Psycho-Babble Social Thread 327575

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Re: Ramblin' Along

Posted by SandyWeb on May 22, 2004, at 22:25:35

In reply to Re: Ramblin' Along » SandyWeb, posted by Simus on May 21, 2004, at 23:15:43

Hi girls,

You know, there are times in your life when you sense that something is about to happen.....and at the same time, you realize it already has. Not much to be done at a time like this.

Feeling tired
By the fire
The long day is over

The wind is gone
Asleep at dawn
The embers burn on

With no reprise
The sun will rise
The long day is over

I am going to sleep now. I hope you all are doing well.

"I'm feeling the same way all over again, no matter how much I pretend."

You girls are the best! Time to hit the sack, though. It's late and I'm tired.




Re: Ramblin' Along » SandyWeb

Posted by LynneDa on May 25, 2004, at 10:33:03

In reply to Re: Ramblin' Along, posted by SandyWeb on May 22, 2004, at 22:25:35

Hi Sandy - How are you? I've been away from the computer, but did get caught up on posts yesterday. Is the poem below one you wrote or a song lyric? It's very poignant and telling.

I'm so very happy to hear you are still with us. I did not know you had a date and a plan. I have never been suicidal to the point that I had a plan. This weekend, we drove to Atlanta to pick up a car my husband is going to repair. I was feeling very depressed on Sunday and for about 2 or 3 hours, all I wanted to do was jump out the window of the moving car. Weird. I knew I wouldn't do it because of my daughter, but at the same time, I really felt I had to restrain myself. And I really have nothing to be depressed about, in a general sense. Like you said at one point, I just want things to go away into nothingness, it would be such a relief, but I know that's not realistic. I can't seem to kick that over-bearing sense of malaise, doom, hatefulness toward myself, etc., that I feel sometimes. And my husband doesn't get it at all. I just sit and cry and try to explain and he just gets madder and madder because I really have nothing to be upset about . . . so I just shut up.

So - that is the extent to which I understand how you feel. Mine comes and goes and is pretty cyclical. But, from what I've read, depression is progressive and if suicidal ideations are a part of your cadre of symptoms, I am so afraid that it won't go away until you try to stop the depression.

You are doing a wonderful, fantastic job of pulling yourself up by your boot straps, so to speak: getting your papers filled out, looking into volunteer opportunities, etc. The fact that you are looking outside yourself is a really healthy sign and you should feel encouraged!

What did you decide about your Dad's birthday?

You need support through this time in your life, Sandy, whether it's chemical or emotional. You've had a lot of bad things happen, yes. You've been strong enough to get through most of it, again yes. But, there's a cumulative effect that has whittled away at your psyche. That is a normal, physiological reaction to all you've endured.

You are not weak and you are not a failure - you've just had some major set-backs. You are coping the best you can with what you've been dealt and you will get your feet under you again, that is the way of life and from what I know of you, you are not the type to just flounder and never get back up! This is just a temporary blip in the road. Remember the Gloria Gaynor song from the disco era "I will survive"? Let that be your anthem!

~ Lynne

Hi girls,
> You know, there are times in your life when you sense that something is about to happen.....and at the same time, you realize it already has. Not much to be done at a time like this.
> Feeling tired
> By the fire
> The long day is over
> The wind is gone
> Asleep at dawn
> The embers burn on
> With no reprise
> The sun will rise
> The long day is over
> I am going to sleep now. I hope you all are doing well.
> "I'm feeling the same way all over again, no matter how much I pretend."
> You girls are the best! Time to hit the sack, though. It's late and I'm tired.
> (((Hugs)))
> Sandy


Re: Ramblin' Along » LynneDa

Posted by partlycloudy on May 25, 2004, at 14:39:48

In reply to Re: Ramblin' Along » SandyWeb, posted by LynneDa on May 25, 2004, at 10:33:03

An inspirational post. I hope Sandy's OK.


