Psycho-Babble Administration Thread 5509

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Hooray! » Toph

Posted by Dinah on May 23, 2005, at 10:36:33

In reply to Re: Do you live close by? » Dinah, posted by Toph on May 23, 2005, at 10:35:24

I'd love to meet you.

And Dr. Bob could use a few males around to balance the testosterone.


Re: Ok Then, so so far it's

Posted by Dinah on May 23, 2005, at 10:50:53

In reply to Ok Then, so so far it's, posted by Dinah on May 22, 2005, at 7:39:47

So that makes those who have posted that they are definitely coming:

Partly Cloudy
Auntie Mel

And possibly coming: (fingers, toes, and eyes crossed)

All Done

Sorry again if I've missed someone.

Does everyone have their Babblemail on? If Dr. Bob doesn't actually set up a Yahoo group, so far there are few enough of us that we could Babblemail.

Of course, he STILL hasn't announced it. And there may be those who haven't said anything yet.


How's it coming? Or are you out of town now... (nm) » All Done

Posted by Dinah on May 23, 2005, at 10:51:38

In reply to Re: Hooray! » Dinah, posted by All Done on May 21, 2005, at 9:12:25


Re: So will you be joining us? Please?

Posted by Spoc on May 23, 2005, at 13:06:17

In reply to Re: So will you be joining us? Please? (nm) » Spoc, posted by AuntieMel on May 23, 2005, at 9:13:47

Thanks Mel & Dinah! Complications as of now are: I will have family passing nearby after a Memorial Day trip, and they are threatening... er, I mean, considering detouring towards me that weekend. And, ok, I was also born without the part of the brain that allows one to be sure what they will do more than about 8 hours in advance (including when it regards my favorite things).

But it WOULD be a shame not to at least say hi at some point. So hopefully I can do at least that, more if possible. So if details get sent out at some point, please send a copy my way. :-)

Was thinking about what you said Dinah, about some people possibly still being in the decision making process. I wouldn't be surprised if some will decide pretty darn late, primarily if they live fairly close. While in typical RSVP situations that is often discouraged, here it would be nice if there will be a way for people to opt in late (though they may have to miss out on at least the dinner reservation) and get info. Some may genuinely not know yet how they will be feeling then and what they can handle.

FYI: this 10 year-old PC I have been making do with is tormenting me with some new and threatening sounds as of today. In case something goes really wrong soon, sometime before the party weekend I'll try to find a way to get up to speed on things. And, email/babblemail I can read from my cell phone (couldn't reply to babblemail from it though)... and/or I may send someone my contact info...


That'd be a delight. » Spoc

Posted by Dinah on May 23, 2005, at 17:47:38

In reply to Re: So will you be joining us? Please?, posted by Spoc on May 23, 2005, at 13:06:17

If you send Dr. Bob or (if you trust me) me, your info, I'll let you know what is planned Saturday if you miss Friday. Or you can always decide to come Friday before Friday evening, and have the info sent to you. It might even be that a more detailed itinerary will be available by then. There is less than two weeks, but that's longer than two days. :)

I know people might decide at the last minute, but I'm still concerned that Dr. Bob didn't announce it more widely. For many people it isn't as easy as a short drive. :(

Oh well.


Re: How's it coming? alldone... » Dinah

Posted by TofuEmmy on May 23, 2005, at 19:27:04

In reply to How's it coming? Or are you out of town now... (nm) » All Done, posted by Dinah on May 23, 2005, at 10:51:38

The last I heard from her was 2 days ago. She is having trouble accessing babble. I think she posted about her tech problem, but I can't find the post now.

Maybe email her?



Thanks, Emmy. (nm)

Posted by Dinah on May 23, 2005, at 19:32:14

In reply to Re: How's it coming? alldone... » Dinah, posted by TofuEmmy on May 23, 2005, at 19:27:04


Re: Did everyone get their babblemail?

Posted by annierose on May 23, 2005, at 21:53:40

In reply to Thanks, Emmy. (nm), posted by Dinah on May 23, 2005, at 19:32:14

If you were on the "for sure" and "hopefully going, crossing our fingers" list, I babblemailed everyone tonight. My computer crashed at least 3 times, so let me know if you did not receive the information. I babblemailed:

Gardengirl (we're still hoping)
Auntie Mel
Rainbow Bright
All Done

Anyone I missed??? Please let me know here.



Re: Dr. Bob was notified too (nm)

Posted by annierose on May 23, 2005, at 22:06:23

In reply to Re: How's it coming? alldone... » Dinah, posted by TofuEmmy on May 23, 2005, at 19:27:04


Re: I'll cross my toes for All Done » Dinah

Posted by rainbowbrite on May 23, 2005, at 23:00:21

In reply to I'll cross my toes for All Done, posted by Dinah on May 21, 2005, at 12:22:22

Im 50/50, If I dont get a cheap flight im thinking of driving but i have to see how long that would actually take me...Ive only ever driven by myself about an hour. The prices didnt actually increase I just thought I was looking and round trip and they were one way :-)


Re: Ok Then, so so far it's

Posted by Dr. Bob on May 24, 2005, at 1:16:05

In reply to Re: Ok Then, so so far it's, posted by Dinah on May 23, 2005, at 10:50:53

> Happyflower also asked about bringing families. This is a harder question. And I'd like some help thinking it through.
> What do other people think? I think this is an important question to discuss.

