Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? » MKB

Posted by S.Bartel on December 10, 2004, at 20:56:22

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? » jclint, posted by MKB on December 10, 2004, at 19:13:45

Thank you MKB for clarifying for me. I don't think it's an exageration when people die for whatever reason from taking a prescription drug that they were not warned about. I was just trying to be helpful to someone that was quitting cold turkey when I personally know what the side effects can be.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by dancingstar on December 10, 2004, at 23:35:55

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? » jclint, posted by MKB on December 10, 2004, at 19:13:45

I haven't been following this, but a drug that causes you to commit suicide when you stop taking it can't be good, really. It can't. Logic must come into play at some point, mustn't it??


Re: starting effexor... keep posting.. success/dosage?

Posted by Demp on December 11, 2004, at 8:23:06

In reply to Re: starting effexor... keep posting.. success/dosage?, posted by lg on October 26, 1999, at 19:09:26

I have been on Effexor XR for 2 months. The only side effects I am experiencing are strange but there are tingling sensations in my ears. I have noticed a difference in anxiety but thats about it. I still have irritablity and a very short fuse. I get very angry and my heart rate skyrockets so I know my blood pressure is probably rising too. I am a large person @ 6'2" and 235lbs and I am only instructed to take one 75mg dose per day. I often feel as if this dose is not enough because towards the end of the day I am already feeling signs of it wearing off. I agree with the earlier comments of withdrawal. It is very bad with this drug. I ran out of samples one week and after only 2 day w/o it I could not function. I felt disconnected, disoriented and dizzy. I thought it was supposed to be non-addictive. Oh yeah, my temper problems and anxiety were the original reason for taking Effexor.




I've had to come off it after 6 weeks

Posted by tuckerj on December 11, 2004, at 10:26:41

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?, posted by dancingstar on December 10, 2004, at 23:35:55

Hi I wrote on this site about starting to take effexor and itching as a side effect. Well the itching went away after a week, but the insomnia didn't. I haven't slept for more that 3 hours a day since starting this drug, and my anxiety levels went through the roof.

After seeing my doctor, he took me off it, and has now given me beta blockers for the anxiety, and I'm already feeling calmer (which I think was the problem in the first place, I never actually felt depressed, but anxious)

However, even though I was only on 37mg a day, after only one day off the effexor, I'm beginning to get these "Brain Shivers" I've been reading about - it almost seems like they are mini blackouts.

So my advice is, if you're feeling anxiety (especially if you are a guy) don't be afraid of admitting it to your doctor, otherwise you may end up on this drug after being wrongly diagnosed with depression, and trust me. You don't want to be taking this stuff.

Good luck to all of you who are trying to wean yourself of higher doses, it must be tough.


Re: I've had to come off it after 6 weeks

Posted by dancingstar on December 11, 2004, at 12:14:21

In reply to I've had to come off it after 6 weeks, posted by tuckerj on December 11, 2004, at 10:26:41

I just copied pages of the 2004 PDR yesterday, and there are all kinds of itchy skin symptoms listed right there as possible side effects of taking Effexor. (I'm sure that the same list is at

They list skin problems as only 3 percent, but after watching the ABC special, I wonder if these estimates (in general) are a bit low.


Re: I've had to come off it after 6 weeks

Posted by tuckerj on December 11, 2004, at 13:23:00

In reply to Re: I've had to come off it after 6 weeks, posted by dancingstar on December 11, 2004, at 12:14:21

Here's another site you might be interested in - reports from the social audit website in the UK, going back to 1996.

Oh another withdrawal syptom is bizarre dreams (on the social audit website) Well I had a doozy of one last night which included 7 episodes of false awakenings, and another dream (I was being smothered) that I did manage to wake up from only to discover that I had sleep paralysis. Luckily I had heard of it before, so knew what it was, and didn't panic. But had I not been previously aware of it, there's a very good chance I would have needed to change my bedclothes this morning.


Re: I've had to come off it after 6 weeks

Posted by dancingstar on December 11, 2004, at 14:20:29

In reply to Re: I've had to come off it after 6 weeks, posted by tuckerj on December 11, 2004, at 13:23:00

Thanks for this link. It's a great addition to our growing list, sadly, of evidence.

Please feel better soon!!!


My experience after 5 mths.-death?

