Shown: posts 37 to 61 of 61. Go back in thread:
Posted by titleistguy on February 14, 2003, at 1:37:11
In reply to Redirect: What would Jesus Do ?, posted by Dr. Bob on February 14, 2003, at 0:08:17
Okay, I can take a hint (you try to get people to take an HONEST, SINCERE look at themselves and WHADDAYA-GET. . .)
1) I'm a male.
2) I was NEVER "endogenously" depressed (another mis-diagnosis, by a bunch of "HACK" Canadian Shrinks!). I FELT suicidal (but never ATTEMPTED it, because I'm capable enough of "Batting 1.000"), BECAUSE of the DAMAGE all the DAMN prescription pills did to me (specifically Benzodiazepines which, in my opinion, are NOTHING more than "blended ethanol in a pill"!!!)
3) I'm SUING my GP for "Medical Malpractice"
4) I was NEVER Psychotic. . . 5 Psychiatrists have CONFIRMED that (I just REALLY love the LORD. . . is that a CRIME?????????????)
5) When I say "Jesus got me through" I OBVIOUSLY don't mean LITERALLY (or I'd be in friggin' "lock-down", don't you think???), I mean THROUGH the GOOD people at HIS Church (gimme a break!!!!!!!)
6) I've been told by many Pastors that I have the "spiritual gift" of "discernment" (when it comes to Scripture), I was just trying to relate GOD to every-day "pill popping". . . um, I mean, life. . . that just "slipped out". . . HONEST ;-)
7) What's wrong with exclamation points??? Get a life, honestly!!!
8) HOW exactly have I been "vulgar" or "profane" (last I checked "damn" and "hell" were NOT considered profanity!)
9) I'm not claiming to have Jesus' "righteous anger towards sin". . . HOWEVER. . . PRESCRIPTION DRUG ABUSE REALLY PISSES ME OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (And "Pill-Pushing Doctors" are even WORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
10) There's still no CONCRETE evidence that ANY mental illness is caused by a "chemical imbalance", so don't try to feed me that CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11) Prozac doesn't work EXACTLY like LSD, but Eli Lilly (when creating the drug) found that the long-term effects of using Prozac (to the damaged neurons) was almost IDENTICAL to that of LSD-use. Which was the point I was trying to make.
12) Go ahead and DO LSD, you LOSER, get "Hallucinogen Persisting Perceptual Disorder" for all I care. . . you IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13) Dr. Bob, I mean NO personal offense (I think this forum was a FANTASTIC endeavor) BUT, having said that, do you HONESTLY DISAGREE with the majority of what I've said???? I mean using Atypical ANTIPSYCHOTICS for an ANXIETY-DISORDER!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????Give me a FREAKIN' BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, I'm done, "good riddance". . .
Posted by Bipolarsux on February 14, 2003, at 2:29:08
In reply to WHERE to begin (hard to deal with SUCH ignorance!), posted by titleistguy on February 13, 2003, at 19:32:05
Chill out dude! I'm fairly new to this site but I see there is a religious discussion board. You might find a more receptive audience there.
> Hello everyone, I'll try to address EACH of your specific replies.
> 1) For "megg":
> -I have absolutely NO "faith issues", in fact Jesus Christ is the ONLY thing on the face of this planet that I'm 100% SURE about!!!!!!!!!!!
> -"Religious delusions". . . that's PRICELESS!!! Hey everybody, I've got an idea. . . let's just ALL "pop" 20 pills a day, "whaddaya-say"???!!!!
> (LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
> 2) For "bipolarsux":
> -You say you want "a cure", but from WHAT????????? I mean, seriously, do you honestly think you suffer IMMENSELY more than other "healthy" people????? Just because EVERYONE doesn't have a mental-illness does NOT mean they do not SUFFER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Let me ask you THIS: would you rather be Bipolar, or BLIND & DEAF???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
> -You say you want your "love of this life back", well, let me tell you this: Jesus said, "Whoever LOVES his life will most CERTAINLY LOSE it!" (So, consider yourself BLESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
> -You say that I shouldn't "tempt" the LORD, because he may call for my death (I realize you were being facetious, but I can use your crappy sense of humor to illustrate ANOTHER point!): As "masochistic" as you may think this is, I REJOICE when I get to drink of the LORD's cup. . . even if that means till DEATH (after all, martyrs will be the MOST richly rewarded in the life to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
> -You say, "Who cares about eternity?" Well, my friend, you certainly will when you're in the UNQUENCHABLE FIRES of HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> -You know what ANGERS me the MOST? People who have NEVER read the Holy Bible, and CRITICIZE Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! John 3:16 reads, "For God so loved the world that He gave his ONLY BEGOTTEN SON so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have EVERLASTING life!"
