Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Effexor update

Posted by unknown_usr on June 6, 2006, at 17:51:42

In reply to Re: OK now I am afraid » unknown_usr, posted by detroitpistons on March 29, 2006, at 14:47:00

After nearly passing out from sleepiness constantly, we gradually went back down to 37.5.


I am down to 37.5 Effexor and 150 Welbutrin now. The loss of motivation and decreased energy problems have diminished significantly. My heart rate is still a little high, making heart rate training difficult, but manageable. I’ve gained some weight, but I think that is mostly due a week of inactivity and 3 weeks of a bad diet. My moods are good, with the exception of the mornings. This isn’t the first time that this has happened. I go to sleep feeling great, experience a great deal of REM sleep, and have a difficult time waking from the REM state in the morning. It takes me 1-2 hours to get myself out of the REM cycles and when I finally do, I feel awful. It takes me about 20 minutes to an hour for the depression to dissipate. This has happened before and my Cortisol levels were checked. They were a little high, but not enough to be considered a problem. I am assuming the elevated levels were due to stress more than anything else. Still, I am really curious why my depression seems to “collect” while I sleep, and “flush out” once I am awake for a while.

Anyone else have the morning thing happen?


This is not worth the risk

Posted by Vegas girl on June 7, 2006, at 9:26:14

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?, posted by Vegas girl on June 6, 2006, at 17:11:55

In follow up to yesterday's posting, I accidentally ran 2 red lights during my 3 mile drive to work this morning, because it didn't register in my brain that it was time to stop until I was already through the intersection. My doc was out delivering a baby yesterday afternoon when I called his office. The midwife in the office informed the nurse that I should see a neurologist right away for the 'electric shock feeling' The nurse and I agreed that this midwife was probably wrong since these strange shocks are drug induced, and not a result of nerve damage (that we know of). I'm waiting to here back from my dr., if he says go to the neuro., then I will go. What I really want to hear back about is "how long before this goes away?" I can't take it anymore~I see co-workers, strangers, and family members that all look and act normal and I am so envious that they can get through life drug free and seemingly happy.


Re: This is not worth the risk » Vegas girl

Posted by detroitpistons on June 7, 2006, at 9:47:20

In reply to This is not worth the risk, posted by Vegas girl on June 7, 2006, at 9:26:14

Although you were only on Effexor for a very short time, you should never stop taking it cold turkey. I quit taking Paxil cold turkey and it took 6-8 weeks until the withdrawal was completely done.

I would go see a psychiatrist and figure out a weaning program. Psychiatrists have much more experience with this. Effexor has a very short half life and the withdrawal is pretty bad, however, I've noticed the exact same withdrawal symptoms from Lexapro and Paxil.

One technique is to take Prozac while quitting Effexor because it's half life is very long and it eases the transition and allows your brain/serotonin to adjust more evenly.

Let us know what you decide to do.


> In follow up to yesterday's posting, I accidentally ran 2 red lights during my 3 mile drive to work this morning, because it didn't register in my brain that it was time to stop until I was already through the intersection. My doc was out delivering a baby yesterday afternoon when I called his office. The midwife in the office informed the nurse that I should see a neurologist right away for the 'electric shock feeling' The nurse and I agreed that this midwife was probably wrong since these strange shocks are drug induced, and not a result of nerve damage (that we know of). I'm waiting to here back from my dr., if he says go to the neuro., then I will go. What I really want to hear back about is "how long before this goes away?" I can't take it anymore~I see co-workers, strangers, and family members that all look and act normal and I am so envious that they can get through life drug free and seemingly happy.


Effexor Newbie

Posted by lissamed on June 7, 2006, at 12:21:52

In reply to Effexor update, posted by unknown_usr on June 6, 2006, at 17:51:42


I just started Effexor XR yesterday. I have been sleeping 16 hours a day and eating like a pig for the few hours I was up...has anyone had sucess with Effexor XR who had those sorts of syptoms. (it seems like the opposite is more common)

One other question, I was wondering if anyone has noticed extra side effects with caffiene and Effexor XR. I felt great yesterday and today (placebo, I know) until I drank some Dr. Pepper, and I don't know if the side effects randomly kicked in then, or if it was related to the caffiene.



Re: This is not worth the risk » Vegas girl

Posted by pulse on June 7, 2006, at 14:02:04

In reply to This is not worth the risk, posted by Vegas girl on June 7, 2006, at 9:26:14

i concur with dp's above post re: prozac (i did 10 mg. prozac), but only after i'd tapered down from a whopping 600 mgs. effexor xr to 37.5. i only needed the 10 mg. prozac for one week. i had absolutely no withdrawal problems whatsoever, even at this above official limits dosage...especially not these infamous electric shocks you're experiencing from withdrawing the effexor xr, that so many others here, btw, have had, too.

you may want to use the search feature, but IN the TIPS section, located near the top - for confirmation of the 10 mg (or they may say 20 mg?) prozac help.



