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Posted by linkadge on March 20, 2009, at 18:45:13
Do you ever think that one's brain lowers the happy chemicals from time to time to help one get a better grasp of reality?
Posted by raisinb on March 20, 2009, at 22:25:46
In reply to Depression as a brain homeostatic reset, posted by linkadge on March 20, 2009, at 18:45:13
That is an interesting question.
Without a doubt, my depression (my most serious episode--suicide a definite possibility) spurred me to make internal changes that were absolutely necessary for my continued emotional survival and well-being. It made me learn lessons I wasn't going to learn any other way.
I had to learn that at least half, probably more, of my emotional turmoil was under my control. I had to learn to be my own best advocate. I had to learn that nobody could accept myself for me. I had to decide that no matter what, I could not continue (as far as I could control it) hating myself on a regular basis--all day, every day.
More basically, I had to decide whether I was going to live or going to die. If I decided to die, I knew I had to get it done quickly. If I decided to live, I had to do the things I listed above. I have to keep fighting and I have to learn--on my own, and with the help of the people who love me--to love myself.
Only hitting absolute bottom forced me to learn these things. I have to remember them every day.
Some dynamic therapists talk about serious depression as a necessary--or common--stage in deep internal change. Mine turned out that way.
It isn't that simple of course--I have strong genetic predispositions, and depression might be something I have to battle the rest of my life.
But I know, whenever I get into the depths, that I have control over which decision I make--live (keep fighting) or decide to die. Not to oversimplify, but never again will I f**ck around for months when the depression hits. I'll keep fighting--with meds, with tough risks, with believing in myself when nobody else does, with negotiating with sometimes difficult or absent clinicians. Or else I'll gather the materials, make the plans, and surrender. Either way, I will decide how I will live, and how I might die. Months and months of meaninglessness--I will not go through that again.
Conversely, depression also taught me that I have an illness that is not necessarily my fault, and that I have to let people help me if I am going to get through (I was trying to do it all myself, with no communication about how I was doing, with anyone).
My major depressive episode last year was hell and I would never wish it on anyone. But it made me a different person--oddly enough, by making me learn that I had to accept myself how I am--vulnerable, flawed, but with beauty and richness inside, too.
That's the way with most horrible things. If they don't kill you, they change you.
I don't know if this answered your question at all, but I do believe that my brain, my body, my psyche, whatever you want to call it, decided on something, and that good things came out of it.
Posted by Phillipa on March 21, 2009, at 0:00:35
In reply to Depression as a brain homeostatic reset, posted by linkadge on March 20, 2009, at 18:45:13
Link for me I think it's getting a handle on me and I guess kind of what raisin said fighting and trudging on. I guess surrender is in there also. I don't want meds but for some reason my brain is now wired for benzos and luvox. Wierd huh? Love Phillipa
Posted by Elimino Pete on March 21, 2009, at 0:24:49
In reply to Depression as a brain homeostatic reset, posted by linkadge on March 20, 2009, at 18:45:13
It's an interesting theory that has to first assume those happy chemicals create a distortion of reality. When I'm rarely feeling on top of my game, I can tend to kill it by worrying that it isn't real and that any minute, it's all going to come crashing down. I don't know whether that is part of the insidiousness of my conditions or evidence in support of your theory...or a little of both. Good stuff to ponder. Thanks.
Posted by Netch on March 21, 2009, at 5:28:09
In reply to Depression as a brain homeostatic reset, posted by linkadge on March 20, 2009, at 18:45:13
> Do you ever think that one's brain lowers the happy chemicals from time to time to help one get a better grasp of reality?
> LinkadgeIf that's the case it's gone haywired since the grasp of reality is often worsened in depression.
Posted by sam K on March 21, 2009, at 8:41:32
In reply to Re: Depression as a brain homeostatic reset, posted by Netch on March 21, 2009, at 5:28:09
i like these quetions and yea, depression is a terrible disease, but at the same time it teaches you alot. Like to be compassionate, patient, it just makes you stronger in general. Atleast for me. My depression and anxiety was induced by lsd, and bipolarish stuff and psychotic. I mean i was predisposed obviously, but I had nothing of major problem. sometimes Im glad I did that lsd because Im so nice and friendly and mature and loving. Depression helped enlighten me, thats pretty much it
Posted by linkadge on March 21, 2009, at 9:27:28
In reply to Re: Depression as a brain homeostatic reset, posted by sam K on March 21, 2009, at 8:41:32
It's an interesting theory that has to first >assume those happy chemicals create a distortion >of reality.
