Psycho-Babble Faith Thread 931

Shown: posts 85 to 109 of 112. Go back in thread:


The Lake of Fire (6)

Posted by lou pilder on October 13, 2002, at 19:58:58

In reply to The Lake of Fire (5), posted by lou pilder on October 13, 2002, at 11:58:25

The question of if someone was taking prescribed drugs that are mood or mind-altering could cause them to be cast into the lake of fire was still asked by some to the Rider. He answered, "You are not to be drunk with wine, but be filled with the Spirit of God. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: thearfore let us cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of light. Let us walk honestly in the day, not in drunkenness nor in strife. But put on the Mind of God and make no provision for the flesh to fullfill its lusts.


The Lake of Fire (7)

Posted by lou pilder on October 13, 2002, at 20:14:59

In reply to The Lake of Fire (6), posted by lou pilder on October 13, 2002, at 19:58:58

Then one asked the Rider again about the use of prescribed mood or mind-altering drugs. The Rider answered, "And now, friends, what does God require of you, but to fear Him, to walk in all His ways, and to love Him, and serve Him with All your heart and All your soul and to keep His comandments which are for your good?"


The Lake of Fire (8)

Posted by lou pilder on October 14, 2002, at 8:33:15

In reply to The Lake of Fire (7), posted by lou pilder on October 13, 2002, at 20:14:59

One said that she took drugs because other people did bad things to her. The Rider answered,"Fret not yourself because of evildoers, nor be envious of the workers of iniquity. For they will be cut down like he grass. Trust in the Lord and do good and delight yourself in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord and Trust in Him. He shall bring forth your rightiousness as the light and your justice as the noonday.
Rest in the Lord, and wait paitiantly for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way.
Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; For evildoers shall be cut off; But those that wait on the Lord, They shall inherit the earth and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace."


The Lake of Fire (9)

Posted by lou pilder on October 14, 2002, at 17:31:08

In reply to The Lake of Fire (8), posted by lou pilder on October 14, 2002, at 8:33:15

The Rider was still being questioned about whether or not the use of prescribed drugs that altered the mind or mood were going to keep someone from going through the 7th Gate to the City of Peace or not.
The Rider answered, "Your body is the temple of the spirit of God. If you put something in your body that is harmful to the body, then that is wrong and you are the temple of the living God. As God has said, 'I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God and they shall be My people."
Then one said,"Our govenment has approved these drugs." The Rider answered, "Whose picture is on your dollar bill?" One answered, "Washington." The Rider answered, "Render unto Washington what is Washington's, and render unto God what is God's."


The Lake of Fire (10)

Posted by Lou Pilder on October 15, 2002, at 10:47:41

In reply to The Lake of Fire (9), posted by lou pilder on October 14, 2002, at 17:31:08

One in our group, who was a lawyer, asked the Rider what kind of Mind it is that is the Mind of God. The lawyer said to the Rider, "What shall I do to inherit eternal life?" The Rider answered, "What is written in the law and what is your reading of it?"
The lawyer answered and said, "You shall love your Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strengh, and with all your Mind, and your neighbor as yourself."
The Rider answered and said, "You have answered rightly; do this and you will live."
But the lawyer then said to the Rider, "And who is my neighbor?"
The rider answered, "A man was travleng and stopped at a rest area on the expressway and was accosted by theives that beat him and left him half dead. Then a man pulled in dressed in religious garb and saw the man and kept going. Then a man in a suit and tie came in the rest area and saw the man and also kept going. But then a man that was of a hated ethnos by the world came by and when he saw him he had compassion on him and bandaged his wounds and helped him back into his car and drove to a motel and took care of him and paid for the lodging and gave him 2 days of his own pay when he departed and told the clerk at the desk to put any further charges for the man on his VISA card. So which of the 3 was neighbor to him that fell among the thieves?"
Then the lawyer said, "He who showed mercy on him."
The Rider said to the lawyer, "Go and do likewise."


Re: The Lake of Fire (11)

Posted by Lou Pilder on October 16, 2002, at 6:50:09

In reply to The Lake of Fire (10), posted by Lou Pilder on October 15, 2002, at 10:47:41

There was still those wanting to know if they could take prescribed drugs that altered the mood or mind and be able to enter The City of Peace. One said, "I can do anything that I want, there is no God." The Rider turned to us and said, "Only a fool, in his heart, says that there is no God."


