Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Re: How long for these withdrawals to end??

Posted by Zarry on April 9, 2004, at 12:29:01

In reply to Re: How long for these withdrawals to end??, posted by scullycat on April 9, 2004, at 12:15:17

ScullyCat, you're only going to have withdrawls if Effexor doesn't work for you or your want to try life w/o Effexor. I had no complaint with it except for finding out that it causes, or can cause high blood pressure. My BP is sky high so that's the only reason I'm getting off it.

Yes, when you open the capsule, you do want to put it with some kind of food. I'm not taking anything right now. I've not heard yet of someone completely getting off Effexor and stating how long it took to end the effects.

If you are concerned about needing to get off of Effexor, I would suggest you start now - before it REALLY gets into your system.

I'm curious as to why nobody has been concerned about the high blood pressure issue.


Re: How long for these withdrawals to end??

Posted by scullycat on April 9, 2004, at 12:41:24

In reply to Re: How long for these withdrawals to end??, posted by Zarry on April 9, 2004, at 12:29:01

well, as for the concern about the BP, i guess the list of potential side effects are really VERY long and people are just affected differently - and thankfully, mine is great. in my case, i'm more concerned about the effects on my eyesight and a change i've experienced there (i've got a rather serious potential risk that could be greatened by the drug). if my opthamologist says get off effexor because of increased eye pressure, i certainly will do so...even tho my experience has been good thus far.

like i said, i appreciate reading about the withdrawl experience because i know i won't be on effexor forever (doc suggested 9mo to 1 year) - even though it isn't likely to happen tomorrow. so thanks to everyone. you're giving me something to think about.


any good xperiences withdrawing from effexor?

Posted by Jedida on April 9, 2004, at 13:43:54

In reply to Re: How long for these withdrawals to end??, posted by Zarry on April 9, 2004, at 8:25:51

I was on 150 effexor for about 3 months. It did nothing for me except make me very lethargic and brain dead. I am now on Wellbutrin SR 100--just started a week ago and I love it. I guess I need
stimulation which this drug does. Anyway, I have been
tapering off effexor--am on 37.5 right now--the Wellbutrin definitely has helped the withdrawal--I had some dizziness at first and a few other weird things but no big deal compared to if I did it without the Wellbutrin. I will be completely off in about 3 more days. Thank God!!! Effexor really
was not the drug for me. In fact, I hated it!


Re: How long for these withdrawals to end??

Posted by BR549 on April 9, 2004, at 23:27:39

In reply to How long for these withdrawals to end??, posted by Mina on April 8, 2004, at 23:18:27

I'm on day 7 of 150 mg daily effexor xr cold turkey and now that I know that my withdrawal systems are not so unusual, my fears have subsided and my brain feels more like an untuned engine misfiring every now and then rather than an outta control locomotive.. I still eat too many carbs and junk food, especially at night and my wife looks at me like I'm crazy since I told her I wanted a divorce about 5 days ago. My gut tells me that once the withdrawal symptoms began, long buried resentments flew to the surface and spewed out. I lay low now in the basement when marital relations get ugly. Long buried sadness creeps up too and gets me misty eyed. Letting the tears flow without just cause for a man creates the appearance that something is wrong with this guy.. Hang tough Mina. Like they said in the movie 'the water boy' you can do it!


Re: Side effects when going to higher dose » Spinxxie

Posted by Spinxxie on April 10, 2004, at 3:03:09

In reply to Side effects when going to higher dose (nm), posted by Spinxxie on April 10, 2004, at 3:00:16

Oops... I was wondering if anyone had side effects when they went up into higher doses? I went from 150mg to 225. I have felt really tired, dizzy, hot flashes and losing my appetite( not a bad thing these days) Anyone have suggestions?


Re: How long for these withdrawals to end??

Posted by Zarry on April 10, 2004, at 8:20:34

In reply to Re: How long for these withdrawals to end??, posted by BR549 on April 9, 2004, at 23:27:39

BR - You're normal, there's nothing wrong with you. Hopefully your wife is supportive of you getting off of Effexor. Luckily my husband is supportive and I let him know when I'm down.

It is wise to walk away right now when you do have the mood swings and want to say some damaging words. Now isn't the time to be discussing the problems.

It's good that we all have this support group and realize that what we're going thru is normal.