Posted by jubilee on December 11, 2004, at 15:22:09

In reply to Re: please be civil » S.Bartel, posted by Dr. Bob on December 10, 2004, at 18:12:15

My experience....I almost got locked up in the funny house after going off 75 mgs a day for quit awhile. I could not drive after 4 days and was on the freeway in the middle of nowhere, and I hhad double ,triple vision come on me, and made it to a resturant as there wasnt alot of trafic, thank God. I was all over the road. I had to be picked up.
Also almost sold my home and moved to timbucktwo,; saved it, went into debt the first time , I am a smoker and I was having blackouts and could have burned my home down many times over,. Just a few things there. Also got headacke and nausea after a month and diarrea and back on effexor stopped every symptom and I was driving in two days.

Now , the second time....I had stroke symptoms come on me and I started back on high doses of effexor and scared the crap out of me with blured vision and dizzyness for 3 days anyway. I have no doubt I would have had a full blown stroke. (I wanted my sex life back , so I went off)

My feeling is that people who do die cant write here or are too sick to write. Yes I believe it can kill you, personally , with my body type anyway and thats why I say to go to any lengths to make sure you have a very large bottle before you quit and go real slow as I was blessed to do.

I am still lucky I have a partner at all after the anger I havce displayed over nothing, but I'm sure its not the effexor when it's happening !!!!! I should be dead and divorced and I am not trying to scare people , but be real.
First say you want to go up on your dose , then say you want off and to have something diffrent and go slow. Get a large bottle of 150's if possible. Save every pebble ;, be a scientist and take 4 to 6 months if possible.
I am down after 5 months to minute doses and I have high anxioty and I cant hold my legs still. I feel like my skitzo brother acts. I blow up really easy , God help dish TV people I did try to explain in a rage!!HA!!
I am going completely off (trying) in one week) and on to 8 prozac I have . I will go back to minute doses a bit longer if I start thinking of buying a gun. Only Kidding!!! No , I will just be so glad when its over , and I think I'm going to be nervous another month no matter what , but a nice Dr offered me a bottle of Xanex and I took it .
I hate being numbnuts but , better than such anxioty. My legs are bouncing everywhere , and its kinda hard to write a letter and quardanate wq/ your legs , HA! Taking some cogentin for that today and the Xanex.
I have had hypermania , agitation and anxioty as side affects for 4 years on effexor plus it has ruined my vision and I love to read. I had every known side affect except high blood presure , and that can sure kill you. I looked up """" and you will get a good idea of side affects from experts and see how well youre doing. I rather agree with Bartel , that anything this dangerous in side affect withdrawals cant be good for your body and I guess she has permanant liver damage , which makes me grateful I discovered this petition. I thought I was just stuck on this darn drug for life until the Lord moved me to go to my computer and look up effexor one day. I owe my health to him. .
Yes , I do believe that honesty is best if you can find an understaanding dr. Maybe take him some print out samples of these nightmare stories and what youre experiencing or dont want to experience.
Best way is to talk your Dr honestly into letting you go down real slow and giving you adavan for 4or 5 months if you can find one who will listen or understand. Maybe use the phonebook. I wish you all well, and also look to God almighty , who I feel saved my ass. God Bless , Jubilee.


Re: My experience after 5 mths.-death? » jubilee

Posted by dancingstar on December 11, 2004, at 15:51:24

In reply to My experience after 5 mths.-death?, posted by jubilee on December 11, 2004, at 15:22:09


I picked up some Tryptophan at the vitamin shop last night. I mean, MKB has been telling us to get this stuff for how long now? I guess I figured that with the 5HTP and everything else I was taking that I just didn't want to add anything else cause I am spending more money on supplements -- way more -- than on food or clothes or shelter at this point, but it calmed my stomach a wee bit after the first dose. I mean, don't exceed the recommended doseage or anything to hurry it along cause I doubt that's gonna help. But it is worth a trying the Tryptophan, I think. I couldn't believe that it really helped. ;-)....stubborn, I am, I guess, and burned out from feelins so bad for so long, too. My joints have been hurting so badly...and then they just stop hurting when my stomach stops hurting. It says right on the label, though, to be sure to take with some carbohydrate and to make sure to take good quality B vitamins during the day.

I hope this helps you a little....

Just thought that I would reinforce what she was saying cause it really helped relieve that anxious feeling, and I think it could or it might help you too.

Many prayers!!



Redirect: Tryptophan

Posted by Dr. Bob on December 13, 2004, at 19:23:00

In reply to Re: My experience after 5 mths.-death? » jubilee, posted by dancingstar on December 11, 2004, at 15:51:24

> I picked up some Tryptophan at the vitamin shop last night...

