Psycho-Babble Administration Thread 5509

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Re: voting » terrics

Posted by AuntieMel on March 2, 2005, at 14:32:02

In reply to Re: who is coming for Poet » terrics, posted by terrics on March 2, 2005, at 13:29:51

Date is most important. Some might be able to come on one date and not another, so a headcount without a date is iffy.

I'm not particular on a date, so I'll pass on the vote.


Re: voting - Date Most Important - Not on committe (nm)

Posted by Lonely on March 2, 2005, at 22:36:28

In reply to Re: voting » terrics, posted by AuntieMel on March 2, 2005, at 14:32:02


Agree - Let's go with date first because.. » AuntieMel

Posted by 10derHeart on March 3, 2005, at 0:18:53

In reply to Re: voting » terrics, posted by AuntieMel on March 2, 2005, at 14:32:02

...I've found in the past, if you ask for a headcount for "one Satuday in June or July" for example, the first thing folks ask back is, "well, it depends on exactly which day..."

If we find later that the agreed upon date is the one and only reason the headcount is disappointing, we could try to shift it then.


Re: Agree - Let's go with date first because..

Posted by terrics on March 3, 2005, at 6:59:24

In reply to Agree - Let's go with date first because.. » AuntieMel, posted by 10derHeart on March 3, 2005, at 0:18:53

Good thoughts. I think you are right...Let's vote on dates first. Who suggests the dates?
We have to start on this thing or we'll get no- where. So,where will we do the polling and who will be in charge of results. Also, who decides the date/s. terrics
P.S. I think this will be a fun thing to do.


Re: dates and voting » terrics

Posted by AuntieMel on March 3, 2005, at 8:49:26

In reply to Re: Agree - Let's go with date first because.., posted by terrics on March 3, 2005, at 6:59:24

Maybe Dr. Bob can set something up like the babbleometer page where people can vote on one of two or three dates.

Like babbleometer because it limits the number of times you can answer. This is to avoid stacking the vote. It probably also needs to be limited to registered users, like posting is.

I think the three dates should be the actual birthday, the weekend before and the weekend after.

Then an announcement on where to vote could be put on all the boards, like the one about a party is now.


Re: dates and voting

Posted by vwoolf on March 3, 2005, at 13:04:20

In reply to Re: dates and voting » terrics, posted by AuntieMel on March 3, 2005, at 8:49:26

You know, I'm too far away to be any use, but my feeling is that you have to think bigger here.

You need to create an event, invite sponsors (pharmaceutical companies etc)and turn this into something exciting that no-one else is doing. PB is very unique, as far as I can see, and could generate enough interest to set this in motion. You would need to provide a forum where people with psychiatric issues are comfortable to talk openly and come together for a meeting/conference around issues that concern them vitally. There is no event like that around - everyone is too busy hiding.

We need to be aware that we are a large and potentially powerful interest group - we probably consume more medicines than any other group of people, and certainly make more use of professionals. I doubt that any other group of patients see their specialists up to five times a week for many years. I am sure that it would not be too difficult to set up, and would, apart from anything else, generate enough income for PB to self-fund itself for a year. The event could be moved somewhere else the following year, to another city or abroad - why not?


Re: dates and voting » AuntieMel

Posted by fallsfall on March 3, 2005, at 14:45:12

In reply to Re: dates and voting » terrics, posted by AuntieMel on March 3, 2005, at 8:49:26

I liked the idea of the walkathon day - we could go to the start and the finish - or maybe one of us (or more?) would go the whole distance. It could give a little structure to our event.


Re: dates and voting » vwoolf

Posted by Lonely on March 3, 2005, at 16:47:21

In reply to Re: dates and voting, posted by vwoolf on March 3, 2005, at 13:04:20

You've really on target here, I'd say! Yes!

I get the feeling that this website is really something of a venture ... I haven't run into anything else exactly like it although there are other message boards that I visit and have found helpful. Perhaps in part it's due to the academic & psychiatric backing. (???) So, making an event out of it helps to solidify or point up the value of e-care or the value of care in cyber space.

A couple years ago I developed a course for a hospital client to do with customer service. One of the points that came out (I intended it to) was that physicians and nurses often feel that they are giving good care. And many times they are. Yet, patients, when surveyed, often indicate that they find their best help online at message boards or other types of online support. i.e., answers are often incomplete or too brief in a clinical setting. That was more aimed at the physical side but I think there's something to be said for the psychiatric self-help community too.

