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Posted by Larry Hoover on November 8, 2004, at 10:25:43
In reply to Re: can't stop thinking -Larry H. help?, posted by lorilu on November 7, 2004, at 23:46:29
> All I know is my new prescription is Adderal XR 10 mg, but I will start at 5 mg. for a week. I do not know if Adderal and Provigil are the same med, but I've been reading that some people take as much as 600 mg. of Provigil a day so maybe this is a legal way of taking more of the drug. I am pretty sure my pdoc would have told me they were the same drug. Maybe Larry Hoover can answer this question?
Absolutely not the same drug. Adderal is mixed amphetamine salts. Provigil is modafinil, which promotes alertness, but via a very different mechanism. They're not even totally sure what Provigil does in the brain, as it affects parts of the brain not previously associated with the action of stimulants.
They're apples and oranges. There's no way to compare them, apart from how well they might or might not work for you.
Posted by iris2 on November 8, 2004, at 11:05:21
In reply to Re: Big Stomach:(, posted by redscarlet on November 7, 2004, at 22:03:28
To know if your prolactin is high you get a blood test. I also had it indicated because my period stopped and the medication had it as a major side effect.
Posted by iris2 on November 8, 2004, at 11:26:26
In reply to Re: Big Stomach:( » iris2, posted by stresser on November 7, 2004, at 22:12:38
I don't have irritable bowel syndrome. I do get constipated from the oxycontin but I take fiber and laxatives/softener for it. My stomach is big because the medication caused this change in my hormones, which caused my stomach to get big. I also crave sweets from it, which could also be causing my stomach to be bigger even though I have not gained any weight.
Kat cannot remember exactly what you posted but I cannot take much of anything else because of the interstitial cystitis. If I had a choice and could take another antidepressant that I could tolerate and worked of course I would go off of this one. I have no real choice and this one is helping me some. So it does not make a lot of sense to go off of it even if it makes me chubby. If I did not have an eating disorder I think this would not be so hard. I tend to be a very grounded kind of person except when it comes to my disease.
There are a couple of medications I might be able to take to lower the prolactin that might not interfere with the Amisulpride but the medication I just started for depression has a possibility of lowering the prolactin so I think it prudent to wait a bit and see if I can take it and if it helps the depression and the prolactin. I am continuing to search for another medication that will work besides the Amisulpride. I guess I think I need some encouragement that it is ok to be a little chubby that the trade off is well worth it!!!The Endocrinologist was a bust. He had no compassion at all and was abrupt and rude I thought. I asked him about taking something to lower the prolactin and he said it was like him putting his fingers in a drawer and taking morphine to alleviate the pain. The analogy does not even fit! I am going to try and get another referral to a different endocrinologist. So basically what I am doing is taking the belly enlargerL along with a possible antidepressant and belly belittlerJ Chances that I will be able to tolerate the new drug are not looking good. I am already having problems with my bladder. But we'll see. What choice do I have? I guess I could go on one of these other meds to lower the prolactin but I cannot do both at the same time because I will not know which is causing what side effects or even which is lowering the prolactin if both are.
I could go off the Amisulpride but I tried that and I was a mess. I could not believe how bad my depression got. It was hard to believe I had lived that way for over two years. Perhaps I was also going through some withdrawal. Could be.
That is where I am now. I will have to stop complaining and deal with it.irene
Posted by iris2 on November 8, 2004, at 11:50:45
In reply to Re: can't stop thinking -Larry H. help?, posted by lorilu on November 7, 2004, at 23:46:29
Adderal and Provigil are not the same medication. I will email you some links to look at.
Posted by iris2 on November 8, 2004, at 12:37:50
In reply to Re: Big Stomach:( » iris2, posted by headachequeen on November 7, 2004, at 21:23:49
I found your post. It is much more than bloating. I actually thought of that for a short time but it is bigger than bloating plus I am getting bigger around my back like love handles.
I think I answered the rest in my post before this one. Reality here is that I am not able to take almost any medications so if one does help at all and I am able to take it it does not make sense to me to stop taking it because I get a big tummy. But my reality is steeped in an eating disorder replete with body image problems:( Do you not think that a "normal" person when faced with this dilemma would automatically opt to continue taking the medication and just deal with the big stomach. I have seen a lot of happy people that were a little overweight or did not have great figures. Better "happy" and big than wanting to die and small belly? Logic is telling me this is correct but my emotions are screaming no at me!
