Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 1016

Shown: posts 416 to 440 of 1313. Go back in thread:


Re: Excellent post

Posted by Vasterling on January 14, 2004, at 14:22:11

In reply to Excellent post » wildchild1957, posted by KimberlyDi on January 14, 2004, at 13:28:21

Effexor did not help me at all. It made me not care about anything. I was emotionless. I did not cry nor was I happy. I do not know why my doctor felt it was necessary for me to be on this drug. I was having a hard time with some very personal issues and my doctor said that I needed the Effexor. I could not sleep or even do my work. I just did not care if it even got done, nor did i care if my bills were paid on time. The constapation was horrendous. I felt like I was just existing and that was it. I have been off the Effexor for 3 weeks. After the first of the withdrawl (which was no picnic) my mind seemed to become clearer. I realized that is totally screwed up my credit and I am having trouble sleeping right now because when i go to sleep all I think about is what bill i need to pay. My finances will get better and so will I. After of about10 days of no symptoms, I am having the dizzyness and quezzyness today, but it is no way in any shape or form worse than the first week of withdrawl. I went from 225mg to 150 mg to 75. From what I have heard the withdrawl does not seem to be any different than dropping down to 37.5 mg. So I just stopped at the 75 mg level. It does get better and when you have a clear mind the world seems to be a better place.

I just wanted to share my story with effexor. Thanks.


Re: Excellent post » Vasterling

Posted by wildchild1957 on January 14, 2004, at 17:35:07

In reply to Re: Excellent post, posted by Vasterling on January 14, 2004, at 14:22:11

> Effexor did not help me at all. It made me not care about anything. I was emotionless. I did not cry nor was I happy. I do not know why my doctor felt it was necessary for me to be on this drug. I was having a hard time with some very personal issues and my doctor said that I needed the Effexor. I could not sleep or even do my work. I just did not care if it even got done, nor did i care if my bills were paid on time. The constapation was horrendous. I felt like I was just existing and that was it. I have been off the Effexor for 3 weeks. After the first of the withdrawl (which was no picnic) my mind seemed to become clearer. I realized that is totally screwed up my credit and I am having trouble sleeping right now because when i go to sleep all I think about is what bill i need to pay. My finances will get better and so will I. After of about10 days of no symptoms, I am having the dizzyness and quezzyness today, but it is no way in any shape or form worse than the first week of withdrawl. I went from 225mg to 150 mg to 75. From what I have heard the withdrawl does not seem to be any different than dropping down to 37.5 mg. So I just stopped at the 75 mg level. It does get better and when you have a clear mind the world seems to be a better place.
> I just wanted to share my story with effexor. Thanks.

It sounds alot like the Effexor made you even more depressed. That happened to me with Zoloft. Depression has so many faces (sadness, anger and rage, disconnection, to name a few)and it becomes easy to wreck your life when you're in this shape. To feel hopeless stops you from wanting to do anything about anything and time doesn't seem to be an important thing. It's easy to lose track of time and your own mind. It is an existence that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.


Re: Stay away from Effexor » Roomy

Posted by delilahj on January 14, 2004, at 20:43:46

In reply to Re: Stay away from Effexor » sick of being sick, posted by Roomy on January 8, 2004, at 6:23:38