Re: please be civil » Lou Pilder

Posted by Dr. Bob on October 16, 2002, at 10:39:50

In reply to Re: The Lake of Fire (11), posted by Lou Pilder on October 16, 2002, at 6:50:09

> The Rider turned to us and said, "Only a fool, in his heart, says that there is no God."

Please remember to respect the views of others, even if you think they're wrong, and not to post anything that could lead them to feel accused or put down, thanks.


PS: Follow-ups regarding posting policies should, as always, be redirected to Psycho-Babble Administration.


Re: The Word of God-the Rider unveiled-part 2

Posted by rayww on November 23, 2002, at 17:59:31

In reply to The Word of God-the Rider unveiled-part 2, posted by Lou Pilder on October 2, 2002, at 12:28:11

> Friends,
> The Rider continued, " In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God and the Word was God.All things were made by The Word of God.In Him was life and the light of men.
> I am The Logos of God. My Spirit can dwell in you and you can have the mind of God."
> Lou

Lou, You tell your story in themes that follow and even quote the New Testament, yet you also say somewhere you are Jewish. Who are you?

Bipolar spiritual cycle is like walking along a branch of a large tree. You walk to the end of the branch and instead of it breaking off, the branch keeps on growing as you walk, while at the same time becoming more and more fragile. You keep going until you feel you are in the "in-between" place. At some point you decide to leap from the branch into heaven, only instead of going up, you crash to the ground.

In a rather startling reality those around you start telling you about the delusionary ideas you have been talking about and they send you to a doctor for analysis. Then they send you to a Bishop to have your spirituality analyzed. All this time you think you are living in the world's greatest sphere and are enlightened with the world's greatest visionary ideas.

A course correction is like a step back in time. The vision is yours to keep, and the understanding your most precious gift, yet to admit you are suffering from a bipolar dillusion or that you need to go on medication, is such a blow. You then begin to doubt the validity of all of your ideas, and even wonder about your whole life to that point. It takes good and trusting friends to help rein in the horse and turn it around. It may not happen until medication brings the branch into perspective.

I used the analagy of the branch so you could visualize a large tree with one solitary branch extending out into nowhere.

Rather than travel out on one limb, I encourage you to focus more on balance. Think of the tree and what some of the other branches might represent. Perhaps you could try to focus on things like family, eating right, getting enough sleep, seeing your doctor, taking your medication, drinking less of unhealthy things and more water, taking a walk, looking at nature, finding a nice tree. There are many things you could use to occupy your mind. Do you have a favorite river or mountain or tree?

I hope Dr. Bob doesn't think I am putting you down or judging you. I appreciated your kind words to me, and in return I have tried to read some of your posts and respond in a positive way to you. Your contributions to this board will be accepted and appreciated when you can visualize the whole tree. Psycho Babble is like a large growing tree with lots of branches. But don't forget, if the branch doesn't feed the root with light, the root will not be able to feed the branches with nutrient. We want to make a strong tree here, with all the branches and roots strong.


Re: The Word of God-the Rider unveiled-part 2 » rayww

Posted by Lou Pilder on November 23, 2002, at 18:26:35

In reply to Re: The Word of God-the Rider unveiled-part 2, posted by rayww on November 23, 2002, at 17:59:31

For the past 11 months, I have been telling of the experince that I had that enabled me to overcome depression and addiction. My experiance started when I wa in psychotic depression as described also by numerous posters here.
When I opened the first Gate, I was taken across a Great Gulf by way of a narrow bridge. There was a figure on a White Horse waiting for me on the other side. The one side that I was on was the earthly side of man, and the other side was the spiritual side of man. I crossed over to a spiritual existance and I am describing what I experianceed. In my experiance, I had an encounter with The Word of God, who is a Rider on a White Horse hving many crowns as you have mentioned. The Word of God is spiritual, and can only be understood spiritually.