Posted by bridgey1128 on November 8, 2004, at 15:31:28
In reply to Re: Big Stomach:( » headachequeen, posted by iris2 on November 8, 2004, at 12:37:50
Actually that is why I refused to take anything that would make me gain weight. I wouldn't BE happy fat. So it would be pointless for me to take a med that would cause a trigger. My weight has always been a depression trigger for me and now that is is going down I can live with a few extra pounds as it goes down because I know that I can lose it. I can't live with a medicine that will make me fat because that is one of the reasons that causes me to BECOME depressed in my cycles of depression so that would be a stupid logic for me to say I would be ok to take a med. I would rather be crazy and deal with a little hyperness and racing thoughts and occasional depression than deal with being fat. I know that sounds rather shallow but when I had lost all my weight I had hardly any bouts with depression so I know that was a major cause of it. Now my mania was another story. Of course, I guess my bipolar II doesn't seem to be as "bad", so to speak, as some people's and my rational mind still works even though my emotional one does not. It's like they are two separate entities. Even when I am in a deep dark depression, my rational mind is telling my emotional one, quit being so stupid, you know this is just a cycle. You know you have people who love you and support you. You know you will come out of this so don't do anything that you will regret. All the while I am sobbing and feeling like crap. My feelings are still taking over but the rationality is there so I know it will pass. I guess that is why I have never killed myself. Even when I have been in a rage, throwing things and hitting things (not people). Punching objects (I must have some seriously strong bones because I have never broken any fingers or knuckles and I punch hard). One time in high school I punched a concrete post. I had to ask my psych teacher for a bag of ice for my hand and I don't think he bought my explaination that I had hit it on something. I think he was wondering who lost the fight, although I never got into fights. I ended up with 3 golf ball sized bruises on my knuckles but I did not break them. The most recently stupid thing I did was hit myself. I was so angry I punched myself in the jaw. Still, not breaking anything but left a big golf ball sized bruise on my right jaw. I didn't realize that was going to bruise because I have hit myself before and it never had bruised. I felt REALLY bad because I didn't want someone to think my husband had hit me because he would NEVER lay a hand on me. I also felt bad because I had to lie to my mom, and yes she bought it. I told her I caught my foot in the sheet as I was getting out of bed and smacked my face on my side table. Which, actually, I have done before, it just didn't leave a bruise. I must also add, that I do not make a practice of lying, but that I am a very honest person. Hence the foot in mouth disease. :P The bluntness. Anyway, I hope that you can find a med, Irene, that can help your situation without causing the extra weight in the tummy. I know that must be frustrating for you. Because of my shape, I don't tend to gain weight there first. I gain it in my butt,legs and boobs. I have also found that working out doesn't help me lose weight either so I gave up on that one a long time ago. The only thing that has ever helped is the Atkins diet. I know people find it hard to stay on, but I find the longer I am on it, the less I want starches and things and the less hungry I am. I do find that I need to stay away from diet drinks a lot. My body tends to see them as the real thing. I am thinking I might need to take extra potassium listening to you guys. My vitamins have a lot of other things in them but because I drink so much water and the vitamins don't have that much in them I might be potassium deficient. I might just end up peeing it out. :P Oops! I'm glad you are feeling better Merry! Welcome back to the land of the living! And how is M doing L? Is she doing better? Poor Kat has had it so rough. :( And yes the drug allergy thing I do believe IS a redhead thing. I am allergic, I have found to a lot of different antibiotics. When Dr's ask me what antibiotics I am allergic to I just take a deep breath and go down the line....Penicillin, codeine, keflex, cipro, sulfa drugs...morphine makes me want to scratch my face off. All the favorites. Luckily I can take Levequin. So all is not lost should I get bronchitis again this year. I have been fighting it off! GO AWAY!!! Anyway, I hope everyone else gets better soon.
