Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Re: Armour Thyroid » Troubled1

Posted by dancingstar on February 12, 2005, at 10:37:27

In reply to Re: Armour Thyroid, posted by Troubled1 on February 11, 2005, at 22:31:10

My Harvard-trained, somewhat holistic, integrative medicine/internist began to test my thyroid because I couldn't get my weight to drop from around 150 to my more natural 125-135 and because I was exceedingly sleepy and in severe pain. At the time I was still exercising regularly and taught several classes at gyms (for fun, not profit.)

He has always preferred Armour thyroid, and I have had very good results with it, though I didn't really lose weight nor truly get my energy back until after I stopped taking EffexorXR. Nothing, absolutely nothing, would help me with those problems, and I had no idea what was wrong with me...nor did he as my bloodwork was normal besides the thyroid.

Yep, Armour thyroid is an animal product, but it's been around forever, and with all of the problems associated with the newer drugs, I would rather take the ones that have been on the market for 25 or more years if I have to take any drugs at all. From what I can tell, most of the holistic docs, lean towards Armour, and all I can say is that it works for me, though as with all things, I'm sure it does not work for everyone.


Re: Why worst fears realized » Blucky

Posted by dancingstar on February 12, 2005, at 10:44:23

In reply to Why worst fears realized, posted by Blucky on February 11, 2005, at 22:42:31

I did it. You might as well expect the best because the reactions seem to vary from person to person. For some people it only takes a week to recover, but from what I hear it's best to cut back slowly and give your body a chance to adjust to the change.

Best of luck to you!


Re: Why worst fears realized » Blucky

Posted by woodie on February 12, 2005, at 12:07:36

In reply to Why worst fears realized, posted by Blucky on February 11, 2005, at 22:42:31

I am certainly not an expert, but in both my previous attempts at stopping, most of the 'body' symptoms (nausea, dizziness, generally feeling like you're back in the 60's on a bad acid trip) dissipated to next to nil after about two weeks (that was after a veeerrry slow tapering of the dose over a couple months). The bit that destroyed me was the emotional meltdown that happened after most of the physical stuff passed. I didn't realize that a 'rebound depression' was part of the withdrawal. When I started crying and couldn't stop for days, I figured I must really need this drug. Even knowing, I'm not sure I will be able to keep from going back on it. The meltdown is completely debilitating and downright scary.

That's probably not much help...sorry. I am on my third try, having a tougher time with the physical weirdnesses, but coping. I am trying to use some of the supplements and remedies that have been suggested here, and they seem to help. If it would help you to know what may be down the road for you, and the timeline I'm experiencing, I'd be happy to keep you posted.

Currently, I'm taking a little tiny bit of a 37.5 mg tablet (about 1/8th of it) daily. I started out on 75 mg XR about nine weeks ago, so that's how long it's taken so far.

I am so thankful for the information, support and sense of community provided by the people who are part of this site.

Best of luck to you and to everyone taking this journey.


Re: Why worst fears realized

Posted by dancingstar on February 12, 2005, at 12:17:39

In reply to Re: Why worst fears realized » Blucky, posted by woodie on February 12, 2005, at 12:07:36

It just goes to show how different we all are; for me it was and is the physical problems. I didn't know that all of my physical problems were related to Effexor until I stopped taking it and got so sick, which forced me to do all the research.

But I never took the drug for depression. It did cause me to have a bit of it, though.

This won't make you feel much better, but you might find it helpful. If not, I'm sure I can find other links :-) :


Re: Comments for all who've written since Feb. 5/05 » Phillipa

Posted by dancingstar on February 12, 2005, at 20:14:00

In reply to Re: Comments for all who've written since Feb. 5/05 » corafree, posted by Phillipa on February 10, 2005, at 16:59:25

I'd be willing to bet that it has to do with Effexor, but I don't understand why it has that sort of reaction. It is a very powerful drug.

