Psycho-Babble Social Thread 15436

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How do I stop procrastinating?

Posted by cmcdougall on December 13, 2001, at 10:26:32

What is the deal with depression and procrastination? I have plenty of time to do my tasks, yet I just don't do them - I put it off. Then they pile up, and there's so much to do I don't know where to start.

My pdoc told me to get an organizer and USE it. I use it halfheartedly. I made a list of all the things I need to do and its overwhelming! For instance, I haven't balanced my business bank statement for over a year (and that's just the tip of a monstrous iceberg)... So, I have put the list in order of importance yet I still can't seem to get started on anything. I wake up each morning with the best intentions but end up doing diddly-squat.

I own a little gift shop and have even kept it closed several days a week for the past 4 months (my husband would be furious if he knew). For 3 years I opened it everyday. I have part-time staff to work 2 days a week so I can have time off, but I have been taking FIVE days off, and just leaving the store closed. I've been blaming the bad economy for my decreased sales.

I know what set off this downhill slide - a lawsuit between my husband and his ex started in Sept 2000 and lasted a year (very expensive and ugly). During that time I completely obsessed about everything to do with family law, divorce, visitation, EVERYTHING. The lawsuit was all I could think about. At the same time my effexor started to poop-out. You guys know how it is... It snuck up on me and I didn't realize my depression was coming back - even though I quit taking care of my shop, I quit putting on makeup and doing my hair, woke up at 3:00am every morning, etc., etc. My husband kept asking me what was wrong and I just blew him off.

Well, after a complete "nervous breakdown", withdrawing from effexor (the worst), ending up in the psych ward, and enduring 10 days of intensive cognitive therapy (which all happened in Oct.), I am getting back on my feet.

I've been I'm on a new med cocktail for about a week (after approx 8 weeks of med trials - yuck) and it seems to be working... I actually feel pretty good now. It seems that I have motivation to do stuff - just NOT the stuff I have put off for so long. I just can't get into it. Hopefully, after a couple more weeks on these new meds I will get a grip.

I fell in a deep, black pit that I haven't yet been able to crawl out of. At least now I can see light above me, and if it shines bright enough I hope to find some hand-holds to pull myself out with.

I would be soooooo grateful for any advice or helpful hints on dealing with procrastination and lack of approriate motivation. Thanks in advance,


Ps - My husband won the lawsuit but paid a terrible price in legal fees, mental and physical health, and marital harmony. But we survive.


Re: How do I stop procrastinating? » cmcdougall

Posted by Krazy Kat on December 13, 2001, at 11:02:00

In reply to How do I stop procrastinating?, posted by cmcdougall on December 13, 2001, at 10:26:32


I'll try to write more later, but wanted you to know that this sounds SO familiar (the depression-related stuff).

I just saw a book the other day called The Tao of Cleaning. It was about how to approach tasks differently so they actually get accomplished. :) It has very little to do with available time, in my experience as well.

- K.
P.S. Chat times vary - usually around 10:00 pm ESt I think until Yahoo acts up.



Posted by cmcdougall on December 13, 2001, at 11:20:51

In reply to Re: How do I stop procrastinating? » cmcdougall, posted by Krazy Kat on December 13, 2001, at 11:02:00

I appreciate your response - its funny, but I already have that book, The Tao of Cleaning. It is a good book, but I haven't had the motivation to use it yet.... ;-)



Re: Thanks

Posted by JohnDoenut on December 13, 2001, at 11:32:11

In reply to Thanks, posted by cmcdougall on December 13, 2001, at 11:20:51

Its interesting that you bring this up. I think procrastination, that is long term chronic procrastination is a real problem and many people dont know how to deal with it. I found out that mine was related to ADD. I read a really good book called Driven To Distraction which talks about this very subject and how to work around it and get organized. Even if you dont have ADD (which you may want to look into as ADD can be a cause of depression) its a very good read with good ideas. Here are some things you can do. Get a coach or join a support group to help you stay on target. Im not sure if insurance will pay for a coach or not. Try different methods of organizing and find out what works best for you and then do that. Find out what you can delegate to someone or something else so you dont have to worry about it as much. Try white boards, lists, and the like. Then take time to do one small task. Break it all down into smaller tasks so that it doesnt seem so overwhelming on the whole.
And also see if you can get on some sort of stimulating med to help with motivation and energy factors.