Families are welcome to come to Chicago, of course, so the issue is just our activities? I think if everybody's OK with families being there, fine, but if anyone isn't, maybe the first priority should be making Babblers comfortable?

> Dr. Bob, did you say that we have a yahoo mailing list set up? What is it and how does it work? What are the "rules" for being on the list (evidence of plane/train tickets, or hotel reservations, or proof that you live close enough to drive, other??)? Who can send mail to the list?
> fallsfall

I wondered about the rules, too, but just went ahead with:

> So that makes those who have posted that they are definitely coming:
> Partly Cloudy
> Poet
> Dinah
> Fallsfall
> Auntie Mel
> Annierose

and had invitations sent to the above.

> he STILL hasn't announced it.
> Dinah

I still don't know what activities to announce...


> I think the next Babble party should be in Toronto, Canada :-) I won't have to travel so long to get to Toronto from Ottawa. Toronto is a wonderful city to tour.
> Shy_Girl

Sure, how about the weekend of May 19-21? :-)



How about something like this: » Dr. Bob

Posted by Dinah on May 24, 2005, at 1:19:27

In reply to Re: Ok Then, so so far it's, posted by Dr. Bob on May 24, 2005, at 1:16:05

You can leave out the parts expressing irritation with you. :)

P.S. Definitely coming. Haven't received invite.


Well, I suppose...

Posted by Dinah on May 24, 2005, at 1:27:10

In reply to How about something like this: » Dr. Bob, posted by Dinah on May 24, 2005, at 1:19:27

Leave out the parts about me, too. How about:

Babble party June 3-4-5 in Chicago

Dinner for the evening of Fri, June 3 is definitely on. There will be activities also on the day of Saturday June 4, and depending on who will be staying over, also on Sunday June 5. Activities, except for the Friday dinner, have not yet been finalized, but will probably be informal, relatively inexpensive, and geared toward maximum opportunities for comraderie and socialization between Babblers.

Dr. Bob, a couple of people have suggested itineraries, but many prefer that they not be decided publicly. Maybe you could link those posts with suggestions? In the end, someone's going to have to make a decision, but if the group is as small as it looks to be now, it can be done relatively informally. If there is a sudden surge of interest, we can deal with that then. You should probably disclose how much time you are willing to devote to the endeavor, though we're perfectly capable of partying without you.


Re: Ok Then, so so far it's

Posted by Shy_Girl on May 24, 2005, at 1:32:50

In reply to Re: Ok Then, so so far it's, posted by Dr. Bob on May 24, 2005, at 1:16:05

> > I think the next Babble party should be in Toronto, Canada :-) I won't have to travel so long to get to Toronto from Ottawa. Toronto is a wonderful city to tour.
> >
> > Shy_Girl
> Sure, how about the weekend of May 19-21? :-)
> Bob

Double hooray! Count me in for next year! It'll be an adventure!




Posted by Nikkit2 on May 24, 2005, at 3:59:06

In reply to Re: Ok Then, so so far it's, posted by Shy_Girl on May 24, 2005, at 1:32:50

Can't we do Toronto in Early October?? Cos I'll be passing through then!


Re: That'd be a delight. » Dinah

Posted by Spoc on May 24, 2005, at 7:42:11

In reply to That'd be a delight. » Spoc, posted by Dinah on May 23, 2005, at 17:47:38

> If you send Dr. Bob or (if you trust me) me, your info, I'll let you know what is planned Saturday if you miss Friday. Or you can always decide to come Friday before Friday evening, and have the info sent to you. It might even be that a more detailed itinerary will be available by then. There is less than two weeks, but that's longer than two days. :)

Ok Dinah, sounds good. Something or another should work out. I anticipate that I'll know more before you leave for Chicago, and either way will probably also send my contact info before then.

As you can well imagine, I am fighting the compulsion to find 1,000 links to photos of the exact areas I think would give you the best feel and most help you decide on activities. But I am beating it back! A quick (well, not so quick really) look showed me that it isn't so easy to find shots of precisely what I wanted, or more than one great one on the same site. Even many of the dedicated attraction websites don't have very impressive photos, IMO.

I am often wimpy about "risking" making firm suggestions for things, but if relative serenity while experiencing a taste of both the urban and natural beauty of Chicago are mainly what you want, an architectural cruise followed by a jaunt through north Lincoln Park (Zoo, *Conservatory, pond & lagoon, lake/beach) may be the tickets. And as possible "bookends" on each side of town: kicked off with a swing through Millenium Park to add to the citified leg (if you want a more leisurely pace, maybe one or the other between cruise and Millenium). Or after north Lincoln Park, ending with a swing through the Park West Antiques Fair, to add to the quainter, city neighborhood leg. (FYI, Lincoln Park is a huge neighborhood in the city, unfortunately for web surfers it just happens to have a sprawling *actual* park by the same name.)

