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Posted by Panic_Attack on September 28, 2002, at 13:54:24
In reply to Re: blood sugar has nothing to do with anxiety., posted by Phil on September 28, 2002, at 10:02:39
Thanks Phil.. that was really sweet :) That's probally another major problem... i do not eat healthy at all. I was not raised to eat fruits and vegetables. They are so nasty but I am going to force myself. After work today i am going to go shopping and buy lots of fish and fruits, etc. Hopefully this will help a little... thanks
Posted by Arthur Gibson on September 28, 2002, at 14:35:26
In reply to Does Alcohol give you PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS?¿?!?!?, posted by Panic_Attack on September 27, 2002, at 11:13:59
So am I. I have been through all that you have and I can tell you it only gets worse. Much, much, much, much, much worse. Then it gets worse.
You are on the start of a road that leads to hell. ECT will do you no good, no drugs will help you. Nothing will help you. I have tried everything and there is only one answer - STOP DRINKING!
Even then the problem is not cured. You become a "dry drunk", but that is miles better than a wet drunk.
If you keep drinking the anxiety will get rapidly worse to the point where only alchohol will stop the anxiety. This is because the anxiety you feel is withdrawal.
Trust me, there is only one answer - STOP DRINKING!
It is very difficult to do and thirty years after you stop you will still be alchoholic, but you will not have the anxiety.
Posted by awake at last on September 28, 2002, at 19:28:59
In reply to Re: blood sugar has nothing to do with anxiety., posted by Mr. SadPuppyDog on September 27, 2002, at 13:43:23
Mr.Sad Puppy Dog
My comments are neither my "opinion" nor considered to be alternative medicine. They are facts from my doctor and are well established in the medical profession. As well, they are supported by many well founded Organizations for Hypoglycemia and Alcoholism (including AA).
Panic_Attack and others interested:
It has been documented in the medical profession that a very high percentage of Alcoholics are hypoglycemic. Here are a few sites that you might find interesting, but information can be obtained from most doctors regarding these topics as
Hypoglycemia (especially reactive hypoglycemia) is hard to diagnose from a test. Often a 5-6 hour glucose test is given, but even this can not always detect the disease.
When the blood sugar drops, the body's adrenaline kicks in and can restore the body's blood sugar levels in less than 3 minutes, so if blood is only being drawn every 30 minutes, it is very easy for the lowest reading to be missed.
My last doctor chose a different route. He gave me a glucometer and told me to keep my normal life routine, but told me to take my blood sugar levels every hour (during the day) for several days and as well to take it at times when I felt weak, tired or faint.
During any of my glucose tolerance tests the doctors were never able to register a blood glucose of less than 70 g/dl, but continual monitoring at home showed my blood sugar often falling in the 60's and as low as 49. (note that a reading of <50g/dl is a diagnosis of hypglycemia, 51-69 is diagnosed as hypoglycemia if other symptoms are confirmed. A normal glucose level is 70-110 g/dl).
If anyone suspects or is curious that this could be the case - you can purchase a glucometer at any pharmacy or most convenience stores and check your own blood sugar levels. If you find low readings, take the glucometer to the doctor with you and show them your results.Each of us must choose our preference for treatment...after 2 years of trying various anti-depressants to no avail...I choose to do what it took in order to keep off of as many medications as possible and restore my health. I have been diagnosed with Hypoglycemia and Narcolepsy (both derived from Fibromyalgia). Today I live a happy, healthy life, and the only medicine I take is Provigil, and I take 1 multi-vitamin a day (not a horde of vitamins, minerals and herb as in some alternative medicine practices). I maintain a healthy hypoglycemic diet and regular exercise routine in order to stay this way. At age of 21 I enjoyed a hardy College party life and would have found giving up my social drinking difficult (I was fortunate to not have become an alcoholic). But now at 34 I find that the price I pay in poor health far out ways the need for a drink.
I won't lie and say that giving up alcohol will be easy at first - sugar was my weakness - giving it up was very difficult for me, but being on the hypoglycemic diet really did initially reduce and now completely eliminate the uncontrollable cravings I once had.
Good luck in whatever endeavor you take....________________________________________________
> > Do you have a history of problems with low blood sugar? I'm hypoglycemic and I know that drinking alcohol can cause this effect for me.
> > When I drink alcohol - which contains a high amount of sugar and carbs, my body over-reacts to the increased level of sugar in my blood and produces too much insulin. To offset this imbalance, my body then tries to decrease the insulin to a normal level by releasing adrenaline (ie...causing the panic attacks).
