Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Re: Effexor and alcohol use and thoughts

Posted by Kotari on May 6, 2005, at 13:15:47

In reply to Effexor and alcohol use and thoughts, posted by Mr.Scott on May 6, 2005, at 10:45:49


I did experience akasthesia on the low dose of zyprexa - literally could not sit still and wanted to jump out of my skin. It would only last for 15-20 mins., but very uncomfortable. Never had anything like that with the effexor, but I recently have been trying to increase my dose above 75 mg. and have been nervously chewing my fingers to bits. Very unattractive.

I am interested in what you said about DOPAMINE. The psych who wanted me to increase the effexor said I would get more dopamine with the higher dose and my sex drive would improve. I think that increasng the dose has caused the migraines. Did not know that low dopamine could cause that restlessness problem. Are there other effects that you know of?

I am seriously considering asking to doc to add wellbutrin to my mix, to see if I can increase dopamine that way.

Anyone else out there take this mix? I'm also taking trazadone at night and it would be great to be able to skip this and still be able to sleep.



Re: new post to effexor..........

Posted by fuji on May 6, 2005, at 20:17:34

In reply to Re: new post to effexor.........., posted by Kotari on May 6, 2005, at 8:45:15

I was on Cymbalta for 3 weeks and am in the process of going back to Effexor because I guess I felt better on Effexor. I seemed to have unatural strong cravings for food while on the Cymbata and could eat round the clock. Plus it is not one of my pharmacy plans formulary drugs so I had to pay more for it and would need to feel superb to justify the extra cost.
Also, even though addiction be it alcohol or drug stands alone as a primary disease, it is the rare addict who is not depressed or otherwise suffering with a mental disorder of which the use of alcohol and drugs initially was used for self-medication. My opinion of course based on being an addict and working in the field.


Re: Prostatitis Side Effect....

Posted by Elroy on May 6, 2005, at 21:50:28

In reply to Re: Alcoholism - side effect??, posted by redjr on May 5, 2005, at 9:43:01

Yes, major, MAJOR problem with prostatitis type sensations with Effexor. Also same-same with Cymbalta, just took Cymbalta longer for the effects to surface. Bad news is that while the symptoms aren't as bad (since I stopped), they haven't gone away completely either. My urologist says that since it's a "non bacteria prostatitis" that there's not much he can do! Suggested maybe Elmiron (which is actually for IC and takes 3 - 6 months to take full effect)!!!

> Wendigo,
> Thanks for such an open and honest post about your personal experience with Effexor and alcohol tendencies. I don't have the drinking tendencies, but I'm thinking about switching from Effexor (75mg) to something else due to the negative sexual side effects I've been having - along with the Prostatitis symptoms. I like sex too much for it to be interferred with by an AD drug!
> redjr..


Re: Alcoholism - side effect?? » Chairman_MAO

Posted by Elroy on May 6, 2005, at 22:36:40

In reply to Re: Alcoholism - side effect?? » absolute, posted by Chairman_MAO on May 5, 2005, at 16:26:36

RE: Increased alcohol consumption on an SSRI indicates, among other things, that the drug IS NOT WORKING, IMHO.



> I've always thought the SSRI alcoholism thing is a result of either
> a) the SSRIs perturbing the normal functioning of some neural circuitry, e.g. through inhibition of DA activity, etc.
> or b) the SSRI inducing some anxiety along with apathy that can only be remedied by drinking alcohol.
> NOTE: When I was on SSRIs, my pot consumption skyrocketed and I developed a habit of heavy use that only now, years later, on the right meds, have brought back to healthy levels.
> When the SSRI user consumes alcohol, my groundless hypothesis states that they feel emotional release and pleasure again along with the effect of the SSRI, which makes it more difficult to experience the adverse effects of the alcohol and increases its pro-social action.
> Increased substance abuse upon SSRI use I feel is one of "big pharma psychiatry's"--that is, conventional "SSRI-go-round" prescribing habits--dirty little secrets, and it disgusts me. If they put those people on buprenorphine (or perhaps phenelzine) instead, they'd probably drink LESS. Increased alcohol consumption on an SSRI indicates, among other things, that the drug IS NOT WORKING, IMHO.