Sorry to interrupt, but I'd like to redirect follow-ups regarding Tryptophan to Psycho-Babble Alternative. Here's a link:




Side Effect- Liver Damage (Effexor Cymbalta)

Posted by absolute on December 14, 2004, at 0:55:30

In reply to My experience after 5 mths.-death?, posted by jubilee on December 11, 2004, at 15:22:09

Speaking of side effects- I've compared Eli Lilly's drug Cymbalta to Effexor XR. Cymbalta can damage your liver if you are a moderate to heavy drinker. I've never found any information on that being true with Effexor. In fact, my doctor says it does not.

Do SNRI's increase the likelihood of liver damage when combined with alcohol, or is this side-effect limited to Serzone & Cymbalta?

It's possible that no one really knows for sure.


Re: Side Effect- Liver Damage (Effexor Cymbalta)

Posted by dancingstar on December 14, 2004, at 12:21:19

In reply to Side Effect- Liver Damage (Effexor Cymbalta), posted by absolute on December 14, 2004, at 0:55:30

go to where you can read more completely about the side effects, as I was advised to do; but in answer to your question, one of us has severe liver damage as a direct result of taking effexor.

because of my personal experience that i only became aware of after discontinuing effexor, i think that it is a horrid choice of drugs...though i'm not sure of a better one.
i'm leaning towards pharmaceutical grade tryptophan which you can now purchase at the vitamin shop. i am not sure of the interaction of tryptophan and alcohol, though, but i will bet it is safer than any of the AD's. Please continue to do your homework on this before taking anything.



Re: I've had to come off it after 6 weeks

Posted by HappinessPie on December 14, 2004, at 15:20:17

In reply to I've had to come off it after 6 weeks, posted by tuckerj on December 11, 2004, at 10:26:41

I was only on it for about 10 weeks total, including ramping up and down. I weaned myself off 150 mg (XR) but it was the last step (from 18 mg to 0) that was the worst.

I am so glad to be off it; it's been 8 days and my brain shivers are nearly gone. I just get one every several hours or so instead of every 5 minutes. The nausea is almost gone too!

Good luck to everyone else coming off it; it is most unpleasant (to put it mildly).

(PS I went off it because of weight gain, flat emotions / dispassion, nausea, & memory issues)


Re: My experience after 5 mths.-death? » dancingstar

Posted by corafree on December 14, 2004, at 19:10:06

In reply to Re: My experience after 5 mths.-death? » jubilee, posted by dancingstar on December 11, 2004, at 15:51:24

I understand the L-tryptophan helped w/ anxiety feelings, correct? just me cf


Re: for jp Effexor vs SR » jo

Posted by moms4elmo on December 15, 2004, at 9:28:46

In reply to Re: for jp Effexor vs SR, posted by jo on October 27, 1999, at 11:05:39

Effexor XR is a pretty potent drug. I am on 75mg/day. I have no major side effects, luckily. My doctor very clearly informed me that if I wanted to try another drug, I needed to come down off of the effexor first. I have mild OCD/depression and take no other drugs. I recommend listening to your doctor and taking it slow.


Hope for depression

Posted by jubilee on December 16, 2004, at 14:05:35

In reply to Re: Side Effect- Liver Damage (Effexor Cymbalta), posted by dancingstar on December 14, 2004, at 12:21:19

I end up erasing titles because I dont know any other way to start new subject....sorry.

I wanted to share for those who want to gt off effexor but can't bare the thought of slipping back into the doom and gloom that I suffered with for 19 years of depression.
I would go down on my elivil( which the least harmful of all I am convinced and was actually discovered for people with TB, and they were all comming out of depressions . ) It was very popular back in my day , I'm 52 , for when people got depression , though there were others around, and maybe asking for an older drug might help.

These new drugs are from hell in my opinion as they are trying to fix everything like weight gain, dry mouth etc I feel.. My daughter-in-law wants a particular one that is Topamax, which she has been on and off several times with no problem , that helps for people who especially have weight problems that runs in her family and she lost lots of weight , plus I assume it helped with depression.

I am only sharing some things I am aware of and certainly not giving any advice , but the doom and gloom would hit strong in 3 days for me and going back on my elivil could pull me back out of it in 2 or 3 days. Believe me , I tried it many times, and the worst I gained in the 18 years I was on it was was 50 lbs. Never went over that , and didnt discipline myself on sweets !
I just wanted to say I know there are many facing the hell of depression to go off effexor which did work well for me also..
I am going too write on another subject on the horrors of withdrawals of effexor now under a new title. Jubilee.


