Shown: posts 1 to 13 of 13. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by karen_kay on July 8, 2004, at 14:29:58
i awoke early. i had this feeling in my belly that i would make today the best day ever! someone told me yesterday that today would be a wonderful day and i believed that person. i was determined to make today great. NO, i was determined ot make today wondeful (oh, the power of positive thinking, eh?)
i rolled out of bed (literally!!), hopped in the shower (low on shampoo, oh dear, and no conditioner, so i had to use that leave in kind that makes my hair feel like straw... YUCKY!!!). used old man's razor and listened to him complain "don't use my razor! now it's ruined!" BUT!!! nothing's going to ruin this perfect day!
finally found the perfect thank you card for bubba. after searching all this time (honestly!!!! i've looked everywhere for the perfect thank you card, and while buying bleach last night for laundry at walgreens, i came across the card iale (spelling? ha!) and found the PERFECT thank you card...) i found the perfect (and i mean PERFECT thank you card) card. i has a man holding a dog at a water fountain so the dog can drink water and it says something like 'what is the purpose of life if not to help others?' (or something like that,.....).. i wrote aobut 6 sentences telling him thank you for helping me change my life... i sent that out and started on with my great day.
i went to my pdoc apt and waited. and waited. and waited. finally, someone told me 'the doctor has to go to the hospital so you need to reschedule.' i wimpered (i'm out of meds, missed my last apt, and afraid i'm becoming depressed because i haven't been taking my meds for a while (don't smack me please, i've learned my lesson :).. she said 'are you ok?' i said 'i think i may cry! (i had tears in my eyes) i'm out of meds and don't know what to do...' she said that they could give me samples to last until i set my next apt and i was very happy!!! on with my great day....
now to an interview for a job... (btw, i look very vute today, even with hair like straw!!!)... i went to a temp service. i drove downtown, tried to find the place (i never go downtown, i stay close to campus). i ended up driving for an hour. i found a place that helps men who are addicted to alcohol and drugs and left my resume, while looking for the temp service (i hope that works out :).. i saw two business men while i was lost and they informed me i was on the south side of town when i should have been on the north side of town. i tried to find the place and still got lost (hey, this is a small town, i didn't think it was possible to get lost, but i am kk and if there are streets, i'll get lost.) i finally found the place on my way home (i was about to go home, but saw a sign on my way home, seems i drive past the place often.. ooopsie!!).. i went in and stood around, as no one was in the office. a man came in to change the rugs and i saw his name tag. i asked if that was really his name (a VERY nice name) he said yes and i told him i liked his name. he went into the main office and a girl asked if he was flirting with me. he said i was flirting with him. a guy came out and told me to talk to 'loopy'. i liked loopy already. (such a cute name, isn't it??)
i talked to loopy. we talked for a little bit about finding a job. then we talked about my major. then we talked about what i wanted to do with my life. then she told me that she often times works at nursing homes and takes care of the elderly. we talked about shopping in indy. we talked about empathy and the homeless. we talked about the best places to buy shoes. we talked about cars (she's got one coming with a hemmy motor). we talked about teaching people empathy, and people who don't have it. we talked about her children, her brothers, her sisters. we talked aobut my old man. we tlaked and talked and talked..... for over an hour. about everything except getting me a job really (but, she did tell me that she'd do everything she can to find me one..).
today was a great day. i have another interview with her next week. loopy almost made me cry. she's so very sweet to people. she cares aobut people. she opened up to me. i relaly like loopy. i wish i knew her better.
the person who told me today would be a great day for me was right. it had the potential to be a horrible day, but the whole time i kept thinking 'no, i WILL not have a bad day, that person told me today will be good and I WILL make it that way.' thank you for making me make today a good day. and tomorrow will also be a good day....
oh, the power of the mind.. huh, i just don't understand it. but, i think that's a good thing!!!!!!
Posted by justyourlaugh on July 8, 2004, at 15:18:32
In reply to how to make a bad day good :), posted by karen_kay on July 8, 2004, at 14:29:58
i coulnd make heads or tails of my day.
so i called my old man to brighten his.
i played nintendo with my son until my thumbs ached.
braided some hair.
and vacuumed the tv room.
maybe my day did not improve but i made it better for others...
Posted by gardenergirl on July 8, 2004, at 16:08:59
In reply to Re: how to make a bad day good :) » karen_kay, posted by justyourlaugh on July 8, 2004, at 15:18:32
You know, it sounds like you really learned a lot from Bubba. You talked about your day, and throughout, you were coping with what could have been setbacks. Good for you!Now, can you make my day better, pretty please? I'm coming down with a sinus infection. I just want to have some tea and curl up on the couch with the dog and probably nap.
