Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 133458

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Re: Straterra approval.

Posted by nana-int on March 30, 2004, at 11:11:46

In reply to Straterra approval., posted by scoper on December 28, 2002, at 2:19:34

grandson 8 yrs. old having good results but fights about taking each am. i know it can be taken am or pm but what are results if taken later in the day. says it upsets his stomach in am, but will take in pm.


Re: Anything Good to Say about Strattera?

Posted by stellajones on April 24, 2004, at 16:07:46

In reply to Anything Good to Say about Strattera?, posted by Susannah on May 28, 2003, at 16:11:27

> Does anyone have anything positive to say about treating ADHD children with Strattera? My 9 year old daughter has been taking Adderall XR 10mg/day for about a year now and I have not seen any improvement. Before Adderall XR she took regular Adderall (15mg/day bid) for about 2 years and that worked much better; however our doc insisted that we switch to a once a day formula. She took Ritalin once, very briefly, but had an increased heart rate from med and was promptly taken off. She is already very small and thin for her age, she is only 50lbs. She has trouble falling asleep at night ans is subsequently tired and irritable in the mornings.
> Her therapist thinks she will do better on Strattera because he claims she is "sad" as well and this med should treat both ADHD and her sadness. I'm taking her to the psychiatrist on Monday and I am going to ask him to switch her meds. I have read boards similiar to this and only see bad things. Does anyone have anything good to say or has anyone or their child had a positive experience with Strattera?
> My daughter has a relatively mild cause of ADHD, more inattentive than hyperactive although her symptoms can change in response to social situations, school, ect.
> Any information would be greatly appreciated.

> Have you considered any alternative treatment?
Studies have shown that many children and adults with ADD have low levels of essential fatty acids.There are EFA oil blends for children and adults specifically marketed for focus and attention problems-ADD, that are available in most health food stores.Heres an article that describes some of the creative genius many ADD'ers posess >


Redirect: alternative treatment

Posted by Dr. Bob on April 26, 2004, at 3:40:54

In reply to Re: Anything Good to Say about Strattera?, posted by stellajones on April 24, 2004, at 16:07:46

> Have you considered any alternative treatment?

Sorry if it's confusing, but I'd like follow-ups about alternative treatment to be redirected to Psycho-Babble Alternative. Here's a link:




Re: Strattera 2+ months » ciejae

Posted by Cattzo on June 4, 2004, at 23:19:12

In reply to Re: Strattera 2+ months, posted by ciejae on April 27, 2003, at 8:04:29

Wow...deja vu! I have been on Wellbutrin for the past three weeks for Depression and minor ADD. However, upon checking up with my doc today he suggested I try Strattera. I left the office with a sample pack containing four 25mg tabs and 14 50mg tabs. I took a 25mg tab after getting home, and i have to say it made me really tired. It was strange because when it was first coming on I got a sort of head rush, became a little dizzy, then the dizzyness turned into a strong desire to take a nap. =oP Anyway, the reason i'm responding to your post is because of how you mentioned disliking being a passenger when driving and how you had a fear of flying...I too, do not like being a passenger, nor do I like flying, and I guess I just wanted to see if you were still on strattera and if it was still working for you, how long it took for it to work, etc. My plan is to stop taking the Wellbutrin in order to give the Strattera a fair shot, as i've also had the misfortune to learn that mixing Strattera and Wellbutrin is a no-no. Any comment would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. =o)


Re: Strattera 2+ months (July 2004)

Posted by WAKI on July 11, 2004, at 18:56:33

In reply to Re: Strattera 2+ months » ciejae, posted by Cattzo on June 4, 2004, at 23:19:12

Thanks for replying to this oldewr message, hopefully we can start a 2004 series of posts on this subject.

I'm 43 yo male. I have depression and adhd.

After 3 years of trying every ssri, effexor, lamictal, provigal, concerta and more, Welbutrin sr and welbutrin xl

Welbutrin xl was the first drug allong with lamictal that helped me out. It changed me from a 250 lb couch potato to a 170 athlete as I was many years ago. I enjoy activities and have a desire to "get out and go"!

I just started strattera am on 2nd week. First week was a night mare. I was lathargic all week. I discontinued a anxiety relaxer I was taking before bed and woke up feeling great. So I don't know if the fatigue was a side effect of strattera or the anxiety relaxer. I'm on 80 MG of Strattera and 450 Welbutrin. I'm noticing more and more to reduce the welbutrin to not feel so speeded up. I skipped welbutrin yesterday and felt good. I took 300 today and feel hyped up. Now I took a partial anxiety relaxer to see how it works to get me to sleep.

I suspect Ill be reducing everything but the Strattera. My ADHD has not improved, but i did not feel depressed when i didnt take welbutrin.