> How do you know this? Has a doctor told you this information? Or is this just your "opinion" of what happens to you based upon reading alternative medicine books? Alcohol worsens both anxiety and depression thru depressing the central nervous system. It has nothing to do with diet or blood sugar. Alcohol, thru its CNS depressant qualities, just makes ALL mental illnesses worse...much worse.
> > Since you said that Remeron seems to help, I suspect this could be the issue. Remeron is designed to suppress the production of nor epinephrine....thus you are suppressing the release of adrenaline.
> > Unfortunately there is no magic pill to make this better. Had I known when I was younger that this was what my problem was, I would have quit drinking back then, because continuing to expose your body to high levels of carbs and sugar will only make the hypoglycemia worse - or turn a minor blood sugar problem into full hypoglycemia.
> > Now, you might be thinking that taking the Remeron is a good way to get past this - but I wouldn't advise it. By suppressing you body’s ability to naturally level out your insulin levels - you may find that your insulin levels then stay too high.
> > It's a vicious cycle I know - I've lived with having to control mine for years now. Note that hypoglycemia is a major cause of depression.
> > Do you ever get this same feeling after eating a large meal of carbs - like pasta or potatoes, or after eating a dessert full of sugar? Or does your family have a history of hypoglycemia or diabetes in it?
> > If so you might want to check it out.
> >
> I dont think diet has much to do with panic attacks. Sorry. In fact, I find eating a meal loaded with carbs to be relaxing afterwards. I read that carbs release endorphins and serotonin in the brain after you eat them. Thats why they say eating starch at bedtime will make you sleep and relaxed.
> This thing about diet is way way overhyped in this country. As long as you eat a basic diet thats decent is all that matters. I dont believe anxiety or panic is in anyway related to diet...sorry I do not go for this "alternative medicine" theory. Please do not fall for this alternative medicine stuff, its mostly BS designed to sell you OTC supplements, which is a multi-billion dollar, totally UNREGULATED business BTW.
> Mr. Sad PuppyDog
Posted by FredPotter on September 29, 2002, at 17:39:30
In reply to Re: Does Alcohol give you PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS?¿?!?!?, posted by Mr. SadPuppyDog on September 27, 2002, at 12:10:23
Urban legend. Yes alcohol makes me worse in the long term but not for the reason given. Alcohol is a CNS depressant. That doesn't mean it gives you depression but rather depresses things like respiration
Posted by Panic_Attack on October 1, 2002, at 20:57:58
In reply to Re: Does Alcohol give you PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS?¿?!?!? » Mr. SadPuppyDog, posted by FredPotter on September 29, 2002, at 17:39:30
I am going to purchase a glucometer next payday!! I just spoke with my mom and she just told me my father was hypoglycemic. I dont believe this. What if this is what I have and i am shoving all these pills down my throat (which are not really helping much at all)!! I hope this is all i have... i cant wait to test myself. I really appreciate your reply AWAKEATLAST and everybody else. You have been much help. Im not a full blown alcoholic yet but im getting really close.
Posted by awake at last on October 2, 2002, at 9:00:04
In reply to Re: Does Alcohol give you PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS?¿?!?!?, posted by Panic_Attack on October 1, 2002, at 20:57:58
You're Welcome,
My 4 years of torture - going from doctor to doctor trying to figure out what was really wrong with me and determining how to fix it rather than downing pills that didn't help and only gave me side effects has encouraged me to at least share my experiences with others. If I can save anyone else 4 years and the expense of all that testing - it's worth the comments I get from some of the skeptics.Make sure you keep a normal lifestyle while testing with your glucometer - and monitor your results. After that take a couple of weeks, drink no alcohol and follow a hypoglycemic diet (there are many on the net or you can get one from your local hospital), see how you feel during that two weeks (but don't cheat). If you feel better - odds are good this is your problem.
I really wish I could tell you that this will be easy - but it's hard at first, it's a complete lifestyle change - but the payoff is worth it and it gets much easier as time goes on.
The general hypoglycemic diets are rather bland and boring, so I'll give you a tip - I now pretty much follow the Suzanne Somers diet. She practices what they call eating by combination. She never mixes proteins with carbs., removes sugar, potatoes and white flour from the diet (that's a little simplistic - you need to read it all), but it's a perfect diet for controlling insulin. Do some research on Insulin - you'll see that eating proten and carbs together will trigger your body to produce more insulin than just eating them alone. Her diet allows you to eat quite frequently if desired and only restricts eating during a 2-3 hour period if switching food types. Great for those of us with crazy schedules who eat on the spur of the moment or who like to munch. As well, she has some great recipes that use sugar substitutes for those of us who hate giving up our sweet tooth.Good Luck!