You know, the perfect job for you? Professional day brightener. You could just travel around spreading your special cheer. Doesn't matter if you get lost. (Gosh, I do too...used to make me very anxious, until someone sarcastically pointed out that I always end up home. Duh, I guess I do!) Anyway, you don't need to worry about being lost because everyone could use your services.
What do you think?
Posted by DaisyM on July 8, 2004, at 17:56:10
In reply to Re: how to make a bad day good :), posted by gardenergirl on July 8, 2004, at 16:08:59
I'm with GG. The perfect job for you: day brightener!
I'm stressed about work,
stressed because Ca STILL doesn't have a budget,
stressed about kids,
stressed about therapy,
So I log on, and there you are, my new superhero -- the UNSTRESSOR!God, I love you KK!!!!
Posted by karen_kay on July 8, 2004, at 19:40:46
In reply to Re: how to make a bad day good :) » karen_kay, posted by justyourlaugh on July 8, 2004, at 15:18:32
make heads of your day dear..
just brightening other's day is enough to make yours better!!!!
think about the time you spent with your son (and nintendo is fun, isn't it? think of your thin thumbs now! great exercise!)
the phone call to your old man is so very sweet! i'm sure the surprise brightened his day and had him on cloud nine! it probably gave him the strength to finish his day with joy.
braiding hair!!!! could you come and braid mine? (might be dificult, not sure if it's long enough, but you could brush mine and i'll brush falls' and we'll have a chain of hair brushing and talking and ice cream. what a great sleep-over!)
your day could improve dear, just by making others' day improve. think about how happy your son is to play (and beat??) his mommy at nintendo. think aobut your old man and how you brightened his long work day with that lovely phone call. think about the cl;ean floor in the tv room (go lay on it naked if you want! that's always fun!) you made other's day better, therefore your day will be better too dear! once you spread the joy, it comes back to you! it's like a disease you can't get rid of. once you send it out, it comes right back to you dear!
oh, and i'm sending you joy and happy thoughts right now jyl.. don't try to hide from them. the more you try to hide from them, the harder they work to find you dear..
here they are...
*@~~~#**^$$~~!!__+$&^$%^)_^_^ (don't run, they aren't cuss words, they're happy thoughts.. i see you smiling right now, don't deny it.. i see it.. )
have a wonderful day dear. and take care of yourself... and JUST WHEN are you going to brush my hair? i'm on strike against brushing my hair until you do!!! (think i'm joking? ok, so i don't brush my hair anyway, but still, that doesn't matter...) i'm waiting..... and quit trying to hide that smile, i see it!!)
Posted by karen_kay on July 8, 2004, at 19:41:52
In reply to Re: how to make a bad day good :), posted by karen_kay on July 8, 2004, at 19:40:46
Posted by karen_kay on July 8, 2004, at 19:54:37
In reply to Re: how to make a bad day good :), posted by gardenergirl on July 8, 2004, at 16:08:59
this is the perfect opportunity for you to take a much needed break, huh? maybe this is your body's way of saying, 'SLOW DOWN!!! I'M TIRED DARN IT!'... that's what i always figure when i'm sick. that my body wants and needs a break... take it. curl up on the couch, drink some tea. watch that blasted television (evil i tell you, evil!!! but, make sure to watch mr d'onofrio!!! he's the best i say! well, second to mr chevy chase of course.). take your time off and enjoy it. have your husband wait on you hand and foot. take baths often. listen to your body dear, it won't tell you wrong, i promise. oh, and ice cream helps too!!!! (and dear, go to the doctor please! meds help! this coming from a lady who goes and goes until a simple cold turns into bronchitis and has to go to the emergency room because her throat closes up completely and she can't breathe! so, please go to the doctor if it's bad..)
about spreading joy... how do i go about marketing that? i'd love to do that, however i haven't seen any adds for such a position. if i see one, i sure would apply. trust me on that! however, in the mean time, i'll stick with any job i can get. when i went to a mission place on my way to the temp service, i told them 'i'll scrub floors. i'll scrub tiolets. i'm not picky!' i meant it too! it honestly does get to me that i can't find a job because i am a good worker. and the interviews go well. but, if there's a job for professional joy spreader, i'll be there in a second...
anyone want to hire me? i'll work for $5.75/hr. honestly! and i'll even scrub toilets too :)(i know how much joy that brings, seeing me bend over and all.. also, a clean toilet is a happy toilet! and a happy toilet makes for a happy toilet owner, right?)
