Psycho-Babble Social Thread 267555

Shown: posts 1 to 16 of 16. This is the beginning of the thread.


Please read

Posted by Searchlight on October 9, 2003, at 21:40:41

I have only posted under one name, that is Searchlight. Please do not blame Kristen or anyone else for this. I am mortified that I started any problems, again I am sorry and did not intend in anyway to hurt anyone. I promise. I am very serious. Please understand I take this very seriously and my curiosity as a newcomer to the board got out of hand, it was a total error in judgement on my part. I really like and respect people on this board so please know I meant no harm and am trying very hard to clear this up. I am sincere. Sabina, Tabitha, Dinah, HannahW, Gabbix2, Slinky, Kara Lynn, Ane Sans
Cullotes, Bobby, Fallsfall - I am so sorry to have caused you all any problems. I am sorry if I was rude in anyway, because I really messed up to let my curiosity get the best of me about something that did not involve me. I've never done that before, and I have learned a very valuable lesson. That is the God's honest truth.


Re: Please read » Searchlight

Posted by Kristen_03 on October 9, 2003, at 21:58:15

In reply to Please read, posted by Searchlight on October 9, 2003, at 21:40:41

Hi Searchlight..I am not sure what has happend in here in the past with someone named Kristen,But I now feel that my name is cursed or something...Would it be a good idea for me to change my name or something?I really dont feel that as long as I have this name in here that I am going to really be accepted.I evidentally joined the group during a very bad time...anyways whatever is going on I wish the best for you and that everything that is wrong will soon be healed


Don't change your name.. » Kristen_03

Posted by shar on October 9, 2003, at 22:03:06

In reply to Re: Please read » Searchlight, posted by Kristen_03 on October 9, 2003, at 21:58:15

we are confused enough already!



Re: Please read

Posted by Searchlight on October 9, 2003, at 22:07:54

In reply to Re: Please read » Searchlight, posted by Kristen_03 on October 9, 2003, at 21:58:15

Kristen 03, please know it has nothing to do at all with you. You have done nothing wrong at all. Just because you have the same name should not be a problem. I just joined a week ago and I am so worried because I asked some older posters some things that were none of my business and really had nothing too do with me. I hope those I upset will forgive me. I have no idea what happened in the past nor do I want to know, it is truly none of my business, I just want to "look to the future" (as fallsfall so eloquently pointed out on an earlier post). Please keep posting and do not in any way feel alienated, I have read your posts and think you a very good person. We are lucky to have you on board!


Re: Please read » Kristen_03

Posted by Adia on October 9, 2003, at 22:28:07

In reply to Re: Please read » Searchlight, posted by Kristen_03 on October 9, 2003, at 21:58:15

Hi Kristen,
I am new too (been here for a month or so)..and I don't know what has happened, but I am trying to just try to focus on the future as gentle falls has shared and to give support and all I can from my heart and learn from others...
Don't let this make you feel afraid of not being accepted...
sending you lots of acceptance and support :o)

> Hi Searchlight..I am not sure what has happend in here in the past with someone named Kristen,But I now feel that my name is cursed or something...Would it be a good idea for me to change my name or something?I really dont feel that as long as I have this name in here that I am going to really be accepted.I evidentally joined the group during a very bad time...anyways whatever is going on I wish the best for you and that everything that is wrong will soon be healed


Re: Please read » Searchlight

Posted by Dinah on October 9, 2003, at 22:39:24

In reply to Please read, posted by Searchlight on October 9, 2003, at 21:40:41

No need to apologize to me. I remember the early days when I didn't know what was going on. Heck, sometimes I still don't know what's going on.

My only contribution was that Dr. Bob is undoubtedly screening for duplicate names right now, and that we should have our admittedly sad suspicions allayed somewhat once he passes over the board.

And I am sorry we are suspicious right now. It happens every single time a changed name issue comes along, and it's not confined to this instance. I can't help but think that the proposed rule change would help a whole lot, even if it's not perfect.

Please don't anyone think it's personal. Unless of course, you're Dr. Bob. For all we fuss at his administration, in the end some of us look to him for protection and get angry the way children get angry at their parents for not protecting them. An especially sensitive issue for many of us on the board. Which I suppose is also unfair to Dr. Bob.

Anyway, if you hang on through the rough patches, turn out not to be an old poster :), and are generally supportive, everything will be fine.

(I'll have to tell you about some of my own rough board patches sometime.)


Re: Please read

Posted by Searchlight on October 9, 2003, at 22:47:58

In reply to Re: Please read » Searchlight, posted by Dinah on October 9, 2003, at 22:39:24

Thank you Dinah for the support. I have been so upset for the past hour I could hardly think properly. I am a newbie and will learn the ropes in time. You are right, Dr. Bob has done a great service in having this board.
I am feeling better after your post and hope the storm blows by quickly so we can get on to other subjects. BTW, I definitely think screening for duplicate names and proposing a new rule about name-changes is a good idea so people can feel more trusting. Trust is essential.
Thanx, Searchlight


Re: Please read » Dinah

Posted by HannahW on October 9, 2003, at 23:00:46

In reply to Re: Please read » Searchlight, posted by Dinah on October 9, 2003, at 22:39:24


*I* want to hear about your old posts! You couldn't possibly disillusion me.



