Psycho-Babble Administration Thread 5509

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Re: Thank you annierose! » gardenergirl

Posted by annierose on June 5, 2005, at 8:55:18

In reply to Re: Thank you annierose! » annierose, posted by gardenergirl on June 4, 2005, at 22:49:41

Same to you GG!!

Yes, as I wrote to Fallsfall, eating pizza on a rainy afternoon with our babbling girlfriends, sounds perfect. Wish I was there. Who else can we talk with so freely about our lives, our therapist, our therapy and chocolate (of course)... plus, there was a Starbucks on every corner.

I hope your drive home was uneventful. No phone calls to get your off your path :) Those Chicago freeways are so confusing.

I am truly looking forward to our next adventure!!


Re: Really was great to meet you all!

Posted by Spoc on June 5, 2005, at 10:31:24

In reply to Re: Thank you annierose! » gardenergirl, posted by annierose on June 5, 2005, at 8:55:18

Everyone was very relaxed and friendly and I think it was a real success. Seemed like not a thing to worry or think twice about after all, in finally having a get-together. I hope you all got into some more fun things after I left, unfortunately I have some other commitments this weekend as well. Hope things worked out for fallsfall and whoever else was staying until today too; at least it's not raining (yet?)...

Thanks for the compliment annierose, I return it! One day I will think of which actress it is you remind me of. And Rainbowbrite, yes it sounds like you continued to O.D. on sugar all the way home, dipped into annierose's goodie bag again perhaps, hmmmm???? ;-)

Oh and to everyone not present: don't ever listen to Dinah again when she claims she is unattractive. She is honestly very pretty! As a matter of fact, we were all pretty much supermodels (including Toph and Bob). I think everyone around us wanted to ask for autographs but they were too intimidated. ;-)


Thanks All Done, Annierose, Auntie Mel, Dinah...

Posted by Poet on June 5, 2005, at 11:05:10

In reply to Re: Really was great to meet you all!, posted by Spoc on June 5, 2005, at 10:31:24

Dr. Bob, Fallsfall, GardenerGirl, Partly Cloudy, Rainbowbright, Spoc and Toph.

It was great, not scary at all. I felt relaxed and comfortable with you guys which is a rarity for me. Now if I could just get that feeling in therapy. Hey, what is everybody doing on Thursday? I like the idea of that Greek chorus we wanted to do for All Done.

A special thanks to Annierose for the gift bag and all the thought put into our dinner.

Now if we could have just kept the rain away during lunch...

Toronto '06!



Beg to differ....NYC 2006! :-) (nm) » Poet

Posted by TofuEmmy on June 5, 2005, at 11:38:39

In reply to Thanks All Done, Annierose, Auntie Mel, Dinah..., posted by Poet on June 5, 2005, at 11:05:10


Toronto? NYC? We better start planning... ;) (nm) » TofuEmmy

Posted by Poet on June 5, 2005, at 11:59:54

In reply to Beg to differ....NYC 2006! :-) (nm) » Poet, posted by TofuEmmy on June 5, 2005, at 11:38:39


Re: Really was great to meet you all! » Spoc

Posted by annierose on June 5, 2005, at 12:47:37

In reply to Re: Really was great to meet you all!, posted by Spoc on June 5, 2005, at 10:31:24

Spoc -

I agree! Dinah is very attractive and probably not too happy that we are blowing her cover talking about this. Sorry Dinah, but it's true.

And I love G.G. reddish hair! I pictured her more of a brunette. But her bubbly and warm personality was exactly what I expected.

Here's to the 2006 tour of babbling cities!!



Posted by Toph on June 5, 2005, at 14:51:41

In reply to You look maavalous, posted by Toph on May 24, 2005, at 20:19:50

I've become involved in this place where I can congregate with others who like me have had some difficulties with life at times. There, I can get some things off my chest and work out a few things and learn a few things. The people seem nice, most of them anyway. I begin to curtail my involvement for a variety of reasons and then there's this party. Well, I'm not exactly Mr. Lifeoftheparty so I should pass on it, right? No, somehow I have this need to prove that I am real to others and to validate to myself that this all the time spend on this site isn't some narcissitic delusion of mine. So I go.

But it’s a little scary and I almost abort when the plans were too freeform for my liking. I drive to Chicago anyway and just as I'm nearing Navy Pier, the cell phone rings. I fumble to pick it up driving through unfamiliar streets with honking cars and darting pedestrians who ostensibly are attempting to commit suicide. "Where are you?" I hear faintly. "Ohio" I shout back reading the Ohio street sign. "I must have the wrong number," I hear before the call is terminated. Oh, sh*t, that wasn't my wife that was AuntieMel. Good start.

