Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Posted by Dysfunk on May 7, 2003, at 9:43:48

In reply to Re: EFFEXOR SIDE EFFECTS!!!!! » Dysfunk, posted by Napaba on May 5, 2003, at 13:22:41

I switched to Lexapro. I am still taking 40 mgs of Prozac, and 20 mg of Lexapro. It took almost 9 weeks to feel any positive effects. I was about to give up, then suddenly it kicked in.


Re: withdrawal » Cheri

Posted by Dysfunk on May 7, 2003, at 9:47:04

In reply to Re: withdrawal, posted by Cheri on May 5, 2003, at 18:37:19

Withdrawak for me from Effexor was as bad as being on the medication. I dropped 37.5 mgs each week and as I did, the aches and pains increased. I also had anger with the medication. It wasn't until a couple weeks after the medication was completely out of my system that I felt better.


My experience with Effexor

Posted by stlouisdude on May 7, 2003, at 9:50:46

In reply to Re: EFFEXOR SIDE EFFECTS!! Not all bad » Maureen17, posted by melley on May 6, 2003, at 13:51:34

I really like the effexor. This is my first and only experience with an AD or anything even close. I was having some issues and went on the 75 mg, and was doing okay on that. I seemed to lose focus sometimes, so i went to the 150's and then i started seeing the side effects. I was constipated, couldn't lose weight, sweats, and very jittery. Since that episode, I have been on the 75's for a little bit and as time goes on, I get better and better. The only side effects from the 75's are severe gas in the morning..(cause I take them before i go to bed) and very vivid dreams. Both of those things I can handle. I'm not sure my gf can handle the gas in the morning tho. lol. So my experience has been.. the higher the dosage, the more side effects. After another month or two, i plan on dropping to 37.5 and seeing if that works too. Hope this helps.



Re: I'm going off- please help! » catri

Posted by Snoozy on May 7, 2003, at 13:02:35

In reply to I'm going off- please help!, posted by catri on May 7, 2003, at 6:26:43

Hi -

I wish I had had a chance to find a good taper schedule! I wasn't warned about withdrawl and went off cold turkey - miserable experience.

I didn't have a chance to try this either, but I have heard of small amounts of Prozac being used to help withdrawl, because of its very long half-life. Part of what makes Effexor withdrawl so bad is its short half-life.

Go slowly and listen to your body. Hopefully someone here has had an ok experience coming off Effexor and can tell you what they did!

Good luck to you.

> hello, after about six months on 75/day, I want to come off it. I'm seeing the doc tomorrow, and I would really like help in deciding what withdrawal/tapering programme people have found that works best. Please help....


Re: Please provide website » Napaba

Posted by Maureen17 on May 7, 2003, at 18:34:17

In reply to Re: Please provide website » Maureen17, posted by Napaba on May 6, 2003, at 11:58:29

Here's the site. Sorry it took me awhile to find it again.

I'd say try the 75ml each day and if you start to feel funky take a 150ml at your next dose. Then go back to the 75 and keep doing this until you don't have to take the 150 anymore. Then try to drop to half the 75 and do the same as above only with the smaller doses. Then half of 37.5 and so on. Eventually you'll be able to get off this stuff. I'm now taking half of the 37.5 every other day. seems to be working with minimal withdrawl.


Re: Effexor causing hysterectomy? Seriously?? » Jack Smith

Posted by Maureen17 on May 7, 2003, at 18:44:57

In reply to Effexor causing hysterectomy? Seriously?? » Maureen17, posted by Jack Smith on May 6, 2003, at 13:46:05

I don't think you're being insensitive. But it did seem awefully strange that all my trouble started after taking effexor. Before that, I was the textbook female specimen of health. Never had any trouble before.
As far as the lawyer end of it, mine wanted to see the info from this website: Apparently there is a class action lawsuit against the makers of Paxil for withdrawl symptoms and even suicide cases.
And, thanks I'm doing GREAT.