woke up with swollen hand and arm

Posted by jubilee on May 7, 2005, at 8:51:34

In reply to Re: double double quotes » Dr. Bob, posted by winddancer on April 23, 2005, at 21:48:36

Woke up w/ swollen arm and hand twice this week . any ideas? Took Symbrax for 3 days last week and it happened , but I stopped. but stoped and didnt have a problem . Think it my neck or the med ? Going to dr on monday.Jubilee


Re: Effexor and alcohol use and thoughts » Kotari

Posted by Mr.Scott on May 7, 2005, at 9:18:23

In reply to Re: Effexor and alcohol use and thoughts, posted by Kotari on May 6, 2005, at 13:15:47


I've never heard anyone report improved sex drive from Effexor at any dose. Perhaps if you're near incapacitated, any antidepressant will help but wellbutrin is reportedly more likely than Effexor to achieve this. Don't expect much dopamine action from Effexor and certainly not until around 300mg. However, wellbutrin made 'me' climb the walls while amphetamine does not!! Effex might be causing the headaches, these meds elude even their manufacturers understanding. If the headaches are new it probably is the cause.

In a nut shell...increasing serotonin inhibits the action of dopamine in the nigra-striatal region of the brain (differently for everyone, and with varying sensitivities). In this region dopamine acts as an 'inhibitory' neurotransmitter over acetycholine. This region is frequently associated with movement among other things. Through this cascade of increasing serotonin leading to decreased dopamine and increased acetycholine 'can' a person experience akathisia and other EPS symptoms. Not common from ssri/snri's but it does happen. When it does think of parkinson's symptoms, and related changes in muscle tone or rigidity, restlessness, etc.

But I would say if you can't tolerate the side effects of a higher dose, or/and you feel you need more antidepressant action you should talk to your doc. Thats what they get paid for.

To listen to us whine and ask for pills :-)!

> Scott,
> I did experience akasthesia on the low dose of zyprexa - literally could not sit still and wanted to jump out of my skin. It would only last for 15-20 mins., but very uncomfortable. Never had anything like that with the effexor, but I recently have been trying to increase my dose above 75 mg. and have been nervously chewing my fingers to bits. Very unattractive.
> I am interested in what you said about DOPAMINE. The psych who wanted me to increase the effexor said I would get more dopamine with the higher dose and my sex drive would improve. I think that increasng the dose has caused the migraines. Did not know that low dopamine could cause that restlessness problem. Are there other effects that you know of?
> I am seriously considering asking to doc to add wellbutrin to my mix, to see if I can increase dopamine that way.
> Anyone else out there take this mix? I'm also taking trazadone at night and it would be great to be able to skip this and still be able to sleep.
> Kotari


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by StayceeIB on May 7, 2005, at 11:27:15

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? » StayceeIB, posted by Corafree on April 23, 2005, at 2:33:27

What is BEnzo?? NO I never took EFFEXOR :( just put it away got to scared... ER went once they gav eme xanax ..I take ativan daily noy sure if it helps....can i beat this without meds??

> So sorry, really sorry you are having soooo much anxiety. You really need to get that under control. The only AD I ever took that helped w/ anxiety is Effexor-XR. Did you take it? Did it help? You cannot go on 24/7 anxiety. Someone needs to help you find something to slow what sounds like is out of control. It sounds so bad to me, I worry, do you think maybe you should go to an ER (as much as they are hard to handle)? I don't know what are your circumstances, your age, your support people. Your body is alerting you to a 'stress overload'. You've got to have help to get that awful constant anxiety under control. I pray 37.5 Effexor-XR will help you. If you can take a few days more of this ... this is the one AD for anxiety. I am inclined to suggest a benzo might be necessary for you. Have you given that any thought? You are in my thoughts and prayers, cf


