Psycho-Babble Social Thread 336064

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I do not want to get fired (again)

Posted by rainyday on April 13, 2004, at 16:42:10

I am so frustrated by my stress-free job. I am a receptionist and am considered part of the accounting department. I fill out the weekly timesheets for our company, and our bimbo acctg manageress has decided that OUR DEPARTMENT ONLY will records exactly when we arrive and leave for work, lunch, doctor appointments, etc. I was told we all worked a 40-hour work week when I started last May.

Of course, no other department has such a rule. People work more than 40 hours a week, people work less. It all evens out in the end, and people with kids have it especially hard - day care, sickness, many times they are called away to deal with family life. None of those interruptions to our work day are recorded on the timesheets - they are taken instride and respected.

I am so angry about this petty micro management, I could spit! At first, I was paranoid that this manager did not think I was pulling my weight, then I was worried about all the doctor appointments I have had lately (which I was completely up front about) might jeopardize my job. I have had issues with this manager already when I have broken down at work, unable to continue my day because of uncontrollable crying. Now she always asks me if I am going to freak if she says something to me.

I tried to allay my fears by supposing that it was transference on this managers part - she has in the past taken loads of unpaid time off and was told off about absuing it. Now this happens - and it was all I could do today to leave work without flipping out completely.

Now - every time I have stepped up to the bat in confronting poor managers, it has bitten me in the behind. I have been fired 3 times for insubordination. I am tired of failing at these menial jobs and just want something that occupies my mind for 8 hours a day so I can pretend I am normal.

I completely lack perspective and have no clue how to deal with this without wigging out, walking out, or being escorted out. BTW nobody in the department has any respect for this person.

Will appreciate any sensible advice!!!!


Re: I do not want to get fired (again)

Posted by socialdeviantjeff on April 13, 2004, at 18:36:07

In reply to I do not want to get fired (again), posted by rainyday on April 13, 2004, at 16:42:10

Sorry to hear about your problems at work. Your post struck a nerve as I've been through it myself. Does this person have a boss?

Seems to me that she is definitely micro managing to death. It would also seem that she's bumping up aganst some FLMA and ADA laws.

I had a boss like her fairly recently and he nearly got fired because of me. Long story. After that I was put with a very good and understanding manager.

I know it can be hard to talk to her superoir, if there is one. It might seem a little childish, but it seems like others don't like her too. Perhaps if you got a concensus among them and designated a spokesperson to talk to her boss. It's harder to dismiss several complaints than just one.

In any case, that's what I have done before. It can work pretty well if done right. This person at least needs some management training.

Best of luck in whatever you decide to do.


Re: I do not want to get fired (again) » socialdeviantjeff

Posted by rainyday on April 13, 2004, at 19:26:36

In reply to Re: I do not want to get fired (again), posted by socialdeviantjeff on April 13, 2004, at 18:36:07

Thanks, SDJ. I have cooled off a bit, but I plan to get together with my co-workers to reach a consesus. The managers boss is a very reasonable person, and has fielded many complaints about this person already! (Makes it seem futile.)

I am really trying not to take it personally - extremely hard for me. I just feel that all the employees should be held to the same standard - and our department is being penalized by this lone rangeress.

It would be best for me to keep quiet, but very much against my nature. I am definitely manic at the moment, and that is when I speak my mind, then get shown the door :(

And in this state (Florida), your employer does not have to have a reason for dismissing you - and it is perfectly legal. it is still considered a slave state for that reason.

Thanks so much for your words of comradeship!


Re: I do not want to get fired (again)

Posted by socialdeviantjeff on April 13, 2004, at 20:06:07

In reply to Re: I do not want to get fired (again) » socialdeviantjeff, posted by rainyday on April 13, 2004, at 19:26:36

> Thanks, SDJ. I have cooled off a bit, but I plan to get together with my co-workers to reach a consesus. The managers boss is a very reasonable person, and has fielded many complaints about this person already! (Makes it seem futile.)

Glad I could help! Good luck with it all.

> I am really trying not to take it personally - extremely hard for me. I just feel that all the employees should be held to the same standard - and our department is being penalized by this lone rangeress.
It's tough. You may want to do a search on ADA law, just to make sure she's not violating your rights. You are entitled to your doc visits, etc. as long as you are not causing an "unreasonable burden" and I don't think you are.