Re: EFFEXOR SIDE EFFECTS!! Not all bad » melley

Posted by Maureen17 on May 7, 2003, at 18:47:04

In reply to Re: EFFEXOR SIDE EFFECTS!! Not all bad » Maureen17, posted by melley on May 6, 2003, at 13:51:34

Here's the site!


Re: EFFEXOR headache?

Posted by lia mason on May 7, 2003, at 21:47:54

In reply to Re: EFFEXOR SIDE EFFECTS!!!!!, posted by Napaba on May 5, 2003, at 9:39:21


I'm confused. After a month at 150 I have severe tension headaches. I have had these TEMPORARILY when I raise the dose, but I haven't raised the dose. Anyone? I'm mystified.



Re: Effexor XR vs. Paxil and weight gain

Posted by LeeLee on May 7, 2003, at 23:14:07

In reply to Re: Effexor XR vs. Paxil and weight gain , posted by Kathy on April 19, 2000, at 0:16:56

Responding to Kathy's message:

> I have just started on the Effexor XR and am really hoping I don't gain weight from it. I have gained about 35 pounds in the last few months I think from Celexa. I started the Wellbutrin for 2 weeks and did lose about 5 pounds because I felt so nauseous all the time. I broke out in hives the second week and was taken off the Wellbutrin and that's why I'm now on Effexor. Gaining weight from an antidepressant is so depressing! Kathy

(This is my first time here, so I hope I post this right!)
I did well with the Paxil for a little while, then the weight just seemed to come all at once. My doctor then prescribed Meridia, which made me stop eating and therefore lose weight, but I began having awful hallucinations that scared the pants off me. (I saw smoke coming out of my bathroom, felt spiders and things crawling on me, etc.) I quit both medicines and was switched to Effexor, which is working much better. I haven't gained weight, and I've been working hard to drop what I did gain. I came here in search of other people taking this medicine because some days, like today, I feel so down. It never occurred to me that it was from skipping a dosage. Anyway, good luck to all! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

LeeLee (75 mg)


Re: EFFEXOR headache? » lia mason

Posted by Maureen17 on May 7, 2003, at 23:39:46

In reply to Re: EFFEXOR headache?, posted by lia mason on May 7, 2003, at 21:47:54

Go back to the next lower dose. Headaches should subside.


Re: Effexor XR vs. Paxil and weight gain

Posted by melley on May 8, 2003, at 6:58:18

In reply to Re: Effexor XR vs. Paxil and weight gain , posted by LeeLee on May 7, 2003, at 23:14:07


Since I have been on effexor I have gained 30 pounds. I have tried losing it to no avail. I am thinking of asking my dr to switch me to wellbutrin. Sounds like you didn't have a good experience with it, but I have talked with several people who are happy with it. Thought I could give it a try at least.


> Responding to Kathy's message:
> > I have just started on the Effexor XR and am really hoping I don't gain weight from it. I have gained about 35 pounds in the last few months I think from Celexa. I started the Wellbutrin for 2 weeks and did lose about 5 pounds because I felt so nauseous all the time. I broke out in hives the second week and was taken off the Wellbutrin and that's why I'm now on Effexor. Gaining weight from an antidepressant is so depressing! Kathy
> (This is my first time here, so I hope I post this right!)
> I did well with the Paxil for a little while, then the weight just seemed to come all at once. My doctor then prescribed Meridia, which made me stop eating and therefore lose weight, but I began having awful hallucinations that scared the pants off me. (I saw smoke coming out of my bathroom, felt spiders and things crawling on me, etc.) I quit both medicines and was switched to Effexor, which is working much better. I haven't gained weight, and I've been working hard to drop what I did gain. I came here in search of other people taking this medicine because some days, like today, I feel so down. It never occurred to me that it was from skipping a dosage. Anyway, good luck to all! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
> LeeLee (75 mg)


Re: I'm going off- please help!

