Shown: posts 1 to 9 of 9. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by octopusprime on November 24, 2003, at 21:26:56
In reply to seems we have a lot in common :) » karen_kay, posted by karen_kay on November 23, 2003, at 17:48:24
> both like bukowski (but everyone should)
> both like the cure (but everyone should)
> support public radio (but everyone should)
> *see a pattern here?
> maybe we should talk more?
>hi karen :)
i thought i would redirect this to social since it's more social than bookie.hmm is there a good way to suss out likes and dislikes and such?
i know, do a 10!
* film festivals
* good black coffee (none of that frou-frou starbucks crap - can i say crap here? hope so. :)
* italian delis
* african drumming
* canada
* pugs
* wasting inordinate amounts of time
* swimming in the ocean
* the public library
* bulleted lists ;)10 dislikes:
* brussel sprouts
* neo-conservatives
* most of the human race (heh the strength of this dislike varies from day to day)
* housecleaning
* television
* yappy dogs (like terriers)
* overly academic and dense prose
* ford escorts (FORD=Fix Or Repair Daily isn't just a funny joke)
* the telephone company (doesn't matter which one, they all stink!)
* trying in vain to think up a 10th itemso there you have it - that's me in a nutshell - i did an intro post a while back with the nitty gritty mood blah blatherings but i am trying hard to move on from being depressed. what is your story?
Posted by Karen_kay on November 26, 2003, at 13:08:12
In reply to Re: seems we have a lot in common :), posted by octopusprime on November 24, 2003, at 21:26:56
You crack me up!! I have to agree with a lot of your likes a dislikes but, some I disagree with as well... Hmmm... where to begin....
I love indi films....
African drumming is wonderful
Now, black coffee I can't do unless I have no other option. I have to have the sugar rush. My brain doesn't function without at least a cup of sugar in the morning. The coffee plays a small role in waking me up.
I would move to Canada today if I wasn't in school
My fav pass time is wasting time
pugs no, Huskies YES!
The library is my safe havenI love house cleaning. I even offer to clean other people's homes (including my therapist's). I even clean homes where I spend the night (ie. if I spend the night at a friend's I clean her house). I'm horrible....
I hate yappy dogs
I LOVE brussel sprouts
I love the human race, with the exception of George W. right now. (I know that's not very supportive) :)
I agree with TV and telephone companyNow, my likes..
Intelligence and age rather than physical attraction
Bass guitar players
the banjo
g-Love and Special Sauce, Ween and Primus
Stretching first thing in the morning (you know, that first stretch when you get out of bed, oh it feels so good!)
My dog in a t-shirt
Stable moods (FINALLY!!!!)Dislikes
Antipsychotics!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Just don't like em)
The fact that everyone's not perfect (including me :(
People who wear too much cologne
Drama queens and kings
Steven King (with the exception of The Shining)
That my sisters live so far away
USA has no health insuranceAnd, this list can go on forever........ My story, what do you mean? Um, I have a long story. Basically I live in a fantasy world.. La la.. I have Bipolar Disorder, along with other possible other personality disorders. I was depressed for 2 years straight about 2 years ago and that wasn't fun. I'm a jr in IN going to University working on BA in tcom degree. 24 years old. Hoping to make my own documentaries. Finally have my moods stabilized, thanks to topamax. No longer have anxiety, thanks to therapy and a cute therapist. I'm constantly looking for a father. And I get crushes on men who are in their 40's, married and have children, even though I have an old man that I've been with for 5.5 years. I think I sound healthy and normal. My therapist isn't so sure. We'll see?
Tag, you're it!!!'
Posted by octopusprime on November 27, 2003, at 11:07:50
In reply to Re: seems we have a lot in common :), posted by Karen_kay on November 26, 2003, at 13:08:12
well karen_kay i don't know if i can continue to talk to an affirmed brussel sprout lover! :p
my sister lives far away too :( which is very sad. but she comes to visit, which is happy. :) the internet is a godsend, she IM's me at work.
i had a good trip on antipsychotics once, but i was on a very low dose. they treated me well.
you are the same age as i am, but i graduated from university a little more than two years ago now. (my how time flies!)
i still have my dad (and he's a good dad on a good day, and an ok to ok, but lame dad on a bad day) but i still had an extended encounter with a 40-ish man! but that didn't work out. (at the time, i sat in a room with two 40-something coworkers, and went home to my 40-year-old boyfriend!) anyway, i felt like i was 40.
but now i have a new job where 50% of the staff is 28. so now i'm 28. it's funny how my age changes with my job. i'm single, so my SO is 24 and pretty durn good company if i do say so myself. :) she doesn't make me clean house and doesn't give me s*** if i waste time :)
i hate mcdonald's but now when i jones for a burger i eat a&w. i've tried to swear off fast food entirely, but i don't have a bbq so i can make my own burgers. i love burgers! mmm, chief justice warren berger ...
i saw a rockin banjo player not too long ago. the banjo players rock! i also like the cool twangy steel retro guitars. they have a huge collection of those at the experience music project in seattle. go if you can, just to listen to the recordings on the little electronic guide!
ps you can come over and clean any time.
tag you're it!