> Could you even IMAGINE watching YOUR OWN son be BEATEN, TORTURED, FALSELY-ACCUSED, SPIT-ON, and KILLED. . . and then have people like YOU not even APPRECIATE what He did??????
> (And people have the AUDACITY to ask, "Why does God let people go to Hell?". . . for EXACTLY THAT REASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
> -Finally, I NEVER said that I thought Ozzy Osbourne was a "bad" guy, in fact, I actually happen to LIKE Ozzy!!! He's a LOVING, CARING, LOYAL, and COMPASSIONATE father & husband. . . unfortunately, my point was, in his YOUNGER days he was a COMPLETE FOOL for doing all the drugs that he did!!!!!!!!! (And, in my comparison between SOME of you [Not ALL, just people that "abuse" prescription pills, instead of REALLY FACING your problems; Bipolar actually FITS my criteria for USING the pills, so don't take this personally!] & Ozzy, I was simply trying to convey to you all (who DON'T seem to "get it"!) DRUGS IS DRUGS IS DRUGS DRUGS IS DRUGS IS DRUGS DRUGS IS DRUGS IS DRUGS DRUGS IS DRUGS IS DRUGS DRUGS IS DRUGS IS DRUGS DRUGS IS DRUGS IS DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> In the end, it doesn't matter WHO prescribed them to you, or for WHAT "noble purpose". . . you're STILL going to FRY your FRIGGIN' BRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Just like Ozzy!)
> 3) For "rainee":
> -You say I'm "hiding behind the LORD". . . well. . . isn't that what HE WANTS US TO DO????????????????????????
> -You say I need a "pill for anger". . . well, considering ANGER (as well as HAPPINESS, SADNESS, JOY, BOREDOM, etc.!!!) is a NORMAL human emotion. . . I think I'll pass!!!!!!! (You, on the other hand, could use a "pill", for: TAKING TOO MANY DAMN PILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
> -I'll say one thing for you: I have been known to "chuck a few clubs" on the course (but then, so do Sergio & Tiger, so I think I'mn in pretty GOOD company, wouldn't you say?????????????!!!!!!!!)
> 4) For "cosis":
> -You say that "I NEED PILLS" (lol!): I'm going to CONGRATULATE YOU. . . you've discovered PRECISELY the reason Jesus came to Earth WHEN He did!!!!!!! (Could you IMAGINE a guy claiming to be "in very essence God", and NOT being "drugged to the rafters" in our society today???????????)
> 5) For "Rayww":
> -Yes I do, in fact, know someone (whom I love VERY much!) that uses pills to "hide behind" instead of facing her problems!!! (And SHE'S PRECISELY my MOTIVATION for posting to YOU ALL in the first place!!!!!!!! It absolutely SICKENS ME to see what SOME of you people are DOING to yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
> -As for "fixing life's problems", Jesus never promised we'd have a "problem-free life" if we followed Him. . . but He DOES promise that (a) He'll only test us with what WE'RE CAPABLE of handling, and (b) His GRACE will see us through ANY SITUATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> -As for you telling me to be "calm like Christ", I think you're SADLY MISTAKEN about Jesus' VERY NATURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When Jesus came to Earth, He said himself, he did NOT come to bring "Peace on Earth" but, rather, "to drive a sword in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", He says that a Christian will suffer MUCH for His name, but it's still FAR better than the "alternative".
> (Also, many Theologians AGREE, that Jesus would have been VERY animated in His dealings with people. . . He was VERY passionate about his "religion" [more like, His KINGDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!]). Finally, Christ was ANGERED MANY TIMES (remember the people who were using the Temple as a local "supermarket". . . Jesus THREW THEIR GOODS ON THE GROUND AND CHASSTISED THEIR BLASPHEMOUS WAYS!!!!!!!!!!!)
