Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 97891

Shown: posts 1 to 15 of 15. This is the beginning of the thread.


Going off Effexor

Posted by Sue Doe Nym on March 13, 2002, at 23:09:13

I am starting my own thread to document my day to day progress. I hope that those who know can identify the steps I expect to go through and be able to give advice. I've gained a good deal of advice here.
Today is day eleven with no effexor (after tapering off to this point) I have had bad headaches yesterday and today and a bit of "foggyness". But I have also been fighting a bout between my fifteen year old son and his dad. So some of my symptoms may be from that.
Yet here I am under great stress. Yet I have thrown out the meds. How will I cope. This day by day record is for me, for those who wonder about the drug-free world out here. If I fail miserably, then you will no longer desire to make the leap yourselves.
Please continue to answer me intelligently and advise me as you see necessary.
thank you. Sue Doe Nym


Re: Going off Effexor » Sue Doe Nym

Posted by TSA West on March 14, 2002, at 1:32:54

In reply to Going off Effexor, posted by Sue Doe Nym on March 13, 2002, at 23:09:13

A 3-day regimen of Prozac would be good for you, standing a chance at relieving your headaches by ameliorating the serotonin deficit. And, of course, the first symptom to leave with antidepressant treatment like Prozac is anxiety--thus you may be able to cope with the recent stressors better. {Prozac is easiest to taper off should you need to discontinue it because of its long half-life}.

--the Salvation Army USA West: The Real Men in Black------------------------------


Re: 3-day regimen of prozac...sea salts? » TSA West

Posted by Sue Doe Nym on March 14, 2002, at 8:49:08

In reply to Re: Going off Effexor » Sue Doe Nym, posted by TSA West on March 14, 2002, at 1:32:54

> A 3-day regimen of Prozac would be good for you, standing a chance at relieving your headaches by ameliorating the serotonin deficit.
> --the Salvation Army USA West: The Real Men in Black------------------------------

I am such a novice at understanding how these AD's work. If an SSRI is a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, then that must mean that without it my serotonin will be "reuptaked" again? How does the body decide how much serotonin to reuptake and how much to leave in the synaptic cleft?
Are there any natural sources of serotonin. I don't have access to a 3-day regimen of prozac.
However, the stress level should be reduced a bit now. My husband drives truck and he is leaving again. The household runs more smoothly when he is gone.
I would hope to be able to read my swings and what is going on in my brain by observing my behavior. I have been playing the piano some more, which is therapeutic.
This is day fourteen of being drug-free. I'm a little "puffy" but I am not eating as compulsively as I was. I guess I should start drinking more water. I also want to obtain some Celtic sea salts. I think that mineral deficiencies may be part of my problem. But I need to save a little cash before I can order some. Does anyone know a good source. Does anyone find themselves healthier when they use French sea salts?

All hail the Salvation Army! (west)


Day 14 effexor-free do I have flu or withdrwl? » Sue Doe Nym

Posted by sue doe on March 14, 2002, at 17:02:13

In reply to Going off Effexor, posted by Sue Doe Nym on March 13, 2002, at 23:09:13

Here I am writing to myself. Sue doe answering Sue Doe. Now we're really crazy aren't we?
Actually this is day fourteen on my no-med journey.
I haven't had the severe headaches today. And I haven't been eating so constantly. Actually my stomach is a little upset. I think I may be catching a variety of the flu my family has been passing around, so don't know for sure where to attribute the symptoms. I feel like I'm running a fever and I have a lot of muscle pain in my back.
I'm going to take a mineral bath and see whether that helps.
My thoughts are slightly confused, but my will is stronger than it has been for a while.
Oh, well. We'll see what happens next.
Any thoughts out there?


Re: Day 14 effexor-free do I have flu or withdrwl?

Posted by Reneeb on March 14, 2002, at 20:34:36

In reply to Day 14 effexor-free do I have flu or withdrwl? » Sue Doe Nym, posted by sue doe on March 14, 2002, at 17:02:13

Hi Sue, I am also weaning myself off of effexor. I did try going from 37.5mg to nothing and felt horrible. My pdoc put me on 25mg to cut in 1/2 take in morning than nite. two weeks later 1/2 morning and 1/4 nite etc., I have felt better since I have started this weaning process. I also agree with the prozac. The doc told me if I had trouble that would help with the withdrawal symptoms. How much effexor were you on and how long?



