Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 1016

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Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news » PoohBear

Posted by dancingstar on January 21, 2005, at 17:33:12

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news » Accent, posted by PoohBear on January 21, 2005, at 11:49:41


Also, sometime way back there when I first stopped taking this icky drug, weren't you a big supporter of it? Don't I remember you being one of the people that thought I was exaggerating my symptoms???? I wasn't. Some of us just get it worse than others, I think. Wish they'd tell us which ones of us were bad candidates for this crap in advance, huh?


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by Jenna Starrett on January 21, 2005, at 17:41:13

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by medhed on January 21, 2005, at 14:10:56

> I have been taking effexor for about 8mos. now. At 300mg. it was too much, got it lowered to 150mg. with no problem for the last 5mos. Side effects are not worth the little bit of relief I get with this drug, I'm still depressed- just not suicidal. I lost all sex urges, and never feel like myself anymore, I sweat all the time, and my memory is very affected. I decided 4 days ago to discontinue this drug, now I am experiencing the withdrawl symptoms everyone here describes. I think I will go back on the drug so I can prepare myself better for this uncomfortable event. Mind you, I have successfully kicked narcotics, benzos, barbituates, and amphetamines in the past on different occasions... all cold turkey... this is just something I was not prepared for! I will be researching the best way to kick this garbage, and the pdoc will be following my directions this time as she obviously doesn't know what she is doing. The sad part is that I already have my sex drive back and I really feel better except for the withdrawl. It's a good thing that I stumbled onto this site, I was about ready to go to the ER because of the numbness in my feet and hands- everybody seems to have the same symtoms. Well, I guess I'll go pop 150mg. and plan for my next attempt. I am new here, I think that I will continue to post- any feedback will be appreciated. Peace, Medhed.

Medhead, Hi! I got off of Effexor in December (what a way to spend the holidays!) Anyhow... I went off cold turkey and started taking Allegra D that someone mentioned in one of the postings. It has helped me so much I can function as normal and feel no side effects. I accidently ran out of Allegra a few weeks ago and all of the Effexor side effects came back, so I may be on Allegra D for a while (oh well I feel really good and it also helps with my allergies :) Take care and hang in there! Jenna P.S It takes some hours to get into your system at first.


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by PoohBear on January 21, 2005, at 17:48:21

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news » PoohBear, posted by dancingstar on January 21, 2005, at 17:33:12


I still maintain that for some people it may mean the difference between life and death. I have never thought you were exagerating. All of these drugs have side effects.


> Also, sometime way back there when I first stopped taking this icky drug, weren't you a big supporter of it? Don't I remember you being one of the people that thought I was exaggerating my symptoms???? I wasn't. Some of us just get it worse than others, I think. Wish they'd tell us which ones of us were bad candidates for this crap in advance, huh?


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news » PoohBear

Posted by dancingstar on January 21, 2005, at 17:58:45

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by PoohBear on January 21, 2005, at 17:48:21

I agree that it should be "available" to people that truly need it. My contention is only that Wyeth has underplayed the problems with the drug, and because they have been less than forthcoming with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, too many of us have been prescribed a dangerous drug that we should never have received in the first place. Most of our docs wouldn't have done this if they had only known that any of these problems were possible.

I apologize. I didn't mean that at all in a harsh way. It was a truly honest inquiry. I was literally asking you 'cause I didn't remember from who all I was fending off blows (besides my own body). Wishing nothing but peace and a speedy recovery. Please let me know if I can be f service to you in any way....



Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news » dancingstar

Posted by PoohBear on January 21, 2005, at 18:01:10

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news » PoohBear, posted by dancingstar on January 21, 2005, at 17:58:45


No problem.


