Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 133458

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Re: Strattera light headed

Posted by blondegirl47 on March 25, 2003, at 7:55:46

In reply to Re: Strattera light headed, posted by carlyb on March 23, 2003, at 9:05:38

I started taking mine at night before bed, so I don't get so hungry. Makes me a little tired too.


Re: Strattera and constipation

Posted by blondegirl47 on March 25, 2003, at 7:58:21

In reply to Re: Strattera and constipation, posted by Tealah on March 22, 2003, at 19:26:38

If I drink enough water it helps. Dried fruit is good too. Maybe he would eat raisins. Exercise helps me too. Hope this helps.


Re: Strattera-4 days later » Spinning

Posted by Hattree on March 25, 2003, at 9:11:13

In reply to Strattera-4 days later, posted by Spinning on March 25, 2003, at 1:55:23

Did you just drop your Adderall? If so, that might account for the irritability and hunger. I'm sitting on some Strattera while waiting to get over the ravenous hunger, exhaustion and crabbiness of stimulant withdrawal.


Re: Strattera-4 days later » Hattree

Posted by blondegirl47 on March 25, 2003, at 9:14:38

In reply to Re: Strattera-4 days later » Spinning, posted by Hattree on March 25, 2003, at 9:11:13

I am still taking two 20ml adderall xr in the morning and 15 ml short acting late afternoon. Even with the adderall I am very hungry after I take it. Your doc shouldn't have had you cold turkey your meds, you can't tell if the other med is working if your crashing. Sometimes I wonder about what these docs are thinking.


Re: Strattera-4 days later

Posted by Hattree on March 25, 2003, at 9:23:56

In reply to Re: Strattera-4 days later » Hattree, posted by blondegirl47 on March 25, 2003, at 9:14:38

> > Your doc shouldn't have had you cold turkey your meds, you can't tell if the other med is working if your crashing. Sometimes I wonder about what these docs are thinking.

That's why I'm waiting it out before trying Strattera. Look, everyone is different. I've been on and off stimulants for years and for me tapering is actually more unpleasant. I wonder what docs are thinking sometimes, too, and they're often lame, but the conventional wisdom doesn't work for everyone.


Re: Strattera-4 days later

Posted by Spinning on March 25, 2003, at 9:28:56

In reply to Strattera-4 days later, posted by Spinning on March 25, 2003, at 1:55:23

Actually I was not taking Adderall at this time. I took it about 2 months ago for only a week because of the horrible headaches. AAAAAAARRRGHHHH! This is maddening trying to figure it all out!
Thanks for the advice!


Re: Strattera-4 days later » Spinning

Posted by blondegirl47 on March 25, 2003, at 9:35:50

In reply to Re: Strattera-4 days later, posted by Spinning on March 25, 2003, at 9:28:56

Have you tried Dextrostat. I have had success with that, but I have built up a resistance and have gone off that for a while. Sometimes the headaches are caused by clentching your teeth. Periodically I will open my mouth wide and let my jaw muscles relax. Of couse I try to do this where no one will see me. :) Hope things get better!


Re: Strattera light headed

Posted by Hattree on March 25, 2003, at 9:37:50

In reply to Re: Strattera light headed, posted by blondegirl47 on March 25, 2003, at 7:55:46

> I started taking mine at night before bed, so I don't get so hungry. Makes me a little tired too.

And it still helps your symptoms when you take it at night, as well as alleviating the side effects? Sounds worth a try!


Re: Strattera light headed » Hattree

Posted by blondegirl47 on March 25, 2003, at 9:42:13

In reply to Re: Strattera light headed, posted by Hattree on March 25, 2003, at 9:37:50

This medication is a 24 hour time release. I would do a search on the internet to read about all side effects. I have gained 2 pounds this week, if I can't get the hunger under control this medication will have to go. Its taken me a year to lose 23 pounds, and even though I feel better it won't be worth gaining back that weight. I still have 30 to go.