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by StayceeIB on May 7, 2005, at 11:35:34

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?, posted by redjr on May 3, 2005, at 8:11:25

I am worried about the heart factor...I have a heart murmer ....also i occasionally smoke MJ so i am afraid of adverse reaction..Really this drug scaressssss me..any other advice


Re: Effexor and alcohol use and thoughts

Posted by StayceeIB on May 7, 2005, at 11:43:47

In reply to Re: Effexor and alcohol use and thoughts » Kotari, posted by Mr.Scott on May 7, 2005, at 9:18:23

amphetamine ??? Effexor Xr has amphetamines????
As for asking the doc nerver even made eye contact with me :(


Re: Effexor and alcohol use and thoughts » Mr.Scott

Posted by Chairman_MAO on May 7, 2005, at 13:38:19

In reply to Effexor and alcohol use and thoughts, posted by Mr.Scott on May 6, 2005, at 10:45:49

I agree with the akathesia hypothesis. That is part of why many people increase their substance use/abue on SSRIs, IMHO. The two other other reasons I believe are:

1) The SSRIs flatten out emotions so much that people are eager to feel ANYTHING different, and substances do that.

2) The SSRI mitigates the undesirable side effects of the other drug, such as SSRIs eliminating pot paranoia, for example.

These SSRI drugs are bad karma, man. Laugh at me if you want, but I don't think I've ever had anyone tell me in person they liked taking an SSRI.


Re: Effexor and alcohol use and thoughts

Posted by Phillipa on May 7, 2005, at 18:17:00

In reply to Re: Effexor and alcohol use and thoughts » Mr.Scott, posted by Chairman_MAO on May 7, 2005, at 13:38:19

Staycee, A benzo is something to calm you. You are taking a benzo right now if I read your post correctly. Ativan is a benzodiazepine. Also valium, xanax, klonopin, tranxene. Someone else help me out if I've forgotten any. Fondly, Phillipa


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? YES!

Posted by 1Emily on May 8, 2005, at 18:46:36

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? YES! , posted by Shel on July 18, 2000, at 1:35:45

I have been on effexor for 9 days at 37.5 mgs time released caps. I just sleep and am not getting any work done. Should I stop? This may not be the right medication for me. I am suffering from situational depression. In my life I have suffered such depressions two times that I can remember otherwise I am generally not depressions.


Re: Effexor and alcohol use and thoughts

Posted by Kotari on May 9, 2005, at 7:59:13

In reply to Re: Effexor and alcohol use and thoughts » Kotari, posted by Mr.Scott on May 7, 2005, at 9:18:23


Thanks much for the Info. I do think trying to increase my dose of effexor above 75 mg is what triggered the headaches. I had similar headaches and vertigo type symptoms when I first began these meds, but only just now made the connection. These are some powerful meds. In my opinion, effexor DOES work on neuropathic pain, just like the claims for cymbalta, although it was not tested for that as cymbalta was. I think I'll stick with the effexor at this dose and maybe try adding the wellbutrin. But I WILL ask my doc.