Here is why I say this: During the time I was on Effexor, I was prone to all sorts of bizarre infections that led me to think that I had auto-immune difficulties...but I don't. Now I no longer get any kind of infections. It only happened during the time I was on Effexor, and it's gone now. I had to take mega-antibiotics to cure these things. It scared me half to death cause I had no idea what was wrong with my body. Even my face has slimmed back down since I've stopped taking the drug. My whole body has changed. If I had any idea that I was so senstive to it, I would have cut it out years ago.


Re: Armour Thyroid--Troubled

Posted by Daky on February 12, 2005, at 20:39:06

In reply to Re: Armour Thyroid, posted by Troubled1 on February 11, 2005, at 22:31:10

The synthetic T3 is called Cytomel. It is approximately 4 times more potent than T4 so many docs will reduce the T4 meds when introducing Cytomel.


Re: Why worst fears realized » dancingstar

Posted by tatarka on February 12, 2005, at 20:43:09

In reply to Re: Why worst fears realized, posted by dancingstar on February 12, 2005, at 12:17:39

Thank you for this link - i found there some interesting info, including this link where I found some products that help to elevate mood, balance immune system and so on. I'm just a bit concerned about the prices there - could you take a look?
P.S.: Thanks for all your help. Your postings made me worried about what i'm doing with my body :-) I'm second day tappering off Effexor - so far so good, just a headache and nightmare last night, but I had them on Effexor too. I'm planning to take a tab (I'm on 75mg) when I'll feel like can't take it anymore and then continue getting off this thing until I'll get really sick again, - will take a tab again and so on, until I'll be free :-)


P.S.: forgot to post a link

Posted by tatarka on February 12, 2005, at 20:44:36

In reply to Re: Why worst fears realized » dancingstar, posted by tatarka on February 12, 2005, at 20:43:09


Reply to Blucky re Effexor withdrawal

Posted by Troubled1 on February 12, 2005, at 21:04:01

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

Sorry I haven't updated lately re my effexor withdrawal as I've been caught up in the hypothyroid discussions. I've lost track of how many days it's been since I went cold turkey after reducing dose of 225 to 75 (I think it's been about 6 days now). After about 3 days on 75,even though I was feeling a bit dizzy and nauseous, I just threw my effexor in the garbage. Read my above posts re how I felt for first few days. Since last post re that, my irritability has improved but not completely gone away. It takes a really annoying person to set it off though. Doesn't seem to be there consistently i.e. I'm not looking for a target, I prefer to be tranquil, but a certain family member who has been emotionally abusive throughout my whole life, will send me into a screaming match easily. Perhaps I should have done more of this before instead of bottling it up and getting sick over it. The interesting thing about the withdrawal symptoms is that I feel a bit differently each day. It is very strange. First just physically sick, then more irritable, then really climbing the walls restlessness, but this could be alleviated by simply taking a short drive to the store. Once I returned home, I could relax. Today, after an argument with above person, I am feeling extreme anger towards this person (with good reason). Physically, I am still nauseous and a bit dizzy but Gravol and eating regularly keeps this under control. The only mood-related symptom that seems to be consistent so far is crying. I am crying far more easily than I had been but have not retreated into the heavy duty depression that caused me to be placed on Effexor originally. I will NEVER go back on Effexor. I would be far more willing to go back on Zoloft or Welbutrin as neither of these caused the horrific physical problems for me that Effexor has. I was not the least bit fatigued or foggy on the others, I just didn't feel that my depression was lifted as much as should be possible, although, my mood did improve on them. Of course, since each person is different, these drugs may be worse for others than Effexor. Can't see how you can get much worse than Effexor side effects, though. I will be seeing a new GP next week who hasn't been out of med school that long and is just opening up her own practice here. I am very interested in seeing what she recommends for my condition as opposed to my older, more experienced doc who didn't want to listen to me when I suggested that my physical symptoms may be due to Effexor or my hypothyroidism. I was so ticked off at him that I didn't even consult him re going off Effexor. He doesn't even know yet. Anyway, best of luck with getting off Effexor. Don't be too tempted to go back on just because withdrawal is difficult. You will never know for sure what is the drug and what is you naturally until Effexor is completely out of your system. I've heard that it could take about a month after completely being off of it to feel "normal" again. If you are feeling unable to cope or God forbid, suicidal, seek emergency help. They can likely give you something other than Effexor to take edge off. Remember, we are all here for you as well to help you through. Take care of yourself and keep us updated, please.