Let us know how it goes.


> I appreciate your response - its funny, but I already have that book, The Tao of Cleaning. It is a good book, but I haven't had the motivation to use it yet.... ;-)
> Carly


I hate this....!

Posted by cmcdougall on December 13, 2001, at 13:25:54

In reply to Re: Thanks, posted by JohnDoenut on December 13, 2001, at 11:32:11

Hi John,

I DO have ADD and it really impacts my life in a negative way. I read "Driven to Distraction" when it first came out and took ritalin for about 7 years - 20mg/3xday. It really helped with concentration, but did nothing for motivation - instead of doing what I needed to, I would just veg out on a good book or find ANYTHING else to do.... Its like I have an aversion to doing what I'm supposed to. Usually, a deadline will whip me into shape - I do some of my best work under pressure :-). Lately I don't even care about deadlines - haven't filed state and federal tax reports from 3rd qtr, been fined, still don't care.

I have taken adderall now for about 1 week (along with other meds for depression) and like it much better that ritalin. I just wish I could make myself take care of my responsibilites - I NEED a swift kick in the butt.

I HATE all of this - I know I have to do things; don't do them; lie to my husband about it; feel guilty and worthless; resolve to do better tomorrow; and here we go again..... Its like I'm stuck in neutral. My wonderful pdoc has been acting as a coach (kinda expensive tho). Shoot - I could be somebody else's coach, I know what to do! Its just finding a way to make myself do it. I will continue to struggle w/ my day planner and my lists. The crazy thing is, when I DO accomplish a task on my list, I feel great. You would think this kind of positive consequence would be self-motivating, but not for me...

If only there was PA - Procrastinators Anonymous. I could go to weekly (or daily) meetings and have a sponsor to call if I start vegging out :-).


> Its interesting that you bring this up. I think procrastination, that is long term chronic procrastination is a real problem and many people dont know how to deal with it. I found out that mine was related to ADD. I read a really good book called "Driven To Distraction" which talks about this very subject and how to work around it and get organized. Even if you dont have ADD (which you may want to look into as ADD can be a cause of depression) its a very good read with good ideas. Here are some things you can do. Get a coach or join a support group to help you stay on target. Im not sure if insurance will pay for a coach or not. Try different methods of organizing and find out what works best for you and then do that. Find out what you can delegate to someone or something else so you dont have to worry about it as much. Try white boards, lists, and the like. Then take time to do one small task. Break it all down into smaller tasks so that it doesnt seem so overwhelming on the whole.
> And also see if you can get on some sort of stimulating med to help with motivation and energy factors.
> Let us know how it goes.
> JohnD.
> > I appreciate your response - its funny, but I already have that book, The Tao of Cleaning. It is a good book, but I haven't had the motivation to use it yet.... ;-)
> >
> > Carly


That Is funny (nm)

Posted by Krazy Kat on December 13, 2001, at 13:34:35

In reply to Thanks, posted by cmcdougall on December 13, 2001, at 11:20:51



Posted by susan C on December 13, 2001, at 13:35:07

In reply to I hate this....!, posted by cmcdougall on December 13, 2001, at 13:25:54

I call it my nag small thing a day, emailed...



A possible helpful site

Posted by Krazy Kat on December 13, 2001, at 13:37:45

In reply to I hate this....!, posted by cmcdougall on December 13, 2001, at 13:25:54

Mouse suggested this to me. I haven't used it yet (ha, ha), but it looks helpful for getting things done:


I was going to stop procrastinating . . .