(P.S. - My brother is hypoglycemic and an alcoholic, he's not yet made the decision to give up drinking - and it's destroying his life - if you are not a true alcoholic yet, try hard to control it now, the worse it gets - the harder it is to come back.)__________________________________________________
> I am going to purchase a glucometer next payday!! I just spoke with my mom and she just told me my father was hypoglycemic. I dont believe this. What if this is what I have and i am shoving all these pills down my throat (which are not really helping much at all)!! I hope this is all i have... i cant wait to test myself. I really appreciate your reply AWAKEATLAST and everybody else. You have been much help. Im not a full blown alcoholic yet but im getting really close.
Posted by rod on October 7, 2002, at 11:25:41
In reply to Re: Does Alcohol give you PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS?¿?!?!?, posted by awake at last on October 2, 2002, at 9:00:04
> My 4 years of torture - going from doctor to doctor trying to figure out what was really wrong with me and determining how to fix it rather than downing pills that didn't help
Im just curious, did you ever try a MAOI (especially Moclobemide)??
Besides that, your info about hypoglycemia is very usefull. It might be the answer to my problems too ...
Posted by Burt on October 7, 2002, at 14:11:52
In reply to Re: Does Alcohol give you PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS?¿? » awake at last, posted by rod on October 7, 2002, at 11:25:41
When I was young, I was a heavy drinker. I think, I started at age 14. I later worked in a job, which was very alcohol tolerant (advertising), any kinds of drinks were on the house, all day. I'm amazed how we got any work done. At age 28, after a serious round of intensive partying, I woke up with a severe panic attack. In a lucid moment, I said to myself: "Have a drink. If the symptoms go anway, then it's the booze." The symptons went away and it was the last drink I had in my life. I'm in my mid 50's now.
My wife drinks. She can't kick it and it literally drives her crazy. Given enough alcohol, she is diagnosed as psychotic or even schizophrenic. Major tranquilizers (antipsychotics, such as Thorazine, Olanzapine etc.) worsen her symptoms.
SSRIs worsen the symptoms (not as much as antipsychotics).
ECT worked, but she doesn't want to repeat it.
MAOIs (Parnate) work.
What really would work is to give up drinking. She has a terribly hard time doing so.
She's an artist, and she thinks and sees the world in fine nuances. In the case of giving up drinking, this works against her.
I am a very linear, black/white type. This sometimes doesn't work for me in daily life, but it definitely helped me giving up drinking (and before that, smoking) cold turkey without any relapses.
I agree that you should never ever have another drink if you have given up. It simply is too dangerous. I don't care whether I am labeled a "recovering alcoholic," a "dry alcoholic," or a teetotaler. It doesn't matter. I simply don't drink.
Also, one side effect of giving up drinking was gaining considerable power. In my alcohol days, I avoided conflicts by getting drunk. Later, I had to face the conflicts and deal with them. After some years, conflicts didn't worry me anymore. I knew, I could deal with them.
Today, my only worry is my wife. That is very hard to deal with.
My opinion: Any "reasons" for drinking (glucose, parents, peer pressure, yada, yada) aren't worth thinking about. I could give you 1000 reasons to get drunk. And when you are an alcoholic, there is one thing you will always have in abundance: Reasons for drinking, and reasons for not giving up. Reasoning with alcohol is a losing proposition. Your either give it up. Or you don't.
Posted by awake at last on October 7, 2002, at 15:00:29
In reply to Re: Does Alcohol give you PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS?¿? » awake at last, posted by rod on October 7, 2002, at 11:25:41
No, I have not taken MAOI's, mostly anti-depressants such as Wellbutrin, Celexa and Effexor. But my major complaint was exhaustion, lack of motivation & inability to concentrate - not anxiety, although I had my moments. I was fortunate to finally be referred to an excellent Internist who wanted to exhaust his knowledge before sending me on to a pdoc - or I probably would have gone through many more meds for the wrong reasons.
Fortunately I don't have a history of Drug or Alcohol abuse - or any tragic event to cause depression, so my Internist truly felt my problems were medically derived. It still took us a year to figure it out (note I'd already spent 3 years with other doctors who ran a lot of test and told me I was fine, just getting old, or must have a deeper issue to resolve... whatever!....).