> > > Suzi
> >
> > Thanks - It's day nine and my doctor gave me 20mg of Prozac yesterday to help with the Effexor withdrawals for the next 2 weeks. I'm actually feeling a lot better and plan on going back to work tomorrow.
> >
> > The hardest thing is what to say to people when they ask "What's wrong, are you sick? Why haven't you been at work?" I'm a terrible lier but don't want anybody to think I was "addicted" to any drugs.
> >
> > You should stop feeling the worse soon. You need to let people who love you know and warn them that you are very irrational now. Whatever you do - don't take anymore or the cycle will go on and on. If you've made it 6 days you can make it. The worse will end real soon. I did a lot of damage to relationships in days 3 through 5. Try not to let that happen to you. Hope it all goes well for you. Suzi
> >
> >
> I am on day 9 of my new Effexor-free life! (incert fanfare here) FINALLY I feel like I can get thru a day without sitting on the couch, gazing off into complete nothingness wondering if I have done the right thing. I have been on Effexor (or friends, Paxil and Serzone) for about
> 7 years now. I had no clue that they were addictiong drugs. I had no clue that I would have so much trouble getting OFF the drugs. I had no clue that I would have trouble getting OFF with my hubby while ON the drugs...(sorry that was crude I know) :) my point is...I had no clue! I counted on my doctor to know. I PAID my doctor to have at least HALF a clue. I think I need my money back!
> I do have a question. Its been so long since I have been drug free, I forget how I used to act. Since I am on day 9 drug free, I have had a few bad months of weaning down and then the full blown withdrawl when I finally stopped and I have been a bit...well...crabby perhaps? (my hubby and children would have a better word for it I am sure) Now my hubby says....GET BACK ON IT!! I am wondering, Am I just feeling this way because of the withdrawl or am I just naturally a bitch?
I feel EXACTLY the same way!!! Everything is practically identical to my story. I feel like I don't like the person I've become while on effexor, and the person I seem to become when I go OFF it is downright scary. What to do? I know the frustration of it is enfuriating me with the pharmaceutical community! They really like throwing those free samples around (until you're a full blown addict!) And sadly, we were willing participants in our own duping! But they dangle that carrot of happiness, so harmful could a little pill be anyway, right? We believe what we want to believe, so I guess belief in oneself is what we've got to focus on now. Good luck to you, and don't be too bitchy!!!lol


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by delilahj on January 14, 2004, at 21:27:16

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by allalone on January 12, 2004, at 22:47:39

Be careful with the cold turkey approach. The symptoms may seem bearable at first, but then something kicks in when you least expect it. Complete meltdowns are not uncommon! Remember, the person you feel like now isn't really how you are. You will see yourself again, just hang in. Check into tapering, even if it's just 37.5 every other day. You'd be surprised at how much it eases the symptoms, although you will still experience some. Also, I find that avoiding dehydration is important during the process. Best wishes to you.


Re: Effexor w/d and acupuncture » colin_wallace

Posted by Dandy on January 15, 2004, at 0:29:54

In reply to Re: Effexor w/d and acupuncture » Dandy, posted by colin_wallace on January 14, 2004, at 11:05:13

Col,THANK YOU for sharing your story and your method of dampening the effects of the withdrawals. I couldn't help but laugh aloud when you wondered whether you had been walking around with the accupuncture needle in your head or if it was just stuck to your clothes! My doc has actually left a needle in the top of my head...probably the same meridian point and everything! I've been utilizing Chinese medicine and acupunture for a variety of things for several years, and can assure you that nothing bad has ever come from a forgotten needle now and then! except for a few strange looks if it's still sticking out of the top of your head! I appreciate the info on the sam-e and kava kava as well. I believe that the pharmaceutical drugs have a place and a time when they should be used, and for everyone that is their personal choice. For me, as someone in one of the threads said, "I just want my old crappy life back". In retrospect, my life wasn't so crappy, and yes, at the time I was prescribed effexor the depression was debilitating, and I would have used and paid for snake oil if a doc had promised I would feel better. Now, after a long time of side effects and maybe not such a better way of living thru chemistry, I'm ready to opt for the most natural route I can. As they say, it will be an entire lifestyle change for me, with a professional (actually 2) holding my pdoc and my accupuncture/chinese medicine doc, after a long strange trip, I am finally ready, with every ounce of my being, to embark on the path that will not be the easiest, the quickest, the simplest, but hopefully in the long run the healthiest both physically and mentally, FOR ME.
Thank you again, Colin, and thank you EVERYONE on this have been an enormous support (w/o knowing it). I'm not going anywhere, and I'll still be here gathering support as I continue in my own saga, but I just wanted to state my appreciation to everyone. Thank you all, Dandy


Effexor Withdrawl

Posted by Electron_Guy on January 16, 2004, at 12:44:34

In reply to Re: Excellent post, posted by Vasterling on January 14, 2004, at 14:22:11

I quit cold turkey in July, after fighting with high blood pressure for a year. I was on Effexor XR, 150mg twice a day, for just over 3 years. It was great for my depression, but I was taking the Effexor, which caused high blood pressure, and Lotrel for the bp, which can cause depression. This didn't make much sense to me, so I decided to quit it. My BP went down, but not enough, so I am on another medication (benicar) for the bp without the side effects of the lotrel.
I went through some interesting withdrawl from the Effexor, the most curious one being a whooshing sound in my ears when I moved my eyes from side to side to look at things. It took about 3 weeks for all the side effects to go away.