RE:: Lynne

Posted by mystic on May 25, 2004, at 18:57:18

In reply to Re: Ramblin' Along » SandyWeb, posted by LynneDa on May 25, 2004, at 10:33:03

Hello Lynne...That is exactly how I feel I want to just feel better and reading everyones post can get depressing also because everyone is struggiling on their dosages and weight and still problems with their cycles...It is very discouraging..I feel the same way just dont want to live like this anymore but not going to do anything about it (I hope) but just that overwelming feeling that this has to go away i cant take it anymore...I hope that we find the answers soon...Hope you feel better soon...Mystic


RE:: Lynne » mystic

Posted by simus on May 25, 2004, at 21:41:04

In reply to RE:: Lynne, posted by mystic on May 25, 2004, at 18:57:18

> It is very discouraging..I feel the same way just dont want to live like this anymore...

Hang in there, Mystic. I felt like that such a short time ago, and now I feel great and life is worth living again. I am so glad I just held on until I found something that worked for me. If this dosage doesn't start helping soon, talk to your doctor. You might need to consider a change in meds. God bless.


RE:: Lynne » mystic

Posted by LynneDa on May 26, 2004, at 9:57:05

In reply to RE:: Lynne, posted by mystic on May 25, 2004, at 18:57:18

Hi Mystic - Thanks for your post. I keep wondering if maybe we just expect too much? Is this just life? I really think your new therapy modality will help you immensely! If you can get at the root of some of your pain, maybe the chemical/hormonal stuff won't be as debilitating for you & your symptoms won't go as deep. I've got my fingers crossed for you and I can't wait to hear what you think of it.

I've been down to 10mg for the past 3 days and am doing okay, period came today, no horrible feelings since Sunday. I also lost 2 lbs that have stayed off this week without any change in eating or exercising.

I was surfing the net and found an article yesterday from 1998 in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry that said the reason weight gain isn't listed as one of the s/e's is because all of the studies were just short-term usage - looking at the first month or so. The weight gain usually comes after a few months of SSRI usage. It also quoted a % range of 18 - 30% who do have weight gain.

Hang in there Mystic, and everyone! I'm considering Trucker's idea of making a positive feedback tape to listen to while I sleep.

Thanks Simus for all the scripture quotes. I'm not a Bible expert, but they are very comforting.

~ Lynne

Hello Lynne...That is exactly how I feel I want to just feel better and reading everyones post can get depressing also because everyone is struggiling on their dosages and weight and still problems with their cycles...It is very discouraging..I feel the same way just dont want to live like this anymore but not going to do anything about it (I hope) but just that overwelming feeling that this has to go away i cant take it anymore...I hope that we find the answers soon...Hope you feel better soon...Mystic


RE:: Lynne

Posted by mystic on May 26, 2004, at 18:05:19

In reply to RE:: Lynne » mystic, posted by LynneDa on May 26, 2004, at 9:57:05

Thanks Lynne..I am feeling slightly better today but not that great either..It gets sooo discouraging...but maybe the sun will come out tomorrow this weather is really rediculous..I do think sometimes we expect too much but I would just like to wake up in the morning feeling good and not feeling scared my whole life..I have been scared since before I can remember I remember being very young very young and waking up every single day scared...I'm hoping when I start the EMDR therapy it will help me to forget that past and try to get some of this anxiety to go away for good...But by then I will be 100000 years old.hahahah no i'm still young 41...But thanks for the posts..I also agree about the positive tapes and hope that Lexy gets back to us about them so that we can all run out and buy them..Maybe I will look on the computer and see if I can find something out there...Take care my friend Mystic


Re: Sandy

Posted by mystic on May 26, 2004, at 18:06:17

In reply to Re: Sandy, posted by SandyWeb on April 8, 2004, at 15:08:38

Sandy Sandy Sandy..where have you been???..has anyone seen her on the open board...speak to us please I'm a little worried about you...Thanks I'm praying for you as always...Your friend Mystic


Re: Sandy

Posted by partlycloudy on May 27, 2004, at 12:16:56

In reply to Re: Sandy, posted by mystic on May 26, 2004, at 18:06:17

I'm worried about you, Sandy - are you there?