I suffer from Hypoglycemia, Narcolepsy, and Fibromyalgia (Narcolepsy was brought on by the Fibromyalgia). Basically - my immune system went haywire and turn on me - attacking good cells as well as bad. I take Provigil to help correct the Narcolepsy (not curable since our bodies won't replace the lost cells that caused this condition). To control the Hypoglycemia - I maintain the right diet - I feel much better! I've decided to start taking guaifenesin to try to reverse my fibromyalgia - I'm hoping it works.Pdoc's definitely have a place and a need in our society, but sometimes, especially in people who have a history of drug, alcohol abuse, etc, I think it is easy for them to overlook that their problems may be derived from a natural medical issue rather than one induced by outside factors.
My brother is hypoglycemic and an Alcoholic - I know that his panic attacks are driven from drinking. During his dry spells, when he watches what he eats - he suffers no depression or attacks. Unfortunatley he is a musician and for him playing in bars makes it too easy to take that first drink - and quickly that hypoglycemia cycle kicks in and the cravings come back. For him...a cure will mean a career change...and that is hard decision to make. Most of the people I see here - I believe are ready to do whatever it requires to get better.
I hope for you this might be an answer - if not, keep researching - in my adventures, the thing I found most is that knowledge truly is power. If I had left it up to the doctors to figure out what was wrong, I would still not feel well today - my research led me to question my doctors, to tell them things I wouldn't normally tell them (For example - why would I tell my Internist that I have brittle fingernails or TMJ - that's a dental thing right? - Wrong - it was another factor to diagnosing my Fibromyalgia). Had I not stumbled across the symptoms of Fibromyalgia and questioned my doctor on it - he never would have considered it.Good Luck!
> > My 4 years of torture - going from doctor to doctor trying to figure out what was really wrong with me and determining how to fix it rather than downing pills that didn't help
> Im just curious, did you ever try a MAOI (especially Moclobemide)??
> Besides that, your info about hypoglycemia is very usefull. It might be the answer to my problems too ...
> rod
Posted by FredPotter on October 7, 2002, at 22:42:15
In reply to Re: Does Alcohol give you PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS?¿? » rod, posted by awake at last on October 7, 2002, at 15:00:29
I don't play piano as my main source of income but I do play jazz regularly in bars. Every morning I pop an antabuse pill (while I'm only partially awake) and then I can forget alcohol. It's remarkably liberating. It's quite possible to drink soft drinks and play music. In fact I'm staggered by how much better I play
Posted by Burt on October 8, 2002, at 9:18:20
In reply to Re: Does Alcohol give you PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS?¿? » awake at last, posted by FredPotter on October 7, 2002, at 22:42:15
> I pop an antabuse pill (while I'm only partially awake) and then I can forget alcohol. It's remarkably liberating. <
Interesting. Antabuse gives you a violent reaction when mixed with alcohol. Chemically, it doesn't help you "forget" alcohol. The aim is that you remember the violent reaction and to avoid the booze in oder to avoid the violent reaction.
If you can really (honestly) "forget" alcohol with antabuse, then soon you will be able to do so without it. (I wouldn't rush to judgement on it though - if it works, it works.) Taking antabuse doesn't hurt you. But not drinking while not taking antabuse will be even more liberating.
Posted by Panic_Attack on October 8, 2002, at 19:09:45
In reply to Re: Does Alcohol give you PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS?¿? » awake at last, posted by FredPotter on October 7, 2002, at 22:42:15
That's another problem I have. I am a musician (flutist) for a rock band and we are always around alcohol. I cannot play @ a club or a bar and NOT drink. Impossible... its boring. Im @ work right now... Tomorrow is my day off so i cant wait to get out of here and hit the bar. Im better though... i dont drink as much as i use to. I can have 4 or 5 beers and be fine.... verses the 10-15 beers + liqour i use to have. Anyways... im @ work... my supervisor just pissed me off.. i feel like punching him in the face. FUCK!