Posted by headachequeen on November 8, 2004, at 15:44:20
In reply to Re: Merry, Happy you're back, posted by merry on November 7, 2004, at 14:51:00
> > Seven pounds is wonderful, and having you back makes it twice as nice!!! I sound like my grandma! Sooooo, did the topamax make you lose the weight? I'm still picking everyone's brains over this blasted drug, because I always think I need an answer to every problem emmediatly. No patience here.....Just waiting for it to kick in for my daughter. Larry is great huh? -L
> The topomax is making me feel less hungry so I eat less. But at times I feel real hunger I tend to eat too much then I get sick and can't keep it down. That part I don't like. So I have to be careful and just watch out and don't overdo it. Before the Topomax I used to overeat but now I don't feel like eating as much because food doesn't appeal to me right now. I feel more thirsty than hungry. merryMerry, it seems to me that the Topomax is doing its thing for you...
making you feel less hungry so that you eat less, that is one of the things that happens with it...
when you feel really hungry, ask yourself what you really want to eat...
something spicy? crunchy? meat? etc? decide what would really suit the moment... then prepare that particular meal...
sometimes we eat because we are hungry, but the meal or snack or whatever that we choose is simply food and serves no purpose, we eat more of it than we really want simply because it does not fulfill the desire that we want to have met...
and before you eat, have some of those valuable nuts... not peanuts, they are a legume and serve no purpose... but cashews, pecans, walnuts, or almonds; they are healthy and they curb appetite...
then sit down to enjoy that carefully chosen meal that is going to meet your hungry moment...
and be sure to focus on the food... do not do anything else when eating it -- no television, no reading, nothing else...
when we eat while doing something else we tend to eat more...
oh I have learned so much about wrong eating habits over the years...
mainly because I have had so many of the wrong eating habits....
feeling thirsty is good... drink lots of water as it is really good for you and will make you feel less hungry or so they tell me...
so glad to hear from you and to know that you are alive and kickin' as they say...
Posted by rainy on November 8, 2004, at 15:56:31
In reply to Re: Merry, Happy you're back, posted by headachequeen on November 8, 2004, at 15:44:20
Bridgey, you explained the eating disordered mind set well. Thanks.
Posted by headachequeen on November 8, 2004, at 15:59:27
In reply to Re: Big Stomach:( » headachequeen, posted by iris2 on November 8, 2004, at 12:37:50
Do you not think that a "normal" person when faced with this dilemma would automatically opt to continue taking the medication and just deal with the big stomach.
>>> Irene, there is no such thing as "normal"..
and no one can decide what is normal as a term that is meant to describe everyone ...
what is normal for me for instance, is not and should not be normal for you or anyone else on this board or on this planet...
I think we should take a vote or some such agreement and banish the word 'normal' from communications shared on this board...
anyone using it should be sent to the brig for ninety days on chocolate fudge brownies and water while the rest of lose weight and we will all laugh at the guilty party when s/he emerges with the extra weight...
no one is 'normal'...
each of us is unique and special...
you are unique and special and as my doctor says of me a challenge to be met and considered...
normal, pah!
I banish it...
so there...
See? I am back in control...there would be no eating problems if there were no body image problems... and if there were no barbies and no super models and and and...
however I am working on banishing them... give me the mean time, you do have a self-image problem and you DO have an eating disorder. These are things with which we have to deal...
however, you do not have to accept the situation...
what you have to accept is that your life is precious...
you are precious... especially to this group here as well as to those people in your immediate circle, home, family and so on...
So this has to be worked out...Is there not another med that will deal with this problem? Sit down with your doctor and tell him or her how you feel; be open and honest about your fears and feelings...
there has to be something that will work on your feelings and not cause this weight gain...if we can do all the scientific wonders we have achieved, we have to be able to do this...
we have to be able to do it...
I have seen a lot of happy people that were a little overweight or did not have great figures. Better "happy" and big than wanting to die and small belly? Logic is telling me this is correct but my emotions are screaming no at me!
> irene
Posted by headachequeen on November 8, 2004, at 16:03:34
In reply to Re: Big Stomach:( » iris2, posted by stresser on November 7, 2004, at 22:12:38
> I just had the time to read all the posts, and I still don't know how to work keeping the questions and adding my own posts after. Duh, I guess I'm tired tonight.
> Kat, the girls are right, you can't worry about something you can't control. At least you have a feeling now of what it's like to have a seizure come on, so that's progress. I just wish I could take my own advice, right? Fine for me to dish it out, always talk, talk, talk.....
> As for the big tummy, have you even thought you could have Irritable Bowel Syndrom? I have it, and I take Zelnorm twice a day for it. It works very, very, very, well. I can't even tell you what a difference it makes for me. The bloating goes away, and I'm not constipated or anything like that anymore. I'm out of my prescription and am not compfortable until I get another. My tummy really bloats out, like I'm pregnant or something. That may be something to look in to. Keep me posted on that one.
