Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 1016

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Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by Raggy on October 17, 2004, at 9:26:36

In reply to Re: My Effx withdrawel with no side effects!, posted by Arhian on October 8, 2004, at 11:14:33

I do hope that everyone has seen or heard about the new warning on these anti-depressants. The warning is for children, but adults have to be warned also.


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by seegar on October 29, 2004, at 23:51:15

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by 4WD on September 12, 2004, at 20:59:14

I thought that I was going crazy. I have taken Effexor xr for two years to help control the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Since coming off the Effexor (slowly, over the course of 4 weeks, as recommended) I have been getting withdrawl symptoms like I would have never believed.

"Brain Zaps", those awful dizzy, nauseous, shock-to-the-brain-for-a-second sensations whenever moving my head.
Sleeping issues
dizziness, which I chalked up to exhaustion. I have fallen twice in the last month, injuring myself.
Nausea. after I eat, for some strange reason
increase in acid reflux and irritable bowel syndrome symptoms
myalgia, meaning more pain, but I think that that's the fm symptom no longer being controlled
uncontrollable fits of anger, rage
crying crying crying for no reason
depression, ah depression
increased sexual dysfunction, can you believe that the dysfunction got worse?

even after a month since the last stepped down dosage.

Turns out I can blame so much of this on the Effexor withdrawl. Apparently, a great deal of people who stopped taking this drug have experienced these symptoms for this long, some even longer. Generally most made the comment that they were so thankful that their spouses were so understanding, and had not divorced them yet. That's how bad things had gotten.

This drug has affected so many people that the makers have had to change the warning labels. and, as we all know the warnings are maybe 50% as truthful and conservative as they should be. ( article 2

After much perusal on the web, viewing many chat forums regarding this issue, I have realized that what I have been experiencing is not uncommon. I am not going crazy. I am not getting menopausal emotional symptoms at the age of 34. I just had an online chat conversation with my best friend, my husband, and ended up in tears when he told me that he was working an extra half shift this week, as we need the extra money right now. I flipped out, truth be told. I am still not sure if this was because my fella is so sweet and is working so hard to earn extra dollars, or if I was upset that he would not be at home to help me work on our deadline burdened home renovations. This behavior on my part is distressing, depressing, and has been going on for over a month. The good news is that from all research, I understand that this living hell will end. Sometime. In the future. Interestingly enough, one of the websites offering information about combating withdrawl symptoms of Effexor offered up to 80% savings off retail price for Effexor. Does that mean that staying on the drug is the best method of battling withdrawl? Nice going. If I weren’t so afraid of anti depressants now, I would have actually asked my doctor for a prescription for a drug to counteract the withdrawl symptoms of a drug. Wow. How stupid.

I realize that I will get through this, but am discouraged nonetheless as I now am back to the drawing board with regards to the original issue: reducing fibromyalgia symptoms so that I can live a normal life again.

Well, at least life is not boring!


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by TrinityX1 on October 30, 2004, at 19:26:06

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by seegar on October 29, 2004, at 23:51:15

THANK GOD I am not the only one with these CRAZY side effects. I though I was gong NUTS as well.
I was on EFFEXOR XR for about 10 weeks and am now coming off and down and up for about 4 days now.
I was on 75mg which I understand is NOT a lot but, I went down to 35mg by cutting the pills in 1/2 and still am experiences terrible withdrawals.
The 1st day I cried over everything, even a stupid commercial and experienced BRIAN VOLTS every time I moved my head. I was feeling nauseous and every time I tired to eat I could only take a few bites before having to turn away. I did experience stomach pains, kind of like menstrual cramps too. I experienced a bit of confusion and was tired but not sure if I really wanted to go to bed. The 2nd day got a bit better however; still experience the dreaded "BRAIN VOTLS" but did not feel as nauseous as the 1st day. The 3rd day was slightly better but not far from the day before. Here I am on day 4 and the only symptom I experience is the BRAIN VOLTS. The only way that I can explain them is being spun around on a chair until you feel dizzy and having the dizziness pulsate through your brain and fingertips and heart like a VOLT of electricity. It really is annoying but they VOLTS are getting further apart as the days go by. I sure hope they go away real soon.
Coming off of Effexor really stinks and I feel for the individuals that have been on a larger dost then I have and for a longer period of time. I can only speculate the withdrawal symptoms are much more rampant than I have explained.
I just wanted the next person who reads this forum to know that they are NOT ALONE and NOT going CRAZY. Everything will become more NORMAL as each day passes.
I cant say that EFFEXOR actually helped me, but I can say that coming off of it sure makes you feel much more NORMAL then before being on it … hey maybe that is the purpose for the drug ????
Thanks for your time. Looking forward to Day 5