Posted by Sean P on November 12, 2003, at 1:37:19
In reply to Does Alcohol give you PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS?¿?!?!?, posted by Panic_Attack on September 27, 2002, at 11:13:59
I am 25 years old and I am getting the same exact things!!! I used to drink all summer long when I was 21 and up until last year even and just sleep it off and say oh well another hangover this is nothing and so on, until about 2 months ago when I woke up at 7 on Saturday wide awake with horrible anxiety and panic, I couldn't breathe and my heart would play with me, it really sucked. I started drinking wine or a beer in the morning and tried to go back to sleep but it's so hard. It started right before a wedding my friend had, I figured this will go away I can drink on weekends and it will be cool. Come to now I would drink on Sundays now and just count the hour till 1 or 2 so I could kill that hangover and panic, but it was so haaaard to get rid of that hangover of 10 beers plus by the end of the day I was so depressed and felt like going to the hospital because I was dying, it hit it's wits end the last few weeks and literally ruined 4 mondays in a row! My Mom saw me and was like not again with this, and yep I had it again and once again suffered through a horribly long day of anxiety and depression, one day it was just horrible and felt really dark and gloomy, real depressing. I am thinking about cutting down alot too and avoiding these hangovers, whether it is blood sugar or not that goes down it is flat out frustrating and scary, I used to handle this so well and say f it and laugh hangovers off, if it didn't go away I got a 40 on Sunday at 8 or so and watched football and it went away quick, not it seems hangovers can't even be drunk away! I feel everything you do and am pissed off because this is our life on weekends and I used to enjoy it so much, my friends still do (Not one he drinks all day when he has it to cope, he is an alcoholic to the fullest, I can see it when I look at him). This is a vicious cylce and no it won't go away and just dissapear into the dark. I used to sleep late like I said now it's 7 or 8 or earlier and then up until I get my butt outta bed, it is horrible to say the least. I feel you, but think you and me have to do something, glad others out there experienced this and can help (I am not alone!).
Posted by ramsea on November 12, 2003, at 3:07:32
In reply to Re: Does Alcohol give you PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS?¿?!?!?, posted by Sean P on November 12, 2003, at 1:37:19
This was my experience. Also booze could lead to depression or mania. In any case I had to give up 100% because it is a substance that doesn't agree--like an allergy or an allergy exactly. Some people can't eat wheat, some can't eat peanuts, some can't eat strawberries. Chocolate brings on migraine in some people. Etc. So what do folks do? Almost always they avoid the offending substance 100% to prevent pain. This doesn't make you an alcoholic--just someone who finds alcohol makes you sick.If you give up for a few months, you could reintroduce a small amount--an honest small amount!!!! like a true single serving of white wine, say, just the one serving--and see if you get the bad reaction. If you don't then you can drink a single serving at appropriate moments! You could then try two glasses and see what happens.
Really we should be abiding by the health recommendations of alcohol and so if you get panic/anxiety after over-drinking, that is less unusual. Many people get panicky and sick after boozing up. It's being toxic. Poisoned. I hope you resolve this as it can cause very much grief unresolved, and that horrible feeling upon an anxiety attack induced by alcohol use is totally bleak, a terror. Milk can help, before a drinking session and after, plus really excellent hydration, small sips of clear water throughout night, good protein to avoid blood sugar problems...But best bet, discover how alcohol intolerant you really are.
Posted by panic_attack on November 12, 2003, at 10:22:01
In reply to Re: Does Alcohol give you PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS?¿?!?!?, posted by ramsea on November 12, 2003, at 3:07:32
Hey guys... well its been over a year since I posted this babble and I must admit that I am still having the same problems. I am now 23 years old and unemployed :( I got fired b cuz of my drinking. I was always so ill that I had to call out of work alot. I was their best employee... they loved me but they had to do what they had to do. Now I am going on 1 week sober (and counting) and need to find another job. Im sick of feeling sick. I wish that I can quit drinking 100%. Everybody I know drinks... we live in South Beach so there are always parties and events going on. My friends drink like fishes and have no complaints the next morning whereabout I feel like dying. They all think im crazy but they have no idea how sick I get. I shake... I cant do anything.. cant go outside.. .wont answer the phone... cant breathe right... heart plays tricks on me... feel so weak that I could die BUT I cant sleep. I thought I was the only one that experienced this. Surprised to see other posts with people w/ same experience. I had a drug overdose and thats why Im having these problems. Just cant party like I use to. Gotta slow down!! We'll see what happens.
Posted by Marlin on November 12, 2003, at 20:57:19
In reply to Re: Does Alcohol give you PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS?¿?!?!?, posted by panic_attack on November 12, 2003, at 10:22:01
Hey Everyone, I just discovered this website last night and couldn't believe what I was reading. I couldn't believe there were so many other people out there that had the same problems as me and understood exactly how I felt, because out of everyone I know, nobody seems to get it. I stumbled upon this through a web search "panic after eating".
It seems I may have finally figured out part of my problem. Reading 'Awake at last' posts made me think I might have hypoglycemia.
I have so much to say it's hard to start - I guess I'll try to be brief, but it'll be hard with 8 years worth of mental problems.