Re: Side effects when going to higher dose

Posted by Davez on April 11, 2004, at 12:48:01

In reply to Re: Side effects when going to higher dose » Spinxxie, posted by Spinxxie on April 10, 2004, at 3:03:09

I found this link on the net and it contains a good overview of Effexor's percentage for side effects at different doses. I think it is based on clinical trials.


Re: Just started and want to get off Effexor 8008

Posted by effexed on April 11, 2004, at 16:39:59

In reply to Just started and want to get off Effexor, posted by 8008hopeful on April 7, 2004, at 22:26:02

At first you will get sick but it will pass your body has to get a new balance and then you will start to feel better alot better I got sick at first and I to was considdering not continuing with the meds but I am sure glad I stuck with it but everyone is diffrent some can be only hours late takeing there meds and go in to withdraw I have tottaly missed a doase and did not even notice so each persons journey is their own good luck with yours cindy/effexed


Re: Side effects when going to higher dose » Davez

Posted by Spinxxie on April 11, 2004, at 19:22:34

In reply to Re: Side effects when going to higher dose, posted by Davez on April 11, 2004, at 12:48:01

Thanks Dave for your help.. my side effects make more sense now.. I just hope they don't last.. but from what I have heard they do. I have heard many more positive then negatives about this drug.
Thanks so much,


my effexor drama

Posted by tarian617 on April 12, 2004, at 10:35:27

In reply to Re: Side effects when going to higher dose, posted by Davez on April 11, 2004, at 12:48:01

This might be long, I have a lot to say!!

btw, i posted a couple times a long while before as "traumaqueen"--I was a trauma ICU RN--and now I am "tarian617".

Well...I have been on Effexor for probably five months now. A couple months ago, I told my doctor I was still having a lot of anxiety, some panic attacks and BAD PMS. So he doubled my dosage from 75mg to 150mg. At first I just took 2 75mg capsules. He gave me a lot of samples, so I did that for a couple of months. Then I was running out, so I got a script for 1 150mg capsule a day. I started this a couple weeks ago. would think that going from 2 75mg E-XR to 1 150mg E-XR would make absolutely no difference, but it was like HELL. I went from fine to having the bad muscle aches and pains, the horrible insomnia where I felt exhausted but couldn't sleep, and this restless leg thing where my legs have to be moving or shaking constantly. I became irritable, and felt a great deal of rage about things in my past that I thought I was over. I was not too happy about having to take my Effexor, and would miss doses and then last week decided to just stop taking it. I felt like I was being "oppositional-defiant"--I knew what I was doing was stupid, but I didn't care. I actually became a little paranoid that the 75mg samples that I was taking before were possibly not full strength--I wouldn't put it past the pharmaceutical company to jyp (sp?) people in their samples. I know...sounds crazy.

Then, last night, I went to work. I'm an RN in a Cardiovascular Surgery Recovery ICU. I had a complicated and sick patient and I couldn't THINK. I would turn my head, and feel like my brain was trying to catch up with my head movement. It got worse and worse by the second. I started crying uncontrollably, ended up in the ER shaking heart rate up in the 110's (normally 50's) and my BP in the 200's, normally 110's. I felt like at any moment I could have a seizure. They gave me a couple of Xanax and I felt better...but now I have to figure out what to do with my meds. I am going to see the doc today. I might have to slowly work up to the 150mg capsule with the help of Xanax or Benadryl or something.

This whole thing is crazier than I am....any advice would be much appreciated...


Re: Side effects when going to higher dose

Posted by headachegirl on April 12, 2004, at 12:03:48

In reply to Re: Side effects when going to higher dose, posted by Davez on April 11, 2004, at 12:48:01

In trying to quit I find that taking half my 75 mg dose a day works better for me than taking one dose of 75 mg, skipping a day, then taking the next dose. I am avoiding the hideous brain zaps, nausea, and headaches I was getting. I do feel much more anger than I used to, which isn't pleasant. Next, I plan to start taking a quarter of the dose a day and taper off that way.

In addition, I take the following supplements: multivitamin, extra vitamin E, NADH, DHA, SamE, 5-HTTP with kava kava, l-carnitine, and Co-Q 10.