Re: Effexor and extreme thirst!

Posted by ladyofthelamp on November 8, 2004, at 10:12:21

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by TrinityX1 on October 30, 2004, at 19:26:06

Hi everyone,i was just wondering if anyone else has extreme thirst either during or after stopping effexor.I drink approx 4 litres a day yet i still feel and look dehydrated.This cannot be normal.I stopped effexor 3 weeks ago but if anything the thirst has got worse!!Any ideas as i feel i need to be on an intravenous drip!!!!!


Re: Effexor and extreme thirst!

Posted by pandareina on November 8, 2004, at 13:39:00

In reply to Re: Effexor and extreme thirst!, posted by ladyofthelamp on November 8, 2004, at 10:12:21

I hardly drink water, during of after effexor. The only condition I know that causes thirst like that is diabetes. Have you checked your blood sugar lately?

> Hi everyone,i was just wondering if anyone else has extreme thirst either during or after stopping effexor.I drink approx 4 litres a day yet i still feel and look dehydrated.This cannot be normal.I stopped effexor 3 weeks ago but if anything the thirst has got worse!!Any ideas as i feel i need to be on an intravenous drip!!!!!


Re: Effexor and extreme thirst!

Posted by ladyofthelamp on November 8, 2004, at 14:13:04

In reply to Re: Effexor and extreme thirst!, posted by pandareina on November 8, 2004, at 13:39:00

My doctor checked my urine,presumably for sugar and didn't say there was anything wrong but did tell me that the thirst was caused by effexor and to stop it.I assumed stopping effexor would make the thirst go away but it hasn't.I do not go any where without a bottle of water and it is getting me down.I do not urinate alot either so i have no idea where all the water goes!!!!.My doctor never seems concerned whatever i say to him but i feel this is a serious matter.He just tells me to always carry water with me.This cannot be normal can it???


Re: Effexor and extreme thirst!

Posted by ed_uk on November 8, 2004, at 14:37:07

In reply to Re: Effexor and extreme thirst!, posted by ladyofthelamp on November 8, 2004, at 14:13:04


Effexor can cause a dry mouth, this could make you thirsty. Do you have a dry mouth on Effexor?

Increased sweating is another common side effect. Effexor made me extremely sweaty :-( I had to drink a lot of water to compensate.



Re: Effexor and extreme thirst!

Posted by seegar on November 8, 2004, at 14:54:30

In reply to Re: Effexor and extreme thirst!, posted by ed_uk on November 8, 2004, at 14:37:07

Oh, ya, was I thirsty on Effexor. Dry mouth is a common side effect with this drug. Dry mouth is also common with fibromyalgia, so I was doubly damned. I am one of those people who can't be without water nearby normally, but on the Effexor, my mouth would be so dry that I sounded mush mouthed when talking. Almost two months off the drug, I am still drinking water. Hey, it is very good for the complexion, so keep drinking water, not pop or coffee.


Re: Effexor and extreme thirst!

