Psycho-Babble Faith Thread 1120207

Shown: posts 1 to 15 of 15. This is the beginning of the thread.


new phase

Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 3, 2022, at 22:47:21

I'm going to have to redo around, not post the same thing over. Follow the narrow path, this worldly jesus that people have made, is made up, it's false. Follow the biblical jesus, and the laws also that wrote by god, in the bible. Be kind to your breathen, harmless as a dove but wise as a serpant, that's a scripture in the bible. Know discernment, and help people, find the path that leads to eternal life.


Re: new phase

Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 6, 2022, at 23:47:52

In reply to new phase, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 3, 2022, at 22:47:21

i've been doing prayers that are outloud, just saying them with voice. I don't know how to pray, getting on your knees, but i do pray hard. I noticed that when you pray, you need to have other people praying for you also. I think in the bible, it said if two or more agree (prayer) than it shall be done. Prayers at times, feel worthless, and i just....drift away from God, but when bad things happen i have to come running back to him. It says yes, if two or more agree in intercessor prayer, it will have a greater affect, on prayer intention. I've prayed for years, and i just had to find a prayer team. When you pray from now on, have many people pray also, ask friends, churches, prayer lines, it does work. That's all i have write. Keep faith, on god, and don't follow the ways of the world. They are induglance, desires. sin, gambling, fornication, lavishness. Follow the narrow path, that jesus said. That's have to say, i'm not a preacher, nor pasotr, im trying to write the truth, and only the truth, to discern false doctimes and save people . Hope, and pray with many friends and churches. End of log


Re: new phase

Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 15, 2022, at 17:57:04

In reply to Re: new phase, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 6, 2022, at 23:47:52

i've been watching testimonies of people who have gone to hellfire after death, they all say people were coming down like rain, the amount of hopelessness on their faces and eternal dread that they will never get out of that place. Dark being torment them, there's many sections in hell, almost like a city. It's not all just burning fire, there's section's according people's sins, there wasa a lady that said jesus showed her hellfire, and he told her do not look at these things direcctly with your own eyes, look at them through me because the amount of evil you would see could not bear it. There was another testimony about a guy who died of drug overdose, he said they pulled him from his resting bed, and dragged him down. He said it felt like 100s of years in just 10 min because of the amount of pain, and that time does not exist - or it's diffrent than today, or our timeline. He said he hit the bottom, and there were layers, each layer got more painful, and he said the main thing - you can't do anything, you can't run, you can't escape, your just there, and you cannot get out. The farther he went down, the hotter it got. Your thirsdy, hopeless, and being in pain unbearably. Keep faith, endure till the end and never let corruption get into your soul. End of log


Re: new phase

Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 22, 2022, at 18:25:15

In reply to Re: new phase, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 15, 2022, at 17:57:04

i hope i remain anonymous, but there is a terrible place that happens after death if your not saved by jesus christ and god, it is real, i write it on solid words, hell is a real place. It is place of outer darkness, complete hopelessness that you remain there for eternity, it all has diffrent sections its not all just lake of fire, there torments and discusting beings, that will do things to people according to their main sins. It is real, repent of sins, and turn from evil ways. That feeling after death, you realize your actually in hell, and cannot get out. You can't run, you can't escape, your can't do anything. And the pain, of being there of burning sulpher, torments, unlimited pain that nevre ends. Your valuable, and don't forgt it. Turn from evil ways, this place is real, and is waitng for sinners ater death. End this, i'll discuss this later.