Posted by Greg A. on December 13, 2001, at 14:59:21

In reply to How do I stop procrastinating?, posted by cmcdougall on December 13, 2001, at 10:26:32

but I decided to wait awhile.



Yea, it's Greg + A!!! (nm)

Posted by Krazy Kat on December 13, 2001, at 15:06:03

In reply to I was going to stop procrastinating . . . , posted by Greg A. on December 13, 2001, at 14:59:21


Maybe Some Help? » cmcdougall

Posted by IsoM on December 13, 2001, at 15:21:58

In reply to How do I stop procrastinating?, posted by cmcdougall on December 13, 2001, at 10:26:32

Carly, I SO don't want to seem like I'm pushing something, but your story is much like mine, & reading the other posts, like many others too.

Yes, I have ADHD but even when I'm hyper I seem to accomplish less than those who are steady & slow. Motivation was so lousy for me. If there was someone to do something with that I cared about & we'd talk & work together, that helped, but it's hard to have someone follow you about all day being your crutch.

One thing I found about about my procrastination was I enjoyed the feeling of the deadline coming as much as I dreaded it. It was the adrenaline push that made me feel alive. Yet, it also left me so stressed out & exhausted - I didn't do anything for a day or so afterwards, till the next deadline came.

I read everything I could about adrafinil (olmifon, like modafinil -Provigil) being used for narcolepsy (I have it fairly mild), ADD, & even depression. I decided to take it as I'd spend hours (literally) yawning each day till the tears ran down my cheeks & my nose was stuffed up.

My house is a mess - a real disaster from going to college & working at the same time, the house got looked after last, if at all & just accumulated more junk. When I looked at where to start, I'd be overwhelmed. I'd do a bit here & a bit there, off & on, busy all day but nothing looked different. I had plenty of time now as I wasn't taking any more courses & only working part-time.

Since I started the adrafinil about a month ago, things have been changing. I didn't even notice it at first. Rather than looking at an insurmountable mess, I just starting doing things & singing while I was working. It occured to me that I wasn't even thinking of "conquering" this place but just did stuff & I can see the improvement in the place. My motivation is back but I don't have to force it! It just happens. I wonder if this is how it feels to be normally motivated? It's wonderful.

Anyway, both modafinil & adrafinil are called eugeroic drugs, meaning "good arousal". That's what it's doing for me. Even some friends & my Mom say I look so much better & contented. And I am!!
> What is the deal with depression and procrastination? I have plenty of time to do my tasks, yet I just don't do them - I put it off. Then they pile up, and there's so much to do I don't know where to start.
> My pdoc told me to get an organizer and USE it. I use it halfheartedly. I made a list of all the things I need to do and its overwhelming! For instance, I haven't balanced my business bank statement for over a year (and that's just the tip of a monstrous iceberg)... So, I have put the list in order of importance yet I still can't seem to get started on anything. I wake up each morning with the best intentions but end up doing diddly-squat.
> I own a little gift shop and have even kept it closed several days a week for the past 4 months (my husband would be furious if he knew). For 3 years I opened it everyday. I have part-time staff to work 2 days a week so I can have time off, but I have been taking FIVE days off, and just leaving the store closed. I've been blaming the bad economy for my decreased sales.
> I know what set off this downhill slide - a lawsuit between my husband and his ex started in Sept 2000 and lasted a year (very expensive and ugly). During that time I completely obsessed about everything to do with family law, divorce, visitation, EVERYTHING. The lawsuit was all I could think about. At the same time my effexor started to poop-out. You guys know how it is... It snuck up on me and I didn't realize my depression was coming back - even though I quit taking care of my shop, I quit putting on makeup and doing my hair, woke up at 3:00am every morning, etc., etc. My husband kept asking me what was wrong and I just blew him off.
> Well, after a complete "nervous breakdown", withdrawing from effexor (the worst), ending up in the psych ward, and enduring 10 days of intensive cognitive therapy (which all happened in Oct.), I am getting back on my feet.
> I've been I'm on a new med cocktail for about a week (after approx 8 weeks of med trials - yuck) and it seems to be working... I actually feel pretty good now. It seems that I have motivation to do stuff - just NOT the stuff I have put off for so long. I just can't get into it. Hopefully, after a couple more weeks on these new meds I will get a grip.
> I fell in a deep, black pit that I haven't yet been able to crawl out of. At least now I can see light above me, and if it shines bright enough I hope to find some hand-holds to pull myself out with.
> I would be soooooo grateful for any advice or helpful hints on dealing with procrastination and lack of approriate motivation. Thanks in advance,
> Carly
> Ps - My husband won the lawsuit but paid a terrible price in legal fees, mental and physical health, and marital harmony. But we survive.