Re: my effexor drama

Posted by ku4ns on April 12, 2004, at 13:32:56

In reply to my effexor drama, posted by tarian617 on April 12, 2004, at 10:35:27

I had the same problems when I tried to stop the drug. My bp and heartrate were much higher than normal and as for the leg cramp, twitch, I would drink a little tonic water with quinine at night that helped. Now i'm a little over two weeks without effexor. I'm taking prozac(20mg) and I started it 1 week prior to my last dose of effexor and it helped tremendously with the transition. Good luck. John


Re: How long for these withdrawals to end??

Posted by msdepres on April 13, 2004, at 15:53:09

In reply to Re: How long for these withdrawals to end??, posted by BR549 on April 9, 2004, at 23:27:39

This is my first time on any chat board and can hardly believe. I have been taking effexor for about 2.5 years. I had tried several combinations with the assist of my psch dr. Found that wellbutrin and effexor actually was best in taking care of anxiety and depression. No problems while on it.
I began a withdrawal regime about 4 weeks ago, going from 150 to 75 to 37.5 and as of Sat. no more effexor.
I looked at this board before but just figured I wouldn't have these problems - HA HA!
It is awful. I have all the symptoms and it is only day 3. I'm not sure I got a straight answer on how long these symptoms would continue, but it sounds like 2 weeks. Has this been the case?
Thank you (I think its BPS) for your funny, but not funny description of your experience (I shared with my husband so he wouldn't be surprised - divorce sounds good right now). I've got every single symptom, including a crying jag last night. The most disturbing is the brain zaps/shocks, and head and/or body movement faster than my sight or brain. I reallly hate this.
Thank you all for being out these. I don't feel better, and am still anxious/nervous/???, but knowing I'm not alone helps.
Any new advise - or explanation from someone who is "past" this wonderful/yuk experience.


Re: sexual side effect- effexor-xr » jal

Posted by Seagull_25920 on April 14, 2004, at 12:50:05

In reply to Re: sexual side effect- effexor-xr, posted by jal on September 13, 2002, at 14:53:11

> I've been on effexor xr for the past 4 months, went from 37.5mgs up to 225mgs now and the only thing I feel is numbness in my penis and my sex drive is way down from where it was before effexor xr.Is this common for men to feel this?
> Any men out there have the same numbness down there? Whats the cure ? Help my girlfriend thinks its her but I'm telling her its my meds.

jal - From what I've seen of other posters, and my own experience, what you're feeling is not uncommon. I was on 300mg for a while, and completely unable to climax. This was a problem because my wife and I were trying to get pregnant... Luckily, she understood that it was the medication. I was not able to overcome the problem, but can tell you that after three days off of the medication, even in the middle of the withdrawals, the problem is completely gone.

I considered some of the sensation-increasing creams and gels that are on the market for sex, but didn't get a chance to try them.

On a related note, pardon me for being explicit, but the term "abnormal ejaculation" seems to be appropriate, as I experienced several episodes of spontaneous ejaculation without arousal (embarrassing, to say the least), followed by lengthy episodes of 'blue balls'. I have to wonder if that's not related to an increase in prostate size or some such, which is listed as a possible side effect of the medication. Anyone else?


Re: beginning to wean hopefully losing weight

Posted by newgirl on April 14, 2004, at 13:40:19

In reply to Re: beginning to wean hopefully losing weight, posted by rumbera on September 3, 2002, at 22:43:21

Again, I know it's been a while since this post, but I'm also curious to see if anyone has lost weight after quitting Effexor. I took my last dose over a month ago, but I haven't seen too much in the way of weight loss. I've heard it takes some time for the Effexor to completely leave your system, thus delaying weight loss. Are there any supplements that aid in getting this stuff out of your system completely? I've started a pretty rigouous exercise routine, along with eating better. I'm anxious to see results. Any encouragement would be greatly appreciated!!!!

In response to V,
> I know it has been over a year since the post but I really want to know if anyone has lost the weight after witdrawing from effexor. I have gained 25 pounds as well. I hope all the widrawl is worth it. I have never felt so horrible. I too have the "brain shivers" and every time I would tell my doc they looked at me like I was crazy. I am glad to know that I am not the only one with these symptoms. I just wish there were an easier way.


Re: Side effects when going to higher dose » headachegirl

Posted by Spinxxie on April 14, 2004, at 16:11:17

In reply to Re: Side effects when going to higher dose, posted by headachegirl on April 12, 2004, at 12:03:48

Be careful of the kava kava.. its a stimulant.. make cause some probs.. just a fyi...