The thing about getting people to come out and talk about the value it brings them and their experiences is probably one of the tougher issues. I would not myself be willing to put my real name & location out there along with my face! But, would be willing to give limited info about myself and a shadowed or otherwise protected interview.

This might be a good year to think big and start small. I think you've made a really good point.

> You know, I'm too far away to be any use, but my feeling is that you have to think bigger here.
> You need to create an event, invite sponsors (pharmaceutical companies etc)and turn this into something exciting that no-one else is doing. PB is very unique, as far as I can see, and could generate enough interest to set this in motion. You would need to provide a forum where people with psychiatric issues are comfortable to talk openly and come together for a meeting/conference around issues that concern them vitally. There is no event like that around - everyone is too busy hiding.
> We need to be aware that we are a large and potentially powerful interest group - we probably consume more medicines than any other group of people, and certainly make more use of professionals. I doubt that any other group of patients see their specialists up to five times a week for many years. I am sure that it would not be too difficult to set up, and would, apart from anything else, generate enough income for PB to self-fund itself for a year. The event could be moved somewhere else the following year, to another city or abroad - why not?


Dates voting - for committee, Dr. Bob » AuntieMel

Posted by 10derHeart on March 3, 2005, at 19:18:01

In reply to Re: dates and voting » terrics, posted by AuntieMel on March 3, 2005, at 8:49:26

Sounds like an excellent idea. I was reaching for something like that but haven't been around long enough, perhaps, to think through how the whole site operates....hey, thanks for doing some of my thinking for me! (can I hire you....? ;-)

Your dates also sound reasonable to me. That is, provided Dr. B is okay with all of them as potentials. That would be the weekends of June 11th, 4th or 18th, right?

Falls, when is the walk-a-thon? Dang it, I thought I wrote it down or bookmarked it...

Other thoughts?


Re: Dates voting - for committee, Dr. Bob

Posted by terrics on March 4, 2005, at 8:31:16

In reply to Dates voting - for committee, Dr. Bob » AuntieMel, posted by 10derHeart on March 3, 2005, at 19:18:01

What alot of good ideas! I like the idea of making this bigger...AN EVENT as you said. I also live very far; however lots of things can be done on line. We still need a leader and it seems to me that none of us want to extend ourselves to that degree. Maybe a co-leadership venture?? terrics


Re: Dates voting - for committee, Dr. Bob

Posted by dove on March 4, 2005, at 11:04:47

In reply to Re: Dates voting - for committee, Dr. Bob, posted by terrics on March 4, 2005, at 8:31:16

Summary of sorts:

Firstly, we need a Babbleometer Voting thingy put in place--on every board--to get a headcount and to vote on the date.

Regarding making this an "Event": I think we got to start with the small stuff first, due to many of us feeling easily overwhelmed by the more organizational stuff. If we get a solid date and even a rough headcount we can start planning and integrating more activities, sponsers, and various other things that haven't occurred to me but will surely occur to someone else.

Regarding Sponsers: Does someone have the knowledge and/or the ability to go about doing this? I have no clue how to approach it, which is why I am not pushing for it, completely outside my life experience.

And would it cause a conflict of interest, or in any way effect Dr. Bob's side of things, being linked to the University and so forth???



Re: co-leadership

Posted by Dr. Bob on March 5, 2005, at 19:03:39

In reply to Re: Dates voting - for committee, Dr. Bob, posted by terrics on March 4, 2005, at 8:31:16

> We still need a leader and it seems to me that none of us want to extend ourselves to that degree. Maybe a co-leadership venture??

Co-leaders (or spokespeople) would be fine... I just think we'll need more structure as we move from suggesting ideas to making decisions...



Re: co-leadership

Posted by partlycloudy on March 7, 2005, at 10:58:50

In reply to Re: co-leadership, posted by Dr. Bob on March 5, 2005, at 19:03:39

Well, I've been lurking on the committee for a while - anyone willing to co-lead with me? (Bearing in mind that I'm a time zone away from Chicago...)


I wish I could go. :( (nm)

Posted by Dinah on March 7, 2005, at 17:57:43

In reply to Re: co-leadership, posted by partlycloudy on March 7, 2005, at 10:58:50


I wish you could, too. » Dinah

Posted by partlycloudy on March 7, 2005, at 18:50:56

In reply to I wish I could go. :( (nm), posted by Dinah on March 7, 2005, at 17:57:43

What would make it a possibility?


