Psycho-Babble Administration Thread 5509

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I wish I could go. :( (nm)

Posted by Dinah on March 7, 2005, at 17:57:43

In reply to Re: co-leadership, posted by partlycloudy on March 7, 2005, at 10:58:50


I wish you could, too. » Dinah

Posted by partlycloudy on March 7, 2005, at 18:50:56

In reply to I wish I could go. :( (nm), posted by Dinah on March 7, 2005, at 17:57:43

What would make it a possibility?


Re: co-leadership » partlycloudy

Posted by 10derHeart on March 7, 2005, at 19:48:43

In reply to Re: co-leadership, posted by partlycloudy on March 7, 2005, at 10:58:50

Maybe I could. I'm a little uncertain only because I can't quite picture the "how" of meeting or deciding or doing whatever we need to do to on Babble. But I'm sure you (and Dr. B and others) could help me there. Like, just use posting,or use Babblemail, or email, or...?

I might do okay as a (co ?) spokesperson. I'm usually pretty decent at keeping people informed and explaining things, and do have the time to check here frequently.

Random thoughts, in no particular order...

Not to be picky, but I don't always think of leaders and spokespeople as the same. Do we need both? Neither? Either?

I think there are six of us who volunteered to be on this committee, looking at Bob's post from March 2. You, me, Auntie Mel, terrics, karenkay and Poet. Haven't heard from kk lately - I know she posts infrequently. Also, terrics has has a really tough time recently, so perhaps that will effect her participation...or not..?

Okay, PC, am I making sense so far? steps... ;-) -10der


Yes, it totally s**ks :-( (nm) » Dinah

Posted by 10derHeart on March 7, 2005, at 19:52:27

In reply to I wish I could go. :( (nm), posted by Dinah on March 7, 2005, at 17:57:43


I'm with you (nm) » 10derHeart

Posted by partlycloudy on March 7, 2005, at 20:31:46

In reply to Re: co-leadership » partlycloudy, posted by 10derHeart on March 7, 2005, at 19:48:43


Re: Losing Anonymity

Posted by terrics on March 8, 2005, at 5:26:12

In reply to I wish I could go. :( (nm), posted by Dinah on March 7, 2005, at 17:57:43

Maybe we all have cold feet because it is so easy to communicate on the boards because we do not know each other. Seeing each other will change the 'board relationships' forever. terrics


Re: would it help .... » Dinah

Posted by AuntieMel on March 8, 2005, at 8:27:37

In reply to I wish I could go. :( (nm), posted by Dinah on March 7, 2005, at 17:57:43

Would it help if I email hubby 'everything you want to know about auntiemel' real name, address, phone number, date of birth, mother's maiden name, cats' names, favorite color, hobbies, identifying scars, dental records .....

anything at all to put him at ease .......


Re: and more ..... » Dinah

Posted by AuntieMel on March 8, 2005, at 8:29:27

In reply to I wish I could go. :( (nm), posted by Dinah on March 7, 2005, at 17:57:43

If he google searched on me he would only find me as a contributor to a paper, but my eldest and her hubby are all over the net.

for good things, of course.


I fear not :( » AuntieMel

Posted by Dinah on March 8, 2005, at 8:41:40

In reply to Re: would it help .... » Dinah, posted by AuntieMel on March 8, 2005, at 8:27:37

But I thank you for offering. :)

Actually, I think it must be a difficult way to live. Poor guy.


Re: co-leadership

Posted by dove on March 8, 2005, at 9:16:43

In reply to Re: co-leadership » partlycloudy, posted by 10derHeart on March 7, 2005, at 19:48:43

I will also volunteer. However, I must warn ya'll that I am very disorganized and scatter-brained, but I want to help in whatever way I can and I am grateful for the opportunity to give back to Babbleland a little :-)



Re: co-leadership

Posted by Dr. Bob on March 8, 2005, at 9:32:37

In reply to Re: co-leadership, posted by dove on March 8, 2005, at 9:16:43

> anyone willing to co-lead with me?
> partlycloudy

> Maybe I could.
> I might do okay as a (co ?) spokesperson.
> Not to be picky, but I don't always think of leaders and spokespeople as the same. Do we need both?
> 10der

I agree, they don't have to be the same, but could be. Maybe since this isn't a very large committee let's have them be the same?

> I will also volunteer.
> Dove

Great, thanks! To be on the committee or also to co-lead?



Re: co-leadership

Posted by dove on March 8, 2005, at 10:29:40

In reply to Re: co-leadership, posted by Dr. Bob on March 8, 2005, at 9:32:37

>Great, thanks! To be on the committee or also to co-lead?

To be on the committee, unless a co-leader is absolutely required to move further with the planning. I will try to do whatever it takes to get this moving forward.



Re: I fear not :( » Dinah

Posted by AuntieMel on March 8, 2005, at 12:47:57

In reply to I fear not :( » AuntieMel, posted by Dinah on March 8, 2005, at 8:41:40

Well, I understand where he's coming from perfectly. If it were any other group besides this I would be suspicious, too.

It doesn't hurt to ask.

I'm going to send you a gmail...


Re: committee

Posted by Dr. Bob on March 8, 2005, at 18:05:53

In reply to Re: committee, posted by Dr. Bob on March 2, 2005, at 8:16:17

> > To be on the committee or also to co-lead?
> To be on the committee

OK, that means on the committee we now have:

> partlycloudy
> AuntieMel
> karen_kay
> Poet
> 10derHeart
> terrics
> Dove

Thanks! And to co-lead, it looks like:

> partlycloudy
> 10derHeart

Is that OK?

Now did you want me to conduct a poll or something?