> I agree that it should be "available" to people that truly need it. My contention is only that Wyeth has underplayed the problems with the drug, and because they have been less than forthcoming with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, too many of us have been prescribed a dangerous drug that we should never have received in the first place. Most of our docs wouldn't have done this if they had only known that any of these problems were possible.
> I apologize. I didn't mean that at all in a harsh way. It was a truly honest inquiry. I was literally asking you 'cause I didn't remember from who all I was fending off blows (besides my own body). Wishing nothing but peace and a speedy recovery. Please let me know if I can be f service to you in any way....
> Bebe


Effexor withdrawal - how to stop taking XR? HELP!

Posted by ShayNJ on January 21, 2005, at 19:25:13

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news » dancingstar, posted by PoohBear on January 21, 2005, at 18:01:10

Hi. I am trying to prepare myself to phase this deadly sh*t out of my life. I'm definitely nervous: being even an hour late in taking my meds starts a host of symptoms that make me want to rip my own head off. What amount of Allegra-D/ Benadryl have most people found helpful? I have a bottle left of XR,; should I take out the little 'pellets' to wean myself off slowly? (I know I should be asking a doctor about this- but I'm temoprarily without health insurance) Thanks in advance for any suggestions or help!


Re: Effexor withdrawal - how to stop taking XR? HELP!

Posted by dancingstar on January 21, 2005, at 19:28:47

In reply to Effexor withdrawal - how to stop taking XR? HELP!, posted by ShayNJ on January 21, 2005, at 19:25:13

I didn't do it that way, so I can't answer that question, but as far as the Benadryl goes, I took the smallest possible dose, and even that worked for me.


Re: Effexor withdrawal - how to stop taking XR? HELP!

Posted by TrinityX1 on January 21, 2005, at 19:38:17

In reply to Effexor withdrawal - how to stop taking XR? HELP!, posted by ShayNJ on January 21, 2005, at 19:25:13

To be honest about the withdrawl ... it really stinks but there has not been one of us who has not felt they were better off without the Effexor then with it .... even with the SUCKY withdrawl symptoms. I just stopped my daily dose cold turkey and I am not going to lie to you ... I felt it !!! But I can stand here today and honestly let you know that I am SO HAPPY being off of it and as I look back at the withdrawl ... if it is what I had to go through to get off the JUNK .. then so be it and ... I got through it and so can you. Perhaps cutting your dose in half will help reduce these effects .. but just remember ... all the withdrawl symptoms WILL PASS, it does get better and easier .. you have to have faith in yourself and know that you will make it through the crying jags, the weird body jolts, the frantic thoughts and all the other scary stuff just as all of us have done that have gone before you. You can do it ... I can promise you that. Im not going to lie to you ... the symptoms really stick but they do go away .. just like the pain of a new cut hurts the most on the 1st day and then as it heals it gets less painful ... that is how the withdrawl worked for me. Every day gets easier ... just get yourself off the junk and you will be much better off ... just relax and give yourself a few days to take care of yourself. I used benadryl but it made me excited and I could not sleep, but some people have had success with it. Hey it cant hurt to try it ... there are NO withdrawl symptoms with Benadryl. :) :)
You will be fine, Il bet $$$ on it. Beem there done that :) :)


Re: Effexor withdrawal - how to stop taking XR? HELP!

Posted by medhed on January 21, 2005, at 20:32:21

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - how to stop taking XR? HELP!, posted by TrinityX1 on January 21, 2005, at 19:38:17

I think this drug might be very good for some people, some people swear by it, but I'm not sure if it's worth the risk (pdoc should make the patient aware and should try other drug therapies first) for mild or moderate depression. I,m running out of options, looking for cocktails of meds for treatment resistant depression. I guess it was worth a try, but I wish my dr. would have listened to me 5mos. ago when I told her it was a worthless drug to me, she just kept pushing it and I get sick of arguing too. Oh well, spilled milk- what do I do now, you know? I really don't want ECT since I was able to avoid it for about 25yrs. now! Also, I'm involved in one on one therapy for 15yrs. now, this helps ALOT. I will keep posting my experience, it should get interesting... Bye.


Re: Effexor withdrawal - how to stop taking XR? HELP!