Posted by catri on May 8, 2003, at 7:00:08

In reply to Re: I'm going off- please help! » catri, posted by Snoozy on May 7, 2003, at 13:02:35

Hi, Snoozy - saw the doc today and he's making me drop down to 37mg/day - I have already taken a lower doasge, and I'm feeling totally weird - my eyes are going slightly mental and I'm feeling dizzy and sick! Its amazing the total lack of knowledge about this drug - I questioned my pharmacist, and he seemed to think that the only side effects from the withdrawal were going to be restlessness at night!!!!! My doc didn't seem to think that I would get all that much either, because I've only been on it for half a year. Does anyone know of any advice to help with the withdrawal symtoms?


Re: Effexor XR vs. Paxil and weight gain » LeeLee

Posted by Napaba on May 8, 2003, at 7:52:03

In reply to Re: Effexor XR vs. Paxil and weight gain , posted by LeeLee on May 7, 2003, at 23:14:07

I've lost over 30 pounds in the 4 months I've been taking EXR. I have 20 to go. I'd gained 50 pounds over the past 2 years. I'm not sure if the weight lose is a side effect from the EXR or because I eat when I'm stressed, depressed, and anxious and EXR has helped that. For whatever reason I'm greatful for the weight lose. But I am trying to get off EXR, I can't take the side effects. Good luck to you I hope it works for you.

Responding to Kathy's message:
> > I have just started on the Effexor XR and am really hoping I don't gain weight from it. I have gained about 35 pounds in the last few months I think from Celexa. I started the Wellbutrin for 2 weeks and did lose about 5 pounds because I felt so nauseous all the time. I broke out in hives the second week and was taken off the Wellbutrin and that's why I'm now on Effexor. Gaining weight from an antidepressant is so depressing! Kathy
> (This is my first time here, so I hope I post this right!)
> I did well with the Paxil for a little while, then the weight just seemed to come all at once. My doctor then prescribed Meridia, which made me stop eating and therefore lose weight, but I began having awful hallucinations that scared the pants off me. (I saw smoke coming out of my bathroom, felt spiders and things crawling on me, etc.) I quit both medicines and was switched to Effexor, which is working much better. I haven't gained weight, and I've been working hard to drop what I did gain. I came here in search of other people taking this medicine because some days, like today, I feel so down. It never occurred to me that it was from skipping a dosage. Anyway, good luck to all! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
> LeeLee (75 mg)


Tapering down??

Posted by jb07 on May 8, 2003, at 8:59:17

In reply to Re: Effexor XR vs. Paxil and weight gain » LeeLee, posted by Napaba on May 8, 2003, at 7:52:03

for the past month I have opened and split a 75mg pill into 4's = 18.75

I had a few side effects the first couple days, but now I feel like i am ready to take the plunge and put an end to this drug.

I have felt much better, less sedated, more alive this past month...maybe a combination of the warm spring weather too.

Any suggestions..Do you think I am ready to go cold turkey, or should I split the 18.75 into
9.375mg for a while longer???


Re: I'm going off- please help! » catri

Posted by Snoozy on May 8, 2003, at 11:31:43

In reply to Re: I'm going off- please help!, posted by catri on May 8, 2003, at 7:00:08

Hi - sorry you're having the withdrawl.

If I were in this position, I would go back to the original dose (75) and see if I felt ok. If I felt ok, then I would continue on a more gradual withdrawl schedule. That's just my personal preference and experience - I don't want to tell you what to do :)

jb07 has posted about Effexor withdrawl just below - cutting the 75mg tabs into quarters.

Also, someone else wrote about Prozac and Effexor withdrawl. Let's see if I can copy the link here:

If that link doesn't work, just scroll down and look for it.

When dealing with withdrawl, I think you have to be assertive in saying- your taper schedule isn't working for me, here's what I'd like to try. Unless your dr wants to nurse you and take care of your responsibilities while you're sick from withdrawl!

I can't believe after all these years and probably millions of patients, the word is not out among pdocs and pharmacists about Effexor withdrawl. <sigh>

Hope this helps - let me know how it goes!

> Hi, Snoozy - saw the doc today and he's making me drop down to 37mg/day - I have already taken a lower doasge, and I'm feeling totally weird - my eyes are going slightly mental and I'm feeling dizzy and sick! Its amazing the total lack of knowledge about this drug - I questioned my pharmacist, and he seemed to think that the only side effects from the withdrawal were going to be restlessness at night!!!!! My doc didn't seem to think that I would get all that much either, because I've only been on it for half a year. Does anyone know of any advice to help with the withdrawal symtoms?