Its not that the happy chemicals cause a distortion of reality, but that there is something that is wrong, and that your brain lowers the happy chemicals so that you can see it for what it is.
Posted by linkadge on March 21, 2009, at 9:32:54
In reply to Re: Depression as a brain homeostatic reset, posted by linkadge on March 21, 2009, at 9:27:28
Perhaps this is a better analogy:
If you've ever been in a physical fight, you can go a long time with an injury and not even be aware of it because of the adrenaline.
Then, long after the fight, when the adrenaline subsides you realize just how wounded you are.
Life is like that fight, and that adrenaline is a coping mechanism. But, it can't last forever and it is within your best interest that the adrenaline does wear off so that you can understand and tend to your wounds.
Posted by garnet71 on March 21, 2009, at 11:35:24
In reply to Re: Depression as a brain homeostatic reset, posted by linkadge on March 21, 2009, at 9:32:54
I like your philosophy. I do think your body has several ways to tell you what you need or should address via pain, food cravings, dreams--and maybe-depression.I had questioned whether or not ADs prolong the depression because some of them make you numb from emotion; it is in this way that a person can ignore the very emotions that have triggered the depression. Some people do believe that the ADs that mask emotion allow them to think rationally about their situation; for me personally, I disagree with that mindset.
Yet, genetics do play a role. My former PhD therapist, told me that 50% is environment, 50% genetics/physiology. So little is known about the brain that I like to see open mindedness such as yours regardless of previous theories. :))
Posted by bleauberry on March 21, 2009, at 11:44:59
In reply to Depression as a brain homeostatic reset, posted by linkadge on March 20, 2009, at 18:45:13
> Do you ever think that one's brain lowers the happy chemicals from time to time to help one get a better grasp of reality?
> LinkadgeNo.
I do believe however, for those that have faith in the words of the Bible, that God allows suffering in this lifetime as one of the only means to get us to turn to Him.
Posted by garnet71 on March 21, 2009, at 12:11:59
In reply to Re: Depression as a brain homeostatic reset, posted by bleauberry on March 21, 2009, at 11:44:59
That's interesting too, Bleauberry. Also with Buddhism, desire/want is the source of all pain and suffering. This, for me anyway, could apply to such things outside of the material world.
It could pertain to concepts like the yearning for a normal/non-abusive childhood, a nuturing parent or spouse, to loathe the memory of a traumatic experience...instead of being thankful for what you have, harnessing the positive, and moving on. Total acceptance and even love of past situations.
My Muslim friend told me that one Islamic law dictates that you don't disrespect or be unthankful about your parents. He told me you accept it as it is, that it could always be worse, and you should appreciate your parents for bringing you into the world no matter what. I have tried to adopt this philosophy but still have trouble with it.
A Catholic friend, my boss who was there the day my father died and I got on a plane, noticed I barely shed a tear...maybe I had a look of calmness, serenity, releif, when my father passed away when I was 23. He told me you don't have to love someone for 'who' they are. Unconditionally, I suppose, is what he meant.
I always look back and feel sorry for my father, and empathisize with him, but didn't feel much when I found out he died. In fact, I was up all night the evening before he died with pain and numbness in my arms, couldn't sleep all night, which was not normal for me at the time. And when it was time to leave the hotel for work, I paused, sat on the bed with the door key in my hand, and just sat there for a few minutes all dressed and ready to go. Sat there and stared at the wall for no reason other than a feeling of weirdness. Moments later, my sister called with the news.
Posted by nicky847 on March 21, 2009, at 12:42:02
In reply to Re: Depression as a brain homeostatic reset » bleauberry, posted by garnet71 on March 21, 2009, at 12:11:59
my last bad bout of depression was 5 1/2 years ago...and i met my wife near the tail end of it, probably because one of the ways i treat my depression is to make an effort to interact with people more....i do think sometimes it is the body's only way of affecting change in your life, esp. for people who dont like change otherwise
Posted by linkadge on March 21, 2009, at 12:59:59
In reply to Re: Depression as a brain homeostatic reset, posted by bleauberry on March 21, 2009, at 11:44:59
>I do believe however, for those that have faith >in the words of the Bible, that God allows >suffering in this lifetime as one of the only >means to get us to turn to Him.
