Shown: posts 1 to 22 of 22. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by danf on February 4, 2001, at 7:17:04
we are going to try a new thing at Babble.
Designate a topic /med for a month. then at the end info posted will be combined into a kind of FAQ page.
There will be a new /different topic each month. Folks should give thought as to a topic /med that they have an interest in & volunteer to edit or summarize that topic. The volunteer is not an expert & is not a moderator, just a volunteer.I am also going to go thru the archives but don't know how far back ? there is a lot of redundant posting about effexor.
First topic is Effexor... Points wanted both good & bad
Dx effexor taken for ?
did you like it or not, why ?
which version effexor or effexor XR
how it helped or did not, time of day taken
side effects starting & what helped
side effects on the med & what helped
side effects stopping & what helped
time on med ( days, weeks, months, etc)
if you took other meds & discontinued them before effexor, if so why ?
if you have stopped effexor ? why ?
any other info or anything that happened to you on effexor or that you know about effexor.
an example...
sexual side effects ? what did you do /take that helped, & just as important did not help ? did these last ? time, etc ?vision changes ?
If there are things you do not want posted on the BB, you can email them to me.
Posted by judy1 on February 4, 2001, at 9:27:24
In reply to February is Effexor month at PBabble, posted by danf on February 4, 2001, at 7:17:04
Got manic on it (but I get manic on everything). They are 75mg doses right- took 3 a day. The shrink made me stop right away, and in 3 days that's the sickest I've ever been from stopping an AD- vomiting, headaches, tremors and more. Hope this helps- Judy
Posted by Erika on February 4, 2001, at 20:43:08
In reply to February is Effexor month at PBabble, posted by danf on February 4, 2001, at 7:17:04
> First topic is Effexor... Points wanted both good & bad
> Dx effexor taken for ?> Depression (Dsthymia)
>did you like it or not, why ?
> Liked it because didn't feel dizzy on it or loss of libido (initially) as I did with Celexa.
Also, felt very calm and even throughout treatment.> which version effexor or effexor XR
>Effexor XR
> how it helped or did not, time of day taken> Helped relieve all symptoms of anxiety and depression. Life is very calm-no definite highs or los. Overall relatively peaceful. Found it useful for getting myself in control and giving my family/boyfriend a break from my mood swings, panic, etc. Towards the end though, this turned into apathy.
> side effects starting & what helped
No inital side effects, save some sleepiness which was relieved by taking a single 150 mg dose in morning versus initial 75mg 2x daily.> side effects on the med & what helped
Gained 20 lbs in 1.5 years. Nothing really helped this. Became vegetarian-continued to gain absurd amount of weight. I don't know why they say that anorexia can occur on this drug. I know three women total on this drug, and we all gained tons of weight on it. This is a primary factor in deciding to quit this drug. I also had no libido to speak of. I recently began withdrawal process am couldn't believe how quickly my libido rebounded. I want to cry when I think of the loss of intimacy during the time I was on this drug, I was robbed and didn't even know it!
> side effects stopping & what helped
> I weaned myself off 150mg XR by taking 75mg for one week and then stopped medication altogether. This decision was made with my MD. I stopped seeing a psychiatrist about 2 years ago when I realized that my regular MD would dispense this med. The only Psychiatrist in Heath Plan (United Healthcare,a bunch of thugs) was a man whose practice mysteriously shut down a few months later. My MD didn't know what she was doing when letting me withdraw so quickly. Within 48 hours of getting off the Effexor I was experiencing:
-Clicking in my years
-Detailed nightmares that seemed to last all night
-Night Sweats
-Fever & Shaking
-Feeling of utter helplessness and desperation
-Lots of sobbing-real fear and panic while feeling these symptoms.
-Genuine sorrow at having lived the last 18 months in a cloud.I can't recall ever feeling worse in my life. Thankfully I am currently umemployed, so didn't have to leave the house. I wasn't able to drive.
When I called my MD two days into the symptoms, the nurse told me "There are no withdrawal symptoms with Effexor. Stop crying and get off the phone and take your medicine. Come and see the doctor next week". I told her I wanted to go the ER since I was so freaked out- she sighed heavily and told me to take the meds again and then basically hung up on me. No one deserves to be treated this way! It's not like I have a history of hysterical behavior with this woman...
