Psycho-Babble Administration Thread 5509

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Re: 3 cakes » AuntieMel

Posted by partlycloudy on July 9, 2004, at 17:41:48

In reply to 3 cakes, posted by AuntieMel on July 9, 2004, at 16:20:28

We better get cracking or all the good places will be taken and we'll end up at a VFW.


Re: getting cracking

Posted by Dr. Bob on July 10, 2004, at 2:37:42

In reply to Re: 3 cakes » AuntieMel, posted by partlycloudy on July 9, 2004, at 17:41:48

> We better get cracking

I still think a 3rd volunteer for the party planning committee would be nice...



Re: getting cracking

Posted by AuntieMel on July 12, 2004, at 9:40:51

In reply to Re: getting cracking, posted by Dr. Bob on July 10, 2004, at 2:37:42

didn't karen say she would help?


Re: getting cracking » karen_kay

Posted by Dr. Bob on July 12, 2004, at 18:14:13

In reply to Re: getting cracking, posted by AuntieMel on July 12, 2004, at 9:40:51

> didn't karen say she would help?

Hmm, I do see:

> how about helping out to help plan this party? i'll give you a kiss on the cheek if you do :)
> i'll even help too! (as long as we decide on an open bar!)

But was she offering to help only if someone from the area did? Karen?




Posted by karen_kay on July 13, 2004, at 8:54:53

In reply to Re: getting cracking » karen_kay, posted by Dr. Bob on July 12, 2004, at 18:14:13

i'll do what i can! (still no mention of the open bar though :)

i do think it would be much easier if we had some 'open contacts' in the area. sorry, i haven't been following the thread. i just saw my name. i'll go back and reread. but, count me in! (one thing though, i can't commit to a party one year from now :( it's hard to commit to something a week from now, let alone one year... but, i'lll sure help plan it... and i'll see who i know from the area to get tips on where to plan having it, arrangements, ect...

everyone who wants to be involved in some way or another can email me at karen_kay12 at yahoo.... if we could all jsut keep in touch through forwarding emails, that'd be great.... how's that sound?

oh, and mr bob, in what way(s) do you want to be involved? do you want to jump out of the cake? :)


Re: we have a committee!

Posted by Dr. Bob on July 13, 2004, at 23:38:17

In reply to yup!, posted by karen_kay on July 13, 2004, at 8:54:53

> i'll do what i can!

Great, so we have a committee!


> i do think it would be much easier if we had some 'open contacts' in the area.

I agree, and there may be people here who can help, but would rather not be official committee members, plus I'm here, too...

> (still no mention of the open bar though :)

That can be expensive, but I'll leave that to the committee. :-)

> one thing though, i can't commit to a party one year from now

No one's obligated to do anything. Including committee members, who are always free to step down...

> everyone who wants to be involved in some way or another can email me at karen_kay12 at yahoo.... if we could all jsut keep in touch through forwarding emails, that'd be great....

Email's fine, but there's also babblemail now, finally, and of course posting...

> oh, and mr bob, in what way(s) do you want to be involved? do you want to jump out of the cake? :)

I appreciate the offer, but I don't think so. And I'd like to delegate this as much as possible, but keep me in the loop?

Thanks to all the committee members for volunteering!



Re: yup! » karen_kay

Posted by Larry Hoover on July 16, 2004, at 18:03:16

In reply to yup!, posted by karen_kay on July 13, 2004, at 8:54:53

> i'll do what i can! (still no mention of the open bar though :)

Oh, KK, I am so glad you're part of the committee. I take it you'll be organizing the beauty pageant portion of the program? I'll come along, if you let me be a judge.



Re: yup! » Larry Hoover

Posted by karen_kay on July 16, 2004, at 20:00:21

In reply to Re: yup! » karen_kay, posted by Larry Hoover on July 16, 2004, at 18:03:16

i knew all that pageant talk would one day come back to haunt me....

does this mean you'll be in attendance lar? should i put on my best ball gown and try to coax miss honey into giving me a few of her best pointers? i'd be honored if you judged, but only if i placed somewhere near the top (not that i need to beg for a high score or anything but puuuulease!!!!!)