> ***Anger is NOT a sin, unless it MANIFESTS itself in a SINFUL MANNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***
> - I was NOT being "derogatory" in my remarks to the "pill poppers" on this board just REALISTIC. . . it's like the old saying goes, "The TRUTH HURTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
> Finally, this goes to EVERYONE, believe it or not, I ONLY wrote this message (and the one prior) to HELP some of you "discover the TRUE MEANING of LIFE. . . JESUS CHRIST. . . NOT Psychotropic medications!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> God Bless you all, and I hope AT LEAST ONE of you will develop a true, lasting, and PERSONAL relationship with Jesus Christ as a result of this posting (and, TRUST ME, you'll find yourself needing "less & less" ("so-called") "medication"!!!)
> -Sean
Posted by jay on February 14, 2003, at 3:03:06
In reply to My FINAL post., posted by titleistguy on February 14, 2003, at 1:37:11
Posted by OddipusRex on February 14, 2003, at 7:58:25
In reply to My FINAL post., posted by titleistguy on February 14, 2003, at 1:37:11
Posted by wharfrat on February 14, 2003, at 10:07:55
In reply to Re: I am not Jesus and I don't want to suffer » titleistguy, posted by Eddie Sylvano on February 14, 2003, at 9:32:11
Did this guy just get stomped at a game of golf or something?????????
Hope he's not headed up the stairs of a clock tower with a high powered rifle!!!!!!!!
Posted by Bittersweet on February 14, 2003, at 10:17:38
In reply to My FINAL post., posted by titleistguy on February 14, 2003, at 1:37:11
> 10) There's still no CONCRETE evidence that ANY mental illness is caused by a "chemical imbalance", so don't try to feed me that CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And there's still no concrete evidence that there is a God in Heaven, so what's yer point?
Posted by bobo on February 14, 2003, at 10:59:37
In reply to Re: My FINAL post., posted by Bittersweet on February 14, 2003, at 10:17:38
> > 10) There's still no CONCRETE evidence that ANY mental illness is caused by a "chemical imbalance", so don't try to feed me that CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> And there's still no concrete evidence that there is a God in Heaven, so what's yer point?
> Well--Boys and Girls--I have been reading the above thread with much interest.I being someone with depression and taking Effexor(which I just remembered that I have not taken yet today)and I just have one thing to say--after I stop laughing--is that the response from Bittersweat to the final post by our friend was FANTASTICBittersweat--my regards----bobo
Posted by missinglynxx on February 14, 2003, at 11:00:46
In reply to Re: My FINAL post., posted by Bittersweet on February 14, 2003, at 10:17:38
> > 10) There's still no CONCRETE evidence that ANY mental illness is caused by a "chemical imbalance", so don't try to feed me that CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> And there's still no concrete evidence that there is a God in Heaven, so what's yer point?
>Head on his shoulders,plus he read everyones reply and answered them back, I think hes an awesome writer and did discuss his own diagnosis. (Something I am Fearful of doing here online or in real life)
Why is it OK to be a Basketball (NBA) fan, but not a Christian (fan). OH well. Hope he returns, and cut him some slack!
Posted by Bittersweet on February 14, 2003, at 11:20:04
In reply to Re: My FINAL post., posted by bobo on February 14, 2003, at 10:59:37
> > > 10) There's still no CONCRETE evidence that ANY mental illness is caused by a "chemical imbalance", so don't try to feed me that CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> >And there's still no concrete evidence that there is a God in Heaven, so what's yer point?
> > Well--Boys and Girls--I have been reading the above thread with much interest.I being someone with depression and taking Effexor(which I just remembered that I have not taken yet today)and I just have one thing to say--after I stop laughing--is that the response from Bittersweat to the final post by our friend was FANTASTIC
> Bittersweat--my regards----bobo
* * * * *
Why thank you dear Bobo :o)
BTW, "sweat" might be bitter, or maybe just salty. I am bitter "sweet" ...LOL
Posted by Peter S. on February 14, 2003, at 12:42:40
In reply to Here's an idea: QUIT SO MANY DAMN PILLS!!!!!!!!!!!, posted by titleistguy on February 13, 2003, at 4:02:40
Hey titlistguty,
You sound like someone who has found true inner peace and a genuine love for your fellow humans. It's really could to find someone who follows Jesus' preaching of tolerance and non-hatred/judgement.
