Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 1016

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Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by itsrick on July 9, 2004, at 10:42:26

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by Frisky_Cat on July 9, 2004, at 9:33:19

> Half life is the amount time required for half of the substance to disappear from your system.
> By the way, it's crazy to reduce the dose every day. Give your body to adjust.

not clear what you mean above... it's crazy to reduce?


Look what I found- great Effexor info site

Posted by lorily on July 9, 2004, at 11:29:03

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by itsrick on July 9, 2004, at 10:42:26

I found this great site with all sorts of info


Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects

Posted by alan38 on July 9, 2004, at 11:56:31

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects, posted by lorily on July 8, 2004, at 14:20:09

How long have you been off totally?

I still have a bit. I am taking (1) Claritin D daily to counter Zaps. Been doing that for (2) weeks.


Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects » alan38

Posted by dizzzzy on July 9, 2004, at 16:19:46

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects, posted by alan38 on July 9, 2004, at 11:56:31

> How long have you been off totally?
> I still have a bit. I am taking (1) Claritin D daily to counter Zaps. Been doing that for (2) weeks.

I have been on Effexor for at least 4 years in combination with Topamax. I am going through withdraw from the Effexor, the Topamax had no withdrawal symptoms. I was on 225mg a day, then cut it in half weekly until I was down to 37.5mg a day to then nothing. But I was dizzy when I stopped that the doctor has me on it every other day for a week. The days I don't take it I am so dizzy by the evening, I can't really do much! I only have one pill left, so I am a little nervous about stopping.

During this withdrawal I have been dizzy, nausea, emotional (crying alot and very angry). My poor husband can do nothing right, I only get mad. I hope that this will end soon!

Why do you take Claritin for the side affects? What does it do?


Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects

Posted by LynnPerley on July 10, 2004, at 0:47:57

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects » alan38, posted by dizzzzy on July 9, 2004, at 16:19:46

I am curious as to why the Claritin would help, and why the generic Ritalin helps me. The worst day I had was the first day I went from 75 to 37.5, although I did have a lot of sporadic diahhrea over the last months as I reduced from 300mg. I hope someone can comment on the pharmacology. I'm guessing that the ritalin acts a lot like caffeine to eliminate headaches and generally brings one's mood up.

I have noticed some sporadic irritability but nothing close to what I expreienced before I took effexor xr. I attribute this to the psychotherapy I received. I will be finished with the 37.5 pills I have in a few days.


Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects

Posted by ishy on July 10, 2004, at 0:51:59

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects » alan38, posted by dizzzzy on July 9, 2004, at 16:19:46

Check out this month's issue of Self magazine. There is an excellent article about withdrawl from Effexor and the fact that doctors rarely tell their patients about it. It's called "Hooked on Antidepressants?". Unfortunately, it is not on Self's website.


Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects

Posted by lorily on July 10, 2004, at 11:17:01

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects, posted by LynnPerley on July 10, 2004, at 0:47:57

Well today I took about 1/4 of effexor. This is the fourth day of weaning off of 37.5 and I'm feeling great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No zaps, no nausea, just a bit light-headed, but not in a horrible way at all.


Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects

Posted by KaraS on July 10, 2004, at 16:35:38

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects, posted by lorily on July 10, 2004, at 11:17:01

So good to hear. I'm on 3/4 of a 37.5 mg pill and will cut back to 1/2 shortly.


Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects

Posted by lorily on July 10, 2004, at 17:47:14

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects, posted by KaraS on July 10, 2004, at 16:35:38

> So good to hear. I'm on 3/4 of a 37.5 mg pill and will cut back to 1/2 shortly.

Kara, how do you feel? I posted the subject "look what I found" something like that and I named a link to a great site that has a schedule for this type of cutting out the effexor.


Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects

Posted by itsrick on July 10, 2004, at 20:54:10

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects, posted by lorily on July 10, 2004, at 17:47:14

> > So good to hear. I'm on 3/4 of a 37.5 mg pill and will cut back to 1/2 shortly.
> Kara, how do you feel? I posted the subject "look what I found" something like that and I named a link to a great site that has a schedule for this type of cutting out the effexor.

hi, congrats! do you have capsule or pill form?


Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects

Posted by lorily on July 10, 2004, at 21:28:48

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects, posted by itsrick on July 10, 2004, at 20:54:10

I have the capsule, I know you're not really supposed to do what I'm doing, but I'm feeling wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought it was going to be REALLY bad, but I'm good. I got off depakote first, I'm not taking any other meds than trazadone and that I'm cutting back on, too


Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects » lorily

Posted by itsrick on July 10, 2004, at 21:31:55

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects, posted by lorily on July 10, 2004, at 21:28:48

> I have the capsule, I know you're not really supposed to do what I'm doing, but I'm feeling wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> I thought it was going to be REALLY bad, but I'm good. I got off depakote first, I'm not taking any other meds than trazadone and that I'm cutting back on, too

does trazadone take the edge off effexor reduction? not sure what that is


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by Raggy on July 10, 2004, at 23:28:56

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects » lorily, posted by itsrick on July 10, 2004, at 21:31:55

I want to thank who ever mentioned the article in SELF magazine. The only thing about the article is the fact that it doesn't mention that the FDA has put out the warning how some people can become more depressed and suicidal while taking this drug and also from withdrawal from it.
This article will explain a lot more to my son who is still devastated by the death of his dear wife, from this drug.
Please, please, listen to your docrors and if you are trying to get off this terrible drug, do it safely.
My thoughts and prayers with you all.


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by pandareina on July 10, 2004, at 23:39:18

In reply to Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by janey on November 1, 1998, at 16:30:34

I have been reading this thread - may have read most of it, actually ... and I want to share my story:

I have been taking Effexor for over 4 years - usually 150 mg a day, and I was taking 225 mg a day for the last couple of months.

I am one of those "for-lifers" in this med, as per my doctor (I have chronic depression). However, I want to start a family and want to do so drug free. I have been reducing my intake every 7 days or so (225 to 150 to 75 to 1/2 a capsule (37.5 approx) to none).

I have to say that when I was down to 37.5 I started saying 'I do not get this thing about having a terrible time getting of Effexor" because I have had none of the feelings I experienced when I used to forget taking a pill for a day or so ...then I stopped altogether taking effexor ... 24 hours later - the shocks, and all those other well known symptoms started creeping up. Then I realized that it does not matter the size of the dosage ... my ears go zoom-zoom, my brain falls behind when I turn my head ... the nausea ... the poopies ... the confusion ... But thank God, I have no depression - on the contrary, I cannot sleep. I am hyper, happy (too happy), calm and in control.

This is my 4rd day without Effexor - the symptoms are now stronger than yesterday, and I am starting to feel a bit fed up with them. I want to tough it out - I do not want to take another type of pill or take some Effexor to take the edge off. I am looking forward to my crazy dreams ...or nightmares ... they can be fun and very scary too.

Has anyone out there though it out - cold Turkey, can it be done? Will I go crazy before I succeed? I keep reading the thread - I have so many meds I can take - from Claritin to Vicadin to Clonapin (spelling) to pot to 5HTP and Omegas and good Vitamins ... the need for relief grows with every passing hour ... How much stronger the symptoms will/can get?

I am so shocked with the addiction level of this med ... Effexor has saved me, after trying so many failed antidepressants. How sad to know now the price I have to pay for being saved by it.

Ok, enough rambling - I am going to try to sleep some.

Sorry for the grammar and spelling and rumbled thoughts - this is my brain ...this is my brain freshly out of Effexor! :)



Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects

Posted by KaraS on July 11, 2004, at 1:09:09

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects, posted by lorily on July 10, 2004, at 17:47:14

> > So good to hear. I'm on 3/4 of a 37.5 mg pill and will cut back to 1/2 shortly.
> Kara, how do you feel? I posted the subject "look what I found" something like that and I named a link to a great site that has a schedule for this type of cutting out the effexor.

Fine so far. Thanks for asking. I'll have to see how it goes when I cut back to 1/2 pill though. I remember seeing your post about the great site. I'll have to check it out. I'm probably going unnecessarily slowly but I'd rather be comfortable with minimal side effects. Are you withdrawing as well? If so, how is it going?


Re: Lorily, forget my last question to you!

Posted by KaraS on July 11, 2004, at 1:15:34

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects, posted by lorily on July 10, 2004, at 17:47:14

> > So good to hear. I'm on 3/4 of a 37.5 mg pill and will cut back to 1/2 shortly.
> Kara, how do you feel? I posted the subject "look what I found" something like that and I named a link to a great site that has a schedule for this type of cutting out the effexor.