The problem I have now, is that I've lost my next older brother Dec 2, and now my father died almost one month to the day later. I had been starting to spiral down after getting off the Effexor, now I've taken a nose dive, and really wish I was still on it. I've seen my primary guy and gotten on Lexapro, but getting up in the morning is a major effort. That and I've had to take several weeks off work to deal with my father, who lived in another state. I guess I shouldn't be too upset with myself for staggering under the load. But I am really having trouble remembering that life is worth living.


Re: Effexor Withdrawl

Posted by Vasterling on January 16, 2004, at 13:29:50

In reply to Effexor Withdrawl, posted by Electron_Guy on January 16, 2004, at 12:44:34

In response to Electron_Guy

The primary focus is to remember that life is worth living no matter how hard it gets. I know about the feelings of worthlessness. I have had my share plus some of baaaad things happen to me all my life, however I know in my heart that God will never give me more than I can handle if I always look to God for help and answers. So please remember that life is precious and someone out there will miss you and hurt terribly if you end your life.


Re: Effexor: Long Term Effects

Posted by flyingdreams on January 16, 2004, at 15:27:06

In reply to Re: Effexor: Long Term Effects, posted by Roomy on January 10, 2004, at 16:48:49

Thanks for the laugh!!! LOL :

"Part of the punishment for the drug manufacturer and my EX-doctor should be that they go on effexor. Get them on a 275mg dose or better for one year. THEN recall the drug and make it unavailable to them. HA! Cold turkey!"

wouldn't that be grand!


Re: Effexor Withdrawl

Posted by flyingdreams on January 16, 2004, at 16:09:04

In reply to Effexor Withdrawl, posted by Electron_Guy on January 16, 2004, at 12:44:34

I'm sorry for your losses! Death is a really hard thing to deal with even under the best of circumstances. Allow yourself to grieve and know that the pain will lessen over time. I find it takes me about 3 months to not feel so much pain over a death, each month during those 3 months of course being better than the one before. Hang in there, it will get better.


Re: Effexor Withdrawl

Posted by baddog55 on January 16, 2004, at 20:22:13

In reply to Effexor Withdrawl, posted by Electron_Guy on January 16, 2004, at 12:44:34

ahh, vaster, i just read your post and I am soooo sorry. It will get better. I am still weaning off effexor, 37.5 for the 3rd week, in 2 weeks i'll go to 15 g and see what happens. I just want you to know that you're not alone, we are all supporting you. If you need to talk, just say.. God bless and keep you.

> I quit cold turkey in July, after fighting with high blood pressure for a year. I was on Effexor XR, 150mg twice a day, for just over 3 years. It was great for my depression, but I was taking the Effexor, which caused high blood pressure, and Lotrel for the bp, which can cause depression. This didn't make much sense to me, so I decided to quit it. My BP went down, but not enough, so I am on another medication (benicar) for the bp without the side effects of the lotrel.
> I went through some interesting withdrawl from the Effexor, the most curious one being a whooshing sound in my ears when I moved my eyes from side to side to look at things. It took about 3 weeks for all the side effects to go away.
> The problem I have now, is that I've lost my next older brother Dec 2, and now my father died almost one month to the day later. I had been starting to spiral down after getting off the Effexor, now I've taken a nose dive, and really wish I was still on it. I've seen my primary guy and gotten on Lexapro, but getting up in the morning is a major effort. That and I've had to take several weeks off work to deal with my father, who lived in another state. I guess I shouldn't be too upset with myself for staggering under the load. But I am really having trouble remembering that life is worth living.


Re: Effexor Withdrawl

Posted by Electron_Guy on January 17, 2004, at 0:48:51

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl, posted by baddog55 on January 16, 2004, at 20:22:13

Well, cautiously, I have to say I think the lexapro is kicking in, my mood is much improved, and I've managed to get some things done that needed to be done. Tomorrow will provide some more evidence. It has been like I go to bed one person and wake up as another very undirected person. I'm really hoping tomorrow I wake up still motivated. I'll let you all know.

Thanks for the replies, and encouragement.