Posted by ladyofthelamp on November 8, 2004, at 16:46:01

In reply to Re: Effexor and extreme thirst!, posted by seegar on November 8, 2004, at 14:54:30

Hi everyone and thanks for your help!I don't have a dry mouth in particular and don't sweat at all really.I could understand it if i did have thse things.I never have had to drink anything other than tea or coffee but now water is my poison!!All this water doesn't do my skin alot of good as it is dry yet i have spots for the first time in my life.I strangely seem to have symptoms of quite bad dehydration about 90% of the time just as if i had been without any liquid for 24hrs or something.To be honest i am quite worried about it so i will go and see my GP again.Incidentally i have also had the other withdrawal symptoms mentioned on this site and at least i don't feel such a failure or get tempted to go back on this poisonous drug again now i have an explanation for the weird side effects.


Re: Effexor and extreme thirst! » ladyofthelamp

Posted by jujube on November 8, 2004, at 19:08:33

In reply to Re: Effexor and extreme thirst!, posted by ladyofthelamp on November 8, 2004, at 16:46:01

Has your doctor checked your electrolytes? I don't much about this, but I seem to recall seeing something once about a person who was drinking, and needing, a lot of water, and it turned out there was an electrolyte imbalance. I may, however be mistaken. Just a thought.

Also, you may want to ask your doctor to run a Glucose Tolerance Test, which is also used to rule out diabetes.

Hope you get some answers soon.


> Hi everyone and thanks for your help!I don't have a dry mouth in particular and don't sweat at all really.I could understand it if i did have thse things.I never have had to drink anything other than tea or coffee but now water is my poison!!All this water doesn't do my skin alot of good as it is dry yet i have spots for the first time in my life.I strangely seem to have symptoms of quite bad dehydration about 90% of the time just as if i had been without any liquid for 24hrs or something.To be honest i am quite worried about it so i will go and see my GP again.Incidentally i have also had the other withdrawal symptoms mentioned on this site and at least i don't feel such a failure or get tempted to go back on this poisonous drug again now i have an explanation for the weird side effects.


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by roobie on November 9, 2004, at 5:44:02

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by TrinityX1 on October 30, 2004, at 19:26:06

Wow! thanks so much for your note on Effexor. I have written in this forum before and read a lot to get other users valuable input. But yours kinda hit home.

I started with Paxil a few years back, which was great but later I was very apathetic, un-orgasmic and put on about 15 pounds. I asked my g/p about an alternative (a friend was on Effexor) so she said that was fine.

Well the weight did NOT decrease but the orgasms DID return and I had a little more 'spring' in my step.

Now that some of the stress (except for my husband :) who totally thinks ME taking these meds is for HIS well-being...) has dissapated. I figured let me see if I can taper-off some. I too was 'only' on 75mg twice a day, so I simply discontinued the dosage in the evening. I thought about splitting one pill, but I typically forgot the evening one anyway and took it off-schedule.

Well the very first morning I had the weird sensation in the head, which now I think I understand the meaning of 'brain-zaps' or 'brain-volts'. I woke up today with cramps and was like I JUST got over my period... what's up with that.

So THANKS for pointing out some of those side affects. It's espeically helpful to relate when someone is on a similar dosage. Don't get me wrong, this med HAS helped me as it has others that I have read in posting; but I also see the long term issues and horrible withdrawl experienced by many. I have been very carefully trying to see if I have 'changed' and I suppose my 'sarcasm' has kicked in again (some things I find funny, others may not).

I would like to ask as well, has acne been an issue? I usually only break out one-a-month, but have noticed more blemishes in my lower cheek area to my jaw-line.

I do try to exercise a couple days per week, minimum 30 minutes and I hope this tapering-off will show some weight loss.

Input appreciated...thanks!!!