Please forget my asking about your withdrawal. I must be brain dead (or maybe I can blame it on the withdrawal process?). I just read your post above mine and realized you were the one who was on 1/4 of a 37.5 mg. pill and doing great. I have been on my dosage for two weeks now so I have absolutely no side effects. I'm dreading going down the next quarter though the effects will probably be very mild. I can't imagine how these other people are doing it so quickly with all of the horrible side effects.
Take care,


Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects

Posted by KaraS on July 11, 2004, at 1:18:42

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects, posted by itsrick on July 10, 2004, at 20:54:10

> > > So good to hear. I'm on 3/4 of a 37.5 mg pill and will cut back to 1/2 shortly.
> >
> > Kara, how do you feel? I posted the subject "look what I found" something like that and I named a link to a great site that has a schedule for this type of cutting out the effexor.
> hi, congrats! do you have capsule or pill form?
> r

I was on the capsule form through 75 mg. Then I got the pill form for 37.5 mg. When I was on the capsules, I would open them and guage the amounts to cut back by. I'd pour some into a bowl, lick it off and then drink some fluid to wash it down. Then I'd close the capsule again. It worked out well. Now it's even easier with the pills. They're easy to break in half and then into quarters.


Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects

Posted by KaraS on July 11, 2004, at 1:20:01

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal side effects, posted by lorily on July 10, 2004, at 21:28:48

> I have the capsule, I know you're not really supposed to do what I'm doing, but I'm feeling wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> I thought it was going to be REALLY bad, but I'm good. I got off depakote first, I'm not taking any other meds than trazadone and that I'm cutting back on, too

If only doctors would tell people that this is how you have to do it unless you want to feel sick!!!


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by Frisky_Cat on July 11, 2004, at 5:28:39

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by Raggy on July 10, 2004, at 23:28:56

I have to protest the comments below. There is no hard evidence that antidepressants increase depression. The most logical explanation for the fact that sometimes people who take antidepressants commit suicide is
1. Coincidence
2. the antidepressants give them enough energy to commit suicide.

I was trained as a statistician. I am smart enough to know that the fact that umbrellas and rain are correlated does not imply that umbrellas caused it to rain.

Similarly, if you take a population of extremely depressed prone to suicide, you can't draw the inference that putting them on a drug caused them to commit suicide. Some of these people will commit suicide no matter what treatment they receive or not.

I am stunned (as usual) by the inability of people on this board to think straight.

I'll add that a good wager is that most of you will back on medication in the near future. Your conditions are chronic and the levels of neurotransmitters in your brain will deteriorate over time.

> I want to thank who ever mentioned the article in SELF magazine. The only thing about the article is the fact that it doesn't mention that the FDA has put out the warning how some people can become more depressed and suicidal while taking this drug and also from withdrawal from it.
> This article will explain a lot more to my son who is still devastated by the death of his dear wife, from this drug.
> Please, please, listen to your docrors and if you are trying to get off this terrible drug, do it safely.
> My thoughts and prayers with you all.


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now » Frisky_Cat

Posted by Aserone on July 11, 2004, at 7:00:37

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by Frisky_Cat on July 11, 2004, at 5:28:39

> I am stunned (as usual) by the inability of people on this board to think straight.

Good for you that you are so smart. Maybe you need some eq with that iq? Dr. Bob?


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by SLS on July 11, 2004, at 7:35:21

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by Frisky_Cat on July 11, 2004, at 5:28:39

> I have to protest the comments below. There is no hard evidence that antidepressants increase depression.

Yes there is. There is enough to be actionable.

These are powerful drugs eliciting unpredictable effects on a brain that we have very little understanding of. Many drugs produce depression as a frequent side effect. Drug manufacturers are required to include this fact in the packaging of their products. It makes for a long list of very diverse drugs. Antidepressants are not teleologically exempt from producing undesirable mood alterations because they have some sort of biological "safety" that permits only antidepressant effects and precludes depressogenic effects. For any given individual, there may be certain antidepressants (or any other type of drug) that will exacerbate the clinical depression and induce suicidal states. Prozac has, and will continue to cause suicides as long as prescribing physicians continue to think like you do.

> The most logical explanation for the fact that sometimes people who take antidepressants commit suicide is
> 1. Coincidence
> 2. the antidepressants give them enough energy to commit suicide.

Both of these explanations are absolutely valid. However, I would appeal to you that you leave open your mind to the possibilities of a third, especially if you are in a position to influence the medical treatment of anyone suffering from depression.

By the way, statistics do demonstrate that antidepressants cause suicide. It is statistics that are fueling the whole uproar regarding the use of SSRIs in pediatrics. I am sure that the statistics are there for adults too. We just need an expert like you to look for them once the trial data becomes public.

On a more anecdotal note: The following drugs made my depression moderately - severely worse. Reboxetine and moclobemide in particular induced a suicidal state.


Best wishes,

- Scott


Re: Sorry - Above post meant for » Frisky_Cat

Posted by SLS on July 11, 2004, at 7:39:29

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by Frisky_Cat on July 11, 2004, at 5:28:39

> I have to protest the comments below. There is no hard evidence that antidepressants increase depression.