> ahh, vaster, i just read your post and I am soooo sorry. It will get better. I am still weaning off effexor, 37.5 for the 3rd week, in 2 weeks i'll go to 15 g and see what happens. I just want you to know that you're not alone, we are all supporting you. If you need to talk, just say.. God bless and keep you.
> > I quit cold turkey in July, after fighting with high blood pressure for a year. I was on Effexor XR, 150mg twice a day, for just over 3 years. It was great for my depression, but I was taking the Effexor, which caused high blood pressure, and Lotrel for the bp, which can cause depression. This didn't make much sense to me, so I decided to quit it. My BP went down, but not enough, so I am on another medication (benicar) for the bp without the side effects of the lotrel.
> > I went through some interesting withdrawl from the Effexor, the most curious one being a whooshing sound in my ears when I moved my eyes from side to side to look at things. It took about 3 weeks for all the side effects to go away.
> >
> > The problem I have now, is that I've lost my next older brother Dec 2, and now my father died almost one month to the day later. I had been starting to spiral down after getting off the Effexor, now I've taken a nose dive, and really wish I was still on it. I've seen my primary guy and gotten on Lexapro, but getting up in the morning is a major effort. That and I've had to take several weeks off work to deal with my father, who lived in another state. I guess I shouldn't be too upset with myself for staggering under the load. But I am really having trouble remembering that life is worth living.


Re: Effexor Withdrawl

Posted by Roomy on January 17, 2004, at 11:53:03

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl, posted by Electron_Guy on January 17, 2004, at 0:48:51

Hey Vaster, Roomy here. Know that I, too am hear to listen if you need to chat. Heck, anyone who wants to chat on yahoo messenger I am there. my Id is Roomyzoomy. I am off effexor now for my 19th day. I am feeling better physically and each day I do things more and more like the old me. I have found that when we go out (and we do quite often, too often actually. Next I will be on a 'going off beer' forum)I tend to actually laugh and joke and talk alot. For years I was just sitting there drinking my beer and listening to others. I also am getting my energy back to do the things around my house that needed doing. I found that setting TINY goals for myself each day and actually reaching those goals, makes me feel so good about myself. I mean TINY goals: 'today I will get out of bed and actually MAKE it!' lol My sense of humor has helped me thru the withdrawl alot. posting little notes here to attempt to bring a smile (no matter how small) to others makes me feel a bit more worthwhile. I truely could not have gone off this drug without this forum. Its nice to know that other people really DO know what I am and was going thru. Family and friends have offered me support and have really been good but they just dont understand like all of you here. Thanks so much. Let me return the favor to anyone who wants to chat. E-mail or yahoo chat, it makes no difference to me.


Re: Effexor: Long Term Effects

Posted by Aubrey13 on January 18, 2004, at 2:08:08

In reply to Re: Effexor: Long Term Effects, posted by baddog55 on January 11, 2004, at 12:22:04

I took myself off Effexor because of the side effects. It took me a while to realize; the incontinence, that drone like feeling, I felt strung out all the time, and on occasion I think it brought on mania, and the sluttiness. I was on 300mg a day for a year and a half tapered off quickly then stopped about two weeks ago. I was expecting horrific pain coming off it. I feel better than ever. I just can't watch the News or I’ll cry but I always been that way. When I was pregnant I cried at a Rice Crispy commercial.

Am I fooling myself? Next week am I going to crave Effexor? I haven't been able to talk to my doctor yet. She'll probably put me on another anti-depressant. I take Lithium and I know I need it. I really don't want to take another drug unless I really have to. Has anyone had to experience of trading on anti-depressant for another? Talk to me.


Re: Effexor Withdrawl

Posted by BADDOG55 on January 18, 2004, at 21:11:40

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl, posted by Roomy on January 17, 2004, at 11:53:03

OMG! This post was put here for me! I am still weaning at 37.5, going to half of that in 2 weeks. I know exactly what you mean about TIny goals. Today, I did one thing I was putting off, washing my sheets and remaking the bed. I did it and it felt wonderful! It's so stupid that a little thing like that can make you feel more in control, but it's true! Thanks for your post, I took it to heart. Wish me luck in 2 weeks...

