Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 1016

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Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by caritasrainbow on March 4, 2004, at 21:37:57

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by Lizzy7711 on March 4, 2004, at 18:55:55

> > I guess my question for you who have gone off it, is: why did you go off it? was it the sex. side effects, weight gain, or just that it didn't help the problems you hoped it would?

i got off of it when someone told me that my inability to have an orgasm wasn't just in my head but was due to the drugs i was taking. i always thought i was just one of those people who never really enjoyed sex to the fullest. my first day off i was amazed to find that my someone was right. i didn't gain any weight on it, and it actually was a good med for me in the beginning. got me back on my feet and doing regular stuff like a regular person, except the sex part. however, that only lasted so long. the drs kept upping my dose and upping my dose as the drug stopped working properly. with every up of the dose it worked well again, for a while. then finally i got up to 450mg and it stopped working and i didn't want to go higher, plus i wanted to find out if it was true what they said about the sexual side effects...


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by slinky on March 5, 2004, at 6:39:58

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by Lizzy7711 on March 4, 2004, at 18:55:55

Hi Lizzy

After 2 years meds for me stop working and side effects get worse.
I was on it 5 years (I think) didn't want to go to 300mg - the more it was raised the quicker it stopped working.


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by slinky on March 5, 2004, at 6:53:03

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by caritasrainbow on March 4, 2004, at 21:32:13

Hi Rainy

You shouldn't feel a loser for going back on it, I failed many times to quit.
Yesterday feels like a very bad dream

I'm getting waves of dread can't do anything...crazy.
If it wasn't for the weird physical stuff I could try and take my mind of things...can't even listen to music , feel trapped in myself.
Hopefully the mornings anxiety will settle down a bit.

Take care , be kind to yourself.


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by caritasrainbow on March 5, 2004, at 10:42:40

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by slinky on March 5, 2004, at 6:53:03

> I'm getting waves of dread can't do anything...crazy.
> If it wasn't for the weird physical stuff I could try and take my mind of things...can't even listen to music , feel trapped in myself.

i'm so sorry! yeah, today i just feel like a person again. i'm still getting off it, just going to go at a slower pace. the problem was that each day was getting worse, not better. the physical stuff was the worst and yesterday, day 5, my teeth chattered uncontrollably, my legs and arms were shaking... i simply couldn't function at all. when i did finally take the 75mg pill after about 30 min. i felt queasy and like i was going to faint. i then made it home and promptly fell asleep for 4 hours. thank goodness the kids weren't here. when i woke up i felt calm and clear-headed for the first time in a week.
so i'm still not sure i'll do it the dr's way though. i took 75 yesterday and 75 today and tonight i'm going to get some empty capsules and start lessening the 75 by just a few every two days. the doc wanted then a week of 37.5 for a week then nothing, but i'm not convinced that i won't go through the withdrawal from the 37.5, so i think my way is better. any thoughts on this would be much appreciated.
i'm still wanting off as soon as possible, but i guess i've realized that this drug is just too harsh for me to go cold turkey from what i was originally taking. (450mg for 1.5 years)
hang in there!


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by fastblackZZR on March 5, 2004, at 10:48:46

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by slinky on March 5, 2004, at 6:53:03

rain - you are by no means a loser or weak or anything else negative. you are doing the right thing by following the dr.'s advice. hopefully it will work out wonderfully. my doc had told me to taper for 2 weeks. just 2 weeks! no way. it took me 5 weeks to get through it. (i'd only been on it for 3-4 weeks) i think with your body having been used to the high dosage, taking your time getting off of it is the way to go. in my humble opinion, whatever it takes to get through it with as little discomfort as possible is worth it. i think you're doing the right thing.


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by caritasrainbow on March 5, 2004, at 11:38:47

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by fastblackZZR on March 5, 2004, at 10:48:46

> rain - you are by no means a loser or weak or anything else negative. you are doing the right thing by following the dr.'s advice.

thanks so much for your support. i'd still like to try to be off in two weeks, but i'm thinking about trying to go down just a teensy bit every couple of days instead of by half in a week. although the withdrawal was hell, the not having sexual side effects was heaven and i'd like to be able to get back to that asap. ;^) so, as i mentioned before, whoever said that bit about removing a few beads at a time, that's what i think i'll do...


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by fastblackZZR on March 5, 2004, at 11:44:26

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by caritasrainbow on March 5, 2004, at 11:38:47

> > rain - you are by no means a loser or weak or anything else negative. you are doing the right thing by following the dr.'s advice.
> thanks so much for your support. i'd still like to try to be off in two weeks, but i'm thinking about trying to go down just a teensy bit every couple of days instead of by half in a week. although the withdrawal was hell, the not having sexual side effects was heaven and i'd like to be able to get back to that asap. ;^) so, as i mentioned before, whoever said that bit about removing a few beads at a time, that's what i think i'll do...
> rain

i did that, too. i removed like 10 beads for a few days. keep posting. i want to know how this works for you.