Re: Why worst fears realized » tatarka

Posted by dancingstar on February 13, 2005, at 0:21:19

In reply to Re: Why worst fears realized » dancingstar, posted by tatarka on February 12, 2005, at 20:43:09

Hey Tartaka,

Yes, they say that I make people worry about that sort of thing around here. I'm glad. I just want people to do very careful research before taking such a powerful drug. If someone has very severe depression, this drug may be good for them, but I'm not convinced.

I read something...and now I cannot find it to save my life, but I'm sure it will turn up again. Anyway, it showed some statisitcs about how all of these antidepressants were pretty bogus at ultimately relieving depression for more than a matter of weeks. The author of this article felt that pdocs leaned way too heavily on them. The thing I have a problem with is how do we know after we've taken a drug for a while whether or not it is doing us any good or whether it has instead begun to cause us harm? I would never have suspected that Effexor was doing as much damage to me as it was doing, but I may be more sensitive than most. I don't know.

About the link, I wish I could help you; but I don't know anything about those products or what they normally cost. Maybe someone else here knows and can let you know. I'm really sorry.

About feeling terrible from the withdrawal, yep, some of us feel awful when we stop taking E, but I lived, and honest to goodness, no one could have felt worse than I did after I stopped taking Effexor. I thought I'd die at one point three weeks in. I'm pretty much okay now. Still have that prickly feeling whenever I get tense, a bit of colitis, and some neck pain...but I did it cold turkey without knowing any better, and like I say, I think I had it as bad as it gets. (There's rumour of a genetic component to the withdrawal drama, something about a "European gene.") My internist had not ever heard about this withdrawal issue either, and he no longer prescribes the drug, though he is not the orignal doctor that prescribed E to me.

The same thing happened to a lovely family practice doctor that I know. She was telling me just the other day that one of her patients could not stop taking Effexor; that every time she stopped, she got violently ill. This doctor, too, stopped prescribing it. And when I asked her about it, she also told me that the Wyeth rep told her that there is no withdrawal problem, no side effects. Right. One patient suffering was enough for her.

Hang in will feel better, I promise!!



Re: Why worst fears realized » dancingstar

Posted by tatarka on February 13, 2005, at 11:54:07

In reply to Re: Why worst fears realized » tatarka, posted by dancingstar on February 13, 2005, at 0:21:19