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news » roobie

Posted by ladyofthelamp on November 9, 2004, at 9:39:24

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by roobie on November 9, 2004, at 5:44:02

I too was only on 75mg and yep spots and bumps under my skin on my face which i have never had before even in my teens.I think effexor messes up your hormones if you are a woman as i do not really have a sex drive and do not feel sexy very much.I too am more sarcastic now i am withdrawing and a bit overcritical but hope this will go soon.The best bit for me is i have my sense of humour back at last.I don't think i had a really good laugh in the 4 years i was taking effexor.The oddest thing is i have suddenly started fancying men who are going bald or thinning quite a bit in the last week or so!!!!Got a real thing for them at the moment.What's that all about then!!!!????.Any one beat that for a silly side effect of effexor withdrawal???


Re: Effexor and extreme thirst! » jujube

Posted by ladyofthelamp on November 9, 2004, at 9:44:22

In reply to Re: Effexor and extreme thirst! » ladyofthelamp, posted by jujube on November 8, 2004, at 19:08:33

Thanks for the suggestion on electrolytes.I haven't been back to my doctor yet but i will make sure i get lots of tests done, but my doctor is a bit too laidback for his own good so it will be a battle to get him to do anything!!!


Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects

Posted by ABCDee on November 10, 2004, at 16:04:39

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal & side effects, posted by Dave K. on November 28, 1998, at 12:58:34

I have been on effexor since nov. 03 after prozac no longer worked. Was on 75mg.xr. Worked great for awhile but in feb. 04 had to increase to 150 mg. still had issues, so added wellbutrin xl 150 mg. seemed to help, but SE from effexor was bothersome esp. sexual SE and sweating which is bad enough when you are 43 and premenopausal. In summer 04 i decided to decrease effexor to 75 mg and increase wellbutrin to 300 mg. That really helped, but still had sweating and sexual SE. On oct. 4, I began a 2 week weaning with 37.5 mg my last dose was oct 17. 2 days later the withdrawl set in big time! Shock-like electrical sensations were the first. I felt like I could shoot sparks out of my fingers & toes! It happened every time I moved my head or eyes,dozens of times a day. that I could deal with,even joked about it. then the real shit kicked in. nausea and vomiting were the worst esp. when you are so thirsty but cant drink much for fear of puking. Eating a little helped, but I was on the pot 15 min. later with diarrhea. I also couldnt think worth a damn, which is worse when you already have add. Now for the good news folks. this too will pass. Last fri, 11-5 I hit rock bottom. Cried several times that day and finally let it all out to my husband that night in the hot tub and he finally understood what i was going through. The next night, I went out with a gf to see male strippers and boy the timing couldnt have been better. It was just the catharsis I needed to start the healing process. My moods are gradually getting better, shocks are gone, thinking is getting clearer nausea almost gone, and diarrhea has decreased somewhat. Hang in there and dont blame the dr. medicine is not an exact science, esp. when dealing with the brain. My daughter and I know this firsthand. I truly wish you all luck. the hell will end.


Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects » ABCDee

Posted by roobie on November 10, 2004, at 16:10:31

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects, posted by ABCDee on November 10, 2004, at 16:04:39

Whoa!! Thanks so very much! I had the nausea worse yesterday morning, but nowhere near what you described. I totally felt like I was going to puke and when I turned my head, my vision took an extra five seconds to follow.

I am trying to pay close attention to my moods and if I get snippy. I also better get my butt in gear to see if I can decrease some of these pounds.

Thanks again for writing. I was almost thinking, if this is how it will be, I just stay on it and deal with my liver and other s/e down the road! The 'diary' of events (not diareah :) ) offers hope!



Finally FREE

Posted by TrinityX1 on November 10, 2004, at 16:25:38

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects, posted by ABCDee on November 10, 2004, at 16:04:39

OK .. finally after 10 days I am free of the side effects of EFFEXOR. Im not saying that it did not help for my :issues" for the 3 moths that I did take the medicine, BUT .. it really was not worth the withdrawl. I felt worse comming off the medicine then I ever did previously. But that is only my opinion. I am just entering this thread to ensure that the side effects DO GO AWAY :) :) For those of you going through the terrible side effects ... have faith and hope .. stay off the Medicine and the effects will go away. hang in there.


thank you!!!!