Effexor is my miracle drug

Posted by saustin on June 8, 2006, at 0:46:58

In reply to Effexor Newbie, posted by lissamed on June 7, 2006, at 12:21:52

I started Effexor 6 months ago, and my life has changed tremendously. I now have energy that I once did not have, and I also do not feel hopeless or nervous as I use to.

My back no longer is in constant pain, and I do not suffer from headaches.

I noticed a difference when I first started, even within a few days. I had some sexual disfunction, but that faded, as well as some trouble sleeping.

I have not gained weight, but then again I do exercise.

I suggest that anyone gaining weight should exercise. Not only will it keep your pounds off, but exercise is proven to be beneficial to mental health. Exercise has been the best stress reliever, even before I took Effexor XR.

Just with any medicine, I suggest that you try it for yourself. All side effects differ with each person. Where as I am having great results, someone might have terrible results.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by Winning again on June 8, 2006, at 8:43:08

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

To quickly answer your question: Yes, I have had great success with Effexor XR.

The history: I was suffering from situational depression of severe nature to the extent that twice I intended to commit suicide. I was under treatment of a psychiatrist that was extremely competent, and through my family’s interaction, continued to be involved even when I did not want the involvement. Thank you Dr. S.

My breakthrough came when I started Effexor XR, 150 mg. I was also (and continue) being treated for ADHD with Adderall XR, 20 mg with an additional Amphetamine Salts, 10 mg tab, taken in the late afternoon. I mention this because the interaction of the amphetamine helped buoy the effects of the Effexor, which also has a stimulant effect.

With the medication, family and psychiatrist support, I was able to identify and cope with the sources of depression, which, on the surface were all related to the dissolution of my marriage and business, but also were tentacled through many aspects of my life. These details are included to buttress the fact that Effexor alone did not solve my problems but instead was a tool in a multi-faceted approach.

Now the current: The causational issues of depression addressed and dealt with, I have been able to be slowly and carefully phased from Effexor.


Effexor has a very short half-life and an abrupt discontinuation may cause rebound of depression that may be worse than the original symptoms.

I had only a very slight adjustment “feeling” when the dosage adjusted from 150 mg to 75 mg. I continued taking the 75 mg for a period of about two weeks and then switched to Fluoxetine HCL 10 mg (Prozac) for 14 days. The benefit of this arrangement lies in the duration, or half-life of the Fluoxetine HCL, which remains in your system for a much longer duration than Effexor; and hence, has the desired effect of slowing withdrawing the drug without causing withdraw symptoms.

Not everyone can end treatment for depression and some may require continued medication for the control of depression. That said, the use of Effexor helped me through a very dark phase of life and help ensured that I am still here to continue to live, and now, more fully enjoy life.

Good luck to those that may be treating for depression, I wish you peace, and may God bless you.


Re: effexor XR interactions with alcohol » bart

Posted by 2greatdogs on June 8, 2006, at 10:56:17

In reply to Re: effexor XR interactions with alcohol, posted by bart on April 11, 2006, at 17:14:53

Effexor XR (75mg) for the past 8 wks has turned me into a raging alcoholic! Yes, they say don't drink while taking these drugs but I've always been a social drinker (tried Wellbutrin & Lexapro and drank on those, too) so I never changed any of my behavior regarding alcohol consumption. Yet, I noticed after taking Effexor for a couple of weeks I was drinking more & more. I'm now up to a bottle of wine per night!

Effexor is terrible. Had I known the side effects (never disclosed by my M.D.) I never would have touched this stuff. Impossible to get off of, I tried once before (after only 4 wks on it) and experienced flu-like symptoms. I'm about to wean off again because if I gain any more weight on this I'll explode--weight gain is another undisclosed side effect.