I tracked down a wonderful psychiatrist a few hours later, when I realized that I wasn't going to get any help elsewhere. I took great pains to find one who doesn't take my insurance, convinced that anyone who plays the managed care game isn't going to have time to really listen to their patients. This doctor assured me that my symptoms were definitely related to the withdrawl- and quickly called in a 37.5 mg prescription of Effexor for me. I took this and the symptoms receded entirely within 12 hours. I am going to work with this doctor to wean myself off the toxic stuff. Apparently, it can take up to 3 weeks to get off of this drug. I can only liken my experience to what a Heroin junkie must feel. Take the worst hangover/stomach flu of your life and multiply it by 10 and you have an idea of how I felt. Eww!As a side note, I did find tremendous relief by going to an acupunturist (again, the managed care aversion guided me). My body & spirit took a real beating in that short period of time.
The acupunture really was very restorative and nurturing. Western medicine has burned me but it's utter lack of emotion. I am going to stick with Eastern & Holistic medicine for awhile. I really want to be healed-not treated for symptoms. I refuse to submit to cold indifference from MD's any more. Anyone who gives me the snake oil speech can go take a jump in a lake. Treatment by someone who wants to heal you versus process you is worth every unisured penny in my book.> time on med ( days, weeks, months, etc)
18 months.
> if you took other meds & discontinued them before effexor, if so why ?>I took Celexa, which made me drowsy and irritable and didn't really help with depression. Worked well with depression symptoms but overall didn't like this drug. My original Dr. Feelgood supplemented me with Wellbutrin which helped but had distinctive feeling of been really doped up, although it was subtle. Also, I had absolutely no libido.
I have some friends who were on Effexor and didn't have any side effects, which prompted me to request a change to Effexor.> if you have stopped effexor ? why ?
I am at a stable point in my life and would prefer to try out clean livin'. I think that it is dangerous to continue with meds longer than necessary. It's okay to use it for a hand out of the dark and long enough to rest up for a while, but eventually you have have to have the courage to get back in the ring.
> any other info or anything that happened to you on effexor or that you know about effexor.
> an example...
> sexual side effects ?
-No libido
-Weight Gain
-Subtle form of apathy
All side effects crept up slowly and eventually overtook me. By this time I realized what was going on I didn't care. I wasn't sad-so why shake things up?-what did you do /take that helped, & just as important did not help ?
I did nothing. I really think the apathy side effect took over.
-I didn't really cared about being emotionally asleep. When you are distressed enough to get on the meds, you accept that this may/will happen.did these last ? time, etc ?
Side effects increase significantly over time.
> vision changes ?
None.> If there are things you do not want posted on the BB, you can email them to me.
Posted by Shell on February 4, 2001, at 21:24:12
In reply to February is Effexor month at PBabble, posted by danf on February 4, 2001, at 7:17:04
> First topic is Effexor... Points wanted both good & bad
> Dx effexor taken for ?Depression
> did you like it or not, why ?I'm pretty neutral on Effexor. I know it works very well for some people, but it didn't make a difference at all for me. Then again, I can't really complain, because I had no side effects either (except on discontinuation).
> which version effexor or effexor XR
Effexor XR (300 mg)
> how it helped or did not, time of day taken
I took it in the morning. I really didn't feel any effects one way or the other while taking it.
> side effects starting & what helpedThe only starting side effect I had was a little increased flushing and perspiration the first day I took it and again for a day each time I increased the dose. It went away by itself the next day.
> side effects on the med & what helpednone
> side effects stopping & what helpedDizziness, nausea, visual trails. I'm sure there are things that would help with the symptoms, but I didn't try anything. They disappeared on their own in about a week.
> time on med ( days, weeks, months, etc)Four months
> if you took other meds & discontinued them before effexor, if so why ?I took Prozac and Luvox. I discontinued the Prozac because it wasn't as effective the second time I took it. I discontinued the Luvox because it was not effective either. Both had sexual side effects as well.
> if you have stopped effexor ? why ?I stopped because it didn't improve my depression. I switched to Wellbutrin SR.
> any other info or anything that happened to you on effexor or that you know about effexor.I really didn't have a good or bad experience with Effexor; it was more a neutral experience. I really didn't feel anything while taking it, neither improvement nor side effects. I did once take 600 mg by mistake (took 4 - 150 mg instead of 4 - 75 mg) and had no reaction or side effects.
Posted by Ignatz on February 4, 2001, at 22:21:16
In reply to Re: February is Effexor month at PBabble, posted by Shell on February 4, 2001, at 21:24:12
> >
> > Dx effexor taken for ?
> Depression.
> >
> > did you like it or not, why ?
>I basically like it. I began it after 6 years on Zoloft, which worked fine until, under some personal stress, I freaked out one day and checked right into the hospital. (My last depression was really bad and I was terrified it was going to happen again.) The p-doc immediately put me on Effexor, and I was out of there, feeling totally normal, in 3 days. (Placebo effect? I dunno, but I've felt pretty much fine since.)