I read an excellen article by a lady that stated if you dont try strattera for 4 weeks you are not testing it at all. I have hopes in 2 weeks.

On my own today, I bought the amino acid called L-Tyrosine, it specificly states its for the same Nuro transmitters such as Norepinephrine that we are trying to acomplish with Strattera.

I started 1000 mg per day today and am hopefull.

In summary I'm on 2nd week but hope in 2 months I will still be motivated and energized but also have a clear organized mind.


Strattera Sucks! » WAKI

Posted by Mimi on July 11, 2004, at 20:16:47

In reply to Re: Strattera 2+ months (July 2004), posted by WAKI on July 11, 2004, at 18:56:33

Not to dis you, but I was on Strattera for months. It caused appetite loss and insomnia in me, without any concentration benefits after several days. Lots of folks do not find Strattera helpful is the news in the pdoc office.

I think Ritalin worked better for me but I lost too much weight when on that.



Re: I like Strattera

Posted by Torque on July 11, 2004, at 22:04:15

In reply to Strattera Sucks! » WAKI, posted by Mimi on July 11, 2004, at 20:16:47

I have been of Strattera for about 3 weeks. 25 mgs the first 2 weeks and now 40 mgs for the third week. Overall I happen to like it. It helps tremendously with my irritability and impatiance. I feel very relaxed. On the down side it makes me very sleepy a few hours after taking it, but it does pass. I combine it with 75 mgs of effexor, which I hope to decrease further (was taking 150 mgs). Keep us posted on your progress.


Re: I like Strattera - PM DOSING AVOIDS SLEEPINESS » Torque

Posted by utopizen on July 13, 2004, at 12:13:12

In reply to Re: I like Strattera, posted by Torque on July 11, 2004, at 22:04:15

> IOn the down side it makes me very sleepy a few hours after taking it, but it does pass. I combine it with 75 mgs of effexor, which I hope to decrease further (was taking 150 mgs). Keep us posted on your progress.

Try PM dosing- right before bedtime. With meds, your body me find it induces sleepiness or is activating to the point of causing insomnia. Either way, sleepiness tends to go away after a couple of weeks or so with any med.

Take it at night, and you'll sleep through the negative side effects. This tends to apply with all meds that your body reacts to by inducing sleep.



Posted by Torque on July 13, 2004, at 22:06:50

In reply to Re: I like Strattera - PM DOSING AVOIDS SLEEPINESS » Torque, posted by utopizen on July 13, 2004, at 12:13:12

> > IOn the down side it makes me very sleepy a few hours after taking it, but it does pass. I combine it with 75 mgs of effexor, which I hope to decrease further (was taking 150 mgs). Keep us posted on your progress.
> >
> Try PM dosing- right before bedtime. With meds, your body me find it induces sleepiness or is activating to the point of causing insomnia. Either way, sleepiness tends to go away after a couple of weeks or so with any med.
> Take it at night, and you'll sleep through the negative side effects. This tends to apply with all meds that your body reacts to by inducing sleep.

Thanks. I think I will try PM dosing for a while.



Would like info on strattera??????

Posted by so far so good on July 15, 2004, at 15:50:50

In reply to Re: I like Strattera - PM DOSING AVOIDS SLEEPINESS, posted by Torque on July 13, 2004, at 22:06:50

Age ? How long ago diagnosed with ADD? Any other ADD meds to compare stattera to(personnely speaking) ? I keep hearing sleepiness - side effect.How sleepy? Eyes closing mid-day fighting to stay awake? Or just tired feeling in general ?Any other meds being taken for other mental health issues? Any info would be greatly apprciated .


Re: Would like info on strattera??????

Posted by blondegirl47 on July 16, 2004, at 17:02:58

In reply to Would like info on strattera??????, posted by so far so good on July 15, 2004, at 15:50:50

My Pdoc had me take strattera at night before bed and my stimulant during the day. I slept very well on it, but it seemed to help me hyper focus on things I should be doing. It also made me hungry and I put on weight. I stopped taking it about a month after starting.

I was diagnosed about 4 or 5 years ago...



Re: PM DOSING is working for me

Posted by WAKI on August 1, 2004, at 23:23:35

In reply to Re: I like Strattera - PM DOSING AVOIDS SLEEPINESS, posted by Torque on July 13, 2004, at 22:06:50

I tried PM dosing the last two nights and it is making a major difference. When I took 80 mg of Strattera in the morning I was fatigued. I then tried 40 mg in morning and 40 mg at night in which I felt relaxed all day. I then tried 80 mg at night and it's working really sweet. I am awake all day.

I still have some insomnia so p-doc put me on ambien for awhile. I dream like a kitten on Ambien. I also take 400 mg of lamictal at night and 300 mg of Wellbutrin during the day to energize me.