Re: This is not worth the risk

Posted by Vegas girl on June 8, 2006, at 12:20:39

In reply to Re: This is not worth the risk » Vegas girl, posted by pulse on June 7, 2006, at 14:02:04

I feel that I am so close to losing my job over effexor withdrawals. My work wants a dr. to verify that my drowsiness and symptoms that have caused me to miss so much work over the last week an 1/2. I have been to 2 drs. in the last 48 hours, and they refuse to take part due to legalities. This last dr. asked if I wanted to take Lexapro again, NO WAY. I don't want anymore drugs!!! I want to be ok without being a pill popper. The dr. suggested FMLA (Family Med Leave Act), but that would cause my entire med. history to be disclosed, which would cause me to appear quite the nut case. I'm so afraid, I don't know what to do. Dr. has referred me to a phsyciatrist, but I think this would require the FMLA for the time off for appts. I'm so lost!!!! I am tapering off of xanax also, and don't want my company to know and tag me as a drug user. Geez, Thanks for letting me vent!
Vegas Girl

> i concur with dp's above post re: prozac (i did 10 mg. prozac), but only after i'd tapered down from a whopping 600 mgs. effexor xr to 37.5. i only needed the 10 mg. prozac for one week. i had absolutely no withdrawal problems whatsoever, even at this above official limits dosage...especially not these infamous electric shocks you're experiencing from withdrawing the effexor xr, that so many others here, btw, have had, too.
> you may want to use the search feature, but IN the TIPS section, located near the top - for confirmation of the 10 mg (or they may say 20 mg?) prozac help.
> pulse


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by italianchk on June 8, 2006, at 17:08:49

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

I'm starting on Effexor this weekend. I've been on Zoloft & Lexapro for depression following a heart attack. My Dr. says depression is not uncommon following a heart attack, especially in my case, I'm pretty young. Zoloft worked, Lexapro didn't. Unfortunatly, Zoloft caused a really weird & annoying side effect...I can't stop grinding my teeth. I've been dealing with it by chewing gum constantly. I also experienced weight gain, this after losing 45lbs.! Saw a neurologist who recommended Effexor. This site is very informative.Dr. stated weight gain was not a concern on Effexor, but I see from the postings that it is. The problem with weaning off is also a concern, as I don't foresee having to be on it long term.I am presently on Cymbalta, and I feel myself slipping back into episodes of not caring, or what I like to call "I really just don't give a #$&*!" and hopelessness. I'm hoping the Effexor will get me back to where I want to be, however this site definately gave me some good questions to discuss with my Dr.
Just curious, has anyone else out there ever had teeth grinding as a side effect from any of these RX's? I know it may not sound like a big deal, but it can really take over your life!
Thanks for any info. & suggestions.


Re: This is not worth the risk

Posted by pulse on June 8, 2006, at 19:51:56

In reply to Re: This is not worth the risk, posted by Vegas girl on June 8, 2006, at 12:20:39

even tho you want no more drugs, what problem can you (or ANYONE ) possibly have with having a gp prescribe 2 weeks worth of 10 mg. prozac - thus ridding yourself/ themselves of all withdrawal symptoms, especially the scary electric shocks in head bit?!! most plain ole gps now know of this very tried and true trick because it works.

note: do this after down to & stopped the lowest dosage (37.5 mg.), where you already are.

kids take their own bitter pill - cough medicine - even when they hate being sick, and hate the taste...BECAUSE they no longer want to be on the evil cough mediciine ...and they want to get WELL.

prozac is energizing at first for most, so you'd likely also not have this lethargy. then, since prozac's half-life is around 5 days, you are then done. POOF! all problems solved and that simply.

(over my many yrs. reading here, i've ONLY seen 1-2 ppl have a problem stopping prozac cold.)

so, what is 2 more weeks out of your's or anyone's life, in the grand scheme of things? rational answer: nothing.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? » italianchk

Posted by pulse on June 8, 2006, at 19:59:55

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?, posted by italianchk on June 8, 2006, at 17:08:49

>>Just curious, has anyone else out there ever had teeth grinding as a side effect from any of these RX's? I know it may not sound like a big deal, but it can really take over your life!>>

zoloft is quite notoroius for teeth-clenching. it's no small thing! imo, zoloft is the very worst of all ads, all classes, for this side-effect. good luck!


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by tizza on June 8, 2006, at 22:45:30

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? » italianchk, posted by pulse on June 8, 2006, at 19:59:55

never tried zoloft but cipramil/celexa gave me the worst jaw grinding, I cracked 2 teeth down to the gum line from citalopram. Efexor xr just made me terribly sick when I came off it and yes I did it very slowly. Efexor didn't help me much at all and ended up causing me total hell on earth to come off.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by DuckyFlorida on June 9, 2006, at 10:33:01

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

Hi all, I am new to this blog and am really pleased at all of the information I have learned. I recently lost my job went to the Dr's, had all my systems checked and was diagnosed with an anxiety problem. I am now on Effexor XR (just finished my 2nd week) along with Ambien CR (to help me sleep) and Xanax ( 0.5 mg).
These all seem to be working for me, but I do have my periods when things are not bad.