Posted by Karen_kay on November 29, 2003, at 16:10:35
In reply to Re: seems we have a lot in common :), posted by octopusprime on November 27, 2003, at 11:07:50
Ok, now I have to top yours... well, I had a relationship with a murderer once! Can you beat that one? I didn't think so.. My sisters still tease me aobut it. I didn't know he was until the State Police called me. Well, I wouldn't call it a relationship either. Umm, well.. That was before I started taking medication, so I guess I have an excuse??? Just let me keep telling myself that. You know you always hear on the news "He was really quiet." Well, it is true! What else... I really like Salvador Dali. I've been to his museum in Florida and Paris. Do you like Dali? I think he is by far my fav artist. I smoke Camel cigarettes in a soft pack. I know, it is a bad habit. I'm a total hypochondriac! Every time I hear about a disease I swear up and down that I have it! Right now, I am convinced that I am a sociopath. I'm going to ask my shrink next week if that's possible:(
Ollie, ollie oxen free... Your go! And I want some good dirt this time.. Remember, I told you about the murderer!
Posted by octopusprime on November 30, 2003, at 0:37:56
In reply to Re: seems we have a lot in common :), posted by Karen_kay on November 29, 2003, at 16:10:35
well ok since we're talking murder - i was standing maybe 20 feet from a guy that got murdered once - and some guys running out of the room shoved me out of the way - and i didn't realize anybody got killed until the next day when i saw it on the news. (i was interviewed by the cops on my way out the coat check line, but despite standing right there i couldn't tell them anything - it was a crowded night club)
and i called the police on my next door neighbours after they admitted to disposing of evidence in a major murder case. it was freaky to see the cops on the news searching where i told them to after i made the call. (to be fair, they weren't the murderers, you could tell because they were noisy as hell. :p however they were garden variety criminals.)
but i wasn't on medication then either, so that's my excuse. and i think the relationship part might win, but this one might be a tie :p
i love dali too - i have a dali poster on my wall - "musical tempest". when i go to gay paree i will have to see the museum!
i used to smoke camels when i visited the US - but now i prefer marlboro lights. camels were great because they smell like marijuana, so we would tell our dorm leaders that we were smoking american cigarettes! :p i smoke dumaurier lights. i figure lung cancer beats alzheimers or parkinsons as a way to die, so i'll try and induce a nice, quick cancer.
ok you want dirt, here's dirt - one time i went to a nightclub and i wasn't wearing any pants.
ok you go!
Posted by Karen_kay on November 30, 2003, at 12:22:04
In reply to Re: seems we have a lot in common :), posted by octopusprime on November 30, 2003, at 0:37:56
Ok, I shudder to think just how many other people are reading this right now. I tend to think that maybe just you and I are. But, at least we are entertaining.
My sisters always knew that I was "crazy" (manic) so they used to dare me to do all kinds of unreal things. I remember once they dared me to walk down Main street at 4 pm naked and I did. And I didn't care. It was fun at the time. They used to pick on me. :(
I was on LSD once and walking to my friend's house at 5 am at a police officer pulled me over. He put the mag light in my eyes, and I'm sure my pupils were huge! He asked what I was doing and I just said "Walking to a friend's." He told me to be careful. I can't believe he didn't offer me a ride! I would have taken it.
(I don't use drugs much anymore by the way. They don't mix well with my meds! I tried once when I was on Lithium and I hallucinated for 2 weeks straight. I called my dr freaking out. I had to have blood tests every day for 2 weeks. I learned my lesson!!)I was making eyes at a 50 something man just the other day in front of my boyfriend. I had to roll the window down because they are tinted. So, we were making eye contact and my boyfriend caught me (so, I'm a flirt??). He rolled the window up and was like "That guy looks like he holds babies too hard". I love my boyfriend! He wasn't even mad. He knows how I am.