Re: Tapering down??

Posted by tl on May 8, 2003, at 11:51:07

In reply to Tapering down??, posted by jb07 on May 8, 2003, at 8:59:17

I have been on effexor for almost 2 years. I started at 50mg and now am at 300mg. I am trying to get off of it because I don't like the way it is starting to make me feel. At first it worked great, I lost 20 lbs immediatley and my depression was easier to handle. But as time went on, I had to keep increasing the dosage (on the advice of my doctor) to get the same effect. The last year or so I have gained almost 25 lbs and have started drinking 5 or 6 glasses of wine a night. very unusual for me, I hardly ever drank before that. Now the pills are not working as well, the effects start to wear off in the afternoon (even though I take a 150mg in the AM and another 150mg about 2:00) so I spend my evenings sitting on the couch, drinking and feeling sad and hopeless. Two years ago I was a marathoner and spent 4 or 5 nights at the gym working out or cycling or doing aerobics. Now I can barely get out the door and run once a week, I am tired of feeling this way so 2 weeks ago I decided (without the advice of my doctor, because I am afraid he will just want to try more doses of E. or another type of medication, neither of which I want) to taper. I started by decreasing my pills to one a day, instead of 2, then I went to one dose every other day. I was feeling great until this morning. Now I feel horrible. I am dizzy, my head hurts and I have this bizzare tingling in my lips. I keep having hot flashes. I feel disorientated and very irritable. I feel like crying. My husband is mad because I won't call my doctor but I know he will just get mad at me for trying to do this on my own. Does anyone know if there are any truly serious side effects of tapering like this? Such as seizures or truly wigging out and hurting oneself?


Effexor: Better at 225 or 300??

Posted by jack smith on May 8, 2003, at 12:53:36

In reply to Re: Tapering down??, posted by tl on May 8, 2003, at 11:53:07

I have had a partial but inadequate response to 150 mg of effexor (been on it for about a month at this level following a two week taper up). Has anyone seen a more robust response at these higher levels after only getting minimal relief at 150?? Any advice appreciated.



Re: Tapering down??

Posted by jb07 on May 8, 2003, at 13:06:59

In reply to Re: Tapering down??, posted by tl on May 8, 2003, at 11:53:07

I too have to get off this drug. Funny, the evening drinking binges happened to me?? I guess once the medication wore off, I turned to alcohol for my escape and numb feeling??

If anybody else had the same drinking episodes in the evening, please feel free to share them with the board...I am beginning to think I am an alcoholic???

B/C this alcoholism runs in my family...and I am beginning to get scared!!!

P.S. I have tapered down to 18mg....broke open a 75 mg pill and split it into 4. I feel much better, b/c the drug is slowly getting out of my body, but am still having a few drinks every night to numb me out!!!


Re: Effexor: Better at 225 or 300?? » jack smith

Posted by melley on May 8, 2003, at 13:12:23

In reply to Effexor: Better at 225 or 300??, posted by jack smith on May 8, 2003, at 12:53:36

I bumped up from 150 to 225 in the beginning of January because of being sooo tired. Now I feel like the energizer bunny (not always such a good feeling when you are trying to sleep). But it was a significant difference for me. mel

> I have had a partial but inadequate response to 150 mg of effexor (been on it for about a month at this level following a two week taper up). Has anyone seen a more robust response at these higher levels after only getting minimal relief at 150?? Any advice appreciated.


Re: Effexor: Better at 225 or 300?? » melley

Posted by jack smith on May 8, 2003, at 13:32:28

In reply to Re: Effexor: Better at 225 or 300?? » jack smith, posted by melley on May 8, 2003, at 13:12:23

> I bumped up from 150 to 225 in the beginning of January because of being sooo tired. Now I feel like the energizer bunny (not always such a good feeling when you are trying to sleep). But it was a significant difference for me. mel

Did it also improve your mood? How long at 225 did it take to notice the difference?


