Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Posted by not2late4u on January 31, 2005, at 0:43:22

In reply to RE: NEW THREAD - NEGATIVE EFFEXOR EXPERIENCE! » not2late4u, posted by S. Bartel on January 29, 2005, at 9:39:43

Sammi, I think I meant to reply that to another poster, winddancer. Sorry about that. But thats good to know that there werent any other possible drug related reasons for your liver problems. I've heard the liver is one organ that can rejuvenate itself or heal itself in alot of cases, will this be possible for your case? Or is the damage permanent and getting worse as time goes on? Just curious, if you dont mind sharing. As I have posted previously, I am now off effexor for 6 days. I just had my blood work up done a few days ago, wonder if my liver count will be included in that. But anyways, glad your energy is back and I dont advocate the use of or discourage the use of Effexor, personally. I try empathsize with those who are doing well and with those who havent or aren't. My biggest action on the board has been to help those who want to or are ready to withdraw. But also to encourage those who are doing well and choose to stay on it but to keep themselves educated with both pros and cons. Is it common for most drugs to potentially cause problems with the liver and who do you blame most, the prescribing doctors or the maker of the drug? I found a book that had effexor listed in it in 1995, I've got to get to my moms to get the name of it and see if it listed anything about possible liver damage. Curious. Renee



Posted by not2late4u on January 31, 2005, at 0:49:44

In reply to RE: NEW THREAD - POSITIVE EFFEXOR EXPERIENCE, posted by Steven1975 on January 30, 2005, at 20:26:41

steven 1975, hmmmm. my first thought was you didnt need the drug, thats why you felt better off it than on it. I havent personally read this happening to anyone. I hope someone else will be able to answer your question, maybe sbartel who posts on NEW THREAD- NEGATIVE Effexor experience. Maybe get your liver checked?? I dont know, sorry! Renee



Posted by FaithT on January 31, 2005, at 3:17:17

In reply to RE:** NEGATIVE EFFEXOR EXPERIENCE** » FaithT, posted by S. Bartel on January 30, 2005, at 22:36:50

Sorry Sammi~
I didn't realize that you had been tested all along. I didn't mean to jump in on your post...Just wanted to say that I hope in time you get better.


Re: my Effexor experience » Happy3

Posted by FaithT on January 31, 2005, at 3:23:55

In reply to Re: my Effexor experience, posted by Happy3 on January 30, 2005, at 16:56:41

Hi...Not all Exxexor experiences are bad ones,and the withdrawl doesn't have to be horrible,as Renee said. She's doing a great ob keeping a journal of her withdrawl.
If you want to, you can read my post "A Positive Effexor XR Experience", from a week or so ago. Hopefully, if will make you feel a little bit better. :-)
Hugs, Faith~



Posted by S. Bartel on January 31, 2005, at 10:46:50

In reply to RE: NEW THREAD - NEGATIVE EFFEXOR EXPERIENCE! » S. Bartel, posted by not2late4u on January 31, 2005, at 0:43:22

No, I'm sorry to say it will not reverse itself. It is permanent and will continue to get worse. It is liver disease and incurable. The only cure is a transplant. I have found others on other boards that have the same problem from effexor.
I thank you for your concern.
Bless you,



Posted by S. Bartel on January 31, 2005, at 11:42:19

In reply to RE:** NEGATIVE EFFEXOR EXPERIENCE** » S. Bartel, posted by FaithT on January 31, 2005, at 3:17:17

"RE:Effexor Withdrawl-going through it."



Posted by not2late4u on February 1, 2005, at 0:48:43

In reply to RE: NEW THREAD - NEGATIVE EFFEXOR EXPERIENCE! » not2late4u, posted by S. Bartel on January 31, 2005, at 10:46:50

sammi, I am sorry to hear that. If you dont mind I will say a prayer for your healing and comfort. , oops, really hope you didnt mind because I just did. God bless you, Renee



Posted by S. Bartel on February 1, 2005, at 12:21:56

In reply to RE: NEW THREAD - NEGATIVE EFFEXOR EXPERIENCE! » S. Bartel, posted by not2late4u on February 1, 2005, at 0:48:43