A whole new hell , I discovered

Posted by jubilee on December 16, 2004, at 14:24:55

In reply to Hope for depression, posted by jubilee on December 16, 2004, at 14:05:35

I have been one of those lucky ones that went down slow on effexor (5 mths)because I happened to have a large bottle and was on 300mgss when I found out the dangers and got hope in going off slowly. Well , the personality changes it has put me through as I have not had to deal with vomiting over 3 times but it has cost me friends and I believe opened me up to demons like any drug and its affect can do as any drug addict knows. I have said things and offended many and lost family members that are no longer speaking to me . I have said things totally uncalled for and felt 100% right when saying it. I look back a month later and wonder what the hell my problem was . My advise for those who have the luxery of going off slowly is to limit your communications and if I could do it over I surely would have. I would have locked myself away or not taken calls for 6 months as all I know is that yesterday was my last day and I dont care if I peuk or what, I cannot justify as a christian putting this drug into my system another day. ( I feel fine now and handled my problem in a Christian way) Maybe people who go cold turkey don't have this problem that comes so sutbtily as they are too sick physically to be or think so rudely. So for those who go slowly remember it will affect your personality and thinking. God bless to all, and I pray I have not offended any here. With effexor there is going to be a price to pay , it seems. ( if you can get and take tranqulizers , I highly suggest you do) Jubilee


Re: My experience after 5 mths.-death?

Posted by jubilee on December 16, 2004, at 14:40:03

In reply to Re: My experience after 5 mths.-death? » jubilee, posted by dancingstar on December 11, 2004, at 15:51:24

> Jubilee,
> I picked up some Tryptophan at the vitamin shop last night. I mean, MKB has been telling us to get this stuff for how long now? I guess I figured that with the 5HTP and everything else I was taking that I just didn't want to add anything else cause I am spending more money on supplements -- way more -- than on food or clothes or shelter at this point, but it calmed my stomach a wee bit after the first dose. I mean, don't exceed the recommended doseage or anything to hurry it along cause I doubt that's gonna help. But it is worth a trying the Tryptophan, I think. I couldn't believe that it really helped. ;-)....stubborn, I am, I guess, and burned out from feelins so bad for so long, too. My joints have been hurting so badly...and then they just stop hurting when my stomach stops hurting. It says right on the label, though, to be sure to take with some carbohydrate and to make sure to take good quality B vitamins during the day.
> I hope this helps you a little....
> Just thought that I would reinforce what she was saying cause it really helped relieve that anxious feeling, and I think it could or it might help you too.
> Many prayers!!
> Bebe
Hi Bebe, Been trying to get you from home but always getssent back. Thanks for the advise, but when your ready to kill your husband and the TV DISH person, but you can't reach through the phone, as you are screaming "it's really not personal" ya see ,I'm just comming off this med...... Well I think I will stick with the Xanex for now , and I mean this seriously and jokingly and at least hope it made you laugh !
The Dr just offered me the Xanex from when I got it when my son died and I said ok, Ill call it in , when he has no idea what I am going through as I said nothing about effexor , and what I did mention he just scratched his head in ignorance....I don't know why God does so much for me , when I'm such a brat. Thanks Bebe, Jubilee
Ps , I would like to get involved with Weyth or whoever they are and help support you and Sammi. Please get my address from Sammi.


Re: A whole new hell , I discovered » jubilee

Posted by corafree on December 16, 2004, at 14:40:29

In reply to A whole new hell , I discovered, posted by jubilee on December 16, 2004, at 14:24:55

Your plan is something I'm thinking of doing, guess ya' know. I have said things 'incorrectly and harshly, and in a manner that I don't like', while on Eff-XR. I agree that sometimes the older meds were the best meds. I never gave Elavil a chance; was given one long ago, but think it was after being on the newer ADs. I'm the same age as you. Docs used to prescribe Elavil after the loss of a spouse; quite a few elderly people are on it and doing fine. They are able to go on and be happy w/ just themselves ... after such a loss. cf


Re: I've had to come off it after 6 weeks

Posted by jubilee on December 16, 2004, at 14:42:37

In reply to Re: I've had to come off it after 6 weeks, posted by HappinessPie on December 14, 2004, at 15:20:17

> I was only on it for about 10 weeks total, including ramping up and down. I weaned myself off 150 mg (XR) but it was the last step (from 18 mg to 0) that was the worst.
> I am so glad to be off it; it's been 8 days and my brain shivers are nearly gone. I just get one every several hours or so instead of every 5 minutes. The nausea is almost gone too!
> Good luck to everyone else coming off it; it is most unpleasant (to put it mildly).
> (PS I went off it because of weight gain, flat emotions / dispassion, nausea, & memory issues)
Oh yea.....I forgot my name a couple times Ha111
I started thinking I was 92 not 52 . Jubilee


Re: A whole new hell , I discovered » jubilee

Posted by MKB on December 16, 2004, at 14:57:25

In reply to A whole new hell , I discovered, posted by jubilee on December 16, 2004, at 14:24:55

I completely understand, Jubilee. I went through the same thing, but things are OK now. You'll feel 100% better in a month or so.