Yuk Yuk
> I just wanted to give an "eye opener" to all you INCESSANT PILL-POPPERS who would rather take ANY DAMN DRUG (even if it will more than likely SEVERELY dissable your mind / body, or even KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!) rather than actually DEALING with your problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> I mean, to all you people who are taking an ANTIPSYCHOTIC for friggin' ANXIETY. . . you are SO DAMN SCREWED UP I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Do you know who should be on "Neuroleptic" medications: People who are ACTUALLY PSYCHOTIC. . . PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> You know what EVERYONE on this board needs, rather than this COMPULSIVE urge to try EVERY DAMN PILL NEW ON THE MARKET?????????????????:
> JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> With Jesus on your side do you even KNOW what you'll get???????????????????????
> (That's right, I would personally lay it ALL on the line for JESUS. . . ANYTIME, any-friggin'-where!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
> 2) You'll have an ETERNAL PURPOSE for living!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Without all the DAMN DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
> 3) You'll lose ALL your ANXIETY, without ANY side-effects, that's right. . . NONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> 4) You'll realize that YOU really don't HAVE it ALL THAT BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Especially when you learn what JESUS had to go through for 33 years . . . just for YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
> 5) You'll be filled with God's HOLY SPIRIT!!!!! (And the HOLY SPIRIT is a Spirit of COURAGE, LOVE, and POWER. . . NOT FEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
> If YOU want a PERSONAL relationship with JESUS CHRIST, I encourage you to read "The Case for Christ" (by: Lee Strobel), and that goes for YOU TOO Dr. Bob!!!!!!!!!!!
> I GUARANTEE YOU your life will NEVER be the SAME again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> PRAISE JESUS' HOLY NAME FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> (And quit all the DAMN pills. . . don't you people even REALIZE that you're WORSE than OZZY - FRIGGIN'-OSBOURNE????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Posted by Dr. Bob on February 14, 2003, at 13:16:51
In reply to My FINAL post., posted by titleistguy on February 14, 2003, at 1:37:11
> 12) Go ahead and DO LSD, you LOSER, get "Hallucinogen Persisting Perceptual Disorder" for all I care. . . you IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please don't post anything that could lead others to feel accused or put down. I already asked you to be civil, so now I'm going to block you from posting for a week.
Posted by Dr. Bob on February 14, 2003, at 13:19:44
In reply to don't let the door hit you on your way goodridance (nm) » titleistguy, posted by jay on February 14, 2003, at 3:03:06
> goodridance
Please don't post anything that could lead others to feel put down. The last time you were blocked, it was for 1 week, so this time, it's for 2.
Posted by Dr. Bob on February 14, 2003, at 13:44:54
In reply to Redirect: What would Jesus Do ?, posted by Dr. Bob on February 14, 2003, at 0:08:17
> discussion of Jesus, and religion in general, should be redirected to Psycho-Babble Faith.
Here's a link:
Posted by Dr. Bob on February 14, 2003, at 13:56:16
In reply to Re: Here's an idea: QUIT SO MANY DAMN PILLS!!!!!!!!!!!, posted by Peter S. on February 14, 2003, at 12:42:40
> Hope he's not headed up the stairs of a clock tower with a high powered rifle!!!!!!!!
> Wharf> You sound like someone who has found true inner peace and a genuine love for your fellow humans. It's really could to find someone who follows Jesus' preaching of tolerance and non-hatred/judgement.
> Peter S.Please don't joke about death, post anything that could lead others to feel accused or put down, or be sarcastic, thanks.
Posted by Dr. Bob on February 15, 2003, at 17:47:21
In reply to Re: Redirect: What would Jesus Do ?, posted by Dr. Bob on February 14, 2003, at 13:44:54
> > discussion of Jesus, and religion in general, should be redirected to Psycho-Babble Faith.
>, they may be deleted...