We're officially a committee!

Posted by partlycloudy on July 17, 2004, at 6:30:19

In reply to Re: yup! » Larry Hoover, posted by karen_kay on July 16, 2004, at 20:00:21

Now what the heck to we do? Do we think of things to do together or just find a place for the Babblers to meet and greet? If we can come up with some attendance numbers we could probably negotiate a group rate at a no-tell motel.


Re: things to do together

Posted by Dr. Bob on July 18, 2004, at 10:24:32

In reply to We're officially a committee!, posted by partlycloudy on July 17, 2004, at 6:30:19

> Now what the heck to we do? Do we think of things to do together or just find a place for the Babblers to meet and greet? If we can come up with some attendance numbers we could probably negotiate a group rate at a no-tell motel.

I think attendance numbers would be great, but how many people come probably depends on what we're going to do together. So maybe let's start with that?



Re: things to do together » Dr. Bob

Posted by partlycloudy on July 18, 2004, at 11:07:51

In reply to Re: things to do together, posted by Dr. Bob on July 18, 2004, at 10:24:32

Take an architectural tour of Chicago
Isn't there an amusepark park on the Pier?

There are LOTS of ways for us to get into trouble


Re: things to do together

Posted by karen_kay on July 18, 2004, at 12:39:48

In reply to Re: things to do together » Dr. Bob, posted by partlycloudy on July 18, 2004, at 11:07:51

there's this site i found...

(that's a biggin (will it work?)!! anything sound good? i like the idea of a hang-over personally, but i don't see that listed. i guess they don't consider that a 'tourist attraction'?)

that will work during the day, but what about the night? since mr bob declined jumping out of a cake, i'm still thinking....


Re: things to do together » karen_kay

Posted by gabbix2 on July 18, 2004, at 19:58:15

In reply to Re: things to do together, posted by karen_kay on July 18, 2004, at 12:39:48

But we don't want anyone to commit themselves in case they have to commit themselves.. :)


Re: things to do together » gabbix2

Posted by karen_kay on July 19, 2004, at 7:36:03

In reply to Re: things to do together » karen_kay, posted by gabbix2 on July 18, 2004, at 19:58:15

no commitments!!! (of any sort unless it involves harwood floors, rug burn and chipped teeth, then sign me up! i'll commit to that! but sadly, i couldn't find that on any site for chicago's highlights)


Bwahaha! good (bad?) one! (nm) » gabbix2

Posted by chicklet on July 19, 2004, at 9:18:15

In reply to Re: things to do together » karen_kay, posted by gabbix2 on July 18, 2004, at 19:58:15


We need a plan

Posted by AuntieMel on July 19, 2004, at 10:00:26

In reply to Re: things to do together, posted by Dr. Bob on July 18, 2004, at 10:24:32

I think we need a plan of attack. It's almost a year away so attendance numbers are probably not going to happen.

So first, we need to start with a couple of (vague) things, then as we go we can flesh them out. For now we need:

1) A date
2) A duration. weekend? day? month?
3) Number of "planned" get togethers. I would suggest two for sure. A meet-and-greet around 10ish in the morning and an evening get together (with a bar for Karen). In between them we could maybe put together a tour or two?

The hard part is the "where" These need to be as flexible as possible - something that could work for lots of people or a small crowd.


Re: We need a plan - part two

Posted by AuntieMel on July 19, 2004, at 10:02:39

In reply to We need a plan, posted by AuntieMel on July 19, 2004, at 10:00:26

We also need to keep in mind budgets of attendees. So, if possible we should arrange things so there are options to spend a little or a lot (cash bar, for instance)


Re: We need a plan

Posted by Dr. Bob on July 19, 2004, at 23:57:16

In reply to We need a plan, posted by AuntieMel on July 19, 2004, at 10:00:26

> 1) A date
> 2) A duration. weekend? day? month?
> 3) Number of "planned" get togethers. I would suggest two for sure. A meet-and-greet around 10ish in the morning and an evening get together (with a bar for Karen). In between them we could maybe put together a tour or two?