Posted by anna1banana on November 24, 2004, at 10:30:02

In reply to Finally FREE, posted by TrinityX1 on November 10, 2004, at 16:25:38

I am so glad I found this site!!! I have been reducing Effexor over the last three weeks and am on my first drug free day. The whole experience has been horrific. Shivers, dizziness, extreme emotions and dreadful depressive like tiredeness.I phoned my doctor last week in despair and he told me I shouldnt have any side effects and that it was surprising that I was!! I have spent all day today crying and thinking the original reason for going on the drug was returning. Having read all the posts I know its not and can smile through my tears at least knowing that it should go eventually. Good luck to you all and thankyou.
PS I am from Scotland, nobody talks here like you guys do!! Anna xxx


Re: thank you!!!! » anna1banana

Posted by dancingstar on November 26, 2004, at 17:28:33

In reply to thank you!!!!, posted by anna1banana on November 24, 2004, at 10:30:02

Hey Anna,

Hang in there. It's been just over two months for me and I did this cold turkey. It doesn't seem as though there is much difference if you feel the way I did at three weeks...and it sounds like you do.

I've been better yesterday and today. Before that I had a two-day migraine and the stomach stuff that goes along with the headache. People that know me say that I am getting better, but I still take the children's doseage Benadryl for nausea. I don't know why some of us are hit so hard. I don't even drink alcohol almost ever cause I am kind of health conscious and don't like the way it makes me feel. In fact, I kind of wonder about that. When I do have a rare drink, I don't feel great, which is why I almost never drink in the first place. Maybe my body just doesn't like chemicals of any sort.

I've started buying almost all organic foods :-). Oh, you know what? Potatoes! I've been cooking small, red potatoes and stopped eating all raw foods. My stomach seems happy with this. Maybe it will work for you, too. Nothing spicy. (I don't know what you eat in Scotland :-).)

You will make it, honest! It is the most horrible experience I have ever had, and I don't understand why the doctors don't know how bad it is or why there isn't something that we can take to make this less devastating. If you need to, please write me at I'm sure you will be okay, but I also know how truly awful you feel. I believe that at three weeks was right about the time that I thought I might die, honest.

In the US, I think the very first step we should take is to file a claim with the FDA. I am not sure what you should do; but right now, just get some rest. Nothing else you can do anyway.

Kindest regards,


Re: thank you!!!!

Posted by ctheg on November 28, 2004, at 1:01:42

In reply to Re: thank you!!!! » anna1banana, posted by dancingstar on November 26, 2004, at 17:28:33

Hi - This is my first day reading this message board and my fourth day of withdrawl from Effexor. I thought I was on my way to ahaving a heart attaack - but reading all the p[osts about the electrical current feeling - made me feel better - and I now know I'm not alone in this.

I took Effexor to help relieve panic attacks I was having on the freeway - after a car accident 2 years ago. The panic feeling left right away. so did my sex drive, and any deep feelings about anything.

But I HAD do drive on the freeway for work so it felt ok with me to go through the other issues in order to deal with driving.

I also have another docotr for a hypothyroid issue that was diagnosed around the same time - and I've been on steroids and T3 at the same time.

I've gained 20 extra pounds since starting both of these medications - which in turn caused very deep depression to the point of not wanting anyone to see me this big and one day I put myself in bed and "hid" which I never do.

So I went to see a therapist who told me to stop the effexor and take Wellbutrin which could help me with eating.

I was so excited about this that I went to my pychiatrist that week and told him what I wanted to do. he went ahead and gave me the 37.5 dosage for 2 weeks and wellbutrin at teh same time - and told me that it would help the withdrawl symptoms.

But if THIS is suppose to be BETTER then what it woud be like WITHOUT the Wellbutrin...I can't IMAGINE what it would be like! I am having an awful time.

Nausea, dizzy, and exhausted from the electrical current and buzzing when I move my eyes and head or talk or walk or type!