Re: co-leadership » partlycloudy

Posted by 10derHeart on March 7, 2005, at 19:48:43

In reply to Re: co-leadership, posted by partlycloudy on March 7, 2005, at 10:58:50

Maybe I could. I'm a little uncertain only because I can't quite picture the "how" of meeting or deciding or doing whatever we need to do to on Babble. But I'm sure you (and Dr. B and others) could help me there. Like, just use posting,or use Babblemail, or email, or...?

I might do okay as a (co ?) spokesperson. I'm usually pretty decent at keeping people informed and explaining things, and do have the time to check here frequently.

Random thoughts, in no particular order...

Not to be picky, but I don't always think of leaders and spokespeople as the same. Do we need both? Neither? Either?

I think there are six of us who volunteered to be on this committee, looking at Bob's post from March 2. You, me, Auntie Mel, terrics, karenkay and Poet. Haven't heard from kk lately - I know she posts infrequently. Also, terrics has has a really tough time recently, so perhaps that will effect her participation...or not..?

Okay, PC, am I making sense so far? steps... ;-) -10der


Yes, it totally s**ks :-( (nm) » Dinah

Posted by 10derHeart on March 7, 2005, at 19:52:27

In reply to I wish I could go. :( (nm), posted by Dinah on March 7, 2005, at 17:57:43


I'm with you (nm) » 10derHeart

Posted by partlycloudy on March 7, 2005, at 20:31:46

In reply to Re: co-leadership » partlycloudy, posted by 10derHeart on March 7, 2005, at 19:48:43


Re: Losing Anonymity

Posted by terrics on March 8, 2005, at 5:26:12

In reply to I wish I could go. :( (nm), posted by Dinah on March 7, 2005, at 17:57:43

Maybe we all have cold feet because it is so easy to communicate on the boards because we do not know each other. Seeing each other will change the 'board relationships' forever. terrics


Re: would it help .... » Dinah

Posted by AuntieMel on March 8, 2005, at 8:27:37

In reply to I wish I could go. :( (nm), posted by Dinah on March 7, 2005, at 17:57:43

Would it help if I email hubby 'everything you want to know about auntiemel' real name, address, phone number, date of birth, mother's maiden name, cats' names, favorite color, hobbies, identifying scars, dental records .....

anything at all to put him at ease .......


Re: and more ..... » Dinah

Posted by AuntieMel on March 8, 2005, at 8:29:27

In reply to I wish I could go. :( (nm), posted by Dinah on March 7, 2005, at 17:57:43

If he google searched on me he would only find me as a contributor to a paper, but my eldest and her hubby are all over the net.

for good things, of course.


I fear not :( » AuntieMel

Posted by Dinah on March 8, 2005, at 8:41:40

In reply to Re: would it help .... » Dinah, posted by AuntieMel on March 8, 2005, at 8:27:37

But I thank you for offering. :)

Actually, I think it must be a difficult way to live. Poor guy.


Re: co-leadership

Posted by dove on March 8, 2005, at 9:16:43

In reply to Re: co-leadership » partlycloudy, posted by 10derHeart on March 7, 2005, at 19:48:43

I will also volunteer. However, I must warn ya'll that I am very disorganized and scatter-brained, but I want to help in whatever way I can and I am grateful for the opportunity to give back to Babbleland a little :-)



Re: co-leadership

Posted by Dr. Bob on March 8, 2005, at 9:32:37

In reply to Re: co-leadership, posted by dove on March 8, 2005, at 9:16:43

> anyone willing to co-lead with me?
> partlycloudy

> Maybe I could.
> I might do okay as a (co ?) spokesperson.
> Not to be picky, but I don't always think of leaders and spokespeople as the same. Do we need both?
> 10der

I agree, they don't have to be the same, but could be. Maybe since this isn't a very large committee let's have them be the same?

> I will also volunteer.
> Dove

Great, thanks! To be on the committee or also to co-lead?



Re: co-leadership

Posted by dove on March 8, 2005, at 10:29:40

In reply to Re: co-leadership, posted by Dr. Bob on March 8, 2005, at 9:32:37

>Great, thanks! To be on the committee or also to co-lead?

To be on the committee, unless a co-leader is absolutely required to move further with the planning. I will try to do whatever it takes to get this moving forward.


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