Posted by ace on February 17, 2003, at 21:26:38
In reply to Here's an idea: QUIT SO MANY DAMN PILLS!!!!!!!!!!!, posted by titleistguy on February 13, 2003, at 4:02:40
> I just wanted to give an "eye opener" to all you INCESSANT PILL-POPPERS who would rather take ANY DAMN DRUG (even if it will more than likely SEVERELY dissable your mind / body, or even KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!) rather than actually DEALING with your problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All of the people on this site is dealing with problems. There physical problems. There in a part of the body called the brain. It is above the shoulders. When their is cancer you treat it with agents to combat cancer. When there is mental illness you treat it with agents to combat that too.> I mean, to all you people who are taking an ANTIPSYCHOTIC for friggin' ANXIETY. . . you are SO DAMN SCREWED UP I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Atypical Antipsychotics have proven very helpful for anxiety with low rate of adverse effects. Thsi is documented by many physicians.
> Do you know who should be on "Neuroleptic" medications: People who are ACTUALLY PSYCHOTIC. . . PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!That's nonsense. People with severe depression/anxiety/OCD can suffer so intensly that an AP is the best option. Have YOU suffered like them?
> You know what EVERYONE on this board needs, rather than this COMPULSIVE urge to try EVERY DAMN PILL NEW ON THE MARKET?????????????????:
> JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This is not the forum for religious matters. You have no right to tell people what they need. In my opinion you need some education. Wasn't go to say that, but anyhow...
> With Jesus on your side do you even KNOW what you'll get???????????????????????
> (That's right, I would personally lay it ALL on the line for JESUS. . . ANYTIME, any-friggin'-where!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
> 2) You'll have an ETERNAL PURPOSE for living!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Without all the DAMN DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
> 3) You'll lose ALL your ANXIETY, without ANY side-effects, that's right. . . NONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> 4) You'll realize that YOU really don't HAVE it ALL THAT BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Especially when you learn what JESUS had to go through for 33 years . . . just for YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
> 5) You'll be filled with God's HOLY SPIRIT!!!!! (And the HOLY SPIRIT is a Spirit of COURAGE, LOVE, and POWER. . . NOT FEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
> If YOU want a PERSONAL relationship with JESUS CHRIST, I encourage you to read "The Case for Christ" (by: Lee Strobel), and that goes for YOU TOO Dr. Bob!!!!!!!!!!!
> I GUARANTEE YOU your life will NEVER be the SAME again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> PRAISE JESUS' HOLY NAME FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> (And quit all the DAMN pills. . . don't you people even REALIZE that you're WORSE than OZZY - FRIGGIN'-OSBOURNE????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
In short you sound really silly. So silly my pants are almost wet. How about keeping off this forum, unless you have something appropriate for discussion. Don't be so judgemental -- all the people on this site are or have gone through hell. I'm sure some have turned to religion but that is not appropriate to talk of here. Until you feel the pain of another who suffers from serious mental illness, how about staying away? Or getting some education on mental illness...Ace
Posted by jodie on February 17, 2003, at 22:01:44
In reply to Re: Here's an idea: MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!!!!!! » titleistguy, posted by ace on February 17, 2003, at 21:26:38
I just read this thread. That titleistguy has no right to be here.
I agree with you completely, ace. You were being too nice though in my opinion :-) but we have to be civil.
Thanks for speaking for all of us. That was very kind!!!
He needs lots of pills in my opinion.
Posted by OddipusRex on February 18, 2003, at 11:20:44
In reply to Here's an idea: QUIT SO MANY DAMN PILLS!!!!!!!!!!!, posted by titleistguy on February 13, 2003, at 4:02:40
Lots of people have been banned. Just try to rephrase next time. I think with generous use of exclamation points and caps almost anything could be discussed within the limits of PB civility!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Think of it as a challenge to your creativity!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, I think your viewpoint is as valid as anyone else's and I hope you come back if you want to.
Posted by bobo on February 18, 2003, at 12:31:59
In reply to Re: My FINAL post. » bobo, posted by Bittersweet on February 14, 2003, at 11:20:04
oops----bobo made a booboo-----sorry BitterSWEET
> > > > 10) There's still no CONCRETE evidence that ANY mental illness is caused by a "chemical imbalance", so don't try to feed me that CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> > >
> And there's still no concrete evidence that there is a God in Heaven, so what's yer point?