I have more mood swings on Effexor than I did on Zoloft. I feel pretty low at times; I can cry, which I hardly did on Zoloft. I think I prefer Zoloft because of this, but both seem to keep me non-depressed (as in what my friends call "big D depressed" as opposed to sad sometimes), which is the most important thing.
> > which version effexor or effexor XR
> Effexor XR- 187.5 a day
> > how it helped or did not, time of day taken
Keeps me sane. I take it in the morning.
> > side effects starting & what helped
Can't remember any. I was pretty freaked at the time, though.
> > side effects on the med & what helped
I haven't had any luck losing the loads of weight I gained on Zoloft; my appetite's still pretty voracious, and working out regularly doesn't seem to help shed the pounds, though it's sure good for mood and overall fitness.
Insomnia- I take trazadone at night to sleep.
The good thing, though, is that with Zoloft I had a heck of a hard time having an orgasm, and with Effexor, it's a lot easier.
If I go up higher than 187.5, I get a very restless feeling--what I call "the squigglies."
> > side effects stopping & what helped
Not planning to stop.
> > time on med ( days, weeks, months, etc)
Almost two years.
> > if you took other meds & discontinued them before effexor, if so why ?When I got depressed 9 years ago, I started on Prozac-- stopped after 3 days, way too jittery. Then Wellbutrin- didn't work at all. Then Pamelor (nortryptiline). Partial response- I'd feel okay one week, pretty lousy the next. P-doc added lithium; didn't seem to do much except make me slur words and trip over stuff when my lith levels got too high. Finally, I switched p-docs and the new one started me on Zoloft, which worked great, so I backed off all the other stuff.
Posted by willow on February 4, 2001, at 23:50:26
In reply to February is Effexor month at PBabble, posted by danf on February 4, 2001, at 7:17:04
> Dx effexor taken for ?
*depression, though I've had CFS for 5 years
(somitization disorder)> did you like it or not, why ?
*it's helping for thinking problems
don't feel drugged, high> which version *-effexor XR
> how it helped
*maybe because it made me so relaxed?
time of day taken *morning and early afternoon
It's suppose to be once a day but I get a bad headache in the evening if I do this. It's sorta like a migraine without the throbbing. If I forget a dose also I'll probably remember the second one. I get real cranky if I miss a dose.
> side effects starting & what helped
*headache in afternoon so split dose up into twice a day, tylenol with codeine helped headache some, it's pretty much gone now unless I miss a dose -heart pounding really hard when I lie down, lessen over the months: just wait to fall asleep - hard time falling asleep and staying asleep, moved dose time earlier into the day, and with time becoming less of a problem
- weird dreams, they're becoming more normal but I think I dream a lot on this med or it's just that I remember them
- had a hard time waking up, really bad: went away after four months DON'T KNOW HOW SOMEONE COULD GET TO WORK WITH THIS ONE IT WAS BAD
- sweating, night sweats: seems to be less
- started getting pimples, probably from sweating, not a problem anymore
- period of no motivation, though mood was good: lasted several months WOULD HAVE BEEN A PROBLEM IF I HAD TO WORK I was taking a course at college almost lost the credit, but didn't care much: I knew enough that this was really different for me. It just seemed to go away the same time as the waking up problem did.
- strong constant urge to chew my fingernails: just woke up one day and the urge was gone, unfortunately its turned into a habit (I'm working on it)
- constipation (skip a dose or take a quarter of the daily dose for a day or two and it helps)
- tingling and shaking in fingers of left hand when I initially tried to up the dose, waited longer to up dose and no problem
- sexual problems
- severe daydreaming> side effects on the med & what helped
* listed above most went away with time, upped dosage very slowly 37.5mg every three to four weeks, upto 150mg now probably around this level will work
Plus: starting to get dizzy when I stand up too quickly if I'm doing physical activity. Don't know if this is the effexor though, take other meds as needed> side effects stopping & what helped
*don't plan on stopping in the near future, but do suspect that this is physically addictive because of symptoms when a dose is missed, and with time have had to increase dose Hoping to find a plateau.> time on med ( days, weeks, months, etc)
* 4-5 months, probably on it for a long time (?)> if you took other meds & discontinued them before effexor, if so why ?
*imparine (sp it's an old standard) cried all the time
*trazadone- vertigo, weird thoughts, anxiety over these thoughts (suicidal), racing thoughts
*nortiplyine (sp) face flushing, heart pounding (doctor said it was anxiety, but it started with this drug and went away when I stopped it. suprisingly pharmacist said it's just a side effect of effexor, which he warned me about before taking it) extreme mood swings, irritableTwo others I can't remember the names, but one made me feel stoned (emotional zombie) and the other I kept get a worse constant headache after being on it for two weeks, unbearable, needless to say I also became very irritable.