> Take care,
> get some sleep, being a walking zombie won't help you at all Kat,
> Nite, Nite, -L
Oh I slept last night... woke up this morning to the sound of the phone ringing and had no idea where I was and why the nurses were not answering the phones LOL
It was my doctor's office calling... and then the orthopaedist's office called to move up my appointment...
the day was off and running ...I too have IBS, isn't it fun... and the tegretol adds to the entertainment... must ask my GP about
Zelnorm; it must have a Canadian equivalent...thanks for the suggestion...
Posted by rainy on November 8, 2004, at 18:54:49
In reply to Re: Big Stomach:( » headachequeen, posted by iris2 on November 8, 2004, at 12:37:50
With an eating disorder, to misquote Bruno Bettleheim, being loved is not enough. It's irrational and I would rather endure all the tricks that Topamax has to play than go back to its hell. I'm afraid I'm going to have to convince my pdoc of this tomorrow, which is part of the reason I'm feeling apprehensive about my appointment.
The other part is this. A few weeks ago I called her office to check on something and her office administrator immediately began to scold me vigorously for altering my perscriptions. !!?? I send them away to an online drug company and one of the phamacists had called the office to say that the number of refills had been changed. For what seemed like forever I was yelled at for something the doctor had done. She'd changed the scripts for more refills because of the time involved in getting them, while I was in the office.
The conversation, if you can call it that, finally terminated with my verbally expressed understanding that it is a no-no to alter prescriptions. I was distressed because for a minute I thought, well, did I or not? Of course not!
I get freaked out when scolded by someone 20 years my junior who doesn't stop for breath and who makes rather serious accusations.
I dithered and fussed and finally talked with our daughter who works as a paralegal in a medical malpractice office. She suggested that I talk with the doc and ask that a note be made in the chart exonerating me from the charges and a written statement of the same be given to me at my next visit, just in case the feds come looking for me or something. So I did.
Well, tomorrow is the next visit and I feel very awkward. Also this is the pdoc who told my therapist, who mentioned to me, that I intimidate her--the doctor, which I feel uncomfortable about. Errrggg.
I'd like to avoid what Bridgey described with such purity--the "bluntness" of foot in mouth disease, but there are no guarantees of anything.
Any advice? And please, your good wishes.
I'd rather have a spinal tap.
Posted by iris2 on November 8, 2004, at 19:51:38
In reply to Re: Big Stomach:(, posted by headachequeen on November 8, 2004, at 15:59:27
I know ther is no such thing as "normal" which is why I put it in quotes. Unfortunately I have no doctor to talk about this stuff with. I am basically being mly own practitioner and my pdoc just writes the scripts I ask him to. It is not a good situaltion but I have not ben aable to find a doctor that would or could treat me.
Posted by iris2 on November 8, 2004, at 19:53:07
In reply to Re: Big Stomach:(, posted by headachequeen on November 8, 2004, at 15:59:27
BTW I am feeling rather self obsorbed. How are you faring now? That had to be he** to go through. You are sounding more like yourself today:)
Posted by headachequeen on November 8, 2004, at 19:59:23
In reply to Big Stomachs and fat heads :(, posted by bridgey1128 on November 8, 2004, at 15:31:28
> Actually that is why I refused to take anything that would make me gain weight. I wouldn't BE happy fat. So it would be pointless for me to take a med that would cause a trigger. My weight has always been a depression trigger for me
Bridgey, recognising the triggers is so important... and you have them identified...
I learned so much when I was seeing the psychiatrist and the psycholdogist and the time I was in the hospital with the supposed breakdown that I now know was part of this epilepsy...
now it is of no help to me LOL
and the diagnosis of hypomania was totally off the mark too...
I begin to feel as if I don't belong here and may have to move and join the techno-weenies on the epilepsy boards...sigh
my so-called hypomania is another confused diagnosis -- I am not hypomanic at all. This is another manifestation of the weird type of epilepsy apparently. The psychiatrist could not figure out what was going on, so tagged me with a name he could understand.
I walk too fast and do everything imagineable too fast... I have to be told to slow down and various doctors thought it was a sign of depression;
I cannot sit still, instead I am forever tapping a foot or swinging a foot when my legs are crossed, or 'twiddling my thumbs', or some such thing, things that are inappropriate behaviours as they say...other manifestations...
and on it goes.
So many of the symptoms that were attached to other things are actually epileptic manifestations for lack of a better word. As my orthopaedist said today, 'looking back, it makes sense'.But I have learned that recocgnising those things that trigger your depressions or mood swings and acting upon them is vital. You obviously have that under control.