> Hey Vaster, Roomy here. Know that I, too am hear to listen if you need to chat. Heck, anyone who wants to chat on yahoo messenger I am there. my Id is Roomyzoomy. I am off effexor now for my 19th day. I am feeling better physically and each day I do things more and more like the old me. I have found that when we go out (and we do quite often, too often actually. Next I will be on a 'going off beer' forum)I tend to actually laugh and joke and talk alot. For years I was just sitting there drinking my beer and listening to others. I also am getting my energy back to do the things around my house that needed doing. I found that setting TINY goals for myself each day and actually reaching those goals, makes me feel so good about myself. I mean TINY goals: 'today I will get out of bed and actually MAKE it!' lol My sense of humor has helped me thru the withdrawl alot. posting little notes here to attempt to bring a smile (no matter how small) to others makes me feel a bit more worthwhile. I truely could not have gone off this drug without this forum. Its nice to know that other people really DO know what I am and was going thru. Family and friends have offered me support and have really been good but they just dont understand like all of you here. Thanks so much. Let me return the favor to anyone who wants to chat. E-mail or yahoo chat, it makes no difference to me.


Re: Effexor: Long Term Effects

Posted by greenbean on January 19, 2004, at 1:23:32

In reply to Re: Effexor: Long Term Effects, posted by Aubrey13 on January 18, 2004, at 2:08:08

> I took myself off Effexor because of the side effects. It took me a while to realize; the incontinence, that drone like feeling, I felt strung out all the time, and on occasion I think it brought on mania, and the sluttiness. I was on 300mg a day for a year and a half tapered off quickly then stopped about two weeks ago. I was expecting horrific pain coming off it. I feel better than ever. I just can't watch the News or I’ll cry but I always been that way. When I was pregnant I cried at a Rice Crispy commercial.
> Am I fooling myself? Next week am I going to crave Effexor? I haven't been able to talk to my doctor yet. She'll probably put me on another anti-depressant. I take Lithium and I know I need it. I really don't want to take another drug unless I really have to. Has anyone had to experience of trading on anti-depressant for another? Talk to me.

Hi Aubrey, I have had the experience of trading one antidepressant for another several times. I went from Zoloft (which worked for awhile then stopped working) to Celexa (which never worked), to Lexapro (also didn't help), then to Effexor, (which worked for about 6 months then stopped working), then to Wellbutrin with the intention of tapering down & off Effexor altogether. I never weaned totally off the Effexor and have been taking both Wellby & Effexor for a couple of months. But in the meantime, I've been wanting to get off the merry-go-round of drugs. Altogether I've been on various antidepressants for about 5 years, always trading one for another when the first seemed to stop working. My doc says she thinks I'm someone who will always need medication (based on what, I don't know -- it's not like I've had any scientific brain tests or anything). But I'd like to think otherwise. I think my depression has had everything to do with how I think and look at life, and I'm trying to deal directly with that now. I'm sorry if I'm rambling, I'm somewhat unfocused, it's my 3rd day of no drugs. I stopped the Wellbutrin cold turkey about 1-2 weeks ago with no apparent side effects. For Effexor, I tapered from 300mg to 75mg to 37mg then stopped altogether a few days ago. I have been experiencing hot flashes, frustration, brain shivers/shocks, night terrors, disjointed thinking, inability to concentrate, etc. etc. but not to an incapacitating degree, thank God. And thanks to this forum, I heard Benadryl really helps with the strange head feelings, and it's true! I warned my hubby I might be a little "wiggy" for a few weeks. Hopefully it'll be over soon. I'm excited about the prospect of being off these drugs altogether.

I doubt you're fooling yourself about feeling better. I think you've confirmed that you have power and control over yourself and your life, and that must be a great boost to your mood. More power to ya! Best of luck to you, keep us posted :-)


Re: try clonazepam for effexor withdrawal

Posted by hatemylife on January 20, 2004, at 11:04:24

In reply to Re: try clonazepam for effexor withdrawal » hatemylife, posted by KimberlyDi on January 6, 2004, at 12:54:03