Re: committee

Posted by dove on March 9, 2005, at 9:44:47

In reply to Re: committee, posted by Dr. Bob on March 8, 2005, at 18:05:53

>Now did you want me to conduct a poll or something?


committee-person Dove


Re: poll

Posted by Dr. Bob on March 9, 2005, at 22:57:58

In reply to Re: committee, posted by dove on March 9, 2005, at 9:44:47

> > Now did you want me to conduct a poll or something?
> Yes!!!!

OK, first you wanted to ask about dates?



Re: poll » Dr. Bob

Posted by partlycloudy on March 10, 2005, at 9:41:54

In reply to Re: poll, posted by Dr. Bob on March 9, 2005, at 22:57:58

Auntie Mel had suggested some dates:

"Maybe Dr. Bob can set something up like the babbleometer page where people can vote on one of two or three dates.

Like babbleometer because it limits the number of times you can answer. This is to avoid stacking the vote. It probably also needs to be limited to registered users, like posting is.

I think the three dates should be the actual birthday, the weekend before and the weekend after."

Could we see what develops from that?


Re: poll

Posted by Dr. Bob on March 11, 2005, at 2:20:24

In reply to Re: poll » Dr. Bob, posted by partlycloudy on March 10, 2005, at 9:41:54

> > Maybe Dr. Bob can set something up like the babbleometer page where people can vote on one of two or three dates.
> >
> > I think the three dates should be the actual birthday, the weekend before and the weekend after.
> Could we see what develops from that?

Sure! So that would be the weekends of June 4, 11, and 18? How about if I just ask people to respond by posting here?



Re: poll » Dr. Bob

Posted by AuntieMel on March 11, 2005, at 9:16:04

In reply to Re: poll, posted by Dr. Bob on March 11, 2005, at 2:20:24

That could work, but it wouldn't be long before the party is the only thing that shows on admin, right?

AND - if anyone wants to keep a low profile on showing up, the babbleometer technique (or something like it) is more private.

In fact, that could be used in a larger scope. How many times have there been things discussed on admin that you would like a consensus on and wonder if the shyer people are scared away from participation?


Re: polling method?

Posted by 10derHeart on March 11, 2005, at 23:49:05

In reply to Re: poll » Dr. Bob, posted by AuntieMel on March 11, 2005, at 9:16:04

Thanks, Mel. I was wondering about some of that, too.

Dr. Bob, is the Babbleometer idea - or some other (simple) means of collecting numbers - too time-consuming to create? I could see how it might be, but don't have enough technical knowledge to be sure.

I'm thinking posting their preferences here is probably fine for an initial head count to help pick a date. If it gets unwieldly (ie, threads too long), we could make a change then..?

I'd have to defer to Mel and others who've been here far longer than me on the issue of privacy concerns. I don't have a sense of it.


Re: polling method?

Posted by Dr. Bob on March 12, 2005, at 8:33:52

In reply to Re: polling method?, posted by 10derHeart on March 11, 2005, at 23:49:05

> I'm thinking posting their preferences here is probably fine for an initial head count to help pick a date. If it gets unwieldly (ie, threads too long), we could make a change then..?

Sounds good, how about if you post the poll here and I'll link to it from an announcement?

> I'd have to defer to Mel and others who've been here far longer than me on the issue of privacy concerns. I don't have a sense of it.

That may be an issue for the committee. I guess my own sense is that people with lots of privacy concerns are probably less likely to be interested in a party in the first place...



Privacy issue

Posted by gardenergirl on March 12, 2005, at 19:52:03

In reply to Re: polling method?, posted by Dr. Bob on March 12, 2005, at 8:33:52

I still think we should come in costume. I could come as a gardener, and everyone would know it's GG, but I could maintain my privacy.

Masked ball? Costume party? Bags on our heads? That blue dot like they used in televising the William Kennedy Smith trial (although that would be creepy following you around) ;)



Re: Privacy issue

Posted by Lonely on March 12, 2005, at 22:54:00

In reply to Privacy issue, posted by gardenergirl on March 12, 2005, at 19:52:03

<grin> That's really cute and creative ... I guess that part of the idea in the back of my mind (if I could go which doesn't look likely right now) was that I would meet folks and would at least have some sort of politely friendly interchange while in an unfamiliar city across the country. Possibly a longer term friendship or sense of supportiveness. But, at the same time, it can be very important to maintain one's privacy ... otherwise there's always some inhibitions re what one says on the board. Sheesh, I guess as "Lonely" I would have to stay by myself (???!!!???) The very thought makes me lonely! <grin>

I guess that brings up another interesting topic ... are we there to connect and/or share or are we there strictly to observe/listen to something/someone else? I guess that makes a difference in activities.

> I still think we should come in costume. I could come as a gardener, and everyone would know it's GG, but I could maintain my privacy.
> Masked ball? Costume party? Bags on our heads? That blue dot like they used in televising the William Kennedy Smith trial (although that would be creepy following you around) ;)
> gg


Re: Privacy issue » gardenergirl

Posted by 10derHeart on March 12, 2005, at 23:38:43

In reply to Privacy issue, posted by gardenergirl on March 12, 2005, at 19:52:03

>>That blue dot like they used in televising the William Kennedy Smith trial (although that would be creepy following you around) ;)>>

Well, if you out figure a way for us to have the dot, I'd like mine to be dark green, or better yet hazel...goes better with my eyes, you know. Okay? Oh yeah, and while you're at it, how 'bout if this dot either 1) covers my body, not my face; or, 2) makes me appear to weigh MUCH less than I actually do? THAT would be well worth the creepiness...;-)

gg, you are a nut....(I love nuts, BTW)

Oops, dang it this is Admin....sorry...


Re: no poll yet? (nm)

Posted by Dr. Bob on March 16, 2005, at 23:30:27

In reply to Re: polling method?, posted by Dr. Bob on March 12, 2005, at 8:33:52

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