Posted by becci on January 21, 2005, at 23:00:37

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - how to stop taking XR? HELP!, posted by medhed on January 21, 2005, at 20:32:21

my mom has treatment resistant depression and has tried everything.. for her what worked was a very old and basic med. try looking into those. I can't remember the name of it, but it makes you very tired so she takes it at night. it has worked wonders! we are all thankful


Re: Effexor withdrawal - how to stop taking XR? HELP!

Posted by Jenna Starrett on January 21, 2005, at 23:57:50

In reply to Effexor withdrawal - how to stop taking XR? HELP!, posted by ShayNJ on January 21, 2005, at 19:25:13

> Hi. I am trying to prepare myself to phase this deadly sh*t out of my life. I'm definitely nervous: being even an hour late in taking my meds starts a host of symptoms that make me want to rip my own head off. What amount of Allegra-D/ Benadryl have most people found helpful? I have a bottle left of XR,; should I take out the little 'pellets' to wean myself off slowly? (I know I should be asking a doctor about this- but I'm temoprarily without health insurance) Thanks in advance for any suggestions or help!

I am almost positive that it is all the same dose, however they have plain Allegra (no D- not sure if this works the same). I went to the drug store and found the box that said Allegra D tablets, and it comes in 12 hour or 24 hour tablets. I have taken both of these and it seems to work better taking the 12 hour (for me) because the 24 hour started to wear off before 24 hours. I just take a 12 hour in the am and one in the pm. I did run out a few weeks ago and did not take the Allegra D. I began to feel the side effects from the Effexor again and immediately went and got some more Allegra D. It did take about 6 hours to start making me feel better again. Note: I went from 300mg to 150mg in about 2 weeks, then a few days later got off it all together. I did not start to feel the side effects from Effexor XR until about 2-3 days after getting off of it. The Allegra D helps me IMMENSELY. I'd much rather take allergy medicine (that helps my allergies as an added bonus)than one more day of Effexor XR ("rat poison"). I hope this helps but as you know, everyone is different. God Bless, Jenna


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by snakeadelic on January 22, 2005, at 2:09:55

In reply to Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by janey on November 1, 1998, at 16:30:34

> I don't know if Effexor has a shorter half life than the SSRIs, or really what the withdrawal side effects might be for those,
> but Victor brought up a good point. Whenever I have missed more than 2-3 doses of my Effexor, whether the regular sort or the XR, the withdrawal is terrible.

*Part of the problem is that therapeutically, according to the last counselor I saw, Effexor is about SIX major drugs combined into one. Hence the withdrawals are MAJOR and ugly.*
> In my experience, I have had a kind of numbness in my extremeties (this is such a wierd sensation, I don't even know if numbness is good description!), nausea, headache, extreme tearfulness, can't focus or make decisions, anorexia, and hot and cold chills just to name a few.

*Sounds JUST like what my mother went through (did you fall down & throw up or have clinical migraines?) AND what my partner is still dealing with (he stutters, now, too), although the numb/strange feeling in his fingers stopped about two weeks or so after he was totally weaned. He still has decision-making issues, and increased social anxiety :( *
> One question for the docs here. I hate this about myself, but why do I forget whether I took my medicine or not a lot of the time? I feel like an old lady having to put my pills in a little day-of-the week pill box. ~laughing~

*I'm only taking one med daily at this time, and believe me, if it's more than one I can't remember either. I think short-term memory fog is a side effect of being human!



Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period?

Posted by Kathyba on January 22, 2005, at 8:05:06

In reply to Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period?, posted by miniowner on January 1, 2005, at 21:53:52

Hi all,

I am suffering what I think are withdrawal symptoms from Effexor XR. I was on 75 mg for about 6 months and was doing GREAT! The only side effect I had was in the sex department. It was bugging me so my doctor suggested I get off Effexor and onto Wellbutrin. I did a week of 37.5mg Effexor and 150mg Wellbutrin. I was fine. Then when I stopped the effexor I went on 300mg Wellbutrin. On the second day of just Wellbutrin I started feeling dizzy and nauseous. Today is my 4th day on just Wellbutrin and I just vomited. I feel light headed and occasionally get really hot.. and then my stomach is upset. I also have been on the verge of crying.

