Psycho-Babble Social Thread 630550

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When the going gets tough, the tough buy mascara?

Posted by Racer on April 8, 2006, at 11:21:04

I won't go into what's making the going so tough for me, but I do want to ask everyone here about mascara... Or at least ask the ladies... Or at least those ladies what wears lashblack...

My husband, Mr X, has asked me over the years to wear make up more often, and so I've been doing so. (I find I kinda like wearing make up, too, which is kinda surprising to me...) And am collecting more make up as I go along. The other day, we went out to replace an eyeshadow, and ended up also getting some colored mascara (whch was a big disappointment, too dull on my lashes), rouge, and something new: gloss mascara.

Has anyone seen this? It's mascara that's supposed to leave your lashes looking wet, as though you've just stepped out of a pool? I'd never seen anything like it before, and had to check it out. The wand doesn't have bristles, which I'd never seen before, and this brand had it in blue and in green. (Who can guess which color I got?) It's pretty cool... I think I like it.

Anyone else gonna weigh in on this?


Re: When the going gets tough, the tough buy mascara?

Posted by Tabitha on April 8, 2006, at 11:57:13

In reply to When the going gets tough, the tough buy mascara?, posted by Racer on April 8, 2006, at 11:21:04

Never tried lash gloss. I don't think I'd be willing to shell out the seven bucks or whatever for something that was just going to make my lashes look wet.

I've taken a liking to lash tint though, and replaced my mascara with it. It's quicker to put on, since it doesn't make any clumps that you have to fix up. My patience for applying makeup first thing in the morning is really limited. The lash tint looks less like make-up. If your lashes are already dark (mine aren't) it's not really going to look like anything at all. But for a blond-lashed person like me, it really helps.


Re: When the going gets tough, the tough buy mascara?

Posted by Phillipa on April 8, 2006, at 12:21:26

In reply to Re: When the going gets tough, the tough buy mascara?, posted by Tabitha on April 8, 2006, at 11:57:13

I used to use mascara daily but I was constantly rubbing my eyes so I gave it up and not many people seem to use makeup where I live only those that get dressed up to go to work. Love Phillipa


Racer and Tabitha

Posted by wildcard11 on April 8, 2006, at 12:30:33

In reply to Re: When the going gets tough, the tough buy mascara?, posted by Phillipa on April 8, 2006, at 12:21:26

I have no clue what either of ya'll are talking about....i kinda get the jist of lash gloss but what is the other??? i just don't wear make-up but maybe 5x a year.....


Re: When the going gets tough, the tough buy mascara?

Posted by Jai Narayan on April 8, 2006, at 13:33:52

In reply to Re: When the going gets tough, the tough buy mascara?, posted by Phillipa on April 8, 2006, at 12:21:26

> I used to use mascara daily but I was constantly rubbing my eyes so I gave it up and not many people seem to use makeup where I live only those that get dressed up to go to work. Love Phillipa

I do the same thing, put on rub immediately. I look like a raccoon.
how about buying a, now there's an experience that freaked me out.
At one point the sales woman had her hands resting on my right breast. Ohhhhhhhhhh freak-me-out.


Re: When the going gets tough, the tough buy mascara? » Jai Narayan

Posted by Phillipa on April 8, 2006, at 13:40:24

In reply to Re: When the going gets tough, the tough buy mascara?, posted by Jai Narayan on April 8, 2006, at 13:33:52

Jai I thought you were a guy? That's twice today. Boy these screen names can mess you up. Love phillipa


Re: When the going gets tough, the tough buy mascara? » Racer

Posted by Glydin on April 8, 2006, at 15:06:53

In reply to When the going gets tough, the tough buy mascara?, posted by Racer on April 8, 2006, at 11:21:04

Being a Beauty aids sl**, you have one upped me on the lash gloss. I must look into it. Wonder how that would mix with an eyelash curler ??? - not that you are suppose to apply anything before curling -which I do all the time and one day fully expect to find I've pulled out the entire line. That would be a new look.....

Mascara, pricey or cheap, is something I've not noticed much difference in - except how quickly it dries out. I guess if the gloss dried out, you aren't left with much to work with.


Re: When the going gets tough, the tough buy masca » Glydin

Posted by Racer on April 8, 2006, at 15:52:43

In reply to Re: When the going gets tough, the tough buy mascara? » Racer, posted by Glydin on April 8, 2006, at 15:06:53

That's the stuff I bought. It doesn't stay wet on your lashes, just leaves them looking a bit glossy. I use the curler first, when I use it. But I don't have much luck, probably since my lashes are a bit short. And a bit thin. I will never manage the Tammy Faye look...

It's so nice to know you're a BAS, too. I think I'm becoming one now. It's kinda fun...

