Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 1016

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Love Effexor

Posted by Frisky_cat on June 24, 2004, at 15:07:30

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by Nevina on June 24, 2004, at 11:17:36

This medication has done wonders for eliminating some residual social anxiety that is part of my GAD. My social and love life have greatly improved.

After reviewing the messages on this board, one would almost think that some of you don't want to be happy. We have people complaining that the 'drug makes them feel too good'. We have people expressing guilt about using a drug to improve their life.

Believe me, my sympathy has limits and some of you have clearly breached them. Many of you whine and even threaten to sue the company because you experience adverse effects. Any review on the Web indicates that a small minority will experience some adverse effects.


Re: Love Effexor

Posted by worm on June 24, 2004, at 19:51:28

In reply to Love Effexor, posted by Frisky_cat on June 24, 2004, at 15:07:30

> After reviewing the messages on this board, one would almost think that some of you don't want to be happy. We have people complaining that the 'drug makes them feel too good'. We have people expressing guilt about using a drug to improve their life.
> Believe me, my sympathy has limits and some of you have clearly breached them. Many of you whine and even threaten to sue the company because you experience adverse effects. Any review on the Web indicates that a small minority will experience some adverse effects.

Frisky cat:

I think the people on this list who are complaining about the drug are a few vocal ones. Most of us understand that the drug itself is not to blame, it affects everyone differently, and sometimes it is working fine, and then suddenly - NOT - Who knows why?

consider yourself lucky you have found something that works - on the first try?

I don't feel that the drug(s) make me feel too "good", just that my affect was flat, and I was easy-going to the point of putting others needs ahead of my own. Everyone else thought I was great, calm, go-with-the-flow, but inside I was miserable. Some middle ground would be great - not fighting with everyone, but still asserting my self.

JMHO - off Effexor for 4 months now.


Re: Love Effexor

Posted by Nevina on June 25, 2004, at 23:59:40

In reply to Re: Love Effexor, posted by worm on June 24, 2004, at 19:51:28

In my case, the medication obviously did not work, as I remained depressed enough to try and commit suicide. Adverse effects from medications can be horrible. Medications affect different individuals in different ways , that is chemistry. Glad it works for you, but please try to have a bit more understanding of what other people feel is "sufferring".
I do not beleive people should sue over side effects which are made readily availble, but do realize most people coming here with their complaints, concerns etc, are looking for support. Some meds work for some people, some do not.


Effexor Withdrawal...also known as HELL

Posted by zapped out on June 26, 2004, at 0:32:44

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by Nevina on June 24, 2004, at 11:17:36

This message board was all that got me through this past week of pure hell. I went from raging to crying. The brain zaps....zzzztttt... still there ocassionally, but not so completely mind numbing. I cried for several hours at a time, and often in the midst of tears I turned to this message board for support. Just knowing that I was not alone made each day livable.

These were my symptoms:
nausea, diarrehea, sleepiness, crying, raging, suicidal thoughts, zzzzaaappps, muscle weakness

----What made me feel better??----
This nice mixture of nature taken with food:
(these pills help your brain balance now that it is without artificial stimulation) I bought them at the local grocery store.

Omega 3 fish oil
B-Complex (you need at least 11 B's in there)
Magnesium 1000mg

-You can also add L-Tryptophan and L-Tyrosine (found at health food stores)-

oh yeah, and lots of mylanta

I hope my entry can help at least one suffering person out there. Btw, my tapering schedule was: 75 mg to 37.5 mg (one week) to nothing. Each day is hard, I know, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel!


Re: Effexor Withdrawl

Posted by sillysally on June 26, 2004, at 19:32:15

In reply to Effexor Withdrawl , posted by louisi on June 9, 2001, at 8:09:14


Just found this board and like previous post was relieved to find people in similar situation.

I'm not sure if I should be going off Effexor but don't feel any better when taking it. Initially, I felt better and motivated but now feel worse, like depressed again.