Here's a follow up to my post of 2 wks ago. Today is 2 wks since I went to the doctor and asked for help in getting off Effexor XR. I told her I wanted OFF these types of meds, but she shoved Lexapro at me anyway. I was to go from 75 mg to 37.5 for a few days and then switch to Lexapro. Why don't doctor's listen? Anyway, I did fine mentally, but nausea was a problem. I read somewhere else that Benadryl was good for the withdrawals, so I used it. It worked like a charm. I took 37.5 mg of Effexor for a week and then went to 37.5 every other day. So far, so good. I have a headache that Tylenol, etc, doesn't help. Only Benadryl. I have some anger that comes out vs holding it in, but too bad. I've had a couple of nightmares, but all in all, this is going better than I expected. I haven't taken Effexor for the past 2 days, but I did need Benadryl for the headache this morning. And I feel fine. The Benadryl helps the emotional symptoms, too. Effexor caused me to hold everything inside, vs dealing with it. Thus more anger and depression building. Now, out it comes. My husband says I've become paranoid, but I don't think so. He's just not used to hearing about it when I'm upset at him.
I will never take anything like this again. I flushed it all down the disposal and felt wonderful doing it.
The sad thing is, when you think you can stop taking the meds and you try, the emotional stuff comes back. So, you think you've got to take it forever cause you're damaged in some way. Not true. Doctor's don't mind getting you on it, but Heaven forbid that you want to stop. I've been on something for 9 yrs, and enough is enough. I want myself back, whoever that is.
My depression is gone. The Effexor was making me worse instead of better. I tossed the Lexapro without starting it.


Re: 4 weeks since Effexor

Posted by Vasterling on January 20, 2004, at 11:33:42

In reply to Re: try clonazepam for effexor withdrawal, posted by hatemylife on January 20, 2004, at 11:04:24

It has been almost 4 weeks since I stopped taking Effexor. I feel really great except all of the emotions that I am experiencing. When I was on the Effexor I had no emotions and now, let me tell you it can be overwhelming, the emotions are there and they seem to be very strong. My hubby says that he would rather me have emotions than be a zombie. It does seen as time goes by the mood swings are getting better. I am so glad that I got off the Effexor so I could get my life back. Just wanted to share.


Re: 4 weeks since Effexor

Posted by hatemylife on January 20, 2004, at 15:51:24

In reply to Re: 4 weeks since Effexor, posted by Vasterling on January 20, 2004, at 11:33:42

My hubby wants me back on the meds so I'll stop letting him know what's bothering me! Ha! A friend of mine has been Effexor free for 3 wks. She says it best. She said it felt as if she had been away and now, she's back. That's exactly how I feel. I didn't know it, but I was walking in a fog. I felt things, but didn't show it. I just kept it inside where it ate me up. My depression just got worse. I started drinking. It scared me when I realized I had gone through over a half gallon of vodka in 3 wks, just to feel better. Now, the drinking has stopped and I don't even want it. I'm in touch with my emotions and make no apology for having them. Yes, I cry during sad movies. Yes, I get angry. But, what's wrong with that? Free at last, thank God Almighty.


Re: try clonazepam for effexor withdrawal

Posted by AreMedsGood on January 20, 2004, at 17:43:38

In reply to Re: try clonazepam for effexor withdrawal, posted by hatemylife on January 20, 2004, at 11:04:24

I feel exactly the way all of you do when it comes to being drugged up on Effexor. The statement that you feel like you held all the problems in instead of dealing with them, is exactly how I feel. The drug Effexor seems to force my brain to feel a way that my doctor wants. I believe you cannot force someone to think the way you believe they should. CAN ANYONE SAY MIND CONTROL


Beginning to wonder why I'm trying this --- HELP!

Posted by greenbean on January 20, 2004, at 22:30:08

In reply to Re: try clonazepam for effexor withdrawal, posted by AreMedsGood on January 20, 2004, at 17:43:38

I've been totally off Effexor (and Wellbutrin, I had been taking both) for ~ a week now, and I'm beginning to doubt why I'm doing this. How can I tell if what I'm feeling is just withdrawal or is it my depression coming back? Even though I felt the meds helped me alot, I've been wanting to get off them for awhile. I don't like being dependent on them, plus it concerns me that nobody really knows the long term effects from taking a/d's for prolonged periods of time. I had been on one a/d or another for about 5 years. This final combination of Effexor XR 75mg. and Wellbutrin XL 300mg was working really well. The Effexor removed the drive to overeat and overdrink (which have been very strong in the past). The Wellbutrin gave me more energy and a better outlook (it seemed). However, there were negatives, like my sex drive was completely gone and my creativity has been zapped. I was also suffering progressively worse mood swings and fits of anger, esp. towards my husband. I was starting to doubt if the meds were truly helping me or just supressing the symptoms of depression. I had been wanting to find out who I am without meds again, get in touch with the real me, maybe reclaim my creativity and my long lost sex drive. But now I feel scattered, indecisive, no energy, sleep disturbances, brain shivers & what feels like weird pressure changes in my head, plus I feel like eating everything in sight and drinking wine every night. I had started a diet and was doing well, but managed to gain all the weight back within the past week (6-7 lbs.). I'm REALLY NOT LIKING THIS! Then I doubt the wisdom of stopping the meds when they really seemed to be helping. Maybe my doc is right, I'm just a person who will need to be on meds for my whole life. Very depressing. My husband takes Effexor XR 150mg and loves it. It has helped him tremendously. I still have some of each med, and it's hard knowing I can just take them and pretty much feel better instantly. I've always had a very quick response to the meds. I don't know what to do. Anyone been where I am and come out the other side without the aid of drugs?