Re: When did I start taking effexor? » Reneeb

Posted by sue doe on March 14, 2002, at 20:54:31

In reply to Re: Day 14 effexor-free do I have flu or withdrwl?, posted by Reneeb on March 14, 2002, at 20:34:36

How much effexor were you on and how long?
> Renee

My first mental "pill" was depakote, which I started taking in the summer of 2000. In the fall of 2001 I switched to effexor on the recommendation of my brother who is using it, and since I had just enrolled in college, I could afford it. Not through a Pdoc but through a nurse practitioner. I answered all of the "are you depressed?" questions accurately and she prescribed it. But manic type symptoms had esculated, especially compulsive eating, yet my mind was quite dull and I was unable to engage in life with any sort of vitality. I worked my way up to a 75mg tab in the morning and a 37.5 at night. I reduced this gradually, and finally went from 37.5 to nothing. since I am my own doc so to speak, I have no access to prozac. A warm mineral bath did me well this afternoon and I had the energy for the first time in ages to go outside and transplant a flowering almond bush. The smell of fresh cut sod was wonderful. And I was actually working. (Previously I maintained 6 acres of grapes, a garden, homeschooling 9 children and manageing sales for our winery. I watched all these things drop away one at a time over a course of about 4 years. Now for the first time I went, shovel in hand, and transplanted that bush.) My fifteen year old son ran away this week and I saw the transplantation as symbolic.
thanks for your question, hope I didn't say too much!
Sue Doe (Nym)


Day 15, kids say get back on meds!!!

Posted by SUE DOE on March 15, 2002, at 6:00:38

In reply to Re: When did I start taking effexor? » Reneeb, posted by sue doe on March 14, 2002, at 20:54:31

I don't know whether my children want me back on meds because they are afraid of the more obvious ups and downs, and my being in bed with headaches (the worst are presently at bay) or whether they don't like the new, more competant me who is about to reform this place! If they don't want me crazy, then they had better back off on the insolence and running away, etc. My Alex, who ran away and slept outside on Wednesday (?) night, is safe in a neighbors home. We are writing emails. I am afraid he may be showing early signs of Bi-polar syndrome. I hope we can gain some repore this way.
Life goes on!!!
Sue Doe (Nym)


P.S. I can handle it! (nm) » SUE DOE

Posted by Sue Doe on March 15, 2002, at 6:02:59

In reply to Day 15, kids say get back on meds!!!, posted by SUE DOE on March 15, 2002, at 6:00:38


Oops! I counted wrong, good brain, huh? » Sue Doe

Posted by Sue Doe on March 16, 2002, at 10:07:48

In reply to P.S. I can handle it! (nm) » SUE DOE, posted by Sue Doe on March 15, 2002, at 6:02:59

My first day off meds was March 3. I guess today is day fourteen.

...And the brain goes on!

Sue Doe (Nym)


Going off Effexor, in progress - another testimony » Sue Doe

Posted by olivier on March 17, 2002, at 17:02:30

In reply to Oops! I counted wrong, good brain, huh? » Sue Doe, posted by Sue Doe on March 16, 2002, at 10:07:48

> My first day off meds was March 3. I guess today is day fourteen.
> ...And the brain goes on!
Hi Sue,
This is my personal experience after going off of Effexor for 1 week now. So, this is personal and subjective, but at least it might give you some tracks to follow. And remember you're not alone ! Please note that I am french, i.e. forgive me about mistakes !