I researched and found a great tool: "Panic Away"

It's a book and fully downloadable. Basically it teaches you to identify the anxiety, observe, welcome it and befriend it.

Used this method for 2 days and seems to work for me.

But of course, everything whether meds or books affects people in different ways. Just thought I would share my experience.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by da on June 9, 2006, at 12:04:23

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?, posted by DuckyFlorida on June 9, 2006, at 10:33:01

Anyone take Wellbuterin by itself? I take Effexor 75mg now and am going to ask my doctor about switching. My reasons are the withdrawls, weight gain, and low sex drive.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XRDuckyFL?

Posted by Vegas girl on June 9, 2006, at 14:42:21

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?, posted by DuckyFlorida on June 9, 2006, at 10:33:01

Thank you for the info on the book 'Panic Away'. I am going to check into this, since I am determined to find ways to deal with my stress, anxiety, and depression without medication. P.S. Thought I would let you all know that I have decided to join an all women's peer group (12 step) here in Vegas, since I am weening off of 4-1/2 years of Xanax and because my Effexor experience now has me absolutely TERRIFIED to try ANY new drug. I have decided not to go to a psychiatrist, as my gp has referred, because he would probably just try to put me on more stuff.

> Hi all, I am new to this blog and am really pleased at all of the information I have learned. I recently lost my job went to the Dr's, had all my systems checked and was diagnosed with an anxiety problem. I am now on Effexor XR (just finished my 2nd week) along with Ambien CR (to help me sleep) and Xanax ( 0.5 mg).
> These all seem to be working for me, but I do have my periods when things are not bad.
> I researched and found a great tool: "Panic Away"
> It's a book and fully downloadable. Basically it teaches you to identify the anxiety, observe, welcome it and befriend it.
> Used this method for 2 days and seems to work for me.
> But of course, everything whether meds or books affects people in different ways. Just thought I would share my experience.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by thorthena on June 9, 2006, at 19:35:31

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?, posted by tizza on June 8, 2006, at 22:45:30

could someone detail for me the "total hell on earth to come off of"?


Re: Anxiety Issues » DuckyFlorida

Posted by Elroy on June 9, 2006, at 23:36:16

In reply to Anxiety Issues, posted by DuckyFlorida on June 9, 2006, at 10:31:58

Link to the site???

> Hi all, I am new to this blog and am really pleased at all of the information I have learned. I recently lost my job went to the Dr's, had all my systems checked and was diagnosed with an anxiety problem. I am now on Effexor XR (just finished my 2nd week) along with Ambien CR (to help me sleep) and Xanax ( 0.5 mg).
> These all seem to be working for me, but I do have my periods when things are not bad.
> I researched and found a great tool: "Panic Away"
> It's a book and fully downloadable. Basically it teaches you to identify the anxiety, observe, welcome it and befriend it.
> Used this method for 2 days and seems to work for me.
> But of course, everything whether meds or books affects people in different ways. Just thought I would share my experience.


Redirect: coming off

Posted by Dr. Bob on June 10, 2006, at 2:05:30

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?, posted by thorthena on June 9, 2006, at 19:35:31

> could someone detail for me the "total hell on earth to come off of"?

Welcome! And sorry if it's confusing here, but I'd like to redirect follow-ups regarding coming off to Psycho-Babble Withdrawal. Here's a link:




Re: This is not worth the risk

Posted by detroitpistons on June 10, 2006, at 10:44:16

In reply to Re: This is not worth the risk, posted by pulse on June 8, 2006, at 19:51:56

I second that.

> even tho you want no more drugs, what problem can you (or ANYONE ) possibly have with having a gp prescribe 2 weeks worth of 10 mg. prozac - thus ridding yourself/ themselves of all withdrawal symptoms, especially the scary electric shocks in head bit?!! most plain ole gps now know of this very tried and true trick because it works.
> note: do this after down to & stopped the lowest dosage (37.5 mg.), where you already are.
> kids take their own bitter pill - cough medicine - even when they hate being sick, and hate the taste...BECAUSE they no longer want to be on the evil cough mediciine ...and they want to get WELL.
> prozac is energizing at first for most, so you'd likely also not have this lethargy. then, since prozac's half-life is around 5 days, you are then done. POOF! all problems solved and that simply.
> (over my many yrs. reading here, i've ONLY seen 1-2 ppl have a problem stopping prozac cold.)
> so, what is 2 more weeks out of your's or anyone's life, in the grand scheme of things? rational answer: nothing.