Lou's response to rayww's post -part 2

Posted by Lou Pilder on November 23, 2002, at 18:52:47

In reply to Re: The Word of God-the Rider unveiled-part 2, posted by rayww on November 23, 2002, at 17:59:31

The major part of my experiance that I am reiterating here involves my hope that someone reading it will also be able to overcome their affliction by reading about my experiance. It may not be today, or tomorrow, but ,perhaps, sometime in their life.
You see, it was revealed to me that our nature that we are born with is physical and we have a war going on in us as I have recently told of my experiance with four horses . And we will die. But it was revealed to me that a tranformation can occur and we can receive a new nature that will not ever die and this new nature gives us the power to overcome the waring nature in us so that we have peace.
Ths process requiers that we put off the old man and take on a new man. This means that we have to become a whole new creature.
I have been describing how that happened to me. It hapenend when I first separated myself from the conformity of the world. Then I followed a light. As I followed the light, as He walked in the light, I experiance a cleansing that enabled me to overcome. The Road is the following of the light.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God... and in Him was Life; and the Life was the Light of men.


Lou's reply to rayww's post- part 3

Posted by Lou Pilder on November 23, 2002, at 19:17:33

In reply to Re: The Word of God-the Rider unveiled-part 2, posted by rayww on November 23, 2002, at 17:59:31

It has been revealed to me that The Transformation that can occur in us is done by receiving the Word of God IN YOU. You have described a branch and that is what happens. You become a branch on the vine and the vine is the Word of God. As the nutriants flow from the vine to the branches, so does the spiritual nutriants flow from the vine, which is The Word of God into us. It is a spiritual blood transfusion, for the life is in the blood. It was revealed to me that Adam, the first man, had blood that was breathed into him by God. Adam had God-blood in him and would not die. But when he disobeyed God, his blood was made into blood like animals have and he then had to die, and he did, and we have the same blood as Adam and we will die also. But if we have God's blood put back into us, like it was in the beginning, then we will live eternally after the body dies. It is this eternal blood in us that I am talking about here. And it was revealed to me that we can all have that eternal blood put into us by walking in the light, as He walked in the light, and we will be cleansed from the affliction that we have by God's own blood so that we can overcome. I have not finishd ,yet, about how this finally happens.


Re: The Rider's answer to taking mind--altering drugs

Posted by tancu on November 28, 2002, at 23:40:34

In reply to The Rider's answer to taking mind--altering drugs, posted by lou pilder on October 11, 2002, at 13:12:42

> Friends,
> I asked the Word of God what an alterative would be to taking mood or mind-altering drugs. He answered, "If you be in tribulation, seek God with all your heart and you will find Him. And be obediant to His voice and He will not forsake you. For each day you have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: thearfore choose life, for God is life."
> Lou

hi Lou...the amount of energy you display here is simply amazing...I expect that if you help only one person through your writings then none of your energy will have been wasted, but this is only my opinion...I'd love to hear more of these "blessings and cursings" of which you speak...I find it very hard to imagine a God who makes use of "curses"..."cursing" seems to be more the activity of men than a mechanism of Omnipotence...what purpose, praytell, would a curse serve the unlimited power and authority of Omnipotence? would seem that unlimited power and authority would require nothing, no need of "curses" or the threat of curses...I understand that the scriptures make many references to curses and to our place in servitude...I also understand that the scriptures bear witness to the concept of a "great deception" which, ultimately, could be our own doing if we are wreckless enough to restrict the Word of God to one book at any given time... for your instructions from "The Rider" pertaining to the use of "...drugs.", Paul in his first letter to Timothy said--"For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving; for then it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer."...this seems an appropriate perspective on this day of Thanksgiving or, for that matter, any other day that we find ourselves blessed with the availability of both modern and ancient pharmacueticals...only the faith of a mustard seed is required to see that many-a-prayer have gone into the development of these medicines, whether one perceives a mood or mind altering effect in them or not...this same amount of faith assures me that none of US could lift a finger were it not God's will.


Re: The Rider's answer to taking mind--altering drugs » tancu

Posted by Lou Pilder on November 29, 2002, at 7:19:52

In reply to Re: The Rider's answer to taking mind--altering drugs, posted by tancu on November 28, 2002, at 23:40:34

When I awakened his morning , your post was on my email. For the past 12 months you have been reading about the [amazing energy] that I have been posting here, and that ,perhaps, [one person will be helped].
Tancu, I know that what I am writing is rejected by most,and there is a lot of rejection involved with the telling of my experiance. Yet today, I consider myself, to be, the luckiest man, on the face of the earth.


