Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 122800

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Nardil or ECT?

Posted by Marginal on October 8, 2002, at 17:59:26

There seem to be enough people on this board that someone may have faced a similar situation to mine: I’m at a relatively desperate point of choosing between Nardil or ECT for major depression. Anyone made a similar choice?

I’ve never been good at handling this disability. When I’m OK, I work like a rabbit, making up for all the lost time in the past and all that will inevitably be lost in the future when things go south again. Problem is, I’ve currently been parked in the ‘south’ position for more than 6 months – the longest for me in many years. I could probably benefit from a hospital stay at this point, and it has been suggested. But I’ve always thought that hospitalization should wait until absolute suicidal tendencies kick in. Although there’s plenty of ideation (nothing different than what I’ve had for years), I’m not at risk of offing myself. So hospitalization, by this flawed reasoning, is out. That leaves the Nardil or ECT choice...the last straw. I’m hard pressed these days to function or focus, so decisions are tough.

Over the years, I have tried many meds. A few drugs worked very slightly at massive doses. But Nardil was the most successful: it worked beautifully about 7 years ago, at 90mg plus. But because of its NASTY side effects, I went off it. I’ve been terrified of the side effects of drugs ever since (huge weight gain, even with massively restricted diet; and sex problems, that depressants are usually already grappling with anyway). I’ve tried other drugs, many causing the same side effects, but none producing anything resembling Nardil’s great anti-depressant effects. (I read here about people staying on it for decades, and I envy their guts. Maybe I could have done that, and had more of a life to show for it, obesity be damned.)

Now, things have gotten so bad, it’s a toss up between Nardil and something I’ve avoided confronting for a long time, ECT. My current Doctor basically said it’s my choice. I get the feeling if I choose ECT, I’m on my own as this Doctor is not affiliated with a hospital that provides outpatient ECT. (Another post, someday if days ever get brighter, I’ll talk about Doctor problems: inability to get one on the phone unless you’re threatening self-destruction, a feeling that the Doc is giving up on us ‘treatment-resistant’ patients, waiting 2 weeks to get in to see one, when getting through an hour or two can be tough enough...etc. ).

Another round of different drug trials is out of the question...I don’t have the patience anymore for trial and error.

Any similar stories will help at this point. If it’s Nardil, I’d have to wait a week before trying anyway, since I just last week went off yet another unsuccessful round of huge Effexor doses.



Posted by Phil on October 8, 2002, at 19:05:20

In reply to Nardil or ECT?, posted by Marginal on October 8, 2002, at 17:59:26

You don't want any more drug trials, don't blame you. Nardil had nasty SE profile for you.

I'd do ECT and probably will someday. Six months in the funk is not good. I tend to think that ECT is less harmful than say taking combinations of 30 drugs for the past 20 years like me.

Screw Nardil, go for the most effective treatment for depression. You might slide by with no maintenance drugs or you could go monthly for a maintenance treatment.

I think many of us, me included, wait too long to try ECT. Don't wait till you drop to absolute rock bottom.



Re: Nardil or ECT?Marginal

Posted by jaby on October 8, 2002, at 21:44:46

In reply to Nardil or ECT?, posted by Marginal on October 8, 2002, at 17:59:26

I would have to second Phil's words. I am in a very similar spot, except I haven't tried an MAOI yet. I might end up doing it, but hope I can make myself skip that step. My doc is all for it and does ECT himself.

My problem right now is that I'm on an upswing as of a week ago and now it feels kind of silly to get ECT (things still aren't normal though. Regardless, my doc and I are going to have an in depth talk about the sacrifices that would be required to go through with ECT. I'm happy to be feeling pretty good right now, but if history repeats itself, this isn't going to last for long.

The med thing is a joke for some of us. So many years wasted for so many people. My doc says ECT has far less side effects than the meds. There can't really be too many more I guess. If you've tried Nardil and were miserable but feeling good in the head, then that's not a very holistic solution. That would depress me in fact.

I have had two family members go through ECT with great results (check some of my other posts). Yes, the ECT talk is definitely up right now on the board for some reason. If you do end up going the ECT route, please keep us posted by sharing your experiences.

Take care!


Re: Nardil or ECT?Marginal

Posted by jsarirose on October 8, 2002, at 21:52:02

In reply to Re: Nardil or ECT?Marginal, posted by jaby on October 8, 2002, at 21:44:46

Well, I'm for trying MAOI's first. You can always try ECT later. I am extremely treatment resistant and finally got around to trying MAOI's. I take Parnate and it's the best drug that's ever worked for me. My life is very different now. It's true that there are diet restrictions with MAOI's but to me they are not as permanent as ECT may be. I didn't write off ECT, I just preferred to go the medicine route.

I would strongly recommend Parnate (or Nardil, but Parnate may be better for you) before trying ECT. As I said, you can always do ECT later. MAOI's often work for people that have Treatment Resistant Depression.



Re: Nardil or ECT?Marginal » jsarirose

Posted by caml on October 9, 2002, at 9:31:06

In reply to Re: Nardil or ECT?Marginal, posted by jsarirose on October 8, 2002, at 21:52:02

After years of working through all other antidepressants, including their legendary side effects, I had to make the decision 2 weeks ago as to whether to accept an MAOI or undergo a course of ECT. After much research, and feeling a little anxious, I decided to commence Nardil.
20 days after commencing Nardil I already feel more motivated and think less about whether I want to curtail my life or not.I even have the occaisional thought about having a future.
I was anxious about possible side effects of ECT as I still manage to struggle to work full time and felt that any chance of memory impairment would put this at serious risk.
So far I have no side effects of Nardil, although this may alter as time passes and dosage increases.I do know that it has helped to reduce my dead-end depressive thinking and be more productive in my daily life. I do not have to put my " I'm coping well" mask on when I leave the house now and have more energy as I'm not pretending to be "fine" all the time.
It's early days,and ECT will always be there for me in the future if required.
I wish you well in your decision making process.



Re: Nardil or ECT?Marginal » jsarirose

Posted by Phil on October 9, 2002, at 11:58:53

In reply to Re: Nardil or ECT?Marginal, posted by jsarirose on October 8, 2002, at 21:52:02

Marginal has already tried Nardil, it worked with intolerable SE's.


Re: Nardil or ECT?Marginal

Posted by jsarirose on October 9, 2002, at 13:48:28

In reply to Re: Nardil or ECT?Marginal » jsarirose, posted by Phil on October 9, 2002, at 11:58:53

> Marginal has already tried Nardil, it worked with intolerable SE's.

Sorry, I guess I misunderstood. What about Parnate? I've heard it can have different side effects for people and sometimes work for those that Nardil does not help.


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