Re: Effexor XR vs. Paxil and weight gain

Posted by alanis on April 14, 2004, at 23:15:53

In reply to Re: Effexor XR vs. Paxil and weight gain , posted by Cindy W on June 1, 2000, at 9:42:07

I gained weight on effexor but it is the only antidepressant that worked for me. I have recently been diagnosed with adhd and was started on strattera. I gained 6 pounds in 2 weeks.I am furustrated. I excersise every day and went to a dietician( i can only eat 1000 calories to lose weight!!) and I quit strattera I am frustated. Has anyone found a way to lose their weight or have suggestions?


Re: Missed a Dose

Posted by stayathomemomof2 on April 15, 2004, at 10:33:27

In reply to Missed a Dose, posted by sira on March 30, 2004, at 23:49:48

> I understand everyones concern about the weight gain. I have not had it yet but if I do I will welcome it. Since for me a few extra pounds compared to spending my days in misery is a good trade off. I am now on 75mg and will go to 150mg in a week and a half. I must say that I have been doing good on it. I missed a dose, and I found that my mind went numb and I felt very angry. Has anyone had problems when they just miss one dose.
> Sira

I too notice a huge difference in missing 1 dose. I have been on 150mg. a day for 2 years. I have missed 5 days. I missed the first 2 days because I didn't get my refill in in time. Now , I have had to get the refill O.K'd by doctor and have had problems. (NEEDLESS to say I will not return to this physician) Now I am thinking about trying to get off the effexxor for good. I had no idea the way I am feeling is due to withdrawl! NO FUN at all.
Has anyone had success going cold turkey? and staying off?


Re: Missed a Dose

Posted by Zarry on April 15, 2004, at 10:49:08

In reply to Re: Missed a Dose, posted by stayathomemomof2 on April 15, 2004, at 10:33:27

I did not miss a dose while I was on Effexor for 6 mo. I went cold turkey of getting off Effexor April 4 and like I've said in past posts, the effects of high BP vs the effects of withdrawls are for worse in the long run. I'm still trying to find out how long this feeling lasts - I guess when someone gets off Effexor, they no longer feel the need to encourage the sufferers.

I don't think I will go on any kind of "happy" pills after this, unless I do some research first. I want to know that I'm going to have a happy life w/o ripping my husband's head off or my own and NOT have body damaging effects while on them. I'm not going to go on another happy pill just to quit the withdrawl effects of another.

One thing I DO suggest for ppl trying to get off effexor, DON'T put yourself into a possible stressful arena while experiencing the withdrawls. It's like putting yourself into a fighting bull arena and you hope you can find the door out quick enough. It's NOT a good idea. I ended up driving home late at night from visiting family. It was either drive and get away from the situation or stay there and experience more emotional pain. (BTW, I did arrive home safely after a 6 hr drive and a 2 hr nap).


Re: beginning to wean hopefully losing weight

Posted by Putford on April 15, 2004, at 16:45:37

In reply to Re: beginning to wean hopefully losing weight, posted by newgirl on April 14, 2004, at 13:40:19

For those thinking of going to a higher dose,think hard before commiting. I have been slowly trying to get off this junk,so far on my third attempt ,I'm on day 5 !!!Whoopeee.I am working on cognitive therapy and believe it or not the 12 steps of AA. It is amazing how we can calm down if we can get rid of our anger. For those interested in alternative therapy there are many different ways to help ourselves instead making the drug companies rich. This site is one example. For those who are having a hard time,we are here for you.So try anything first before going on "MEDS". I hope I am free of this stuff and I hope I have helped someone...we need each other-not Effexor.


Effexor free

Posted by Emma Smith on April 15, 2004, at 20:22:13

In reply to Re: Missed a Dose, posted by Zarry on April 15, 2004, at 10:49:08

Just a note to those who question how long it takes for withdrawal symptoms to has been a bit over 2 weeks and I can honestly say I am not experiencing any more dizziness or general feeling of yuckiness. However, I might be different, but I was not taking any other meds, was only on 75mg of Effexor, and continued my exercise (running) throughout the "withdrawal".

It was worth it. The one thing I was not prepared for was the emotion I would feel. Good emotion....Like crying at the "right times"...I guess I was a bit numb on Effexor, but didn't really realize it.

Oh yeah, I'm down 2 pounds. That makes me feel even better. Hope I can work on it for good!