Also have been very weepy or emotional - but I also started my period today on day 4 without Effexor so I thought it was PMS related.

I'm very hot tempered - although that has been common for me anyway- but I seem to be even more quick to judge and be angry and yelling.

Reading that this can go on for WEEKS made me cry.
I keep thinking that it would go away the next day - and it doesn't

I would feel this way if I ever missed taking a dose of my effexor - and whenever I would go take it - the symptoms would go away almost immediately.

I'm very lucky that I am self emplyed and don't have to deal with co-workers or drive.

I drove my car last night and almost flipped the car because the visual issue with the electrical shock made it impossible for me to really figure out depth perception and I went home the same way I always do but couldn't figure out how far I was from the wall on the freeway as I went into a curve. It was so frightening!!!

Glad I made it home safely and that I don't have to drive anywhere for a long time.

I do have a business trip that I was going to drive to - it's a 2 hour drive on the freeway - but now that I'm so sick and feel so bad - I will either cancel - or take the train.

Luckily there is a train that will take me directly there.

I do have to deal with clients tomorrow - but only for an hour and they are coming to my home so I don't have to do much accept sit there and ask questions.

I can't afford to cancel client meetings.

2 weeks ago I was in the ER for food poisoning - and I've never experienced that before and it was 13 hours in the ER. I feel like I just am not getting any better now that I decided that Wellbutrin would be a great idea....and I'm experiencing such a horrible reaction.

I'm just glad to read your posts and not feel so alone!!!!

So thank you.

I hope this ends soon and we can share about how amazing life is without a drug!!!!!!!!!!!


> Hey Anna,
> Hang in there. It's been just over two months for me and I did this cold turkey. It doesn't seem as though there is much difference if you feel the way I did at three weeks...and it sounds like you do.
> I've been better yesterday and today. Before that I had a two-day migraine and the stomach stuff that goes along with the headache. People that know me say that I am getting better, but I still take the children's doseage Benadryl for nausea. I don't know why some of us are hit so hard. I don't even drink alcohol almost ever cause I am kind of health conscious and don't like the way it makes me feel. In fact, I kind of wonder about that. When I do have a rare drink, I don't feel great, which is why I almost never drink in the first place. Maybe my body just doesn't like chemicals of any sort.
> I've started buying almost all organic foods :-). Oh, you know what? Potatoes! I've been cooking small, red potatoes and stopped eating all raw foods. My stomach seems happy with this. Maybe it will work for you, too. Nothing spicy. (I don't know what you eat in Scotland :-).)
> You will make it, honest! It is the most horrible experience I have ever had, and I don't understand why the doctors don't know how bad it is or why there isn't something that we can take to make this less devastating. If you need to, please write me at I'm sure you will be okay, but I also know how truly awful you feel. I believe that at three weeks was right about the time that I thought I might die, honest.
> In the US, I think the very first step we should take is to file a claim with the FDA. I am not sure what you should do; but right now, just get some rest. Nothing else you can do anyway.
> Kindest regards,
> Bebe


Re: thank you!!!!

Posted by dancingstar on November 28, 2004, at 3:09:07

In reply to Re: thank you!!!!, posted by ctheg on November 28, 2004, at 1:01:42

I, too, have had my own business since 1988 and have also had to drop out of two classes that I just cannot make it through this quarter because of the withdrawal symptoms.

Please consider joining me in pursing taking action against the makers of this drug for not alerting us to the dangers before we took it. I don't know about you, but I just wish I had been informed that this were possible so that I could have made an intelligent decision about whether or not I wanted to take a risk like this with my health.

In any event, may you recover quickly!


Re: thank you!!!!

Posted by ctheg on November 28, 2004, at 10:41:21

In reply to Re: thank you!!!!, posted by dancingstar on November 28, 2004, at 3:09:07

I'd be very interested in taking some sort of action.