> any other info or anything that happened to you on effexor or that you know about effexor.
*It has helped me with mental functioning, where nothing else has. Hopefully with time it will help with other symptoms, fatigue, pain etc. It seems to not help with muscle problems (pain and spasms), but I'm better able to tolerate them.
> vision changes ?
*Am starting to see stars, but have had this before effexor. Was gone though.PS I don't like it when posts say it should be taken off the market. I'm aware that it may be hard to get off of even though the doctor didn't mention this. For me it is working when nothing else has. Yes, people should be made aware of this and perhaps it shouldn't be the first med offered. But so far, for myself it's giving me back my life slowly.
Posted by shar on February 5, 2001, at 1:59:47
In reply to February is Effexor month at PBabble, posted by danf on February 4, 2001, at 7:17:04
> we are going to try a new thing at Babble.
> Designate a topic /med for a month. then at the end info posted will be combined into a kind of FAQ page.
> There will be a new /different topic each month. Folks should give thought as to a topic /med that they have an interest in & volunteer to edit or summarize that topic. The volunteer is not an expert & is not a moderator, just a volunteer.
> I am also going to go thru the archives but don't know how far back ? there is a lot of redundant posting about effexor.
> First topic is Effexor... Points wanted both good & bad
> Dx effexor taken for ?
> did you like it or not, why ? is ok. It keeps my head above water, out of the deep dark pit. Few side effects.
> which version effexor or effexor XR
> how it helped or did not, time of day taken
.......helped by keeping me out of the abyss. I take it in conjunction with Wellbutrin. I started by taking it all in the morning, but now take one in the morning and one in the evening.
> side effects starting & what helped
.......I noticed very few side effects. Dry mouth, shaky hands in the a.m., little tingles in hands and feet if I miss a day. Drank water. Sedation, took naps at lunch time and added Wellbutrin.
> side effects on the med & what helped
.......still have dry mouth, so drink water. Still have tingles and shaky hands. Still some sedation, take naps when I can.
> side effects stopping & what helped
> time on med ( days, weeks, months, etc)
......minimum of 2 years, maybe more.
> if you took other meds & discontinued them before effexor, if so why ?
.......Serzone, very strong, awful mood swings. Prozac, did not seem to do anything. Merital, taken off market when people started dying. Zoloft, the miracle drug, pooped out.
> if you have stopped effexor ? why ?
> any other info or anything that happened to you on effexor or that you know about effexor.
> an example...
> sexual side effects ? what did you do /take that helped, & just as important did not help ? did these last ? time, etc ?
> vision changes ?
> If there are things you do not want posted on the BB, you can email them to me.
Posted by Noa on February 5, 2001, at 6:30:18
In reply to Re: February is Effexor month at PBabble, posted by shar on February 5, 2001, at 1:59:47
Have taken Effexor XR for about 4 years, had taken regular Effexor for about 1 year before that.
For "Double Depression"---dysthymia with chronic, recurrent major depression .
Dose: 300 mg in the morning.
Have augmented it with several meds all along: stimulant (first ritalin, now Adderall), thyroid hormones (first just t4, then both t4 and t3), and serzone (for past 18 months).
Positive: Effexor works for my depression.
Negative: The regular effexor had caused sweating and orthostatic hypotension.
Both versions have caused some word retrieval problems at higher doses. This is not a problem at my current dose.
Effexor also causes overactivation--too much serotonin: insomnia, twitchiness, fidgitness, restless legs, myoclonic twitches and jerks etc.
Solution for me for negative effects: lower dose and add serzone, which seems to block the negative effects of the serotonin.
Weight: It is hard for me to assess the role of Effexor in my weight gain. I have gained a lot of weight in recent years, but there are other factors and it is hard to tease out what is what. Other factors=knee injury leading to sedentary lifestyle, sleep apnea leading to constant sleepiness, inactivity, thyroid disorder leading to extreme fatigue and inactivity, tendency to use food to deal with feelings--moreso when depressed, insulin resistance leading to extreme carbo cravings (esp. sugars).
So, as you see, it is hard to pin the blame on the effexor. However, since I recently started exercising regularly and my carbo cravings have subsided dramatically (exercise lessens insulin resistance), I would say that if I don't lose weight, I might be inclined to blame the effexor. I'll keep you posted.