Just wondered how long this will last. I might just go back on Effexor because it's hard to work 40 hrs a week and deal with my family this way. On the other hand, maybe I should put up with it so I don't have to go back on the Effexor and someday go through this again if I stop it.

Suggestions? Thoughts? -Kathy


Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period? » Kathyba

Posted by TrinityX1 on January 22, 2005, at 8:57:08

In reply to Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period?, posted by Kathyba on January 22, 2005, at 8:05:06

Good Morning ...
I know for me that crying jags and vomiting were some of my symptoms as well. That lasted for me for around 3-4 days, some other symproms lasted longer. I would suggest NOT taking any Effexor at all !!! Just hang in there the symptoms will go away. I hear that Wellbutrin works much better then Effexor and less side effects. The withdrawl from Effexor really stinks but it does get better daily and eventually all of the symptoms will be gone. I can attest to that. Like I said, hang in there .. take a nap, watch a funny movie, try to eat some soup. You will be fine. :)


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news » snakeadelic

Posted by dancingstar on January 22, 2005, at 9:14:57

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by snakeadelic on January 22, 2005, at 2:09:55 may be right. I'd forgotten that when I went to the physical therapist for my neck, I do have some numbness in my fingers...and decisions, ickes. I never had that before either. I'm trying to pack to move, and I can't even figure out which box to use. It shouldn't be this complicated for goodness' sake. Surely that's not a "side effect," is it? Seriously, though, I can't decide all. I do know how to make decisions, I think...I thought...I know. I'm going to go take a shower now, I think, or well, after I make some coffee. No, I think I'll go back to bed. I need to think about this.

You don't think I have a problem, do you? :-)


Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period? » Kathyba

Posted by dancingstar on January 22, 2005, at 9:41:24

In reply to Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period?, posted by Kathyba on January 22, 2005, at 8:05:06

> Hi all,
> I am suffering what I think are withdrawal symptoms from Effexor XR. I was on 75 mg for about 6 months and was doing GREAT! The only side effect I had was in the sex department. It was bugging me so my doctor suggested I get off Effexor and onto Wellbutrin. I did a week of 37.5mg Effexor and 150mg Wellbutrin. I was fine. Then when I stopped the effexor I went on 300mg Wellbutrin. On the second day of just Wellbutrin I started feeling dizzy and nauseous. Today is my 4th day on just Wellbutrin and I just vomited. I feel light headed and occasionally get really hot.. and then my stomach is upset. I also have been on the verge of crying.
> Just wondered how long this will last. I might just go back on Effexor because it's hard to work 40 hrs a week and deal with my family this way. On the other hand, maybe I should put up with it so I don't have to go back on the Effexor and someday go through this again if I stop it.
> Suggestions? Thoughts? -Kathy

Wyeth says in their most current information that the longer you take Effexor and the higher the dosage, the more likely you will have difficult or long-lasting withdrawal.

Six months at 75 mg. MAY not last all that long, but it's so hard to say. It sounds like everyone is having a tough time. The symptoms that you are having are definitely the same ones that I had when I stopped taking Effexor.

That said, here are some of the things that helped: The Benadryl or Claritin or any old fashioned antihistamine and Prozac are said to help the symptoms, but I wouldn't know cause I only took Benadryl. I did take SAMe, 5HTP, B-Vitamins, Rescue Remedy, St.John's Wort -- but a lot of people cannot take it, and you can't take it at all if you are taking Prozac -- Omega3s, exercise, lots of water, Calcium/Magnesium, Pepcid. Those are the things that I can think of that helped me get through the withdrawal. I'm sure there are more. Please know that I am not a medical professional, and I am just telling you the things that helped me. You should check with your own doctor because some things are good for some of us and really bad for others. You're feeling bad enough as it is. Just be really careful what you take to help you feel better cause what worked for me may not be what's right for your body.

