't think of a better one.


Re: Quiet eh wot? Update / meltdown anyone? Poet » Kath

Posted by Phil on February 16, 2007, at 19:17:41

In reply to Quiet eh wot? Update / meltdown anyone? Poetry?, posted by Kath on February 16, 2007, at 16:41:34

That subject and post should go into the babble-post hall of fame.
No kiddin.


Re: Quiet eh wot? Update / meltdown anyone? Poetry? » Kath

Posted by Phillipa on February 16, 2007, at 22:01:08

In reply to Quiet eh wot? Update / meltdown anyone? Poetry?, posted by Kath on February 16, 2007, at 16:41:34

Kath it's that number. I know happened to me and still reeling from it. The life line is shorter. But what can we do? But yet I can't accept physical limitations, no more choice of kids or not or careers. Love Phillia happy Bithday in advance if you want to celebrate I think I crawled in a hole and am still there.


Re: You're looking great for the big 6 - 0 !

Posted by Jo U.K on February 17, 2007, at 1:56:40

In reply to Re: Quiet eh wot? Update / meltdown anyone? Poetry? » Kath, posted by Phillipa on February 16, 2007, at 22:01:08

Hey Kath, did you know that 60 is the new 50?
It's true! Well, it sounds like your sons doing great still, and if you have to have a little weep, who can blame you ? Get it all out!

A new decade for you, here's to hoping it's all good for you and yours.
Warmest wishes,


Re: Quiet eh wot? Update / meltdown anyone? Poet » Phil

Posted by Kath on February 17, 2007, at 10:08:21

In reply to Re: Quiet eh wot? Update / meltdown anyone? Poet » Kath, posted by Phil on February 16, 2007, at 19:17:41

> That subject and post should go into the babble-post hall of fame.
> No kiddin.

LOL - I guess I was in QUITE a state!!

:-} Kath


How about Metallica + mad Jungle DJ mixes? » Phillipa

Posted by Kath on February 17, 2007, at 10:14:58

In reply to Re: Quiet eh wot? Update / meltdown anyone? Poetry? » Kath, posted by Phillipa on February 16, 2007, at 22:01:08

> Kath it's that number. I know happened to me and still reeling from it. The life line is shorter. But what can we do? But yet I can't accept physical limitations, no more choice of kids or not or careers. Love Phillia happy Bithday in advance if you want to celebrate I think I crawled in a hole and am still there.

***Hi Phillipa - Too much has happened to throw me off kilter, but some months ago, I had played with the thought of having a big party somewhere & having Metallica music cranked really loud & some of my son's 'jungle' DJ mixes he's made & other of my various favourite music & have a blast.

Trouble is, there's a part of me that's too shy (just a PART, mind you!) to reveal that part of myself to ALL my friends. LOL

I think one thing I'm going to do is today book a massage for Monday. The massage therapist who I go to is REALLY good, so that'd be a nice thing to do.

hugs & hope you're well, luv, Kath


Re: You're looking great for the big 6 - 0 ! » Jo U.K

Posted by Kath on February 17, 2007, at 10:22:40

In reply to Re: You're looking great for the big 6 - 0 !, posted by Jo U.K on February 17, 2007, at 1:56:40

> Hey Kath, did you know that 60 is the new 50?
> It's true! Well, it sounds like your sons doing great still, and if you have to have a little weep, who can blame you ? Get it all out!
> A new decade for you, here's to hoping it's all good for you and yours.
> Warmest wishes,
> JO

Yeah - so they say about 60/50. Heck - are we allowed to say He*l? Anyway - H*** (take your pick) I just might start to view myself mentally as 58 & if some official person needs to know my age, I'll say "I was born in 1947" - I think that's what I'm going to do. 58 was OK 59 was stretching my 'comfort zone' so 58 it is!! I'll tell my family, so they'll know. :-))

Maybe I need to watch a really sad movie to let out some of my intensely sad feelings. I own The Joy Luck Club & it was a 26-tissue movie for my daughter & I. Spitfire Grill is also a lovely tear-jerker.

How is your diet going Jo? Are you experiencing 'die-off' from the candida dying off? Hope not. I didn't get it too badly.

hugs, Kath

PS - how is your weather there? It's cold as anything here. Just checked -6C or 22F - not as cold as it has been, but it's been super cold - 11 - 16 etc & colder with the wind-chill factor - for so long that I'm super-sensitive to it now.


Re: KATH .......

Posted by on February 18, 2007, at 3:18:01

In reply to Re: You're looking great for the big 6 - 0 ! » Jo U.K, posted by Kath on February 17, 2007, at 10:22:40

Yeah, I'm sure you could pull off 58! It's just a number isnt it?
The diet is going ok thanks Kath, I must admit I could actually cry for a packet of biscuits/chocolate. Even cheese on toast!
Rice cakes are NO substitute!
I am getting a few die off symptoms, but so far not too bad. I'm 2 1/2 weeks in to the 3 month plan, and I have to start taking the anti fungal drugs after 6 weeks. My nutrionist tells me that die off will really kick in at that point.

Have you gone through this Kath? If you have, how did you handle the die-off? I'm really dreading it.
Warm wishes


Re: KATH ....... »

Posted by Kath on February 18, 2007, at 11:32:35

In reply to Re: KATH ......., posted by on February 18, 2007, at 3:18:01

Yes Jo - I have gone through it. I wrote a fairly detailed post to you on another thread - probably the one where you first mentioned going on the diet.

I had systemic candidiasis & it was causing BIG chemical sensitivities; my tongue would swell sometimes. scarey.

It was totally worth it - but I was on the diet AND the caprilic acid/bentinite/psyllium/probiotics (Yeast Busters kit) for a LONG time.

It was very hard. I sometimes (after many months) would resent if my family was saying how YUMMY something was!

Please feel free to ask me questions & to view me as a support for you in this. In the other post I would have mentioned Stevia - a WONDERFUL sweetener. It's a plant; if you nibble a leaf it is VERY sweet. You can get it in powder or liquid. You can bake with it.

I also mentioned a couple of great books Jo. If you can't find that post, I can give you the info. The books are a great thing with recipies & substitute ideas etc.

Hugs, Kath

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