As for bruises and avoiding public reaction --
I had to go back to my GP's office today for a flu shot...
that meant a sleeveless shell so that no tight sleeves to make the site bruise... now that is a laugh as my arms and shoulders are so badly bruised it is wild to see...
I am in the habit since I came home of wearing long long sleeves and high collars and dark glasses... Greta Garbo and I are in competition.
I had to take off my jacket so the nurse could check BP and give me the shot, and anyone passing by the open door did a double take, believe me...
black and blue takes on a new the orthopaedist's I was complaining about the gurneys in the ambulance and emergency at the two hospitals and he explained it was I who did the damage to myself... the thrashing around...
so I had to accept blame...
then told me that the bruising on my shoulders and arms was nothing compared with that on my back...
well I didn't want to know about it...but I had my first accupuncture treatment...
and it was nothing as I supposed...
he did sacrocranial massage for my head and neck and put my spine and so on into place, then did accupuncture for that pain in my eye area...
and NO I wonder if they can treat epilepsy with accupuncture...
and is there a treatment for weight????
it is amazing stuff and if I can quit eating with a few painless needles, here I go....kat who is obsessed with self-image and confesses it...
Posted by headachequeen on November 8, 2004, at 20:02:35
In reply to Re: Big Stomach:(, posted by rainy on November 8, 2004, at 18:54:49
You forgot to insist that the secretary apologise...
this person is totally and unacceptably rude...
and assuming...
when did you get a chance to respond to her accusations? you didn't.
If this is the calibre of person the doctor hires, she needs a few lessons in manners...and maybe this should be the first one...
the whole issue is disgusting....
and I am so sorry it happened to you of all people
> With an eating disorder, to misquote Bruno Bettleheim, being loved is not enough. It's irrational and I would rather endure all the tricks that Topamax has to play than go back to its hell. I'm afraid I'm going to have to convince my pdoc of this tomorrow, which is part of the reason I'm feeling apprehensive about my appointment.
> The other part is this. A few weeks ago I called her office to check on something and her office administrator immediately began to scold me vigorously for altering my perscriptions. !!?? I send them away to an online drug company and one of the phamacists had called the office to say that the number of refills had been changed. For what seemed like forever I was yelled at for something the doctor had done. She'd changed the scripts for more refills because of the time involved in getting them, while I was in the office.
> The conversation, if you can call it that, finally terminated with my verbally expressed understanding that it is a no-no to alter prescriptions. I was distressed because for a minute I thought, well, did I or not? Of course not!
> I get freaked out when scolded by someone 20 years my junior who doesn't stop for breath and who makes rather serious accusations.
> I dithered and fussed and finally talked with our daughter who works as a paralegal in a medical malpractice office. She suggested that I talk with the doc and ask that a note be made in the chart exonerating me from the charges and a written statement of the same be given to me at my next visit, just in case the feds come looking for me or something. So I did.
> Well, tomorrow is the next visit and I feel very awkward. Also this is the pdoc who told my therapist, who mentioned to me, that I intimidate her--the doctor, which I feel uncomfortable about. Errrggg.
> I'd like to avoid what Bridgey described with such purity--the "bluntness" of foot in mouth disease, but there are no guarantees of anything.
> Any advice? And please, your good wishes.
> I'd rather have a spinal tap.
> rainy
Posted by headachequeen on November 8, 2004, at 20:06:52
In reply to Re: Big Stomach:(, posted by iris2 on November 8, 2004, at 19:53:07
> BTW I am feeling rather self obsorbed. How are you faring now? That had to be he** to go through. You are sounding more like yourself today:)
> ireneIrene, I am feeling much better thank you...
had a slight scare earlier today... that foggy feeling but this evening I feel fine...
and having read your posts and now rainy's latest, I am back to total me...
the angry want to take on the world and straighten it out me, that is...there has to be an answer for you and I want you to know that we who care for you here are going to be here for you as you find it...
and rainy is going to demand that apology because we are going to stand here and demand that she do so...
I am so angry that fears are forgotten... pah!
besides I learned so much more today that I have no time for them...I also have found that some of you are the most incredibly special people...
people about whom I care so much that it is important that you do well and thrive....kat
Posted by merry on November 8, 2004, at 20:59:00
In reply to Re: Big Stomach:(, posted by rainy on November 8, 2004, at 18:54:49
Rainy, That woman was wrong and she owes you an apology. Your pdoc also has a problem that must be frustrating you and all this just adds to how you must be feeling. Try not to get all stressed out before you go to your appointment.