> Hi,
> I've never heard anyone report improved sex drive from Effexor at any dose. Perhaps if you're near incapacitated, any antidepressant will help but wellbutrin is reportedly more likely than Effexor to achieve this. Don't expect much dopamine action from Effexor and certainly not until around 300mg. However, wellbutrin made 'me' climb the walls while amphetamine does not!! Effex might be causing the headaches, these meds elude even their manufacturers understanding. If the headaches are new it probably is the cause.
> In a nut shell...increasing serotonin inhibits the action of dopamine in the nigra-striatal region of the brain (differently for everyone, and with varying sensitivities). In this region dopamine acts as an 'inhibitory' neurotransmitter over acetycholine. This region is frequently associated with movement among other things. Through this cascade of increasing serotonin leading to decreased dopamine and increased acetycholine 'can' a person experience akathisia and other EPS symptoms. Not common from ssri/snri's but it does happen. When it does think of parkinson's symptoms, and related changes in muscle tone or rigidity, restlessness, etc.
> But I would say if you can't tolerate the side effects of a higher dose, or/and you feel you need more antidepressant action you should talk to your doc. Thats what they get paid for.
> To listen to us whine and ask for pills :-)!
> > Scott,
> >
> > I did experience akasthesia on the low dose of zyprexa - literally could not sit still and wanted to jump out of my skin. It would only last for 15-20 mins., but very uncomfortable. Never had anything like that with the effexor, but I recently have been trying to increase my dose above 75 mg. and have been nervously chewing my fingers to bits. Very unattractive.
> >
> > I am interested in what you said about DOPAMINE. The psych who wanted me to increase the effexor said I would get more dopamine with the higher dose and my sex drive would improve. I think that increasng the dose has caused the migraines. Did not know that low dopamine could cause that restlessness problem. Are there other effects that you know of?
> >
> > I am seriously considering asking to doc to add wellbutrin to my mix, to see if I can increase dopamine that way.
> >
> > Anyone else out there take this mix? I'm also taking trazadone at night and it would be great to be able to skip this and still be able to sleep.
> >
> > Kotari
> >


Re: Effexor = No sleep

Posted by Liz1977 on May 11, 2005, at 1:36:39

In reply to Effexor = No sleep, posted by heather3781 on April 15, 2005, at 10:35:16

Heather I had the same exact side effects. Sitting at work and unable to stop tappin my foot or fidgeting.. The side effects got worse too.I had horrible hot flashes and sweats a LOT.. felt faint a lot.. I was a motor mouth.. talked so quickly and TOO MUCH! lol lost a pile of weight.. I think from all that fidgeting! :)Eventually I got off it. The side effects weren't worth it. Although I did feel great from what I remember. Another side effect was being forgetful :) I have a few friends who were on it and they all had the same or WORSE side effects. I'm on St. John Wort and 5-HTP now.. herbal remedies.
IF any of you are sick of the antidepressants might want to check out this forum:
Everything you ever wanted to know about starting.


Re: Combinig Trazodone w/ Effexor ....working well

Posted by jadedmystry on May 13, 2005, at 14:04:38

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

I have never been on different meds for over a year for depression, conditon spun out of control and could have been fatal, doctor gave me Trazodone with Effexor as a combo over 2 1/2 months ago. The combo works very well for me, and I feel good, but I do have the jittery side effects I have seen everyone mention, but no insomnia, the trazodone helps that, and I have lost 15 lbs, but I am happy about that.


Re: Combinig Trazodone w/ Effexor ....working well » jadedmystry

Posted by corafree on May 15, 2005, at 17:20:07

In reply to Re: Combinig Trazodone w/ Effexor ....working well, posted by jadedmystry on May 13, 2005, at 14:04:38

That is my old combo ...

Effexor-XR day and trazodone for sleep. You have to get sleep. It did work well.

Best wishes, cf


Effexor w/ Traz or Remeron; which better for sleep

Posted by Sabino on May 15, 2005, at 21:07:52

In reply to Re: Combinig Trazodone w/ Effexor ....working well » jadedmystry, posted by corafree on May 15, 2005, at 17:20:07

Just curious, anyone tried both Remeron and Trazadone, and if so, which do you prefer (just for sleep, not for AD effect)?

This is my 19th day on Eff XR, (4th on 150 mgs). Had the daytime fatigue, dry mouth, and insomnia at night upon starting. I did 37.5 for two days, but then I decided that with my really fast metabolism, I needed to dose twice daily, so then I did 37.5 twice daily for about 5 or 6 days, then 112.5 for about a week, and the last 4 days at 150 (75 at 10 a.m., and 75 at 5 p.m). Think I read where you were doing likewise.