Re: I've had to come off it after 6 weeks » jubilee

Posted by corafree on December 16, 2004, at 16:10:19

In reply to Re: I've had to come off it after 6 weeks, posted by jubilee on December 16, 2004, at 14:42:37

Jubilee - Yep, flat emotions and memory loss. I am beginning to think I have Alzheimer's. Just today confused an appt w/ tomorrow .. it was important too. cf


Re: I've had to come off it after 6 weeks

Posted by eeyorena on December 16, 2004, at 16:20:49

In reply to Re: I've had to come off it after 6 weeks, posted by jubilee on December 16, 2004, at 14:42:37


You have my sympathies. I came off of Effexor in 2001, before there was a lot of documenation (nothing from Wyeth) that there was any kind of withdrawal effect from Effexor.

My withdrawal was so bad that they thought I had Multiple Sclerosis. Those were just the physical symptoms. I put my poor husband through hell. It is so unbelievable to me now that I felt SO badly that I became raging from the pain.

You will feel better in a month. And then better after that. And then better after that. I'm working on my third year of still trying to regain the competencies I had before the Effexor withdrawal. Along with the fainting, seizures and pain, I also had major memory and processing problems. I would mix up the words in sentences or forget certain words entirely. It was easier for me to watch AND listen to people talk or just read notes from them. Listening to someone on the phone was impossible. It didn't given me a way to process or slow down.

I've always had a bit of distrust of the FDA (I used to administer benefits in the Fortune 100), but now I despise it.

I do think that these drugs may have slightly different effects on different people. So anyone else reading this shouldn't necessarily be afraid of Effexor. Just, please, be cautious. For those who repond poorly too it, the redponse can be increibly poor.


http: //


Effexor: I love you, but all good things must end

Posted by als1972sd on December 17, 2004, at 0:52:20

In reply to A whole new hell , I discovered, posted by jubilee on December 16, 2004, at 14:24:55

I have been on Effexor for 3.5 years at 300mg per day. This drug was the magic bullet for curing a lifetime of chronic depression (dysthymia). I highly recommend it to anyone who has had poor results with SSRIs (I tried prozac, wellbutrin, paxil first). Effexor is generally well tolerated, but side effects can become apparent at higher doses. I experienced slightly elevated heart rate and blood pressure and some constipation, but it was not clear that the elevated heart rate was not due to my lethargic body being reanimated by the medication. To anyone starting this medication, I suggest spending several months evaluating your dose.

When I made it to 300mg/day I found myself sweating excessively during exercise and while sleeping. My doc suggested this might be due to being out of shape and indeed, after a physical traing program and having reduced some of the stress associated with the recovery process the sweating went away. I did find that the elevated blood pressure, heart rate and constipation did not go away however, so a new doctor recently suggested I try Lexapro. Lexapro is reported to have the lowest magnitude of side effects (esp intestinal), so it seemed like a good idea. I started my change over by lowering Effexor to 150mg/day and taking 10mg lexapro/day. I continued this for a week and had no withdrawl symptoms other than a very very slight flu like feeling on day one. At the end of the first week I stopped the Effexor entirely, continuing with 10mg/day Lexapro. During week two I experienced some insomnia and a funny electrical sensation when I walk that is like suddenly becoming aware of your nerve transmissions as they run along your limbs. It is a strange sensation but not painful or disabling at all. My mood has not changed for the worse and I have felt more of an antianxiety effect than I did on Effexor. I have read that Lex is great for anxiety.

I think my experience demonstrates the wisdom of taking a SSRI while discontinuing Effexor even if you do not plan on staying on it long term.

Another thing I found really helpful in treating depression was omega-3 fatty acid supplements. These are used as a natural treatment for depression in Europe and made me feel noticeable more stable emotionally even while on Effexor.

Hope this was useful,



Re: Side Effect- Liver Damage (Effexor Cymbalta) » absolute

Posted by Wildflower on December 17, 2004, at 11:43:21

In reply to Side Effect- Liver Damage (Effexor Cymbalta), posted by absolute on December 14, 2004, at 0:55:30

Anyone know the definition of moderate versus heavy drinking?

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

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