> > > Well--Boys and Girls--I have been reading the above thread with much interest.I being someone with depression and taking Effexor(which I just remembered that I have not taken yet today)and I just have one thing to say--after I stop laughing--is that the response from Bittersweat to the final post by our friend was FANTASTIC
> >
> > Bittersweat--my regards----bobo
> >
> >
> * * * * *
> Why thank you dear Bobo :o)
> BTW, "sweat" might be bitter, or maybe just salty. I am bitter "sweet" ...LOL
Posted by Dolewhite on February 18, 2003, at 18:09:21
In reply to Here's an idea: QUIT SO MANY DAMN PILLS!!!!!!!!!!!, posted by titleistguy on February 13, 2003, at 4:02:40
I've got a cousin like this guy. Ignorant, abtrusive, and beligerent. With this over-zealous rhetoric i think he has severe problems of his own and he over compensates with religion thinking all the fucked up things he does will be forgiven. There's nothing wrong with being spiritual but don't be judgemental. True few people here probably don't need so much medication but most are in need of serious help and just because they choose to take meds doesn;t mean they're not spiritual.
Posted by Lou Pilder on February 18, 2003, at 21:12:20
In reply to You're welcome back when your ban is over » titleistguy, posted by OddipusRex on February 18, 2003, at 11:20:44
You wrote,[...your viewpoint is as valid as anyone else's...].
Thank you for writing that . I agree.
Posted by Lou Pilder on February 18, 2003, at 21:33:09
In reply to I like Titleist guy Alot, HES got a great, posted by missinglynxx on February 14, 2003, at 11:00:46
You wrote,[...hope he returns...cut him some slack...]
I agree.
Posted by Daffy on February 18, 2003, at 23:33:06
In reply to Re: blocked for week » titleistguy, posted by Dr. Bob on February 14, 2003, at 13:16:51
Oddipusrex, you wrote:
Also, could you clarify why you asked titleistguy, [ about {keeping off} this forum...]. If you could, then I could respond accordingly.
How is this for clarity:In reply to My FINAL post., posted by titleistguy on February 14, 2003, at 1:37:11
> 12) Go ahead and DO LSD, you LOSER, get "Hallucinogen Persisting Perceptual Disorder" for all I care. . . you IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Please don't post anything that could lead others to feel accused or put down. I already asked you to be civil, so now I'm going to block you from posting for a week" ...Bob
Bob seemed to have picked up on it. Now, will *you* "respond accordingly"?
*Also, as Ace so eloquently put it:
"He is welcome back if he talks about the appropriate things not religion. Jesus Christ has squat to do with this forum. I don't want to hear about it. Niether does the vast majority of people here. Period. We are here to provide info on medication related issues for each other, not talk about surfboards, porno vids, Jesus, your neww tattoo etc etc. Do you understand that?"
As it has been said before, this is not the place. If titleistguy wants to preach he should go to P-B Faith - not that the above words of his would be acceptable there either, mind you.
and please, don't ask me to "clarify" any of the above, I am on my last nerve as it is...
Posted by Dr. Bob on February 19, 2003, at 10:23:53
In reply to Oddipusrex - how about this....?, posted by Daffy on February 18, 2003, at 23:33:06
> As it has been said before, this is not the place.
When you're blocked, you're not supposed to post, so I'm going to extend its duration:
PS: Follow-ups regarding posting policies, and complaints about posts, should still be redirected to Psycho-Babble Administration.
Posted by Dr. Bob on February 19, 2003, at 10:37:09
In reply to Re: Here's an idea: QUIT SO MANY DAMN PILLS!!!!!!!!!!!, posted by Dolewhite on February 18, 2003, at 18:09:21
> In short you sound really silly.
> Ace> That titleistguy has no right to be here.
> Jodie> I've got a cousin like this guy. Ignorant, abtrusive, and beligerent.
> DolewhitePlease don't post anything that could lead others to feel accused or put down, thanks.
This is the end of the thread.
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
Owned and operated by Dr. Bob LLC and not the University of Chicago.