Posted by NikkiT2 on February 5, 2001, at 14:25:41
In reply to Re: February is Effexor month at PBabble, posted by Erika on February 4, 2001, at 20:43:08
When I forst tried it, I was on 225mg a day of the standard version.. well, I went mad on it... terrible terrible insomnia, and severely manic, shakes etc.
A couple of months later I tried the XL version, and it was wondwerful!!! I got very few start up side affects, and it started helping hugely within a week. This was on 300mg... I found it worked best with 150mg am, and 150mg pm. I didn't get any insomnia.. just slight consipation at first.. Oh, and the mad mad sweating. I sweat heavily anyway, but the effexor made it heavier.
When it was reduced to 225mg I definately started going down hill... very very sleepy all the time (I could have easily slet 18 hours a day - if I wasn't at work I was asleep!). Then 3 weeks ago I saws the pdoc and he too m eoff it cold turkey.. I had a VERY hard time... very bad dizziness, strange vision (almost like I was hallucinating) and Iw as sick sick sick!!! Everytime I ate, I was sick!!
Anyway, my pdoc (in his wisdom) has now put me back oon 300 mg... 5 days in, no side affects, and feel alot better already. I've had a terrible 3 weeks, but feeling like I'm starting to come out of it.
So thats my experience!!
Posted by PLB on February 6, 2001, at 0:31:04
In reply to February is Effexor month at PBabble, posted by danf on February 4, 2001, at 7:17:04
> First topic is Effexor... Points wanted both good & bad
> Dx effexor taken for ?*** Atypical Depression (anergic, hypersomnia)
> did you like it or not, why ?*** Yes and no. It was the first AD that worked at all. Prior to FXer, I wasn't functioning at all. Side effects sucked, though.
> which version effexor or effexor XR*** XR
> how it helped or did not, time of day taken
>*** 300 mg/ day, 150 each morning and evening
> side effects starting & what helped
*** jitters, sweats, tingling (electric shock feeling) in feet.
> side effects on the med & what helped
>*** inability to reach orgasm, severe sweating, vivid dreaming
> side effects stopping & what helped
*** nightmares; tingling ins arms, legs and feet; nausea; headaches; fever
> time on med ( days, weeks, months, etc)*** 2 yrs
> if you took other meds & discontinued them before effexor, if so why ?*** zoloft - no effect
***prozac - rash
***paxil - no effect
*** Wellbutrin - little effect>
> if you have stopped effexor ? why ?*** poop out - stopped working
> any other info or anything that happened to you on effexor or that you know about effexor.*** would like to find something that works on NA system as well as FXer, without the serotonin system effects. However, it is to date the ONLY drug that has worked for me.
>> vision changes ?
*** none
Posted by LD on February 6, 2001, at 8:55:08
In reply to February is Effexor month at PBabble, posted by danf on February 4, 2001, at 7:17:04
> Dx effexor taken for ?Severe Depression
> did you like it or not, why ?Yes, it has been the only AD to help with my depression.
> which version effexor or effexor XR
> how it helped or did not, time of day taken225 mg. XR in the morning.
> side effects starting & what helpedNausea, severe sweating.
> side effects on the med & what helpedSEVERE weight gain - 60 lbs in 6 months!!!!!!!
No sex drive. Night sweats.
> side effects stopping & what helpedI am now coming off Effexor because of the weight gain, I can't handle being a size 20 anymore (from a size 8). I have been reducing by 37.5/every two weeks. Just yesterday I finally dropped to the 37.5 mark. Now i'm having shocks (which I had every time a took a step down). Dizziness, and i'm acting like a total bitch. I just want to be off this stuff so bad. I'll stay here for 2 weeks, then i'm going down to nothing. I'm scared but determined to get off.
> time on med ( days, weeks, months, etc)10 months
> if you took other meds & discontinued them before effexor, if so why ?Serzone - didnt work
Paxil - allergic
Wellbutrin - didnt work
Celexa - gave out after only 2 months.>
> if you have stopped effexor ? why ?*WEIGHT GAIN*
> any other info or anything that happened to you on effexor or that you know about effexor.
not really
> vision changes ?Not yet.
Thanks for the topic!
Posted by ItsJustMe on February 8, 2001, at 18:53:44
In reply to February is Effexor month at PBabble, posted by danf on February 4, 2001, at 7:17:04
> we are going to try a new thing at Babble.
> Designate a topic /med for a month. then at the end info posted will be combined into a kind of FAQ page.
> There will be a new /different topic each month. Folks should give thought as to a topic /med that they have an interest in & volunteer to edit or summarize that topic. The volunteer is not an expert & is not a moderator, just a volunteer.