Re: Maybe Some Help?

Posted by Mark H. on December 13, 2001, at 18:59:24

In reply to Maybe Some Help? » cmcdougall, posted by IsoM on December 13, 2001, at 15:21:58


Have you tried ProVigil as well? I ask because my procrastination is becoming pathological. I'm acting extremely depressed, even though I'm not experiencing sad affect or slowed thoughts. Just to make it to work before 2 pm today, I had to take 2 Provigil AND 40mg of generic ritalin, and frankly I could have spent the whole day in bed. I cannot even account for my time, although while I'm doing "stuff," it seems important to me.

Aaaack! Not my best day....

Thanks for your suggestions and input. I have some adrafinil on hand; I just thought since Provigil is both stronger and safer, why try it?

I'm rambling now... Sorry.

Mark H.


About Provigil Olmifon » Mark H.

Posted by IsoM on December 14, 2001, at 1:35:25

In reply to Re: Maybe Some Help?, posted by Mark H. on December 13, 2001, at 18:59:24

Some descriptions I've heard say Provigil is stronger but others say Olmifon is. I think perhaps it's because it can affect others differently. Like SSRIs, just because one doesn't work doesn't mean they all won't.

I order my adrafinil (Olmifon) from overseas rather than get a prescription. Because of that, I order adrafinil as it's considerably cheaper than modafinil. For what I'm looking for, adrafinil sounded better suited to me also. It's not that adrafinil is harder on the liver than modafinil - both can be. Just that there's a higher percentage of people bothered by liver problems with adrafinil than modafinil.

It's still not many but can happen so I'm keeping tabs on my liver. Actually, the list of drugs that can affect the liver is very long. Acetomenophen (spelling's not quite right) or Tylenol is the worse.

> IsoM,
> Have you tried ProVigil as well? I ask because my procrastination is becoming pathological. I'm acting extremely depressed, even though I'm not experiencing sad affect or slowed thoughts. Just to make it to work before 2 pm today, I had to take 2 Provigil AND 40mg of generic ritalin, and frankly I could have spent the whole day in bed. I cannot even account for my time, although while I'm doing "stuff," it seems important to me.
> Aaaack! Not my best day....
> Thanks for your suggestions and input. I have some adrafinil on hand; I just thought since Provigil is both stronger and safer, why try it?
> I'm rambling now... Sorry.
> Mark H.


I tried Provigil for procrastination, now flylady

Posted by cmcdougall on December 14, 2001, at 8:48:30

In reply to About Provigil Olmifon » Mark H. , posted by IsoM on December 14, 2001, at 1:35:25

I've been on Adderal for 8 days now and I like it MUCH better than Ritalin or Provigil.

I took 200mg Provigil twice a day and it DID keep me from being sleepy. However, I still wanted to lay on the couch all day with my eyes closed. It did nothing for my motivation. I did notice that my concentration and vision seemed very "sharp" - almost like the mescaline I tried 30 years ago (if I can trust my memory at this point). Unfortunately it didn't provide the euphoria. Provigil made me feel a little jittery and spacey as well.

Thanks for all your input on my MAJOR procrastination problem. I joined and it is really cute - maybe it will help, it sure can't hurt. I also ordered two books on procrastination. I'll let you all know if they're any good. I am actually feeling pretty good right now, I've done my FlyLady "baby steps", and I'm going to work in a few minutes with VERY good intentions. What is it about "the road to hell..."?