Lou's reply to tancu's post -part2

Posted by Lou Pilder on November 29, 2002, at 7:42:38

In reply to Re: The Rider's answer to taking mind--altering drugs, posted by tancu on November 28, 2002, at 23:40:34

You wrote that you would like [to hear more about the blessings and cursings].
Tancu, you have been reading about the Road. And on that Road there have been people that are seeking The City of Peace. And the Rider has been telling them to do this or to do that or to eschew this or that. And that they would be[blessed] if they do this or that or not do this or that.
But you wrote that [none of us could lift a finger if it were not for God's will]. And you are correct!. And it has been revealed to me that it is God's will that we all be in The City of Peace and that none should perish.


The Rider's answe to taking mind-altering drugs(3) » tancu

Posted by Lou Pilder on November 29, 2002, at 8:06:07

In reply to Re: The Rider's answer to taking mind--altering drugs, posted by tancu on November 28, 2002, at 23:40:34

You wrote that there was a letter by Paul to Timothy that said,
[Evrything created by God is good and nothing should be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for then it is consecrated by the Word of God and prayer.]
I have heard that before and it was my understanding that he was referring to [meats] and that every [creature] is good to [eat] if it is received with thanksgiving.
I am not a biblical expert, so if I am wrong here, could you clarify what you have written and how it could apply to taking mind-altering drugs? If you could, then I could be better able to communicate with you in regards to your post.


Re: The Rider's answe to taking mind-altering drugs(3)

Posted by tancu on November 29, 2002, at 18:33:44

In reply to The Rider's answe to taking mind-altering drugs(3) » tancu, posted by Lou Pilder on November 29, 2002, at 8:06:07

Lou wrote--I have heard that before and it was my understanding that he was referring to [meats] and that every [creature] is good to [eat] if it is received with thanksgiving.
I am not a biblical expert, so if I am wrong here, could you clarify what you have written and how it could apply to taking mind-altering drugs? If you could, then I could be better able to communicate with you in regards to your post.

Hello Lou Pilder, and thanks for inviting me to clarify my understanding of the intent and meaning of what the apostle Paul wrote to Timothy. Here again is my original quote from Paul’s letter—“For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving; for then it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.”
The sentence immediately preceding the above quote reads—“Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by giving heed to deceitful spirits and the doctrines of demons, through the pretensions of liars whose consciences are seared, who forbid marriage and enjoin in abstinence from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.” These are the exact words taken from a copy of The Bible, Revised Standard Version, American Bible Society, 1974 (originally published in 1901 as a revision of the King James Version published in 1611). I understand that these words are largely afforded to us as the result of the first English translation, from the original Hebrew and Greek texts, by Wm. Tyndale around 1535. While Tyndale was in fact executed and burned at the stake in Oct. 1536, it was precisely his translations that formed the foundation for the 1611 King James Version. Thus, the translations that survive today only reference—“…foods which God created to be received…”, not meats or creatures to be eaten. In essence, the two letters from Paul to Timothy represent Paul’s efforts to provide specific Divine guidance and direction in the religious and social discourse expected of early Christians. When I read the word “foods” here I can hardly restrict the meaning to only the figs, barley, and wheat that were probably the mainstays of the people of those times and place. For me, the words—“For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving;”—convey a majesty and finality that I would associate with Divinity. Specifically, I find the words “everything” and “nothing” to be most powerful and definitive. They convey in their meaning not only the very essence of even the tiniest particles of matter, but also, the very essence of which cannot be called matter—thoughts, words, prayers. With “thanksgiving” as the only required condition placed upon US in order to “receive” that which “…is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.”, I can only interpret the intent and meaning of this passage in the most broadly comprehensive way. Thanks again Lou, for inviting me to reply.