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by caritasrainbow on March 5, 2004, at 14:01:30

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by fastblackZZR on March 5, 2004, at 11:44:26

> i did that, too. i removed like 10 beads for a few days. keep posting. i want to know how this works for you.

i will definately keep posting. i'm planning on trying to half a 75 tomorrow. if i start zinging i'll just take half of the half that's left. if it works, i'm planning to stay at that dose for two days then try going down another half? one day at a time though...


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by MADMAN3070 on March 5, 2004, at 14:56:50

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by fastblackZZR on March 5, 2004, at 11:44:26

> > > rain - you are by no means a loser or weak or anything else negative. you are doing the right thing by following the dr.'s advice.
> >
> > thanks so much for your support. i'd still like to try to be off in two weeks, but i'm thinking about trying to go down just a teensy bit every couple of days instead of by half in a week. although the withdrawal was hell, the not having sexual side effects was heaven and i'd like to be able to get back to that asap. ;^) so, as i mentioned before, whoever said that bit about removing a few beads at a time, that's what i think i'll do...
> > rain
> i did that, too. i removed like 10 beads for a few days. keep posting. i want to know how this works for you.

Hey Fast I thank you for your help. Ive been off Effexor for about five weeks and I still have dizziness and nausea. My Dr. has run tons of blood test. He says it should be out of my system after 5 weeks. Could this be part of my anxiety and deppresson. Im scared because these symtoms never happened until I took Effexor. I always had a different set of symtoms for my anxiety and deppression. I wonder if it has changed my brain in some way. I have an appointment to see a neurlogist on the 19th against my PDOC wishes. This feels permanant. Some help from anyone please. Madman


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by caritasrainbow on March 5, 2004, at 15:24:25

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by MADMAN3070 on March 5, 2004, at 14:56:50

> Hey Fast I thank you for your help. Ive been off Effexor for about five weeks and I still have dizziness and nausea. My Dr. has run tons of blood test. He says it should be out of my system after 5 weeks. Could this be part of my anxiety and deppresson. Im scared because these symtoms never happened until I took Effexor. I always had a different set of symtoms for my anxiety and deppression. I wonder if it has changed my brain in some way. I have an appointment to see a neurlogist on the 19th against my PDOC wishes. This feels permanant. Some help from anyone please. Madman

this does sound scary! i do know that even after i got off paxil after taking it for a few years i still got the zings occasionally. nothing like the first withdrawal though. and nothing like effexor withdrawal. i wish i could be of more help. are the symptoms lessening at all? i was finding that my withdrawal symptoms were getting worse daily...


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by djsarah on March 5, 2004, at 16:16:24

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by Lizzy7711 on March 4, 2004, at 18:55:55


I'd been on effexorXR for about 2 1/2 years, on 225mg for the past year. towards the end of the year it wasn't really working anymore and i was doing really badly, etc. so I decided that I wanted to go off and see what it was like not being on anything, I started ADs when I was 16 so I'd like to see if I can handle being off now. If not that's okay, but I just want to find out what my mind does naturally, if you know what I mean...!
I'm glad to hear that you're doing so well on effexor.. it really helped me too at first! I've heard that nine months to a year is a good amount of time to be on it.
best wishes



Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by CrazyC on March 5, 2004, at 17:17:57

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by caritasrainbow on March 5, 2004, at 10:42:40

I have been tapering off it for about 3 months now... from 75mg twice daily to once daily to 37.5 daily... now I am out of pills and totally messed up. I can't feel any sensation in my hands. If I hold my head still and move my eyes, I get some crazy sensation that I can't describe. I feel like I am walking into walls all the time. I have been having crazy dreams since I started to taper off, which have only gotten worse. To top things off, a day after I run out, my grandmother passes away. This is not a great feeling. When will I at least be able to walk normally again???



Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by CrazyC on March 5, 2004, at 17:53:23

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by CrazyC on March 5, 2004, at 17:17:57

> I have been tapering off it for about 3 months now... from 75mg twice daily to once daily to 37.5 daily... now I am out of pills and totally messed up. I can't feel any sensation in my hands. If I hold my head still and move my eyes, I get some crazy sensation that I can't describe. I feel like I am walking into walls all the time. I have been having crazy dreams since I started to taper off, which have only gotten worse. To top things off, a day after I run out, my grandmother passes away. This is not a great feeling. When will I at least be able to walk normally again???
> -C

Oops... I was actually up to 150mg twice daily.



Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by fastblackZZR on March 5, 2004, at 17:54:02

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by CrazyC on March 5, 2004, at 17:17:57

madman - i am really thinking this is still a part of the effexor. i have heard of people having those brain shocks long after they quit the med. but i am one who believes in checkin' stuff out fully - just to be safe. better to go on in and get the exam to rule out anything else. but honestly, i think it's the effexor. my doctor thought i should be all tulips and daisies after 2 weeks. i swear he looked at me like i had 3 heads when i told him it was 5 weeks of w/d. and keep in mind - i was on it a VERY short time.


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by fastblackZZR on March 5, 2004, at 17:57:26

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by CrazyC on March 5, 2004, at 17:53:23

crazyc - i would call your doc and get a 1 month
refill as soon as possible. like NOW. that way you can go at a much slower pace. i'm worried about you. most of us have had a horrible time with this junk, so naturally i am worried. post back soon please.


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by CrazyC on March 5, 2004, at 18:32:58

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by fastblackZZR on March 5, 2004, at 17:57:26

> crazyc - i would call your doc and get a 1 month
> refill as soon as possible. like NOW. that way you can go at a much slower pace. i'm worried about you. most of us have had a horrible time with this junk, so naturally i am worried. post back soon please.

I read further into the thread and decided to head over to the pharmacy. I don't have access to my doctor because I have since moved to florida from michigan.

I had a couple of 150mg pills that I broke up into some emptied echinacia capsules. We will see how it goes. The pharmacist was all but helpful.



Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by fastblackZZR on March 5, 2004, at 19:01:36

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by CrazyC on March 5, 2004, at 18:32:58

AGH!!! i wish i hadn't thrown my bottle out and i'd have sent it to you!!! i had a bunch of them left!!
i would go to a weekend clinic or anything to get more. tell them you're going off of it and ran out before you could taper down safely. unless they are idiots (and trust me - some are) you should have no problem getting a prescription.


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by caritasrainbow on March 6, 2004, at 10:10:48

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by CrazyC on March 5, 2004, at 17:17:57

> To top things off, a day after I run out, my grandmother passes away. This is not a great feeling. When will I at least be able to walk normally again???

i totally understand what you are describing. all of it. is there any way your dr can give you something to take until the withdrawal symptoms are lessened? esp with your grandmother and all, seems like some help would be good...
(who still feels like a wuss for going back on to taper more slowly. i just couldn't handle everything described in the post this answers for one more second much less several months)


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by caritasrainbow on March 6, 2004, at 10:12:17

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by CrazyC on March 5, 2004, at 17:53:23

> Oops... I was actually up to 150mg twice daily.

yeah, i was on 450mg a day. now i'm down to 75 for the last two days and i'm going to try half that today... wish me luck...


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by moonzappa on March 7, 2004, at 13:49:37

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by MADMAN3070 on March 4, 2004, at 8:50:27

I was only on Effexor for a month and decided it was not for me. I have been off it for 5 days and have noticed the electrical feelings but I thought I was having some type of stroke last night because of the electrical shock type feeling travelling throught out my whole body. It took me hours to fall asleep. Everytime I stood up to walk I felt like little shock waves were going through my body. My mouth also has a metal taste in it off and on.
I have been searching the web for 2 hours and finally came across this site. I am so relieved to know what has been causing my symptoms.


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by caritasrainbow on March 7, 2004, at 16:24:40

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by moonzappa on March 7, 2004, at 13:49:37

> My mouth also has a metal taste in it off and on.

i had that horrible metal taste too.
just for an update~~ i took 75mg thursday, friday and saturday and realized at 3ish today, sunday, that i hadn't taken it yet today. since i have yet to zing i decided to just not take it and wait to see what happens. if i do start zinging i'll take 37.5. just thought i'd leave an update.


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by fastblackZZR on March 7, 2004, at 19:33:17

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by caritasrainbow on March 7, 2004, at 16:24:40

moonzappa - yep. i was on it a month and suffered w/d. i pray it doesn't take you 5 weeks to get through it like it did for me. watch out for the crying spells that come out of nowhere. and no, by no means are you alone. post again soon. - fastblackZZR


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by Witchblade on March 13, 2004, at 22:49:19

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by fastblackZZR on March 7, 2004, at 19:33:17