I hope you feel better really soon.



Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period?

Posted by Kathyba on January 22, 2005, at 10:43:46

In reply to Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period? » Kathyba, posted by TrinityX1 on January 22, 2005, at 8:57:08

>> That lasted for me for around 3-4 days, some other symproms lasted longer. I would suggest NOT taking any Effexor at all !!!<<

So why is everyone so much against Effexor? It did wonders for me other than the fact that I had a difficult time with sex. WHy is it all that bad? And if it is, why do doctors use it?
Thanks, Kathy


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by Jenna Starrett on January 22, 2005, at 11:02:16

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by snakeadelic on January 22, 2005, at 2:09:55

> > I don't know if Effexor has a shorter half life than the SSRIs, or really what the withdrawal side effects might be for those,
> > but Victor brought up a good point. Whenever I have missed more than 2-3 doses of my Effexor, whether the regular sort or the XR, the withdrawal is terrible.
> *Part of the problem is that therapeutically, according to the last counselor I saw, Effexor is about SIX major drugs combined into one. Hence the withdrawals are MAJOR and ugly.*
> >
> > In my experience, I have had a kind of numbness in my extremeties (this is such a wierd sensation, I don't even know if numbness is good description!), nausea, headache, extreme tearfulness, can't focus or make decisions, anorexia, and hot and cold chills just to name a few.
> *Sounds JUST like what my mother went through (did you fall down & throw up or have clinical migraines?) AND what my partner is still dealing with (he stutters, now, too), although the numb/strange feeling in his fingers stopped about two weeks or so after he was totally weaned. He still has decision-making issues, and increased social anxiety :( *
> >
> > One question for the docs here. I hate this about myself, but why do I forget whether I took my medicine or not a lot of the time? I feel like an old lady having to put my pills in a little day-of-the week pill box. ~laughing~
> *I'm only taking one med daily at this time, and believe me, if it's more than one I can't remember either. I think short-term memory fog is a side effect of being human!
> snakeadelic

Hi! I was on 300mg of Effexor XR at one point and I truely believe now that I'm off it, that it was really adding to my depression. I had some of the same symptoms you did... I even had to tell my boss that I was having memory problems. I would forget if I took my medicine, made phone calls EVERYTHING! I thought it was my depression but it was clearly the Effexor. I had sexual side effects and just felt crappy (crying, depressed)all the time on this med. My doc decided to add 150mg of Wellbutrin XL to the Effexor to help with the sexual side effects. Finally I got so fed up with the memory problems, I asked him if I could get off the Effexor. I first went down to 150mg and after about 2-3 days I started to get major side effects (cold sweats, crying over everything, severe headache, nausea, aggitation, and major "volts" in my body)I ended up in the hospital because I thought I was going to die. They took me off Effexor all together in the hospital, and left me on the 150 Wellbutrin. Thankfully I found this website and saw that taking Claratin D may help with the side effects. I immediately went out and got some and it helped me AMAZING! as long as I took it like the directions said. The Claratin D does not effect my sleep or make me feel jittery at all...just normal. Also, at first I thought that I was feeling bad because of the Wellbutrin (when they first lowered my Effexor), but it turns out I am off Effexor now and on 300mg of Wellbutrin, and feel great (I haven't noticed ANY side effects). Plus I take 100mg of Trazedone to sleep (works great! no hangover). I have been taking sublingual B complex vitamins for a while, as well as capsules of Flax oil (Omega 3) but I'm not sure if this is helping because I've been taking them for a long time. The Wellbutrin has worked very well for me! I feel real again. I hope this helps, but as you know everyone is different. Take care, Jenna


Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period?