> I am also going to go thru the archives but don't know how far back ? there is a lot of redundant posting about effexor.
> First topic is Effexor... Points wanted both good & bad
> Dx effexor taken for ?
> did you like it or not, why ?
> which version effexor or effexor XR
> how it helped or did not, time of day taken
> side effects starting & what helped
> side effects on the med & what helped
> side effects stopping & what helped
> time on med ( days, weeks, months, etc)
> if you took other meds & discontinued them before effexor, if so why ?
> if you have stopped effexor ? why ?
> any other info or anything that happened to you on effexor or that you know about effexor.
> an example...
> sexual side effects ? what did you do /take that helped, & just as important did not help ? did these last ? time, etc ?
> vision changes ?
> If there are things you do not want posted on the BB, you can email them to me.
Posted by gwen on February 8, 2001, at 19:50:54
In reply to What is PBabble??? (np), posted by ItsJustMe on February 8, 2001, at 18:53:44
It's short for Psycho-Babble, also known as PB. Psycho-Social Babble sometimes is referred to as PSB
Posted by ItsJustMe on February 8, 2001, at 19:51:20
In reply to What is PBabble??? (np), posted by ItsJustMe on February 8, 2001, at 18:53:44
> > we are going to try a new thing at Babble.
> >
> > Designate a topic /med for a month. then at the end info posted will be combined into a kind of FAQ page.
> > There will be a new /different topic each month. Folks should give thought as to a topic /med that they have an interest in & volunteer to edit or summarize that topic. The volunteer is not an expert & is not a moderator, just a volunteer.
> >
> > I am also going to go thru the archives but don't know how far back ? there is a lot of redundant posting about effexor.
> >
> > First topic is Effexor... Points wanted both good & bad
> >
> > Dx effexor taken for ?
> >
> > did you like it or not, why ?
> >
> > which version effexor or effexor XR
> >
> > how it helped or did not, time of day taken
> >
> > side effects starting & what helped
> >
> > side effects on the med & what helped
> >
> > side effects stopping & what helped
> >
> > time on med ( days, weeks, months, etc)
> >
> > if you took other meds & discontinued them before effexor, if so why ?
> >
> > if you have stopped effexor ? why ?
> >
> > any other info or anything that happened to you on effexor or that you know about effexor.
> >
> > an example...
> > sexual side effects ? what did you do /take that helped, & just as important did not help ? did these last ? time, etc ?
> >
> > vision changes ?
> >
> > If there are things you do not want posted on the BB, you can email them to me.
Posted by quilter on February 11, 2001, at 21:47:38
In reply to February is Effexor month at PBabble, posted by danf on February 4, 2001, at 7:17:04
> Dx effexor taken for ?>Major, major, major depression (recurrent, treatment resistant)
> did you like it or not, why ?
> Still taking it...> which version effexor or effexor XR
> Began with regular, now take XR.> how it helped or did not, time of day taken
> Take it A.m. and Bedtime. It helps but did not come close to taking care of the whole problem.> side effects starting & what helped
> Insomnia, jitters, restlessness were helped by Ativan and Ambien. Taste perversion is dose related. sweating was helped by switching to XR but is still a problem.> side effects on the med & what helped
> side effects stopping & what helped
> time on med ( days, weeks, months, etc)
> Started it in 1997, needed several dosage increases. Now at 375mg. Pdoc says may need to go higher.> if you took other meds & discontinued them before effexor, if so why ?
> I've taken nearly every med currently on the market for depression. Either no results, really intolerable side effects or, most often, poop out.> if you have stopped effexor ? why ?
> any other info or anything that happened to you on effexor or that you know about effexor.
> My daughter had serious problems with anorexia on this drug. Adding Remeron helped her get her weight up to a safe level.
> I'm having real problems with halting speech, concentration, word finding and short term memory. Multiple drug regimen makes it hard to say how much is due to Effexor. It worsened after a recent increase in my Celexa dose.> sexual side effects ? what did you do /take that helped, & just as important did not help ? did these last ? time, etc ?
> What is sex? I'm not sure I remember.> vision changes ?
> yes, but may have multiple causes: meds, glaucoma, age (47)> If there are things you do not want posted on the BB, you can email them to me.
Posted by tweetybird on January 24, 2002, at 19:01:24
In reply to February is Effexor month at PBabble, posted by danf on February 4, 2001, at 7:17:04
> > Dx effexor taken for ?