Re: new phase

Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 22, 2022, at 23:28:34

In reply to Re: new phase, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 22, 2022, at 18:25:15

from a previous video, i watched - it said this lady and also another girl said that jesus showed them hellfire, and at both accounts, they said people in hell screamed please help us, save us, and it said jesus said it's too late, and they lady said the burden on christ that these people are there for eternity. The woman said she was shown sections of hell, there were diffrent parts, levels, sulpher burning, fire, and also torments that are done on people according to their sins. Each torment was done on which sin they delighted in. She said there were trillions of people, more people than on earth right now, and the level of heat was surpassed anything. The lord, had told her - do not look at this with your own eyes, look at it through holy spirit protecting you. Saying if you look at this evil directly, it will disturb you cannot handle seeing it. Another account was a man that died from a drug overdose, he was shown hellfire, she saw family members, famous people, and said each torment going on their was according to people's sins. It's outer darkness, he said it was dark, almost like a fog cloud around you. You can't see anything, and your afraid because these discusting things, yes monsters, things in hell, that torment people. They come in all sorts of figures, he said. When he died, he didnt know what happened, he said no im alive, this can't be happening, and that happens to many other people. He said the timeline is diffrent than our current timeline. fHe said he decended into hell, which felt as if was 100s of years, and the intense pain makes it seem longer. He didnt accept that he died, but when landed in hell, he said there's nothing you can do, you can't run, you can't escape, you can't do anything, your just there. He said there was all these people weeping in flames, and the sound was the worst, being there in a hot fernese with hearing screaming

Your seperated from God, and you realize that, and then hopelessness of being seperated, then the pain of torment, and being in sulpher. The stink - he said, was horrible, said its worse than any sewege chamber there was on earth. He said, trying to gasp for air, was hard, and even the air you breathe in, is burning hot, so...just terrible. That's all im trying to send out, there's many 100 or more testimonies about this. I just wrote a few that i read about, and watched on youtube, christain networks. Please be sure to repent of sins, before death, and keeo your mind clean. Thinking your not sinning, but you have a dirty mind, yes that will be considered sin. Ok, spead the gospel but make sur your saved, repent, pray to god, and his son jesus christ to save. It's said in the bible that people will hate you, because you speak of jesus. Follow the true jesus, not the false one that modernism has created. This ... may be not so flattering to read, and i do perfer to remain unknown, but there has to be a voice, we can't just let people fall into hellfire and not warn them. So...never let corruption enter your soul, speak the truth, and save. Thank you, end of log


Re: new phase

Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 28, 2022, at 1:10:24

In reply to Re: new phase, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 22, 2022, at 23:28:34

these people had experienced it, having died a short time, and the horrid, torments of those in hellfire, this place is real and many people mock and not believe it, that's why we have to preach, or tell because the torments and fire are pain that cannot be explained. Turn from evil ways, many people will say it's jesus teachings, there is the true jesus, in biblical scripture, and people who know him through the holy spirit, then there is the false jesus, the world has made to quence your tastey desires, and sin without shame. They sins and boast about it, laugh, saying there always covered. You have to turn from corruption, a dirty mind, passion for sinful desires, false teachings, all of it. All the religions and teachings, it's very sad, it's like they don't accept we have to have salvation, they justify it through faith without conviction of sin.

There's many christians teachings, they ... i don't want to compare, it's too violating, but no matter what happens, we all die, our life has a amount of time to live, what you do during that time will be deteremed if you rejected the gospel, and will thrown into torment forever. You can indulge in sinful desires for a short time in this life, but there will be an awful price to pay for them after. Repent when you sin, have conviction, and repent, don't have a dirty mind, your thoughts even will show if there, good or evil even though you don't psychically act them out. And do goodness, im not a preacher but jesus had compassion on sinners, and people, and to hav e them saved. Know this, jesus said in the bible, to preach, the truth, that sinful desires, and having a dirty mind, will have you sent to hellfire. There is no joke about it, turn from sin and preach the gospel.


Re: new phase

Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 8, 2022, at 2:07:52

In reply to Re: new phase, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 28, 2022, at 1:10:24

jesus preached to save people, having a dirty mind, or having corruption in soul, that person still can be saved, they just have to turn from their ways and follow jesus, go to a church and find belivers, like minded people who believe in jesus and be around them. Don't just listen to these logs but hear from others who have the holy spirit with them. And endure, and enjoy doing goodness, for charity or for the better of people. Save their soul.