Re: Ramblin' Along » SandyWeb

Posted by LynneDa on May 27, 2004, at 13:01:56

In reply to Re: Ramblin' Along, posted by SandyWeb on May 22, 2004, at 22:25:35

Hey Sandy - how are you? I hope you're just busy interviewing and signing up for volunteer work. Did you end up going to your Mom's?

~ Lynne


RE:: Sandy

Posted by mystic on May 27, 2004, at 21:47:12

In reply to Re: Sandy, posted by mystic on May 26, 2004, at 18:06:17

Ok this is rediculous I find myself checking many times a night to see if sandy has been on...does anyone know anything..and where the heck is Jlynne she hasnt been on much either..Helpppppp..where is sandy...mystic


RE:: Sandy » mystic

Posted by LynneDa on May 28, 2004, at 10:16:23

In reply to RE:: Sandy, posted by mystic on May 27, 2004, at 21:47:12

Hi ladies -
I know, I agree we are probably ridiculous to worry, but...

I checked the obituaries in the Halifax paper for the past week - no Sandy or Sandra with her particulars, thank goodness. I called a couple of the hospitals in Halifax and talked to the nurses on the mental health units - no 40-year old Sandy or Sandra was admitted there this week. They were very nice to let me know one way or the other, I know they're not really supposed to!

So, where is she? And where is jlynne? Anyone hear from either of them in Open?
~ Lynne

Ok this is rediculous I find myself checking many times a night to see if sandy has been on...does anyone know anything..and where the heck is Jlynne she hasnt been on much either..Helpppppp..where is sandy...mystic


RE::: Lynne

Posted by mystic on May 28, 2004, at 12:13:20

In reply to RE:: Sandy » mystic, posted by LynneDa on May 28, 2004, at 10:16:23

Hey Lynne..talked to Jlynne in open last night so she is ok...she said that she reads the posts but just hasnt posted lately..I yelled at her..hahha.. But still no Sandy..Thank you so much for looking and checking out possibles you are awsome...Mystic


RE::: Lynne » mystic

Posted by LynneDa on May 28, 2004, at 12:47:05

In reply to RE::: Lynne, posted by mystic on May 28, 2004, at 12:13:20

Thanks for the update, tell her I said hi! I won't be on-line all weekend so talk to you Tuesday. Hope Sandy's okay. Have a good weekend Mystic!!
~ Lynne

Hey Lynne..talked to Jlynne in open last night so she is ok...she said that she reads the posts but just hasnt posted lately..I yelled at her..hahha.. But still no Sandy..Thank you so much for looking and checking out possibles you are awsome...Mystic


Don't worry about me (nm)

Posted by SandyWeb on May 29, 2004, at 16:05:14

In reply to RE:: Sandy, posted by mystic on May 27, 2004, at 21:47:12


(((Sandy))) Still praying for you... (nm)

Posted by Simus on May 29, 2004, at 17:03:00

In reply to Don't worry about me (nm), posted by SandyWeb on May 29, 2004, at 16:05:14


RE::: (((Sandy))))) Still worrying..we care.!!! (nm)

Posted by mystic on May 29, 2004, at 17:40:26

In reply to (((Sandy))) Still praying for you... (nm), posted by Simus on May 29, 2004, at 17:03:00


Sandy, I'm ready to read with you

Posted by partlycloudy on May 30, 2004, at 7:53:16

In reply to RE:: Sandy » mystic, posted by LynneDa on May 28, 2004, at 10:16:23

You can't abandon me in our book club - how about we do a sentence at a time? That's about all I can muster right now.
(I looked at all the Halifax news, too. Thanks for checking in with us.)


Re: Sandy

Posted by mystic on May 30, 2004, at 22:52:08

In reply to Re: Sandy, posted by SandyWeb on April 8, 2004, at 15:08:38

sandy you know you can be alusive and that is fine we have tried everything that we can and we love you we accept how you are ..but you know the the only thing is that we dont deserve to be treated like this we want you to be ok and we are here to hear you but this is rediculous you have real -people here to help you and you dont want it you want to jerk us around and make us wonder day after day how you are ..well you are loved and we are here but enough is enough...I hope that you are doing good but i want to suceed and you dont so let it be...I'm sorry that i might be the only one that will say that but let us help you and if you dont want it let us go..take care of yourself and i hope that life is good to you but i have my own stuff to do....luvya and hope to hear from you soon..but take care mystic


Re: Sandy » mystic

Posted by SandyWeb on May 30, 2004, at 23:41:07

In reply to Re: Sandy, posted by mystic on May 30, 2004, at 22:52:08

I'm sorry I hurt you, Mystic.