Yes there is. There is enough to be actionable.

These are powerful drugs eliciting unpredictable effects on a brain that we have very little understanding of. Many drugs produce depression as a frequent side effect. Drug manufacturers are required to include this fact in the packaging of their products. It makes for a long list of very diverse drugs. Antidepressants are not teleologically exempt from producing undesirable mood alterations because they have some sort of biological "safety" that permits only antidepressant effects and precludes depressogenic effects. For any given individual, there may be certain antidepressants (or any other type of drug) that will exacerbate the clinical depression and induce suicidal states. Prozac has, and will continue to cause suicides as long as prescribing physicians continue to think like you do.

> The most logical explanation for the fact that sometimes people who take antidepressants commit suicide is
> 1. Coincidence
> 2. the antidepressants give them enough energy to commit suicide.

Both of these explanations are absolutely valid. However, I would appeal to you that you leave open your mind to the possibilities of a third, especially if you are in a position to influence the medical treatment of anyone suffering from depression.

By the way, statistics do demonstrate that antidepressants cause suicide. It is statistics that are fueling the whole uproar regarding the use of SSRIs in pediatrics. I am sure that the statistics are there for adults too. We just need an expert like you to look for them once the trial data becomes public.

On a more anecdotal note: The following drugs made my depression moderately - severely worse. Reboxetine and moclobemide in particular induced a suicidal state.


Best wishes,

- Scott


Re: please be civil » Frisky_Cat

Posted by Dr. Bob on July 11, 2004, at 8:20:34

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by Frisky_Cat on July 11, 2004, at 5:28:39

> I am stunned (as usual) by the inability of people on this board to think straight.

Please don't post anything that could lead others to feel put down.

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Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by Raggy on July 11, 2004, at 8:28:05

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by Frisky_Cat on July 11, 2004, at 5:28:39

Here is the warning the FDA finally put out after years of denial. The warning was first put out for people under 18, but so many people went to Washington to protest that their loved one took their own life because of these drugs, the FDA changed the warning in March of this year, 6 months to late for us.

FDA Issues Warning on Antidepressants
Possible Suicide, Severe Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks in Children and Adults

March 22, 2004 -- The FDA is issuing a warning about the possibility of worsening depression or suicidal thoughts in people, particularly children, who take any of 10 popular antidepressants, especially at the beginning of treatment or when the doses are increased or decreased.

The FDA has sent a letter to drug manufacturers requesting labeling changes on these antidepressants -- warning of possible suicide, worsening depression, anxiety, and panic attacks in adults and children.

Antidepressants involved in this warning label request are:

Prozac (also sold generically as fluoxetine)

"We don't know that the drugs are responsible for these behavioral changes, but nonetheless we're telling physicians and families to be aware of this and that if the behaviors do emerge, to get treatment right away," said Russell Katz, a director with the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, in a news teleconference today.

The proposed warning label will "include information about behavioral changes that may occur in patients who are prescribed antidepressant drugs," said Katz.

"This applies to adult and pediatric patients and involves the potential for suicidal thinking or suicidal behaviors and warns the physician and family about any behaviors that might emerge that haven't been experienced before," he added.

But the FDA stopped short of recommending people discontinue taking their antidepressants.

"We specifically decided not to tell people not to use these drugs," said Katz. "We don't think that is necessary at this point."

In addition to looking for signs of worsening depression, the following symptoms may also be a sign of a problem:

Panic attacks
Severe restlessness
Mania in both adults and children being treated with antidepressants for major depression

If these changes appear, treatment should be evaluated, the FDA says. Medications may need to be discontinued when symptoms are severe, begin abruptly, or if they signal a new disorder.

There also is concern for people who have bipolar disorder (manic depression) but don't know it. Antidepressants have the potential for provoking a manic episode in these people, the FDA says. Doctors, patients, and family members should be on the lookout for any symptoms of mania, including feeling extremely happy or very irritable, inflated self-esteem, not needing as much sleep as usual, talking, or being more active than usual.

You can check it out on the FDA site yourself.


Antidepressants and suicide

Posted by worm on July 11, 2004, at 12:13:16

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by Raggy on July 11, 2004, at 8:28:05

All I know is from my own personal experience. Even in the worst of my depression, I was never suicidal. But while I was taking Effexor, I thought about it all the time, even thinking about methods, etc.

And I didn't know it was one of the "side effects" of Effexor until I started reading these messages. So I had no reason to blame the Effexor or use it as an excuse. When I found out it could have been the
Effexor, I quit taking it, and I have never felt better.

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