Re: new phase

Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 21, 2022, at 17:46:07

In reply to Re: new phase, posted by rjlockhart37 on September 8, 2022, at 2:07:52

i've been sick for a while, worn down and during that state your vulnerable, nad im telling do not look to the dark side, it has misery and torment that you would want to get away from. Alot of people, like movie crazies look at darth vader as a power figure, and want to be him. darth vader is mierable, he has burdens, his face and arm are ruined and burned off, he has no mercy, and ruthless for genocide. He's miserable, and people think becoming into the darkness will make power, it will eventually fade, you will find misery and torment. People wanting to be evil figures, thinking of there power, not sure if all leaders, but stuff like genocide is has no effect on them, hitler was pumped up on methamphetamine, that's why he looked empowered, because he was taking a strong stimulant that increases dopamine levels significantly. He died misable, and lost power. I don't know im not a sociologist, i've looked to evil power to provide assistance, for my situation, you will want as far away from it, as possible. This is not to insult any leaders, at all. I'm just writing example and its not meant to associate with any public leaders. But, in example, hitler, nero, darth Vader, ivan the terrible, dark side had no mercy, fear misery torment all of it.

I'm a polite guy, if evil people spoke to me, i would be nice and polite back but that fear that you want to get away from it. Jesus said send you out, as sheep amidst the wolves. Wolves kill sheep, sheep are prey, there hunted by predator's, namely wolves and other predator's. Wolves kill millions of people, vlad the implaler was cruel, and blood thirsty person, that did terrible things to people, stuff you see torments in hell So, i don't know what else to write, darth vader from star wars was miserable, yes, his face was burned off, and limbs, but he had power and executed it. Jesus has mercy, for pleading for distress and to save, Power in darkness, there is no mercy. So, it's choice on which you choose, the darkness and power which rules over the world, or realizing the world is being controlled and we need to step out and follow jesus, learn to have mercy and forgivnes. I'm not associated with power, or rule, It says pray for your enemies, jesus said, and have mercy. All i know from, limited knowledge, and advice, the dark rulers in the past, it associated with torment, misery, and death. I don't know if they were miserable, or enjoyed it, but it all associated with death. So, i don't know what else to write, suffering, for me, want to get away from darkness as possible, being vulnerable to be attacked. Anyways, wanted to write this quick, hope i won't regret it. Thank you for reading. End of log


Re: new phase

Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 23, 2022, at 2:20:50

In reply to Re: new phase, posted by rjlockhart37 on September 21, 2022, at 17:46:07

ok, i wrote some things that were insultive, so, let's clear this is justs thoughts, i woke up and read that top post again from the night before and regretted writing so much, manic like. I write things here, that i tongue clench after re-reding the previous post the next day.. I'm just trying to do what jesus said, preach the gospel, save people from the controlled world they live in, without knowing it. Jesus said, the world does not know me, so many people do not know him, there's also the worldy jesus that's been created, it's not the real jesus. So, let people know that this world is controlled, many things brainwash people to stay in the system. So, i wrote about the dark side, and went on like dumbass about dark leaders that i havent even studied about. No knowedge and writing about it, is foolish and misleads with misinformation. Tongue clenched the top post, after reading the next day. Just, these are logs, these are not knowedge, or like information, but one thign, i'm a chirstain that knows no believers, but preach to save people. and to direct the way to the narrow path, like said in the bible, get people out of the controlled system that brainwashed. Ok, that's all i'll write, thanks for reading. End of log


Re: new phase

Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 26, 2022, at 14:57:51

In reply to Re: new phase, posted by rjlockhart37 on September 23, 2022, at 2:20:50

what i mean by controlled system, people brainwashed in satifly sinful desire, that is the world slogan, tell me your desire, i will give you to you, let's select all the sinful desires you want and let's keep them blinded. Everyday system, be brainwashed and told what to do. Buy this, do this, listen to this, then slave to systaw that is sin, and worldly. That's best i can explain, jesus said the broad path is going to lead to destruction, and the narrow path is the one that few find. End of log