I know it would be easy to just go in there and just let her have it! That's what I would of done on the phone because I don't like to be unfairly accused. I have a Latin temper. But lately I've been very calm, so I don't how I would of responded now.Anyway, everything will be straighted out. And she will be made aware of her mistake and her face will be scarlet-red and her palms will sweat as she says how sorry she is for been such a stupid little meannie-head to you.
And as for you pdoc, I hope she also apologizes to you. She should learn from this and she should reprimand the receptionist and next time she makes any kind of these types of med. changes in the future she will handle it differently.
Sorry this happened to you.
Posted by lorilu on November 8, 2004, at 23:22:58
In reply to Re: can't stop thinking -Larry H. help?, posted by bridgey1128 on November 8, 2004, at 9:13:40
Lar- Thanks.
As for the questions as why do I take Topamax and why am I PLANNING to take Adderal (haven't been to the pharmacy yet), I'll try my best to explain. I took a SPECT Scan on my brain last year to determine if I was taking the right meds for anxiety/PTSD/OCD/depression...whatever... (I do not have the tests in front of me because I would obssess over them so I gave my copy back to my pdoc)but to the best of my knowledge the basal gangalia and anterior cingulate had extreme increased activity. My scan had a lot of red on it and that was not good. Topamax calms my brain down. Based on the other findings (temporal lobe I think) the doctor recommended Adderal to help with my symptoms of low motivation and internal preoccupation. Like, for example, the house is still a mess, and I am finally motivated enough to start cleaning it and I am wide awake at night even though I didn't take Provigil today. My body has kicked into stress mode. It now knows the party is tomorrow and theres no way with work tomorrow that I can get ready for the party without staying up really late and running around with my head cut off. See ya after tomorrow night. :) Unless I can't resist.
Posted by rainy on November 9, 2004, at 5:12:12
In reply to Re: can't stop thinking -Larry H. help?, posted by lorilu on November 8, 2004, at 23:22:58
Talk about self-preoccupied--that's my middle name! Thanks for your support--as always, it helps.
I'm past anger, yours is refreshing, Kat and I cherish it, and the doctor did apologize on the phone in a tiny little voice. It was obvious that the office manager hadn't told her the entire story (I wonder how she approached the real culprit in this crime.)
The OM is about as mouthy as I am, I guess more so, Merry, and I think I'm scared to demand an apology, especially when I'm feeling "accused" of being intimidating. Jeeze.
Maybe take two provigil and a klonopin--I've been awake since 3 thinking about today. (I won't, Kat, I won't--joke). I'm hoping she won't be there. Now is that wuss-like or what? But you're right, she, the scolder, does owe me one. At this moment, I just want it to be 10:45 and over. By the way, welcome back!
Lori, when you were explaining about taking Topamax, you mentioned something about another med easing your self-something. I obviously can't remember what it was but rumination is a word that popped into my head. Is that what you're talking about?
What kind of side effects does this med have for you? We have different lables to carry and you have a scan to prove your diagnosis, but our symtoms sound so similar. (Just clean the baseboards and the bathroom/kitchen.)
And Kat. As a happy child of about 8 or 9 I used to hear symphonies in my head as I was falling asleep and the hypnopompic imagery I enjoyed was wonderful. Psychotic? Epileptic?
Med student hypochondria here?
I will be sorry to lose you from this board. I'm glad you're feeling better.
Posted by lorilu on November 9, 2004, at 8:39:08
In reply to Re: can't stop thinking -Larry H. help?, posted by rainy on November 9, 2004, at 5:12:12
> Talk about self-preoccupied--that's my middle name! Thanks for your support--as always, it helps.
> I'm past anger, yours is refreshing, Kat and I cherish it, and the doctor did apologize on the phone in a tiny little voice. It was obvious that the office manager hadn't told her the entire story (I wonder how she approached the real culprit in this crime.)
> The OM is about as mouthy as I am, I guess more so, Merry, and I think I'm scared to demand an apology, especially when I'm feeling "accused" of being intimidating. Jeeze.
> Maybe take two provigil and a klonopin--I've been awake since 3 thinking about today. (I won't, Kat, I won't--joke). I'm hoping she won't be there. Now is that wuss-like or what? But you're right, she, the scolder, does owe me one. At this moment, I just want it to be 10:45 and over. By the way, welcome back!