Hey Dancingstar! Thank you again for your help.
I figured that doctors are funny, at least in N.America. Since I was a kid I have some problems with my stomache - chronically extremelly low accidity (close to nil), and as a result - chronic gastritis, and as a result - sensitive stomache, I cant eat certain products (like nuts, oily stuff), I'm a vegetarian (not because of this, but it helped to reduce my stomache problems). In a country where I'm from (Russia), docs like to treat imagined problems very much, I was in the hospitals for a investigation of my problems about 10 times. They also like to prescribe us antibiotics for any reason, - I've taken them a lot when I was a kid often just to treat a cold. As a result, my immune system suffered, and I have a chronic laryngitis. They dont prescribe antidepressants so often though in Russia. At the same time, I'm a very energetic person by nature, in spite of all this sh... I was always into a sport, taught dance and aerobics for several years as an additional part-time job... Its funny because at the same time I was doing sports, doctors prescribed me to avoid of too much of physical activity (good thing that my dad was professional sportsman). Anyway, now, in Canada, when I told my psychiatrist (he has about 25 years of practice!), at the time he prescribed me antidep's that I have some chronic stomache problems, he completelly ignored it and told me that as long as I take them with food I'll be fine. When I started often to feel sick, of course I was sure that these drugs can be a reason, and told my doc about it. He was surprised and while I was in his office started a search in some huge book, after this he concluded that my sweat can be because of E, but not stomache problems. Since I felt better emotionally, I preferred to listen to him rather to my instincts and info I already found here. Now I'm in doubt: should I continue use his services, or should I find another doc? You can't help me on this one, Dancingstar, cuz you dont have psychological problems, but I still do and need somebody to talk to. I dont need those drugs, I think (at least not anymore, I feel much more stable since i started taking them: first - Remeron and Wellbutrin, and then E and Wellbutrin), but conversation session helped me even more, and I still need them. But it's a very hard work - to open your heart to the new person, that's why I'm stuck with my old one...
Sorry for this long passage, - just wanted to show how different they treat us, I guess, depending what kind of drugs are more profitable to sale: antibiotics in Russia and antidepressants in Canada :-)
Last night I hada horrible nightmares, it was bad, I was in a river of sweat (excuse the details), and I wasn't able to go to the washroom without my husband - so much I was freaked out! I was scared even of my husband. The thing that were in my dreams last night were so unusual and at the same time very real, some of them reminded of my old thoughts that I had or my old fantasies, some were just and echo of the part of the movie I saw recently (American version of "Solyaris" with George Clooney :-) - they made it a banal chiller). Anyway, maybe I dont have that "European Gene" but I still didnt throw up, but I just feel very tired and sick, have a slight headache and cant get anything done. I also feel like I'm recovering after a narcosis.
Anyway, I decided from now on listen to my body and my instincts and try not to take any synthetic drugs at all. Once I'll get off from an E I'll try to get rid of Wellbutrin as well. I THOUGHT THAT THEY WILL HELP TO SOLVE MY PROBLEMS BUT INSTEAD THEY JUST HELPED TO IGNORE THEM.


Re: Why worst fears realized » tatarka

Posted by dancingstar on February 13, 2005, at 12:36:01

In reply to Re: Why worst fears realized » dancingstar, posted by tatarka on February 13, 2005, at 11:54:07

I'm sorry that you are having such a tough time, Tartaka. I wouldn't be surprised if you do have a somewhat similar chemical makeup to mine as I am half Russian myself, my father's parents.

The only purpose of my posts is to encourage you to do your own research, to think for yourself and not accept everything that is said to you, especially when people ply you with drugs and tell you that you feel good when you don't. You are right; I wouldn't dream of telling you what to do about your current doctor with the exception of encouraging you to be aware of when you are in pain.

You will feel better, but it is awful right now, I know. I'm sure I've said it before, but I don't know if you knew that I, like you, taught kickboxing and other classes at gyms up to five times a week for fun, not profit until I was too weak and too tired to be able to do it anymore. The great news for me is that I now have my energy back. I hope that this is all over quickly for you and that you know only health and happiness very, very soon!



Re: Why worst fears realized

Posted by Blucky on February 13, 2005, at 19:20:50

In reply to Re: Why worst fears realized » tatarka, posted by dancingstar on February 13, 2005, at 12:36:01

Ok, only on my second day without the "E" and starting to feel sh*tty. I've been taking 150 for about 6 months. Feeling nauseous, diarrhea, crazy vertigo feeling....we all know that feeling. Maybe just a tad irritable. But not too bad so far! I could handle this if it doesnt get worse. Will call my doc tomorrow to let her know I'm quittin this sh*t. For those of you who quit cold turkey, what was your best remedy for the side effects? (besides more meds)


Redirect: my second day without the E

Posted by Dr. Bob on February 14, 2005, at 8:07:38

In reply to Re: Why worst fears realized, posted by Blucky on February 13, 2005, at 19:20:50

> Ok, only on my second day without the "E" and starting to feel sh*tty...

Sorry to interrupt, but I'd like to redirect follow-ups regarding withdrawal to the new Psycho-Babble Withdrawal board. Here's a link:




Re: Symptoms of Effexor: was Re: Thyroid testing » winddancer

Posted by corafree on February 15, 2005, at 14:53:55

In reply to Symptoms of Effexor: was Re: Thyroid testing » Phillipa, posted by winddancer on February 12, 2005, at 1:04:58

An ex-husband of mine had a cycle accident, injured his head, was left with no taste or smell. Have you ever had a head injury? cf


Re: Armour Thyroid » dancingstar

Posted by corafree on February 15, 2005, at 15:09:50

In reply to Re: Armour Thyroid » Troubled1, posted by dancingstar on February 12, 2005, at 10:37:27

Been in bed, heart pounding so hard, fast, breathing difficult, like palpitations and hyperventilating.