Re: Strattera light headed

Posted by teacherkris on March 25, 2003, at 10:10:16

In reply to Re: Strattera light headed » Hattree, posted by blondegirl47 on March 25, 2003, at 9:42:13

Many of you have probably read my previous posts but I know how much I appreciate other people's updates so I'll continue to post mine. At this point (6 weeks in) I am on 60 mg of strattera, 40 am and 20 pm. The side effects are basically gone. I'm still on 72 mg of Concerta but will start to go off that next week when my Strattera goes upto 80 mg. Remember everyone that in the clinical trials 95 mg was the therapeutic dose so don't be surprised when you don't see results at 40.

At the same time I would say don't rush to raise your dose. I've been impatient at times but after reading all the posts about people having horrible side effects I'm glad I've gone up so slowly. I haven't had any constipation, I've lost 12 pounds (don't know for sure that it's Strat related but I've definitely had a loss of appetite) so excessive hunger hasn't been a problem for me, and I haven't really had a problem with tiredness. At the same time those first couple weeks were really tough with a lot of dizziness and irritability. Hang in there if you're in the early stages. Once we get to a therapeutic level this should be a 24 hour med which will make it soooo worth it! :-)


Re: Strattera light headed » teacherkris

Posted by blondegirl47 on March 25, 2003, at 10:14:23

In reply to Re: Strattera light headed, posted by teacherkris on March 25, 2003, at 10:10:16

I don't want to get too personal, but have you had a trouble with libido? Maybe when I get to a higher dose the hungrys will go away. Thanks for the update :)


Straterra - Back to Ritalin SR for me

Posted by LibbyH on March 25, 2003, at 12:36:13

In reply to Re: Would love Strattera updates, posted by Lexxey on March 18, 2003, at 15:36:27

After a month on Straterra (80 mg/day) I'm finally going back to Ritalin SR.

Straterra actually improved my concentration & motivation. I found it much easier to follow through on small tasks. It also made me feel more clear-headed & totally eliminated what I called the "roller coaster effect" that I got with Ritalin (the constant ramping up, crashing, then ramping up, crashing, stc.) that I got from having to take Ritalin 3-4 times a day.

HOWEVER, the Straterra worsened my impulsivity so much my own family couldn't stand me. My daughter moved back in with her dad for awhile it was so bad. I couldn't work because I'd get dragged off track doing everything BUT what I needed to be doing.

After one day off the Straterra and on the Ritalin I feel better already. No irresistable impulses of any kind so far. Just a nice normal day. So hopefully I can actually go back to work again tomorrow.



Re: Strattera and children

Posted by concernedaunt on March 25, 2003, at 13:57:59

In reply to Re: Strattera and constipation, posted by carlyb on March 23, 2003, at 9:03:57

Have not seen any new info in Straterrra and use in kids. Would like any feed-back on SA and dosages. I am considering this med for my niece, but have real concerns on SA, and any possible combos with other stims. She is on nothing at this time and a real handful.


Atomoxetine (Straterra)Time release - NOT

Posted by paulk on March 25, 2003, at 15:10:16

In reply to Re: Strattera light headed » Hattree, posted by blondegirl47 on March 25, 2003, at 9:42:13

Atomoxetine (Straterra)is NOT time release. Its effects are longer term, but the drug is immediate release.

I wonder why Lilly didn't look at time release - may have reduced the stomach side effects? Probably will come out later at higher cost.


Med Change Dexidrine to Straterra

Posted by BrettMan on March 25, 2003, at 18:03:31

In reply to Straterra approval., posted by scoper on December 28, 2002, at 2:19:34

I'm going to change from Dexidrine to Straterra soon. I'm a male 28 and have been on Dexidrine for about 2 years. Has anyone else had the joy of doing so. How did the change go? The only fear I have is lossing the "kick" from the Dexidrine, I think that really helps me get on the ball.