Re: I tried Provigil for procrastination, now flylady

Posted by JohnDoenut on December 14, 2001, at 11:17:07

In reply to I tried Provigil for procrastination, now flylady, posted by cmcdougall on December 14, 2001, at 8:48:30

> I've been on Adderal for 8 days now and I like

Interesting. Im trying it now too!

>I also ordered two books on procrastination.

Just dont forget to read them!!!!
I order books too but then I dont get around
to reading them!!! :) Gotta schedule that too.

>I am actually feeling pretty good right now, I've done my FlyLady "baby steps", and I'm going to work in a few minutes with VERY good intentions. What is it about "the road to

Cool! Keep on keepin on!

I will say one other thing. Even with the best intentions and knowledge and understanding and meds, I feel I still go in cycles. Sometimes I got it all together and then other times it all slips through my fingers. I think that's how it is and the best thing is to just allow them to occur and not beat yourself up cause youre in a down period. But if you cant get out of a down period and it gets worse then its time to get help.



Flylady Cycling

Posted by IsoM on December 14, 2001, at 13:44:44

In reply to Re: I tried Provigil for procrastination, now flylady, posted by JohnDoenut on December 14, 2001, at 11:17:07

John & Carly,
After reading the flylady site, I joined too. I've actually done a lot of what she recommends but don't keep at it all the time. I'm definitely NOT going to take her suggestion about getting up earlier than everyone else. Aaaachhkkk! My son shares the place with me & he gets up at 5:00 AM!

John, I've learned that life seems to consist of cycles for many & you're right, we shouldn't beat ourselves over it & realise that no one's at their best all the time. If I slump a bit, I've learned it generally means in a while, I'll really shine again.

> > I've been on Adderal for 8 days now and I like
> Interesting. Im trying it now too!
> >I also ordered two books on procrastination.
> Just dont forget to read them!!!!
> I order books too but then I dont get around
> to reading them!!! :) Gotta schedule that too.
> >I am actually feeling pretty good right now, I've done my FlyLady "baby steps", and I'm going to work in a few minutes with VERY good intentions. What is it about "the road to
> >hell..."?
> Cool! Keep on keepin on!
> I will say one other thing. Even with the best intentions and knowledge and understanding and meds, I feel I still go in cycles. Sometimes I got it all together and then other times it all slips through my fingers. I think that's how it is and the best thing is to just allow them to occur and not beat yourself up cause youre in a down period. But if you cant get out of a down period and it gets worse then its time to get help.
> JohnD


I taped up your last paragraph, thanks (nm) » JohnDoenut

Posted by susan C on December 14, 2001, at 15:43:18

In reply to Re: I tried Provigil for procrastination, now flylady, posted by JohnDoenut on December 14, 2001, at 11:17:07


John, thanks from me too (nm)

Posted by cmcdougall on December 15, 2001, at 8:47:47

In reply to Re: I tried Provigil for procrastination, now flylady, posted by JohnDoenut on December 14, 2001, at 11:17:07

> > I've been on Adderal for 8 days now and I like
> Interesting. Im trying it now too!
> >I also ordered two books on procrastination.
> Just dont forget to read them!!!!
> I order books too but then I dont get around
> to reading them!!! :) Gotta schedule that too.
> >I am actually feeling pretty good right now, I've done my FlyLady "baby steps", and I'm going to work in a few minutes with VERY good intentions. What is it about "the road to
> >hell..."?
> Cool! Keep on keepin on!
> I will say one other thing. Even with the best intentions and knowledge and understanding and meds, I feel I still go in cycles. Sometimes I got it all together and then other times it all slips through my fingers. I think that's how it is and the best thing is to just allow them to occur and not beat yourself up cause youre in a down period. But if you cant get out of a down period and it gets worse then its time to get help.
> JohnD

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