Re: Beginning to wonder why I'm trying this --- HELP! » greenbean

Posted by KimberlyDi on January 21, 2004, at 8:41:58

In reply to Beginning to wonder why I'm trying this --- HELP!, posted by greenbean on January 20, 2004, at 22:30:08

Rebound depression can overwhelm you. Things will level out. Doesn't mean you won't feel depressed. Just won't be quite as bad.

I stopped Effexor recently. I go thru the day feeling wrong wrong wrong. Being Effexor-free isn't easy for me. My marriage can't handle a decision to try Effexor again.


Re: Beginning to wonder why I'm trying this --- HELP! » greenbean

Posted by PoohBear on January 21, 2004, at 11:37:25

In reply to Beginning to wonder why I'm trying this --- HELP!, posted by greenbean on January 20, 2004, at 22:30:08


I don't know why you, or other people for that matter feel such a need to "get off medication for awhile". This is no putting you down in any way, but there seems to be a very strong undercurrent in our society that there is something *bad* about taking medication, especially if it needs to be for a protracted period of time.

You say that you were doing well on the combination you had. That sounds like it was working for you and perhaps should be maintained. The Wellbutrin *should* have helped a little with your sex drive, perhaps not as you've noted.

I'm pretty much resigned to the fact that I have clinical depression, that it's something that I've inherited that has plagued many members of my family and that if a medication can help moderate some of what I'm feeling, then so be it.

Could it be that your Wellbutrin was too high? 300mg seems like a LOT. I was taking 75mg for the sexual side effects of Effexor, and it was working well, but even 75mg made me slightly edgy and irritable.

I guess it really comes down to the fact that you know your own body better than anyone else, but my advice (for what it's worth...) would be to examine the reasons behind wanting to stop the medication and make certain that you're doing it for the RIGHT reasons, and doing it with the help and supervision of your PDoc.

Best Wishes,



Re: Beginning to wonder why I'm trying this --- HELP! » KimberlyDi

Posted by greenbean on January 21, 2004, at 21:00:09

In reply to Re: Beginning to wonder why I'm trying this --- HELP! » greenbean, posted by KimberlyDi on January 21, 2004, at 8:41:58

Hey KimberlyDi, thanks for your post. How recently did you stop Effexor? (herein referred to as FX) I had been on FX 150mg for ~ 6 months and it started off great but then seemed to lose effectiveness. That's when the bad mood swings started, esp. angry outbursts towards my husband. Also my sex drive completely disappeared. It was really tough on my marriage & I wonder if you had similar experiences. Funny thing is, my husband is on 150mg FX and loves it. I can see how much it's helped pull him together. He's capable of doing so much more now than before.
Anyway, I'm happy to say I'm feeling just a little, teeny bit better today than yesterday. I didn't take any of the a/d's still kicking around the house. Energy is increased a bit. I feel kind of cheerful, despite the weirdness. I feel more like the old me in such subtle ways, it's hard to put words to it. It's nice, though. Even though I do feel pretty scattered, almost like a train almost about to go off the tracks. But not in a scary way, just "woo hoo!" - I have to find my balance and my rhythm again. I was used to being flattened out by the a/d's for the past 5 years. I wasn't feeling abysmally depressed, but then I also lost my creativity and my ability to experience deep joy. I felt pretty indifferent towards so many things. So unexcited and uninspired. It's nice to feel those things coming alive again.
Have you tried Benadryl? I've found it really helps with the strange head feelings, and oddly enough, with some of the emotional stuff as well.


Re: Beginning to wonder why I'm trying this --- HELP!