Thank you Renee


Re: Negative Effexor Experience

Posted by Troubled1 on February 2, 2005, at 0:51:14

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

Hi everyone. I just joined after stumbling on the site while seeking info on Effexor side effects. I have been on 225mg of Effexor (not XR)for almost 2 years now. I specifically requested it as I had heard good things about it and had taken Zoloft, Prozac, Welbutrin in past with only minimal success. At first, I was excited as my mood began to lift but wasn't sure if it was the meds or the fact I was off work, hence, away from major stressor in my life. I continued on it but about 1.5 years into it, I began to notice chronic fatique symptoms, increase in leg spasms, daily severe headaches (I have a history of migraines but not this frequently), brain fog, memory impairment, dizziness, vertigo, nausea, etc. I had the dry mouth, sweating, bizarre dreams and sleep talking from the beginning. I even had difficulty distinguishing between what had really happened and what had only happened in my dreams. My fatigue has continued to worsen over past few months. I sleep 10-12 hrs per night, awaken in a drugged-like condition, drag my butt around just to do the bare minimum like personal hygiene and a bit of housework, then feel exhausted, eyes get very heavy, and I must go rest in bed for several hours before I can think about doing something else. I have now decided to wean myself off of the Effexor in the hopes of feeling like myself again. It is important to note that, despite a diagnosis of major depression with anxiety, I did not feel this way prior to the Effexor or on any other anti-depressant in past. It is a Godsend to find that others are experiencing similar things. Will keep you posted during my weaning off Effexor and what happens thereafter. Hang in there everyone. I look forward to reading your postings.


Re: Negative Effexor Experience » Troubled1

Posted by not2late4u on February 2, 2005, at 1:17:35

In reply to Re: Negative Effexor Experience, posted by Troubled1 on February 2, 2005, at 0:51:14

I can relate to some of those symptoms myself. If you need help tapering off, today is I think day 8 that I have been without after tapering for about 35 days. Renee


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by jaimek on February 2, 2005, at 3:32:01

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? » not2late4u, posted by jen2 on January 30, 2005, at 14:33:27

Hi guys, I have been on effexor for about 8 years. No I'm not kidding, I've been on it since it first came out and have had success with it. I take about 75-100 mg a day

Prior to taking it I used to "hyper focus" on things to a some what extreme point, and suffer from anxienty and depression. I went to one of the leading psychiatrists at the time and it definately made a difference for me. I could shift thoughts more normally.

However, I have night sweats, sometimes I end up soaked and have crazy life like dreams especially if it's low in my blood stream.

I would appreciate any comments or questions. I've been on it longer than I think anyone I know.



Re: Negative Effexor Experience

Posted by CK1 on February 2, 2005, at 7:32:09

In reply to Re: Negative Effexor Experience » Troubled1, posted by not2late4u on February 2, 2005, at 1:17:35

I was put on Effexor 37.5mg 13 days ago. It had made me EXTREMELY anxious and agitated and I need to get off. Has anyone experienced horrible withdrawels from getting off only 37.5mg while taking it for less than one month?


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? » jaimek

Posted by FaithT on February 2, 2005, at 8:52:28

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?, posted by jaimek on February 2, 2005, at 3:32:01

Hi Jaime~
I'm happy with Effexor as well. I will have been on it for 3 years, this coming summer, minus a period that I had successfully withdrawn, of about 4 months or so. I made the decision to go back on it, due to a recurrence of depression. Effexor just works very well for me.
I do sometimes have those dreams that you referred to. I take 187.5,and I have found that if I take it a little later in the morning, like around 10am, it stops the dreams. I think it's exactly what you said..If it gets too low in your bloodstream over night...the funky dreams happen.
Thanks for your post...It's encouraging to hear from someone who's been on Effexor, successfully for 8 years!
Best wishes,


Positive Results from Effexor

Posted by ladyseraphim on February 2, 2005, at 12:22:59

In reply to RE: NEW THREAD - NEGATIVE EFFEXOR EXPERIENCE! » S. Bartel, posted by not2late4u on January 31, 2005, at 0:43:22