I quit cold turkey - not my choice but that's how it worked out. I was on 150mg and was due for a refill. Called into the pharm for it, they had to call the pdoc. (This was all done automated). So Monday night hubby goes to pick it up for me. Well, the pdoc refused the refill because I had missed my last appt. and not rescheduled yet. Well...he didn't know it, but I had no intention of ever going back to that pdoc - he had put me on Effexor and Topamax - never once mentioned anything about side effects of either drug, nor why I was really on them...just not a good match. Anyway, we told the pharm that it was not a good idea for me to quit cold turkey on the Effexor - and that I was completely out at this point, but since the doc had refused the refill, they couldn't even give me one or two pills to get me through till I could get in to see him again. SO. At the time...I was not real concerned. I have come off Paxil with no trouble...I have missed Effexor doses before with no I was thinking it wouldn't be that big of a deal. I was more pissed at the doc...adding this incident to more proof of what an ass he is...I mean come on - make a freakin phone call to me will ya?? Lets NOT assume that I am one of those people who call for refills a week before I am out of the drug - because I am NOT. I call when I need a courtesy call of "you're not getting a refill" would have been really nice...not finding out at 7 pm at the pharm when I was supposed to take my next dose in a few hours. But I digress...
So I should have taken a dose Monday night...didn't. Tuesday...felt awesome...better than I have in a LONG time. Tuesday afternoon though...went to vote...was wayyy happy about that. Now, I have always been pro-democracy...but I nearly cried at the site of young people voting at the Democratic primary...and could have seriously caused a traffic incident on the way there...I was feeling like I was on speed...and then kinda crashed that afternoon. That's when I started feeling sickly...and that night I litterally didn't sleep much more than maybe an hour all total. So Wednesday I stayed home from work and took a Vicodin to sleep. That afternoon I was really having the zaps and feeling dizzy...and then Thursday I was feeling nausea, and feverish, and just plan crappy. I *thought* maybe I was getting a cold, or the flu along with the zaps and dizzines with coming off the Effexor..but then I came over here cause I knew I could find some info...and I see no, it's all from this damn drug.

To those thinking about taking did help me out at first...I was in a really low place for a while there. But it seemed like it was no longer making much of a difference to me. But I did like the point someone else made in another know something is having a real effect on your mind when it effects you this much when you get off of it. And perhaps if I wasn't forced into this cold-turkey situation it wouldn't have been so bad getting off. With regards to the sexual side-effects...can't say for know, when you're really isn't real high on the priority list! However I will say Tuesday night I had a really nice orgasm...can't help but wonder now if the two events are more than coincidental. I came here when I was first put on meds to read all about them...and you hear a lot of horror advice is...if you're in a really bad place mentally...get the help you need...and just be prepared for a possible struggle when you get off the meds...results vary from person to person...most people have problems with Paxil - I never did. I thought I'd get lucky with Effexor - I didn't totally dodge the bullet, but I don't have it as bad as some of the others here. Just use your best judgement...and stay informed.

Everybody else going thru this...hang in there...I am right there with ya! Going to get some Gatorade to help with the whole electrolyte thing (I have been feeling dehydrated and such lately) and just going to force myself to get back to doing some work - since I can tell that it's just going to take time for it all to get out of my system - laying in bed isn't neccessarily going to help things like it would if I was actually sick.


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by caritasrainbow on March 13, 2004, at 23:26:51

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by Witchblade on March 13, 2004, at 22:49:19

just thought i'd say hey to those who have been keeping up here. i hope all is well with everyone. i'm once again off effexor completely. this time i got down to 37.5 before off all the way. day two here and the zings are beginning to take over. i'll let y'all know how it goes from here...


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last? » Witchblade

Posted by roomy on March 15, 2004, at 9:45:03

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by Witchblade on March 13, 2004, at 22:49:19

Your story sounds alot like mine. The difference is, MY doctor was practicing without a license for over a year and was shut down for BCBS fraud as well. Since she didnt have a license for a year, my BCBS didnt pay all my bills that year like I had thought they were. She never told me that until she went out of business and THEN I get a bill in the mail for a year's worth of doctor bills that SHOULD have been covered. Well, I was on Effexor for like 5yrs or so and ran out thinking i could just call my doc. and get a refill. that when I found out that she was out of business. I had to find a NEW doctor in this small town, as did all of her patients. Most doctors were not taking new patients and the ones that were had a two week waiting list. THEN, when I DID get to a new doc...I couldnt get my records transfered since I refused to pay my bill. Anyway...I have been off the effexor now since the 1st of this year. I have never felt better. I have lost 12lbs, I sleep at night, and I have gotten a job. Yep, I am still depressed now and then but I am happy most of the time. The withdrawl was HORRIBLE and it lasted forever and a day. But it was all worth it!

PS Nope, I never paid the doctor bill. I got an attorney!

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