I was on 225mg/day and have decreased to 150 over two weeks. Scared to decrease any more as withdrawal effects are so bad: ie emotional craziness (cry constantly), so tired it feels like i am walking under water, no concentration, memory loss, insommina, weight gain (throughout entire time on effexor which my therapist insists has nothing to do with the drug!)

Anyways, thanks for allowing me to rank. No one else can really understand how I feel and I am afraid I am going to drive everyone away especially my boyfriend. He's being very supportive but can't understand the mood swings and crying all the time . . .

Take care!


Re: Love Effexor

Posted by annesand on June 28, 2004, at 7:20:16

In reply to Re: Love Effexor, posted by worm on June 24, 2004, at 19:51:28

Worm how are your emotions after four months off Effexor? Up and down a lot? Mine are. And I'm really hoping it's a rebound thing that will go away, not a re-emergence of depression.


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by alan38 on June 28, 2004, at 10:40:51

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last? » alan38, posted by LynnM. on June 18, 2004, at 13:47:25

Are you familiar with how long the "brain zaps" can last?


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by annesand on June 28, 2004, at 10:43:37

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by alan38 on June 28, 2004, at 10:40:51

They lasted about a month for me, after I went off all together. Taking one Prozac helped a lot - wish I'd done that sooner.


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by Buckeye Fan on June 28, 2004, at 17:20:55

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by annesand on June 28, 2004, at 10:43:37

About a month for me also...I was at 150 mg for a year and a half...and 4 years on Zoloft before that.

I am neither now...and I think im going to like it!

Good luck and we are all different, so if it takes you 2 months, it will be wirth it!!!!Hang in there

Buckeye Fan


Re: Love Effexor

Posted by worm on June 28, 2004, at 20:36:59

In reply to Re: Love Effexor, posted by annesand on June 28, 2004, at 7:20:16

> Worm how are your emotions after four months off Effexor? Up and down a lot? Mine are. And I'm really hoping it's a rebound thing that will go away, not a re-emergence of depression.

I seem to have leveled off now, for a while I was crying for no reason. I also have stopped seeing my boyfriend (his decision, not mine) so that tends to make me sad, but I can cry at a commercial on TV, and I still get a little over-the-top angry and small frustrating events, but I really want to be able to handle these things without having to pop a pill. On the up side, I have lost weight, have more energy, and have gotten tons of things done around the house. Slowly, but surely, my brain function is coming back. Seriously, I couldn't remember names of people I have known all my life, I couldn't find the word to describe something common. I don't know if that was the Effexor or if that is permanent, since it doesn't seem very much better. I still wander around the house trying to remember what I am looking for. Maybe just old age! (I'm only 42)


Re: Love Effexor

Posted by annesand on June 29, 2004, at 7:12:47

In reply to Re: Love Effexor, posted by worm on June 28, 2004, at 20:36:59

Worm, we have a lot in common. I'm 42 too. And I definitely felt like the Effexor was affecting my memory. I would have to ask my kids to remind me what our vacation was like! I'm still waking up feeling some dread, but I'm going to try everything under the sun before going back on a pill. Good luck to you. Keep in touch!


Re: Why are you going off Effexor in the first place?

Posted by ishy on July 1, 2004, at 18:59:35

In reply to Re: Why are you going off Effexor in the first place?, posted by annesand on June 1, 2004, at 7:20:16

Try St. John's Wort. It has helped me immensely with my emotions. Especially the timed release capsules. There are several brands that have timed release, if you don't find one at the grocery store, try GNC or a Vitamin World.

I was on 75 and am at 37.5 right now. Little upset stomach, but not much else. Effexor makes me sleepy, and I am tired of being tired. I am not on it so much for depression as fibromyalgia, and have not found it helps a lot. Lexapro helped the pain a lot, but I was so sleepy I couldn't function, and kept falling asleep like a narcoleptic. My doctor didn't tell me about the side-effects or the withdrawl symptoms of Effexor, and I am rather upset at him for that. He didn't want me to go off it either, but I talked to my counselor for a long time, and he recommended it, as well as another doctor I know. If it's not helping the FMS, and it makes me tired, the's no reason for it.