Now if I could only manage to put on eyeliner that didn't look as though it was applied by a three year old...


learning to love mascara

Posted by NikkiT2 on April 8, 2006, at 18:22:15

In reply to Re: When the going gets tough, the tough buy masca » Glydin, posted by Racer on April 8, 2006, at 15:52:43

I've always prided myself on my gorgeous thick dark lashes.. but this last 18 months they don't seem as lushious as they once did.

So, I now use a clinique one.. I like the brush on this one best as I want my lashes to look completely natural still. Its a nice thick brush. So, I pull the wand out of the tube, and then wipe the brush with a tissue to remove excess. I do this before the other eye. Then, I do the outside corners once more.

I also wear some dark grey eye liner underneath just my bottom lids (Racer - my top tip, is I put it on, and then run my finger over it to stop it being such a defined line), and a little deep brown eye shadow in the outer corner of my lid.

I do more if I'm going out, but I simply can't find a nice, natural looking foundation for nights out.. So at the moment just brush a little bronzer over my cheeks, chin, nose and forehead. I also have some gorgeous eyeshadows (all in browns *L*), and this fabulous gold Mac glittery liquid eye liner that I adore - a friend bought it (and some lovely eye shadows) for me as a birthday gift and I adore it!

Well, thats it *g* I love looking at pretty make up.. but its not something I like spending lots of money on for some reason.



Re: When the going gets tough, the tough buy mascara? » Racer

Posted by Sarah T. on April 8, 2006, at 19:02:22

In reply to When the going gets tough, the tough buy mascara?, posted by Racer on April 8, 2006, at 11:21:04

I've seen clear mascara. Is that what you're referring to? I bought some about ten years ago. The applicator was a brush, but the "mascara" was clear and gel-like. My lashes looked wet throughout the day.


Re: When the going gets tough, the tough buy mascara? » Tabitha

Posted by Sarah T. on April 8, 2006, at 19:09:31

In reply to Re: When the going gets tough, the tough buy mascara?, posted by Tabitha on April 8, 2006, at 11:57:13

> > If your lashes are already dark (mine aren't) it's not really going to look like anything at all. But for a blond-lashed person like me, it really helps.>>

Hi Tabitha,

Christian Dior makes mascara that is specifically designed for blondes and red-heads.


Re: When the going gets tough, the tough buy masca » Sarah T.

Posted by Racer on April 8, 2006, at 20:42:13

In reply to Re: When the going gets tough, the tough buy mascara? » Racer, posted by Sarah T. on April 8, 2006, at 19:02:22

> I've seen clear mascara. Is that what you're referring to? I bought some about ten years ago. The applicator was a brush, but the "mascara" was clear and gel-like. My lashes looked wet throughout the day.

No, they had clear mascara, too, which I thought about trying, but this is actually colored: they have green and blue. I can't quite tell if the color shows up well, but I still kinda like it...


the clear isn't that great... (nm) » Racer

Posted by wildcard11 on April 8, 2006, at 20:59:13

In reply to Re: When the going gets tough, the tough buy masca » Sarah T., posted by Racer on April 8, 2006, at 20:42:13


Re: learning to love mascara » NikkiT2

Posted by Racer on April 8, 2006, at 21:26:22

In reply to learning to love mascara, posted by NikkiT2 on April 8, 2006, at 18:22:15

> I also wear some dark grey eye liner underneath just my bottom lids (Racer - my top tip, is I put it on, and then run my finger over it to stop it being such a defined line), and a little deep brown eye shadow in the outer corner of my lid.

LoL! I actually meant liquid or cake eyeliner. I'm pretty OK with the pencil kind.

And drat it! The foundation that worked well for me that I have worn for 15 years was recently discontinued! Clarins. Drat them. I've tried three different foundations so far, and none is as good, so now I'm using a Clarins foundation that isn't really awful, just isn't great. Far inferior to what they used to make. My problem is that foundation kinda floats and goes chalky on me. It's hard to describe, but trust me: it's hard to find acceptable foundation... If I were offering advice, though, based on my recent search, I'd check out Prescriptives. They have a bunch, several formulations and a ton of shades.

But I want some Guerlain bronzer... Or the new one, the Meteorites Winter Radiance. I'm grinding my teeth, though, because the Winter Radiance apparently isn't available as a refill. Grrr. I don't want to spend $150 so that I get a fancy case. (Although I do have the plain Meteorites Voyage in the fancy case. So I figure I've paid my Fancy Tax to Guerlain already, and shouldn't have to do it again...)

Some day, Nikki, I hope we'll all have a chance to put on make up standing side by side, while giggling madly. (But right now my husband says "hurry up, if you don't want to cook tonight we're going to the Japanese place." And you know what? I don't want to cook...)


PS » NikkiT2

Posted by Racer on April 8, 2006, at 21:28:41

In reply to learning to love mascara, posted by NikkiT2 on April 8, 2006, at 18:22:15

Here's a link to the Winter Radiance:

And I'm not sure which shade of their bronzer would work best for me:

And you didn't guess which color mascara I got!