Thank you

Brett Aabel


Re: Straterra - Back to Ritalin SR for me

Posted by cybercafe on March 26, 2003, at 1:35:56

In reply to Straterra - Back to Ritalin SR for me, posted by LibbyH on March 25, 2003, at 12:36:13

> After a month on Straterra (80 mg/day) I'm finally going back to Ritalin SR.
> Straterra actually improved my concentration & motivation. I found it much easier to follow through on small tasks. It also made me feel more clear-headed & totally eliminated what I called the "roller coaster effect" that I got with Ritalin (the constant ramping up, crashing, then ramping up, crashing, stc.) that I got from having to take Ritalin 3-4 times a day.
> HOWEVER, the Straterra worsened my impulsivity so much my own family couldn't stand me. My daughter moved back in with her dad for awhile it was so bad. I couldn't work because I'd get dragged off track doing everything BUT what I needed to be doing.
> After one day off the Straterra and on the Ritalin I feel better already. No irresistable impulses of any kind so far. Just a nice normal day. So hopefully I can actually go back to work again tomorrow.
> L.

do you mind if i ask how much ritalin SR you take?

i'm on 30 mg + 10 mg 4 hours later, wondering if that's a high dose or what


Re: Straterra - Starting this new drug with my son

Posted by Msanjelpie on March 26, 2003, at 3:52:07

In reply to Re: Straterra - Back to Ritalin SR for me, posted by cybercafe on March 26, 2003, at 1:35:56

My son Stephen is 13. Started on 18mg Straterra 1 day ago. He is currently also taking 200mg Dilantin and 50mg Seroquel. Have decided to add Straterra to the mix.

First hour after taking pill - eyes looked very glassy, swooned a bit while walking, fell into bed and snoozed.

He woke up 8 hours later. Very odd - usually sleeps between 10 and 12 hours. He was wide awake and went right to work on the computer. Stayed there the entire day. Didn't speak to anyone, very absorbed in whatever he was doing.

He still had not eaten as of 20 hours after taking the pill. Then he seemed to return to his 'old self' - ate dinner, acted goofy and childish, no other side effects to report.

Took second pill. Have to open the pills and mix them with honey. Can't swallow pills. Did not have the spacey drugged look as like the first night. Seemed normal and even sat playing trivial pursuit with his younger brother. (An unusual occurrence.)

Will keep you posted on the side effects versus any mental improvements etc...


He was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome and PDD at a young age. Started on Zyprexa at the age of 9. It helped with socialization and paying more attention in class. (Most of the time he is in his own world and unaware of what the 'rest of the class' is doing.)

Stopped the Zyprexa 2 years later due to 2 side effects we didn't like. Excessive weight gain due to binging and excessive sleepiness. (Required a minimum of 12 hours sleep each night and would still be groggy throughout the day.)

Tried Risperdal, that only lasted 1 week. Had horrible night terrors and stomach cramping. Will never try that one again.

Switched to Dilantin, (to reduce hyperexcitability); an older medication that is chewable. Only side effect of that is that at 13 he has a moustache.

Added Seroquel to the mix to replace the Zyprexa. It helped with the outbursts of anger and depression.

About me: I'm 40 with Bipolar/OCD and currently on 40mg Prozac, 200mg Lamictal and .5 mg Ativan. The mix works well for me. Klonopin makes me suicidal and Xanax had too much rebound. I'm happy with my current cocktail and if I could ever sleep all the way through the night that would be great.

My father has schizophrenia and is currently on Haldol, Buspar, Elavil and Wellbutrin.

I'll keep you posted on the Straterra front.



Straterra - Back to Ritalin SR for me cybercafe

Posted by LibbyH on March 26, 2003, at 5:22:12

In reply to Re: Straterra - Back to Ritalin SR for me, posted by cybercafe on March 26, 2003, at 1:35:56

I take 40-60 mg of Ritalin SR per day, which I'm told is a fairly high dose, so I'd say your dose is about typical for and adult SR dose. Just my 2 cents...


Re: Med Change Dexidrine to Straterra » BrettMan

Posted by blondegirl47 on March 26, 2003, at 7:34:57

In reply to Med Change Dexidrine to Straterra, posted by BrettMan on March 25, 2003, at 18:03:31

According t my doc, the two can be taken together. He said, that he hadn't had a lot of success with switching to just strattera. If you go off your medication cold turkey you will crash Strattera isn't a stimulant.


