Psycho-Babble Social Thread 429899

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where can I find a multi board?

Posted by bandoman on December 15, 2004, at 11:50:41

Maybe someone here knows of a good board for me.
This is a great place but i find myself lost sometimes. I am an adult survivor of sexual childhood abuse and am also bipolar. I never seem to fit in (even here)because most folks are dealing with one issue or the other, although I know many here have dual diagnoses they are usualy both in the mental health arena. On the flip side It is even rarer to find someone at the few survivor abuse boards I have seen talking about their meds. Therefore I tend to post sporadically at best because I find it hard to relate to the emotions being expressed,
and fear that i do not really get the point. I feel that way because I really do not get the point as to why people are upset sometimes.


Re: where can I find a multi board?

Posted by Phil on December 15, 2004, at 12:56:09

In reply to where can I find a multi board?, posted by bandoman on December 15, 2004, at 11:50:41

You might try Grohol's site if you haven't already. Maybe it will be a better fit.


Re: where can I find a multi board?

Posted by deirdrehbrt on December 15, 2004, at 15:02:08

In reply to where can I find a multi board?, posted by bandoman on December 15, 2004, at 11:50:41

I'm not sure if you are talking about a board for MPD/DID, but here is one that I've found helpful. There is also "The Wounded Healer Journal" at
I like both, but spend more time at NEEDID than twhj. Hope this helps some.



Re: where can I find a multi board?

Posted by bandoman on December 15, 2004, at 15:57:19

In reply to Re: where can I find a multi board?, posted by deirdrehbrt on December 15, 2004, at 15:02:08

Thanks I will visit those sites today.
Bipolar is the biggest problem and p-doc says it is hard to tell PTSD from disassociative symptoms.


Re: where can I find a multi board?

Posted by deirdrehbrt on December 15, 2004, at 16:27:36

In reply to Re: where can I find a multi board?, posted by bandoman on December 15, 2004, at 15:57:19

I hope those sites help. If you ever want to chat about DID/MPD let me know. I'm diagnosed with DID and Bipolar. Sometimes I wonder if the bipolar may be a symptom of the DID. At one hospital stay they also diagnosed me with PTSD, but I tend to think that's because the psychiatrist there didn't believe in DID.
Anyway, I wish you good luck on your journey. If I can help, let me know and I'll give you my e-mail address.



Re: where can I find a multi board?

Posted by bandoman on December 16, 2004, at 12:38:55

In reply to Re: where can I find a multi board?, posted by deirdrehbrt on December 15, 2004, at 16:27:36

Thanks for your concern. I am having fun (i guess that would be the right word) looking at the sites. I have to figure out if what I hear and sometimes see is dissassociative or just haunting memories. I also have to come to terms with someone I thought ( figuratively speaking) was long dead and buried that intrudes upon my consiousness. I think i need a new shrink.
chatting is a problem for me due to the demands on my time that I can not control at all, namely my children. however i might take you up on your offer after I have had a chance to become more familiar with DID.


Re: where can I find a multi board?

Posted by deirdrehbrt on December 16, 2004, at 20:06:01

In reply to Re: where can I find a multi board?, posted by bandoman on December 16, 2004, at 12:38:55

Take your time, get what enjoyment you can from the journey, and most of all, do what's right for you. For me, it's been a long road and I still can't exactly see the end, but on the way I've met some very special people and learned lots of valuable lessons. I'm sure that you have too. The best part of this all (not saying that it's all good) is that sometimes we get to help someone else on their journey.
I hope that you find the answers that you are looking for.


Re: where can I find a multi board? » deirdrehbrt

Posted by judy1 on December 19, 2004, at 13:30:31

In reply to Re: where can I find a multi board?, posted by deirdrehbrt on December 15, 2004, at 16:27:36

Hi Dee,
I was interested in your diagnosis- do you have alters? If so, it's possible one of your alters is manic one depressed, etc. My therp who deals with DID had said in the past that bipolar is often diagnosed before DID. I have a classic bipolar 1 presentation and some pretty significant dissociative symptoms- fugues, etc. So my "label" is bipolar 1/ DD-NOS. You're absolutely right about some pdocs not believing in DID, did a psychologist make your diagnosis?
take care, judy


Re: where can I find a multi board?

Posted by deirdrehbrt on December 19, 2004, at 16:03:59

In reply to Re: where can I find a multi board? » deirdrehbrt, posted by judy1 on December 19, 2004, at 13:30:31

Hi Judy.
The first person to diagnose me was my therapist, and MSW with alot of experience with child abuse. My psychiatrist agreed. They didn't take away the diagnosis of bipolar though, and I don't know if I'm better or worse with the lithium and the other meds.
I do have alters, and some people have met them. I still dissociate lots, and sometimes I don't know if I've switched, or what... time just goes by and I don't know where it went. I also have hallucinations, but I'm not sure where they come from. My head is always crowded, and there is always chatter and talking going on. For someone with DID, I guess I'm pretty normal. :-)



Re: where can I find a multi board? » deirdrehbrt

Posted by judy1 on December 20, 2004, at 18:59:45

In reply to Re: where can I find a multi board?, posted by deirdrehbrt on December 19, 2004, at 16:03:59

have you ever tried tapering the meds since you're not sure if they help? just wondering since I had so many side-effects from the cocktail I was on for bipolar and it really wasn't preventing bipolar episodes. so now I treat each episode and feel a whole lot better the rest of the time. every person I've met (which is all of three including my therp) with DID sounds just like you re the chatter, etc. hey, it probably never gets lonely :-)
take care, judy


Re: where can I find a multi board?

Posted by deirdrehbrt on December 21, 2004, at 19:16:33

In reply to Re: where can I find a multi board? » deirdrehbrt, posted by judy1 on December 20, 2004, at 18:59:45

I see my p-doc tomorrow, and I'm not sure how far I want to go as far as tapering down--- I'm still a little scared by my moods. I'll probably mention it to him though and see what happens. I do worry about my hallucinations, and probably want to stay on the antipsychotics. I think it's a journey for each of us, and probably different for all.

Thanks for sharing,



Re: where can I find a multi board?

Posted by bandoman on December 22, 2004, at 4:35:33

In reply to Re: where can I find a multi board?, posted by deirdrehbrt on December 21, 2004, at 19:16:33

Good luck Dee, i believe you have the right attitude about it. Why taper meds if you feel uneasy.

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