Re: Please read

Posted by Ayla on October 10, 2003, at 0:36:20

In reply to Re: Please read » Dinah, posted by HannahW on October 9, 2003, at 23:00:46

Hello I am wondering if some of you pb veterans could give me a few tips on message board ettiquette so that I don't make anyone upset, I have social anxiety and would simply not be able to get over it for a long time. It seems as though you had someone log on as a new member but they really were'nt or something, I am not asking what happened I would just like to give you all a little info on myself : my real name is not Ayla it is a name I chose from a series of books that I love about a very strong woman, I am a 20 year old female just starting out on the road to dealing with my problems wich include depression and social anxiety disorder ( sorry to the people who have read my other posts,all of which name my mental health problems). I live in the U.S.A. I do not have a job or any other activities that I participate in because of the above mentioned problems. So this has become a huge ray of hope for me and I hope in time you will all come to like and trust me. Thanks for reading this.


Re: Please read

Posted by HannahW on October 10, 2003, at 0:45:18

In reply to Re: Please read, posted by Ayla on October 10, 2003, at 0:36:20

Don't worry, Ayla. We do like and accept you! You are more than welcome here. (And as I indicated in another post, I love that book series too!)

Things are quieting down here on the board, and I'm regaining my confidence that this is a good and safe place. In fact, if I have anything to do with it, I want to be sure it stays that way. (not that I have any real control, but I feel determined and committed to maintaining the feel of this board if it's at all within my power.) Welcome, and I look forward to knowing you better!



Re: Please read » Adia

Posted by Kristen_03 on October 10, 2003, at 13:56:40

In reply to Re: Please read » Kristen_03, posted by Adia on October 9, 2003, at 22:28:07

> Hi Kristen,
> I am new too (been here for a month or so)..and I don't know what has happened, but I am trying to just try to focus on the future as gentle falls has shared and to give support and all I can from my heart and learn from others...
> Don't let this make you feel afraid of not being accepted...
> sending you lots of acceptance and support :o)
> Adia.

Hi Adia..Thank you so much for your response back,I Really needed it.Was starting to really feel like a thorn.I hope in time Whatever has happend in here in the past will all work out and those who were hurt will heal.Thank you once again for you support and acceptance,It mean a lot to me..

:) Kristen L :)


Re: Please read » Searchlight

Posted by Liligoth on October 10, 2003, at 22:04:53

In reply to Please read, posted by Searchlight on October 9, 2003, at 21:40:41

Hello Searchlight!
I think it is only natural to be very curious about the 'hoo-haa' going on here. I feel a pang of 'there is unfairness in the world' type feelings that you would be discouraged from reading through the previous posts in order to discover the source of controversy. It would, however, be a long & ultimately disheartening read; but perhaps the knowledge so gained would aid immensely in protecting the innocent from the 'stranger danger' lurking in cyberland?

I hope I havent said anything untoward, Im only trying to help the new folk.


Re: Please read » Kristen_03

Posted by Liligoth on October 10, 2003, at 22:07:11

In reply to Re: Please read » Searchlight, posted by Kristen_03 on October 9, 2003, at 21:58:15

howdy Kristen_03! Your name is fine with me.
Welcome & I hope you find good things here. Dont forget the medication board: psychobabble. It's a great resource!


Re: Please read

Posted by Liligoth on October 10, 2003, at 22:10:53

In reply to Re: Please read » Kristen_03, posted by Adia on October 9, 2003, at 22:28:07

Hi Adia! Your name is nice - it keeps reminding me of Aida which in turn reminds me of Carmen which in turn gets me singing which in turn gets me in trouble around the house (I dont sing well at all). Anyway just wanted to welcome you - Im new'ish myself. Havent posted much but seem to be a bit 'chatty' today. Dont forget the medication board - I like it best over there.


Re: Please read » Liligoth

Posted by Adia on October 11, 2003, at 1:16:34

In reply to Re: Please read, posted by Liligoth on October 10, 2003, at 22:10:53

Hi Liligoth!
Thank you SOOOO much for your message! :o)
It made me smile, thanks! I'm glad you like my name :o)
I've been posting more on psychological babble, I still haven't been to the medication board much..
Thanks again!
Talk with you later...
lots of support,

> Hi Adia! Your name is nice - it keeps reminding me of Aida which in turn reminds me of Carmen which in turn gets me singing which in turn gets me in trouble around the house (I dont sing well at all). Anyway just wanted to welcome you - Im new'ish myself. Havent posted much but seem to be a bit 'chatty' today. Dont forget the medication board - I like it best over there.


Re: Don't change your name.. » shar

Posted by Arrianna on October 11, 2003, at 4:24:53

In reply to Don't change your name.. » Kristen_03, posted by shar on October 9, 2003, at 22:03:06

Hmmmmm....Think someone's changed there name already!! Not you of course, Kristen03.

("Take Care" and "God Bless")


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