My problems started after I graduated college and had major panic attacks. Of course at the time I had no idea what the hell was going on - I thought I was having a nervous breakdown. Got a psychiatric evaluation - put me on Klonopin. That helped, but since I drank so much it was life threatening. Quit cold turkey - freaked out and had a relapse. Started Paxil (30mg) and eventually leveled out. Saw a psychologist for a while and ended up becoming more anxious afterwards than I was to begin with, so I quit. Drank very heavily - you all know the stories - black outs / 24hr. binges / don't remember parking car / DUI in '96 - totalled my car. Gained a ton of weight on Paxil, started to ween myself off of it 3 times and had relapses every single time. Saw a Psychiatrist for 18 months - he was an asswipe and ended up really hurting me. Then I saw a psychotherapist who was awesome - saw her for two years. By this time I was 27, I had quit using cocaine, ecstasy, acid, mushrooms, and crack. Yep, I even smoked crack for Christ's sake. Gained major ground with her - referred me to a neurologist - diagnosed me right away - textbook case of ADD. Got on Ritalin. I found a whole new world - I could actually concentrate and focus like I never have before. Still on Paxil (10mg.) I eventually developed a 'tick', which plaqued me for a whole year ... all most likely stemming from the Ritalin and took Tenex to counteract this. Switched to Adderall - but got me too loopy. Switched to Concerta, lost the tick - thank God. Considerably cut down on my drinking for the first time in 12 years. Admittedly I get drunk, but once every two weeks vs. minimum twice a week - fall down drunk. 4th time was the charm, finally weened myself off of Paxil - I think I've kicked it for good. Haven't taken any since August '03. Still take Concerta and that's all. Considering trying non-stimulant based Straterra, but am very hesitant.
I told you I had a lot to say! I really hope people aren't bored by this, it's just hard to sum up 8 years of mental anguish. Right now I think I have a pretty good handle on things. But lately I've felt like I've somewhat regressed in terms of the panic/general anxiety. It seems like I get panicky after I eat... but the symptoms are inconsistent. But after reading the posts above, maybe I'm onto something. At this point I am so used to panic attacks, they barely phase me anymore. But the panic that drags on for hours and hours and even days is what makes me want to drive full speed off a bridge. I went through some very good periods of up to 6 months where I felt great, but I was on Paxil, plus all the 'self medicating'. Now I have eliminated many things that I know contribute to panic, and still have long, dragged out panic attacks. I've really come a looooong way and this pisses me off to no end. I'm so sick of this. Maybe there's some truth about what I'm eating and my blood sugar. Check out this lady's story, I couldn't believe how long she suffered..... very interesting: thought of changing my diet completely PLUS quitting drinking forever is absolutely terrorizing for me. I don't know if I can handle that. I can definitely empathize with 'panic_attack' - it's so 10 times as hard to contemplate when all your friends are total booze hounds and seem to be fine. It's almost like I'd have to find all new friends... and at 30 it's no easier than if you're 23. I wonder if hypoglycemia is indeed part of my problem that I can diet such that drinking responsibly won't continue to be a negative factor.
I'll end this before it turns into a novel. Just wanted to share my whole picture. How can I finally put this panic to bed for good?
Posted by Sean P on November 12, 2003, at 21:34:39
In reply to Re: Does Alcohol give you PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS?¿?!?!?, posted by panic_attack on November 12, 2003, at 10:22:01
I haven't been the same since I used ecstacy one damn time!!! I wasn't near as nervous but after I had an anxiety attack from ecstacy in 98 I have been slowly getting worse and it has come to this, could one time do that? I am glad you looked and decided to post again on here because we can talk about our experiences and how much it sucks. Funny your friends all drink and mine do too, so I really can't get around it from what it seems, although one of my friends gets this too but he drinks every single day almost to get rid of his anxiety (He is dumb). I lost jobs too from this, calling in or just leaving work to go home because I was too nervous from drinking again, it really sucks. I can't believe this is happening to me. Have you tried to restore you intestinal health with Probiotics or Candida cleanse? I have heard alcohol ruins your intestinal track so this could be a blessing if you want to try it. Acidophilus and Candida Cleans are the name, try those if you can. I also recommend B Vitamins in higher doses as they have helped and Vitamin C as well, of course both free of additives and Sugar etc., they should help you a little bit with Anxiety. I would also recommend you try some Magnesium because that gets depleted like heck when you drink and it causes Anxiety and depression when depleted. Answer back and tell me how you are doing ok...