> Lori, when you were explaining about taking Topamax, you mentioned something about another med easing your self-something. I obviously can't remember what it was but rumination is a word that popped into my head. Is that what you're talking about?
> What kind of side effects does this med have for you? We have different lables to carry and you have a scan to prove your diagnosis, but our symtoms sound so similar. (Just clean the baseboards and the bathroom/kitchen.)
> And Kat. As a happy child of about 8 or 9 I used to hear symphonies in my head as I was falling asleep and the hypnopompic imagery I enjoyed was wonderful. Psychotic? Epileptic?
> Med student hypochondria here?
> I will be sorry to lose you from this board. I'm glad you're feeling better.
> rainyGotta write fast :) Got the kitchen done and most of the house but have to get the kids off to school and couldn't resist taking a peek. Luckily I had to print something for school. I take 125 mg. with the 400 mg of Effexor to ease the constant worrying. The meds didn't work yesterday. If I would have just cleaned my house yesterday I wouldn't have been so grumpy, but instead I stay up to 2 and now I am still stressed because I have to buy the food, decorate... I am hoping the Adderal will focus me more. If I ever fill it. I loook forward to getting you and kats posts, too.
Posted by lorilu on November 9, 2004, at 8:40:58
In reply to Re: can't stop thinking -Larry H. help?, posted by lorilu on November 9, 2004, at 8:39:08
> > Talk about self-preoccupied--that's my middle name! Thanks for your support--as always, it helps.
> > I'm past anger, yours is refreshing, Kat and I cherish it, and the doctor did apologize on the phone in a tiny little voice. It was obvious that the office manager hadn't told her the entire story (I wonder how she approached the real culprit in this crime.)
> >
> > The OM is about as mouthy as I am, I guess more so, Merry, and I think I'm scared to demand an apology, especially when I'm feeling "accused" of being intimidating. Jeeze.
> > Maybe take two provigil and a klonopin--I've been awake since 3 thinking about today. (I won't, Kat, I won't--joke). I'm hoping she won't be there. Now is that wuss-like or what? But you're right, she, the scolder, does owe me one. At this moment, I just want it to be 10:45 and over. By the way, welcome back!
> >
> > Lori, when you were explaining about taking Topamax, you mentioned something about another med easing your self-something. I obviously can't remember what it was but rumination is a word that popped into my head. Is that what you're talking about?
> > What kind of side effects does this med have for you? We have different lables to carry and you have a scan to prove your diagnosis, but our symtoms sound so similar. (Just clean the baseboards and the bathroom/kitchen.)
> >
> > And Kat. As a happy child of about 8 or 9 I used to hear symphonies in my head as I was falling asleep and the hypnopompic imagery I enjoyed was wonderful. Psychotic? Epileptic?
> > Med student hypochondria here?
> > I will be sorry to lose you from this board. I'm glad you're feeling better.
> > rainy
> Gotta write fast :) Got the kitchen done and most of the house but have to get the kids off to school and couldn't resist taking a peek. Luckily I had to print something for school. I take 125 mg. with the 400 mg of Effexor to ease the constant worrying. The meds didn't work yesterday. If I would have just cleaned my house yesterday I wouldn't have been so grumpy, but instead I stay up to 2 and now I am still stressed because I have to buy the food, decorate... I am hoping the Adderal will focus me more. If I ever fill it. I loook forward to getting you and kats posts, too.
> Lorioops
i take 125 of effexor and 400 of topamax, 200 of provigil
Posted by iris2 on November 9, 2004, at 11:09:54
In reply to Re: can't stop thinking -Larry H. help?, posted by lorilu on November 8, 2004, at 23:22:58
How did you get the brain scan? Did your pdoc prescribe it? I am interessted for the same reasons you talkked about. To see what is going on and perhaps have a better tool to prescribe.
Posted by headachequeen on November 9, 2004, at 12:39:19
In reply to Re: Big Stomach:( » headachequeen, posted by iris2 on November 8, 2004, at 19:51:38
> I know ther is no such thing as "normal" which is why I put it in quotes. Unfortunately I have no doctor to talk about this stuff with. I am basically being mly own practitioner and my pdoc just writes the scripts I ask him to. It is not a good situaltion but I have not ben aable to find a doctor that would or could treat me.
> irene
How alone you must feel. I wish there were some way of helping bridge that gap and emptiness
Posted by headachequeen on November 9, 2004, at 12:45:08
In reply to mean girl, posted by merry on November 8, 2004, at 20:59:00
> Rainy, That woman was wrong and she owes you an apology. Your pdoc also has a problem that must be frustrating you and all this just adds to how you must be feeling. Try not to get all stressed out before you go to your appointment.