Re: new phase

Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 26, 2022, at 15:04:15

In reply to Re: new phase, posted by rjlockhart37 on September 26, 2022, at 14:57:51

metaphore - sheep are symbolic seen as innoicent, lambs, and wolves are predators, they kill them. The way, my personal logo, is be kind to you enermies, show kindness and mercy like jesus did. Hate only what the lord hates, which is sin. My personal view, not biblical, kindness, mercy, not showing off, and forgiveness. Treating even enemies with goodness, and kindness. That's my only view not biblical. But main goal is to save people to the narrow path, and get them out of the constrolled system which is the broad path that leads to destruction.


Re: new phase

Posted by rjlockhart37 on October 24, 2022, at 15:57:04

In reply to Re: new phase, posted by rjlockhart37 on September 26, 2022, at 15:04:15

ok this site is back up, it went down thought all this preaching or logging was lost. They say one the most valued vitues, is kindness. during these times we're living in, with alot of evil people, be kind to them. I've had some seing about the dark side, that darth vader is the evil one, in this world, its metaphor, darth means 'lord', so all that fictional stuff, had some beef behind it, made it for star wars. I hope i have not made a fool out of myself, really i hope have not done it, through my screen name being linked. These are thoughts and logs, not facts, preach the truth, and save humanity, or people before death. That's all for this log. Thank you


Re: new phase

Posted by rjlockhart37 on October 24, 2022, at 16:24:23

In reply to Re: new phase, posted by rjlockhart37 on October 24, 2022, at 15:57:04

fast thoughts, - it's dangerous to talk about darkess or say bad things about it, or them because there are incidences and bad events that can happen, through the wispers in the shadows. They say resist the devil, and he will flee, many christains do that, and that they place no set, for him to come in. I'm a loner christain, no connections to other believers, but i do know, to save people's souls before its too late. I've just realized, that there eis no such thing as coincidences, people think its some error in the system, i don't know much how to explain, you know you watch on tv about ghost hunters, who chase around sites that have claimed there are ghosts. Well, due...and sometimes you don't want to do associate with it, bad events can follow. But, i've kept on having a tendency to go look at dark side, or the dark price, on pintret. I'm just logging this, im not a boy cried worf, but how in the hell can a christain keep looking for him, when your suppost to following jesus. When he was angel, he was the highest of then all, good, compassionate, kind, and talents above all there is. I have just been researching about who he was, not currently. And wanted to know, what happened that cauesed it. That what it is, i want to know about it, even ask if that was possible. But being a follower of jesus, the insanity losing jesus, just over a intrest in something. Looking to jesus, and trust, then on the other hand, read about the dark prince, alone. I knew jesus since i was a kid, and losing him would be sorrows of all sorrows. I just, kindness, you never let corruption get into to your soul, and you have kindness. Have a lie detector put in your, to know what true kindness is, and goodness, not just words. My quick advice just for post, use kindness, and never let corrutiion get in your soul. End of log


Re: new phase

Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 8, 2022, at 21:46:49

In reply to Re: new phase, posted by rjlockhart37 on October 24, 2022, at 16:24:23

i'm a runt christain, no connection with other believers but i know we have to save souls, before its too late. I hope i havent made a fool out of myself by writing all this stuff. I just want to get the truth, to save souls. They say the truth will set your free, yes it will, it will save your soul, from hellfire. Keep kindness in your heart and never let corruption get in. Forgive me for anything that seems offending but im just trying to save. End of log


Re: new phase

Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 8, 2022, at 21:55:36

In reply to Re: new phase, posted by rjlockhart37 on November 8, 2022, at 21:46:49

be wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove, never let corruption or falsehood get into your soul

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