> Hey guys... well its been over a year since I posted this babble and I must admit that I am still having the same problems. I am now 23 years old and unemployed :( I got fired b cuz of my drinking. I was always so ill that I had to call out of work alot. I was their best employee... they loved me but they had to do what they had to do. Now I am going on 1 week sober (and counting) and need to find another job. Im sick of feeling sick. I wish that I can quit drinking 100%. Everybody I know drinks... we live in South Beach so there are always parties and events going on. My friends drink like fishes and have no complaints the next morning whereabout I feel like dying. They all think im crazy but they have no idea how sick I get. I shake... I cant do anything.. cant go outside.. .wont answer the phone... cant breathe right... heart plays tricks on me... feel so weak that I could die BUT I cant sleep. I thought I was the only one that experienced this. Surprised to see other posts with people w/ same experience. I had a drug overdose and thats why Im having these problems. Just cant party like I use to. Gotta slow down!! We'll see what happens.
Posted by Sean P on November 12, 2003, at 21:42:23
In reply to Re: Does Alcohol give you PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS?¿?!?!?, posted by Sean P on November 12, 2003, at 21:34:39
One more thing, I have been catching overwhelming speedy thoughts this last week or two and can't slow it down for an hour or so, it's just sped up so much it's annoying! I also wake up some nights and have hallucinations while I am half asleep like seeing something and jumping up and nothing there, plus hearing a voice and waking up but it's the middle of the night and once again half asleep and confused it's crazy! Anyone ever wake up with the heart skipping and seeing things? I am not even drunk when I do it, but it is really scary lately! I am going to take my B Vitamins in full and Vitamin C to stop a deficiency and tell you guys if it really helps out, if it does I would be glad to tell you guys how well it does.
Posted by carolee on November 13, 2003, at 9:34:15
In reply to Re: Does Alcohol give you PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS?¿?!?!?, posted by Marlin on November 12, 2003, at 20:57:19
hey guys -
it really is amazing how it seems that the majority of us who are writing in have had some drug issues in the past that seems to have brought about our anxiety/depression/panic/BP. i too used to do speed, acid, ecstasy, cocaine, and pot. my last time parting w/coke brought about my anxiety/panic attacks...which was about 15 yrs ago. i had stopped everything at that point, been on many prescription drugs for my problems, but nothing seems to help. iam trying to "natural" route.
i just came off lexapro - hated the SE's.
are we to live with suffering of these mental issues because of our fun filled past parting days!
this totally sucks.
i cant drink like i used to either, and when iam hung over, iam definately more sensitive to having panic attacks. i am shaky, heart pounding, can't go out of the house, talk on the phone...
its comforting to know others feel like this, but on the same hand, its so overwhelming to live like this!
Posted by Sean P on November 13, 2003, at 10:11:45
In reply to Re: Does Alcohol give you PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS?¿?!?!?, posted by carolee on November 13, 2003, at 9:34:15
Oh yeah Carolee silly me to forget, the marijuana started the panic attacks in high school, only when I was too high did I get them but they came then, slowly started coming when I was sober soon after high school. Drugs do change your neurotransmitters I am afraid, what is a panic attack when you are high can come when you are sober one fine day after that, good looking pointing that out.
> hey guys -
> it really is amazing how it seems that the majority of us who are writing in have had some drug issues in the past that seems to have brought about our anxiety/depression/panic/BP. i too used to do speed, acid, ecstasy, cocaine, and pot. my last time parting w/coke brought about my anxiety/panic attacks...which was about 15 yrs ago. i had stopped everything at that point, been on many prescription drugs for my problems, but nothing seems to help. iam trying to "natural" route.
> i just came off lexapro - hated the SE's.
> are we to live with suffering of these mental issues because of our fun filled past parting days!
> this totally sucks.
> i cant drink like i used to either, and when iam hung over, iam definately more sensitive to having panic attacks. i am shaky, heart pounding, can't go out of the house, talk on the phone...
> its comforting to know others feel like this, but on the same hand, its so overwhelming to live like this!
Posted by mrporter1 on November 13, 2003, at 13:19:47
In reply to Re: Does Alcohol give you PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS?¿?!?!?, posted by Sean P on November 13, 2003, at 10:11:45
Very interesting everybody. Over the past year or so, I've developed some of the same symptoms and have no idea why. Easily hungover (used to drink anything with no impact next day) - nauseated, headache, anxiety. I've had 2 major (and yes - day long) panic attacks the day after a party night. Sure this was the time it wasn't panic, but heart attack.
I have issues when eating certain things, too. High heart rate, anxiety - sometimes very bad. Especially if I eat very greasy things or eat way too much. It's terrible. Often afraid to even eat. Alcohol makes this worse, too - much worse.
Have had one episode (that I know of) of low blood sugar - almost fainted and recovered after drinking juice. I happened to have a glucometer and blood sugar was low. However, I haven't done a full glucose curve to see how it fluctuates. But now I'm wondering if there might be a blood sugar issue.