Re: Racer and Tabitha » wildcard11

Posted by Tabitha on April 8, 2006, at 21:55:05

In reply to Racer and Tabitha, posted by wildcard11 on April 8, 2006, at 12:30:33

> I have no clue what either of ya'll are talking about....i kinda get the jist of lash gloss but what is the other???

Lash tint is like mascara, but it's just the color, not the thickening/lengthening effect. So it's basically a thinner liquid. Looks less makeup-y, and it doesn't flake off and get in my eyes.


Re: When the going gets tough, the tough buy mascara?

Posted by Tabitha on April 8, 2006, at 21:58:42

In reply to Re: When the going gets tough, the tough buy mascara? » Tabitha, posted by Sarah T. on April 8, 2006, at 19:09:31

> > > >
> Christian Dior makes mascara that is specifically designed for blondes and red-heads.
Sounds like a good idea, but it's probably too pricey for me. When it comes to makeup, I'm pretty much a drugstore-brand gal.


Re: above ^^^ for Sarah T (nm)

Posted by Tabitha on April 8, 2006, at 22:00:52

In reply to Re: When the going gets tough, the tough buy mascara?, posted by Tabitha on April 8, 2006, at 21:58:42


I'm SO a BAS!

Posted by gardenergirl on April 8, 2006, at 22:20:22

In reply to Re: When the going gets tough, the tough buy masca » Glydin, posted by Racer on April 8, 2006, at 15:52:43

And I've been trying the last tint, too. It's great for a casual look for me. I have longish lashes, but they are almost translucent in places. And I struggle with mascara that flakes tiny pieces into my contacts or smudges with my oily skin.

I've also had my lashes tinted with vegetable dye. A better idea on paper than in reality. I wanted to be able to go without mascara, but it just doesn't define them enough. I have small features and deep set eyes, so mascaras really helps me feel like my eyes aren't so invisible.

And I once counted all the beauty products I used in one sitting. It's embarrassing. But then I used to be a Clinique girl, so maybe it's understandable. And I do think I have pretty good skin for my age, so I think it's worth it.




» GG » Got my vote

Posted by 64bowtie on April 9, 2006, at 2:27:12

In reply to I'm SO a BAS!, posted by gardenergirl on April 8, 2006, at 22:20:22

>>> And I do think I have pretty good skin for my age, so I think it's worth it.
> :)
> gg

<<< Got my vote!!!



Re: learning to love mascara » Racer

Posted by NikkiT2 on April 9, 2006, at 5:16:44

In reply to Re: learning to love mascara » NikkiT2, posted by Racer on April 8, 2006, at 21:26:22

What colour.. well, from the link you left can I guess green *L*
Strangely.. I don't associate any particular colour with you.. I wonder why that is?

And we couldn't talk while putting mascara on.. and you have to do the open mouth to stretch face thing (which my husband *really* doesn't get *L*) :)

I think, actually, its a problem with pwder rather than just the foundation.. hmm.. I'd like a nice light one that doesn't need powder. Its a colour issues, I don't like to look like I am wearing it *L*
Will have to hunt out a prescriptives place and take a look!!

N xx


Does that mean ... ? » gardenergirl

Posted by Racer on April 9, 2006, at 18:47:18

In reply to I'm SO a BAS!, posted by gardenergirl on April 8, 2006, at 22:20:22

Does that mean you're going to be putting on make up with Nikki and me? We'll be a lovely little club, if you do...

OK, ladies, where will we go, once we look so fabulous?


Re: learning to love mascara

Posted by Deneb on April 9, 2006, at 19:27:50

In reply to Re: learning to love mascara » Racer, posted by NikkiT2 on April 9, 2006, at 5:16:44

I don't like mascara, my eyes weren't designed for them!

I have short black lashes that point downwards. Whenever I put on mascara, the bottom part of my eye gets marked with black because every time I blink, my lashes touch the bottom of my eye.

I so envy people with long thick lashes! I should really stop pulling out my's a bad habit of mine.



Re: Does that mean ... ? » Racer

Posted by Glydin on April 9, 2006, at 19:56:28

In reply to Does that mean ... ? » gardenergirl, posted by Racer on April 9, 2006, at 18:47:18

> OK, ladies, where will we go, once we look so fabulous?

So many good choices. Should we do warm, beachy, and secluded or mountains, cool, and quiet?


actually » Deneb

Posted by wildcard11 on April 9, 2006, at 20:04:28

In reply to Re: learning to love mascara, posted by Deneb on April 9, 2006, at 19:27:50

from what it sounds like you aren't allowing the mascara to fully dry~(used to model make up for Mary Kay). for lashes that point downward you can use a lash curler and then find a decent brand of mascara that will lengthen and bring out the fullness.just fyi ;o)

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