After reading hypo vs hyper thyroidism, I cut my 75s in half for the past three days.

Today went back to 75 because:

The last three days I have been hyperventilating and my heart pounding so hard and fast thought would jump out of me; my whole body shaky, jerky, certainly tremulous.

These are symptoms of hyper, I thought.

Why would I respond to less levothyroxine w/ symptoms or untreated hyperthyroidism, when would think you'd have symptoms of untreated hypo.

Can you anyone explain why this may have occurred?

Staying on my 75 am now.

Other concurrent changes:

d.c. Klonopin; titrating down
Increase Xanax from one in eve to 3x a day
Taking choline-inositol w/ caffeine

Tks cf


Re: Armour Thyroid » corafree

Posted by dancingstar on February 15, 2005, at 15:18:54

In reply to Re: Armour Thyroid » dancingstar, posted by corafree on February 15, 2005, at 15:09:50

Hi Corafree,

Maybe you should check in with your doctor cause that doesn't sound good to me. I don't know anything about any of the thyroid meds besides the one that I take...and even then I've done very little research on the subject.

I do know that there are some warning signs of taking too high a dose, though, which are supposed to be headache, diarrhea, and heart palpitations. Sounds like you may be there. Your symptoms would send me to the doctor, I do know that.

I haven't a clue as to your other meds, but as you know by now, I'm not a big fan of the pharmaceutical industry since due to my personal experiences, I have come to believe that they are not our friends ;-).

Take care of yourself, please....



Re: Symptoms of Effexor: was Re: Thyroid testing » corafree

Posted by winddancer on February 15, 2005, at 16:25:22

In reply to Re: Symptoms of Effexor: was Re: Thyroid testing » winddancer, posted by corafree on February 15, 2005, at 14:53:55

No, I've not had a head injury. My tasteless-ness began, I think, when I started taking the tranquilizers (Xanax and Klonapin) and the effexor, and I once I thought it was the anxiety and the tingly feeling from that or the tranquilizers but now I'm off them for several months and I still have the tingling, lack of much taste, so I figure its got to be the effexor. I'm now down to 75mg/day. I have some body ache and a little nausea. I'm trying a low dose of Benedryl and was able to take a nap this afternoon. I just started seeing a physical therapist for my hip and back pain and he feels I will find long-lasting relief by doing pilates type exercises, since I have very little muscle tone in my abdomen and it allows my hip bones to move around too much and get out of allignment. I'll see him once or twice a week, to add to the exercises and for supervision on doing them correctly. Not feeling well and being sort of a couch potato the past year has really taken its toll. More exercise will always help my emotional health too, as I decrease the meds. Wish me luck.



Re: Why worst fears realized- Corafree

Posted by Phillipa on February 15, 2005, at 17:18:56

In reply to Re: Why worst fears realized- Corafree, posted by Blucky on February 15, 2005, at 16:53:19

I have never had a head injury either. I believe my taste and smell disorder began last spring due to a string of emotional issues. I began lifting wts again, and the trainer was very young. I looked in a mirror while in the gym and was shocked to see how old I looked. I thought to myself 8 years of my life is gone and now I'm old. I began looking at people with a fine tooth comb looking to see if they had some defect too. Then I had Lasik surgery to my eyes so I could see 20/l5, so well that now every defect showed up. Along with this I gained wt from lifting and I started having a lot of back and joint pain. The theme getting old just won't go away. I feel I've lost the taste of life. Fondly, Phillipa


Re: Why worst fears realized- Corafree » Phillipa

Posted by winddancer on February 15, 2005, at 18:11:24

In reply to Re: Why worst fears realized- Corafree, posted by Phillipa on February 15, 2005, at 17:18:56

Hey Blucky,

Don't go there - losing the taste of life! Your comments made me laugh - maybe that's why our eyesight fails as we age - so we can't see the details to know how old we look. :-) I try not to go to the idea of my pain being from age. I really think the meds have a lot to do with it, and consequently I don't work-out as I used to, and then I feel worse because of that, and my muscles don't hold me in place - a viscious circle - so I'm going to get serious about getting back into fit shape again and get off this ridiculous medicine and stick with alternative therapies and natural solutions for any health concerns.