Re: Straterra - Back to Ritalin SR-Libby

Posted by Spinning on March 26, 2003, at 11:45:53

In reply to Straterra - Back to Ritalin SR for me cybercafe, posted by LibbyH on March 26, 2003, at 5:22:12

Hi! I think I am going to go back to Ritalin...although it has been about 3 years since I have taken it. Strattera is just made me way to irritable and I just don't have the patience to wait and see if it works. Can I ask you about your Ritalin experience? I took the extended release kind and did not care for it as much as the short release kind...made me to tired. But, I also need it to function for about 12 hours a day. How often do you take the Ritalin? Thanks!


Re: Straterra - Back to Ritalin SR for me cybercafe

Posted by cybercafe on March 26, 2003, at 23:34:39

In reply to Straterra - Back to Ritalin SR for me cybercafe, posted by LibbyH on March 26, 2003, at 5:22:12

> I take 40-60 mg of Ritalin SR per day, which I'm told is a fairly high dose, so I'd say your dose is about typical for and adult SR dose. Just my 2 cents...
> L.

do you mind if i ask how many times a day ? and do you get a mood elevating effect?

thanks :)


Re: Straterra approval. » teacherkris

Posted by blondegirl47 on March 27, 2003, at 8:57:52

In reply to Re: Straterra approval., posted by teacherkris on March 21, 2003, at 16:37:53

Just wanted to see how your Strattera is doing. I'm not doing very good. I was really dizzy yesterday, still feel out of it today. When I can concentrate its really good, but I am hyperfocusing on stuff I shouldn't. This is my 10th day on Stattera, 6th day of 25 ml. I am still taking my adderall xr in the morning. I started taking strattera before bed. It seems I am feeling worse since doing that, but it makes me sleepy during the day. thanks for letting my vent...feeling very grumpy :)


Re: Straterra approval. » blondegirl47

Posted by teacherkris on March 27, 2003, at 13:11:06

In reply to Re: Straterra approval. » teacherkris, posted by blondegirl47 on March 27, 2003, at 8:57:52

I can fully sympathize with the grumpy feeling. At the time I was wondering if it was PMS, if it was the strattera, if it was the people around me or what it was. In hindsight I truly believe it was the Strattera and I have great sympathy for my students who had to put up with me for a couple weeks of grumpiness :-) as I'm a middle school teacher! Other than the irritability the dizziness was by far the most frustrating side effect for me, I even had to put on a movie one class period as I felt I was going to pass out. But along with the irritability, the dizziness passed. After I got up to 30 mg (my doc raised me 10 mg per day) I only had the dizziness on the first day that I would raise the dose then it would pass. I'm now up to 60 mg, 40 mg am and 20 in the afternoon and am having no side effects that I can tell. I'm waiting to even begin trying to test the Strattera for effectiveness until I'm up to at least 80 so I can't give you any info on that.

Someone had asked me about Libido. I think it may have lowered it slightly but as I'm not in a relationship right now it's hard to tell ;-).

All I can say is hang in there, I was miserable in the beginning but am still optimistic that it will be worth it. And for people who don't feel it is a time release, you need to remember that it's not like a stimulant it's more like an anti-depressant. Once it's built up in your system it's a constant it's not in and out of your system like a stimulant is so it shouldn't be wearing off at the end of the day if you have been on it for some time. This is also why it can't be given with "weekend holidays" as some parents do with stimulant medications.


Re: Straterra approval. » teacherkris

Posted by blondegirl47 on March 27, 2003, at 13:28:16

In reply to Re: Straterra approval. » blondegirl47, posted by teacherkris on March 27, 2003, at 13:11:06

Thanks for the info...It was me asking about libido :) Have you been hungry too? I can probably take the dizzy's and being tired if I know it will get better, but I don't know if I can take being hungry all the time. Thanks again your reply, it helped alot.


Hunger » blondegirl47

Posted by kashusha on March 27, 2003, at 14:43:58

In reply to Re: Straterra approval. » teacherkris, posted by blondegirl47 on March 27, 2003, at 13:28:16

I'm curious about the constant hunger. I had heard it's more common to have a decreased appetite. I tried Wellbutrin and was hungry all the time, and I don't want repeat of that. Also, libido is a bit of a problem for me on Effexor.

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