BTW...I take Wellbutrin XL, Atenolol (manage heart rate), Adderall during most days, Klonopin as needed.
Anyone know of other research resources?? Or next steps to take??
Posted by day on November 15, 2003, at 22:14:42
In reply to Re: Does Alcohol give you PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS?¿?!?!?, posted by Sean P on November 12, 2003, at 1:37:19
I am certainly with all of you. I used to get drunk every weekend from the time I was 18-30. I'm now 36 and I only get drunk maybe once every 6 months. The main reason I cut back was because of the panic/anxiety. The next day after drinking a lot, I would wake up, my heart would race, sweating, feel like I am going to faint, fear that I was dying. Pretty scary. Not a normal hangover. I even went to see a cardiologist. He couldn't find anything wrong with me. He did suggest that my heartrate is very sensitive to things such as adrenaline, nicotine, decongestants, alcohol and anything similar. He did prescribe inderal (it slows the heart rate). I take it when I feel the need. I did take a blood sugar test, it was low and I went back the next day and it was normal. He said that could be it, so I don't know. And yes SeanP, I also wake up sometimes at night and see hallucinations. They're not as bad as they used to be but they still happen. I didn't mean to write so much but it's nice to know you're not alone.
Posted by Sean P on November 16, 2003, at 17:23:59
In reply to Re: Does Alcohol give you PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS?¿? » Sean P, posted by day on November 15, 2003, at 22:14:42
If you drink and your heart is racing again the next day (If it still does) then try some Magnesium Citrate Powder in water, it slows your heart down and can really calm you, it worked for me several times. Anyways I am glad (Not really glad but) that other people experience this and not just me, it seems it is more common than I think. I wonder what it really is? Anxiety problems as well? Sluggish livers? Something causes this and I hate it, I like to drink and it seriously can ruin a Sunday for me. I know not to be scared now when I feel like this and it will go away eventually, a fast beating heart is no threat really, it isn't even really that which gives people heart attacks so that relaxes me a little. I felt horrible again today and need to cut it out, not fun at all to say the least and not worth it alot of times. Stay up guys and slow down or cut back on the amount you drink, it probably will help us long term alot.
> I am certainly with all of you. I used to get drunk every weekend from the time I was 18-30. I'm now 36 and I only get drunk maybe once every 6 months. The main reason I cut back was because of the panic/anxiety. The next day after drinking a lot, I would wake up, my heart would race, sweating, feel like I am going to faint, fear that I was dying. Pretty scary. Not a normal hangover. I even went to see a cardiologist. He couldn't find anything wrong with me. He did suggest that my heartrate is very sensitive to things such as adrenaline, nicotine, decongestants, alcohol and anything similar. He did prescribe inderal (it slows the heart rate). I take it when I feel the need. I did take a blood sugar test, it was low and I went back the next day and it was normal. He said that could be it, so I don't know. And yes SeanP, I also wake up sometimes at night and see hallucinations. They're not as bad as they used to be but they still happen. I didn't mean to write so much but it's nice to know you're not alone.
Posted by mrporter1 on November 16, 2003, at 22:56:39
In reply to Re: Does Alcohol give you PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS?¿?, posted by Sean P on November 16, 2003, at 17:23:59
You're right - we should cut back. Seems so easy. I've thought about this a lot and I just think that for some of us there is so little pleasure and "easy" time - that a pleasurable alcohol experience is hard to resist. It would be so nice to figure out how to drink a moderate amount, enjoy it like normal people and not have a scary, terrible reaction the next day. Thanks for the mag citrate suggestion!
Posted by sackhoullier on November 17, 2003, at 15:15:45
In reply to Re: Does Alcohol give you PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS?¿? » Sean P, posted by mrporter1 on November 16, 2003, at 22:56:39
I've been drinking pretty heavily since I was 15. I've recently turned 30 - over the past year I've developed these same symptoms. I cut the booze out for 10 weeks for the first time in my life in September but started drinking again a month ago when my nan died - not because of the trauma but because I have a huge scouse / Irish / catholic family that sort of demands it (go on Mark, she'd have been well pissed off if you didn't get hammered at her funeral!) Anyway, the ten weeks off had made me feel a lot calmer, but a few weeks into getting bladdered again and I'm back to square one. Those weird chest fluctuations and gasping for breath when in bed freak me out, Sunday can be utterly destroyed by a half decent session in the pub... - Anyway, I'm packing it in again, maybe for good this time.
As others have said, it's oddly reassuring to discover that this isn't just me.
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
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