Re: The Rider's answe to taking mind-altering drugs(3) » tancu

Posted by Lou Pilder on November 29, 2002, at 19:18:13

In reply to Re: The Rider's answe to taking mind-altering drugs(3), posted by tancu on November 29, 2002, at 18:33:44

You quoted a revised standard version that says,[...who forbid marriage and enjoin in abstinence from {foods} which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those...]
Then you wrote that [...for [evrything] created by God is good and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving...]
Now the KJV writes that [...For every [creature] of God is good...]
Could you clarify if you are quoting from a version of the bible when you wrote,[for [evrything] created by God is good...]? If you could, then I will be better able to communicate with you in regards to your post.


Re: The Rider's answe to taking mind-altering drugs(3)

Posted by tancu on November 29, 2002, at 21:33:31

In reply to Re: The Rider's answe to taking mind-altering drugs(3) » tancu, posted by Lou Pilder on November 29, 2002, at 19:18:13

As I said earlier--These are the exact words taken from a copy of The Bible, Revised Standard Version, American Bible Society, 1974 (originally published in 1901 as a revision of the King James Version published in 1611). I understand that these words are largely afforded to us as the result of the first English translation, from the original Hebrew and Greek texts, by Wm. Tyndale around 1535. While Tyndale was in fact executed and burned at the stake in Oct. 1536, it was precisely his translations that formed the foundation for the 1611 King James Version.

It appears that our discussion has led us to visit again one of the numerous differences between the KJV and the Revised Standard Version. For all we "know" at this point in time the differences may be purely semantic. What we do "know", with some certainty, is that all modern-day versions of the New Testament are derived from Greek manuscripts that have preserved many variant forms of the original texts. Some of them were written only "...two or three centuries later than the original composition of the books." The original books, apparently written in Hebrew and Aramaic, have probably turned to dust. I would imagine that the difference in words between our respective modern-day bibles can probably also be found in the large number of Greek manuscripts that are known to contain 'various accounts' of that which was written in the one or two centuries following the death of Christ. Of course, this is only an assumption as I have not actually read these Greek manuscripts. These are the shortcomings of "knowledge"--a tool that I could never imagine God would expect us to use in order to record and "know" that which is Divine. Although it is not specifically written in the Judeo-Christian scriptures I believe that God intends each of US to rely on what we feel over what we know. What we know is constantly changing. Feeling, by contrast, is agelessly the same. In other words, our capacity to feel the difference between that which is Divine and that which is not must surely be equal to the same capacity our forefathers possessed when they endeavored to relate their own interpretations of spiritual matters.


Re: The Rider's answe to taking mind-altering drugs(3)

Posted by tancu on December 7, 2002, at 21:49:55

In reply to Re: The Rider's answe to taking mind-altering drugs(3), posted by tancu on November 29, 2002, at 21:33:31

hello Lou?...has our discussion become tiresome?


Re: The Rider's answe to taking mind-altering drugs(3) » tancu

Posted by Lou Pilder on December 8, 2002, at 14:36:13

In reply to Re: The Rider's answe to taking mind-altering drugs(3), posted by tancu on December 7, 2002, at 21:49:55

You wrote [....forefathers...]. Could you clarify who the forefathers are that you are referring to as to how far back in history these referr to as forefathers and some identification as to who they represent? If you could, then I could be better able to communicate with you concerning this discussion.


Re: The Rider's answe to taking mind-altering drugs(3)

Posted by tancu on December 8, 2002, at 15:07:24

In reply to Re: The Rider's answe to taking mind-altering drugs(3), posted by tancu on November 29, 2002, at 21:33:31

generally speaking, I have used the term "forefathers" in reference to anyone who had a part in recording judeo/christian scriptures.


Re: The Rider's answe to taking mind-altering drugs(3) » tancu

Posted by Lou Pilder on December 8, 2002, at 15:45:25

In reply to Re: The Rider's answe to taking mind-altering drugs(3), posted by tancu on December 8, 2002, at 15:07:24

Thank you for the reply. But when you wrote that the [forefathers] were those that [..had a part in recording...scriptures...], are you saying that those that were the [recorders] would include the actual writers, such as King David of ancient Israel?