Posted by Jenna Starrett on January 22, 2005, at 11:18:00

In reply to Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period?, posted by Kathyba on January 22, 2005, at 8:05:06

> Hi all,
> I am suffering what I think are withdrawal symptoms from Effexor XR. I was on 75 mg for about 6 months and was doing GREAT! The only side effect I had was in the sex department. It was bugging me so my doctor suggested I get off Effexor and onto Wellbutrin. I did a week of 37.5mg Effexor and 150mg Wellbutrin. I was fine. Then when I stopped the effexor I went on 300mg Wellbutrin. On the second day of just Wellbutrin I started feeling dizzy and nauseous. Today is my 4th day on just Wellbutrin and I just vomited. I feel light headed and occasionally get really hot.. and then my stomach is upset. I also have been on the verge of crying.
> Just wondered how long this will last. I might just go back on Effexor because it's hard to work 40 hrs a week and deal with my family this way. On the other hand, maybe I should put up with it so I don't have to go back on the Effexor and someday go through this again if I stop it.
> Suggestions? Thoughts? -Kathy

Kathy, I just wrote a follow up to snakeadelic on 1-22-05 (from me, Jenna Starrett) Please read it, it may help you. I went through what your going through and I felt sooooo helpless, that is, until I found this website. The memory problems are from the Effexor NO DOUBT. I couldn't remember the simplest things. I also could not make decisions, which was really effecting my work (I work in a high stress/quick thinking job). Also all of those side effects you mentioned are most likely from the Effexor (I had the same ones getting off it). Please read my other post. I feel like a real person again now that I'm completely off Effexor (I'm on Wellbutrin now and it's GREAT-for me). Hang in there it will get better! I can think now! I can make decisions! I have my sex drive back! What a NOVEL idea. Take care and feel free to ask me any questions... I am devoted to this website because I thought I was going to die and reading these posts helped me through. God Bless! Jenna


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by worm on January 22, 2005, at 12:39:38

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by Jenna Starrett on January 22, 2005, at 11:02:16

I have to say that Jenna's experience is much like mine - I was confused, depressed, tired, all while I was taking the Effexor. I have never felt better than since I quit everything. Of course, I paid for it with the withdrawal, brain zaps, dizziness, nausea, the works, but I feel so much better, and I amd handling my depression (even in the wintertime) with just talk therapy. Of course, I know there are people who are worse off than me, really clinically depressed, but I don't think this was the case with me, or if it was, it was short-term, because of the situation I was in (relationships, death in family) Once treatment is initiated, nobody thinks to re-evaluate it or change it unless there's a problem.




Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by Kathyba on January 22, 2005, at 13:10:44

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by worm on January 22, 2005, at 12:39:38

Thanks Jenna and Worm. So how long were your withdrawal symptoms?

My sister is a psychologist and she called the psychiatrist in her practice this morning. He said that I should go back on the 37.5mg Effexor and 150mg welbutrin for 2 more weeks and then try to drop the Effexor again and up the Wellbutrin to 300mg. Of course, I have to tell this to MY doctor on Monday. I did take a Clariton today but I couldn't stand it and took one of my 37.5mg Effexors and I already feel 80% better. I had only been on the 1/2 and 1/2 medication for 1 week... probably need to wean off more slowly. I am glad to hear that the 300mg of Wellbutrin is doing well for you. I hope it works for me. I had tried zoloft and Lexapro but it didn't help at the beginning. Effexor was the first thing that brought me out of my depression...but it made sex frustrating for me. It sounds like everyone here things Effexor is evil.. so perhaps it's best that I continue to wean off of it. Thanks so much. - Kathy


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by roobie on January 22, 2005, at 13:26:16

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by Kathyba on January 22, 2005, at 13:10:44

Just my two cents as I have been following this dicussion and posted similar in the past to my comment...

I have been taking Effexor 37.5mg 2x per day for a few months after I decided Paxil was making me too apethetic.

I had 'no' problems with Effexor and FINALLY was able to orgasm again after a couple years lacking from the Paxil. I actually had some giddy-up back starting on the Effexor.