I once thought that way. But then I realized, whether or not I was with 'him' (whoever he was), I was still had pretty much the same level of mysery in my life. And, would I really want to be with somebody who is going to make me suffer if I don't choose him - thats the definition of an abusive relaitonship.
Posted by bleauberry on March 21, 2009, at 20:12:39
In reply to Re: Depression as a brain homeostatic reset, posted by linkadge on March 21, 2009, at 12:59:59
> >No.
> >I do believe however, for those that have faith >in the words of the Bible, that God allows >suffering in this lifetime as one of the only >means to get us to turn to Him.
> I once thought that way. But then I realized, whether or not I was with 'him' (whoever he was), I was still had pretty much the same level of mysery in my life. And, would I really want to be with somebody who is going to make me suffer if I don't choose him - thats the definition of an abusive relaitonship.
> Linkadge
>Well, this isn't the forum to discuss that. I didn't mean to take your thread off topic. But your comments have nothing to do with anything the Bible has to say. Those comments do not fit.
God does not "make" us suffer. That is Satan the devil doing that. Satan is the inventor of disease, pain, lies, and deceit. Thankfully, it is not that way forever. A time is coming. People who purposely turn away God on their own free will, well, would you welcome that person into your Kingdom?
But as I said, God takes the evil that Satan dishes out and turns it into good. Satan's idea is to get you so ill that you hate God. That's the plan. When you strive to be close to God and welcome Him, whether He gives you miraculous healing or not, you have won. Any man who walks through life of his own strength is but dust in the end. God did not promise us a rose garden in this life. But He did promise us an eternal one. Satan lies, deceives, and twists minds. God does not. Satan, as you see yourself, is a master at it.
But no, I do not think depression is any kind of bodily reset. It is a body that needs to be reset.
Posted by HyperFocus on March 21, 2009, at 20:16:43
In reply to Depression as a brain homeostatic reset, posted by linkadge on March 20, 2009, at 18:45:13
My depression causes a much worse distortion of reality than any 'happy chemicals' do. At any rate if all we have are perceptions of reality then it surely wouldn't make a difference what version of reality we experience - so may as well have the happy one.
I'm not religous so I don't think there's any higher reasoning or meaning for suffering. It's just bad luck that you were born with a predisposition for illness which matured when your environment facilitated it.
The only things good to come out of my depression:
1. I will be a better person and appreciate things more.
2. My kids won't have to go through what I did.
Posted by Elimino Pete on March 22, 2009, at 1:13:03
In reply to Re: Depression as a brain homeostatic reset, posted by linkadge on March 21, 2009, at 9:27:28
I understand your point and the analogy of the adrenaline surge in a fight or flight situation, linkadge. I really believe your idea makes some sense. It would certainly be worthy of investigation and could possibly be studied with the aid of today's imaging technologies (maybe it already has?). Humans are amazingly resilient and adaptive creatures. Just look at all of us, right? So many things regarding mental conditions are quick to be characterized as maladaptive. To the contrary, I believe a good many of these are actually quite adaptive at their core. That would seem to apply to observable behavior in addition to happy chemical activity in the brain. So yes I think you are beating around something that has TONS of merit. That you experience it subjectively only adds to its validity. Along the same lines, one could argue that the development of at least certain psychoses is adaptive and homeostatic. A person can be so unable to deal with reality that they must create another one in order to survive. It seems to me it technically could be argued that virtually everything that occurs within an organism is homeostatic. We get to that mind/body connection though, and it tends to throw our science for a loop. It's that age old problem of trying to study something using the same thing it is that we are studying. These are just humble opinions of a not always so smart guy like me. My best to you, linkadge!
Posted by linkadge on March 22, 2009, at 7:17:59
In reply to Re: Depression as a brain homeostatic reset » linkadge, posted by bleauberry on March 21, 2009, at 20:12:39
Its all just *symantics*: The bottom line is: god created satan and if god is omnicient then he knew how satan was going to turn out even before he made him. In this sence, he chose to create this creature which would allow our suffereing. In other words, God is still responsible for our suffering.
Whatever way you look at it, god has presented us with (or if you prefer the term 'allowed') two options: "choose him or burn in hell".