Re: sexual side effect- effexor-xr

Posted by Shyla on April 16, 2004, at 10:09:49

In reply to Re: sexual side effect- effexor-xr » jal, posted by Seagull_25920 on April 14, 2004, at 12:50:05

Well, I'm a girl, and I am experiencing numbness down there. It is a real disconnect between my brain and my clitoris. Is it the Effexor?


About to go off..... Advice please!

Posted by Viva on April 16, 2004, at 17:50:07

In reply to Withdrawal Update..., posted by Sufferfromeffexor on October 12, 2003, at 7:05:54

I have read the boards ever since I started taking this drug about 8 months ago... I was really worried about going on them but couldn't handle how I was feeling before I started... Yes, first time on ADs. The drug worked wonders and have managed to get through all the crap that was going on with my life last fall but now I want off....

I am done with being constipated, the night sweats - which I never new was caused by the drug until I read the boards, I have put on 12 lbs and I could not eat for a week and still gain weight...I actually thought I was pregnant because I kept gaining wieght even with watching everything I eat and running 4-6 miles a day.My clothes dont fit -UGH and I dont know about anyone else but I have been getting a rash that looks like acne on my chest and back... ITS GROSS, IT HURTS and it itches.... and sex is whole other issue. The drug has served its purpose and its time to stop....Mentally, I am in a better place and dont see the need to stay on them if I dont need to... Especially now, with reading about all the bad long tern side effects.

I have read your postings on the withdrawls -- Is it really that bad... Does anyone have any good methods to step down on the drug? I am at 150...I see my DR next week but he told me I wouldnt gain weight and I have.... and feel that the people on the drug pretty much know better than the Doc. Also, I want to warn my boyfriend -- He has been wonderful throughout everything and I want him to understand what the withdrawl process is going to be like for me...

Oh boy - sorry so long winded but you all are the only ones I really think understand whats going on... the good and the bad.... I am a bit worried but I jsut cant handle the side effects any more... Any advice and wisdom would be greatly appreciated.


Re: About to go off..... Advice please! HELP!!

Posted by Spinxxie on April 16, 2004, at 20:56:18

In reply to About to go off..... Advice please!, posted by Viva on April 16, 2004, at 17:50:07

Ack... went up to 225mgs.. and started getting really bad side effects.. I don't know the term for it.. but.. i felt like i was getting little zaps going up and down my arms and legs. I couldn't sleep because it would get bad. My shrink may have to take me off this med, and I am back down 150mgs. I have been feeling much more mentally stable.. and I just went through a break up without a major depression that usually ensues. and hot flashes.. i feeling like a bipedal chili pepper! Does anyone have any suggestions about other meds to add to this one.. or another same acting med? I have already been on luvox(zombie drug) zoloft and wellbutrin. I am taking 150mgs of Effexor, 20mg Buspar and 7.5 of Immovane.

Thanks so much..


Re: How long for these withdrawals to end?? » msdepres

Posted by margo on April 17, 2004, at 2:27:25

In reply to Re: How long for these withdrawals to end??, posted by msdepres on April 13, 2004, at 15:53:09

Thank God for this site!!

I decided to quit Effexor - I just felt too, too weird.

It has been about 5 days, with one "weening" pill in between. (I'm sorry I took it)

I have NEVER felt so "yucky" in my life. And I have dealt with depression for much of my life (severe childhood abuse/neglect and trauma).

People have mentioned experiencing on this drug bringing up "deep" buried psychological things, head spinning, nausea, inability to do exercising, walking, working out as one had done.... feeling wacko in general... I've said some inappropriate things to people, or at least I feel PARANOID that I may have...

crying jags, hot flashes, everything tastes "funny", my mouth feels numb. This is some very complex stuff, and it's truly sickening that there was insufficient warning as to the side effects (not nice) but MOST IMPORTANT, the utter nastiness of going off of it.

But, one way or the other I'm going to perservere. I do not want this crap in my body/mind/life. I have read that a little Prozac might make it easier. I'm going to try that.

So much for self medication - I have done a better job of that in my life than the physicians have.

I want to be clean from ALL of the psychoactive meds - for me, exercise, good food, good books, good friends, love, and, as someone said, the occasional cocktail.

Good luck to all of you! I know this is not the thing for me. Too bad I didn't know how POWERFUL it is and how awful the "sweating it out" (quote from the triage nurse at my dr office) would be.


PS I'll keep in touch if I don't lose my mind before this is over!

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