> It would be best for me to keep quiet, but very much against my nature. I am definitely manic at the moment, and that is when I speak my mind, then get shown the door :(
I know how that feels. It would be a good idea to finda spokesperson to speak for your dept. as a group.

> And in this state (Florida), your employer does not have to have a reason for dismissing you - and it is perfectly legal. it is still considered a slave state for that reason.

Utah is the same way. "Right to Work" states are hardly that. The ADA laws provide some relief. If I didn't learn my own rights I would have been fired in spectacular style.


Re: I do not want to get fired (again)

Posted by Speaker on April 13, 2004, at 23:35:12

In reply to Re: I do not want to get fired (again), posted by socialdeviantjeff on April 13, 2004, at 20:06:07

Whenever I take personal time off for a Dr. appt. or anything else I make it up by staying and working during my lunch...or coming in early. Since you have been let go before maybe you will want to go the extra mile even if you shouldn't have to...I hate it when things aren't equal in the workplace but it sounds like your boss has something to prove...POWER!!! Take care of you!


Re: I do not want to get fired (again) » Speaker

Posted by rainyday on April 14, 2004, at 5:09:22

In reply to Re: I do not want to get fired (again), posted by Speaker on April 13, 2004, at 23:35:12

You know, I have always made up missed time before my current illness set in. I decided that there was only so much of me to go around in this world. And to be honest, when you answer phones for living, showing up early or working late does no good, since the phones are off. What I had done to preface the recent spate of time off was to get the bimbo boss and her boss in a room and explain that I had a medical condition that requires a lot of monitoring at the moment. My p-doc had offered to write a letter granting me medical time off, but we both agreed it would be better for me to work through this.
Hah! Now this stressless job is messing me up more than ever,


Re: I do not want to get fired (again)

Posted by Speaker on April 14, 2004, at 9:15:40

In reply to Re: I do not want to get fired (again) » Speaker, posted by rainyday on April 14, 2004, at 5:09:22

LOL...I thought maybe you did paper work too!!! If you have already talked with them I would just try as hard as you can to let this be the bosses problem...if you can. Obviously, this must be directed at your other co-workers since you have made things clear with her. I'm sorry this is happening...take care of YOU.


Thanks for your support, all! (nm)

Posted by rainyday on April 14, 2004, at 10:18:43

In reply to Re: I do not want to get fired (again), posted by Speaker on April 14, 2004, at 9:15:40


Update, already

Posted by rainyday on April 14, 2004, at 12:43:42

In reply to Thanks for your support, all! (nm), posted by rainyday on April 14, 2004, at 10:18:43

Wow, I can't believe this has already been resolved. A co-worker and I went to lunch with the bad manager's boss and I expressed our distress at the new demands she was making of us. The big boss was very supportive, said we don't have to do this micro time management, and she'll talk to the manager.

It can be so frustrating to have an immediate superior with no communication nor management skills. At least we got this straightened out.

Thanks again, everyone for being my valuable sounding post. PB rules!


Glad to hear it! (nm)

Posted by socialdeviantjeff on April 14, 2004, at 20:02:10

In reply to Update, already, posted by rainyday on April 14, 2004, at 12:43:42


Re: Glad to hear it!

Posted by duck on April 16, 2004, at 23:28:35

In reply to Glad to hear it! (nm), posted by socialdeviantjeff on April 14, 2004, at 20:02:10

I worked for 28 years in state government, clerical jobs. I have "thought disorder", have been hospitalized short term 3 times, and always basically did my work & minded my own business. Nevertheless, there were always those certain co-workers (not all of them, just some of them) who would pick on me, or at me. To complicate matters, I have a hearing loss, and this caused my telephone voice to be loud. Also, if I had to turn the phone amplifier up, the coworkers would complain that they could hear the caller (while I was struggling to hear the caller!) It just got so bad, I finally retired (at age 51!) & now work temporary jobs. I am limited where I can work, as I cannot drive (eyesight too poor). Even though I try pretty hard to act normal, I still got hassled. I guess I just accepted it as long as I could---I was always wrong in any conflict, and others were always right---but now I'm outa there!

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