> I, too, have had my own business since 1988 and have also had to drop out of two classes that I just cannot make it through this quarter because of the withdrawal symptoms.
> Please consider joining me in pursing taking action against the makers of this drug for not alerting us to the dangers before we took it. I don't know about you, but I just wish I had been informed that this were possible so that I could have made an intelligent decision about whether or not I wanted to take a risk like this with my health.
> In any event, may you recover quickly!


Re: thank you!!!!

Posted by dancingstar on November 28, 2004, at 10:48:26

In reply to Re: thank you!!!!, posted by ctheg on November 28, 2004, at 10:41:21

I've posted my email address in a few of my posts. Others have been advised to not overdo repeating themselves; so I don't want to push it.


Re: thank you!!!!

Posted by ctheg on December 9, 2004, at 20:01:34

In reply to Re: thank you!!!!, posted by dancingstar on November 28, 2004, at 10:48:26

Well I did what some folks on this thread did - and i went to the health food store, bought a detox formula that cleans all systems - and got some homeopathic stuff - then I also got some motion sickness stuff at a local pharmacy. WOW do I feel better now.

The symptoms started on 11.27 or 28 and I not longer suffer from ANY of them.

The docotr told me I should go back on the meds and to wean off more slowly but the thought of going through it all over again made me just deal.

I couldn't drive the entire time I was withdrawling and it was horrible walking down the street. felt like I was about to fall over.

Thank you for sending the remedies through this forum. It really helped me geet through it all.



Effexor - again - any positive input?

Posted by roobie on December 9, 2004, at 20:38:52

In reply to Re: thank you!!!!, posted by ctheg on December 9, 2004, at 20:01:34

Well, I tried... I dropped the Effexor from 2x daily of 37.5mg down to just in the morning. I had the dizzy, nausea ... then it passed. I only lowered it because I thought my stress decreased and a friend suggested 'maybe I didn't need it anymore'. Well, the major aggression set back in and my nerves have been on fire. My g/p had allowed me to go from Paxil to Effexor because I thought it would help reduce the weight gain and apathy. No luck on the weight.

I checked in with my mom's p-doc who said that due to other circumstances, I probably have a lot of stress and 37.5mg is very low dosage and I should go back to 2x per day.

I suppose as with anything, some things work very well for people, while others cannot tolerate it.

Any positive support for Effexor... not to pick on it, but I hear so much of the concerns which I TOTALLY understand... but I could use some positives as I HAVE to believe there are some good experiences out there.



Re: Effexor - again - any positive input? » roobie

Posted by pandareina on December 10, 2004, at 8:19:54

In reply to Effexor - again - any positive input?, posted by roobie on December 9, 2004, at 20:38:52

I tried many pills before getting into Effexor, and for me it was the drug that changed my life, for the best. It help with my depression, anxiety, apathy, self confidence and turned me into a positive person, always looking forward to the next challenge ahead. It did not help with my weight, I did not gain any, but did not loose like my doctor said it may. My doses varied from 75 mg to 225 mg a day through the 4 years I was on Effexor. I stopped a couple of months ago because I want to start a family and I am doing fine.

Good luck to you!

> Well, I tried... I dropped the Effexor from 2x daily of 37.5mg down to just in the morning. I had the dizzy, nausea ... then it passed. I only lowered it because I thought my stress decreased and a friend suggested 'maybe I didn't need it anymore'. Well, the major aggression set back in and my nerves have been on fire. My g/p had allowed me to go from Paxil to Effexor because I thought it would help reduce the weight gain and apathy. No luck on the weight.
> I checked in with my mom's p-doc who said that due to other circumstances, I probably have a lot of stress and 37.5mg is very low dosage and I should go back to 2x per day.
> I suppose as with anything, some things work very well for people, while others cannot tolerate it.
> Any positive support for Effexor... not to pick on it, but I hear so much of the concerns which I TOTALLY understand... but I could use some positives as I HAVE to believe there are some good experiences out there.
> thnx.

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
Owned and operated by Dr. Bob LLC and not the University of Chicago.