Re: Effexor Newbie

Posted by MDGIRL on June 23, 2006, at 8:29:59

In reply to Effexor Newbie, posted by lissamed on June 7, 2006, at 12:21:52


> I just started Effexor XR yesterday. I have been sleeping 16 hours a day and eating like a pig for the few hours I was up...has anyone had sucess with Effexor XR who had those sorts of syptoms. (it seems like the opposite is more common)
> One other question, I was wondering if anyone has noticed extra side effects with caffiene and Effexor XR. I felt great yesterday and today (placebo, I know) until I drank some Dr. Pepper, and I don't know if the side effects randomly kicked in then, or if it was related to the caffiene.
> Thanks


Re: Effexor Newbie

Posted by renecoston on June 23, 2006, at 8:33:53

In reply to Re: Effexor Newbie, posted by MDGIRL on June 23, 2006, at 8:29:59

I am now taking Nortriptyline and am in heaven. NO side effects at all, no drowsiness, nothing! It is a medication that is called a Tricyclic and it is working WONDERS for me!


Re: Effexor and pregnancy

Posted by Bubblebear on June 23, 2006, at 21:30:54

In reply to Re: EFFEXOR XR is great but the excess WEIGHT is NOT, posted by jealibeanz on June 3, 2006, at 0:55:10

Hi I'm an Australian mum who was diagnosed with post-natal depression and anxiety last July. I was prescribed Lexapro (20mg) and felt instantly better - I was fine until about 2 months ago when I relapsed. I have now been taking Effexor (225mg) for about 3 weeks (and I'm yet to notice a real improvement). My question is regarding pregnancy - we'd like to try for another baby in about 6 months. Has anyone else heard whether Effexor (or any other ADs) are safe to use during pregnancy? I've heard that Prozac is considered ok, is it easy to switch from Effexor to Prozac? I know I should ask my doctor but I won't be seeing him for a month as he is away on holidays! Thanks in advance.


Re: Effexor Newbie » renecoston

Posted by BiPolar Mama on June 30, 2006, at 2:10:49

In reply to Re: Effexor Newbie, posted by renecoston on June 23, 2006, at 8:33:53

Good Morning,

I am new to Efferol XR I just started taking it yesterday. I realize it is too soon to show any side effects or relief. I am starting out on 37.5 mg 1 time a day. I am also using Zoloft 200mg 1 time daily and 3mg of Melatonin at nite to try to sleep. I tried Klonopin but it made me feel like a zombie. I am unable to use Prozac *adverse side effects- 60 lbs gained in one months time, nausea, "speed" effect*. I am unable to use Wellbutrin because I have a history of seizures.

I do realize that these same drugs do not cause the same reactions in other people. So the "scary Stories" I have read on these threads do not scare me though I know that other people may be experiencing them. They enlighten me as to what to look for as "Side Effects". I do want to know though, is one of the side effects the feeling that your head is 'floating in the ocean'? Because I just started experiencing that weird sensation today 5 hrs after my first dose. *just wondering*

My Family Doctor placed me on a No Carb/Low Carb diet that has helped me to lose 22 lbs in the past 3 mos while on the Zoloft. She prescribed the Effexor on my visit day before yesterday because the panic attacks, depression, fear and despair are becoming increasingly disabilitating.

Does any one know if this combination of medicines is helpful with BiPolar/Agoaphobia? That is the diagnosis I have received. I hate the fact that once I loved to go to concerts and be in huge crowds, now I cry when I have to leave my house. I also hate the fact that all I want to do is sit at my computer and cry. The dark ideas that sift into my mind, I have to constantly push to the side.

Looking Hopelessly for Hope!

BiPolar Mama


Re: effexor and drinking

Posted by Lorissa on July 5, 2006, at 15:04:29

In reply to Re: effexor and drinking, posted by maggie on April 17, 2000, at 19:18:38

I started with a week of 37.5 and now a few month of 75. I held off drinking for a bit, then on a night I wasn't driving, had a few. The only real effect I noticed was a big hot flash with the first drink.

Overall I have noticed I sweat more while on Effexor. So does a friend of mine who's on a much higher dose for bi-polar/schizo. Anyone else?

> I drink moderately while on 150mg of effexor xr
> and have no problems with it at all.
> I started taking effexor about 4 weeks ago (and still have the side effects of nausea, sleepiness, headaches and loss of appetite). I've tried aropax and zoloft (both which made me really sick) and doxepin for about a year (which didn't make me sick but didn't actually help_
> > Just wondering if anyone knows about the effects of drinking and taking certain drugs when on effexor. Is it too risky?
> > I drank the other weekend and just felt a bit worse than usual.
> > Thanks if anyone can help

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