Posted by karen_kay on July 8, 2004, at 22:03:26
In reply to Re: how to make a bad day good :), posted by DaisyM on July 8, 2004, at 17:56:10
my favorite flower...
don't be stressed about things you can't change dear. instead, be happy about the changes you have made and the lives you touch everyday! and don't think you don't.
don't stress about work. you work very hard (too hard in fact, you need a vacation and indiana is very happening this time of year :)... appreciate the fact that you work hard. enjoy the work you do rather than stress about the work you have left to do. take breaks and take them often (i prefer smoke breaks, but you can take 'looking out the window breaks' or 'babble' breaks or even 'wow! my shoes are beaufiful' breaks!!!!
about being stressed about kids: ok, i can give you that one... but, also enjoy the kids. they won't be kids forever. they do grow up you know!
stressing aobut therapy: hmmmm... what can i say? everyone stresses about therapy. perhaps you can write down what you are stressed about in therapy, jsut to get it out and over with for the time being? or, take a 'shopping for shoes' break? (now, don't give me that bit about 'i don't have time!' you ALWAYS have time for a quick run to the shoe store!!! ALWAYS!! skip the grocery shopping and head out to the nearest shoe store instead. you'll be thanking me later,i promise. your children may not like the taste of leather when they try toeat your shoes because there is no food in the house, but you'll sure enjoy your new leather heels, won't you? don't argue, i'm right!!!
miss daisy dear, my favorite babble mother (now tooter, momma, don't be jealous dear... i love you too!!!) don't you stress about things you can't change. instead, enjoy the things you have. take a deep breath, listen to the birds singing outside your window (if they aren't there, pretend you can hear them), don't rush to get things done, take your time instead. take a shopping break, life's too short to be stressed and rushing around darling... enjoy it instead!
i love you doll... take care of my favorite flower, would you please?
Posted by daisym on July 8, 2004, at 23:10:11
In reply to miss daisy..., posted by karen_kay on July 8, 2004, at 22:03:26
You cheer me up and give good advice. I posted some of what is going on with me on psychological. Old fears returning. When it gets hard, I want to run. Nothing new here.
I want to say that I would hire you in a minute! You would do great with our kids. And they are so amazingly cute! My son is interning and I love watching him with them. All the little 2 yr old girls flirt with him. He loves it. :)
I keep hoping to catch you in Open but haven't. Let's make a date soon. When does the car trip start?
Posted by gardenergirl on July 9, 2004, at 0:30:25
In reply to sounds like you need a break, eh? » gardenergirl, posted by karen_kay on July 8, 2004, at 19:54:37
Your post brought tears to my eyes. (Dang, now my nose is more stuffed! :) I'm not sure why your words affected me this way, except maybe that you are so sweet and caring. That validation thing. Or maybe I'm just feeling sorry for myself.But you've convinced me to ask for help with something that has been really overwhelming me right now. To the point of feeling kinda paralyzed about it. Unfortunately, I'm not just talking about my dissertation, but that figures into this, too.
Thanks Karen. Me and my snotty tissue salute you! :)
And I could sure use a housekeeper...wanna be my live in cheerer-upper and housekeeper? On second thought, I'd probably develop an attachment transference to you, which could get all hairy.
Take care sweetie. You are fabulous!
Posted by fallsfall on July 9, 2004, at 7:00:29
In reply to Re: how to make a bad day good :), posted by karen_kay on July 8, 2004, at 19:40:46
>>braiding hair!!!! could you come and braid mine? (might be dificult, not sure if it's long enough, but you could brush mine and i'll brush falls' and we'll have a chain of hair brushing and talking and ice cream. what a great sleep-over!)
Hair brushing and talking and ice cream. I'm there!
Posted by partlycloudy on July 9, 2004, at 7:07:26
In reply to Re: how to make a bad day good :) » karen_kay, posted by fallsfall on July 9, 2004, at 7:00:29
They always make me smile.
Posted by lilj on July 9, 2004, at 22:21:44
In reply to KK, I love to read your posts!, posted by partlycloudy on July 9, 2004, at 7:07:26
I have to agree with everyone here - I love your posts - you are so energetic and positive!! And you make me laugh which tends to be the best medicine for me...
I'm fairly new here so just getting to know people and loving all the support on this board..
Have a great weekend, I'm sure I'll be back on tomorrow.
This is the end of the thread.
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