It is at this point you respond with something like "well man can never fully understand the nature of god" or something...
Hey, I've read the bible too, besides confusing me with a bunch of contradiction, I'm not everly enlightened.
Posted by SLS on March 22, 2009, at 8:24:54
In reply to Depression as a brain homeostatic reset, posted by linkadge on March 20, 2009, at 18:45:13
> Do you ever think that one's brain lowers the happy chemicals from time to time to help one get a better grasp of reality?
I find the inverse to be true. My perception of reality and ability to function more effectively in it are greatly improved during periods of remission of biological depression.
I think of healthy depressions in the absence of affective disorder to be a mechanism by which a primate under extraordinary stress conserves energy and induces quiescence. I see that most healthy depression as a reaction to some sort of loss - whether it be a person, a job, a favorite tool, hopes and dreams, or anything else of importance to the individual.
- Scott
Posted by SLS on March 22, 2009, at 8:42:49
In reply to Re: Depression as a brain homeostatic reset » linkadge, posted by bleauberry on March 21, 2009, at 20:12:39
> God does not "make" us suffer. That is Satan the devil doing that.
I know this is a very important and sensitive topic to many people.
I would only suggest that there are spiritual alternatives within which suffering can occur in the absence of a demon or a universal force of evil.
- Scott
Posted by linkadge on March 22, 2009, at 10:27:08
In reply to Re: Depression as a brain homeostatic reset, posted by SLS on March 22, 2009, at 8:24:54
Yeah, thats a typical SLS responce.
Posted by linkadge on March 22, 2009, at 10:28:33
In reply to Re: Depression as a brain homeostatic reset, posted by linkadge on March 22, 2009, at 10:27:08
The above post was intended as responce to your first post.
Posted by SLS on March 22, 2009, at 10:36:41
In reply to Re: Depression as a brain homeostatic reset, posted by linkadge on March 22, 2009, at 10:27:08
> > > Do you ever think that one's brain lowers the happy chemicals from time to time to help one get a better grasp of reality?
> > No.
> > I find the inverse to be true. My perception of reality and ability to function more effectively in it are greatly improved during periods of remission of biological depression.
> > I think of healthy depressions in the absence of affective disorder to be a mechanism by which a primate under extraordinary stress conserves energy and induces quiescence. I see that most healthy depression as a reaction to some sort of loss - whether it be a person, a job, a favorite tool, hopes and dreams, or anything else of importance to the individual.
> Yeah, thats a typical SLS responce.
Yes, it is, thank God.
- Scott
Posted by linkadge on March 22, 2009, at 11:20:19
In reply to Re: Depression as a brain homeostatic reset » linkadge, posted by SLS on March 22, 2009, at 10:36:41
>Yes, it is, thank God.
You can thank him if you like.
Posted by SLS on March 22, 2009, at 11:26:19
In reply to Re: Depression as a brain homeostatic reset, posted by linkadge on March 22, 2009, at 11:20:19
> >Yes, it is, thank God.
> You can thank him if you like.
> LinkadgeYou have no idea how many times I have thanked Him for the blessings that have allowed me to survive such a crushing illness while maintaining an optimistic outlook and an appreciation for all the joys and positive forces that this Universe has to offer. I have been blessed with positive energy.
- Scott
Posted by linkadge on March 22, 2009, at 13:06:37
In reply to Re: Depression as a brain homeostatic reset » linkadge, posted by SLS on March 22, 2009, at 11:26:19
>You have no idea how many times I have thanked >Him for the blessings that have allowed me to >survive such a crushing illness while >maintaining an optimistic outlook and an >appreciation for all the joys and positive >forces that this Universe has to offer. I have >been blessed with positive energy.
I always find it interesting the types of things that people consider "gifts from God".
For example: "We are blessed by God in Canada to have all this wonderful clean drinking water".
But, the thoughful person then asks themself. Why would God bless this country with clean drinking water and yet give another countries disease infested refuse potty water to feed to their children till they end up getting sick and dying?
For every blessing that you think God has given you, there is another person (who is logically as diserving as you of the same blessing) yet is left without.
Most people create an image of God in their mind which is not entirely logical. God, you see, is a neural construct by some indivudals to believe that there is something or someone responsible for the good things. Perhaps it makes them feel in control of their lives.
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