Psycho-Babble Social Thread 730853

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Where post? Decompensating? Gravely ill!

Posted by Fivefires on February 7, 2007, at 15:12:36

I'm 'gone'. Think you know what I mean.

I can barely type, think, move.

Treatment has been withheld for over a month by P and I'm gravely mentally and physically ill now.

Need legal help.

Need help.

Where post?

I need to get offline and call an attorney, any attorney, fast.



Re: Where post? Decompensating? Gravely ill! » Fivefires

Posted by Phillipa on February 7, 2007, at 21:42:20

In reply to Where post? Decompensating? Gravely ill!, posted by Fivefires on February 7, 2007, at 15:12:36

Well I know you've already called your pdoc so I have no idea. Politics? Love Phillipa


Re: Where post? Decompensating? Gravely ill!

Posted by Fivefires on February 8, 2007, at 9:30:31

In reply to Re: Where post? Decompensating? Gravely ill! » Fivefires, posted by Phillipa on February 7, 2007, at 21:42:20

Thank you P, but I think this is the place for now, and our Dr. Bob can move this if necessary.

First forgive typos or errors, as I truly do not feel well.

P withheld needed med/treatment/tx for over three weeks or maybe this entire time ... a little over a month. Dc'd Ef*-XR w/o titration. Said no SSRI should be in body until E*f-X* is completely out. No responses or tx to my pleas for help for a month. Called in and had delivered to me the incorrent AD. I immediately told deliverer, my casemgr, it was the wrong AD. Office said there was nothing in chart re: it. Did NOT take it. Only crisis line in county had just 2peeps available. Only crisis line in county said would call me right back over weekend. I waited over 3hrs and then called them. I got so ill over that weekend, called EMS and spent 12hrs in ER for medical clearance and was ready to be admitted, but at last minute they called P and he said no & they pretty much threw me out the door, saying 'call your own cab' to my request as was crying, exhausted, and hands were trembling. A confidante of mine called and apparently there now appears to be written in chart 'p*tient agreed to take the AD' (This is sooo totally incorrect or a l*e for butt coverage.) I've left message for P to call in correct AD and P has not returned my call or done so. P has told me to stay offline as far as researching psych meds. P has told me, as to my cry*ng bouts, 'maybe you should be cry*ng'. P told my daughter I am decompensating. (Duh. Well, I wonder why?)

In a round about way, P has brought on incapacitation and my zombie-like state, as if it is exactly where he wants me for a 'long appt end of this wk w/ casemgr, T, my dau*hter, and I'.

Oh, he did offer to call in something like Haldol. Right!

Oh, and he did call in Vistaril. Yippee!

I've suffered very very much and maybe some more permanent damage because of above.

I've contacted NAMI and was given name of Advo*ate and called and am awaiting return call. I've contacted med-malpr atty and left message and am awaiting call. I've contacted BOM*X and lod*ed comp*aint and awaiting paperwork for formal comp*lant. What more shall I do friends?

Can I take a tape recorder to the appt? I have both a minicassette and a regular cassette, both rather old and not sure work that well. Too ill to mess w/ testing them.

See what I mean .. he's got me so ill I'm stretching what's left of me to the limit, in an effort to protect myself.


1) Don't want another to go through this because they are pro-active in their care and their P catches the 'I'm God & You're Not' virus, and takes it out on them.

2) Don't want to be mistreated and thus be sad (depressed!) because I've begun to believe I am not worthy of good care.

3) The first symptoms were like those which occurred before my first ner*ous breakd*wn 2yrs ago, in which case a P dc'd a benzo w/o titration also, and in which case, I was left suffering some permanent damage. I didn't want to be further damaged.

Is he young, handsome (Thinks he's God's gift!), undrerpaid and overbooked, and w/o enough experience and innocent here, or was this deliberate?

He saw me high-functioning and looking good. So, what do you think friends? I would make suggestions. I shared my knowledge of this medication v. another. I know it is important to be pro-active, but maybe I'd forgotten how to play those cards. The person holding the other hand needs to think he's the one that came up with the idea.

I'm not gonna' forget about it and try some deep breathing.

I've been violated.

Someone say they think I'm worthy.

My fam' of origin will not stand beside me in any way.

My poor grown children all just want their high-f*nctioning mom back.