I call Mel back and explain that I thought she was my wife and it dawns on me I'm digging a deeper hole by suggesting that it's OK to yell at my wife. This isn't going well and I'm not even there yet. I can’t find a parking lot so I park at the nearest meter. No quarters. F*ck it. I start running toward the huge ferris wheel. I think manicly that here I have a whole thread about whether I can attend or not and then what happens, I turn into a Babble cliché for missing the boat, literally. I’m panicing. Ohmygod I’m starting to sweat. What if they hug?

I see this gathering of people and a guy wearing a straw hat transporting a camera with large phallic telephoto lens. There are hundreds of people milling about but that has to be Bob. I sheepishly advance after smelling my armpits. Everything is sort of a blur in my memory except the impression that everyone looks so normal and everyone seems so nice and, well, everyone seems so comfortable with everyone else. We board the boat, and it strikes me that no one is either leading or following. We all kind of make these decisions on where to sit or what to eat or where to go so easily. I’m so pleased that Chicago cooperated. This is my city and it appeared stunning to me from the boat.

Speaking of appearances, well, that’s the risk I guess to meeting. Our masks were coming down and we were going to be exposed. For those of you who want to know what we look like, all I can tell you is that the people I met are among the most beautiful people I know. They are who we hope to be - interesting, smart, funny and kind. There are parties you attend where you leave thinking to yourself what a waste of time. My regret this day is that I hade little time to speak individually with each person. And I would have loved to talk with everyone there for a day at a time. Anyway, it was nice to get the appearance thing out of the way. Everyone seemed to be above judging each other on looks. The weather also helped when the sky opened up and turned the event into a wet t-shirt contest. (Poet won, BTW). It’s hard to look cool when you look like a wet rat.

It was important for me to meet Bob. If this experience was about reality testing, well, it was definitely that for the other posters, but only slightly for Bob. I have developed a respect for him because his site is a supportive and safe place for people like me to associate. He was engaging but unwilling to open up much. I got the distinct impression that he had a sort of paternal sense of satisfaction that his virtual family was as wonderful as he had imagined. It is. His appreciative goodbye to us Saturday was really heartfelt.

You know, it’s really important for me, having lost touch with reality on several occasions, to reality-test things that I fear are illusory. Psycho-Babble has been a wonderful place to test out disclosing secret parts of myself with others. Sometimes I have been saddened by a sense that the relationships and the emotions on Psycho-Babble are only an illusion in my mind. It somehow seems all so much more real to me now.


Re: Impressions » Toph

Posted by alexandra_k on June 5, 2005, at 15:23:39

In reply to Impressions, posted by Toph on June 5, 2005, at 14:51:41

Thank you Toph
that was beautiful



Posted by NikkiT2 on June 5, 2005, at 15:38:10

In reply to Re: Impressions » Toph, posted by alexandra_k on June 5, 2005, at 15:23:39

hey, everyone (other than those that live here) love London or dream of coming!! *grins*


Re: Impressions » Toph

Posted by rainbowbrite on June 5, 2005, at 16:49:03

In reply to Impressions, posted by Toph on June 5, 2005, at 14:51:41

Toph that was nicely put. I agree that it would have been nice to have had more time to spend with each person. But for a pretty big group I think we did well! Im sorry that I missed Bob's goodbye :-(


Re: London!! » NikkiT2

Posted by alexandra_k on June 5, 2005, at 16:52:37

In reply to London!!, posted by NikkiT2 on June 5, 2005, at 15:38:10

I'd love to go to London.
I don't imagine I could afford it for the next 5 years or so... But I do think it would be nice if the Babble party could get to London.

How about Toronto
then Sydney
then London??????

Sydney for purely selfish reasons, of course :-)
Though thinking of Damos too, I suppose...


Beautifully said *thank you* (blush) » Toph

Posted by Poet on June 5, 2005, at 19:46:11

In reply to Impressions, posted by Toph on June 5, 2005, at 14:51:41

Hi Toph,

I felt right at ease, too. No intense anxiety. Even when I won the wet T shirt contest.



Yes indeed, Thank you annierose!

Posted by Dinah on June 5, 2005, at 20:00:38

In reply to Re: Thank you annierose!, posted by Spoc on June 4, 2005, at 16:16:37

You did a fabulous job.