Re: Love Effexor

Posted by starlight on July 2, 2004, at 11:22:29

In reply to Re: Love Effexor, posted by annesand on June 28, 2004, at 7:20:16

If your moods are up and down, maybe you need a mood stabilizer.


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by ST on July 3, 2004, at 5:49:40

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by alan38 on June 28, 2004, at 10:40:51

My "brain zaps" and withdrawal effects lasted three months...couldn't kick Effexor quickly; had to whittle down the tablet little by little. I think Effexor is the hardest from which to withdraw. There's a great article in this month's SELF magazine about AD withdrawal, specifically the writer's experience withdrawing from Effexor.


Re: Love Effexor

Posted by Catty on July 3, 2004, at 7:44:44

In reply to Re: Love Effexor, posted by starlight on July 2, 2004, at 11:22:29

This information has been so helpful, I can't tell you! Question...what is causing these "brain zaps" does anyone know? I thought I was hearing things! (I guess I am!) I read some postings about the memory thing...I know this sounds really simplistic, but I have found a REALLY good multivitamin (one that include really high antioxidants) has really helped me. I'm 50 and menopausal so I guess it's expected to some degree. If you want the info about the vitamins let me know I'll pass it along. Also, there is a great article in this month's SELF magazine...I think someone mentioned it already. I thought I was going crazy because my doc didn't tell me about these side-effects either. Never mentioned it. Thanks again for the help! Take care and be good..


Re: Love Effexor

Posted by Frisky_Cat on July 3, 2004, at 9:42:53

In reply to Re: Love Effexor, posted by Catty on July 3, 2004, at 7:44:44

I doubt there is a shred of evidence to support the use of multivitamin supplements or antioxidants to treat depression or anxiety disorder. The placebo effect probably explains why you feel better.

Let me add that many cases of depression or anxiety require a pharmacological cocktail - a combination of drugs. Those of you who have not had success with Effexor should explore that strategy. Note it requires a very experienced psychiatrist.


Redirects: multivitamins

Posted by Dr. Bob on July 3, 2004, at 14:51:17

In reply to Re: Love Effexor, posted by Catty on July 3, 2004, at 7:44:44

> I know this sounds really simplistic, but I have found a REALLY good multivitamin (one that include really high antioxidants) has really helped me...

Sorry to interrupt, but I'd like to redirect follow-ups regarding multivitamins to Psycho-Babble Alternative. Here's a link:




Re: Love Effexor

Posted by Catty on July 4, 2004, at 7:10:25

In reply to Re: Love Effexor, posted by Frisky_Cat on July 3, 2004, at 9:42:53

No, please understand. I only meant the vitamins might be helpful for the memory problem that person seemed to be having. Believe me, I know full well that depresison and anxiety require MUCH more than a vitamin can provide. I was only addressing the bad and short-term memory issue.
Any ideas about the "buzzing?"


Re: Effexor Withdrawal...also known as HELL

Posted by snake on July 6, 2004, at 7:34:28

In reply to Effexor Withdrawal...also known as HELL, posted by zapped out on June 26, 2004, at 0:32:44

> This message board was all that got me through this past week of pure hell. I went from raging to crying. The brain zaps....zzzztttt... still there ocassionally, but not so completely mind numbing. I cried for several hours at a time, and often in the midst of tears I turned to this message board for support. Just knowing that I was not alone made each day livable.
> These were my symptoms:
> nausea, diarrehea, sleepiness, crying, raging, suicidal thoughts, zzzzaaappps, muscle weakness
> ----What made me feel better??----
> This nice mixture of nature taken with food:
> (these pills help your brain balance now that it is without artificial stimulation) I bought them at the local grocery store.
> Omega 3 fish oil
> B-Complex (you need at least 11 B's in there)
> Magnesium 1000mg
> -You can also add L-Tryptophan and L-Tyrosine (found at health food stores)-
> oh yeah, and lots of mylanta
> I hope my entry can help at least one suffering person out there. Btw, my tapering schedule was: 75 mg to 37.5 mg (one week) to nothing. Each day is hard, I know, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