Someone from work dared me to flash the next car we passed ( Iwas in the back of a pick up truck) and I never turn down a dare). So I did and it was the middle of winter. It turned out to be a cop! Bad idea!! We got pulled over and the cop was like, "You'll get frost bite doing that." But, I didn't get in trouble. I guess I too have a history fo taking my clothes off in public.
All right, your turn. Let's hear some good dirt. Next time I'll give you something really good if I like what I hear:) Not to say I don't allready like what I hear....
Posted by Karen_kay on November 30, 2003, at 19:05:31
In reply to Re: seems we have a lot in common :), posted by octopusprime on November 30, 2003, at 0:37:56
BTW: How did you get into a club without pants on? Do you mean underpants? Or just underpants? Do explain. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in my own BS that I forget what was posted previously. I apologize sincerely! I was folding laundry (my underpants) and it reminded me of your post. I thought "What?????" So, expalin what you meant. That might just top my Main Street story!!!! Come to think of it, I'm sure it tops my story.
Posted by octopusprime on November 30, 2003, at 22:47:39
In reply to I forgot something...., posted by Karen_kay on November 30, 2003, at 19:05:31
ok well i went to a club that i had frequented in the past.
except i didn't realize it was fetish night on the last saturday of the month.
so the bouncer stops me (i'm wearing jeans) and says "excuse me, there is a strict dress code. if you want in, you have to drop trou"
since i was drunk, i say, ok! and drop my pants.
i was wearing underpants.
with a shirt and a straw hat on, i was one of the most dressed people in the club! (my friend, in all black, was extremely amused)i returned to fetish night on a few other occasions (i met my ex-boyfriend there) - all subsequent times i wore a skirt (but sometimes no top - that's a different story - it's legal here to go topless) so i've freed the twins at clubs, mostly gay clubs (don't ask) and fetish places. the gay men are grabby and they like to play with them. strange! and then they go home to penis-land. the mind boggles.
well karen_kay i certainly do not have as many crazy nudity stories as you do! where i live we can roam topless with impunity (except when it's chilly) and we have a nude beach. i went to the nude beach a few times last summer, and i will go again when it warms up. it's very strange talking to naked men!
the first day i was there, an old guy chatted me up and he's all "good for you!" ok then. another guy asked me if i needed a massage or anything. umm, no, i'm fine thanks, you're weird.
the next time i went to a different area of the beach and instead of just reading my book, i went swimming with a nice trucker and some of his friends. i can make new friends when i'm naked! whee!
but since it's sanctioned public nudity, it's not nearly so risque. although most women do not take their bottoms off (i do).
anyway = "That guy looks like he holds babies too hard" - wtf? now that's a comment and a half. i'm not so much a flirt, except that time i was rolling and i drew all over some 17-year-old's chest with a permanent marker (sharpie). heehee.
i don't do drugs anymore either - contraindicated with the meds - then i stopped the meds and didn't pick the drugs back up. "there's a time and a place for everything, and it's called college". if drugs belong anywhere, they belong there. they don't do well in "the real world" (tm)
i was lucky never to have a run-in with the cops. just barred entry from one night club. and one scary incident when i thought the car was going to be searched (for dirt and potatoes, of all things), but the searcher dude decided against it because the car was too full of camping gear and other crap. he took our word for it that we had no potatoes (we didn't). we also got a free car wash and they vacuumed out the front seat. wacky.
so tag you're it!
Posted by Karen_kay on December 2, 2003, at 14:47:10
In reply to Re: I forgot something...., posted by octopusprime on November 30, 2003, at 22:47:39
Hmmm.. I might be scared to drop my pants like that unless I happen to be drunk.... Speaking of...
My mom has a Pub and I was wasted and I had a butt signing contest with the 40 somethings in town... they signed with sharpies too... my mom got pics... how bizarre! I woke up the next morning with names I had never heard of on me bum!
Thanksgiving I went to a comedy club and got wasted. The server actually had to ask me to keep it down (big deal!) On the way home, my whole family learned about my shrink (they didn't know I was seeing one), that I used to go over to my sister's and hump 15 year old boys, hump her tv (hey it was a big screen!!), a 45 year old man I kinda stalked (hey, he was into me too!!), and all sorts of juicy gossip about my misgivings. Don't you just love drunkin holidays? Hey at least I don't remember anything!
My sisters got searched on the way out of Canada and they took fireworks away from them. Luckily they didn't find the pot they were hiding. Shew whey! They lucked out on that one!
Why were they searching for potatoes? That's odd.
Ok, your go.
This is the end of the thread.
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
Owned and operated by Dr. Bob LLC and not the University of Chicago.