All the side effects except the insomnia had pretty much resolved in about two weeks.

I had to take a couple of weeks off because of depression and anxiety for the first time in my life. I've had both those issues for many, many years, but never had to take more than the occasional day off because of them, but I got to the point where I needed to either try to fix those issues, or otherwise make my exit.

Have tried a bunch of antidepressants in the past 11 years. I found the side effects to be so bothersome that I only really took two at what could be called therapeutic doses, but even with them, I could only handle them on the low end of the scale. I took Zoloft (50 and 100 variably), and Remeron, mostly at 15mgs.

With the fast metabolism, I burn right through drugs.

So now, this recent try of Effexor XR. Fully expected to feel terrible from it, but to my surprise the side effects have not been bad. Fairly easily tolerated (being home from work the last 3 weeks as I've tried this has helped).

I'm not crazy about Remeron. I think it causes a lot of lability in me (so does Serzone), but with this Effexor insomnia, Ambien doesn't even put a dent in it, so I take a puny amount of Remeron (7.5 mg) to aid sleep.

I'm really hoping Effexor works. I've never been in full remission, (partial is the best I've managed), and I've been depressed since I was a teenager, and I'm a 49 year old male.

Sorry for the long post, and thanks for listening.


Re: Effexor w/ Traz or Remeron; which better for sleep » Sabino

Posted by corafree on May 15, 2005, at 21:51:10

In reply to Effexor w/ Traz or Remeron; which better for sleep, posted by Sabino on May 15, 2005, at 21:07:52

No Remeron use here; traz just worked fine and had no hang-over feelings. If your curious that I say was on, it is because I am now on mood stabilizers. Boy am I getting fat!!! I laugh and think I look like the girl on Willie Wonka that turned into the blueberry! Everybody knows her right?? I'm sorry, as to your post, just wanted you to know never had reason to try Remeron; at least never suggested for any reason. cf


Re: Effexor w/ Traz or Remeron; which better for sleep

Posted by 4WD on May 15, 2005, at 22:28:46

In reply to Effexor w/ Traz or Remeron; which better for sleep, posted by Sabino on May 15, 2005, at 21:07:52

Trazadone worked well for sleep for me. Start low, though. The first time I took it, I took half a pill and slept twelve hours. It took a few days to get used to it and not feel hung over. I couldn't continue taking it, though because after a few days I started getting restless legs really really badly.


Re: effexor xr and side effects

Posted by jonnie on May 16, 2005, at 0:04:21

In reply to Re: effexor xr and side effects, posted by Cindy W on April 23, 2000, at 20:48:09

I was suppose to start Effexor XR a couple of weeks ago, but i am to nervous about the possible sexual side effects. For me sexual side effects are as bad as the original problem i'm trying to fix - i.e. depression.

Should i even bother with Effexor XR


Re: Effexor w/ Traz or Remeron; which better for sleep

Posted by jadedmystry on May 16, 2005, at 9:04:57

In reply to Effexor w/ Traz or Remeron; which better for sleep, posted by Sabino on May 15, 2005, at 21:07:52

Don't worry about having a long story to tell, it is better out than in, and we are here to share. I don't mean to be intrusive, but I just wanted to comment and ask you a question. I have just recently missed time at work for the first time since I have been diagnosed. It became impossible for me to function. I just wondered if you did anything besides the meds. I decided to see a therapist, because I know for me that the meds are no longer enough. I guess I am asking did you do anything that helped you get thru besides the medication. If I put you on the spot I am sorry, I don't mean to pry. By all means let me know if it is none of my buisness.