Thyroid OR Choline-Inositol ? palps/hyperventilate » dancingstar

Posted by corafree on February 15, 2005, at 21:40:53

In reply to Re: Armour Thyroid » corafree, posted by dancingstar on February 15, 2005, at 15:18:54

Concurrently w/ taking one-half of my 75mg levothyroxine, did the following:

After coffees in morn w/ a couple choline-inositols (500mg/500mg), think I took another couple to handle the prob' 4 pepsis I had (out of water and too shook up to go store), so that would be 4 choline-inositols in 48hrs. Didn't take them all at once, but hadn't read the bottle, just the post (duh), and bottle reads one per day.

Now I wonder maybe that was the culprit, as this is a heart indicated alternative I believe. , so thinkin' the choline-inositol could have been reason for tremors, palpitations, etc. Thought on Alternatives, posted one w/ each cup, so didn't question it.

I'm sure I deserve a good 'yelling at'. Ya know, you guys, cannot afford ambulance, or ER visit. I did ask someone and they told me to call an ambulance.

I took my 75mg levothyroxine midday today. Have not taken any choline-inositol since yesterday. I'm feeling better.

Thank you all ... I just try do what I can ... and there are just some things I can't, cf


Re: Why worst fears realized- Corafree

Posted by Phillipa on February 15, 2005, at 22:12:57

In reply to Re: Why worst fears realized- Corafree, posted by Phillipa on February 15, 2005, at 17:18:56

That's what I thought I was doing. I thought, okay I can't turn back the clock, but I can control to some extent what my body looks and feels like. So, lift wts, gain too much muscle means I look fatter and clothes don't fit. Meanwhile from so much excercise my muscles and back begin to hurt. I started a vicious cycle. And yes, I was better off wearing glasses and complaining all the time that I couldn't see. Fondly, Phillipa


Redirect: Choline-Inositol

Posted by Dr. Bob on February 15, 2005, at 23:48:45

In reply to Thyroid OR Choline-Inositol ? palps/hyperventilate » dancingstar, posted by corafree on February 15, 2005, at 21:40:53

> After coffees in morn w/ a couple choline-inositols (500mg/500mg)...

Sorry if it's confusing here, but I'd like to redirect follow-ups regarding choline-inositol to Psycho-Babble Alternative. Here's a link:




Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by elka on February 18, 2005, at 0:09:49

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by Caz on February 11, 2000, at 20:46:26

hello everybody, i was so happy to find this board! i've been going completely nuts with my side effect from effexor xr - from the day1 in addition to all other 'pleasant' stuff like severe nausea, jitterness, tiredness, fatigue, etc., i've been having very scary symptoms -severe palpitations, very irregular heart beat, skeeping beats... this happens in spite of my being physically healthy. my psydoc said that this is not common at all for effexor and she doudts that it's a side effect. but i've started to have those severe palpitations several times a day when i started effexor at the dose of 37.5 3 weeks ago! anybody experienced that? if yes, what to do with this? i'm ready to go to emr every time i have those scary stuff...i have to take klonopin to cope with palpitations and overall anxiety which had increased with effexor. any feedback will be greatly appreciated!!! good luck to all of us, searchers of better being...:)


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? » elka

Posted by dancingstar on February 18, 2005, at 1:30:47

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?, posted by elka on February 18, 2005, at 0:09:49

It sounds like your pdoc is either very inexperienced or not telling you the truth.

I can't tell you what to do, but I would never have taken it if I knew as much about it when I began to take it three years ago as I do today. Do your own research, and make your own decisions.

Best of luck to you.

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

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