When I take strattera in morning I tend to eat more. When I take it at night it curbs my appatite nicely along with the Wellbutrin.

I am determined to try this strattera for 3 to 6 months to really give it a chance. I will suffer through the side effects so that I do not miss a potential opportunity.

I am a little discouraged with all this med taking. These message posts are keeping me motivated. It really gets "old" experimenting with meds all the time.


Re: The difference in various ADHD meds.

Posted by WAKI on August 1, 2004, at 23:30:00

In reply to Re: PM DOSING is working for me, posted by WAKI on August 1, 2004, at 23:23:35

Possibly some of you can inform me. I have ADHD in which the Wellbutrin and/or Concerta just antagonizes the ADD and makes it worse. (Rapid thoughts).

The strattera appears to slightly be helping me.

I was told Concerta is simple a longer half life version of the ritlan.

Are all the rest of the ADHD meds out there the same as concerta (speed effect), with the exception of Strattera?

Any ideas on other meds I can trial?



Re: Strattera causing fatigue/depression

Posted by WAKI on August 1, 2004, at 23:40:56

In reply to Re: Strattera and Ritalin or Strattera only, posted by Siraris on January 15, 2004, at 11:57:46

I forgot if I told all of you, but I will mention again because this was a major "find" for me.

I was slipping into depression (the fatigue type) every 4 days when I started Strattera.

My P-doc had me chart my naps, amount of times I wake up at night and duration, and total hours of sleep.

He figured out my sleep was so disturbed that it caught up with me every 4 days. I would then nap for a few days, be re energized for about 4 days then fatigue cycle again.

Right now I am on ambien to sleep at night and I do not cycle any more.

I hope this info will help somebody out. My p-doc said some P-docs specialize in sleep alone. He said sleep science is a field that can really complicate or help ones life.

I used to be fairly proud that I can function on little sleep.

I am now a avid believer in sleep is essential to a productive day.


Re: Would like info on strattera??????

Posted by WAKI on August 1, 2004, at 23:46:19

In reply to Re: Would like info on strattera??????, posted by blondegirl47 on July 16, 2004, at 17:02:58


I wish I could hyper focus. Whats it like? I'm 43 yo trying to score high on LSAT to get into law school. This adhd crap is really holding me back.

Are any of you dis organized, hoard things, start things and don't finish them? If your are tell me how it effects / impacts your life?


Does ADHD cause relationship problems?

Posted by WAKI on August 2, 2004, at 0:10:43

In reply to Re: Would like info on strattera??????, posted by WAKI on August 1, 2004, at 23:46:19

I have come to the conclusion that I was not settleing like a man should with a potential wife. I was a non commital person, kept the relationship at some what a distance away.

I have some quirks that could be irritating to a woman. I take long showers, like a cool house, disorganized and worked allot before this 1 year sabbatical I am taking. If I don't push myself I easily blow a day watch baseball ar golf on the idiot box. Sex wise a pop a Viagra and can rock her house all night. Assume several naps in 9 hours but also assume several love sessions (good long ones that wear her out)

If I my V-juice we can go to bed at 6:00 Pm on a Friday stay in bed for 3 days straight rocking her house. We only come up for air, water and food. But you have to admit 72 hours sexing on the V-juice makes any man a tarzan studd muffin?

You guys doing th V-Juice will be the talk of the womens night out. All the women in town will smile at your family jewels. The only time I go on Injured reserve status is when my unit gets so raw from the constant tight friction. At that point it's pure terror to work the unit for a good week.

I find if you use KY and some vasaline your unit wiil withstand much more sueface contact.

You can buy a case of KY off the net on a old folks medical web site. Very cheap price and will last you for ever. The KY gives you pure velocity at high speed intervle cycles. This is great when she is on top of the man while he is on back. She can effeciently squat up and down with no friction.

The vasciline is for hardcore pumping. It creates a vacuum tight seal. When your unit slips out you will hear a vacuum break and a pussy fart.

Sex is beautiful! Sex should be thr form of curency.

Imagine going to the gas station and gass is 4 dollars. Instead the customer services the attendant. The attendent will then service her boss, the boss does the VP. The VP does the Prez. The prezz does the secretary, the plant operators do the prezz wife, the janitor does the VP wife.

then they have one major orgy and live on love.

Do sound like any of you?


Re: let's stick to medication here, thanks (nm) » WAKI

Posted by Dr. Bob on August 2, 2004, at 17:54:22

In reply to Does ADHD cause relationship problems?, posted by WAKI on August 2, 2004, at 0:10:43


Vrelationship problems?

Posted by Sebastian on August 2, 2004, at 19:23:26

In reply to Does ADHD cause relationship problems?, posted by WAKI on August 2, 2004, at 0:10:43

Sounds like me before mental illness. Does the viagra counter sexual difficulties from psyco-tropic meds.