Re: effexor xr and side effects

Posted by jadedmystry on May 16, 2005, at 9:19:37

In reply to Re: effexor xr and side effects, posted by jonnie on May 16, 2005, at 0:04:21

> I was suppose to start Effexor XR a couple of weeks ago, but i am to nervous about the possible sexual side effects. For me sexual side effects are as bad as the original problem i'm trying to fix - i.e. depression.
> Should i even bother with Effexor XR be honest there are some effects, or at least it was for me. Some days I had very heightened awareness, a simple touch drove me up the wall, needless to say I avoided walking in crowds those days, and then there were days that I was totally uninterested, and could not get exited if I wanted to. I had more days where I was feeling nothing, than those intense days. So you do have to factor that in to your decision. Of course everyone is different, it may not affect you at all.


Re: Effexor w/ Traz or Remeron; which better for sleep

Posted by redjr on May 16, 2005, at 11:01:15

In reply to Effexor w/ Traz or Remeron; which better for sleep, posted by Sabino on May 15, 2005, at 21:07:52


I was on Effexor for about 2 weeks before my GP switched me to Cymbalta. Besides having negative sexual side effects, I was still plagued with insomnia. She thought that maybe the Cymbalta would help both. Well, after being on Cymbalta for 10 days now, I can honestly say it has not fixed the sexual side effects, nor lessened the insomnia. I too, have a high metabolism - since being a teenager. Most of my adult life I have been taking Elavil (in small amounts) just as a sleep agent and not for depression. Since starting the recent, new drug therapy for depression however, my GP took me off the Elavil and put me on Ambien for sleep. Well, like you say, Ambien has worked with limited success for me and never effectively overcame the side-effects of either the Effexor, or Cymbalta. Not being able to get a good, sound nights sleep alone can lead to depression! Not to mention a host of other issues that we as adults should not have to worry about during our day - when we're just trying to survive in the first place. On a ppositive note, I must say that from a mood standpoint, the Effexor was far more effective than the Cymbalta has been. I generally felt better (more upbeat) on the Effexor than now on the Cymbalta.

So, having said all of that, I have another appointment with my GP in a couple of weeks, and I'm going to suggest she switch me to Remeron. I understand it's not as bad on the sexual side effects, but I also realaize that everyone is different and can be affected differently by these drugs. Hopefully it will help with the insomnia as well.

Another new sleep drug that been advertised recently is Lunesta. Maybe you've seen the ads. It supposed to provide a better nights sleep without the next-day groggy feelings. And it has been approved for long term use for us stubborn insomniacs! I may investigate the use of this instead of Ambien as a longer term solution to my sleep issues if they cannot be resolved with the normal treatment of the ADs.

I am a 53 yr old male.



Re: effexor xr and side effects

Posted by redjr on May 16, 2005, at 13:11:32

In reply to Re: effexor xr and side effects, posted by jonnie on May 16, 2005, at 0:04:21

> I was suppose to start Effexor XR a couple of weeks ago, but i am to nervous about the possible sexual side effects. For me sexual side effects are as bad as the original problem i'm trying to fix - i.e. depression.
> Should i even bother with Effexor XR

I was on Effexor for a couple of weeks before switching to Cmybalta due to the negative sexual side affects and insomnia. However, the Cymbalta hasn't been much better. If anything, it has been worse on my mood and side affects! Supposedly, the sustained dosage levels of these ADs can dramatically alter the early side affects. So, maybe it was a time factor for me. Everyone is different though.

Insmonia is my biggest problem now, as I just can't function on 3-4 hours of sleep a night - restless sleep at that! I'm taking Ambien, but that seems to be a hit or miss proposition. I'm going to suggest to my GP I try Lunesta which is a brand new sleep agent/drug approved for longer term use.

Effexor was effective at controlling my mood and depression though.



Re: Effexor w/ Traz or Remeron; better sleep Cora

Posted by Sabino on May 16, 2005, at 19:34:11

In reply to Re: Effexor w/ Traz or Remeron; which better for sleep » Sabino, posted by corafree on May 15, 2005, at 21:51:10

Well, better fat and happy, than thin and depressed... at least I think so.

I'm still working on the happy part, and hoping Effexor will work.

Hope you're doing well. No AD's; just mood stabilizer? How's that working out?

Take care.

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