I have been weining off ex. sincejan.2004. got down to 37.5mg and dr. said that i could quit.been trying since first of may,finaly stopped it june 18. first week and half pretty bad,all the withdrawal sympons. now it's not too bad,been 19days. will this all soon be gone ? i took ex. for about 2 yrs.,225mg. a day. sometimes i think it's something else. any help? thanks


Positive Effexor withdrawal story

Posted by LynnPerley on July 7, 2004, at 0:59:15

In reply to Re: Love Effexor, posted by Catty on July 3, 2004, at 7:44:44

I have weaned down from 300 mg Effexor XR without major incident. I took a month each to drop from 300 to 225 to 150 to 75 mg. I'm now going to take a week to drop to 37.5 then the following week, zero. I've had a few little side effects but nothing debilitating. Meanwhile, my energy level is way up, and I'm using other techniques to deal with any down feelings.


Re: Positive Effexor withdrawal story

Posted by KaraS on July 7, 2004, at 2:06:30

In reply to Positive Effexor withdrawal story, posted by LynnPerley on July 7, 2004, at 0:59:15

> I have weaned down from 300 mg Effexor XR without major incident. I took a month each to drop from 300 to 225 to 150 to 75 mg. I'm now going to take a week to drop to 37.5 then the following week, zero. I've had a few little side effects but nothing debilitating. Meanwhile, my energy level is way up, and I'm using other techniques to deal with any down feelings.

The hard part is going from 37.5 mg. to 0 mg! I'm doing that by quarters of a pill every 2-4 weeks. Hopefully you'll continue to be relatively free of withdrawal symptoms - but if not, you can always go slower.


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by alan38 on July 7, 2004, at 7:50:37

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by ST on July 3, 2004, at 5:49:40

I am on week 4 of withdrawal and am taking ( per this forum) 1 claritin d every other day. I am not sure if that's the right thing to do, but it sure alliviates the zaps/flashes.

Your thoughts...


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last? » alan38

Posted by snake on July 7, 2004, at 20:31:17

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by alan38 on July 7, 2004, at 7:50:37

> I am on week 4 of withdrawal and am taking ( per this forum) 1 claritin d every other day. I am not sure if that's the right thing to do, but it sure alliviates the zaps/flashes.
> Your thoughts...

Are you still having nausea and headaches. they aren't as bad as first week. i've been off med. since june 18. i have been using bendryl and tylenol. and this helps. pharmacist told me to do this and that i could use claritin instaed of ben. he said i could do this for acouple months if needed. i'm ready for all this to be over. if you have any more tips, please post them . thanks. cece


Re: Positive Effexor withdrawal story

Posted by ishy on July 7, 2004, at 20:32:08

In reply to Re: Positive Effexor withdrawal story, posted by KaraS on July 7, 2004, at 2:06:30

Yeah, I went from 37.5 to 0 on Sunday and now I understand about the brain zaps. Man, they stink! I went back up to 37.5 today. I also have nausea, a headache, and felt like I was going to cry all day. And since I am not on Effexor for depression, but fibromyalgia, I know now that some of you who have been saying that the weird emotions are always because of depression not being treated are wrong. It really is a symptom of the withdrawl for some people. For others, it may be a symptom of returning clinical depression, but it isn't necessarily so in every case.

I also flinched so much at work I had to explain to everyone what was wrong. Nor has my doc been any help. The other physician I had talked to has retired. I have the capsules, so I just dump of the little granules out, and will dump more and more until I am off of it.


Re: Positive Effexor withdrawal story » KaraS

Posted by LynnPerley on July 7, 2004, at 21:58:12

In reply to Re: Positive Effexor withdrawal story, posted by KaraS on July 7, 2004, at 2:06:30

I have been experiencing some queasy feeling and some diarrhea. I have some generic Ritalin prescribed (from when my depression was really bad) and taling it helps quire a bit. If this stays the same for another day or two I will call the MD. I may be stuck on 37.5 if I don;t want to tough it out.

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