Hi there,

I have been on effexor previously and had great success with it. I was being treated for generalized anxiety disorder/depression and took it for about a year, weaned my self off over 2 weeks and for a full year did not experience any re-lapse of the anxiety. I did start to see symptoms again last year, but I was taking Wellbutrin (which apparently should not be given to people with anxiey!!!) for concentration, and I believe that that really messed up my chemistry - along with some other outside stressors. Because my anxiety seems to be triggered by certain events, I've discovered that once that anxiety begins again - it starts a vicious downward spiral of self doubt, depression, and fear.
So I got back on Effexor a week ago and am begining to feel better. I do have trouble sleeping past 5:30 am, so I take it with my lunch. I have no idea what the long term effects may be - but short term it has been a life (and marriage) saver. It is important to note that I am also taking Strattera for ADD (which has worked miracles!) - the two have not interacted other than to slightly raise my otherwise low blood pressure.
I live a healthy lifestyle, eat well, and practice Yoga regularly. I also have been through nearly a year of counseling to help deal with the triggers of my anxiety. As each issue is understood, my life and mental health are improved, and the Effexor has been the single biggest help in stopping the downward spiral of awful thoughts and fearful doubt that cloud my mind when I become anxious. I am able to make clear decisions and avoid irrational thoughts that have no physical basis. Mood swings - if any - are few and far between, and my energy level is increased. The sexual side effects are minimal, seemingly increasing sensitivity to each touch - as opposed to the 'big bang' at the end. My husband has been very understanding about this, and would rather have a happy wife than an orgasmic one. LOL
So all in all, I am happy with this drug, and plan to take for the remainder of this year and wean off it again to see if I can sustain normal thoughts without it. I would encourage anyone who experiences moderate to severe anxiety to ask their doctor about this drug, and give it a good three weeks to take effect. I, personally, have much to thank it for.
-lady S


Re: Negative Effexor Experience

Posted by Racing Heart on February 2, 2005, at 12:23:42

In reply to Re: Negative Effexor Experience » Troubled1, posted by not2late4u on February 2, 2005, at 1:17:35

help me with Effeor XR
Sleep disorder, sexual problems from a once normal sex life, dreams dreams dreams and I have gained 15 pounds in 2 1/2 months- I eat everything. I tkae 37.5 mg HELP ME TO STOP THIS MEDICINE OR DRUG. IT WAS PRESCRIBED FOR PMS



Posted by GP3205 on February 2, 2005, at 13:10:11

In reply to RE: NEW THREAD - POSITIVE EFFEXOR EXPERIENCE, posted by good2go on January 29, 2005, at 9:21:53

I just started on Effexor XR 37.5mg one month ago and I feel great! Initially my psychiatrist had prescribed 75 mg, which made me feel super drowsey and unproductive. So then I was switched to Zoloft that did nothing for me in regards to my panic attacks and anxiety. About a month ago I requested to get back on Effoxor because I DID feel calm on the 75 mg but it was just too strong so that is why I’m on 37.5 now. Anyway the point is doctors don’t know everything and sometimes we are the best judge of what works for us. Now I feel more focused and I'm not having anxiety and or panic attacks. I still feel somewhat depressed but I feel great because I can focus now without the threat of panic or anxiety. Along with therapy I’m trying to cope with getting my life back on track without the threat of freaking out. I’m only supposed to be on Effexor for one year no more. I don’t believe that pills are the answer to my problems, but my panic attacks were getting more frequent and more severe. I don’t get headaches or random pains anymore. I am having fun being sober at parties and clubs with friends and family. I was starting to drink to “relax” and I was building a high tolerance for alcohol. I am happy and glad that Effexor is helping me but at the same time I can’t wait to get off the medication so that I can live my life without depending on pills—Especially as we all don’t really know the long term affects from taking this medication other than like all pills and alcohol they will take a toll on either our liver or kidneys as they need to filter through somehow in our system,,,


Re: Negative Effexor Experience

Posted by Troubled1 on February 2, 2005, at 17:41:20

In reply to Re: Negative Effexor Experience » Troubled1, posted by not2late4u on February 2, 2005, at 1:17:35

Thanks Renee. I appreciate it. I was taking Effexor 150 mg + 75 mg for a once daily total of 225 mg. This morning I decided to only take the 75 mg. It's probably too soon to tell but so far I feel fine. I'll stay at that dose for a few days, then reduce a bit if I still feel fine. Will definitely let you know if I start having problems and need your help.