I'm surprised that you all didn't kick me before this point. I really, really deserve it. I am a very callous, unfeeling, self-absorbed person for not having been more attentive to your needs.

This past week has been enormously draining on me. And it just is too much to share because all I do is take and take.....and never give back to you. And I'm not very pleased with the type of person I am.

It's just too much. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I NEVER EVER meant to hurt any of you. I was overwhelmed that anyone even wanted to walk this course with me!!! And I thank you for sticking with me for so long.

I'm not a good person, I know that. I'm very selfish, and I took you all for granted. It just was too much to keep writing to you all about "poor little me"....and I never had the energy to actually give back anything in return. I feel like a louse.

I feel sick to my stomach. I never meant to hurt you. I thought I was sparing you all by not sending messages anymore. I didn't expect to still be here today. I thought it would have been over last week. And I really can't stand being such a failure. And I'm sorry for hurting you.

So I guess we should close up shop now. I know you all need support, and I'm dragging you down. I can't seem to do it right...whether I talk or remain silent...I end up causing problems for you all.

I *am* sorry. But this is what I do....I mess up. All my life. Forever more.

Time to go to bed. I wish you all the best!! I really do.



Let's Close This Thread

Posted by SandyWeb on May 30, 2004, at 23:50:45

In reply to Re: Sandy » mystic, posted by SandyWeb on May 30, 2004, at 23:41:07

I think we should close this thread, okay?

Something will happen, and people will end up getting hurt. Let's just all distance ourselves from me, okay? I don't think it would end up with a healthy outcome.

Sorry guys. Thanks for the support. I do mean that. But I also mean it about closing the thread. I don't think it's a good idea for any of us anymore. You don't need this in your lives.

If I ever get healthy, I'll pop back in and say "hi".

Thanks so much!!



Re: Let's Close This Thread

Posted by mystic on May 31, 2004, at 0:17:58

In reply to Let's Close This Thread, posted by SandyWeb on May 30, 2004, at 23:50:45

I just cant understand why anyone would not take the help when it is right there to be have so many people that want to help you and try to make things better for you..there are so many people that worry about you and want to make things better for you i just dont understand...


Uh, uh. (head shaking) » SandyWeb

Posted by partlycloudy on May 31, 2004, at 6:39:28

In reply to Let's Close This Thread, posted by SandyWeb on May 30, 2004, at 23:50:45

No way jose!! I have a vested interested here, Sandy!! You're a friend whom I don't want walking away just because you don't feel up to it.

We're here when you're down. We're here to help prop you up, propell you forward. I won't be so easily disuaded.

And what about the freaking book club???!!!


Re: Sandy

Posted by Zena on May 31, 2004, at 9:06:12

In reply to Re: Sandy, posted by mystic on May 30, 2004, at 22:52:08

You can't help someone who doesn't want help. I agree with your post 100 percent. I've thought it for a long time but didn't post it. Hang in there. You didn't fail Sandy. Sandy failed Sandy. Sometimes I think she does it for attention. Just a thought.!!!


Jeepers nice!

Posted by EmmyS on May 31, 2004, at 9:20:55

In reply to Re: Sandy, posted by Zena on May 31, 2004, at 9:06:12

How we react to Sandy posting or not posting is OUR issue. We can imagine she is happy, or we can imagine the worst. We can get angry at her or we can pray for her. But that's our issue to deal with...not to dump in public on Sandy. She's got enough to deal with in her own life.

People come here for support. It's their right to post or not post. It's up to us to deal with that however we can. Lean on each, pray, come to Open and vent, etc.

But here, where Sandy is reading this, gosh,...please do as my mother told me, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."


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