The weekend of Sat. 6/11/05? Maybe the main event could be that evening? There could be things to do starting Fri. evening, but some people might not arrive much before the main event?



Re: We need a plan

Posted by partlycloudy on July 20, 2004, at 4:44:01

In reply to Re: We need a plan, posted by Dr. Bob on July 19, 2004, at 23:57:16

> The weekend of Sat. 6/11/05? Maybe the main event could be that evening? There could be things to do starting Fri. evening, but some people might not arrive much before the main event?
> Bob

I think that's when the Blue festival takes place. Hard to find hotel rooms.


Re: We need a plan

Posted by TofuEmmy on July 20, 2004, at 10:24:31

In reply to Re: We need a plan, posted by Dr. Bob on July 19, 2004, at 23:57:16

Maybe for those Babblers who can do this, it would be a nice tribute to friends and family lost. The date is the following weekend July 16–17.



Thread CPR

Posted by TofuEmmy on July 22, 2004, at 10:17:46

In reply to Re: We need a plan, posted by TofuEmmy on July 20, 2004, at 10:24:31

I killed the thread..sorry! I think the idea of walking 20 miles didn't sound like anyone's idea of a good time? No open bar, eh KK? Well, in lieu of that, this organization is also sponsoring short local walks during Sept - Nov of this year, here is the URL if you are interested in participating:

I am still thinking about doing the 20 mile walk. I'm too old and fat to train for a marathon, but training for this is feasible.

Ok, back to selecting a date? or did you want to go back to 7/9 - 10? I think someone mentioned a festival that might cause hotel crowding, but didn't someone say people might be able to stay at the university dorms? I did that at the University of Toronto for a convention in that city once. They let us stay there since the dorms were empty.



Re: Thread CPR » TofuEmmy

Posted by AuntieMel on July 22, 2004, at 12:37:43

In reply to Thread CPR, posted by TofuEmmy on July 22, 2004, at 10:17:46

A walk sounds good, but:

We are talking about June (babble birthday) not July.

aside - amazed I caught it.....what day is it?

noooowwwwww any ideas?


Re: Blues Festival and overnight walk

Posted by Dr. Bob on July 28, 2004, at 23:57:39

In reply to Thread CPR, posted by TofuEmmy on July 22, 2004, at 10:17:46

> > The weekend of Sat. 6/11/05? Maybe the main event could be that evening? There could be things to do starting Fri. evening, but some people might not arrive much before the main event?
> I think that's when the Blue festival takes place. Hard to find hotel rooms.

Good point:

> The Chicago Blues Festival is scheduled for June 9-12, 2005.

OTOH, maybe that would be fun to go to?

And there's still plenty of time to book a hotel, isn't there? (The dorms here won't be empty yet, that's our convocation weekend.)

> Maybe for those Babblers who can do this, it would be a nice tribute to friends and family lost. The date is ... July 16–17.

It would be neat to connect with that, and I'm not sure we need to be wedded to the exact birthday date, but if it's overnight Saturday to Sunday, when would the party be?



Re: getting crashed

Posted by Dr. Bob on July 29, 2004, at 1:59:24

In reply to Re: Blues Festival and overnight walk, posted by Dr. Bob on July 28, 2004, at 23:57:39

> There was something over the weekend that makes me wonder if a meeting with details posted won't get crashed. Hmmmmm.

This is something I've wondered about, too. A public event like the Blues Festival or the AFSP walk will, of course, be public, but the party I think may need to be considered private. Registration may be required. People were going to have to chip in, anyway, right? And, unfortunately, we may need to be sure we can call security if necessary.



Re: getting crashed » Dr. Bob

Posted by zenhussy on July 29, 2004, at 2:36:49

In reply to Re: getting crashed, posted by Dr. Bob on July 29, 2004, at 1:59:24

Don't worry need for security as I have no intentions of coming. LOL

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