I hope everything's ok again?


Re: London!! » NikkiT2

Posted by Larry Hoover on June 5, 2005, at 22:10:29

In reply to London!!, posted by NikkiT2 on June 5, 2005, at 15:38:10

> hey, everyone (other than those that live here) love London or dream of coming!! *grins*

I was in London for a couple of weeks, back in in '93. I recall getting off the tube at Piccadilly, and coming up and getting a jacket potato at a stand there, and shopping. I liked London a lot. All that history! And the museums!

We got to the Tower real early one day, and they had just opened up. No one else was about, so we got to spend as much time as we liked in with the crown jewels and all that.



Re: Beg to differ....not NYC 2006! » TofuEmmy

Posted by Larry Hoover on June 5, 2005, at 22:13:18

In reply to Beg to differ....NYC 2006! :-) (nm) » Poet, posted by TofuEmmy on June 5, 2005, at 11:38:39

Nuh-uh, Ms. Butt-inski.

Doc Bob offered up Toronto, the weekend of May 19-21, 2006. Many people have already said how much that would be to their liking.

A theme has already been selected, in fact.

Sorry, dear.



Back home safe and sound

Posted by gardenergirl on June 5, 2005, at 23:04:44

In reply to Re: Beg to differ....not NYC 2006! » TofuEmmy, posted by Larry Hoover on June 5, 2005, at 22:13:18

And tired as all get out.

What a wonderful time. I echo what the others have said, and wowsa, Toph! Eloquent, funny, and fabulous post. It was great to meet you and everone else.

I've got to let stuff percolate a bit before posting my impressions.

Wish everyone a lovely experience like this.



Re: Thank you annierose!

Posted by All Done on June 5, 2005, at 23:45:25

In reply to Re: Thank you annierose!, posted by Spoc on June 4, 2005, at 16:16:37

The gift bags were such a nice touch, annierose! Thank you. And thanks for all the planning and coordination. Sorry you couldn't stay longer, though. We missed you.


Re: (((((poet » Poet

Posted by All Done on June 5, 2005, at 23:50:27

In reply to Thanks All Done, Annierose, Auntie Mel, Dinah..., posted by Poet on June 5, 2005, at 11:05:10

That's half a hug from me. GG will have to come with the other half. :)

Umm...Greek chorus. Did I miss something?

Oh dear. I'm afraid I'm going to get us kicked over to Social pretty soon.


Re: Impressions » Toph

Posted by All Done on June 6, 2005, at 0:05:29

In reply to Impressions, posted by Toph on June 5, 2005, at 14:51:41

Wonderful post, Toph!

Thanks for giving us the opportunity to meet the guy behind all the thoughtful and creative posts :).



Re: poet)))))

Posted by gardenergirl on June 6, 2005, at 1:38:31

In reply to Re: (((((poet » Poet, posted by All Done on June 5, 2005, at 23:50:27

Here's my half, as promised. :)


Re: Lest I forget » Dr. Bob

Posted by All Done on June 6, 2005, at 1:41:40

In reply to Re: Impressions » Toph, posted by All Done on June 6, 2005, at 0:05:29

Thank you, Dr. Bob, for giving us a place to find each other and a reason for this weekend.



Re: Back home safe and sound » gardenergirl

Posted by annierose on June 6, 2005, at 6:54:24

In reply to Back home safe and sound, posted by gardenergirl on June 5, 2005, at 23:04:44

Glad to hear you made it back! I was thinking about your long drive yesterday. We had some rough thunderstorms pass through the midwest, so I worried.

I was a re-do! So mad at myself for letting my hubby get to me.



Is there going to be a photo somewhere? (nm) » annierose

Posted by Larry Hoover on June 6, 2005, at 8:45:10

In reply to Re: Back home safe and sound » gardenergirl, posted by annierose on June 6, 2005, at 6:54:24


Didn't mean that to be to annierose (nm)

Posted by Larry Hoover on June 6, 2005, at 8:58:36

In reply to Is there going to be a photo somewhere? (nm) » annierose, posted by Larry Hoover on June 6, 2005, at 8:45:10


Re: Beg to differ....not NYC 2006! » Larry Hoover

Posted by TofuEmmy on June 6, 2005, at 9:08:24

In reply to Re: Beg to differ....not NYC 2006! » TofuEmmy, posted by Larry Hoover on June 5, 2005, at 22:13:18

What part of DO NOT POST TO ME did you not understand?

I repeat...DO NOT POST TO ME.

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