> I know it would be easy to just go in there and just let her have it! That's what I would of done on the phone because I don't like to be unfairly accused. I have a Latin temper. But lately I've been very calm, so I don't how I would of responded now.
> Anyway, everything will be straighted out. And she will be made aware of her mistake and her face will be scarlet-red and her palms will sweat as she says how sorry she is for been such a stupid little meannie-head to you.
> And as for you pdoc, I hope she also apologizes to you. She should learn from this and she should reprimand the receptionist and next time she makes any kind of these types of med. changes in the future she will handle it differently.
> Sorry this happened to you.
> merryOh, merry, I too am seething about this... and it is one of the last of the racing brain thoughts I had before I crashed last night... those meds really work when I don't fight them <g>
Certainly both the doctor and the receptionist or secretary or whatever owe rainy an apology and it is overdue...
the doctor changed the prescription and should remember that... so she or he whatever owes the apology
and where does the employee get off reading rainy a lecture? it is none of the employee's business...
she certainly owes an apology and if she were my employee would be told off and told to apologise to rainy in my presence, once I had apologised to her...
rainy, when you go to your appointment, go calmly and with great deep breaths... and then explain for the sake of both of them that you did not change anything, the doctor made the changes for sake of expediency...
and insist on apologies...
and then calmly and ever so regally accept the apologies with the proviso that they think it over before flying off the handle at someone again...these people need to learn to think before operating mouth...
I am so hurt for you
kat and so angry
Posted by headachequeen on November 9, 2004, at 12:55:09
In reply to Re: can't stop thinking -Larry H. help?, posted by rainy on November 9, 2004, at 5:12:12
> Talk about self-preoccupied--that's my middle name! Thanks for your support--as always, it helps.
> I'm past anger, yours is refreshing, Kat and I cherish it, and the doctor did apologize on the phone in a tiny little voice. It was obvious that the office manager hadn't told her the entire story (I wonder how she approached the real culprit in this crime.)
> The OM is about as mouthy as I am, I guess more so, Merry, and I think I'm scared to demand an apology, especially when I'm feeling "accused" of being intimidating. Jeeze.
> Maybe take two provigil and a klonopin--I've been awake since 3 thinking about today. (I won't, Kat, I won't--joke). I'm hoping she won't be there. Now is that wuss-like or what? But you're right, she, the scolder, does owe me one. At this moment, I just want it to be 10:45 and over. By the way, welcome back!
> Lori, when you were explaining about taking Topamax, you mentioned something about another med easing your self-something. I obviously can't remember what it was but rumination is a word that popped into my head. Is that what you're talking about?
> What kind of side effects does this med have for you? We have different lables to carry and you have a scan to prove your diagnosis, but our symtoms sound so similar. (Just clean the baseboards and the bathroom/kitchen.)
> And Kat. As a happy child of about 8 or 9 I used to hear symphonies in my head as I was falling asleep and the hypnopompic imagery I enjoyed was wonderful. Psychotic? Epileptic?
> Med student hypochondria here?
> I will be sorry to lose you from this board. I'm glad you're feeling better.
> rainyFirst, rainy, I am not leaving this board...
the epilepsy boards are simply not for me...
most of the posters are too well, let's not go there, or I will be leaving; Dr. Bob will kick me off <g>
I may not belong here, but I do take Topomax so I guess that qualifies me ???secondly, you are owed an apology and you go get it...
that is that.
and the control me wants to hear that you received it...
you did nothing of which to be ashamed or for which to be criticised...
and the office manager is not the person to criticise or scold anyway...
what a crock of garbage...
she needs to be replaced with someone more in tune with the patients' needs and with reality...rainy, my dear friend, you must not be afraid to go there and must not be afraid to inform her, head held high, looking her in the eye, assuming she can look YOU in the eye, that you think she probably would like to get something off her chest, an apology no doubt for a terrible mistake she made towards you...
and accept nothing less...
no, my dear, you don't get rid of me that easily...
I am not hypomanic; I am not depressed; but I shall be irritated if that intellectual hiccough does not apologise and do it properly
and the doctor owes more than a wimpy apology in a tinny voice...
if he is a pdoc he should know that there is no room for wussiness in his profession
kat again
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Script revised: February 4, 2008
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