Posted by micro on January 22, 2004, at 0:45:41

In reply to Beginning to wonder why I'm trying this --- HELP!, posted by greenbean on January 20, 2004, at 22:30:08

> I've been totally off Effexor (and Wellbutrin, I had been taking both) for ~ a week now, and I'm beginning to doubt why I'm doing this. How can I tell if what I'm feeling is just withdrawal or is it my depression coming back? Even though I felt the meds helped me alot, I've been wanting to get off them for awhile. I don't like being dependent on them, plus it concerns me that nobody really knows the long term effects from taking a/d's for prolonged periods of time. I had been on one a/d or another for about 5 years. This final combination of Effexor XR 75mg. and Wellbutrin XL 300mg was working really well. The Effexor removed the drive to overeat and overdrink (which have been very strong in the past). The Wellbutrin gave me more energy and a better outlook (it seemed). However, there were negatives, like my sex drive was completely gone and my creativity has been zapped. I was also suffering progressively worse mood swings and fits of anger, esp. towards my husband. I was starting to doubt if the meds were truly helping me or just supressing the symptoms of depression. I had been wanting to find out who I am without meds again, get in touch with the real me, maybe reclaim my creativity and my long lost sex drive. But now I feel scattered, indecisive, no energy, sleep disturbances, brain shivers & what feels like weird pressure changes in my head, plus I feel like eating everything in sight and drinking wine every night. I had started a diet and was doing well, but managed to gain all the weight back within the past week (6-7 lbs.). I'm REALLY NOT LIKING THIS! Then I doubt the wisdom of stopping the meds when they really seemed to be helping. Maybe my doc is right, I'm just a person who will need to be on meds for my whole life. Very depressing. My husband takes Effexor XR 150mg and loves it. It has helped him tremendously. I still have some of each med, and it's hard knowing I can just take them and pretty much feel better instantly. I've always had a very quick response to the meds. I don't know what to do. Anyone been where I am and come out the other side without the aid of drugs?

Hello, May I ask how you discontinued your medication? Your pdoc may be right that some individuals may require medicine for life. If you must, think of it in this respect. There are many diseases that require lifelong medication such as glaucoma,diabetes,and hypertension.
Also,remember that you may be experiencing a discontinuance syndrome rather than return of symtoms. It takes strong medication to break the depressive symtoms. It would make some sense that the longer that you take a medication; the more habituated your body has become to it. There are no long term studies that have been done on the efficacy of antidepressants used longer than 6 weeks to 6 months. Beyond that you must rely on clinical experience and judgement.If it is possible for you to read, I would recommend books by Amen,Gold,and Gorman as well as requesting the actual case studies which were done in order to release the medication to the general public [regarding the medication's efficacy]. I do not know enough about your history to be of further help. Trust in yourself and what you have learned over the years and you will make the correct decision regardless of how hard it may be. Regards. Micro
P.S. It may be useful to you to keep a log book of your feelings or symtoms prior to starting therapy, during therapy, and after stopping in doing so you may be able to differentiate return of symtoms versus side effects or discontinuance symtoms. Hope this helps.


Re: Beginning to wonder why I'm trying this --- HELP! » micro

Posted by greenbean on January 22, 2004, at 21:36:02

In reply to Re: Beginning to wonder why I'm trying this --- HELP!, posted by micro on January 22, 2004, at 0:45:41

Hey Micro, thanks for your thoughtful reply. Actually, the meds were prescribed by my GP, I've never seen a PDOC. My GP, by her own admission, is not an expert on a/d's. I think she's like so many other doctors, just pushing what the drug companies are peddling, handing out free samples, hoping to strike gold. Anyway, I discontinued the meds on my own. I stopped the Wellbutrin cold turkey & didn't notice any side effects. As for the FX, I was down to 37mg every other day for a week or so, then just stopped (I had been on 150mg FX for ~ 6 months, then was in the process of tapering off while starting the Wellbutrin). The withdrawal is already much better. My energy is back. I feel fine mentally. The only thing is I feel a drive to overeat again. I never had that when I was on the FX. Hopefully that will level out, though.

I understand your point about the fact that there are many medical conditions that require lifelong medication, and that depression can be viewed the same. I'm just not convinced there is any medical reason for MY depression. I strongly believe that for me, it is more to do with my thought processes and how I look at life. I'm working aggressively on changing that now, and I trust the depression will naturally resolve.

Meantime, I'm very grateful for this forum. Thanks again, very much, for taking the time to reply.

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