After several years of cures of antidepressant (under deroxat, prozac, seropram), then under Effexor (amount 150mg) for 6 months, I had again felt (approximately 2 weeks ago) the very marked side effects which I had already observed at the beginning of the treatment: abatement, somnolence, nauseas, headaches, giddinesses, a true destruction!! The effects persisted even by reducing the amount with 100mg. With 50mg, I felt other effects, quite as marked. I finally saw my psychiatrist last Monday (March 11). Its opinion: in front of the resurgence of such symptoms, I must stop Effexor. Signs (loss weight, acceleration heart) even make him fear hepatitis (blood analyse in progress). He did not give me another AD. Lastly, and it has been most significant all the same, I 've been doing much better (psychologically) for one month approximately.
It thus makes a week that I stopped Effexor. First report: to stop Effexor is much more difficult than the other AD than I practised up to now (deroxat, prozac, seropram). Here is what I feel:
- furtive "unhookings" of the brain (as if I lost consciousness during a fraction of dryness)
- headaches (a little less since 2 days)
- other "headache": as if a soft ball in my cranium came to knock the walls, especially when I move the eyes (is there a name technqiue, I do not know?)
- diarrhoea
- pertubé sleep: nights of 4-6 hours, alarm clock at the end of one hour, then every hour
- electric discharges in the members, especially hands
Fortunately, there are also a few positive aspects!
- better mental and sexual energy (my libido is still alive!)
- return of the senses (taste, sense of smell)
- satisfied to be able "to make without it"; while knowing that a relapse is still possible

According to my psychiatrist, Effexor diffuses its antidepressant capacity during approximately 10 more days after starting going off. As for the effects related to the lack, they can be maintained much longer. There is quite a lot of "literature" on the subject on Internet, I am looking at that in this moment. In short, I must thus still wait before getting rid off of it.


Re: When did I start taking effexor? » sue doe

Posted by Reneeb on March 17, 2002, at 18:03:42

In reply to Re: When did I start taking effexor? » Reneeb, posted by sue doe on March 14, 2002, at 20:54:31

> Hi Sue, You are amazing! Homeschooled 9 kids. You mentioned a winery, it sounds wonderful. Where do you live? I wish I wasn't such a baby. I couldn't take the withdrawal effects. I am taking it really slow. I just hate that I have to go thru this in the first place.


P.S. No you didnt say too much that would be impossible.


Re: Going off Effexor, in progress - another testimony

Posted by chiaratara on March 19, 2002, at 1:33:57

In reply to Going off Effexor, in progress - another testimony » Sue Doe, posted by olivier on March 17, 2002, at 17:02:30

going off of effexor is HARD. i just did it... but it does end. i would say about a week and a half. make sure that youd on't have anything important to do that week because you will feel awful. headache, nauseous, weird warping sounds in your head when you move around. i was pretty nonfunctional for 3 days and then it just starts to get better. i have been of of it now for a little more than two weeks and i think i finally have it out of my system. good luck. it really sucks, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. tara


Re: Going off Effexor, in progress - another testimony » chiaratara

Posted by Reneeb on March 19, 2002, at 15:31:25

In reply to Re: Going off Effexor, in progress - another testimony, posted by chiaratara on March 19, 2002, at 1:33:57

> going off of effexor is HARD. i just did it... but it does end. i would say about a week and a half. make sure that youd on't have anything important to do that week because you will feel awful. headache, nauseous, weird warping sounds in your head when you move around. i was pretty nonfunctional for 3 days and then it just starts to get better. i have been of of it now for a little more than two weeks and i think i finally have it out of my system. good luck. it really sucks, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. tara

Hi Tara, I'm glad to hear that it went well for you. I chickend out and went back to the doctor and got on a withdrawal plan. I couldn't take the spins or headaches.

Good luck,



Same here!

Posted by SueDoeN on March 19, 2002, at 23:27:36

In reply to Going off Effexor, in progress - another testimony » Sue Doe, posted by olivier on March 17, 2002, at 17:02:30

Thank you for your thorough description of your "withdrawal". I have many similarities, but am most unhappy about headaches and general "fuzzyness". It's hard to accomplish much without making headaches and dizziness worsen. Some days I am better with no symptoms at all, and then I relapse.
I, too, noticed a regaining of my sense of smell. I hadn't noticed it was missing until it came back. Now I smell everything with enthusiasm and happiness. Sounds silly, probablement.
Une fois j'ai parlais le Francais. Mais mantenant, non. Excuse the spelling, please.
Post Script:
Good luck to you in your adventure. I plan to stay off all anti-depressants until they put me in the hospital. I'll be stubborn.


Oliviet, see above post. (nm)

Posted by SueDoeN on March 19, 2002, at 23:29:34

In reply to Same here!, posted by SueDoeN on March 19, 2002, at 23:27:36

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