Since my life situation has changed, one of my friends commented, why not stop taking it? Knowing NOT to do it cold turkey, I dropped to just taking it in the morning. The FIRST skipped dose, BOY could I tell!! I did this for about two, maybe three weeks dealing with the dizzies and such. Soon, I started having the same issues that I had pre-Paxil and Effexor, so my doc said I should go back to the 2x per day, as I still need the med to help.

I know I am on a low dosage as compared to most folks - enough to keep me 'stable'. So in my case, it's helping me, but I do know about the withdrawl and how rough it can be.

I've asked before for 'positive' experiences and received comment, but sounds more like when one wants to DISCONTINUE treatment that the problems start. So does the benefit outweigh the withdrawl?



Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news » roobie

Posted by Fathe on January 22, 2005, at 16:58:10

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by roobie on January 22, 2005, at 13:26:16

I think deciding if the benefit outweighs the withdrawal is up to the individual. Before my withdrawal from Effexor, I would have said 'yes '. Effexor is a very effective medicine and provided me relief from symptoms of anxiety and "the blues". And it may very well be after I have fully completed my withdrawal period that I may need some meds again sometime in the future but now I can clearly say that if and when I do, it will NEVER be Effexor. If Prozac or Zoloft etc..can provide the same relief but will enable me to avoid the withdrawal when I decide to stop it, than why would I pick Effexor ? Just makes logical sense at this point.

My withdrawal was centered mostly on the symptoms of the intense nausea, headache, nightmares and sensitive emotions. I did have the brain zaps but the benadryl regimen helped alot. It was the nausea, since I commute 2 hours each way by train to work, which sometimes makes me motion sickness anyway, that really disrupted my daily activities. But I took steps to combat it..I always made sure I ate light, sat facing in the direction the train was moving, went to a different car if the car I was in was overly warm , avoided sitting near people with heavy perfumes etc...and always armed with my Dramamine. It was not easy at all as somethings you cannot control but I have managed ok. I still get nauseous but I feel I am able to battle it. The important thing though is this is now going on 3 weeks..that is a long time to not feel well.

So was all this worth the benefits of Effexor? I can only speak for me but I would have to answer with a resounding "NO". Next time, different drug !


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by roobie on January 22, 2005, at 17:43:45

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news » roobie, posted by Fathe on January 22, 2005, at 16:58:10

I totally understand your point, thank you for writing!

I just don't know what's in the same 'family' as Effexor that would be as beneficial without those withdrawl symptoms. Therefore, I suppose I will have to stick to it for now. Also, how does the Benadryl and others help alleviate the withdrawl?

Thank you again for your response - maybe 'someone' is out there working on something to replace it.



Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period? » Kathyba

Posted by Fathe on January 22, 2005, at 17:50:26

In reply to Re: Effexor - how long is the withdrawal period?, posted by Kathyba on January 22, 2005, at 10:43:46

I do not think people are specifically "against effexor" per se. It is a wonder drug for almost all of us while we are on it. It is the way most of us feel when we try to stop that is the issue. And some of do stop not becuase of what they read here but for other reasons - but come here when they are in the throes of withdrawal and then find out they are not alone.

I believe that people should be made aware of the withdrawal symptoms more explicitly and in detail, not how Wyeth presents it in their pharmacy insert or on their web site as if it was an after thought. I believe it needs a much "louder" presence - something like "long-term and severe withdrawal symptoms possible". Some of us have been having the symptoms after stropping Effexor for several weeks..that is something that needs to be emphasized in their documentation. Patients should at least have this information to fairly make a decision if this should be the drug to try or perhaps try something else. No one here questions the good effexor can do but as someone else asked, does the benefits outweigh the disadvantages...only each person can answer that for themselves but right now people are taking effexor for the first time without the benefit of knowing the extremee withdrawal effects some of us do experience.

And had i encountered this web site prior to starting, I would have definitely tried another drug. Bexause for me, the benefits are overshadowed by the sensations I am feeling now, especailly when there are other drugs which do the same thing but without the withdrawal.

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