Major depression
> did you like it or not, why ?
still on it but don't like it due to the extreme mood swings with crying and a feeling like I'm gonna explode inside and also a feeling of being out of control with my feelings and body which makes me cry alot because it scares me to death
> which version effexor or effexor XR
> how it helped or did not, time of day taken
I don't find that it has helped very much as I have not felt very good on this drug, still have deep depression worse at times and other times feel not to bad, too many mood swings with agitation and irritibility , take it in the morning.
> side effects starting & what helped
> no real side effects while starting except some tremors in my legs and constipation which lasted only a couple of days. Just drank alot of water to help the constipation> side effects on the med & what helped
have not really had bad side effects except maybe head or scalp tingling and constant shaking of my foot, get into a space sometimes when I feel like it is controlling me and I am helpless to get back control and that scares the hell out of me so I just start sobbing. Take clonazepam 1.5mg to ease those times which works.
> side effects stopping & what helped
>still on but want to get off soon
> time on med ( days, weeks, months, etc)
>4 weeks starting at 75mg for 2 weeks then to 150 mg in the morning> if you took other meds & discontinued them before effexor, if so why ?
Over the years have been on many different AD which most didn't work but just 2 years ago was put on Celexa and it was a wonder drug for me without any side effects at all but fizzled out on me just this year Was also tried on Remeron and it was not for me, gained a ton of weight and the depression just got worse
> if you have stopped effexor ? why ?
Want to stop because of all the negative aspects of this drug and also because it has not helped me
> > an example...
> sexual side effects ? what did you do /take that helped, & just as important did not help ? did these last ? time, etc ?Since I have been off of the Celexa sex is a thing of the past, I know depression alone causes sexual dysfunction but the meds I take now don't help at all, I just don't have the feeling for it anymore and was once very sexually hungry
> vision changes ?
blurry vision with cloudy spots in front of my eyes at times making me think my glasses were dirty and were not
> If there are things you do not want posted on the BB, you can email them to me.
Posted by Rainie on January 28, 2002, at 0:10:53
In reply to February is Effexor month at PBabble, posted by danf on February 4, 2001, at 7:17:04
Here is my response
> Dx effexor taken for ?
Severe Depression>
> did you like it or not, why ?
Liked it far as it doing its job. For me it is an incredible drug for depression!Did not like the horrendous side effects that mostly occured with the higher dosage
> which version effexor or effexor XR
> Started with Effexor had extreme sickness switched to XR.> how it helped or did not, time of day taken
> As I stated earlier took care of the depression
I take the meds at bedtime as to not have sickness> side effects starting
I have been on effexor far too long to remember
> side effects on the med & what helpedThe basic serotonin syndrome and
As with everyone else appalling weight gain
an immense amount of fatique
sleeping problems
vast increase in perspiration
mood swings in evening
breakthru in evening
blurred vision
ringing in ears
could sleep 18 hours a day and not feel rested> side effects stopping & what helped
> Will soon find out> time on med ( days, weeks, months, etc)
> I have been on Effexor a total of 7 years. Regular effexor about two years of the seven.> if you took other meds & discontinued them before effexor, if so why ?
> Prozac-
None of them worked.> if you have stopped effexor ? why ?
I am stopping Effexor due to the weight gain, vast fatique and sleeping problems
> any other info or anything that happened to you on effexor or that you know about effexor.Abnormal dreams
Horrible time getting up in morning its almost as if you can't move when you wake up, you just lay and stare and then go back to sleep continuously
Neck aches
Flu like symptoms every few weeks> sexual side effects ? what did you do /take that helped, & just as important did not help ? did these last ? time, etc ?
No interest whatsoever in sex>
> vision changes ?
>blurred vision
Have had three totally different results of eye tests over the span of being on Effexor.> If there are things you do not want posted on the BB, you can email them to me.
It is an incredible drug that unfortunently has some wicked side effects that you can deal with for only so long. I just wish the pharmaceutical company would have been honest about the addiction factor of Effexor and the withdrawel symptoms.
Posted by tweetybird on February 4, 2002, at 9:36:21
In reply to Re: February is Effexor month at PBabble, posted by tweetybird on January 24, 2002, at 19:01:24
> > >
I have taken my last pill yesterday of effexor xr, the doc weaned me off from 150 mg down to 37.9 mgs for a week and now i am free of it. it did nothing for me as I said in my post, My withdrawal is going good but it;s just the body sickness that makes me feel terrible, some shocks but not many and cry alot of the time I guess that's still from the depression, I am feeling pretty good otherwise and am glad to be off this drug, I am on Celexa now only 20mgs for now while I go off the effexor xr and then it will be my main AD , I was on it before and it worked like a charm but fizzeled out at a particular bad time in my life but am confident it will work again.anyone else had an easy time getting off the effexor xr?