Re: Tapering down?? » jb07

Posted by Napaba on May 8, 2003, at 13:51:14

In reply to Re: Tapering down??, posted by jb07 on May 8, 2003, at 13:06:59

I visited a website ( given on another post. There was a section that listed increased use of alcohol as a side effect. If I had time I'd look for it and post it, but I don't right now. Go check the site out. I don't drink anymore then I did before EXR.

I too have to get off this drug. Funny, the evening drinking binges happened to me?? I guess once the medication wore off, I turned to alcohol for my escape and numb feeling??
> If anybody else had the same drinking episodes in the evening, please feel free to share them with the board...I am beginning to think I am an alcoholic???
> B/C this alcoholism runs in my family...and I am beginning to get scared!!!
> P.S. I have tapered down to 18mg....broke open a 75 mg pill and split it into 4. I feel much better, b/c the drug is slowly getting out of my body, but am still having a few drinks every night to numb me out!!!


Re: Effexor: Better at 225 or 300?? » melley

Posted by Napaba on May 8, 2003, at 13:55:45

In reply to Re: Effexor: Better at 225 or 300?? » jack smith, posted by melley on May 8, 2003, at 13:12:23

The only I noticed when going from 75mg to 150 was an increase in side effects. I've listed them before, so I won't bore everyone with them again. I'm hoping they go away as I taper off.

> I bumped up from 150 to 225 in the beginning of January because of being sooo tired. Now I feel like the energizer bunny (not always such a good feeling when you are trying to sleep). But it was a significant difference for me. mel
> > I have had a partial but inadequate response to 150 mg of effexor (been on it for about a month at this level following a two week taper up). Has anyone seen a more robust response at these higher levels after only getting minimal relief at 150?? Any advice appreciated.
> >
> > JACK


Re: Tapering down?? » jb07

Posted by Maureen17 on May 8, 2003, at 21:58:04

In reply to Re: Tapering down??, posted by jb07 on May 8, 2003, at 13:06:59

You're not alone!
I thought I was becoming an alkey too...
But as I taper off, I don't drink as much. But still do to get numb.


Re: Effexor: Better at 225 or 300?? » jack smith

Posted by melley on May 9, 2003, at 7:20:24

In reply to Re: Effexor: Better at 225 or 300?? » melley, posted by jack smith on May 8, 2003, at 13:32:28

> >
> > I bumped up from 150 to 225 in the beginning of January because of being sooo tired. Now I feel like the energizer bunny (not always such a good feeling when you are trying to sleep). But it was a significant difference for me. mel
> >
> Did it also improve your mood? How long at 225 did it take to notice the difference?

Yes, it did improve my mood, and I noticed the effects of it almost immediately.

Today I am going in to see the psychiatrist in the hopes that he will let me try wellbutrin. I am dreading the weaning off of effexor. But effexor and paxil are all I've tried. Paxil's drawback was that it made me very sleepy. My cousin who is on wellbutrin says it's the only things she's found that has very few side effects.

I wish you luck. Let us know how you do when you bump it up. Melissa


Re: Tapering down??, doses, success

Posted by delna on May 11, 2003, at 9:54:27

In reply to Re: Tapering down?? » jb07, posted by Maureen17 on May 8, 2003, at 21:58:04

I did well on 300 mg but eventually went into a manic state. Initially it did lift the depressiion and get rid of all the ocd symptoms. well later i was out of control.
i finally got off it. withdrawal was hard as my doc tried to reduce too fast. i had all the usual symptoms as well as hearing voices.
my evental tapering statergy was good. from 300 i cut drastically to 225. i realised that for me withdrawal started when the dose became very low
so every few days i dropped drasticlly. till i reached 75. i stayed put at 75 till i was used to it ( 1 weak) and then went down to 35.5.
This is when i reduces v v gradually. almost little bits cut off every few days. when the last bit was there i stayed put for a week at least. then took every 2nd day , every 3rd and so on- till i was off.
i'm bck on it now at 150 as this is the only antidep that helped me ever. ofcourse now ith a mood stabaliser.

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