Re: Negative Effexor Experience » Troubled1

Posted by not2late4u on February 2, 2005, at 23:46:37

In reply to Re: Negative Effexor Experience, posted by Troubled1 on February 2, 2005, at 17:41:20

karen, you are welcome, please remember that slowly is the best way, at least for myself and what I've read from others. going from 225 down to 75, might be a bit of a jump, but your body may be able to handle it. please let us know if we can help. Renee



Posted by DNINA on February 3, 2005, at 11:55:02

In reply to RE: NEW THREAD - POSITIVE EFFEXOR EXPERIENCE, posted by GP3205 on February 2, 2005, at 13:10:11




Posted by not2late4u on February 3, 2005, at 15:12:41

In reply to HAS ANYONE TAKEN EFFEXOR FOR SOCIAL ANXIETY?, posted by DNINA on February 3, 2005, at 11:55:02

sorry dnina, I cant help you with this one. I didnt experience anxiety while taking effexor (or paxil) which were why I took them. I hope someone else can help here. Reneee


Reply to Windancer

Posted by Troubled1 on February 3, 2005, at 18:17:11

In reply to RE: NEW THREAD - NEGATIVE EFFEXOR EXPERIENCE! » S. Bartel, posted by winddancer on January 29, 2005, at 0:00:48

As I am currently weaning off of Effexor and am seriously considering seeing a Naturopath, I am very interested in hearing about your experience with your Chinese Acupuncturist and any herbs/natural meds that he recommends. Keep us all informed, please.


Day 2 of lower dose of Effexor

Posted by Troubled1 on February 3, 2005, at 18:25:49

In reply to Re: Negative Effexor Experience » Troubled1, posted by not2late4u on February 2, 2005, at 23:46:37

Hi everyone. It is the evening of day 2 of dropping from 225 mg to 75 mg. I am still feeling not too badly but am experiencing a bit more dizziness/light-headedness than usual. Slept really well last night although I did have very vivid life-like dreams (what else is new?). Appetite is good so far. Will keep updating throughout ordeal. Cross your fingers and toes for me. Any advice on how long I should stay at this dose before attempting to go even lower?



Re: Reply to Windancer » Troubled1

Posted by winddancer on February 4, 2005, at 0:22:47

In reply to Reply to Windancer, posted by Troubled1 on February 3, 2005, at 18:17:11

Ok, I'll keep you informed. I just saw my med doctor and will begin decreasing the Effexor from 150 to 75 + 37.5. Plan to stay there for 2 weeks. After 2 visits with the acupuncturist, I sleep more restfully but still wake up after 2 hours - several times a night. I will be brewing the tea that I got in Chinatown this afternoon. It is supposed to be specific for insomnia. My Acupuncturist believes that by addressing the insomnia first, it can give me some relief from the other symptoms. Thanks for your interest. I just heard of taking lots of fish oil (Omega-3) helping with menopausal hot flashes. So I'll make sure that I'm not missing my Omega-3 supplements.


Re: Day 2 of lower dose of Effexor » Troubled1

Posted by not2late4u on February 4, 2005, at 2:43:53

In reply to Day 2 of lower dose of Effexor, posted by Troubled1 on February 3, 2005, at 18:25:49

karen, I suggest staying at that dose until you feel as though the withdraw symptoms you are already feeling have subsided or leveled out. Thats what I have done, but I went down on my dose alot slower. Best advise I can give is to listen to your body, let it tell you when its ready. good luck and remember, its not a race so pace yourself. Please let up know how you are doing. Renee


Re: Day 2 of lower dose of Effexor

Posted by Racing Heart on February 4, 2005, at 7:38:51

In reply to Re: Day 2 of lower dose of Effexor » Troubled1, posted by not2late4u on February 4, 2005, at 2:43:53

Today I opened the capsule and dropped half in my coffee. I hope this is okay. I am the person who went in for mild PMS---came home with Effexor and now have about and extra 15 pounds in 2 months time. I am only on 37.5 mg so please pray that I do okay with stopping this. I have an important interview on Tuesday---yikes not a good thing to stop I guess, but I have to start this!

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