Dx effexor taken for ?
> Major depression
> >
> > did you like it or not, why ?
> still on it but don't like it due to the extreme mood swings with crying and a feeling like I'm gonna explode inside and also a feeling of being out of control with my feelings and body which makes me cry alot because it scares me to death
> >
> > which version effexor or effexor XR
> XR
> >
> > how it helped or did not, time of day taken
> I don't find that it has helped very much as I have not felt very good on this drug, still have deep depression worse at times and other times feel not to bad, too many mood swings with agitation and irritibility , take it in the morning.
> > side effects starting & what helped
> > no real side effects while starting except some tremors in my legs and constipation which lasted only a couple of days. Just drank alot of water to help the constipation
> > side effects on the med & what helped
> have not really had bad side effects except maybe head or scalp tingling and constant shaking of my foot, get into a space sometimes when I feel like it is controlling me and I am helpless to get back control and that scares the hell out of me so I just start sobbing. Take clonazepam 1.5mg to ease those times which works.
> >
> > side effects stopping & what helped
> >still on but want to get off soon
> > time on med ( days, weeks, months, etc)
> >4 weeks starting at 75mg for 2 weeks then to 150 mg in the morning
> > if you took other meds & discontinued them before effexor, if so why ?
> Over the years have been on many different AD which most didn't work but just 2 years ago was put on Celexa and it was a wonder drug for me without any side effects at all but fizzled out on me just this year Was also tried on Remeron and it was not for me, gained a ton of weight and the depression just got worse
> >
> > if you have stopped effexor ? why ?
> Want to stop because of all the negative aspects of this drug and also because it has not helped me
> >
> > > an example...
> > sexual side effects ? what did you do /take that helped, & just as important did not help ? did these last ? time, etc ?
> Since I have been off of the Celexa sex is a thing of the past, I know depression alone causes sexual dysfunction but the meds I take now don't help at all, I just don't have the feeling for it anymore and was once very sexually hungry
> >
> > vision changes ?
> blurry vision with cloudy spots in front of my eyes at times making me think my glasses were dirty and were not
> >
> > If there are things you do not want posted on the BB, you can email them to me.
Posted by Reneeb on February 4, 2002, at 13:44:52
In reply to February is Effexor month at PBabble, posted by danf on February 4, 2001, at 7:17:04
I am on effexor sr. I was a bit dizzy when I started it, after a week it went away. The only negative thing I would say about effexor is that it made me very tired. I was put on wellbutrin in the morning and that seemed to help. It works well for me. I don't feel like I am on anything, which was not the case when I was on Zoloft. The one thing that is really bothering me is that I see many people have gained weight. I have put on weight without changing my diet, so maybe effexor is the problem. I was told by many doctors that it was one of a few antidepressants that would not cause weight gain. I am pretty upset about this because I really like effexor.I am on 150mg and would like to wean myself off. I do see my doctor once a month and dont really want to wait to see him before I try to lower my dosage. Since I am on capsules it pretty hard not to drop down to 75mg. Does anyone have any suggestions how I can start?
Posted by noelle on November 22, 2002, at 13:12:02
In reply to February is Effexor month at PBabble, posted by danf on February 4, 2001, at 7:17:04
I have recently increased my dosage of Effexor XR to 225 and am worried about the weight gain everyone keeps talking about. I wonder if its not so much the drug but the fact that people aren't depressed anymore, therefore they are actually eating.
Posted by LynnPerley on November 23, 2002, at 10:47:28
In reply to Why do people gain weight on Effexor, posted by noelle on November 22, 2002, at 13:12:02
In my case it is due mostly to a sudden stop in exercise. Exercise was my antidepressant, plus it was my way of avoiding my family in a sense. I'm spending more time with my children now and I'm doing active things with them - but I suddenly stopped going to aerobics class and lifting weights. I've gained 5 - 10 pounds. I've been taking 225 mg for several mos now and I'm just about in the frame of mind to get together an alternative exercise plan that will still allow me to spend some quality time with my family. Effexor has helped me enough that the weight gain was worth it. I'm a lifetime WW member and I know I can take the weight off when I want to. I've just had other priorities for a while.
Posted by bpgrrrl on November 25, 2002, at 10:18:31
In reply to Why do people gain weight on Effexor, posted by noelle on November 22, 2002, at 13:12:02
I have lost weight on effexor...Go figure.
I think it's so different for everyone that trying to associate yourself to other people's side effects is not going to will only cause unnecessary fear.
This is the end of the thread.
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
Owned and operated by Dr. Bob LLC and not the University of Chicago.