Say a silent prayer for me please, that I prepare the proper info and am able to communicate clearly and take the right steps forward, back to being high-functioning again.

getangrywhencornered, 5f


Re: Where post? Decompensating? Gravely ill!

Posted by Shadowplayers721 on February 10, 2007, at 4:08:54

In reply to Re: Where post? Decompensating? Gravely ill!, posted by Fivefires on February 8, 2007, at 9:30:31

If I understand your correctly, your doc withdrew the Effexor XR and gave no replacement. You are having a Hellish time and went to the ER. The ER doc just calls the doc and they sent you home. ???

I think I know what he may have been trying to do, but I don't agree with it. It's very obvious you are suffering without medication. I think this in part to one being withdrawal and the original symptoms coming back. The two can make you feel very ill. I personally think you once you have med management and you will feel improvement.


Re: Where post? Decompensating? Gravely ill! » Shadowplayers721

Posted by Kath on February 10, 2007, at 19:25:04

In reply to Re: Where post? Decompensating? Gravely ill!, posted by Shadowplayers721 on February 10, 2007, at 4:08:54

Oh dear,


Of course you're worthy; worth it; special; cared-about.

I am so sorry that this is happening to you hun.

I bet you will once again be high-functioning. Right now is a dreadful time for you & I applaud you for even being able to POST here!!!!!!!!!!

Your P sounds like an idiot in my totally-not-humble-insulting opinion!!!

I have never heard of anyone who thought going off Effexor cold-turkey was OK!!!!!!!!!!


Anyway hunny...I'm keeping you in my thoughts.

much love, Kath


Saved by Zombie Grey paint? -Trigger-

Posted by Fivefires on February 13, 2007, at 12:31:33

In reply to Re: Where post? Decompensating? Gravely ill! » Shadowplayers721, posted by Kath on February 10, 2007, at 19:25:04

Well decompensating and anxiety have gone somewhere, because my P threw a bucket of zombie grey paint on me and I feel nothing.

Every emotion, including anxiety, is gone.

Is there a 12-step club for zombies? Oh no, I guess there wouldn't be, as being a zombie u don't care if you're anonymous or give a sh*t about anything.

Maybe this is a trick to get me to vote for ... better not say that.

Maybe it's too early to say this, butt (Writing 'butt' to bother you all isn't even giving me pleasure.) this SSRI, Lexapro, turned me into a zombie.

I could take the cap off the key that has the exclamation point; but then I wouldn't have a #1 on my keyboard. But I don't feel like ever being #1 or typing #1, well tho' on a scare of 1to10 I feel like a ... no, I feel like a 0. Anyone want my key cap?

Is this what my P wanted for me? Dope up to shut up. I let office know and they've not responded. Conclusion drawn.

I have a terrible expression on my face I hope goes away before it gets stuck this way. Nothing is moving except my fingers. I have to pee but don't give a sh*t!

I know, complained about anxiety, now complaining about having no feelings.

I know, I'm behaving like a child, but that's because I am sort of a child. I want what I don't have. But to this extreme???

I know how Jack 'didn't feel' now after his lobotomy.

And, ya' know those ads on TV re: ADs and children or teenagers suicidal ideation; that applies to me too, the naive youth in me.

I have suicidal ideation when I am on a zombie pill. No worry this day my best friends; too lazy for intent or plan.


Oh, look, I can turn from side to side.


Anybody got a light? My fire has nearly gone out. Need something that works on zombie grey paint.



Re: Saved by Zombie Grey paint? -Trigger- » Fivefires

Posted by Phillipa on February 13, 2007, at 19:11:24

In reply to Saved by Zombie Grey paint? -Trigger-, posted by Fivefires on February 13, 2007, at 12:31:33

I could use some of that non feeling. Love Phillipa


Re: Saved by Zombie Grey paint? -Trigger- » Phillipa

Posted by Fivefires on February 14, 2007, at 17:05:14

In reply to Re: Saved by Zombie Grey paint? -Trigger- » Fivefires, posted by Phillipa on February 13, 2007, at 19:11:24

Yeah, but wouldn't a middle ground be nice.

We could do 1/2 zombie and 1/2 anxiety, but even that shouldn't be acceptable.

We deserve 'to feel' and 'to feel better'.

luvya, 5f

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