Wohlverstanden Fuehrer Koenig Kommandant DR BOB

Posted by WAKI on August 3, 2004, at 2:31:28

In reply to Re: let's stick to medication here, thanks (nm) » WAKI, posted by Dr. Bob on August 2, 2004, at 17:54:22

Wohlverstanden Fuehrer Koenig Kommandant DR BOB


Re: thanks (nm) » WAKI

Posted by Dr. Bob on August 3, 2004, at 18:04:59

In reply to Wohlverstanden Fuehrer Koenig Kommandant DR BOB, posted by WAKI on August 3, 2004, at 2:31:28


Re: I like Strattera

Posted by Dara on August 18, 2004, at 22:03:28

In reply to Re: I like Strattera, posted by Torque on July 11, 2004, at 22:04:15

I am a recovering drug addict who began using Welbutrin XL about 3 years ago... That has worked ok, and I have been able to take care of my kids and recieve an A.A. while on it. I kept hearing about Straterra, and my Dr. agreed to try me on it. I've been on about 3 weeks now, and I went from 18ml, to 25ml, to 40ml. I am wondering why everyone else seems to be taking 80ml? I felt real tired for about 3 days on the 18ml, but thats it. I really want this stuff to work for me, because I have alot of responsibilities, and I don't ever want to self medicate again! W/out any medication, I am like a crazy person spinning out of control... Since I have begun to try prescribed meds., I am not nearly as bad! Just still confused and forgetful. I still interrupt people alot, and my mind moves from subject to subject still too fast.(according to how other people seem to be!) Any input would be soo great!


Re: I like Strattera

Posted by Rio on September 13, 2004, at 13:50:09

In reply to Re: I like Strattera, posted by Dara on August 18, 2004, at 22:03:28

My son starts strattera in the morning. I am so scared for him. He has enough problems without the possibility of getting any one of the side effects mentioned by you in here. I am so tired and at the end of my rope now. I am a single mum and so take the brunt on a daily basis. I swear, I will need prozac after all this. I've given up crying myself to sleep. My son needs help, to focus, concentrate, to be able to remain in school for at least ONE whole day!...... even to speak in a quiet voice. Man, that kid is so LOUD! I often say I just wish I could remove his battery, just for ten mins! If this drug makes him worse, then I don't know what I am going to do. Yet, the recent events of Russia put the whole thing into perspective. My eyes have welled up just typing this. Like I said..... I'm just tired. Thank you for listening.


Re: I like Strattera

Posted by Rio on September 14, 2004, at 8:49:06

In reply to Re: I like Strattera, posted by Rio on September 13, 2004, at 13:50:09

Well, what a bad day. My son started the drugs this morning, after getting up at 4am !!!!!! Managed a morning in school, then got himself excluded in the afternoon for lashing out at his teacher. He is also excluded from school tomorrow, pending a meeting to see if he will ever be allowed back. I've cried for England this afternoon. Wish this so called wonder drug could work immediately. Bet he's gonna be one of those who takes 4 weeks before we see a difference. Huh, who am I kidding? Maybe we wont see a difference at all ! I was already at the end of my rope. Now I'm just hanging on by a thread. Lets see what tomorrow brings.


Re: I like Strattera » Rio

Posted by mot on September 15, 2004, at 11:18:27

In reply to Re: I like Strattera, posted by Rio on September 14, 2004, at 8:49:06

> Well, what a bad day. My son started the drugs this morning, after getting up at 4am !!!!!! Managed a morning in school, then got himself excluded in the afternoon for lashing out at his teacher. He is also excluded from school tomorrow, pending a meeting to see if he will ever be allowed back. I've cried for England this afternoon. Wish this so called wonder drug could work immediately. Bet he's gonna be one of those who takes 4 weeks before we see a difference. Huh, who am I kidding? Maybe we wont see a difference at all ! I was already at the end of my rope. Now I'm just hanging on by a thread. Lets see what tomorrow brings.

I am so sorry for you and your son. I had ADHD as a child and didn't have it diagnosed until I was
50. I have been taking Strattera for over a year now. It changed my life immediately. With in one week after starting the medication I was able to think and act like "normal" people. This can't be easy for you. How old is your son? It sounds alot like my behavior when I was a child. Has he been diagnosed with ADHD or with something else? Every one reacts differently to the Strattera. I'll be praying for you.


Re: I like Strattera

Posted by jamieileana on November 27, 2004, at 13:10:50

In reply to Re: I like Strattera » Rio, posted by mot on September 15, 2004, at 11:18:27

can you tell me what dose you started on to notice improvement in only one week?
i am only on 10 mgs, day three now, and i feel spacey and just plain ole weird and i have agoraphobia to boot and am afraid even MORE so with the way that i am feeling to go outside yet i am going stir crazy in the house!

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