And on/around Michigan Ave. between the two sides of town, could duck into Giordano's, then maybe Cheesecake Factory (I think someone mentioned that) at the base of the Hancock building. (CF is much noted for its whole menu.) At that time of day, probably don't need reservations either. Right here you'd be in the middle of the must-see Magnificent Mile shopping area too.

* The gardens and atrium outside the LP Zoo I have been referring to is actually called the Lincoln Park Conservatory. (That and the zoo are both free. And over there is the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum too. None of this would feel at all like the boonies btw, just an amazing oasis in the city.) Maybe Dr. Bob and/or All Done could comment on that area, and whether they -- with their much greater familiarity with y'all -- could envision the group strolling, sitting, chatting, relaxing best there. Absolutely, downtown 'proper' is known worldwide for being stunning, just thought some may not want to be amongst the bustle and commotion for too too long (of course for those not used to big cities, it will *all* feel like bustle and commotion). But! I may be thinking too much like someone who has forgotten the specific thrill of that. Bottom line, listen but don't listen! ;-)

Oh, for those still around and still up, Saturday night at 10:15 PM there will be fireworks on Navy Pier. That may be a convenient time to swing by and fit in that pretty sight.

Oh, shut me up. I sure talk a lot for someone who doesn't like to "risk making suggestions." ;-)


Re: Hooray! » Dinah

Posted by Toph on May 24, 2005, at 8:21:08

In reply to Hooray! » Toph, posted by Dinah on May 23, 2005, at 10:36:33

When I was young it was tough to get out of Chicago on a Friday night. Now it's really tough to drive into Chicago starting at about 4 pm until 7 pm. Coming from Wisconsin after work, finding parking, sucking up my courage, I'm looking at arriving around 8 pm. Everyone should be pretty well lubricated by then I suppose. If I can't find you guys will someone have a cell phone?

I hope you will have name tags. I know that sounds so Martha, but I suck at names - brain cell issues. And I recognize almost every PB name but I only know a few from conversations. I hope I won't feel like the kid at the high school reunion who transfered into this high school in the middle of senior year.

Anxieties building.


Re: Hooray! » Toph

Posted by AuntieMel on May 24, 2005, at 9:55:03

In reply to Re: Hooray! » Dinah, posted by Toph on May 24, 2005, at 8:21:08

I can babblemail you my cell phone number if you think that will work.

But if I start getting calls with heavy breathing I'll know where it originated - very few people have my number.


Re: next year in Toronto » Dr. Bob

Posted by AuntieMel on May 24, 2005, at 9:57:49

In reply to Re: Ok Then, so so far it's, posted by Dr. Bob on May 24, 2005, at 1:16:05

Great. And we can be "Exhibit A" at the convention.



Re: Hooray! » AuntieMel

Posted by Toph on May 24, 2005, at 10:08:35

In reply to Re: Hooray! » Toph, posted by AuntieMel on May 24, 2005, at 9:55:03

That would be great Mel. I could give you my cell number just so you could distinguish me from that other guy who calls with the breathing thing. : )


Re: Count me in! :)

Posted by All Done on May 24, 2005, at 11:04:43

In reply to How's it coming? Or are you out of town now... (nm) » All Done, posted by Dinah on May 23, 2005, at 10:51:38

At least for dinner on Friday. I'm not sure about the Saturday activities, though, because it is kind of a busy weekend for me.


Re: How's it coming? alldone... » TofuEmmy

Posted by All Done on May 24, 2005, at 11:06:25

In reply to Re: How's it coming? alldone... » Dinah, posted by TofuEmmy on May 23, 2005, at 19:27:04

Thanks for posting that, emmy! I'm still having trouble and I can't access most of the babble pages at home. And at work, my babble time is limited. :(


Re: Hooray!

Posted by gardenergirl on May 24, 2005, at 12:41:43

In reply to Re: Hooray! » Dinah, posted by Toph on May 24, 2005, at 8:21:08

If I change my mind at the last minute, I'll likely be driving in at that time. I'll have to let y'all know if I can make dinner or not...assuming I can come.

Still deciding. I have to be extra diligent this week. Wish me luck.



Re: Count me in! :) » All Done

Posted by Annierose on May 24, 2005, at 14:16:20

In reply to Re: Count me in! :), posted by All Done on May 24, 2005, at 11:04:43

All Done -

That's GREAT NEWS!!!

Were you able to access your babblemail and get the needed information? Please post or babblemail me (whatever is easier) if you still need where and when to go on Friday night.

I can't wait to meet you and everyone else.



Re: Hooray! » gardenergirl

Posted by Annierose on May 24, 2005, at 14:18:16

In reply to Re: Hooray!, posted by gardenergirl on May 24, 2005, at 12:41:43

We'll all be crossing our fingers, toes and hairs on our heads. I'm sure we'll be hanging out there for quite awhile.

Good Luck with your work load. May & June is always crunch time for me too. However, my college help has arrived and they want to work more hours!! HOORAY!

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