Re: The Rider's answe to taking mind-altering drugs(3)

Posted by tancu on December 8, 2002, at 16:42:23

In reply to Re: The Rider's answe to taking mind-altering drugs(3) » tancu, posted by Lou Pilder on December 8, 2002, at 15:45:25



Re: The Rider's answe to taking mind-altering drugs(3) » tancu

Posted by Lou Pilder on December 8, 2002, at 17:13:48

In reply to Re: The Rider's answe to taking mind-altering drugs(3), posted by tancu on November 29, 2002, at 21:33:31

You wrote that , [...our capacity to feel the difference between that which is divine and that which is not must surely be equal to the same capacity our forefathers posessed when they endevorerd to relate their own interpretation of spiritual matters...].
Then you wrote that the identification of who the [forefathers] were in your post included even King David of ancient Israel who is accepted by many as the author of most of the Psalms that are included in scripture.
Could you clarify if you are then saying that the writings of, lets say, King David who is accepted by many as the author of most of the Psalms , wrote [his own interpretation of spiritual matters] verses what many say that he was divinely inspired to write? If you could, then I could be better able to communicate with you in regards to your post.


Re: The Rider's answe to taking mind-altering drugs(3)

Posted by tancu on December 9, 2002, at 0:51:16

In reply to Re: The Rider's answe to taking mind-altering drugs(3) » tancu, posted by Lou Pilder on December 8, 2002, at 17:13:48

my dear Lou, I am not inclined to debate the issue of whether the "words" found in our respective bibles, as different as they are, merely represent the 'interpretations' of authors such as king david or whether they actually represent the Divine Word 'literally'...given the countless translations spanning the past 2k yrs such a debate, IMHO, would lead no I've said before, I can hardly imagine that God ever intended for US to rely on ink and paper to preserve and know that which is Divine...I am of the opinion that 'words' are the least effective form of communication...apparently I am not alone in this regard because it is very clear to me that the phrases--"A picture is worth a thousand words." and "Actions speak louder than words."--were well established long before I was even born...'words' have the tenuous capacity to leave you guessing about a thing you really ought to mention that the KJV has Paul using the word "meat" in his instructions to Timothy regarding foods created by God that are good if they are received with college dictionary lists exactly 7 distinctly different definitions for the word "meat"--the 2d of these 7 refers to "the flesh of animals used as food; usually, the flesh of mammals, as distinguished from fish and fowl" I to understand that you would interpret what we have left of Pauls words here in the KJV to mean only the flesh of mammals? seems to me that if Paul was speaking strictly about the flesh of mammals he could have easily said--"...strictly the flesh of milk-bearing animals and their male counterparts" is interesting to note that the 1st definition of meat, albeit archaic, in my dictionary is simply "food; especially, solid food, as distinguished from drink"...
def. "3. the edible part: as, the meat of a nut."
def. "4. the substance, meaning, or gist: as, the meat of a story." ...and so, we have coined phrases such as--"the heart of the matter", "the meat of the story", "the gist of it" and "food for thought"...
also, it seems a fair and interesting question to ask if any of the various so-called "authors" of our scripture could even read and write...for all we "know" today each of them could...and for all we "know" today some of them actually dictated the Word to a scribe whose end transcription was meticulously proofread, edited, and finally authenticated by the author...this streamlined process in itself would seem to be quite capable of ensuring complete accuracy...the later translations into other languages, however, did not have the luxury of having the original author present to authenticate the final writings...this is the main shortcoming of using merely/only "words" to preserve and to use to "know" that which is Divine...
when I stated that "feeling" is ageless, my intent was to make it clear that there is every reason for us to believe that we are as capable of feeling love and fear (the only two emotions humans are capable of feeling) as were our forefathers--whom we look upon as forebearers of the Truth...
in closing, all I'm saying is that the meat of the stories and instructives found in today's scripture can only survive when we do not "restrict" their words...fear takes and binds and restricts, while love gives and frees up that which is bound and restricted...lastly, I have know idea, or opinion as to, whether David's writings were his own interpretations or whether God simply used David's status in order to convey to the masses "verbatim" the instructives and wisdoms of God's this regard, I think I've made it very clear that I do not believe that God ever intended US to RE-MEMBER that which is Divine by simply using "words in ink on paper"...words in ink on paper can be adulterated intentionaly or unintentionaly as easily as an accountant can hide money using the same ink and paper...even when etched in stone the words will, God has etched God's Word into our very hearts--the very place each of us looks in those times we seek to heal ourselves and others...

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
Owned and operated by Dr. Bob LLC and not the University of Chicago.